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Of course, indoor plants are less likely to suffer from diseases and pests than their garden relatives, since they are usually under more careful attention. But if they are still damaged by insects or become infected, it is much more difficult to treat them, because “green pets” are more pampered and capricious, and react worse to outside interference and, especially, to the use of chemicals.

The wrong location (too dark, too sunny, too cold, too warm, low humidity) as well as improper care (too much water, not enough moisture, wrong fertilizer, wrong substrate) can cause poor plant health. Unskilled care also contributes to the damage of indoor flowers by pests and diseases; the plants refuse to bloom, wither, and ultimately die.

As they say, you need to know your enemies by sight. Therefore, read the photos and names of diseases and pests of indoor plants, learn about the causes of damage and how to get rid of these insects and infections.

Diseases of indoor flowers: photos, causes and methods of control

In this section of the article you will learn how to deal with some diseases of indoor plants and you will be able to see what the symptoms of damage look like.

Brown edges of leaves

Reasons: excess or lack of water, excess, unsuitable soil, dry air.

Control measures: optimize care, increase air humidity.

curled leaves

Reasons: low air humidity, dry soil. Root damage can also cause this plant disease.

Control measures: optimize care, if necessary.

Pale leaves (chlorosis)

In plants that prefer acidic soil, such as azalea and milkweed. The leaf veins are still green.

Reasons: hard water, iron deficiency.

Control measures: soften the water, add an iron supplement to the water.

Light spots on leaves

Reasons: temperature changes, too cold or too warm water. Moisturizing in the sun (for example, in the Usambara violet).

Control measures: change location, optimize care, water from below.

Powdery mildew

Symptoms: a powdery coating from white to dirty brown on both sides of the leaves.

Reasons: fungal spores.

As you can see in the photo, you can fight this disease of indoor plants using fungicides:

Control measures: For prevention, spray with horsetail infusion. Remove diseased leaves.

Gray mold

Symptoms: gray-brown coating on leaves, petioles or flowers.

Reasons: not suitable for spraying or cold water, air humidity is too high.

Control measures: Remove diseased parts of the plant, reduce air humidity, and place in a brighter place.

Bacteria and viruses

Bacterial wet rot occurs in alpine violets and indoor callas.

Symptoms: rot at the base of the stem.

As shown in the photo, with this disease of indoor flowers, if there is no proper treatment, rot spreads throughout the entire plant:

Control measures: No.

Mosaic virus

It primarily affects orchids, gloxinia, and hippeastrum.

Symptoms: light green and dark green spots.

Control measures: No.

Kidney failure is most often caused by an imbalance of water balance. Either the plant has experienced a lack of moisture, or as a result of excessive moisture, the roots are so damaged that they cannot absorb and transport enough moisture. Some plants, such as stephanotis or camellia, shed buds even when their location changes dramatically. Premature shedding of flowers is also a consequence of changing the place of growth and is especially evident when the plant is not hardened enough. Inactive flowering may be due to genetic factors (some varieties bloom less than others) or a lack of phosphorus, violation of the dormant period, or improper wintering. Cracked pedicels are considered a consequence of irregular watering. This can lead to tension in the tissues and rupture of the shoots. Rotting flowers or buds indicate gray mold infection.

These photos show the symptoms of some diseases of indoor plants:

Pests of indoor plants: photos, causes and control measures

The most favorable time for pests of indoor flowers is considered to be the end of the heating season. Lack of light and dry air in a heated room expose plants to the risk of pest damage. During this period, spider mites and aphids appear especially often on plants. Summer and fall are whitefly season. The best prevention will provide care that meets the needs of the plants. Choose the most suitable locations. In addition, you should devote more time to observing plants.

First of all, pay attention to the underside of the leaves. In this case, it is often possible to detect a disease or pests in the initial stages of damage. Sick plants should be isolated to avoid spreading the infection to other plants.

Spider mites

Symptoms: cobwebs under and between leaves.

Reasons: air is too dry.

Control measures: increase air humidity, use a warm shower, introduce predatory mites. Also, special preparations are used to combat these pests of indoor flowers.

Soft-bodied mites

Symptoms: curled leaves, cessation of growth.

Reasons: infection, which is facilitated by heat and high humidity.

Control measures: reduce temperature and humidity. Parts of indoor plants affected by this pest must be removed and destroyed.


