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The relationship between Sagittarius and Cancer is rarely ideal, because they have completely different views on life and different goals. However, sometimes representatives of the sign manage to make a good couple.

What kind of relationship problems can Sagittarius and Cancer have, and can they count on creating a strong and happy family?

Cancers are sentimental and often too modest people. Sometimes it is difficult for them to establish contact with others, which is why it can be difficult for Cancers to find their soulmate.

This sign is often considered the most restrained in terms of external expression of emotions. In addition, Cancers are real intellectuals who love to have long philosophical conversations about the meaning of existence and man’s place on the planet. What other distinctive character traits of Cancers can be identified?

  1. Shyness against the background of deep inner experiences.
  2. Tendency to hoard and save.
  3. Taking love and your partner seriously.
  4. Stubbornness and hot temper, bordering on nervousness.

Finding a common language with Cancer is really difficult, but if the couple works out, then in the future the representative of the sign will fight for the relationship to the end.

Sometimes Cancer shows excessive persistence, which scares away an already dissatisfied partner.

The character of Sagittarius and the distinctive features of the sign

Why is it so difficult for Sagittarius and Cancer to build healthy relationships? The thing is that their characters are completely different, and if Cancer is a real phlegmatic person, then Sagittarius is an active and irrepressible sanguine person.

Such people love to have fun, adore wastefulness and irrepressible spending. By the way, the money issue sometimes turns into a real tragedy in a Sagittarius-Cancer couple, because it is difficult for the economical Cancer to come to terms with his partner’s love for revelry.

What distinctive character traits of Sagittarius are worth highlighting?

  1. The authority that the representative of the sign hides behind an external smile.
  2. Quick response, which helps the representative of the sign resolve any conflicts in the couple.
  3. Strong character.
  4. Love of change of scenery and general inconstancy.
  5. Quite high self-esteem.

Modest and shy Cancer is usually lost against the background of his more powerful and emotional partner. Often in such a couple the same conflicts arise that are worth mentioning.

Sagittarius Woman, Cancer Man: what to expect from such a relationship?

The main problem that such a couple will face is the weak-willed and weak-willed man. The Sagittarius woman is very popular among men, despite the fact that her ambition and activity frightens many. In Cancer, she may be attracted by constancy, the desire to create a home and family. However, over time, the couple's interests diverge more and more.

The representative of the sign strives to travel as much as possible, discover the world and lead an active lifestyle. The Cancer man, on the contrary, likes to spend time at home reading a book and does not share Sagittarius’ eternal desire to change places.

In addition, conflicts over money often arise in such a couple. A spendthrift lady may well buy an expensive fur coat with her last savings or spend her entire salary on a new dress. Economical Cancer simply cannot understand this.

If a couple wants to maintain their relationship, they need to clearly define the family budget and household responsibilities. Also, Sagittarius and Cancer need to meet each other halfway in order to resolve all their family conflicts in the beginning.

Sagittarius Man, Cancer Woman: what to expect from such a relationship?

The main conflict that can arise in such a couple is jealousy. An ambitious and attractive Sagittarius man sometimes becomes the object of admiration for many women, but Cancers are not so popular. Since the Cancer Woman usually shows remarkable modesty, she can easily miss her flighty and fickle partner.

Do not forget that Cancers are a very touchy zodiac sign. They can continue the quarrel for several days and weeks, but Sagittarians prefer not to aggravate the conflict. That is why during quarrels a man usually goes to peace.

Problems can also arise due to differences in ideas in a couple regarding the future. Windy Sagittarius is in no hurry to start a family, while for Cancer this is the main goal in life.

To maintain such a relationship, a man and a woman should discuss their plans for the future in advance. If a man categorically does not want to start a family, then the relationship is unlikely to work out. The couple will have a future if the Cancer Woman does not show her touchiness, and the Sagittarius Man settles down, forgetting about affairs on the side.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius

Many astrologers believe that in the first couples such a couple is created out of pure interest, due to the difference in temperaments. Sagittarius may be attracted to Cancer by his modesty and chastity. Cancer, on the contrary, will discern a certain sexual swagger in their partner. So, what difficulties might such a couple have in sex?

