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The psychology of women and men differs greatly, and it is no wonder that we all sometimes find it difficult to understand each other. Blogger and writer Ekaterina Kalenova talked about how the logic of men works and what principles they use to build their lives.

"A man has two basic needs:

  1. Conquer.
  2. Feel free.

It would seem so simple, what is there to think about?
But let's cover each point. ⠀
What is there to conquer? ⠀

  • To be the best among equals.
  • Outperform other men in different areas.
  • Win the attention of the brightest female, beat other males in the competition for her attention.
  • Always strive to do better today than yesterday.
  • Raise your level, be successful.
  • To deserve the praise, trust and admiration of the one he called his queen.
  • Protect, give everything your family needs.
  • Be a winner.

What is it like to feel inner freedom? ⠀

  • A man makes decisions on his own.
  • He cannot stand pressure, control and criticism. If a woman knows how to do it herself, she does everything herself. He won't touch it again. This is their logic.
  • A man reserves the right to live in accordance with his life schedule. If he loves and respects a woman, he will adapt it to their life together. As soon as he feels pressure and an attempt to control him, he will do exactly the opposite in order to put the woman in her place.
  • A typical man does not change plans because of a woman, except in force majeure.
  • He's stubborn. If he is being bent over the knee, he will respond 10 times worse, more disgustingly and more painfully, in order to discourage her from wanting to bend him.

If he is psychologically and personally mature, then he will marry only the one who will assist him in his development as a successful person, go half a step behind and at the same time be interesting personality, which men look at. And here the first point will come into play: he will definitely never leave, because all his life he will play conqueror. ⠀
So there you go! Only those smart women who know how to play by men’s rules and at the same time remain individuals have happy relationships.”

Features of the behavior of men and women in different circumstances, for example, in conflicts and frustrating situations, about what strategies men and women have for overcoming difficult situations life situations, what methods of psychological defense are used by both, what are the attitudes of men and women towards relationships with the outside world, how men and women distribute their time budget, what role does fashion play in the lives of men and women, what addictions are typical for representatives of both sexes which of them is more likely to exhibit deviant and criminal behavior.

Behavior of men and women in conflict and frustrating situations. Women cope worse with emotional problems and difficulties that arise, and experience family and personal conflicts more strongly.

S. Nolen-Hoksma shows that women, when feeling depressed, tend to think about possible reasons your condition. This “think it through” response leads to an obsessive focus on the problem and increases a woman's vulnerability to the stressor. Men, on the contrary, try to isolate themselves from depressive emotions by concentrating on something else, for example by exercising physical activity in order to discharge the negative tension that has arisen in this way.

I.V. Groshev also revealed that men and women resolve conflict situations that arise in the family and home circle differently. Women show more tolerance and desire for a compromise reconciliation of interests. Men in this situation more often resort to “strong” expressions and curses, while women are more likely to cry.

M.A. Kruglova, studying behavioral strategies for psychological defense, found that in women the gap between the three types of strategy (avoidance, aggression and peacefulness) is minimal, while in men either avoidance (the desire to get away from conflict) or aggression is observed . Their love of peace is much less pronounced than that of women.

According to I.M. Nikolskaya, who compared the coping strategies of boys and girls in grades 1-5 in difficult and unpleasant situations, boys are 2 times more likely than girls to resort to the strategy “I fight, I’m fighting” and 1 times more often than girls. 5 times more often - to the “teasing someone” strategy. Thus, these data confirm that boys are more likely to resort to strategies associated with the manifestation of aggression. Girls are significantly more likely than boys to use the strategies “hug, press, stroke”, “cry, feel sad”. This indicates their O a greater need for close affection, for emotional release through tears and pity for oneself and others, to the difficulties of self-disclosure.

Somewhat different data were obtained by Yu. M. Chuikova: when overcoming conflicts, competition and especially compromise are more pronounced in men than in women, while adaptation and cooperation are more pronounced in women. The avoidance strategy, according to her data, was expressed equally in men and women.

During a quarrel, as I.V. Groshev notes, women more often remember old sins and mistakes made by their spouse in the past. Men stick more to the problem that caused the quarrel.

