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Recently, many rumors have begun to appear about the dangers of stretch ceilings. Most consumers believe that the material from which suspended ceilings are made carries a danger associated with the release of toxic substances hazardous to human and animal health. And despite the fact that manufacturers indicate the absolute safety of the materials, negative rumors spread with great speed. It is necessary to identify what is true and what is myth from the rumors being spread. And only after that decide to use suspended ceilings in your apartment, or abandon them forever. Installation instructions for seamless suspended ceilings Here:

Harm of stretch ceilings to health, doctors’ opinion

There are whole legends about the dangers of suspended ceilings:

  1. Stretch ceilings are harmful to our health. All products presented on the construction market by manufacturers of suspended ceilings have various quality certificates and are checked for compliance with environmental safety standards. Accordingly, a product that has all the necessary documents and certificates is unreasonably accused of causing harm.
  2. The material for suspended ceilings emits a harmful toxic odor. We can agree about the presence of smell here, but only partly. Stretch ceilings made from fabric have no odor at all, while PVC film can emit a specific odor only in the first few hours after installation. If your ceiling smells for a long time, then you are faced with low-quality products that do not have certificates. It is necessary to get rid of such a ceiling as soon as possible, as it emits harmful phenolic fumes.
  3. Stretch ceilings do not allow air to pass through, and therefore there is no possibility of normal air circulation. In fact, this opinion is wrong, although the installation of a suspended ceiling makes some adjustments to the air circulation system. The design of the stretch ceiling makes it possible to install a ventilation system that will create the necessary air movement for normal air circulation.
  4. The harm of fabric ceilings is also a myth. Fabric-based stretch ceilings are an absolutely harmless building material, their environmental friendliness is confirmed by ECO quality certificates.
    Doctors also believe that suspended ceilings are absolutely harmless; the main thing is to purchase them from a trusted representative or dealer, and not from a dubious unknown company at a reduced price. Then you can be 100 percent sure that you have purchased a quality product. Many doctors themselves recommend installing suspended ceilings, namely on a fabric basis.

Are suspended ceilings harmful in the bedroom?

The bedroom in the apartment is a resting place in the apartment, intended for sleeping. And as you know, a person spends a third of his life sleeping, sleep gives energy and strength to a person. And if you constantly sleep in a room with toxic fumes and unpleasant chemical odors, what kind of rest can we talk about when you wake up in the morning crushed and with a headache. And then various chronic diseases begin to develop. It is worth noting that such a situation can only arise when using low-quality building materials, including suspended ceilings. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is necessary to choose a trusted manufacturer whose products have all the necessary quality certificates. Fabric ceilings are perfect for installation in such rooms, since they are made entirely of natural materials, if purchased from a real manufacturer, of course. Read about the features of installing combined suspended ceilings.

Damage from suspended ceilings in a children's room

As mentioned earlier, harm can only be caused by low-quality and uncertified products purchased from an unknown seller. In the case of installing suspended ceilings in a children's room, parents are often tormented as to whether to install suspended ceiling structures there at all. In this case, you should study the market well and purchase high-quality products that have various certificates and meet all international standards. It may be more expensive, but such a canvas will definitely not cause any trouble. Real ceilings are hypoallergenic and have the property of repelling dust, that is, it cannot settle on the surface of the ceiling canvas; all products are absolutely harmless and safe. The most ideal option will be, which have all of the above properties, and in addition provide natural air circulation thanks to the special weaving of fabric fibers.

PVC stretch ceilings, harm

There are a lot of legends about the dangers of PVC suspended ceilings; even the yellow press writes about them as being responsible for cancer. As a result, consumers are afraid of purchasing these products, and the fear is completely unfounded. The material from which they are made does indeed contain the chemicals phenol and toluene, which buyers are so afraid of. Their content in the film could be truly harmful if the quantity were large. In reality, these substances are contained in ceilings in very small quantities, the norm of their content is significantly less than the European norm. In addition, all this chemistry is contained in almost everything that surrounds us in modern times– these include clothes, dishes, cars, and even whitewash on the ceiling. All this is a consequence of using large quantity artificial materials. Only the content of this chemical is minimized as much as possible, and any consumer can avoid the harmful effects of chemicals if he chooses a quality product.

In order to protect yourself and your family from the possible purchase of low-quality goods, you should do a little research in advance on the manufacturers and suppliers of this product.

For example, you can often hear about high-quality ceilings made in Belgium. In fact, Belgium has never been involved in the production of suspended ceilings; therefore, they cannot exist in nature at all. Unless it's just a fake.

It is also necessary to observe safety precautions during installation, otherwise harm may be caused to installers during the work process. And you cannot install suspended ceilings next to radiators or heating devices; in a sauna it will also not be appropriate precisely for safety reasons.


Watch the video for all the secrets of suspended ceilings:

Stretch ceilings are very popular in our country. They are original, varied, beautiful. When the first wave of euphoria over previously unknown types of ceiling designs subsided, the question arose whether they were harmful to health.

Types of materials

Stretch ceilings are a suspended structure consisting of a frame, fastening elements and the canvas itself. It is clear that everyone wants their ceilings to be absolutely safe for the person living in the apartment.

Safety depends on the correct choice of material from which the suspended structure is assembled. If the base and fastening parts do not have an impact on the human body, then the stretched fabric has such capabilities.