  1. Sagittarius is too active, unlike Cancer, who loves calm and measured sex.
  2. Sagittarians are prone to experiments in bed, but Cancers are usually modest and embarrassed to try something new.
  3. The irrepressible sexual energy of Sagittarius can frighten Cancer, who prefers stable sex several times a week.
  4. Cancers are very touchy and hot-tempered, so they cannot stand criticism of their own abilities in bed.

If a man and woman want to create a full-fledged couple, and not have sex for one night, they need to talk a lot about their own needs in intimacy. Cancer's modesty does not mean at all that representatives of the sign are not capable of experiments for the sake of a loved one. Also, Sagittarius's love of love can be calmed down if they meet their soul mate. Usually the biggest difficulties arise in the first year of a relationship, and later, the couple learns the art of satisfying each other. It is in the first year that Cancer will have to be most vigilant to prevent betrayal. Sagittarius will take on teaching their partner a variety of sexual games.

In a pair of Sagittarius and Cancer, conflicts are inevitable, because usually such people have completely different characters. However, love sometimes knows no boundaries, and even such different partners manage to create strong relationships.

Video - Sagittarius and Cancer: compatibility in love relationships

Relationships between Cancer and Sagittarius are strained in all areas of life, with the exception of work. Together, this couple can achieve great success because both initially see mutual benefit in cooperation. Even if these people are faithful business partners, apart from mutual respect, they will not be bound by other warm feelings. They are too different for close communication, but this does not mean that such couples do not exist. Cancer and Sagittarius can even start a family, but each of them will continue to live their own life, which is completely closed to the other half.


A Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman will not become a harmonious couple. There is not only mutual trust between them, but also no desire to understand each other. Both strive for a leading role in this relationship; on both sides there are outbreaks of aggression, outbursts of irritation, and a tendency to conflict behavior. Only mutual benefit can keep these people together for a long time, but this will not bring them closer. Sooner or later, Cancer and Sagittarius will stop all communication.

♋ + ♐: In love

UNDESIRABLE UNION- The Sagittarius girl sees the Cancer guy as a reliable and calm person, but this is only an external impression. She is relaxed and sociable, and is not inclined to sacrifice her interests. Cancer guy is jealous. Large quantity He won't like the girl he knows. In fact, he does not impose his reclusive lifestyle on his chosen one; he is much more offended by the demonstrativeness of her behavior. If she knew how to remain silent in time and, at least for the sake of appearance, sometimes agree with him, he would be calm, because he would feel like the master of the situation. His beloved herself provokes the guy to jealousy with her behavior, despite the fact that she does not give obvious reasons for suspicion of infidelity. If she is going to a meeting with friends, and for some reason Cancer cannot accompany her and is noticeably nervous, out of principle she will not give up on her plans, even if they are not so important to her. In this way, the Sagittarius girl tries to re-educate the jealous man, but for the guy this is the greatest humiliation. The confrontation between Cancer and Sagittarius can end very badly. At best, the couple will break up. At worst, cancer will harbor a grudge and then take revenge. An angry young man is capable of very unexpected and illogical behavior; hurting his pride is truly dangerous. For a Sagittarius girl, this union is undesirable from all sides.

♋ + ♐: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- If a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman entered into a marriage of convenience, then there is every chance that this union will last. The family business will be strong and profitable, the husband will take responsibility for its financial part, and the wife will cope well with negotiations, contracts, and other transactions where her communication skills will be very useful. The spouses will not have spiritual closeness, but common affairs will strengthen their union and increase mutual respect.

A love marriage is unlikely to be successful. The wife’s free behavior will provoke her husband to jealousy, but she absolutely does not know how and does not want to get around sharp corners, so conflicts cannot be avoided. To get along with a cancer man, you need to have patience and respect his opinion, in which there is still some truth. The Sagittarius woman is often insolent in response to her husband, even where it is completely inappropriate. As a result, all of Cancer’s most negative qualities will awaken, such as rancor, aggression, and vindictiveness. The wife will not want to tolerate a tyrant next to her, in whose creation she took a direct part. Most often, such marriages break up in the shortest possible time.