Symptoms: silver streaks on leaves.

Look at the photo - when indoor flowers are infected by this pest, brownish traces of the penetration of sucking insects appear on the underside of the leaves:

Reasons: dry air.

Control measures: warm shower. Insect traps, predatory mites, insecticides.


Symptoms: There are small white flies on the underside of the leaves.

Reasons: infection from other plants.

Control measures: lower the temperature, since the tropical insect does not tolerate cool weather. Traps, riders and insecticides are also used to control this pest of indoor plants.

Symptoms: sticky leaves, leaf deformation.

Reasons: draft, open windows in spring, too dry air.

Control measures: warm shower, golden-eyes, predatory gall midges, ichneumon wasps, insecticides.


Symptoms: brown shields under which insects sit.

Pay attention to the photo - indoor plants affected by these pests shed their leaves:

Reasons: too dry and warm air.

Pest control measures: Place indoor plants in a cooler and brighter place. Remove the shields. To get rid of these indoor plant pests as quickly as possible, you need to use insecticides. For tough-leaved indoor crops, use white mineral oil or a leaf shine spray.

Felt bugs and mealybugs

Symptoms: cotton wool-like formations, primarily in the axils and on the undersides of leaves. Poor growth.

Reasons: air is too dry.

Control measures with these insect pests of indoor plants are the same as when fighting scale insects.


Symptoms: glassy or brown spots limited to leaf veins. Dropping leaves.

Reasons: an infection promoted by moisture on the leaves.

Control measures: Remove and destroy diseased leaves. Keep leaves dry.

Here you can see photos of the main diseases and pests of indoor plants:

Changes that occur in plant leaves indicate the presence of pests, diseases, or care errors. A healthy leaf is strong, with flawless edges and tips. Pay attention to the metamorphoses and take action. Leaves are the vital nerve of the plant and at the same time the best indicator of the presence of pests and diseases.

Sometimes buds and flowers are also damaged. The main causes of such damage should be known. Pale colors of flowers indicate excess sunlight. Deformed or torn flowers indicate the presence of pests, such as aphids.

How to get rid of pests of indoor plants: methods of protecting flowers

There are several ways to deal with pests of indoor plants. Some of the most effective are mechanical protection, biotechnical methods and the use of chemicals.

How to get rid of pests on indoor plants using mechanical protection:

  • Remove affected parts of the plant.
  • Carry out pest removal, including washing them off in the shower.
  • Immerse the above-ground parts of the affected plant in warm water with a small amount of detergent. The pot must first be placed in a plastic bag and tied at the top.

Biological control methods involve the use of beneficial insects, for example:

  • Riders against whiteflies,
  • Predatory mites against spider mites and fringed winged mites,
  • Predatory gall midges, goldeneyes or parasites against aphids.

Beneficial insects are the most effective means when struck large number plants, and the air is not too warm and dry. The ideal temperature is considered to be about 20 °C, but at 27 °C and above, success is questionable.

Biotechnical control methods use natural responses of pests to physical or chemical irritations:

  • Yellow plates are insect traps coated with glue that attract leafminers, whiteflies, sciarids and other flying pests with their bright color.
  • In a “plant bath”, spider mites are destroyed due to the very high air humidity. To do this, water the plant well and place it in a transparent plastic bag. Be careful, rot! Plants with soft leaves do not tolerate this treatment.
  • Oily products, such as white oil, clog the insects' airways. Leaf shine sprays work in a similar way.

Don't jump straight into pesticides. In many cases, the same effect can be achieved using completely harmless means.

Chemicals should only be used as a last resort. If you have to use chemicals, you must follow the following rules:

  • Follow the directions for use and dosage contained on the package.
  • Maintain recommended intervals between treatments to eliminate new generations of pests.
  • Do not use sprays that are harmful to the environment.
  • Treat plants only outdoors.
  • Wear gloves and do not inhale spray products.
  • Store plant protection products in closed original packaging out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Do not store leftover chemicals; their effectiveness is quickly lost. Do not throw away chemicals with regular household waste, but take them to special waste collection points.

These photos show how to deal with pests of indoor plants using various methods:

Prevention to protect indoor plants from diseases and pests

Improper care and mistakes when choosing a location can greatly weaken the plants. In such cases, flowers easily become victims of diseases and pests. Therefore, the best protection for indoor plants from pests and diseases is prevention and right choice location.

