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Many people cannot imagine their day without one or more cups. And it turns out that drinking coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy! If you do not complain of serious health problems, you can drink a few cups of this without remorse. delicious drink and enjoy its benefits.

Laziness is a character trait that each of us has to a greater or lesser extent, so this article is dedicated to all readers without exception.

Self-pity is difficult to notice immediately, from the beginning of its appearance. It penetrates a person’s life very slowly, and it is very difficult to remove it later. And only at the moment when the first alarm bell rings does understanding come. Despite the fact that it appears when the situation already requires an immediate solution. Therefore, it is important to know and understand in advance what self-pity is and how it manifests itself.

10 truths of life that everyone should remember

Perfectionism is the belief that an ideal can and should be achieved. A perfectionist always strives for perfection, whether appearance, work task or environment. In this article we will talk about 5 lessons taught by perfectionism.

No one questions the progress of science in modern world. If you asked our distant and not so distant ancestors about psychological problems, they would simply throw up their hands - they say, what is this? Modern psychology easily juggles definitions: Oedipus complex, excellent student complex, inferiority complex, victim complex... How can you get rid of complexes and various psychological problems, from everything that prevents you from living a harmonious life, from being a strong and free person?

There are often times when excessive nervousness makes it impossible to think and reason sensibly. To protect yourself from unnecessary worries, you need to learn to remain calm in any situation. Some have the innate ability to remain calm in critical moments, while others need experience and time to do this.

Sometimes life teaches us lessons that are difficult to find in manuals and textbooks. Life experience does not depend on what kind of education we have or what kind of scientific dissertation we write.

The author of the world bestseller “The Richest Man in Babylon,” Clayson George, revealed the secrets that anyone who wants to realize their most ambitious plans needs to know. They are the key to success and wealth. According to the author, and it is difficult for us to disagree with him, it is money that is the measure of a person’s success.

It just so happens that for any holiday, men give women flowers. A bright fragrant bouquet is a win-win way to please a lady. But where did this tradition come from? There is no clear answer to this question, but there are several interesting versions.

Language of flowers

Women of the East, deprived of the right to communicate and not daring to reveal their faces, created an outlandish language in which there was not a single word. They learned to convey emotions and moods with the help of flowers, plants turned into symbols through which silent conversations were conducted. Later, knowledge of this language spread to Europe, and in the Victorian era, the language of flowers reached its peak of popularity. With the help of flower bouquets, people conveyed messages, declared their love, talked about hostility and secret desires, about everything that they did not dare to say out loud. Even the first “florists” appeared - people who knew how to compose a flower bouquet containing an encrypted message. Today, the language of flowers has lost its popularity, but some rules for composing bouquets have been preserved and are used.

Primitive people

The first people on Earth had to live in difficult conditions; women and old people were content with what was left after the meal of the male breadwinners. The most difficult time of the year - winter - worsened their situation even more; there was less food. Only with the arrival of spring could women breathe easy: in the warm season, all kinds of plants began to appear. During this period, men obtained food not only by hunting, but also by collecting various roots, fruits, and flowers. The miners themselves did not eat them, but passed them on to the women of the tribe. This was a kind of sign that there was enough food and there was a “respite” for a while.

Adam and Eve

The inhabitants of paradise - Adam and Eve - lived in a garden where strange flowers grew and fragrant. After the Fall, an angry God destroyed the garden and the plants died. Adam and Eve were punished and sent to the sinful Earth. Eve missed the paradise, the flowers that surrounded them, and on Earth at that time there were only deserts and bare rocks. Adam saw his wife’s torment; he really wanted to please her, to give her at least one flower that would remind her of beautiful places. Adam looked for flowers, but never found them. And then, in despair, the man knelt down and began to cry. In the place where the men's stingy tears fell, flowers of wondrous beauty grew and blossomed. Delighted Adam collected a bouquet and presented it to Eve. Since then, the custom of giving bouquets to women arose. Of course, the version of Adam and Eve is a beautiful fairy tale, but perhaps there are grains of real events in it: the first groups of people on Earth were more than once brought to the brink of survival due to the impending cold snap due to climate change. And so, after a long and dangerous migration to warmer places, the tribe saw before them a living nature untouched by the cold and a riot of colors from the blossoming flowers. Along with them came hope for a new one, better life. A new life A person always associates it with the female half.