♋ + ♐: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- There can be no friendship between a Cancer guy and a Sagittarius girl. They can attract each other only as representatives of different sexes, and even then, not for long. As a rule, when they get to know each other more closely, these people repel each other. Sagittarius is uncomfortable with the secrecy and possessive nature of Cancer, and the latter is accustomed to greater softness and compliance on the part of women. In general, there is no question of that, the main thing is that they do not become enemies. This can happen if communication between Cancer and Sagittarius is forced.


A Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man are attractive to each other at the initial stage of a relationship, but as soon as they get to know each other better, mutual interest often fades away. They can get along and create a strong alliance, especially if there is mutual benefit. They are rarely together of their own free will, and what is noteworthy is that their relationship almost never moves from one phase to another. This means that if they cooperate, they will not become friends; if they communicate as buddies, they will not become lovers. The main advantage of the alliance between Cancer and Sagittarius is the predictability of both sides.

♐ + ♋: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The love affair between a Cancer girl and a Sagittarius guy cannot be called easy and enjoyable. There are a lot of contradictions, there are also prerequisites for sorting out the relationship, but much depends on the behavior of the lovers themselves and their desire to be together.

Even at the initial stage of a relationship, the young man does not strive to pay more attention to the girl. For him, friends will always come first. Seeing that his beloved is offended by this, he will invite her to accompany him, but the Cancer girl wanted to be alone, and not with a crowd of his friends. This type of vacation is unattractive for her, especially since she is simply bored with her loved one’s friends.

To ensure that the love relationship does not break up at the very beginning and has a continuation, the girl will have to decide whether she is ready to accept her beloved for who he is. The Sagittarius guy will still never belong to her alone; communication with friends and active recreation are an integral part of his life. To maintain peace, she will have to not only accept this, but also not reproach her beloved for the properties of his nature. The Sagittarius guy will be grateful for your understanding, and most likely will choose this girl. The lovers themselves chose each other, so the other will have to take into account the right of each of them to individuality.

♐ + ♋: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The marriage of a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man is stronger if it is concluded by calculation, or if the spouse has enough mature age. Families created on the basis of passionate love, as a rule, fall apart very quickly.

Intimate life will be interesting to both only for the first time; here the law of attraction of opposites will work. Over time, it will become clear that the sexual needs of the partners do not coincide, and even a strong desire on both sides to diversify sex is unlikely to bring the expected result.

The difference in temperament will affect other areas of life. The wife is focused on the home and does not need frequent communication. My husband has many friends, to whom he devotes almost all his free time. A Cancer woman wants quiet family evenings, but her husband constantly tries to force her to communicate with his friends. If there is a desire on both sides to re-educate the other half, the spouses will face a series of conflicts, and then, quite likely, divorce. It will be better if they accept each other as they fell in love.

♐ + ♋: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Between a Cancer girl and a Sagittarius guy, only short-term communication is possible, due to necessity. If they are childhood friends, neighbors or relatives, friendly relationships are possible, but without revelations and emotional intimacy. Strong in this case hardly has a chance to exist. Cancer and Sagittarius are responsive, each of them can turn to the other for help in difficult moments. In this case, they will value and respect each other, but it is unlikely that this will make them closer.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

They attract each other. It doesn’t matter if Cancer is a man and Sagittarius is a woman, or Sagittarius man, Cancer womancompatibility polar signs are possible. But what kind of life awaits them in marriage? The eternal rivalry between Fire and Water, an exciting game that brings pleasure to both partners, can lead to diametrically opposite results. Either a long, strong, happy marriage, or bitter disappointment and complete collapse of the relationship.

Union pitfalls Sagittarius men and Cancer women

The characteristic features of Sagittarius are independence, authority, and the desire to be the absolute leader in relationships. The crayfish, on the contrary, looks soft, gentle, very feminine, with such a homely, modest nature. But inside she has a steel core. And your character Cancer woman for Sagittarius man It will show more than once if you drive her into a corner.

At the beginning of a relationship, Sagittarius may not understand how strong a character his chosen one has. He will try to establish his own rules and laws in the relationship. And he will be immensely surprised when he receives an instant, harsh rebuff from his “soft” soulmate. Independence is as sacred for Cancers as it is for Sagittarius, so they nip any encroachment on their personal territory in the bud, without hesitation in showing emotions.