The material of modern suspended ceilings can be made from:

  • fabrics.

PVC is an artificial material, it is a polyvinyl chloride film. The film is distinguished by color, thickness, density. The film is very durable and impervious to moisture.

Woven fabric is made from man-made fibers polyester (polyester). The canvases are impregnated with a special compound – polyurethane.

Impregnation is required to increase strength and resistance to moisture.

Properties and composition

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish two types of material made in the same white color. The differences lie in the composition.

Polyester woven fabrics with appropriate impregnation they form “breathable” suspended ceilings. Such structures are installed in a “cold” way, that is, without special equipment that heats the air to a hot state.

Textiles are much more expensive than film.

However, given its environmental friendliness and other advantages, this option should be chosen for residential premises.

PVC film, used for suspended ceilings, has more than 100 different color shades. It is available in various widths and can take on a variety of shapes. The price of the film is low.

The film ceiling takes on a perfectly smooth appearance. Utilities, electrical wiring, and floor defects are easily hidden behind the panels.

PVC ceilings perfectly resist flammability. When a fire occurs, it is not combustion that is observed, but smoldering of the material. The coating does not absorb odors, does not collect dust, and is capable of retaining heat in the room.

The ceiling does not need to be painted. It is easy to care for; the film can be easily washed with mild detergents.

If necessary, the structure can be dismantled and reinstalled.

To the disadvantages PVC ceilings Several factors include:

  • Unpleasant smell. After installation, it lasts from several hours to several days.
  • Impossibility of use in unheated rooms with temperatures below + 5 degrees.
  • Instability to mechanical stress.
  • If there is welding, it is not possible to completely hide the seam.
  • Low-quality polyvinyl chloride is hazardous to health. The effect of PVC on a person depends on the condition of the material. When purchasing a film suspended ceiling You need to pay attention to the availability of quality certificates.

For fabric stretch ceilings Polyester mesh material is used. Impregnation of the ceiling canvas can be carried out on one or both sides. Thanks to the width of the canvas of 4 meters, the suspended structure is seamless, which has a positive effect on the appearance.

Fabrics do not have as wide a range of colors as films. There are very few color options. But photo printing can be easily applied to fabrics. And after installation they can be painted.

Re-installation is contraindicated for woven structures. Caring for such stretch ceilings requires special skills. The material absorbs moisture, and with it dust and soot.

In order to remove dirt, you have to work hard or invite specialists from a cleaning company to clean it.

Recently, fiberglass has been used for suspended ceilings. The material is harmless to people and animals, and is also very durable.

Impact on microclimate

If we talk about the microclimate, then suspended ceilings do not have a significant impact on it. The main disadvantages are that they somewhat reduce the volume of the room. The lower the ceilings, the less air there is in the room. On the one hand, this is not bad. For example, in cold weather it will take less time to heat the room. On the other side, big company It will quickly become stuffy in a room with a low ceiling. The problem can be solved by using an air conditioner or simply opening a window.

Poor ventilation

Stretch ceilings have been used for a long time, and ventilation problems do not arise with them. Regardless of the type of ceiling, it is recommended to ventilate the premises. Regularly ensuring the outflow of stale air and the influx of fresh air is beneficial both for the people in the room and for the room itself. If you forget about ventilation where it accumulates humid air, both fungus and mold will appear.

This happens in any room, regardless of how the ceiling is arranged.

Greenhouse effect

The myth about the greenhouse effect of suspended ceilings arose when the innovation itself appeared.

In principle, the appearance of a greenhouse effect is possible if there is an airtight film on the ceiling and plastic on the walls and floor. It is dangerous to stay in such a room for a long time. Timely ventilation will protect people from lack of oxygen and protect walls and ceilings from destruction.

Those who care about their own health strive to improve their homes using natural materials. Fabric ceilings, paper wallpaper and a wooden floor - there is no greenhouse effect.

Let it be natural finishing materials They are more expensive, but they are guaranteed not to cause harm to health.

Poor quality products

It just so happens that only Chinese film ceilings can be installed. The Chinese have filled the sales markets with all Eastern Europe. Even if some supplier or company claims that their ceiling kits are from a different manufacturer, you should not believe them. From abroad we receive only fabric stretch ceilings with a very high cost. All film comes from China.

We have long ago adopted the idea that everything Chinese is only harmful. Let's see how true this statement is.

Production in the Middle Kingdom is developing rapidly. China is conquering new markets thanks to its wide range of products. Certified products are more expensive, low-quality products are cheaper.

Naturally, harm is presented where the cost is lowest.

Non-compliance with standards

Standards vary. Russian ones, for example, do not reach European standards; Chinese ones are somewhat inferior to Russian ones. Products exported must comply with ISO international safety standards.

When purchasing a ceiling, you should make sure that you have a document confirming its compliance with the established requirements. Relevant certificates are always available from sellers or organizations that provide services for installing suspended ceilings. Refusal to show a document indicates the absence of a certificate and the product’s non-compliance with standards, that is, its low quality.

Exceeding the limits of harmful substances

This situation, when the degree of excess of substances that are harmful to humans is high, threatens him with serious troubles, even death.

The most harmful substances that may be present in low-quality materials are several chemical compounds.