If it was not possible to avoid the disease or pests, then quick diagnosis and targeted treatment will help.

Proper care is considered guaranteed against pests.

How to carry out preventive measures to protect indoor plants from diseases and pests:

  • It is especially important to increase air humidity during the heating season. Dry air is main reason appearance of pests.
  • Avoid plant density that is too high.
  • Trim dead leaves and flowers regularly and keep pots and soil clean.
  • Plant tissues can be strengthened by correct dosage fertilizers and using special products such as horsetail mixtures containing silicic acid or aromatic sprays.

New Year's video recipe:

Causes and symptoms of infection

It is almost impossible to predict on which specimen the harmful “lice” will appear, since they infect both decorative foliage crops (croton, dracaena, yucca, cyperus, schefflera, ficus) and flowering plants (hibiscus, orchids, saintpaulias, gloxinias, azaleas ). Bugs also do not disdain cacti, which as a result of infection fade, become deformed and refuse to grow.

Prevention measures

Despite the completely harmless appearance The mealybug is a very insidious pest that can occupy all the plants in the house in a short period of time. To prevent this from happening, you need to be proactive:

Since the rapid proliferation of scale insects is facilitated by heat, dampness and heavy, stale indoor air, do not forget to regularly ventilate your indoor flower garden, while protecting the plants from drafts.

Chemical treatment of plants

  • "Aktellik";
  • "Apploud";
  • "Biotlin";
  • "Bitoxibacillin";
  • "Bankol";
  • "Vertimek";
  • "Dantop";
  • "Inta-vir";
  • "Spark Double Effect";
  • "Confidant";
  • "Commander";
  • "Calypso";
  • "Mospilan";
  • "Tanrek";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Fitoverm".

Before starting the procedure, plant leaves are wiped with a cotton pad soaked in soapy water. The chemical solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions and the flowers are sprayed with it through a spray bottle; the soil in the pot is also spilled with insecticide. To places where the liquid from the spray does not reach, the drug is applied with a cotton swab or a soft brush. Depending on the degree of infection, the treatment is repeated 2-3 more times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Some gardeners, not wanting to use chemicals, prefer to treat plants with gentle folk remedies, of which the following have proven themselves well in the fight against mealybugs:

Soap-alcohol solution - dilute liquid soap (1-2 g) and denatured alcohol (10 ml) in warm water (1 l). The solution is applied to the flowers through a fine spray.

Oil emulsion - pour olive oil (2 tablespoons) into water (2 liters), mix well and spray all above-ground parts of plants with the resulting liquid.

Garlic infusion - chop garlic (4-5 cloves), pour boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for 5 hours. After the specified time, use the infusion to treat infected flowers.

Garlic alcohol tincture - pour finely chopped garlic with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:3 and leave. Moisten a cotton swab in the finished tincture and remove the scale insects with it.

Citrus infusion - pour tangerine or lemon peels (50 g) with warm water (1 l) and cover with a lid. After a day, strain the infusion and immediately use for its intended purpose.

Calendula infusion - dry marigold flowers (100 g), pour water (1 l), leave for 24 hours, and then strain. Moisten a cotton pad in the prepared infusion and wipe the foliage of the damaged plant with it.

Hot water - remove the flower infected with the scale insect from the pot, shake it off the ground and completely immerse it in a container with water at a temperature of 45-55° for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure root system Dry the “patient” slightly in the air and transplant the plant into fresh, disinfected soil.

Most problems with this plant are caused by improper care; myrtle diseases most often manifest themselves in the drying out and falling of leaves, and less often in the appearance of spots on them.

IMPORTANT: Myrtle needs frequent but moderate watering and fertilization every summer, regardless of its .

If your myrtle leaves have turned black or the ends of the shoots, then the reason is excessive watering: by constantly flooding the flower, you do not allow the roots to receive oxygen, which leads to their rotting.

This, in turn, has a bad effect on the health of the plant crown.

There are two possible solutions: loosen the soil and water the flower less often, or replant it in drier soil (with a lower content of moisture-intensive components).

ATTENTION! The water in the pan should not stagnate under any circumstances.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, This means that the myrtle is either overdried as a result of improper watering or dry air, or is in too much sun.

