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Even in the fairy tale about the three little pigs, the most important and always relevant idea is raised about the correct choice of building material for the house. A fairy tale is a fairy tale, but many of us, like the heroes of the famous work, want to build a strong, reliable house with minimal effort. However, today it is quite possible to do this thanks to the development of construction technologies. However, there are so many different wall materials that the developer has to rack his brains when deciding which material is best to build a house from. Brick, aerated concrete, wood, sandwich panels - which is better, more reliable, more durable and warmer?

The costs of erecting the walls of a house account for up to 40% of the cost of all work, so it is so important to weigh the numerous pros and cons of each material in order to make the only right decision. It is also necessary to take into account the seasonality of living in the house, requirements for thermal insulation, the cost of fuel used for heating, as well as the labor intensity of the work and the budget allocated for construction. Today there are a lot of materials for building a house - finding the one that most accurately meets your needs is not a problem.

No. 1. Wooden house

The most conservative and traditional material for building a house is wood. Its undeniable advantages include:


  • high fire hazard, even though special impregnations are used in the production of timber today;
  • wood is sensitive to humidity and pests, they are also trying to combat this, but without constant care the material will be constantly damaged;
  • shrinkage;
  • high price.

Glued laminated timber

No. 2. Brick house

Another classic and time-tested material for building a house is. Despite the emergence of a mass of alternative materials, it remains the most popular material for the construction of low-rise private houses, and there are many reasons for this.


  • high durability and strength;
  • inertia, insects and;
  • fire resistance;
  • the material is breathable;
  • brick allows you to turn a project of any complexity into reality.


For the construction of a 2- or 3-story house A brick of strength M100 or M125 is enough, but it is better to build the ground floor from M150-M175 bricks. It is also necessary to take into account the frost resistance of the brick, which is determined by the cycles of freezing and defrosting that the material can withstand without losing its basic properties. If for warm regions it is quite possible to use F15-30 brick, then for middle zone It is better to take material with frost resistance F50, and for the most severe regions - F100. After the house is built, it is given some time to dry. Brick walls are usually finished.

Based on filling, bricks are divided into:

For the construction of walls, only two types of bricks are used:

  • silicate (white).

Ideally, it is better to build from ceramic bricks plastic formation. It is made from high-quality clay by extrusion. Ceramic bricks of dry and semi-dry formation due to their high precision geometry are mainly used for cladding. It is characterized by durability, good sound insulation and strength.

Sand-lime brick produced on the basis of sand and lime, it is cheaper than ceramic, but more fragile, has a small variety, lower thermal insulation and low moisture resistance.

No. 3. Houses made of cellular concrete

Lightweight concrete blocks are the most promising material for building a house that currently exists. Of all stone materials, cellular concrete has the best thermal insulation properties. Due to the fact that the block is large in size (replaces 17-20 single bricks), the construction of buildings is carried out quickly. In terms of strength and durability, the material is practically not inferior to brick. Cellular concrete includes aerated concrete, foam concrete,, but the first two have become most widespread in private construction.

House made of aerated concrete (aerated block)

House made of cinder concrete

No. 4. Frame house

No. 5. Houses made of reinforced concrete panels

Another option for rapid construction is the technology of constructing houses from ready-made factory ones. A low-rise house can be built in a few days! The technology is reminiscent of that which was so actively used in the Soviet Union for the rapid construction of millions of square meters of housing.



  • a solid foundation is needed;
  • Not large number offers on the market (few companies cast slabs for the created project - usually elements of typical sizes are manufactured);
  • such a house “does not breathe”;
  • Concrete does not hold heat well.

When you need to quickly build a reliable and durable house of decent size, this is one of the best options, especially since today it is possible to cast panels of strictly required shapes and sizes in order to erect a building according to.

When choosing material for building a house, it is important to take into account the climate, the type of soil, the future heating system, and many other factors. But even the highest quality building materials can disappoint if construction technology is violated or the foundation is laid incorrectly, so these points should be given no less importance.

Building a new home is always a big expense. Few people can afford to build without paying attention to estimates. Most often you have to save money to fit into the budget. However, the savings should be reasonable, because the owner and his family will live in the new place. The building should be warm, dry, comfortable, and pleasant to look at. How to achieve this without overpayments? First of all, save on a team of workers. If the developer has the necessary skills, then everything or almost everything can be done yourself. You can also choose inexpensive materials, available technologies, and a standard design. How to build a house with your own hands cheaper? What is worth saving on, and where is it better not to risk it?