  • Phenol. Phenol vapors are poisonous. They tend to accumulate in the body. In case of phenol vapor poisoning, vomiting, weakness, and low blood pressure are observed. Long-term poisoning with small doses leads to damage internal organs, nervous system disorder.
  • Cadmium. It can cause the appearance of malignant tumors, leaches calcium from bones, and damages the kidneys and liver. The accumulation of heavy metal in the body is fatal.

  • Methylbenzene. A very harmful substance. Inhalation of its vapors leads to damage to the entire body.
  • Chlorine. Terrible toxin. It can damage the lungs so much that normal breathing becomes impossible. A person who has inhaled chlorine vapor first loses consciousness, and then, in the absence of timely help, loses life.

The smell will tell you about the quality

Initially, the smell is present in all film canvases. High-quality specimens are distinguished by the fact that the persistent odor disappears quite quickly. After two days, a subtle aroma remains.

The presence of odors is allowed for two weeks after installation of the ceiling. You shouldn't breathe them. It is better not to enter the room during the period of complete weathering of harmful substances. And if it’s an apartment or a house, then it’s better to temporarily move in with relatives or go on a trip.

The alarm should be sounded if a persistent odor persists after the control period of 14 days. The smell reveals low quality material.

Leaving such a ceiling in the house is completely unacceptable.

On the Internet you can find many consumer reviews not only about the benefits of suspended ceilings in decorating rooms, but also the harm to health, but in order to understand how true the information is, it is better to listen to the opinion of doctors and carefully study the composition of the material and its effect on the human body.

Types of suspended ceilings and materials

There are two main types of suspended ceilings: polyvinyl chloride and fabric, each of which has its own pros, cons and specific application.

Polyvinyl chloride coatings (or PVC) are divided into the following subtypes:

  • glossy ceilings;
  • matte;
  • satin;
  • mother-of-pearl;
  • exclusive;
  • translucent.

The main components of suspended ceilings are products of chemical synthesis from petroleum products

PVC canvases have different textures, colors and shapes - everything to satisfy even the most demanding consumer. Their price is comparatively low. The only feature of these coatings is the presence of an inconspicuous seam.

Fabric stretch ceilings do not have such rich colors as PVC. On the construction market they are presented mainly in white and beige shades. Such ceilings do not have a seam, which some note as an advantage. Their price is higher than PVC film.

Health risk factors from suspended ceilings and their reality

Despite the fact that both PVC and fabric stretch ceilings have undeniable advantages, We should not forget about the disadvantages, the main one of which is harm to health.

Chemical composition and properties of NP fabric and PVC materials

First, let's look at chemical composition PVC coatings, because they are considered the most common. Such ceilings consist of polyvinyl chloride and petroleum products. Polyvinyl chloride is a polymer based on chlorine and petroleum products.

Vinyl chloride is organic matter, a colorless gas with a faint sweetish odor. In fact, it is a derivative of ethylene. This substance is flammable and explosive, and releases toxic substances when burned. To be more precise, it is a strong poison that has a carcinogenic effect on humans.

In addition, in addition to vinyl chloride, the composition includes phenol and toluene. Such substances can only affect the body to a large extent.

PVC is a very stable compound that is moisture resistant; it is incapable of dissolving in acid or other chemicals, but when heated, it loses these qualities, melts strongly and even evaporates. In this case a small amount of volatiles is released into the air chemicals , among which the main ones are toluene and phenol. They are only dangerous in large doses.

Fabric stretch ceilings are a polyester mesh impregnated with polyurethane. This substance is similar to rubber and is resistant to aggressive chemicals and high temperatures.

Therefore, based on comparative analysis, it can be argued that The harm from fabric suspended ceilings is much less.

Harmful substances are present in absolutely everything and everywhere, but it’s all about their concentration and personal tolerance

More information about the composition of suspended ceilings different manufacturers and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements can be seen in the table:

Name of indicators Hygienic standard Stretch ceilings
Seamless stretch ceilings PVC stretch ceilings
CLIPSO Descor Russia, China France
Smell "1" point "0" points "0" points "1" point "0.5" points
Formaldehyde 0.01 < 0.003 0.003 < 0.003 0.04
Phenol 0.003 <0.002 <0.002 0.010 <0.002
Xylene 0.04 0.004 <0.005 0.001 0.001
Xylene 0.3 0.002 0.002 <0.001 0.001
Ethyl acetate 0.1 0.007 0.007 0.2 0.001
Toluene 0.6 0.001 0,5 <0.001
Acrylonitrile 0.03 <0.001
Pseudocumene 0.015 <0.001
Butyl acetate 0.1 <0.001
Acetone 0.35 0.02
Sanitary and hygienic requirements Yes Yes No Yes


PVC is unique among plastics not only because of its chlorine content. PVC also cannot be used without additives (stabilizers), because it is unstable.

In their natural form, PVC materials are hard and brittle. So, to add flexibility, plasticizers are used; to add color, metals are used; in order to protect materials from fungi and bacteria - biocides. In PVC There are up to 150 different additives, so that they make up up to 60% of the weight of the final products.