REFERENCE: It feels best on an east or west window. A dried out plant can be revived by providing it with frequent watering. If the reason is still dry air, if possible, move the flower away from the battery and spray it daily with a spray bottle.

What to do if leaves fall off?

If your myrtle suddenly begins to lose leaves, this often happens with, pay attention to the water with which you water it. Settled water is best suited for irrigation, since it no longer contains chlorine, which harms the condition of the leaves. Also, falling leaves may be the result of overdrying; move it to a cooler place.

ATTENTION! Myrtle reacts sharply to dry soil, do not forget to water the plant regularly.

If it started to crumble immediately after purchase, then the reason is the stress experienced by the plant due to a change in conditions. Provide the flower with sufficient air humidity.

REFERENCE: Small young plants can be kept under polyethylene until the condition of the crown improves.
The health of the plant can deteriorate sharply after transplantation, since this is stress for the flower. Provide him with the most proper care, and he will soon recover.

IMPORTANT: Myrtle is evergreen and has no seasonal leaf loss. Therefore, when answering the question why myrtle leaves fall off, look for the reason in improper care or insect pests (they are described in detail below).

What to do if the foliage has dried out?

Most often, the reasons for myrtle drying out lie in improper watering or insufficient air humidity in the room.

Plant demanding watering: The soil in the pot should be slightly moist all the time, otherwise the leaves will dry out and curl.

However, the plant needs to be watered daily. in the autumn-winter period, the frequency of watering can be reduced(unless, of course, the flower is in a hot place). The problem of dry air can be solved by daily spraying; during the heating season, you can place a container of water on the radiator.

ATTENTION: For watering and spraying you should Use only settled water.

Drying can also be caused by excessive feeding; in this case, it is necessary to transplant the flower into new soil, washing the roots. This is a risky procedure, but it is the one that can save the plant from death.

Diseases and pests in the photo:

Impact of temperature

Heat and cold are equally dangerous and can lead to drying out and death of the plant if resuscitation measures are not taken.

As mentioned earlier, for heat and dry air myrtle sheds leaves- what to do to help the plant? You can water and spray the plant daily with a spray bottle; in extreme cases, you can put a plastic bag on the flower to preserve moisture.

It is resistant to air fluctuations and withstands drafts; in addition, in winter it is recommended to keep it in a cool place.

Freezing myrtle is more difficult than drying it. However, such a disaster can happen if you leave the flower near an open window or on the balcony in frosty weather. The reaction to the cold will not be long in coming: most of the leaves will dry out literally within a day.

So what to do if the myrtle dries out? There is a chance to save the plant if the roots have not frozen. The first aid algorithm for a frozen person is as follows: cut off all dried branches, spray living branches with a biostimulant (for example, Epin) and cover with polyethylene.


It happens that the care is correct, the temperature and humidity are normal, but the plant suffers. What to do if the myrtle has dried up or dropped all its leaves? In the dense crown of a house plant Many small pests love to settle in.

Myrtle of any kind, and both, are affected by the same insect pests that harm other indoor plants. These are aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies and spider mites.

Aphid settles in colonies on the underside of leaves and feeds on their sap, causing the leaves to curl and dry out. You can get rid of aphids by spraying the plants with a special insecticide (for example, Aktara). Before spraying, remove insects from the leaves by washing the flower in the shower with the crown down.

Shchitovka, like aphids, they suck sap from plants. Characteristic signs Infestation with scale insects - the appearance of a sticky coating on leaves and shoots. If you find scale insects on a flower, you need to remove them with a cloth or soft toothbrush dipped in a soap solution, and then treat the plant with an insecticide (Actellik is recommended).

Mealybug It is clearly visible on plants and can be identified by the white fluffy coating on the leaves and branches. Detected pests must be removed, and the plant itself must be watered with Aktara.

IMPORTANT: Insecticide preparations are very toxic; strictly follow the concentration indicated in the instructions.

Trips- a small insect, the presence of which can be determined by light spots on the upper side of the leaves and dark dots on the back. Thrips harm not only the leaves, but also the buds, so if you want myrtle to delight you with abundant flowering, you need to get rid of thrips as soon as possible. Folk method- water the plant with an infusion of garlic or tobacco dust, but a more effective method is treatment with Actellik.

Whitefly looks like a small moth, settles in colonies on the inside of leaves and feeds on plant sap, like an aphid.