Savings start with choosing a project. The more complex the architectural forms, the more expensive the construction costs. It is irrational to try to reduce costs at the expense of workers, technical supervision or quality of materials by initially choosing an expensive project.

It is better to clearly determine the required living space, without depriving the family, but also without allowing yourself extra square meters, and choose a simple roof shape. This will allow you to create a cozy home that fully meets the needs of the family, but without architectural “excesses” - a multi-pitched roof, bay windows, columns, arches.

It makes sense to consider options for building a one- or two-story structure with a residential attic.

A residential attic is much more profitable than a separate floor. The construction of the floor will require more materials - for walls, insulation, finishing

If you choose lightweight building materials and suitable technologies for building walls, you can save on the foundation. A less powerful structure will be needed, plus the formwork can be made from substandard boards or used fiberboard boards.

The only thing you don't want to cut costs on is cement. You need to buy it of high quality, otherwise the strength of the structure will be in question. The depth of the trench under the foundation must also correspond to the calculated weight of the building in order to avoid severe settlement, which can lead to cracks in the walls.

What is most often used during construction:

  • brick;
  • beam;
  • gas block

When constructing houses and cottages, frame technology is increasingly being used. This is a promising method that allows you to build quickly and at minimal cost.

To find out what will cost the least for construction, you will have to calculate estimates for each of the options, because... the cost of the material itself is not always an indicator of benefit. For example, choosing multi-purpose resources can help reduce costs. The cost of a two-in-one hydro- and vapor barrier will ultimately be cheaper than buying two different types isolation.

When making calculations, one should proceed from the fact that the finished building must be comfortable for living and comply with heat conservation and safety standards.

The advantages of a frame structure are lower time and labor costs for the construction of a building. The design is lightweight, does not create an increased load on the foundation and does not require its reinforcement

A dwelling using this technology can be built within a period of several weeks to several months, depending on whether the owner builds it himself or hires a team. Finished buildings are durable and resistant to deformation. The estimated service life is approximately 75 years.

Load-bearing structures are convenient for subsequent cladding finishing materials, because all elements are unified. This significantly expands: siding, cassette panels, and a block house can be mounted on the walls. Sheathing increases the strength of the entire structure without significantly increasing its weight.

Video about the design

There are two main technologies, each of which has its own characteristics.

Frame-panel. How to build a house cheaper? Collected with my own hands. Of course, this will require skills and equipment. Thanks to this type of construction, this is possible, although you will need to invest a lot of time and additional money in the purchase of insulation and other things. The frame is made of wood and covered with sandwich panels. Each part has to be installed separately, which affects the timing and complexity of construction.

Frame-panel. This option is expensive, but reliable and requires much less labor. The structure is assembled from ready-made panels, which are manufactured at the factory to special order. The panels are supplied already insulated and completely ready for assembly. If we compare the prices of panel and panel buildings, the former are more expensive. However, the final cost may turn out to be the same if workers are invited to assemble frame-panel housing, because you have to pay for all types of work separately - assembly, cladding, thermal insulation, finishing.

The assembled wooden frame already looks like a finished house. It only requires cladding and finishing. Steam and waterproofing materials are installed into the walls of the structure at the factory, which helps to increase the service life of the building

Undeniable advantages of the technology:

  • Economical. Light weight is an obvious opportunity to save on the foundation, and short terms- on workers' compensation. It is believed that houses built using frame technology are the cheapest, but the efficiency largely depends on the area of ​​construction, the selected components, finishing, etc. Calculations by experienced engineers show that this is beneficial if the length of the building does not exceed 20 m and the number of storeys is 3. Often the design decides everything.
  • High energy saving ratio. The structures warm up quickly and efficiently. The walls are made of materials with low thermal conductivity, so the structure retains heat well. The wall thickness can be 15-20 cm. Additional benefits include reduced heating costs compared to a conventional building of the same area.
  • No shrinkage. The walls of the structure are strong, resistant to deformation, highly rigid, and the house itself does not shrink. This also has a positive effect on construction time: finishing work can begin immediately after the completion of the main work. The cladding does not require additional processing, which reduces finishing costs.