According to manufacturers, the specific smell can last from several days to several weeks. This is an indicator that the suspended ceiling is of poor quality, and, answering the question of whether such coatings are harmful, we can safely say that yes, therefore, despite the positive reviews, it is highly not recommended to install them in bedrooms and in the bathroom, because they can be harmful to health be significant.

If even after two weeks there is a persistent sweetish chemical smell of phenol in the room (similar to the smell of paint), it is better to dismantle or replace the coating.

There is a belief that fabric stretch ceilings do not smell, and therefore do not harm health. This is indeed true, but only if it is not a cheap fake. Thus, some fabrics of Chinese origin contain toxic types of plastic polyurethanes, which are prohibited for use under international law. Therefore, specific additives in the form of fragrances are often added to the composition to mask the odor. If there is a persistent smell in the room, even if it is the aroma of freshly washed linen, this is an indicator that the linen is a fake.

Unfortunately, this can only be determined by installing a suspended ceiling.

China has its own standards and tolerances for harmful substances, and they are much more “liberal” than European ones

Flammability, release of harmful substances when heated

According to consumer reviews, immediately after installing a PVC stretch ceiling or during the installation process, There is a special smell in the room that is harmful to health. The fact is that PVC ceilings cannot be installed without heating the film, and the temperature rises to 65-70 degrees. As noted above, in this case, harmful volatile substances evaporate into the air. Unlike them, fabric stretch ceilings are relatively safe.

PVC materials pose a serious fire hazard. If a fire affects any materials, the concentration of acid smoke and harmful organochlorine emissions, such as dioxin, in the air increases significantly.

But PVC is not capable of burning. The chlorine contained in the composition prevents fire, but the danger is that such materials can smolder. So, there is more harm from a smoldering than from a burning stretch ceiling. Fabric manufacturers claim that When burning, HCL is released, but the concentration of this gas is much lower than the lethal dose, so the risks are minimal. But this is not entirely true, according to experts, in addition to the above substance, into the air when suspended ceilings smolder heavy additives, stabilizers and, in some cases, cadmium are released, these are the ones that cause significant harm to health.

Climatological hazards

Based on the properties of the materials from which suspended ceilings are made, it is worth paying attention to climatological hazards, in particular greenhouse effect and deterioration of ventilation.

Greenhouse effect and deterioration of ventilation

One of the advantages of PVC stretch ceilings is that they do not form condensation, and therefore mold and mildew do not form on them, and this brings undeniable benefits, but the negative side, the harm, is that they do not allow air to pass through at all. Under the influence of high temperatures a microgreenhouse effect may form in the room. According to experts, after installation The room should be ventilated for at least two weeks.

As a result of research carried out in the field of environmental friendliness of residential premises, hygienic standards have been established that materials for finishing rooms must comply with. The danger of a stretch ceiling made of PVC material is that these standards exceed the permissible parameters. Actually, All films, and definitely those made in China, have high levels of phenol and formaldehyde.

The big advantage of fabric stretch ceilings is that they “breathe”, which means this effect is not observed; their disadvantages are more associated with inconvenience in operation.

Fabric ceilings are preferable to PVC in terms of health safety

Traumatic danger

Stretch ceilings are not inherently hazardous. Injuries can only occur during the process of (de)installing the ceiling, but this is the risk of the installers, not the consumers.

Summary: where are the myths, where is the reality?

It is not recommended to install either fabric or film stretch ceilings in the bathroom, nursery and kitchen, despite the positive reviews, how aesthetically pleasing it looks, because harm and difficulties in operation will only create unnecessary problems.

According to doctors, suspended ceilings can cause serious harm to health, in particular formaldehyde, phenol and toluene have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs, and impregnations and coating additives are a real threat to the nervous and immune systems. That's why negative reviews about PVC coatings are justified. To get the maximum benefit without causing significant harm to the body, it is better to install fabric stretch ceilings.

Stretch ceilings, which are panels stretched on holders, have been known since ancient times. Roman patricians draped the ceiling with beautiful, expensive fabrics; in Scandinavian countries, bleached canvas was used for these purposes. Of course, such natural materials could not cause any harm to health.

Nowadays, polyvinyl chloride film is most often used to install suspended ceilings; it is a product of the chemical industry, and many people have doubts about its safety. Of course, you should figure out whether stretch ceilings are harmful to health.

The stretch ceiling must be impeccable in both appearance and safety.

Why is the harm of suspended ceilings discussed?

The disadvantages of suspended ceilings have been discussed since their appearance on the modern construction market. The fact is that in the production of polyvinyl chloride film, many chemical substances are used, most of which are not dangerous, but elements such as formaldehyde, toluene and phenol when evaporated, indeed, to one degree or another, have a negative effect on the respiratory system and skin and the human nervous system.

It should be understood that everyone’s body is different, some people feel great in rooms decorated with artificial materials, others suffer from allergic reactions, so it is hardly possible to talk about the absolute safety or harmfulness of the coating for everyone without exception.

It would seem that it is impossible to determine the limit after which products begin to pose a danger, but this is not true.
Stretch ceiling installation process

Existing safety standards

Currently, there are safety standards, during the development of which many parameters were assessed. This is the so-called ISO international environmental safety system. If the manufactured product meets all its requirements, it does not pose a threat to humans.