Whitefly larvae are covered with a coating through which chemicals cannot penetrate, making it difficult to control this pest. Adults are removed from the leaves by hand, then the flower is thoroughly wiped with soapy water. After this, the plant must be treated with Actellik.

Spider mite forms a cobweb on the shoots of myrtle, you can get rid of it by thoroughly wiping the leaves and branches and spraying the flower with an infusion of tobacco dust or the same “Aktellik”.

So, it is affected by many insect pests, but fortunately, you can get rid of all of them using systemic insecticides. The main cause of diseases of indoor myrtle is neglect of watering and spraying.

Also in our article you learned about how to care, how to replant, what to do if the myrtle dries out, why the leaves of the plant fall off? Follow the rules of care, and myrtle will feel great.

Interesting information about decorative indoor trees:

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If improperly cared for, potted flowers can become “sick.” A white coating may appear on the leaves of indoor plants or mold on the surface of the soil. Such a manifestation requires immediate action. The causes of diseases of indoor flowers and white plaque are aphids, mites, and mold. These pests not only spoil the appearance of plants, but can also destroy them.

The most common cause of the appearance of white plaque on the leaves of indoor plants is microscopic fungi - powdery mildew mycelium. This disease very quickly covers the entire plant and destroys it.

White coating on indoor flowers. Photo

The most common causes of powdery mildew are:

It is possible and necessary to fight powdery mildew, but first of all you should pay more attention to the care regimen for your indoor plant. If your flower is affected by powdery mildew, pay attention to:

  • watering frequency;
  • stagnation of water in the tray of the pot;
  • change in air temperature in the room.

In order to save a plant from powdery plaque, it is necessary to treat its leaves with a fungicide, but first remove the damaged leaves. The fungicide solution should be applied to the leaves of the indoor flower from a spray bottle once every 10 days. The minimum amount of processing is 3-5 times.

White cotton wool on leaves: how to deal with mealybugs

If you notice a white coating, like cotton wool, appearing on indoor flowers, it means that your indoor pet has become a victim. mealybug. This is a very small sucking insect, which is one of the relatives of aphids. It weaves a web and tightens it around the leaves of a houseplant.

Some plants are not susceptible to this disease at all, but a number of indoor flowers, such as Kalanchoe, are very sensitive to mealybugs and can die very quickly.

Indoor flowers have a white coating, like cotton wool. Photo

How to get rid of white plaque on indoor flowers:

  • alcohol(96%) moisten a cotton pad or cotton swab and carefully remove white plaque and adult insects from each leaf, wetting the cotton as often as possible;
  • Spray the leaves and trunk of the plant with a spray bottle insecticide solution;
  • if there are other flowers next to the diseased plant, they should also be treated, since the white, cotton-like coating on indoor flowers spreads very quickly;
  • wipe with soaked in insecticide a rag to the window frames and the window sill on which the pot stood.

The treatment will have to be repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days. The fact is that eggs may remain on the leaves of the plant, as well as on the windowsill, which are not afraid of the insecticide poisons.

White coating on the ground of a houseplant

Concerns about the condition of a houseplant can be caused by a white coating on the ground in indoor flowers or simply - mold. This often happens even with the most careful care of the plant. There may be several reasons for the appearance of white plaque:

  • high salt content in irrigation water;
  • pot too big;
  • excessive feeding;
  • too dry indoors;
  • excessive watering.

If the soil in indoor flowers is covered with a white coating, first of all, the top, contaminated layer should be removed from the soil, and a fresh layer should be poured in its place. To prevent mold contamination of the soil, you should ventilate the room and water the plant taking into account its moisture needs.

How to remove white plaque from flowers - video

When growing flowers at home, gardeners often encounter some difficulties, the most common of which is a white coating on the flowers themselves and in the pot. In order to approach treatment correctly, you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of plaque, of which there may be several.

  • White coating on indoor flowers: reasons
  • How to treat white plaque on indoor plants
  • Prevention of white plaque on indoor flowers

White coating on indoor flowers: reasons

The most common cause of white plaque on the body of a plant and its leaves is damage to:

  • powdery and downy mildew
  • mealybugs
  • mold
  • gray rot

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of each disease in order to choose the right drugs for treatment.

Powdery mildew

The leaves of indoor flowers quickly become covered with a white coating due to damage by mycelium - microscopic fungi. The disease is dangerous due to its speed of spread, and if urgent measures are not taken, the plants will soon die.

