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There are many ways to control weeds. You can remove unwanted vegetation from the beds using conventional mechanical weeding. A more modern method is the use of special chemicals - herbicides, the action of which is aimed at destroying certain types of weeds. But not all summer residents are ready to spray their garden with chemicals, and they do not have time for constant weeding. An excellent way out of the situation would be to use special covering materials, for example, black film.

In this article we will look at the pros and cons of such a covering material, evaluate the results of its use and talk in detail about the technology for using black weed control film.

Black weed film

In the past, to protect beds from weeds, summer residents used almost any materials that were on the farm. The aisles were covered with boards, roofing felt or other rolled sheets.

Note: Naturally, there was little benefit from such a shelter for the garden, since not only weeds, but also cultivated plants do not grow under such shelters. At the same time, modern film and agrofibre have completely different properties.

Agrofibre (spunbond) appeared on the market relatively recently, but its numerous advantages have made it extremely popular. Firstly, this material is environmentally friendly and does not harm the environment and soil. Secondly, it stops the growth of weeds without slowing down the development of cultivated plants. In addition, such a fabric is relatively inexpensive, and its strength allows it to be used for several seasons.

What does black film do on the beds? If you cover the beds with it, the soil underneath will warm up faster. Accordingly, seeds planted in the ground will sprout much faster. At the same time, the weeds that have already appeared in the beds will gradually wither, since the canvas practically does not transmit the sun's rays necessary for photosynthesis (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Application of covering material on beds

There are several ways to lay out the film. In early spring, when the seeds have just been planted in the ground, the material can be spread over all the beds. This will stop the growth of weeds, but at the same time speed up the germination of cultivated plants. When their sprouts are normally developed, the shelter can be removed. In the future, film or agrofibre can be spread between rows to prevent the growth of weeds. However, in this case, it is necessary to take into account that the soil under such a shelter will become very hot, and if you live in the southern regions, it will additionally need to be sprinkled with a layer of light mulch (straw or sawdust) on top.

How to lay black film

The modern market offers a wide range of canvases for covering beds. As a rule, black film or agrofibre is used for this purpose, but recently two-color non-woven material has become popular, which at the same time prevents the development of weeds and prevents overheating of the soil.

Using black film or agrofibre to cover beds is very simple:

  1. Level the surface of the area so that there are no large lumps on it. At the same time, try not to loosen the soil too deeply, so as not to accidentally damage the seeds or young shoots of cultivated plants.
  2. The agrofibre needs to be spread out and, using a template, round holes should be made on it, the distance between which corresponds to the spaces between the plants. The cuts can be not only round, but also cross-shaped. This method of laying out is suitable if you have already planted crops and the first shoots have appeared on the beds.
  3. If you are just planning to sow seeds or plant seedlings, covering the beds can be done the other way around: first spread the material on the site, then make holes and only then place seedlings or seeds in them.

Figure 2. Technology of covering beds with film

On average, the distance between individual plants should be about 40-50 cm. There is no point in sowing seeds too thickly, since under such shelter the planting material will be poorly ventilated and its germination rate will decrease (Figure 2).

To prevent the agrofibre from being blown away by the wind, it must be pressed down at the edges with bricks, stones, boards or any other heavy material.

Note: It is not recommended to walk too often on beds covered with such material, as this can cause displacement and weeds will grow in the resulting cracks.

Many people are interested in caring for beds covered with film. Some gardeners consider it too complicated, although in fact it is not. Watering and fertilizing plants with liquid fertilizers is simple: just pour the mixture into the hole. If you have completely covered the entire bed, you can water it with a hose directly on top of the agrofibre, since it allows moisture to pass through well.

Forming paths

Black film has proven itself not only in the garden, but also in the garden. Its ability to eliminate weeds is actively used in the formation of paths. The fact is that such a canvas allows air and water to pass through well, but does not allow sunlight to pass through, so the finished paths will not only be free of weeds, but also of puddles (Figure 3).