That is why, when purchasing suspended ceilings, you should definitely require a quality certificate not only for the product itself, but also for the installation work. Unfortunately, we have to admit that some dishonest traders falsify documents by printing them on a color printer, so it is better to find out what a genuine certificate looks like in advance.

Guess where PVC film is produced

It’s easy to guess where polyvinyl chloride film is produced - in the People’s Republic of China. There are many enterprises producing this type of product located here. To be fair, it should be noted that among them there are conscientious manufacturers who produce high-quality goods.

Production of film for stretch ceilings

The so-called Belgian film has never been produced in this country; there are simply no enterprises there to produce it. It’s just that at one time a Belgian company was supplying Chinese products to the domestic construction market, hence the name.

The seller's statement that the film was made in Germany, Belgium or France is not true; it was, of course, made in China. At the same time, no one has yet figured out how to label a material such as polyvinyl chloride film, and many have learned to forge a quality certificate.

How to verify the quality of the material

The easiest way to verify the quality of a material is by the smell it emits. Three situations may occur:

  • After installing a stretch ceiling, the smell is completely absent or disappears after a short time. In this case, you don't have to worry.
  • A not very strong smell is released for about two weeks. This film is not recommended for use in the bedroom; it will work in the toilet or kitchen.
  • If, after two weeks, the suspended ceiling continues to emit a viscous and sweetish odor, it should be immediately dismantled. This is what undoubtedly harmful phenol smells like.

A sharp unpleasant odor makes you doubt the quality of the stretch ceiling

Of course, it is impossible to determine before installing it how long and how strongly the stretch ceiling will emit odor. Reviews from friends and acquaintances who have already used this product, tested its performance in practice and identified possible disadvantages can help here.

What does low-quality film mean?

Low-quality film contains toxic substances that are very dangerous to human health. First of all, it is phenol, which has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, affecting the liver and kidneys. Inhalation of toxic fumes can lead to pulmonary edema, infertility, cancer and heart disease - no wonder it is strictly prohibited in most countries. The situation is aggravated by the fact that phenol forms persistent compounds that do not decompose for a long time. True, it is eliminated from the human body quite quickly, causing irreparable harm to health.

You should choose a film taking into account both the appearance and the safety of the material.

Belonging to the group of heavy metals, cadmium accumulates in the kidneys and liver, contributing to the formation of stones and various pathologies, including cancer. At the same time, it lingers in tissues for a period of ten to thirty years.

Toluene, produced from petroleum, is not soluble in water, but mixes well with the air. Entering the blood through the respiratory tract, the toxin affects the organs of vision, hearing and brain. It is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy; irreparable harm can be caused to the baby.

Chlorine, which belongs to the second class of danger, when inhaled, strongly irritates the mucous membranes, causing a hysterical cough and increased heart rate. Regular inhalation of toxic fumes provokes the occurrence of cancer.

Stretch ceilings mounted from counterfeit polyvinyl chloride film are undoubtedly harmful to health. You should be wary if a product is sold at an extremely low price, and you should only purchase it from trusted suppliers.

Waterproofness: good or bad?

Polyvinyl chloride film does not allow water to pass through; a suspended ceiling made from it can protect living quarters from a fairly serious flood caused by neighbors above. But, on the other hand, the disadvantages of a stretch ceiling are that it also does not allow air to pass through, the coating does not breathe.

This is what a suspended ceiling looks like after a water leak from neighbors above

This drawback should not be prioritized; plastic windows, for example, are also made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through, which is why they are used less. Well-functioning ventilation, available in every modern home, helps to cope with the problem.

Fabric stretch ceiling is more expensive and definitely safe

Fabric stretch ceilings are more expensive than products made from polyvinyl chloride film, but they are definitely safe for health. Manufacturers of this type of product mark their products, so it is quite difficult to counterfeit them.

Fabric ceiling guarantees environmental safety and original appearance

The cloth does not have any odor at all; no substances harmful to health are used in its production. It can be used in any living space without restrictions.

Opinion of doctors and specialists

According to doctors and specialists, it is better to install fabric stretch ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms; they do not pose any health hazard. In rooms with high levels of humidity, such as the kitchen, toilet and bathroom, fabric ceilings will quickly lose their original appearance; polyvinyl chloride film is more appropriate here. However, low-quality film cannot be used anywhere: stretch ceilings made from it are urgently dismantled; if this is not done on time, the consequences can be unpredictable for health.

Causes of suspended ceiling contamination

The reasons for contamination of a stretch ceiling are exactly the same as for any other type of ceiling surface finish. Most often, particles of fat and soot formed during cooking and using a gas stove are deposited on it. The first thing you need to do is clean the ceiling in the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen get dirty the fastest

Family members who smoke in the apartment add variety to the color scheme of the contaminants - yellow nicotine stains appear on the surface. The installation of a high-quality hood and punitive measures against malicious smokers will help correct the situation.

Yellow stains also appear due to high humidity in ceilings, which occurs due to a malfunction of the pipeline network, as well as due to leaks in neighbors. You should find out the cause of the contamination as quickly as possible and eliminate it, since traces of rust form unsightly yellow spots on the stretch ceiling.

To remove such a stain you will have to work hard

In the bathroom, the chemical components of evaporating water leave white stains on the surface. In addition to the above, the surface can be stained by a jet of champagne hitting it, splashes from an exploding container of tomatoes or compote, children’s pranks, and so on. At the same time, cleaning the ceiling preserves its gloss and original condition.