When resolving conflicts, women are more oriented towards the opinions of others, which is explained, according to I.V. Groshev, by their greater conformity. Hence, when resolving a conflict with the participation of women, the role of a mediator is great. Therefore, writes R. A. Berezovskaya, women more often turn to other people, psychologists, doctors, psychotherapists for help, trying to relieve mental stress through conversation. At the same time, as shown by I.V. Groshev, men choose an intermediary based on his business and status parameters, and women attach importance to his appearance. I. M. Nikolskaya notes that women in difficult times more need not only some real significant figure, but also an “imaginary” one (including God) in order to rely on her strength and power and enter into a relationship with her. different shapes verbal and non-verbal interaction. For example, girls, as noted by I.M. Nikolskaya, often use techniques such as “talking to myself,” “praying.” This explains, it seems to me, a large religiosity women, as well as men with a pronounced feminine personality profile. L. Francis and P. Pearsons found, for example, that men who regularly attend church exhibit a “feminine” personality profile much more often than other men, and came to the conclusion that men’s religiosity is more harmoniously combined with a “feminine worldview.”

Men are always right and women are never wrong. Alsatian proverb

Sex differences in industrial conflicts, according to I.V. Groshev, are expressed in the following. Men are more predisposed to conflicts related directly to work. Women tend to experience a higher frequency of conflicts related to their personal needs. According to R. A. Berezovskaya, men are significantly more likely to use strategies such as situation analysis and systematization of working time.

A study of the types and direction of frustration in groups of men and women by I. A. Yurov showed that in the frequency of manifestation of types of reactions ( O-D- with fixation on an obstacle, N-P- with a focus on meeting needs, E-D- with a fixation on self-defense) there are no special differences, and in terms of the direction of reactions in men the option is somewhat more common E(external accusatory reactions), and for women - the option M(non-accusatory reactions).

Average values ​​of types and directions of frustration in men and women, percentage of cases


Reaction type

Direction of reaction







In a socially frustrating situation, women are more likely to have an intrapunitive reaction, associated with self-blame.

Gender differences in the severity of types of psychological defense. According to E.F. Rybalko and T.V. Tulupyeva, there are significant differences between boys and girls in the severity of certain types of psychological defense.

Average severity various types psychological protection in adolescence(as a percentage of the maximum possible)

Type of protection









Reactive education


General level

In girls, the protective mechanism of the type compensation, reactive formation, regression and projection is more pronounced, in boys - repression and denial. Since reactive education implies the replacement of a negative impulse or feeling with a socially approved one, it can be assumed that girls more often hide the motive of their own behavior from themselves. For boys, this type of defense is of the least importance, while for girls, repression is in last place as a method of defense.

M.D. Petrash on adults (ambulance workers) revealed largely similar facts. Women more often than men prefer such protective mechanisms as projection, regression, reactive formation, and men more often than women prefer repression and intellectualization

"When a Martian is upset, he will never say what is bothering him. He will never burden another Martian with his problems, unless friendly help is needed. Instead, he becomes very quiet and withdraws into himself to think about his problem and find a solution.

If he cannot find a solution, he tries to forget about the problem by reading a newspaper or playing some game. By stopping to think about the problem, he can gradually relax. And if the stress is very severe, then the Martian needs to do something serious. For example, drive a car, take part in a competition, or go mountain climbing.

An upset or depressed Venusian, in order to feel relief, finds someone she trusts and talks about her problem in great detail. When a woman shares her overwhelming feelings, she feels better. The longer and more emotionally they (women) talk, the better they feel. This is how women act, and expecting something different from them simply means not recognizing that they are women... While a man in a stressful situation focuses on one problem and forgets about everything else, a woman tends to overload herself with all problems at once... Having discussed one problem, she'll stop for a minute and then move on to the next one. In this way, a woman prolongs the conversation about problems, anxieties, disappointments and difficulties.

Moreover, all this is not logically connected and is told absolutely randomly. If a woman feels that she is not understood, she becomes even more upset - after all, another one has been added to her problems.

Men immediately start offering solutions when women talk about their business. When a woman innocently shares her sorrows with a man or talks heatedly about the problems of the day, a man mistakenly perceives this as a need for advice from a competent person. He puts on his Mr. Know-It-All hat and begins to give advice, and this is a way of... sincerely wanting to help.

However, she is still upset - and it is very difficult for the man to listen to her, because the solution he proposed is rejected and he feels useless. He doesn’t even imagine that he can provide support simply with interest and sympathy. He doesn't know that on Venus, talking about problems is not a request for advice."