To make a garden path using black covering material, follow these instructions:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil from the paths so that the surface is perfectly flat and horizontal. As a result, you will get a small depression in the shape of the future path.
  2. Next, the soil on the future path must be thoroughly compacted. In the process, you can also remove excess layers of soil to ensure a smooth and dense surface.
  3. After this, you need to lay the film on the track. It should completely cover the ground, so if you are using separate pieces of material, they should be placed overlapping. This will prevent weed seeds from getting into the soil. In addition, it is advisable to leave a small allowance on the sides, since in the future the path will be covered with crushed stone and it is undesirable for it to mix with the ground.

At the final stage of arrangement garden path the film is evenly covered with the selected mulching material. It can be crushed stone or expanded clay. Its layer should be such that the coating is flush with the ground. In addition, it is important to ensure that no pieces of the lower layer are visible from under the crushed stone.

Figure 3. Formation of garden paths

At this point, the arrangement of the garden path can be considered complete. Despite the fact that this method of landscaping is considered simple and inexpensive, the finished paths look very impressive, weeds do not grow through them, and even in heavy rain, water does not accumulate on the surface and puddles do not form. In addition, such paths last quite a long time, and if the crushed stone top covering no longer meets your aesthetic tastes, you can always replace it.

Advantages of black film

Despite the fact that black covering material (film and agrofibre) appeared on the market relatively recently, they are already very popular among summer residents. This is due to the numerous advantages of this material (Figure 4).

Among the main advantages of black film it is worth highlighting:

  1. High strength: the material is practically resistant to mechanical damage, so you can use it annually for several years.
  2. Affordable price: Comparing covering material as a method of weed control with chemical methods of eliminating weeds using herbicides, it becomes obvious that buying agrofibre to cover the entire garden will be cheaper than repeatedly spraying the beds with special chemicals.
  3. Quick weed removal: the dark color of the covering material leads to the death of weeds growing under it. This is due to the fact that such a shelter does not allow sunlight to pass through, which is necessary for photosynthesis processes. At the same time, the material perfectly allows air, heat and moisture to pass through, so the seeds of cultivated plants germinate under it much faster. After the shoots have formed, the shelter can be removed or simply cuts can be made in the locations where the crop seedlings are located.
  4. Convenient care of beds: It is much easier to water and fertilize plants cultivated under the material than in conventional beds. To do this, crops can be watered directly on top of the canvas. However, if you are growing individual plants in round or cross-shaped holes, you can apply the liquid directly into them.
  5. No rot or mold: For the production of agrofibre, the most modern technologies, thanks to which the material successfully passes moisture, but rot and mold do not form underneath it.

This advantage sets modern covering materials apart from those used in the past.

Black weed film: how to use

Dark cloth is often used for growing strawberries and other berry crops. In this case, in addition to the advantages given above, one more important advantage of the material can be highlighted. Strawberry bushes grown in holes receive ample heat, moisture, sunlight and nutrients from the soil. In this case, the ripening berries are not on the surface of the soil, but directly on the film, so they are practically not contaminated with soil and sand. This advantage of black material is actively used by farmers who grow strawberries for sale. With this method, the berries are not contaminated and retain excellent presentation.

Figure 4. Options for using black film

Black covering material has another important advantage, which concerns environment and soil conditions. By covering the beds with such a cloth, you prevent the soil from weathering. In addition, despite the increase in soil temperature under the material, moisture evaporates from the soil much more slowly. This condition is especially important for arid areas with little rainfall. However, when using black film in the southern regions, it should be taken into account that in hot weather the soil under it can become very hot and young crop shoots can simply burn out. To prevent such negative consequences, black film or agrofibre must be additionally covered with a layer of light mulching material (for example, straw or sawdust).

Any modern covering material, be it film or agrofibre, is absolutely safe for the environment, as it is made from environmentally friendly materials. This condition is especially important for summer residents who try to use chemicals to a minimum for growing vegetables, berries and herbs, and prefer not to fight weeds with herbicides.

In addition to black agrofibre and film, covering materials of other shades are available on the market, which are also actively used in growing garden crops. For example, white material transmits sunlight much better and protects the soil from overheating, so it is often used in regions with warm climates. At the same time, weeds may still appear under such a canvas, but their number will be small and you can easily remove the plants manually.

The transparent film promotes rapid heating of the soil. This property of the material will be extremely useful in early spring, when you need to quickly warm up the soil for planting. In addition, brown, green and silver films for covering beds are available on the market. The latter has all the advantages of black and white film, but additionally perfectly protects plants from aphids. Brown material allows you to maintain optimal temperature regardless of the time of day, and green prevents overheating and burning of young seedlings.