List of accessories for surface care

It’s not easy to figure out how to wash suspended ceilings. The list of accessories for the care of stretch ceiling film includes a strong sliding ladder that does not slip on the floor surface, on which you can sit without the risk of falling. You will need a rag or a foam sponge made of microfiber that absorbs water well, but under no circumstances should you use brushes with hard bristles.

Special cleaning chemicals are expensive, but they can be replaced with dishwashing or glass cleaner. In addition, you will need a sufficiently large bucket and rubber gloves.

General rules for cleaning stretch ceilings

If we want to properly wash a matte or glossy stretch ceiling without leaving streaks, we must follow the general cleaning rules. We list the most important ones:

  • before performing work, remove jewelry, watches, bracelets and other objects that may damage the susceptible surface;
  • Do not remove dirt with a knife, a brush with stiff bristles, or any kind of scrapers made of metal or plastic;
  • You should use a soft sponge, making circular movements in the direction of the joining seam;
  • Cleaning products that contain abrasive particles cannot be used, otherwise they will damage the surface;
  • acetone dissolves the material from which the suspended ceiling is made and can make holes in it;
  • It is not allowed to press too hard on the surface when cleaning and bring it into contact with the ceiling itself;
  • It is most correct to use a glass cleaner with ammonia, after using which there will be no streaks.

It is easy to ruin a stretch ceiling with a long-handled mop because it is difficult to regulate the pressure exerted on the film.

For cleaning purposes, you can carefully use a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment, trying not to touch the surface being treated with it while working. You have to take care of the ceiling in the kitchen especially carefully, because it is in this room that the largest amount of pollution is deposited on it.

Cleaning agents for glossy and matte surfaces

Set of products for stretch ceiling care

To wash matte and glossy films, it is not allowed to use products containing abrasive particles and acetone. The glass care composition with ammonia will restore the glossy shine, wash the film well and will not leave streaks on it. A mixture of soft washing powder with shavings of laundry soap dissolved in warm water gives good results.

When using the solution, its temperature should not exceed forty degrees, otherwise the coating may be damaged. Whipped foam is applied to the surface to be cleaned, but there is no need to soap it. Among industrially produced compositions, preference should be given to brands such as “Mr. Muscle” and “Vanish”: the proprietary mixture cleans the coating efficiently.

Methods for dry cleaning film from dust

You can clean suspended ceilings without using humidifiers. Dry cleaning of the film from dust can be done with a soft cloth or napkin in a circular motion, wiping the surface with it. This work can be done more efficiently by using a vacuum cleaner with a suction hose of sufficient length, at the end of which a soft nozzle is placed. You should not touch it to the surface to be cleaned; you should leave a gap of about two centimeters.

Careful use of a vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling is quite effective.

Note that special products help prevent dust deposition; when processed, they impart antistatic properties to the coating. As a result, the surface is not electrified and stops attracting dust.

How to wash a glossy ceiling without streaks

Stains remaining on the surface of the stretch ceiling after washing will disappoint the cleaning author. In order to prevent their formation as a result of wet wiping, you need to follow some simple rules. You can wash a glossy ceiling without streaks as follows:

  • First, apply whipped soap suds or a cleaning agent to the surface, and then wipe it dry;
  • washing should be carried out in the direction of the joining seams, and not across them;
  • a composition of one part ammonia diluted in ten parts water will give the coating a glossy shine and remove traces of soap stains;
  • The glass cleaner also does not leave streaks after use.

The glossy ceiling is easy to clean with microfiber

When using a stretch ceiling, there is no need to bring it to such a state that the surface requires lengthy and persistent cleaning. They need to be washed, wiped and cleaned in a timely manner. Old stains that have become embedded in the structure of the material are very difficult to remove; rubbing them off can damage the coating and ruin its appearance.

Methods for cleaning matte surfaces

Matte surfaces imitate the surface of a ceiling covered with a layer of plaster. Methods for cleaning a matte stretch ceiling involve the following sequence of actions:

  • cobwebs and dust from the surface are removed with a microfiber cloth;
  • then whipped foam of soap solution is applied to the coating using a circular motion (without applying strong pressure) with a soft sponge;
  • the cleaning agent is washed off;
  • Use a soft cloth to dry the final wipe.

Matte stretch ceiling is easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner

How to get rid of stains on a stretch ceiling

Stains on a suspended ceiling most often appear from the effects of grease, rust, water leaks, the effects of smoking in the apartment, as a result of household use of paint, felt-tip pens, ketchup, splashes of champagne, and so on. You can get rid of grease stains using a soft sponge soaked in dishwashing detergent. After removing the stain, the area where it is located is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a rag.

Stains from water leaks are removed with a mixture of one part ammonia and one part planed laundry soap dissolved in it. Contaminants from ketchup or tomato paste are removed with hydrogen peroxide, and traces of a felt-tip pen or marker are wiped with alcohol or soapy water.

Drops of paint are removed very carefully with a solvent, and when performing this manipulation it is important not to touch the adjacent surface of the panel.