Of course, not all versions of the origin of this wonderful tradition are listed here. But, most likely, none of them is completely correct - after all, it is customary to present bouquets to ladies in every country, among any nations that may not be related to each other in any way. Probably because flowers are, first of all, a sign of admiration for a woman, her beauty, tender and fragile, like newly blossomed buds.

Nothing more than flowers are the most the best gift for a woman. They are able to bring a girl into an ecstatic state. The male half naturally knows this. Unfortunately, such gifts are often given to ladies not every day, but only on special occasions. Perhaps, if a man understands why a girl is pleased to receive a bouquet of flowers as recognition, then he will try to present them much more often than at the moment.

Benefit or harm

Some men are of the opinion that cut flowers are of no use, since the bouquet will not last long and you will have to spend quite a lot on it. Therefore, this category of men is accustomed to giving preference to more significant gifts that can also bring joy to the lady. What does the fair half think about this? Most likely, in the eyes of women, flowers do not look useless.

Romance, and that's it

It is clear that male and female types thoughts are different from each other. And by nature, a girl is more sensitive, more romantic. This reflects a woman’s need to receive fresh flowers as a gift. Being a refined nature, a woman perceives flowers as a declaration of love, as a confirmation of affection and devotion. Just think, flowers are a great way to express your feelings to a girl. They are beautiful to look at and have an attractive scent. Therefore, when girls receive a bouquet, they begin to feel more confident and attractive. It is especially important for the female half to be desired. It is a bouquet of favorite plants that can give her this feeling. Moreover, if there is a quarrel between lovers, a bouquet can slightly improve the situation (of course, flowers alone are not enough for reconciliation).

What is the meaning of a bouquet?

If a man is dear to a girl, then flowers will be given greater importance. Most likely, such a gift will be remembered. And, if any misunderstandings arise in the future, then the girl only needs to remember the wonderful moment, and good relations will return to the couple again. It’s especially nice when a man remembers what flowers a lady prefers and what bouquet it would be nice to receive. Perhaps some young people believe that presenting a bouquet means working for show. But what's wrong with that? The girl will receive both a beautiful gift and status among the society around her. Think about how a woman will feel if you present her with a bouquet in some public place? This will most likely improve your self-esteem. And the man who gave the lady a magnificent gift will be looked at completely differently.

Let's decorate the house - lift your spirits

In addition to the above points, flowers can simply serve as a wonderful home decoration. The girl who received the flowers will look at them for a long time. They will undoubtedly lift her spirits every day. Do not exclude bouquets from the list of possible gifts for your loved one. Flowers have a special magic; they can add romantic notes to a relationship. Therefore, give flowers to your other half as often as possible!

It would seem that what could be more natural than a bouquet of flowers as a gift? But not all men consider it obligatory to make such surprises on February 14, March 8, or even the birthday of their beloved girl. In vain does the beautiful half of humanity wait for a sign of attention in the form of flowers; such a man believes that there is no point in spending money on buying something that, at best, will end up in the trash in a week.

However, men with similar views underestimate the most important factor - the girl’s emotional reaction to such a gift. Even taking into account only this aspect, flowers are no longer a useless gift, especially if they are presented with all the heart, and not necessarily strictly on holidays.

We will name five reasons to give flowers to your beloved girl.

First reason. This is another reminder of you

Flowers are a great way to make a girl think about you every time she looks at the bouquet you gave her. What will this bouquet be like? by and large it doesn’t matter, these can be wildflowers, but it’s better to give a larger and brighter bouquet. For what? So that she would pay attention to him more often, take him in her hands and think about what a generous, gallant and romantic man she has.

Second reason. For a good mood

A girl is an emotional creature, sometimes she is sad too, and best way To cheer her up is to give her her favorite flowers. The bouquet will drive away sad thoughts and bring a romantic mood. Don't know what your girlfriend's favorite flowers are? Find out from her friends or acquaintances, they probably know what she likes best.

Third reason. Flowers make you sexy

And this is not a joke. Scientists have proven that a man with a bouquet or even a single flower in his hand is more attractive to the fairer sex. In my opinion, this is a great reason not to put it off until later and give a beautiful bouquet on the first date. So you will immediately receive several advantages in advance in this exciting game called “How to Charm a Girl.”