Using black film to cover beds is quite simple. You can verify this by watching a video that shows in detail the process of using this material.

Weeding is a time-consuming procedure, and chemicals can accumulate in plant tissues, which makes their fruits hazardous to health. Meanwhile, there is a technique that allows you to reduce labor costs when growing garden crops and at the same time eliminate the possibility of the negative impact of herbicides. Modern enterprises have begun to produce special black weed control film. This material is relatively inexpensive and can save a summer resident a lot of time and effort.

Does black film help with weeds?

Using this material is quite simple. In spring it spreads out on the ground. Next, holes are made in it for planting plants. One of the features of black film is that it does not transmit sunlight at all. As a result, weeds that do not receive ultraviolet light stop developing.

In Europe, film and roofing felt have been used for weed control for a long time. Moreover, this is done not only by private individuals, but also by large farms. In this part of the world, black film is considered to be very effective against weeds. Many domestic gardeners also speak well of this method. But some summer residents are still skeptical about this technique. So, does black film help control weeds? Let's look at this in more detail.

What processes occur under the film?

Weed control with black film can actually be quite successful. The edges of this material lying on the ground are usually covered with soil. As a result, a special microclimate is created in a garden bed mulched in this way. The soil under the film warms up very quickly. Therefore, weeds accelerate their development at the first stage. However, when germinating, the grass rests against a film heated by the sun. The result is the death of the surface part of the plant. After some time, the roots of the weed also rot.

Where can I use it?

The use of black weed film (photos of such beds are presented on the page) is allowed as per open ground, and in greenhouses. Very often this material is used for the development of virgin lands. In this case, the film is laid directly on top of the weeds and left there for a long time (1-2 months). As a result, the grass rots along with the root system. The soil under the film becomes loose and easy to work. Subsequently, even in the absence of film, weeds in the area do not grow as actively.

Benefits of use

Thus, weed control with black film can reduce labor costs in the garden, greenhouse or nursery. Compared to conventional methods, this mulching technique also has the following advantages:

  • early warming of the soil in spring;
  • better heat retention by soil in winter;
  • reduction of irrigation costs;
  • no need for loosening;
  • acceleration of plant development.

Since the black film is an airtight material, the soil underneath it warms up very quickly. Therefore, plants in the spring with such mulch begin to develop at an accelerated pace. This material also reduces the risk of crop death during recurrent frosts.

The film does not allow moisture to pass through. Therefore, you can water plants in beds covered with this material less often. As moisture evaporates, in this case it condenses on the film and flows down again. This material is more convenient to use than many other types of mulch. All that is needed in this case is to spread the film over the area once.

Also, the advantages of using this material include the fact that, unlike organic matter, mold almost never forms under it. The air entering under the film through the holes made is quite enough for this.

Disadvantages of use

Of course, such material has not only advantages. Most gardeners consider the main disadvantage of using black weed film to be the inability to replenish the soil in the beds. Organic mulch is usually dug up in the fall, which increases the humus content in the soil. The film does not have this advantage.

In addition, spreading it on the ground is quite a troublesome task. In addition, this material is also quite easily damaged. The film on the beds has to be replaced after just a few years. This procedure is also quite labor-intensive. This especially applies to perennial plantings. Indeed, in this case, when disposing of the film, you need to try not to damage the plants.

In virgin lands, this material is also sometimes impractical to use to remove weeds. Usually only fairly soft grass rots under the film. Tough weeds often cannot be eradicated in this way. After all, sometimes for such grass even, for example, asphalt is not an obstacle.

What to look for when purchasing material

Protection against weeds with black film will be effective, of course, only if it is chosen correctly. Many companies produce this covering material today. At the same time, the black mulching film itself may vary in technical characteristics.

When choosing this material, you should pay attention first of all to its thickness. A thin film is only suitable for warming the soil in spring. Actually, for mulching, you should take material that is stronger, more durable and thicker. Perennial crops, for example, strawberries, are usually protected from weeds with a 100-micron black film. It is not advisable to use thicker material even in this case. A very thick film is expensive and is mainly suitable only for construction work.