Even if Cancer and Sagittarius compatibility in love relationships They will be able to find that the burning jealousy of both of their partners will not go away. Moreover, it will be especially difficult for Rakina, since home comfort is more important to her than communication in society. Sagittarius, on the contrary, cannot imagine himself without communicating with many people, various social connections, and dozens of friends.

Plus, both have completely different attitudes towards issues of everyday life and homework. To Sagittarius, all this seems boring, unnecessary, burdensome, routine. Cancer, on the contrary, brings true pleasure to all household chores and worries.

The same opposite attitude in the union Cancer and Sagittarius observed towards the house. The Sagittarius man does not like to sit in one place, and for Cancer, leaving the house even for a short time is a real test and test of feelings. The situation is aggravated by the Sagittarius man's penchant for affairs and frivolous relationships with members of the opposite sex, which his wife Cancer is well aware of.

Over time, mutual misunderstanding will lead to feelings fading away. The marriage can continue to exist, but it will either be an indifferent rejection of each other, or an endless war, initiated by the Cancer woman.

Chances to change everything for the better, found in the union Cancer and Sagittarius love compatibility and partnership still remain. But only with the attentive attitude of the spouses towards each other, the desire to understand and accept the interests and motives of the partner’s behavior. If consensus is reached, the couple is guaranteed. The post of head of the family will be gladly taken by the Sagittarius man, and the Cancer woman will be very pleased with the “modest” position of a gray eminence.

Difficult relationships Cancer man with Sagittarius woman

By horoscope compatibility of Cancer woman And Sagittarius men to a greater extent due to the dissimilarity of their characters, which is the main factor of mutual interest, attraction, desire to find in another those traits that oneself lacks. Compatibility between a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman is based on similar feelings and emotions. However, it would be a stretch to call their relationship easy.

At first, the timidity, modesty and passivity of Cancer will impress Sagittarius with its imperious, splashing energy. She will be happy to try on the costume of a relationship leader. Cancer will not resist such a development of events, since responsibilities weigh on him and responsibility frightens him.

However, the Cancer man is not so simple. As the relationship develops, he will show himself from a completely different, far from pleasant, side. Cancer can show impenetrable stubbornness, be quick-tempered, irritable beyond measure, and annoying. The independence and strength of character of his chosen one suits him, but at the same time, the Cancer man is wildly jealous not only of his companion’s environment, but even of her activities and interests. Loud conflicts, quarrels, scandals, almost always made public, will break out on the initiative of the Cancer man.

Neither side in this war wants to admit that they are wrong and makes no attempt at reconciliation. Cancer constantly attacks Sagittarius, tormenting her with his claims, whining, reproaches, and comments. The Sagittarius woman, not understanding the sophisticated psychological game of her partner, will increasingly begin to make unforgivable mistakes in relationships.

A clear delineation of the responsibilities of the spouses will help save the marriage of a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man and avoid further mistakes in the relationship. If both know exactly what they are responsible for, there will be fewer reasons for conflicts and manifestations of their own authoritarianism. And instead of mutual attacks and quarrels with loud accusations of each other, all problems need to be resolved through peaceful, calm dialogue.

The couple's life will be very difficult. Studying the compatibility horoscope for Cancer and Sagittarius, we can say that an alliance between two zodiac signs is quite possible, but only if both partners learn to give in to each other. In a couple, Cancer will need a close relationship. And if at the beginning of a relationship Cancer perceives everything too painfully, then over time he will understand that there is no need to be so sensitive.

When lovers start their life together, they will often encounter problems with money. Sagittarius doesn't have a lot of money, and Cancer loves to save and collect too much. Conflicts may also arise because Sagittarius begins to realize that he is lucky and begins to gamble.

In this pair you can observe the energy dependence of Cancer and Sagittarius. It gives them strength. The sensitivity and excessive compassion of Cancer go well with the sincerity of Sagittarius. However, the slightest deception can lead to irreparable consequences.

According to astrologers, in a Cancer-Sagittarius pair, the compatibility of the zodiac signs is equal to 40 percent. In Sagittarius, Cancer is attracted by self-confidence and enormous energy, while Cancer has its own dignity - emotionality, which so appeals to Sagittarius.