Disadvantages or things to consider:

  • To assemble such a structure you need special knowledge and tools. The qualifications of the builders are of fundamental importance, so not every developer can do it himself, and the team will have to be carefully selected.
  • Wooden frames require additional treatment with compounds for biological and fire protection.

When choosing a project special attention need to pay attention to ventilation. Artificial materials They insulate perfectly, but from the point of view of environmental safety they leave much to be desired. If the home is small, then theoretically you can get by with natural ventilation, but ideally, a normal air exchange system should be calculated and installed for it.

When installing frame structures, “wet” technologies are not used. This feature is a big plus, because... allows you to work at any time of the year

Tightness is one of the main advantages of a frame house, because serves as a guarantee of good thermal insulation. But it also has a downside - a violation of air exchange. To prevent human waste products, dust and other factors from worsening the microclimate in the building or reducing the amount of oxygen in the air, it is necessary to design a high-quality ventilation system

What to make it from:

  • Tree. Despite all kinds of processing, wood is exposed to moisture and microorganisms. On average, such a frame lasts up to 60 years and is inferior to metal analogues in strength, lightness, and resistance to destructive environmental factors.
  • Metal. A lightweight thermal profile is used for manufacturing. Its advantages are excellent fire resistance, light weight, and corrosion resistance. Metal parts are not susceptible to attacks by fungi and mold. All this can increase the service life of structures to 100 years.

What would be cheaper to build from? When drawing up estimates, a wooden frame will have a clear advantage. However, if you “look into the future” and take into account the higher performance properties of the thermal profile, then its service life fully pays for the costs.

The foundation can be chosen tile, columnar or strip depending on the type of soil. You can save on an easy-to-install roof - gable or mansard. The choice is up to the developer.

Material on the construction of a veranda at a frame-type dacha may also be useful:

1 sq. m of metal frame weighs 30-50 kg, with casing - about 200 kg. The low specific gravity of the finished house allows it to be built on unstable soils. The profile is also used in the reconstruction of buildings with heavily worn load-bearing structures

Option #2 – brick construction

Brick is one of the most popular. Houses made from it can hardly be called cheap. The walls have to be made thick, plus they require additional insulation, which leads to an even greater increase in the cost of structures. The weight of the finished structure is large, so the foundation needs to be truly strong. It is done to the entire depth of soil freezing.

It's difficult to save money on it. The disadvantages include long, labor-intensive construction. However, the durability of the structures, their fire safety and practicality largely pay for the costs.

If you look at the prices for constructing a high-quality building on the websites of specialized companies, you get the impression that the cost is low. However, even the price of turnkey construction does not include the finishing touches: installation of flooring, interior doors, plumbing fixtures, etc.

If you do all this yourself, then only the costs of purchasing materials should be added to the cost. If you need to hire workers, then also pay for their labor. Construction is profitable only if the owner of the site initially correctly selected the project and most of can perform the work independently.

Video: about bricks for buildings

Option #3 – aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete block is a worthy competitor to traditional brick. Building a box is significantly more profitable than erecting it. The wall thickness can be reduced by 1/3 without losing its thermal insulation properties. The material itself is noticeably lighter, which allows for savings at the expense of the foundation. An additional “bonus” for the home owner is good sound insulation.

A dwelling made of aerated concrete blocks “breathes”; air exchange in it is not impaired, because through pores. However, for the same reason, blocks are not considered the most the best option from a waterproofing point of view. If construction is carried out in violation of technology, the finished structure may also be blown. You need to pay attention to the finishing.

As for the construction time, an aerated concrete structure can be erected 2-3 times faster than a brick one; it practically does not shrink. Special adhesives are used to connect the blocks. In this case, it is undesirable to use the usual cement mortar, because it produces thick seams, which can cause the formation of “cold bridges”.

One of the disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks is their relatively low frost resistance, so you will have to take care of high-quality finishing. The materials you can use are plaster, siding, stone

Option #4 – economical timber buildings

For the developer, timber is more profitable than anything else. If we compare timber and brick wall in terms of heat-saving properties, it turns out that a structure made of spruce 220 mm thick and a brick 600 mm thick will be equally warm. Usually for construction they take 200 mm timber, use 100 mm thick insulation and apply a layer of plaster from 20 mm.