Strategies for achieving the goal. A. Montuori notes that a man’s attitude towards the world around him is characterized by assertiveness, self-confidence, and a focus on self-control. In order to separate from the world, it is necessary to manipulate someone from the environment, thus making sure of one’s independence. Men are more task-focused, which is why the masculine style is described as analytical and manipulative. Male psychology is centered around dominant, submissive rituals and hierarchies, where there is always a winner and a loser. The man is convinced that standing on top of the situation is a necessary condition for survival. This attitude does not recognize the alternative partner style inherent in female psychology.

These differences in male and female psychology were noted by McClelland, who discovered that for girls, interaction and interdependence with the environment are more significant than for boys, who prefer to move forward with self-confidence, without being distracted by what is happening around them.

It is no coincidence that there is an opinion that men are more proud, than women. Here are some interesting reflections on this matter in the book by D.V. Kolesov and N.B. Selverova: “A woman may be smarter and more capable than many men and is well aware of this, but she wants (this is a psychological need) for her particular chosen one to be nevertheless, according to these signs, she is at least a little higher. In any case, no woman has anything against this, unlike a man. And if any woman is smarter than her husband, then she rather has to be smarter than she specifically strives to be. to this.

If for a man the achievement or success of another person is usually something of an outsider, not his personal success (even with the most positive assessment of this success), then a woman can experience no less satisfaction from the success of her loved one, as if it were her personal success...

As a result of this, other things being equal, the woman concedes or is inclined to concede the palm to the man, and the impression may be created that the man has real reasons for this. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between a situation when a woman must resolve some issue in the presence of a man or hoping for his assistance and when she is forced to act completely independently. The result of the actions of a man and a woman in a similar situation will in the vast majority of cases be the same, but the behavior of a woman in both cases is different. Some men consciously use this in order to establish themselves in the idea of ​​their own mental superiority."

Age-related changes in behavior strategies. Starting with C. Jung, some scientists have suggested that the styles of matching behavior in men and women change differently with age. Men in old age switch from an active style to a passive one. After being responsible for others, raising a family, and making decisions for most of their lives, they likely feel empowered to express the full complexity of their personality, including those traits that are considered feminine. The older they get, the more they move from active to passive style, called “magical power” by D. Gutmann; in this style, they fend off reality's attacks using a variety of techniques such as projection and distortion. With age, women begin to show more “masculine” traits: authority, aggressiveness and practicality.

According to A.K. Kanatov (2000), men have more flexible behavior than women. True, with age this difference decreases.

Flexibility of behavior of men and women, points

Up to 25 years

26-40 years

41-55 years old

Over 55 years old

Strategies of behavior of men and women as buyers. As noted by I. A. Dubershtein and E. E. Linchevsky, most male buyers are characterized by the desire not to seem petty, to make a decision quickly, they attach great value the friendliness of the seller and feel obligated if they received assistance in choosing a product. Women take longer to choose, object more often, have a better understanding of fashion than men, so they are more difficult to serve.

Perhaps b O The greater complaisance of men in the role of buyers evokes a response from sellers and makes them also more flexible in bargaining with men rather than with women. For example, J. Ayres found that cars were sold cheaper by 90 dealers to men than to women.

A woman usually manages the family budget and spends money much more freely than a man not only on what she has planned in advance, but also on goods the purchase of which was not part of her immediate plans.

According to British psychologists, having to stand in line makes most men furious. When buying something, men mainly pay attention to its practicality and convenience, while women pay attention to its style and fashionability.

Many modern women work late, “making” a career. Sometimes they are also the main breadwinner in the family. At the same time, his personal life is “bursting at the seams.” After all, after work you just want to crawl under the covers and“so that no one touches” . The husband, of course, is dissatisfied with this, and if the woman is not married, then it is impossible to find a suitable man.

What is the reason? In such cases, “male” behavior comes to the fore, and as a result, the woman lacks feminine energy. What does this mean, how to correct the situation and activate your power as a woman – we’ll talk in this article.

Every person contains both male and female energy.Men's- This purposefulness, activity, perseverance . Women's- This craving for creativity, flexibility (of body and mind), spontaneity and gentleness .

You can look feminine, but at the same time act like a man, suppressing your feminine essence.

If you are successful in your career and are used tostrive, fightetc., then the male type of energy predominates. To change this and increase feminine energy, it is important to remember your feminine essence.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to the other “fashionable” extreme - to sit at home, create comfort, embroider and be a “real” woman. (Read more about why this is not the only facet of femininity, ). Everything is much simpler, more accessible and does not require drastic changes in lifestyle.