Cancer perceives the creative inclinations of Sagittarius as his own merits, and Sagittarius himself may not accept the creative impulses of his partner. And those who are energetically weaker will eventually develop illnesses of a mental and nervous nature. Their marriage can only be saved by the fact that they are both romantics. For happy marriage Sagittarius needs to sacrifice their freedom, limit their rights and devote more time to their chosen one. The compatibility horoscope between Cancer and Sagittarius says that this couple can have an excellent, happy and long marriage, but Cancer needs to try to communicate more on emotional topics with their soul mate, and Sagittarius needs to limit their freedom.

Basically, the marriage between Cancer and Sagittarius occurs by convenience. And before getting married, each partner will make an accurate calculation of what sacrifices he will have to make and whether this relationship is worth such efforts. Simultaneously create good family and none of the zodiac signs will be able to build a career, so you need to choose right away.

Compatibility Sagittarius Woman – Cancer Man

A girl with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, having met a Cancer man on the way, may forget the wise expression: “If you consider yourself happy, then you will be.” Her faith and worldview were shaken as a child by unrequited love or by the relationships of men who treated her tender feelings too cruelly. She has been waiting all her life for a prince who can protect her from bullies and behave gallantly with her.

The Cancer man for Sagittarius is the only man she has been waiting for all her life. At first glance, such a man is not ideal, but he has eyes that can bewitch any woman. A Cancer man is able to support in a difficult situation, you can rely on him, and his actions will awaken tender and tremulous feelings in Sagittarius.

Over time, the Cancer man begins to compare his soul mate with his mother. He may accuse Sagittarius of wastefulness and disobedience. And at the same time, a man provokes scandals and quarrels for the slightest mistakes of a woman.

The woman in this pair is more mobile in her actions, but the Man is a cardinal sign of the zodiac and he approaches the solution of any issue scrupulously. This means that the marriage will be led by the man and taken to a place where they can enjoy their life together.

Over time, Cancer will begin to appreciate Sagittarius's courage, and she will be grateful to him for his support and ability to find a way out of any situation. Although these two zodiac signs are different, they will learn to be together and trust each other.

Compatibility Sagittarius Man – Cancer Woman

The Cancer girl and the Sagittarius man have opposing views on family life, finances and everyday life. The woman in this union treats her loved ones with trepidation, and the main place in the family is given to parents and relatives. Sagittarius men do not consider it necessary to devote themselves to their loved ones. They value relationships in their own family more, and they are able to present their beloved woman with bouquets of flowers every day.

In this union, the woman is a big owner. She cannot break the connection between herself and her relatives, friends or husband. Both zodiac signs, if they argue, will argue until the last moment. They will not stop trying to find compromises, and because of this, their disputes will not end. And their relationship can end either in understanding each other, or one of them will slam the door and leave forever.

As a rule, Cancer and Sagittarius can be together only if their interests coincide. In this case, fairly high compatibility allows partners to build harmonious and prosperous relationships. At the same time, the natural characters and worldviews of the representatives of these zodiac signs differ significantly. This is why relationships between partners always develop very slowly. Only after people get to know each other will there be a chance of creating a strong union. Subsequently, the partners will complement each other, which will allow them to successfully move through life and achieve their goals.

Cancer man and Sagittarius woman – compatibility

The difference in natural characters attracts the Cancer guy and the Sagittarius girl to each other. But since differences are also frightening factors, relationships always develop very slowly. In the process, the partner realizes that he really likes the energy and optimism of his partner. On the other hand, a woman is attracted to her partner’s intelligence and his ability to feel life events on an intuitive level.

In love relationships (love compatibility 38%)

The compatibility of a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman in a love relationship is low; there are many contradictions and misunderstandings between lovers. But with a deep feeling of love, the partners don’t care. For the sake of love, they will be able to overcome any problems that arise in relationships.

The main problem in building a love relationship is that partners express emotions differently. The Sagittarius woman always has an open character; she prefers sincere communication. It is not typical for her to hide what is happening inside her. But the Cancer guy always closes his inner world. He is afraid of being misunderstood, so he always opens up to other people with caution.