The disease is caused by the fungi “Sphaerothecarannosa”, the genus of which has many varieties. Therefore, any plant can become infected with powdery mildew.

A favorable environment for the development of this type of fungus is an increased level of humidity in the room, as well as sudden changes in temperature.

Fungal spores can easily migrate from one plant to another during watering, on the legs of insects and with air currents, so the disease is contagious. The infected plant is isolated and preventive treatments are carried out on all flowers.

The development of powdery mildew can be caused by excessive fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and calcium deficiency in combination with high temperature and indoor air humidity.

Downy mildew

This is a disease related to powdery mildew, therefore the causes of their occurrence are identical, and the manifestations have significant difference. When affected by powdery mildew, a white fluffy coating formed by the mycelium spreads along the outer side of the leaf blade.

With downy mildew, the plaque is concentrated on the inside of the leaves, and their surface is covered with yellowish spots with a whitish coating that has a purple tint.



The formation of mold spots on the leaves is the result of infection by fungi - botrytis and mycelium. Mold appears as fibrous or fleecy substances covered in dust.

The disease is the result of frequent spraying of flowers, resulting in the formation of excess moisture, which is favorable environment for fungal development.

Mold must be combated, otherwise the process of rotting will begin and the plant will die.

Gray rot

Fragmented spots of white plaque with a gray tint are initially concentrated on the stems and leaf petioles. But the disease quickly spreads throughout the plant. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful so that gray rot does not destroy all homemade greens, because there is no cure for this disease.

All these diseases are contagious and are caused by improper care, and in particular, increased levels of humidity and temperature.

How to treat white plaque on indoor plants

When the causes of white plaque on indoor flowers have been established, you can move on to methods for eliminating them. These events are similar to each other, but may also have distinctive features that should not be neglected.

Treatment of powdery mildew

When identifying the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to normalize the temperature and humidity in the room, as well as eliminate the causes of sudden temperature fluctuations. Relevant for first aid in case of minor damage to flowers. folk remedies:

  1. manganese solution - 2 grams of potassium permanganate dissolved in 10 liters of water
  2. soap solution with the addition of soda ash. To prepare it, mix 45-50 grams of soda and soap, then dilute with 10 liters of water.
  3. garlic infusion: 20 grams of chopped garlic per 1 liter of water. They insist for a day

The leaves and stems of plants are washed with these solutions and sprayed. Such methods are applicable at the initial stage of disease development. For severe forms of the disease, fungicidal drugs are used. Moreover, for powdery mildew, you need to use sulfur-containing products, and for downy mildew, copper-containing products.

Fighting mealybugs

Mold Removal

The fight against mold consists of removing the affected parts of indoor flowers and preventive antifungal treatments. It is also important to restore the microclimate and create suitable conditions content.

When treating white plaque, you need to carry out comprehensive measures and regularly inspect healthy flowers so as not to miss the moment and start treatment in a timely manner. But treating diseases is much more difficult than preventing their development. Therefore, systemic preventive measures should be carried out.

Prevention of white plaque on indoor flowers

Disease prevention consists of simple rules:

  • regular inspections of flowers for pests
  • removing dust and dirt from sheet plates
  • sanitary trimmings
  • optimal conditions for each specific plant

If these conditions are met, then indoor flowers will have lasting immunity against fungal diseases and pests, which cause the appearance of a white coating on the leaves and stems.

Only with proper care and proper maintenance conditions will indoor flowers be beneficial and give joy, and will not cause waste and headaches. Therefore, before you bring a plant into your home, you need to thoroughly study its preferences for humidity, temperature and nutrition.

Unfortunately, indoor plants can also get sick. All plants, if not maintained correctly, are susceptible to various pests and diseases. One of the most common ailments is a white coating that affects leaves, flowers and even the soil.

Diseased leaves

Powdery mildew - what is it?

White plaque is a fungal disease called powdery mildew. Powdery mildew on indoor plants is a coating of fungal spores. After the defeat, the plant soon becomes lethargic, the leaves dry out, and the flower buds fall off. This happens due to the fact that the fungus sucks out all the useful and vital substances from the plant.

The main cause of the disease is humid air, incorrect temperature, drafts and soil overflow.