Wait, don't you agree? You wear skirts, heels and love beautiful makeup, so you have enough feminine energy? This is not always the case. You canlookfeminine, but at the same time behave like a man, suppressing his feminine essence. Let's figure it out

What does masculine behavior mean?

If masculine energy predominates in you, then you:

  • you persistently achieve what you want;
  • focus on the result;
  • “turn off” emotions that interfere with achieving your goal;
  • you rely only on yourself;
  • clearly plan your day and strictly follow the plan;
  • you like to talk about your achievements.

At first glance, everything is fine, right? A portrait of a purposeful, strong-willed woman who clearly knows what she wants and achieves it. But this behavior is not onlyprevents you from developing female sexual energy and awakening your Feminine Power, but also brings discord into relationships. So,

How a woman's masculine energy harms relationships

Any couple is a union of not only two loving people, but also their energies. And, if a woman exhibits masculine traits, then she does not allow the man to become a real leader. What does this mean:

The man feels unwanted . You are so independent and strong that a man simply doesn’t know what he can offer you. And, if he doesn’t have a chance to show love and care in this relationship, then sooner or later he will start others. With a “weaker” woman.

You compete with each other. Masculine energy is the spirit of rivalry and competition. If a woman is constantly trying to prove that she is right or control a man, then there can be no talk of any happy loving union. Since you are not a “team”, but rivals.

You're losing your attractiveness. Everyone knows that opposites attract. Therefore, a successful, healthy, strong man wants to be with a weaker woman. Even if you are very beautiful and attractive in appearance, if you behave like a man, you will push away “real” men.

But the most important thing isyou stop being yourself. With dominant masculine energy, you cannot be sensual, playful, emotional and feminine.

How to fix this?

A simple way to switch from masculine to feminine energy

This is creativity. Any one you like -drawing, modeling, embroidery, dancing, apartment decor, baking etc. Start creating to awaken your feminine energy. Don't put it off, don't look for excuses.Do it right now!Get out the paints or pencils and draw, go to the kitchen and bake a cake, or turn on the music and dance.

Is it really that simple? Yes. But there is one condition without which you will not reach your goal.When doing creativity, don’t think about the result.. Otherwise, you will again “feed” your masculine essence. Enjoy the process and turn off perfectionism.

By following this advice, you will already feel a surge of energy if you show creativity and approach creativity “with soul.”

Do you want to awaken your Feminine Power and, with its help, attract the desired events, money and luck into your life? Then sign up for the free Women’s Abundance Marathon and receive a secret course only for women as a gift.” ».

Cognitive differences

On average, men and women have the same intellectual abilities. This is confirmed by the results of intelligence quotient (IQ) tests.

Sexual differences between a man and a woman are not due to different hormonal levels, but to those physiological and structural features nervous system, which were formed during the embryonic period under the influence of sex hormones.

Women are characterized by verbal activity, speed and accuracy of perception, careful and smooth body movements. Men perform better on spatial and quantitative tests, while women navigate the area using objects rather than using a map. Women classify objects according to formal characteristics. For example, to the question “What kind of car do you have?” a woman may answer: “Green,” forgetting to mention the model, year of manufacture and other significant features of the car.

A woman's greater verbal activity manifests itself, for example, when she asks for a light. The woman uses an extended sentence, with introductory words, complete construction of the phrase. A man in a similar situation is limited to facial expressions, gestures and mooing. When explaining a concept, a woman uses speech, while a man prefers to draw a diagram or graph.

It is a common misconception that women are talkative. Measurements carried out with maximum precision have shown that the average number of words spoken by a man and a woman per day or per week is the same. The difference lies in the situations that are accompanied by verbal activity. A man will not have a long conversation with a friend on the phone; he will prefer noisy communication with a wide range of interlocutors.

The greater social activity of men is again explained by the different energy budgets of the two sexes. Women are more self-centered and less socially active, while men can afford to spend some of their energy not on reproduction, but on activities that do not promise concrete benefits in the near future.

It is difficult to meet a woman who is concerned about the situation in East Africa. At the same time, a man, not being a diplomat or financier, may be keenly interested in foreign policy. It is men who conspire, play football and organize learned societies. Such activities are not among women's interests, not because women are less intelligent, but because they are less inclined to group activities.