In addition, it is difficult for a partner in such a tandem to understand why her chosen one prefers to make decisions very carefully and slowly. The Sagittarius woman prefers a rhythmic lifestyle; she is drawn to everything unknown.

To build harmonious love relationships, representatives of these zodiac signs need to learn to find compromises. In addition, the partner should learn to pay more attention to her loved one. It is also necessary to expand the range of common interests, because they are a unifying factor.

In bed (sexual compatibility 81%)

The compatibility of a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman in bed is very good. Both partners really like romance, so they fill their intimate life with tenderness and affection. A woman really likes her partner’s attentiveness. Cancer and Sagittarius in such a tandem prefer long-term love games, while receiving complete satisfaction. But the partner is always more assertive in sex. She is the one who suggests experimenting and at the same time shows very great imagination.

Almost at the beginning of a sexual relationship, partners open up completely; they both have no complexes. Strong sexual attraction between partners lasts for a long time. They treat intimate life with care and do not transfer problems that exist in real world. It is very important that sexual relations there were no misunderstandings, in this case they will be preserved for a long time.

Married (compatibility in family life 43%)

The family life of a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman will never be filled with peace and quiet. First of all, the reason for this is the increased emotionality of the spouse. It can provoke in a family the whole range of possible manifestations of feelings: resentment, jealousy, mistrust. But at the same time, the partners are overwhelmed by passionate love, against the background of which they are able to forgive each other a lot in order to preserve family relationships.

Poor compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius in marriage influences the fact that the spouses' opinions on family vacations differ greatly. The Sagittarius wife prefers active pastime. She is a lover of hiking and traveling. Her Cancer husband does not support her in this. He loves to spend time in a cozy home environment and only in this way is he able to fully relax after a busy workday.

Family life can be negatively impacted by the fact that in most cases the Sagittarius woman has no economic acumen. She will never become a real homemaker. This will be very stressful for the spouse who is a traditionalist. family relations. He will constantly remember his mother and try to compare his chosen one with her.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 41%)

Friendly relationships between a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man do not arise often. For a strong friendship, these people have very little in common. Representatives of these zodiac signs can form a friendly tandem only if their interests coincide. In addition, there is an exception related to the fact that a Sagittarius woman may remind a man of her mother in some external features.

Much more often than sincere friendship, friendships arise between a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman. business relations. For example, a friend may turn to a man for specific help around the house. As a rule, this happens in cases where it is necessary to install or move furniture.

Friendship is also supported by a friend, who often strives to get a certain useful information from various walks of life. In addition, due to the friend’s sociability, she always has many acquaintances, so he can introduce his friend to the right person.

Against the background of friendship, business relationships in a pair of Cancer and Sagittarius never work out well. Due to their different approaches to solving a problem, these people often interfere with each other’s work.

Sagittarius man and Cancer woman – compatibility

A Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman do not get along easily with each other. But despite this, such tandems occur very often. It is very difficult to predict how relationships between representatives of these zodiac signs will develop. Similarities between men and women in this union little, but this is precisely the attracting factor.

In love relationships (love compatibility 52%)

The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman in love relationships is not high, unions do not often develop harmoniously. The elements Fire and Water, which control representatives of these zodiac signs, do not combine well with each other.

Only common interests can bring Sagittarius and Cancer together. But even in this case, love cannot arise at first sight, and this is evidenced by the low compatibility of Sagittarius and Cancer in love. Relationships develop gradually. Partners have different worldviews, but the unifying factor is similar sensitivity and sincerity.

The Sagittarius man has enormous vitality and energy that attracts the Cancer woman. The main problem may be that the partner has a domestic character, she strives for privacy with a loved one and does not like to be in public places often. Unfortunately, this approach to life does not suit the Sagittarius man; he becomes bored and this can provoke a break in the relationship.

To preserve the union, the partner should understand that the broad natural nature of her chosen one requires space and freedom. It cannot be limited to the four walls of even the most comfortable home. If he wants to travel, then you should let him go. He will definitely come back, and his love will only intensify for the woman who understands him.