Advantages of timber:

  • efficiency;
  • fast construction (built in a few weeks);
  • simple technology;
  • environmental safety;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • comfortable microclimate;
  • ease of construction.

If you are choosing what is cheaper to build a house from, then timber - win-win. This is profitable, and the technology is simple, and almost any site owner can master it if he already has construction skills.

When building houses from timber, you need to carefully design heating and energy supply systems. The buildings are considered a fire hazard. Wood is also afraid of moisture, so it requires protection from dampness and fungus.

Compare prices per square meter

How and what is the cheapest way to build can be seen in the estimate figures. If the calculations are based on average indicators (soil freezing depth - 1.5 m, groundwater - 2.5 m, sandy loam soil), then we can determine the cost of construction of 1 square meter. Depending on the components, the numbers will be as follows:

  • frame structure – 875 rubles;
  • brick – 2330 rubles;
  • aerated concrete – 2000 rubles;
  • timber - 1900 rubles.

Review of popular materials - video

Obviously, a frame house will cost the developer the least. When finally deciding on a choice, you need to take into account all the features of the project, the soil, and the site itself. The calculations do not include payment for the services of the construction team. Hired labor is an additional (and considerable!) expense item.

There is no single building material for walls that is universal. When selecting it, many factors are taken into account: reliability, soil characteristics, weather conditions, price range and much more. Currently, the choice of building materials is very extensive. In order for a house to be strong and durable, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of the raw materials from which construction is planned, but also its disadvantages.

Building materials for walls

A good house is a strong house. This is how it will be if the building material for its walls is chosen correctly.

The wall is:

  • a building structure that encloses or separates some part of the territory;
  • side part of the building.

The walls in the house can be divided into several groups depending on the load. Among them are load-bearing, self-supporting, non-load-bearing, hinged and enclosing. All this is shown in the diagram.

The construction of the walls of a house requires the selection of a specific building material. Each of them has individual properties, has its own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on this, it finds application in the construction of walls. Usage various materials for walls you can watch the video.

The following main wall materials are distinguished:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • cinder blocks;
  • vulture panels;
  • metal structures.

All these modern materials widely used in individual construction.

Brick walls

Brick is a traditional building material, which is artificial stone. It has its positive and negative qualities: it is heat-intensive, has a high load-bearing capacity, but has a relatively high price.

Types of bricks:

  1. Adobe - made of clay and straw, instead of which wood shavings, chaff or horse manure are sometimes used. Used in Asian countries. In Russia it is found in rural areas.
  2. Ceramic - made from baked clay. A quality brick should produce ringing sound and have a uniform reddish color. Through cracks longer than 4 cm are unacceptable; such bricks should be selected for strength and frost resistance. The letter “M” denotes the strength grade. The numbers indicate the permissible compressive load in kg/cm2. The frost resistance class is designated English letter F, numbers indicate freezing cycles.
  3. Silicate - made from sand and lime under the influence of steam at a temperature of 170 - 200 0 C. For the construction of walls, you can choose bricks of various colors and thicknesses.
  4. Hyperpressed is a building material made under high pressure without firing. Fine limestone rocks, waste from the production of ceramic bricks, various waste from mining and cutting facing stone, small crushed stone, marble and dolomite are added to a small amount of cement with water. The material is as close as possible to natural stone.

Pros and cons of brick construction

Types of bricksAdvantagesFlaws
AdobeLow costLow moisture and frost resistance
Good sound insulation and thermal inertiaWalls take a long time to dry and gain strength
CeramicResistance to all climatic conditionsHigh price
Low moisture absorptionPossibility of efflorescence
SilicateGood sound insulationHigh thermal conductivity
High strength and frost resistanceHigh moisture absorption
Hyper-pressedResistant to aggressive environments and climatic influencesHigh price
Ideal geometric shapeRequires thorough drying before laying

Walls made of foam blocks

The composition of the foam block includes sand, cement, and foaming agent. It is used for the construction of load-bearing walls and interior partitions. Advantages of foam block as a building material:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • retains heat well;
  • has the ability to “breathe” - release water vapor outside;
  • excellent fire resistance - resistance to open fire for 8 hours;
  • good moisture and frost resistance;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • significantly reduces overall construction time;

For all their significant advantages, foam blocks have their disadvantages. They are a low-strength material: the wall can crack if it is overloaded. Water that gets inside at low temperatures will destroy the foam block. This can be avoided if the surface is plastered or treated with a special solution. Not all types of finishing are suitable for cladding walls made of foam blocks.