If annual crops are to be mulched, fairly thin material can be used. In this case, the 80 micron option is most often used.

How to lay black weed film

Technologically, laying this material is a simple procedure. However, there are some rules to follow when performing this operation. You can lay the film on the ground only after the soil has warmed up well enough in the spring. The area must first be cleared of debris and dirt. Most attention should be paid to sharp objects that can damage the material - dry branches, glass, stones. If there are already weeds on the site, it is advisable to remove them.

The film should be spread in such a way that it fits as tightly as possible to the soil surface. In those places where air “bubbles” remain, weeds may subsequently begin to develop. Of course, they will not grow too actively, and their color will not be green, but white - but still.

After the material is laid out on the ground, its edges should be pressed down with some kind of weight. This could be, for example, stones, bricks, or even just soil. Next, cross-shaped or slot-shaped holes are made in the film for planting plants. Round or square slits should not be made. Experienced summer residents have noticed that with this method of cutting, the plants subsequently develop worse. The distance between the holes is selected depending on the type garden crops. For example, for strawberries this figure will be 30-35 cm.

As soon as shoots appear on the bed covered with film, several semicircular holes should be made in the material on the south side. Without normal air exchange in the soil, plants are known to develop worse. In addition, in this case, acidification of the soil may occur. The holes will provide air access under the film. In addition, if they are present, the soil under such covering material will not overheat too much.

How to water plants under film

Moisture under such covering material, as already mentioned, is retained well. However, it is, of course, necessary to water plants mulched in this way throughout the season. This can be done either by the “root” method or by sprinkling. Water will freely pass through the holes cut in the film under the plants and be distributed throughout the bed.

The covering material is a special fabric artificial origin non-woven in nature or consisting of thermoplastic polymers. It is designed to protect garden crops from bad weather, pests, and weeds. The online store "Order" offers for beds, greenhouses modern views shelters of various compositions, purposes, with improved characteristics, in rolls and sleeves.

Properties of covering material

To protect plants, especially in areas of unsustainable agriculture, covering materials are used for various purposes:

  • for protection from cold at the beginning and end of the season, to speed up the ripening of fruits;
  • shelters for heat-loving plants;
  • mulching the soil as a barrier to weed germination;
  • preservation and retention of moisture in the soil during drought.

Types of covering material

Based on the material used, sheets for shelters are divided into two main categories: polyethylene and non-woven made from stabilized polypropylene fibers (agrofibre, agrofabric).

The main difference between them is the ability to retain heat and allow moisture to pass through. Polyethylene retains heat better, but does not allow water or air to pass through, creating a greenhouse effect. It is used at the beginning of gardening work (April-May) at low air and soil temperatures. In summer, agrofibre is preferable to film: under it, plants are better ventilated and watered with rain without any effort on the part of summer residents.

Covering materials also differ in density, on which the effectiveness of protecting plants from cold depends:

  • light - 17-30 g/m², used mainly for laying directly on the soil; plants are able to lift such a shelter as they grow;
  • average – 42-60 g/m², suitable for greenhouses during the cold season of the summer season;
  • dense - 60 g/m², has a longer service life, is used both for covering greenhouses and for mulching the soil.

The covering material differs in color. It can be white (for protection from the cold) and black (for mulching the soil).

Some types of covering materials have improved characteristics. For example, films can be reinforced or light-stabilized.

IN recent years Nonwoven materials are becoming increasingly popular; the most common in terms of price and quality is spunbond, which is characterized by high light transmission properties, the possibility of repeated use and washing. One of best views spunbond is considered a geotextile that has a higher density and resistance to tearing. Its use is possible for arranging paths.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Specialist with 7 years of experience in horticultural crops

A good crop is grown using weed control material. It stops the growth of weeds, creates special conditions for crop growth. Geotextiles make it easier to care for your garden and vegetable garden, and save gardeners’ energy by eliminating the need for weeding.

Types of weed covering material

A popular method of weed control is to spread covering material on the soil. The beds are covered with a special cloth. The roots of the seedlings are kept warm, and the ground part is under the sun. This is how the weeds end up in the dark, where they die without sunlight.