In bed (sexual compatibility 75%)

Compatibility between Sagittarius and Cancer in bed is not very good. But at first, partners experience a very strong attraction to each other. But it is rather caused by an interest in the fact that there are many differences in the pair. Over time, sexual desire decreases, and partners lose interest in each other in the intimate sphere.

If desired, and against the backdrop of sincere love feelings, harmony in sex can be maintained for a long time. In this case, partners will gradually learn to open up and enjoy themselves.

Married (compatibility in family life 65%)

The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman in marriage is average; such families can be prosperous if they are based on mutual benefit. As a result, commercialism, which is considered inappropriate for most families, only benefits such a couple.

In an ideal married couple, absolute harmony and mutual understanding reign, which cannot be overshadowed even by differences in natural character. The husband takes care of the woman with love, which is why she simply blossoms. The partner’s energy contributes to the fact that isolation and caution disappear from the spouse’s character. The woman changes amazingly, becomes sociable, sweet and open.

The Cancer chosen one, next to her chosen one, gains confidence in the future and ceases to be afraid of events occurring in the outside world. She understands perfectly well that no matter what happens in life, she can count on the support of her husband.

On the other hand, a strong and confident Cancer woman is able to make her partner happy. He is charged with the necessary energy from it and becomes more successful. To maintain a harmonious relationship, the wife needs to take care of the man’s pride. In addition, decent living conditions should be organized. This will become a source of pride for your spouse.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 35%)

Sincere and strong friendship arises between a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man very rarely. An obstacle to the development of friendly relations is the fact that a woman is a homebody and prefers to spend more time at home, and a man is a person who always strives for life changes. And if he is unable to travel physically, then he does it mentally.

But at the same time, if a man has a philosophical character, then he can find a common language with a Cancer girl. They will spend a lot of time talking, discussing various topics, which will become a reason to start making friends.

Constantly traveling, if not physically, then mentally, Sagittarius does not find common interests with his girlfriend. An exception may be Cancer philosophers. With them he will find a common topic for conversation, since he is also not averse to philosophizing and discussing the mysteries of the universe.

A subtle and sensitive woman is repelled by her friend’s straightforwardness and unceremoniousness. She often gets offended by him, and when a lot of grievances accumulate, the friendly tandem falls apart. But, as a rule, a man may not even pay attention to the fact that he has lost his girlfriend, because he is often very bored with her.

In order to win a Sagittarius man, a Cancer woman first of all needs to understand the intricacies of her chosen one’s character. The thing is that if you liked Sagittarius, who is a philosopher, then you need a special approach to him.

In this case, the man will perceive the woman who strives to be near him as a child. That is, it will seem to him that she needs to be looked after and taught everything in life. And it is this opinion that needs to be supported in every possible way. It is necessary to appear before the chosen one in a defenseless and naive image. The Cancer woman is very artistic by nature, so this will not be difficult for her to do. It is important to remember that your chosen one does not need to guess at all about the inner core that you naturally have. After some time, the man will understand that his chosen one is a complex person and he will really like her rich inner world.

If the goal is to win the heart of Sagittarius, who loves success and fame, then it is better to first pay attention to your brightness and attractiveness. This is also not difficult to do, since the Cancer girl is distinguished by natural femininity and mystery. Such traits will definitely be noticed by the Sagittarius man, and this will become the starting point for the beginning of a relationship.

How a Sagittarius man can win a Cancer woman

The Sagittarius guy rarely has the desire to conquer the Cancer beauty. It can only arise if their circle of interests intersect.

In order to win a Cancer woman, you need to understand that she is a very mysterious person. It is not at all easy to achieve her location. The first thing you need to do is demonstrate that she is very dear to you. It is important to show her maximum attention and take good care of her.

The chosen one of Cancer is a doubting nature. That is why she needs a confident partner nearby, and the Sagittarius man is optimally suited for this role. He will always be able to provide his chosen one with the necessary support and will be able to charge her with optimism in life.

Relationships can develop very quickly and successfully if partners have a need to maintain relationships for the sake of mutual benefit. For example, people can be united by a common cause. Under such circumstances, the Cancer girl will definitely pay attention to the man who seeks her affection and, most likely, will reciprocate. But at the same time, it will be important in the future to keep your chosen one near you, and for this you should take care not to disappoint her in any way.


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