The main gender difference in cognitive abilities is the rigidity of men and the intuitiveness of women. Due to their high resistance to stress, men are better surgeons than women, and women are better diagnosticians than men. This difference is associated not only with different resistance to stress, but also with the characteristics of cognitive abilities.

Men are worse at making diagnoses because they study any object, trying to classify it into some already familiar category. If this fails, then the object is analyzed, that is, divided into components, each of which, in turn, has already been classified. Naturally, the number of familiar categories, in other words, the number of cells in the table, grows as professional experience accumulates. But this quantity always remains limited and, most importantly, the use of the analytical method of cognition is mandatory.

A woman perceives the object as a whole. The woman is intuitive. This means that she sometimes (usually) cannot explain the consistent course of logical reasoning that led her to a certain decision. But this decision is influenced by all the features of the phenomenon being studied by the woman. A man often, having found a certain cell in his intellect for a certain phenomenon, no longer pays attention to numerous details - the decision has been made! And make him change decision made It's already very difficult.

A woman's brain processes information about people differently than a man's brain. Women are gifted with the ability to quickly and intuitively evaluate a person. They know how to “get into the situation”, perceive the feelings and thoughts of their interlocutor at the slightest hint, predict his intentions and react emotionally. Being attuned to the perception of someone else's point of view, a woman in any conflict is able to see the rightness of both sides, even when she herself is involved in the conflict. These perceptual features create the basis for female affection.

A woman is much more adaptive, she is able to change, adapt to external circumstances, get used to, endure, put up with. A man, on the contrary, is by no means so adapted to adaptation. Its genome is plastic and malleable - this nut pulp, but not itself, which acts here as a shell. When faced with problems, he resists them to the best of his ability (to the extent of the strength of his shell), but at some point the critical point is passed, he cracks. Men turn out to be much more vulnerable, vulnerable and much less stable and unable to adapt.

A man who is proud of his logic, his rationality and sanity is a kind of crystal. For him, everything is interconnected, everything is connected, one comes out of the other, in his reasoning everything is natural, logical, it is clear what comes from where. A man ignores a huge number of nuances, circumstances, shades of life and even facts that do not agree with his worldview.

In general, a woman, unlike a man, is able to connect things that seem unconnectable to a man.

But no means can take away from women:

  • · better adaptability;
  • · high intuitiveness;
  • tendency to accumulate resources

The value systems of men and women are different. Outdated clothing is an indicator of a low social rank for a woman, since the lack of novelty in appearance leads to a decrease in attention and interest from men.

The different energetic roles of the two sexes also explain the lack of a sense of humor in women. Let us remember that a sense of humor is the ability not to be offended when people joke about you, in contrast to wit - the ability to joke about others.

A man, unlike a woman, can allow himself to temporarily find himself in a stupid position, that is, to lower his social rank, that is, to reduce his vitality, finding himself in a ridiculous position. A woman, concerned about the constant increase in resources, including the level of social status that provides access to vital resources, does not tolerate jokes about herself. A joke addressed to a woman is tactless, a joke, or outright rudeness.

Gender (sexual) differences

A man, like all males, can theoretically leave large number offspring, and a woman, like females of other species, can only produce a limited number of offspring. This explains the different reproductive behavior strategies of males and females. In human society this has led to the creation of two ethical systems. Those forms of behavior that are acceptable for men, or even encouraged by them, are considered unacceptable for women.

Strategy male behavior determined Coolidge phenomenon: an unfamiliar female is always better than a familiar one. Thus, males try to spread their genes as much as possible. At the same time, since producing offspring is very expensive, females cannot afford to mate with the first partner they come across. Therefore, the reproductive strategy of females is imitation and waiting. Females prefer to choose proven sexual partners who are already successful with other females. As a result, a positive feedback occurs - the more sexual partners a man has, the greater his chances of connecting with a new woman.

Man is a species whose behavioral repertoire includes extensive care for offspring. And the main burden of parental responsibilities, of course, is borne by the woman. The high cost of possible failure when choosing a reproductive partner determines such a sexual characteristic as modest behavior, which is prescribed for girls in almost all cultures. Only by giving the initiative of courtship to a man will a girl be able to appreciate his merits, which will inevitably manifest themselves in his behavior. Moreover, the longer a girl does not let a man know that she likes him, the more fully his properties will be revealed. It is acceptable to dress provocatively, paint your face immodestly, etc., but you cannot be the first to move towards a man. The first man you like may not be the best, so a woman is obliged to provoke a potential sexual partner to demonstrate her possible strengths during the courtship process.