Fourth reason. Great way for a surprise

Of course, the effect of a bouquet of flowers with a surprise inside will be less than that of a huge cake from which a stripper jumps out or an Audi drives out. But still, this is something that will be able to hide the main surprise until the right moment. So, for example, if you don’t dare confess your love to a girl, you can hide a note with words that are important to you in a bouquet. When a girl puts flowers in a vase, she will definitely find it.

Fifth reason. Solving the question "What to give"

How often have we been tormented by the question “What to give a girl?” and found no answer. So, flowers are an ideal gift that does not require brain strain and the insoluble dilemma “Which one to choose?” It is enough to know what flowers she likes, and the job is done. All you have to do is choose an odd number of flowers and beautiful gift wrapping. You can do this on our Instagram @cvetkof.kld and write to us in Direct or call to consult with our florist. As a result, you will save both time and nerves on finding a gift. But still, you shouldn’t do this all the time - let flowers often be included as the main gift.

For many centuries, flowers have been considered the best gift for a woman. In those days when people expressed themselves in symbols, the flower personified beauty, the perfection of natural nature, and conveyed tenderness and love. Nowadays people have become more straightforward. They do not write heartfelt poems for their lovers, do not dedicate victories to them on the battlefield, but still give bouquets.

From a pragmatic point of view, flowers are not the most useful gift. A living bouquet will last about a week and wither. Therefore, some men hide behind this excuse so as not to spend extra money. But the essence of flowers is not usefulness or utilitarianism. A bouquet is presented in order to demonstrate your emotions and evoke a response to them.

Flowers and the biochemistry of relationships

From the point of view of the psychology of interpersonal relationships, flowers can become a catalyst for romantic feelings. A woman subconsciously looks for a man who will become a good father for her children, both morally and materially. But an important factor is her own feelings to a person.

When a girl receives flowers, the level of oxytocin, the happiness hormone, increases in her blood, which stimulates the release of endorphins. They not only lift your mood, but also reduce stress levels and improve the functioning of your body as a whole. At the biochemical level, a man begins to be associated with joy and tranquility. The subconscious gives a signal: this man can be trusted.

A woman’s response to flowers triggers biochemical processes in a man’s body. A woman’s gratitude, her smile and kind words help raise his self-esteem. The reason is an increase in testosterone levels in the blood. The man is proud that he gave pleasant emotions to his chosen one. Although this is a small achievement, it is still an achievement that helps him believe in himself and become more confident not only in matters of the heart, but also in other areas of life.

The process that starts a simple bouquet of fresh flowers affects both parties: the recipient and the giver. The emotions received as a result of this action help to establish stronger relationships and create a foundation for further communication.

What to do if a woman doesn't want flowers

It happens that the chosen one directly states that she does not want gifts and flowers. Such situations are happening more and more often. The reason may be social pressure, prejudices about girls who see only personal gain in relationships. Fear provokes a desire to demonstrate one's independence. It's very easy to fix this - start giving flowers on your own initiative.

It is important to let the girl know that gifts are natural. They do not impose any obligations on her. A bouquet of flowers is a non-verbal compliment that speaks of a man’s emotions, his affection and admiration. Teach your chosen one to accept a gift without fear, and she will respond with gratitude and a radiant smile.

How to give flowers correctly

Even a good gift can be perceived negatively if it was presented ugly. It is not enough to simply thrust flowers into the hands of a girl with the air of a great benefactor. The process of giving is deeply intimate and sometimes makes more of an impression than the bouquet itself.

The first rule is eye contact. Look the girl in the eyes and pass the bouquet into her hands gently and carefully, as if you are sharing not only flowers, but also your heart. It is tactless to immediately demand words of gratitude from a woman or ask if she liked the bouquet. Be patient and your efforts will pay off in a big way.

Flower delivery services are very popular. Even if you are busy and cannot go to a flower salon, you can buy a bouquet online. According to the online store, two thirds of all orders are for delivery of bouquets within the city. Some of them are issued in the name of the recipient. Even if you don't have a date, you can surprise a girl beautiful bouquet which the courier will deliver. Very romantic to add to it beautiful postcard or a note inviting you on a date.

Give women flowers, because they deserve beautiful gestures. This is an investment in your future relationship.

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