This type of disease is contagious and can be easily confused with another disease. If white plaque is detected, treatment should be started immediately. If treated incorrectly or untimely, unfortunately, the plant dies.

Fungus on leaves

Cause of powdery mildew

  • If it's cool outside, about 12 - 15 degrees, rainy season, high humidity. Outdoor conditions do not affect indoor plants as much as they do plants located on the balcony. Therefore, in bad weather, balcony plants should be moved to a warmer place.
  • If the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen
  • Lots of vegetation in the pot and little space
  • Improper care, not timely watering. If the plant is often watered and the earthen lump does not have time to dry out, or vice versa, the earth constantly dries out, and then it is watered abundantly

Since this disease is portable, it is very easy to infect other plants:

  1. If you touched a diseased plant, then touch a healthy one
  2. If mealy fungi get into the irrigation water
  3. Even when airborne, spores can infect neighboring plants.

    Avoid contact with fungus

We create the right care

To get rid of white plaque, it is necessary to provide comprehensive care for the diseased plant. First you need to understand the agricultural technology of cultivation:

  • Water the plant only when the top layer of soil begins to dry out.
  • When treating a plant, you cannot spray it (with the exception of medicinal purposes). This also applies to healthy plants for preventive purposes.
  • The flower needs more sunny days, it is advisable to move the flower to a dry and warm place, with little direct sunlight
  • Withered and dry leaves and buds must be torn off
  • With this disease, you cannot use any fertilizers or fertilizers.

    Hide the plant from direct sunlight

Provide the plant with proper care, otherwise powdery mildew will become your regular visitor. Now let's move on to treating the disease.

Treatment of white plaque

To get rid of white plaque forever, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper treatment:

  • If powdery mildew appears on bushy flowers, such as house roses, various types chrysanthemums, as well as petunias, you need to prune the plant generously, ridding it of diseased leaves and flowers. The more leaves and twigs you remove, the greater the chance of recovery for your plant.
  • It is advisable to arrange a flower transplant; it is necessary to transplant the plant into fresh soil
  • Specialized flower shops sell various additives that fight fungi. The plant needs to be sprayed generously and wiped with each leaf.

    We leave only healthy leaves and stems

Treatment with chemicals

The easiest way to cure a houseplant is with chemicals. They actively stop the growth of fungi, having a detrimental effect on it. And the plant is helped in the form of protection and treatment.

There are a lot of chemicals today, some of them are: Topaz, Previkur, Fundazol and many others.


Folk remedies against powdery mildew

Please note that folk remedies cannot cure the advanced stage of the disease. Such measures are carried out as prevention or for treatment initial stages diseases:

  1. For one liter of hot boiled water, take one tablespoon baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap no additives. The plant must be sprayed once a day for three days. The water must be cooled before use.

    Soda + soap

  2. You need to add a few crystals of potassium permanganate per liter of water; the result should be a barely noticeable pink tint. The plant must be sprayed once a day at intervals of three days.

    Potassium permanganate solution

  3. For one liter of hot water you need to take half a teaspoon of mustard powder. After cooling, the plant can be sprayed and watered with the resulting solution.
  4. This method is the most effective for treating fungal infections on indoor plants. Take five grams of copper sulfate per glass of water. Dissolve a small piece of soap in a separate container. After preparation, you need to pour the soap mass into copper sulfate. It is necessary to pour in a thin stream with constant stirring.

    Soap + copper sulfate

  5. Three cloves of garlic must be chopped and poured hot water, approximately one liter. After a day of infusion, it is necessary to remove the remaining garlic and water the flower with the resulting garlic water.

With the right approach to treatment, as well as timely measures, it is possible to defeat powdery mildew and cure your favorite plant.

Pay attention to the video

Mealybugs are sucking insects with an oval-shaped body. It is covered with a white coating with peculiar bristles on the sides. Since the body is pink or white with transverse stripes on the back, this insect can be seen with the naked eye. Depending on the variety its dimensions range from 3 to 7 mm. This pest produces white sticky mucus, which gives the impression that the plant has been sprinkled with flour or lumps of cotton wool on top. It is under them that a mealybug or a clutch of its eggs is discovered.

This mucus interferes with gas exchange in flowers. The insect prefers to settle on young shoots, in the axils of leaves or inside them when they have not yet opened, as well as in buds. These individuals can appear directly on the windowsill, in flower containers and even in the soil.