Any female individual, including a woman, cannot afford to waste her eggs producing offspring from low-ranking males. The low social origin of the male means his low adaptability to environment, and, therefore, causes poor heredity of possible offspring. Men, like males of other species, can easily afford to spend part of their gametes on fertilizing low-ranking females.

Although the costs of male reproduction are relatively small, a man would nevertheless like to spend energy on raising offspring that carry his genes. Therefore, the institution of engagement has been formed in different cultures. After the girl was declared a bride, her freedom was sharply limited. In patriarchal cultures, she was simply locked away until her wedding day. As a result, the man received, if not a guarantee, then some confidence that he would not have to waste energy raising the descendants of another man.

“Attitude to work” among representatives of different genders

Women bring a social and personal dimension to the world of work, just as they have a greater interest in people and communication from the moment they are born. Men, for the same biologically based reasons, are more passionate about the impersonal world of power.

An interesting illustration of the different ways in which the sexes approach work came from an American Fortune 500 company that was accused of not having enough women in management positions. This literally amazed the company's management, who had always presented themselves as a fighter for women's rights. To understand what went wrong, experts from Hoffman Research Associates were invited to conduct a study for several weeks and came to the conclusion that the difference in motivation was to blame. Female clerks turned out to be less prone to additional workloads and increasing the number of working hours; they also did not consider their work as the first step on the career ladder. 44% said they would prefer to reduce their working hours, twice as many as men who support this idea. According to the conclusion of another study in the same area: “According to women, achieving career heights involves the maximum sacrifice of time and effort, and therefore personal interests, which women are not ready to infringe.”

Competitiveness attracts men more. A study conducted among high school students, where both boys and girls need to get the highest possible scores, showed that the former performed better in competitive conditions, while the latter did better in the absence of competition.

Risk also belongs to male preferences. According to research by American scientists, the majority of young men finishing school are not inclined to choose a career that guarantees gradual development. They choose the possibility of complete failure, but large dividends in case of success. Girls demonstrate different preferences: the essence of work is much more important to them than achievements or financial success.

No one is going to deny that there are women who are smarter than most men, or that they are superior to men in sensitivity and speech skills, which can make them more successful doctors, priests, legislators or judges than men. Simply because of their different worldviews, men and women bring different and often complementary skills to the work they do. It would be logical and correct to recognize and learn to use their talents.

Practical part

Diagnosis of socio-psychological characteristics of representatives of different sexes

In order to solve research problems, I conducted a study of a group of schoolchildren and a group of teachers. The study was conducted on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20 in Orekhovo-Zuevo. The group of schoolchildren tested consisted of students in grades 10 and 11. These are 47 teenagers (20 girls and 27 boys), whose average age is 16-17 years. A group of teachers from our school also participated in my research. This is 12 people. Of these, 6 are women and 6 are men. In my work, I decided to compare the diagnostic results of two groups: adolescents and adults, and based on this I already drew conclusions.

During my research, I studied some socio-psychological properties, characteristics, and qualities of the male and female sexes, which are formed in the process of relationships between people and influence the emergence of new relationships and certain types of interaction. I identified differences in the structure of social and life values, levels of self-esteem, volitional potential, and social empathy among representatives of different sexes. Diagnostics were carried out using methods that have been nationally tested and have been widely used in practice in recent decades.

For the research I used the following methods:

Express diagnostics of an individual’s social values

Purpose. The technique helps to identify personal, professional and socio-psychological orientations and preferences.

Instructions. Below are 16 statements. Rate for yourself the importance of each of them in points according to the following scheme: 10 (not important), 20, 30, 40... 100 (very important).


  • 1. Exciting work that gives you pleasure.
  • 2. Highly paid job.
  • 3. Successful marriage.
  • 4. Meeting new people, social events.
  • 5. Involvement in social activities.
  • 6. Your religion.
  • 7. Sports exercises.
  • 8. Intellectual development.
  • 9. Career.
  • 10. Beautiful cars, clothes, house, etc.
  • 11. Spending time with family.
  • 12. A few close friends
  • 13. Work on a voluntary basis in non-profit organizations.
  • 14. Meditation, reflection, prayer, etc.
  • 15. Healthy balanced diet.
  • 16. Reading, educational literature, watching educational programs, self-improvement, etc.


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