What to do if there are circles left after cleaning

If, after cleaning the surface of the stretch ceiling, circles from the soap solution remain on it, they should be removed. To do this, the coating must be washed several times using a soft sponge. After each wet wipe, the surface is dried with a rag.

Many people associate the installation of suspended ceilings with potential harm and danger. Moreover, such fears spread with lightning speed, like a damaged phone. The article suggests understanding what harm can be caused by suspended ceilings, what is just a myth, and what should be taken as a fact for such a design.

What do quality certificates say?

Despite the fact that suspended ceilings are incredibly popular today, many believe that they are hazardous to health. Such rumors are motivated by the fact that the polyvinyl chloride, which serves as their basis, emits harmful fumes that can cause, at best, allergies, and at worst, a systemic disorder of the entire body.

So far, no such fatal consequences from the use of suspended ceilings have been recorded. Although, absolutely hypoallergenic building materials have not yet been invented.

To maintain quality at the proper level and control the environmental friendliness of stretch ceilings, and any other building materials, there are standard certification methods. Those uninitiated in this topic may mistakenly believe that getting such a beautiful piece of paper in a frame is a piece of cake, but this is far from the truth.

To obtain the coveted quality certificate, various multi-level checks, laboratory tests and periodic production monitoring are carried out. Only based on the results of such supervision, a verdict is made - whether such material is suitable for receiving a quality certificate or not. The international ISO certificate is considered the most authoritative.

If a company has such a certificate, then you can rest assured about the quality and safety of suspended ceilings. But the price for such canvases is high. This is explained by the use of high-quality raw materials, the services of qualified personnel and the cost recovery (and considerable ones) of obtaining an international standard.

Attention! When purchasing suspended ceilings, be sure to first ask for certificates of conformity. If they don’t exist or the statute of limitations has expired, then you can safely leave such a “sharashka office”, since, most likely, they have solid “Chinese” in their circulation.

Materials for suspended ceilings

In order to consider the harm of coatings, it is necessary to get acquainted with the materials that are used for their manufacture.

These could be:

  • Polyvinyl chloride film.

To make thin, special equipment is used, which ultimately winds the material into a roll. When mounted on the ceiling, the strips are cut to the required length and, if necessary, welded to increase the width of the web.

When installing the canvas, the room is heated with a heat gun to approximately 65°C. The stretched and slightly sagging film is stretched onto a pre-installed frame.

After cooling, the polyvinyl chloride ceiling becomes well stretched and smooth.

The texture of the ceiling surface is determined by the type of film, its color and pattern. Examples of coating are shown in the photo.

  • Textile. The appearance and texture of the elastic fabric is reminiscent of the material used to make women's stockings. The fabric acquires the required color after coating the fabric with the appropriate polymer, and the varnish coating makes the material moisture resistant.

The dangers of PVC ceilings

Polyvinyl chloride film is most often used to decorate ceilings in apartments, offices and other premises. This is due to their characteristics.

The pros and cons of the material are presented in the table:

Tip: When choosing a material, you should keep in mind that it is impossible to distinguish a high-quality film from a fake by eye. Therefore, you should not purchase too cheap material.

You can determine the harm of a stretch ceiling after installation by smell.

Conventionally, such products are divided into three categories:

  • After installation, the canvas either does not smell or has a very faint smell, which disappears without a trace after two days. Just in case, you need to ventilate the room well after finishing work.

  • Such films are used in any premises. There is not a very strong smell of “chemicals” for 7 to 14 days. It is better to leave the room at this time so as not to harm your health. This indicates average film quality. Such a ceiling should not be installed in the bedroom, and it will not cause harm in the kitchen (see), bathroom or hallway.

  • The most unpleasant thing is when the smell does not disappear after two weeks of using the coating. It remains quite strong, viscous, somewhat sweet, like poisonous phenol. In this case, the harm from a stretch ceiling is obvious. Such material requires immediate replacement.

Advice: When choosing PVC film, you should rely on the recommendations of friends and relatives who have already installed this type of ceiling in their home and will tell you why suspended ceilings are harmful.

Are fabrics harmful?

The fabric of this ceiling is polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane, which increases its strength. This is a beautiful, strong canvas that also “breathes.”

The advantages and disadvantages of the material are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • High resistance to temperature changes.
  • Sufficient resistance to mechanical stress and high strength.
  • Installation of such ceilings is carried out in a cold way, without heating the room (see). When heated, the fabric shrinks rather than stretches.
  • The width of the canvas can reach 5 meters. This makes it possible to install such canvases without seams in fairly wide rooms.
  • The material is safe for humans and does not emit toxic substances.
  • Impregnation of the canvas with a special composition gives it fire resistance.
  • Retains heat well.
  • Service life over 10 years.
  • Limitation on texture and color.
  • Doesn't hold water.
  • If the canvas is damaged or deformed, it must be completely replaced with a new one.
  • In rooms over 5 meters wide, the panels will need to be joined.
  • Requires special care. Can only be cleaned dry. Once stains appear on the canvas, it will be almost impossible to get rid of them.

Advice: To eliminate the negative impact of a fabric stretch ceiling on a person, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality material; this eliminates the presence of toxic contaminants in the fabric. When purchasing a contraband product, there is a possibility that it will contain harmful substances.