Ceramic blocks

Ceramic block or porous ceramic is a material made by firing specially shaped clay blocks. There are 3 main standard sizes of this raw material:

1 219x250x380 mm10.7 NF*
2 219x250x440 mm12.4 NF
3 219x250x510 mm14.3 NF

*NF - normal form, an indicator of the number of bricks of a given block volume.

The material is environmentally friendly and durable, like any ceramics.

Aerated concrete blocks in wall construction

Aerated concrete is a lightweight cellular material obtained from a mixture of:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • fine-grained quartz sand;
  • water;
  • gas-forming reagents - aluminum powder is most often used.

The curing process is accelerated in autoclave units.

A comparison of gas silicate and foam concrete - building materials for walls - favorably emphasizes the advantage of the first.

Aerated concrete is a relatively inexpensive material, non-flammable, environmentally friendly and durable. Special blocks are made from it.

Modern construction technologies make it possible to use different materials for walls at the same time. Gas silicate blocks can be combined with brick. This will ensure high thermal conductivity of the walls.

If a person does not have enough finances for individual construction, then it would be appropriate self-production wall material.

Brick or gas block

Brick - artificial stone with dimensions 250x120x65 mm. It is produced by firing clay. Aerated concrete block is an artificially created stone with dimensions of 600x400x250 mm.

Comparison of brick and gas block

A wall built from aerated block is 3 times lighter than a brick one. This means that the frame will require less reinforcement. Considering the ability of the building material for the walls of the house to transfer heat, the thickness brickwork there should be more. In terms of frost resistance - the ability of a material to maintain strength, brick is superior: it is more durable.

Aerated concrete blocks are used in the construction of walls of houses no more than 14 m high. It is not recommended to build load-bearing structures of them. A special feature of aerated concrete blocks is their high geometric accuracy. This allows for less expensive laying using glue. It is faster compared to cement.

Walls should be built in dry, clear weather. It is prohibited to build wet rooms from cellular concrete: saunas, baths, laundries. The walls for them are made only of brick.

Aerated concrete blocks may shrink slightly in size some time after construction, which will lead to the appearance of cracks in the wall. This is not observed in brick.

Gas blocks are easier to machine. Cutting and grinding of aerated concrete can be carried out directly on the construction site using standard hand saws. But the reliability of brick when installing door and window openings is much higher. The fire resistance of brick and gas block is approximately the same.

Cellular concrete blocks are the cheapest material. But the construction of walls requires special technology. The services of workers for such masonry are higher than those of builders working with bricks. However, brick walls are warmer and stronger.

Wooden construction

Several types of wood are used as building materials: pine, spruce, larch, cedar, oak, linden. You should choose according to the properties of the tree and financial resources.

The advantage of wooden walls lies, first of all, in environmental friendliness. Wood is a natural air conditioner. Such a house is warm in winter and cool in summer. The air in the room is renewed up to 30% during the day, so it is easy to breathe in it.

When heated, cracks do not form in the walls, which cannot be said about a brick house. Wooden structures are the most resistant to earthquakes and do not require additional insulation.

In terms of thermal conductivity, a log with a diameter of 20 cm replaces brickwork 1 m thick. This significantly reduces the financial costs for the house and reduces the weight of the structure, which is economical for the depth and width of the foundation. Its price is sometimes 1/3 of the entire cost of the house. They build wooden walls very quickly at any time of the year.

The main significant disadvantage of wood as a material for building walls is its high fire hazard. Disadvantages also include susceptibility to rotting, damage by fungus and wood-boring beetles. Wood quickly deteriorates under the influence of the atmosphere: sunlight and moisture.

All these shortcomings are easily eliminated with specially developed chemicals. They are applied to the walls and extend the life of the wooden house.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is the leading material in wood construction

Glued laminated timber is one of the leading materials in wooden construction. It is assembled from individual dried boards of appropriate sizes treated with antiseptic and fireproofing agents. Then gluing occurs with special compounds under high pressure. This is done in order to prevent cracking and torsion of the timber as it dries out.

The beam contains a special tongue-and-groove system, which allows you to assemble walls as quickly as possible. Like many building materials for walls, it is environmentally friendly. Glued laminated timber belongs to the group of combustible materials. With protective treatment, it is relatively durable.