In total, about 1,600 species of this insect are known. The following types of scale insects are considered the most dangerous for indoor plants:

  • bristly;
  • seaside;
  • grape;
  • citrus.

Favorable conditions for reproduction

When fertilizing the soil with indoor plants, you need to take special care. No way You can’t feed in large quantities, since this creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of the mealybug. This pest also settles on flowers, which are often fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen.

The favorable temperature for insect reproduction is considered to be +27 degrees or slightly lower. Larvae emerge from laid eggs quite quickly. Healthy plants They have excellent immunity and produce protective substances that repel insects. However, in winter time metabolic processes are disrupted. As the daylight hours become short, the flowers begin to lack lighting, and the air in the apartment becomes too dry due to the central heating radiators running. Plants become weak, which increases the risk of pest occurrence.

Why are mealybugs dangerous?

To feed, the pest needs the sap of a houseplant, which causes significant damage to the flower. In addition, in the process of life it insect secretes nectar, which has a special composition that promotes the proliferation of mold fungi and attracts other insects. Without taking timely measures, the flower dies.

There is a type of mealybug whose females do not need males to reproduce. Some subspecies produce offspring without laying eggs. In this case, larvae reproduce, ready to independent life, viviparous individuals.

Basically, this pest appears on such a beautiful flower as an orchid, which decorates the windowsills of many apartments and offices. In addition, the insect attacks citrus fruits, philodendrons, gerberas, fuchsias, asparagus, monstera, grapes, cacti, amaryllis, oleanders, palms, anthurium, and hibiscus.

Poison secreted by scale insects leads to weakening of orchid growth, color change and leaf falling. U flowering plants buds and already blooming flowers begin to suffer. Active reproduction of these insects often leads to deformation of young shoots of orchids. In violets, the root system is damaged.

Mealybug: how to fight?

This pest is found quite often on indoor plants, and especially on orchids. Their appearance is facilitated by such favorable factors as:

  • poor care;
  • use of contaminated soil;
  • increase or decrease in temperature.

It is very difficult to combat this pest. The very first thing to do is isolate the affected flower from other plants to avoid infection. It is best to inspect the flowers that were near the diseased specimen. If a peduncle or bud is damaged, they should be cut off.

To kill an insect that attacks indoor flowers, such as an orchid, it is not necessary to resort to the use of chemicals. There are a large number of folk methods by which you can get rid of this pest forever.

The most common method is using a soap-alcohol solution. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. grated laundry soap dissolved in hot water. Then the volume of liquid is adjusted to 1 liter, after which 1 tbsp is added. l. alcohol and 2 tbsp. l. vodka. Before spraying, the substrate is closed in a pot, and the next day after the procedure is washed with warm water. For best effect, spraying is recommended every 3 to 4 days.

Has proven itself well garlic tincture. To prepare it, take 4 – 5 cloves of garlic and chop them. After this, half a liter of water is brought to a boil, to which garlic is added. The resulting solution should be used to wipe the affected leaves.

You can also prepare olive emulsion. A few spoons for this olive oil stir in water and apply to the orchid using a cotton pad.

Chemical methods

There are a large number of different chemicals, the effect of which is that after application the protective substance penetrates into the sap of the plant. Insects suck it out and poison it.

All chemicals are divided into the following types:

  • Systemic - they get into the juice of indoor flowers, making them poisonous to the mealybug. These include various sprays, for example, “Rogor” and “Phosfamide”. The most effective insecticides are those consisting of malathion and parathion.
  • Intestinal – enter the pest’s body through the mouth. Such drugs include Actellik, Aktara, Nurell-D.
  • Contact - they enter the body of the worm through the skin. The most common drug in this group is considered to be “Spruzit - aeschadlingsfrei”. During treatment with this product, the plant should not be left in direct sunlight. They do not need to re-process the flowers.

Biological methods

In nature, there are insects that feed on mealybugs. These include ichneumon fly, larvae of cryptolemus, gummy fly, and common lacewing.

If a mealybug appears on an orchid or other indoor flowers, do not be upset. It’s best to remember if new plants have recently appeared in the apartment? They may be the source of the disease. Therefore, after purchasing flowers, you must carefully inspect them.

Even if nothing is found, this does not indicate the absence of a pest. Larvae can hide in the soil or packaging containers.

Mealybug invasion


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