The fabrics contain no phenol, cadmium or toluene - they are completely harmless, which is confirmed by the quality certificate according to ISO 14000. There is usually no smell, only occasionally a slight aroma is felt, reminiscent of the smell of washed laundry. But it disappears very quickly.

Fabric ceilings can be used in any room for both adults and children.

Myths about stretch fabrics on ceilings

To find out whether it is possible to use suspended ceilings, the harm and benefits of the coating, it is worth getting acquainted with some myths about the material:

  • Myth No. 1. High cost of products.

Their price range is quite wide.

There are exclusive expensive panels, affordable and cheap models, which depends on:

  1. manufacturer;
  2. type of fabric material;
  3. forms;
  4. designs;
  5. area of ​​the room where the suspended ceiling will be installed.

When purchasing a product, you need to determine the availability of a certain amount, and look for a suitable option, not necessarily an expensive one.

  • Myth No. 2. The canvas can burst without outside intervention.

Some claim that the product may burst if poked with a sharp object. As a result, the ceiling covering will fly apart like a balloon in different directions.

But both statements are false. The canvas cannot burst. It is only possible for a hole to form from a sharp object. But such a defect can be easily eliminated by specialists and disguised well.

  • Myth No. 3. Harmful to health. When products are manufactured according to standards whose certificates confirm the environmental safety of the fabric, such fears become unfounded.
  • Myth No. 4. Harmful toxic odor. Canvases made from fabrics have no odor, and high-quality stretch ceilings made from PVC film do not emit an odor for too long.
  • Myth No. 5. Damage to fabrics. They are harmless and environmentally friendly. All are manufactured according to European ECO quality certificates. The exception is counterfeit fabric materials.
  • Myth No. 6. Harmful PVC fabric. It is not always safe to purchase these products. They contain chemicals such as toluene and phenol. However, in high-quality materials, their quantity is extremely small.

But often a fake cannot be distinguished from a quality product. In this case, raw materials that do not meet the standards are used. Especially if they are Chinese fakes.

It is harmful to install PVC if you do not follow safety rules when installing it yourself. You cannot install such ceilings in a sauna, bathhouse, or install them close to heating pipes.

  • Myth No. 7. They “hold” about three buckets of water.

This figure is very approximate. Stretch ceiling coverings can withstand quite a large volume of liquid to prevent the room from flooding. However, the ceiling area, the ratio of its width and length, and the room where the canvas is installed must be taken into account.

  • Myth No. 8. A stretch ceiling can sag over time.

This can happen due to flooding from above. But after draining the water, the suspended ceiling takes on its original shape. After a “flood” and then sagging, the stretch ceiling is perfectly restored without consequences.

Based on the analysis of these factors, it is possible to determine how harmful stretch ceilings are.

Advice: Having reliable information, having studied the issue, it will become clear that there is no harm from suspended ceilings.

To learn more about the dangers and benefits of suspended ceilings, you should watch the video.

Harm of low quality PVC film

By purchasing low-quality PVC film, in addition to the unpleasant odor that creates discomfort, a person inhales portions of very dangerous toxins that are extremely harmful to health.

PVC film contains the following components:

  • Phenol. This element disrupts the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. A burn to the nasopharynx can lead to pulmonary edema. The insidious phenol causes cancer, infertility, and heart disease. In addition, phenol is very stable and does not decompose for a long time. The only plus is that it is quickly eliminated from the body.
  • Cadmium. This is a dangerous substance that leaves the body before the age of thirty. This heavy metal settles mainly in the kidneys and liver, promoting the formation of stones in them and the emergence of cancer cells.
  • Toluene. It is a strong solvent used for paints and varnishes. It does not dissolve in water, but mixes well with the air, enters the lungs and blood, poisoning the entire body. The poison affects the kidneys, hearing, eyes, and impairs memory. Toluene is especially dangerous for pregnant women, which can lead to the birth of babies with pathologies.
  • Chlorine. Even a small amount of this element affects the mucous membranes. With constant inhalation of chlorine fumes, severe depression, lung disease, and even oncology may occur.

The harm of suspended ceilings made from film of unknown quality is quite obvious.

How to choose a high-quality stretch ceiling

Step-by-step instructions for checking the quality of suspended ceilings suggest:

  • Find out the range of material and find out the country of its origin. Don't fall for the tricks of sellers. Priority manufacturers, in this order, should be products from:
  1. Germany;
  2. Switzerland;
  3. France;
  4. Italy;
  5. Belgium;
  6. Russia.

Ideally, the servicing seller will be an official dealer of a reliable manufacturer.

  • Ask a question about the manufacturer’s warranty on the canvas: the quality of the product directly depends on the warranty period. Usually, conscientious manufacturers value their reputation and are responsible for the properties of their product; they set a minimum service life of the ceiling of at least 25 years.
  • Take an interest in the portfolio: this will allow you to better understand how well the ceiling will be installed.
  • Ask the seller a question about the sequence of finishing work that precedes the installation of ceilings. A qualified specialist will warn the customer that the film should be installed at the initial stage of the repair, before covering the floor, walls, or importing furniture.
  • Review the documents accompanying the order: check all the figures, clarify controversial and not entirely clear points.

To find out the harm and benefits of suspended ceilings for human health, it is necessary to reliably study the information so that it becomes clear that many fears about such material for finishing ceilings have no basis.


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