Comparison of building materials

Comparison of wall materials by main indicators

Aerated concreteTreeBrick
Thermal conductivity0,12 0,16 0,18 0,56
Strength25 100 50 150
Fire resistance1200 1500 300 1500
Shrinkage coefficient2 0,01 10 0,01

Thermal conductivity - the ability of a material to pass heat through itself - is 3 times greater for brick than for ceramic and aerated concrete block. Based on the estimated cost, we can conclude that a cheaper material is a ceramic block. To achieve the correct thermal conductivity of the wall, it is enough to insulate the wall with a special material.

The strength of aerated concrete and wood is minimal compared to other types. This suggests that houses of more than 2 floors should not be built from these materials. The strength of ceramic blocks and bricks allows the construction of buildings of almost any height.

The shrinkage rate is expressed as a percentage. The biggest one is near the tree. This means that a year after construction is completed, the height of the wall will be reduced by 10%. Aerated concrete has a relatively small shrinkage coefficient. Its low strength can cause cracks to form. Other materials can be ignored for this indicator.

Aerated concrete is the cheapest building material. It is widely used in individual construction.

The choice in favor of one or another wall material is based on individual assessment conclusions and analysis of environmental characteristics.

If you decide to build a house on your own summer cottage, then the first problem that will arise for you is what material to use for the job. In addition, other questions may haunt you during such a process. What can you build a house from? What will be more practical? Which material will last longer? Choose a regular brick or try modern technologies? And if you are really concerned about such questions, then from this article you can find out the answers to them.

So now you have huge selection building materials than a couple of decades ago. Today you can build a house from gas silicate blocks or wood. You can also build a house on your site using frame-panel technology. But no one canceled brick either. Some entrust the construction of their house to specialists, and very soon they are happy with a beautiful brick house. In the end, it’s up to you to decide what to build from. country house, you have to do it yourself. We, in turn, would like to tell you about the different materials for building a house. About their properties, different costs, moisture resistance, sound insulation, all the pros and cons and much more.

Building a brick house

This article will allow you to find out what is best to build a country house from. First of all, it’s worth talking about a popular building material - brick. So, brick is the most durable material. A house made of brick structures will last you approximately 100-150 years, or maybe more.

Elderly city residents can confirm that in their cities there are many different, very old buildings that are over 100 years old, they are all intact and built of brick. But let's not advertise the brick too much. A building made from it will be durable and will last a long time only if the brick is of high quality and the finished house is well looked after. Of course, building a house from brick is not so easy, and if technical errors are made during construction, then the quality of the house will not be adequate.

In this case, the thermal insulation decreases and the weather resistance will no longer be the same. The main factor is dampness; over time it can destroy the masonry. We would like to note that in order for the finished brick building to be more resistant to dampness, it must be plastered. First you need to seal all the cracks and holes with cement, rub the seams, and only then begin plastering and insulation.

For insulation, the technology of ventilated facades is used, when pieces of insulation are attached to the surface of the wall, covered with membrane-like moisture insulation, and then decorated with siding, lining or something else. There is no other way to prevent moisture from entering the brick. But it is impossible to allow moisture to get inside the brick. If moisture penetrates through poor-quality plaster into a brick, then it expands there when it freezes and forms small tears, which will subsequently lead to cracks in the building. This concerns most of all country houses, in which there is no heating. Therefore, pay maximum attention to plastering a brick house.

From all that has been said, we must conclude that a brick building will last a long time, but it requires careful care, supervision, and also, such houses take a long time to build.

We use a gas silicate block for the construction of a country house

The gas silicate block is suitable for those residents who want to know the answer to the question of what to build a cheap dacha house from. We would like to note that the gas silicate block is a large building material, it is about 8 times larger than brick, has a low density, approximately 2 times lower than brick. The technology for building a house from blocks and bricks is approximately the same. In general, a gas silicate block is a huge brick, only with better properties. Why is a gas silicate block better than a brick?