Covering beds with geotextiles is much easier than spraying them with herbicides and insecticides. You can choose the appropriate type:

  • agrofibre;
  • agrofabric;
  • film.


How to use covering non-woven material against weeds

This is an excellent alternative to regular polyethylene, which is often used for gardening. Agrofibre is a black non-woven covering material. It is made from polypropylene using the spinneret method (by passing through small holes - dies). Thanks to heat treatment, the threads are fused, creating a strong base.
During manufacturing, manufacturers introduce stabilizer substances that can increase beneficial properties material. Agrofibre, in addition to preventing weed growth, has other advantages:

  • Lays down softly without forming creases. It cuts easily and can be sewn to the desired size. For example, a gardener can easily sew up mechanical damage, tears, and apply patches.
  • Synthetic - the material does not rot. The composition is not able to be destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, under direct rays of the sun.
  • Provides soil warming in early spring. This reduces the ripening time of crops, especially heat-loving ones.
  • Porous structure - the roots of the plant, like the soil layer, breathe. Thanks to air exchange in humus, earthworms and beneficial microorganisms work more actively.
  • Water permeability. Water flows during irrigation and during rain without obstacles, and thanks to agrofibre, evaporation from the surface of the bed is reduced.
  • Dense (60 g/m²), thanks to this the service life is from 3 years.
  • Safe. Does not emit harmful substances, even with active solar radiation, on hot days. Does not react with soil, water, fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemical compounds.

Disadvantages: during the first time of use, there is not enough water flow when watering from above.

Types of agrotextiles

Different brands may have different names for agrofibre. Moreover, it is manufactured using similar technology. List of titles:

  • Spunbond;
  • Agril;
  • Agrotex;
  • Agrolux;
  • Agrospan;
  • Greentex;
  • Lutrasil.

In recent years, a two-layer covering option has become widespread - white-black or yellow-black Agrotex. The lower dark part prevents the growth of weeds. White – protects the roots and above-ground parts of the plant from overheating. Two-layer covering Agrotex is convenient to use in greenhouses, greenhouses and southern regions.


Agrofabric to protect strawberries from weeds

Another popular covering material is agrofabric. Textiles have a high strength index (density is 100 g/sq. m). In terms of other characteristics, agrofabric is practically no different from agrofibre. Due to its strength, this reusable material will last not 3-4 years, as in the previous case, but 10-12 years. But the price of agricultural fabric is several times higher.

This lightweight polypropylene covering material ensures a decent harvest of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Prevents the growth of weeds, protects against birds and insects, and protects against frost. The remaining advantages and disadvantages of agrofabric are the same as those of agrofibre.

There is another option for agrotextiles, which also does a good job of stopping the growth of weeds. These are extra-strong varieties with a density of 90 g/m² or more. In terms of strength, such geotextiles are approximately in the middle between dense agrofabric and light, airy agrofibre. All mulching fabrics are characterized by the passage of air and moisture.


Covering the bed with anti-weed film

Black weed film has long been the only material used by gardeners. PVC material has good darkening properties; weeds do not survive in such conditions. The downside of the covering film is its inability to allow water to pass through.

Because of this, condensation forms under it, which provokes fungal diseases. Another problem is that the shelter only lasts for a season. To extend the service life, it is better to purchase a special reinforced film. It is stronger; it covers not only the rows, but also the passages between the beds so that weeds do not grow.

How covering materials are used

Using covering material against weeds

After purchasing geotextiles, you need to use them correctly. Step by step instructions How to use covering material for plants against weeds:

  1. Before starting work, it is important to clear the ground of weeds. To do this, dig deep, apply herbicides, and keep the area fallow or green manure for a year.
  2. Fill the soil with fertilizers and level the surface.
  3. Cut the geotextiles to the size of the bed, make allowances for joints of 15–20 cm.
  4. Cut cross-shaped or circular holes for the plants.
  5. Spread the covering geotextile lengthwise (it is more convenient to lay it on a windless day).
  6. Place the edges formed due to the allowances in small grooves, cover them with earth or press them down with stones (more suitable for windy, poorly protected areas).
  7. Additionally, mulching material is attached to the surface using wire pins 8–10 cm long.
  8. After fixing, plant seedlings and seeds in the prepared holes.



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