  • First, it is large, so the house is built much faster.
  • Second, the block is easier to process. It is easy to saw it in half, drill it and do other things with it. Therefore, it is much easier to lay communications in such a house. This is very convenient when you are building a building where people will live all year round. Therefore, the wiring will need to be laid inside the wall, and not outside, as happens in many country houses.
  • Third, when gas silicate blocks are made, they use an unusual, porous technology. There are small air particles inside the block. This greatly reduces the likelihood that the house will freeze and increases thermal conductivity. It turns out that gas silicate blocks retain heat much better. If you want to build something huge, then purchase gas silicate blocks with a tongue-and-groove “lock” of the connection. Thus, you will reduce the number of joints, and this will increase the safety of the building from drafts.

The advantages of wood in the construction of a country house

This publication will provide you with the answer to the question of what to use to build a country house with your own hands. Above we described two building materials, which can be used for this matter. Now it’s worth talking about such a material as wood.

Wood comes in three varieties:

  • rounded log;
  • timber (planed or profiled);
  • glued wood materials.

In the Russian Federation, wood is the most common material for building a small house. This is due to the availability, good reserves and excellent performance properties of wood. In addition, wood is a fairly cheap material. More expensive, we can offer laminated veneer lumber. It is more resistant to moisture and almost does not shrink, which is why it costs several times more.

If we list the best properties of wood, we get the following:

  1. Wood has good thermal insulation,
  2. Wood allows air to pass through well and absorbs excess moisture,
  3. Wood can “breathe”.
  4. Natural wood has a pleasant aroma that you will inhale for a very long time.
  5. Wood has low resistance to fungus, mold and rot.

Frame-panel houses on a summer cottage

A frame-panel house is latest technology. The main material for building your country house there will be sandwich panels. These panels are attached to a pre-installed frame. It is necessary to build a house frame from large-section timber that can withstand a lot of weight. Then sandwich panels are attached to them, which adjust the walls of the house. Sandwich panels consist of oriented strand boards with insulation between them. A house with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters made of sandwich panels is erected in 25-30 days.

In conclusion

So we told you about what to build a country house from. All these materials will help you build a reliable and comfortable building on your summer cottage. And remember that whatever you choose to build your house, we wish you successful construction and a lot of wonderful and bright days in your new home!

A large number of task owners are interested in which house is cheaper to build, since everyone is interested in saving money. It is worth considering that buildings of the same size can be erected at completely different costs. The cost factor is influenced by a large number of indicators. For example, building a house can be done cheaply through the correct calculation of one’s own strengths, knowledge, energy and talents. In our article we will look at the most basic options, what is best to build a house from and how, so that the price is minimal.

Ways to save

The first option, which will help you save money, concerns the features of the selected project. Such a plan must be calculated rationally and practically. In this case, remember that it is important for architects to present the scheme to you in a beautiful package, but in no way reduce your costs. In most cases, specialists offer beautiful large buildings with bright facades, and many are fascinated by the design picture. But our task is to build a house cheaper.

To build an inexpensive house, you can adhere to the following requirements, namely buildings with one floor, gable roof, floors on the ground and on a shallow foundation. The optimal area should not exceed 120 square meters. m. You can eliminate the installation of internal load-bearing walls and attic covering. A high-quality and economic object should not be like this:

  • Build in too small an area. Remember that, above all, the house should suit your needs.
  • Not to be comfortable. The project should be familiar to living conditions.
  • The house should not be of poor quality. For construction work, you can purchase inexpensive materials, but of good quality.

Today there are such inexpensive project plans:

  • You can make a plan rectangular shape with a gable roof;
  • Build a one-story building without expensive ceilings, a large number of windows and stairs. This scheme will save a lot of money.
  • Construction can be done without a basement or basement; this rule saves on average about 30% of costs.
  • The price can be reduced by laying a shallow recessed base with a plinth and floor covering by soil.
  • You can exclude the creation of unusual and original elements on the facade, for example, arches, bay windows, columns.
  • To reduce roof installation costs by 40%, you can create two or five slopes.
  • Finish walls using the simplest methods.
  • Plastering the facade should be done with a mixture of cement and lime.

Attention! Take the time to choose a project that will help you save on construction work.

This is not the only way to reduce the cost of construction. You can save at all stages, for example you can do the following:

  • Use traditional wall decoration, which is easier to do, so you can do the work yourself.
  • What material should the building be made of? The total price of the entire building will depend on your choice. In order to further reduce costs, you should make the purchase yourself, without the help of intermediaries.
  • You can also not use the services of construction companies, but carry out the construction yourself.

Features of materials

According to SNiP, the owner of a construction project is obliged to perform correct calculations and optimize the shell of the house regarding the payback of thermal insulation products. One building may have different structural elements, so the cost is calculated per cubic meter. The next step is to calculate the heating consumption. It is worth noting that each detail pays off after a different amount of time, so they need to be approached individually.

Attention! Each region of the country has its own payback period for construction projects.

Experience over many years has shown that in harsh climate zones, it is more economical to spend on high-quality insulation materials, which will reduce heating costs in winter. For example, you can create walls in two layers with an inexpensive thin load-bearing layer. Thus, the masonry can have a thickness of 25 cm, and the insulation can be up to 30 cm. For harsh conditions, it is more profitable to use energy-saving material, for example, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam, gas silicate.

A square meter of frame wall contains the highest amount of effective insulation. This design pays off the fastest, as it requires a small amount of construction process costs. It is optimal to build buildings with a frame in a temperate climate zone, since the savings will be rational.

For mild climates, building a house is the cheapest. In this situation, you can build houses with one layer of lightweight concrete walls. It is worth noting that you can do without additional thermal insulation, since it is not necessary. Next, let's clarify the construction options and determine what is cheaper to build from.

Making walls from bricks

This masonry has proven itself to be the most effective in terms of price and physical strength. This design is most often created from ceramic bricks, for example brand M 100. It is worth noting that this is the cheapest option for brick buildings. So for 1 sq. m. requires the following amount of tools:

  • Bricks, 20 pcs., will cost you less than 2 thousand rubles.
  • 26 liters of solution – approximately 60 rubles;
  • A reinforced concrete support belt costs about 200 rubles;
  • The cheapest plaster can be bought for 200 rubles.

That is, to build a cubic meter of brick wall you will spend an average of 2,300 rubles. Of course, this amount may vary depending on the pricing policy of the store where you will buy the materials.

Aerated concrete walls

The most optimal replacement for brickwork can be considered aerated concrete blocks. This technology helps achieve the following indicators:

  • Reduce overall weight;
  • Ensure low heat conductivity;
  • Increases the level of noise insulation.

Such a small load on the base reduces construction costs. In order for the built house to be cheap, it is best to use D500 blocks, 40 cm thick. The rationality of such material can be confirmed by the following calculation data per 1 sq. m.:

  • 7 block cubes will cost you 1100 rubles;
  • Special masonry adhesive weighing 10 kg – 85 rubles;
  • A reinforced concrete mesh costs about 200 rubles;
  • Cube support belt. m. - approximately 200 rubles;
  • Columns of the monolith frame – 150 rubles;
  • Plastering agent – ​​280 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that a cubic meter will cost you approximately 1,700 rubles. As you can see, the price is relatively the same as the previous option. But, in this situation, the process requires a sufficient amount of physical effort, so you will have to spend money on hired workers, and the cost will increase by 1,500 rubles.

Timber walls

This type of construction is made from natural ingredients that give the material the best ability to retain heat. Now we will try to find out which house is the cheapest to build. So, another economical option is to build from 20 cm timber, with 10 cm insulation and 2 cm plaster. To create such a square meter you need to spend this way:

  • Basic material - approximately 1500 rubles;
  • Insulating wool or means for pair insulation – 400 rubles;
  • Plastering agent consumption is approximately 70 rubles.

Such square meter costs approximately 1,900 rubles, and on average you need to pay 1,800 rubles for its implementation. It is worth noting that such construction is optimally used for the construction of a small country or mountain house.

Frame type of construction

How to build a house using this method must be done with a wooden frame, thermal insulation and softboard, that is, sheathing. In order to build a frame structure, it is better to use a dry block. Such a square meter will cost the following:

  • Material consumption per 1 sq. m. – 400 rub.;
  • Thermal insulation agent – ​​270 RUR;
  • The cladding will cost about 300 rubles.

That is, this type of construction does not exceed the cost per square meter of 1000 rubles.

Having examined the results of the calculations, we can say with confidence that timber beams are the most expensive method of construction. So, what to build a house from? If you want to save your budget as much as possible, then choose a frame type of building. However, this does not mean that timber construction is now the most expensive, since the price can be changed by different indicators. The pricing policy for all types of buildings is approximately in the same range; the savings mainly lie in labor services.


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