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Did you like the game? But games can be completely different, for example, outdoor, computer, intellectual. What games do you play?

What games do you play at school?

Today I will show you what games you can play at school and at home, alone or with friends.

The first outdoor game that I suggest you play is called

- "Color Signals"

Make three palm silhouettes from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, green. These are signals.
When an adult raises a green palm, you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; a yellow palm means that you can move quietly and whisper; at the signal of a red palm, children should freeze in place, remain silent and not move.
The game should end with a red palm

Another game we play is called

« Pass the ball"
Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, the players try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it.
You can throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible or pass it, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back.
You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with their eyes closed or by using several balls in the game at the same time.

Air football

What is needed for the game: a desk, a plastic Kinder Surprise egg (or a ping-pong ball), two strips of paper.

The game can be played by two players, the rest are spectators. This football can be played as a knockout game. That is, spectators can take turns becoming players.

Place strips of paper at different ends of the desk (they can be secured with tape). Place the egg in the middle and give the command. On command, players begin to blow on the egg. They can move around the desk, but cannot push or push each other aside. The players' task is to score (more precisely, BLOW OUT) a goal to the opponent. A goal is counted if the egg crosses the strip of paper. You can play until the first goal or until three points.

Help the children organize these games; rest during recess should be active!

Class hour on the topic: “GAMES FOR TRUST”

Class: 4 "G"

Number of students: 20

Class teacher: Struchkova A.N.

Equipment: cards for the game “Empathy”; sheets of paper for the game “Forecast”; paper, pencils, felt-tip pens for the game “Group Drawing”; paper, ink and brushes for the game “Blots”; felt-tip pen or pencil, blank sheet of paper for the game “Psychological Portrait”; colored cards for the game “Your Favorite Color”.

Goals: creating favorable conditions for the development of students’ personalities, the free and full development of their abilities and the unity of the class team.

Move class hour

Teacher. Guys, do you like to play? Name your favorite games. (Children answer.)


(Empathy is a person’s ability to empathize, the ability to understand the state of another.)

The most “empathetic” one is selected from all the students in the class. He goes out the door. The rest of the children receive cards on which various human states are written. In a minute, children need to get used to this state so that the driver can guess what is written on the card.

(Cards: anger, joy, thoughtfulness, irony, fear, sadness, fear, surprise, boredom, admiration, suspicion.)


The class is divided into two teams. Each person receives 4 pieces of paper with the following inscriptions: quarrel, sadness, friendship, happiness. On the back of each of them, players must make a small drawing depicting this word. Members of the other team, seeing only the word, but not the pictures, must guess (make a prediction) what is depicted.

"Group drawing"

Children sit in a circle. One begins to draw something important for himself. Then he passes the drawing to the neighbor on the right. At the same time, he receives another drawing from his neighbor on the left. Children draw until the drawing returns to its owner. Then you can organize an exhibition of group drawings.

"Blindfolded" ("An Interesting Experiment")

Each participant in the game wears a blindfold. At first, everyone moves chaotically around the room, trying not to push each other. Then the boys are invited to organize their circle in one part of the room, and the girls in the other. This will require intuition and flair, since talking and making any sounds in general is prohibited. The presenter strictly monitors compliance with this rule. True, you can touch each other.

“In cramped conditions, but don’t be offended”

The class is divided into two equal teams with approximately the same number of boys and girls in each. You can take into account mutual interests and sympathies. The leader draws a square in front of each team, divided into eight cells. Each team is asked to occupy as few squares as possible.

"Hand to Hand"

An odd number of players take part in the game. The driver says a phrase, for example: “Hand to hand! Everyone changes places,” and all participants in the game, including the driver, must find a partner and touch their partner with their hands. The one who did not have time to find a partner becomes the driver. The new driver says, for example: “Back to back! Everyone changes places." All players again try to find a partner as quickly as possible and stand back to back with him. You can continue the game with a wide variety of teams: “Nose to nose”, “Shoulder to shoulder”, etc.

"Like in a mirror"

The players are divided into pairs, preferably of the opposite sex. Partners in a pair stand facing each other at arm's length. In each pair, one participant will play the role of a mirror. He needs to copy all his partner’s movements as accurately as possible. The one who supposedly stands in front of the mirror will, as it were, examine his face in this mirror, while changing its expression: frown or smile, show surprise, wink, etc. The partner must accurately and dispassionately portray everything. And if the players laugh, then they get a penalty point. Then the partners change places.


Players take small pieces of paper. Using brushes, apply a small drop of ink to them, then fold the sheet in half and run your hand over it. After this, an amazing pattern appears on the sheet. Sheets with blots are passed around. The task of each player is to carefully study all the blots and write under them or on the back of the piece of paper what they remind him of most and what associations they evoke. On each piece of paper there will be answers reflecting the associations of the clear majority. Those participants who find themselves in this group are among the people who are most sensitive to the needs and demands of society; they adapt well to environment, they are realists. Those who became the authors of the most unusual, non-standard, unique answers are, to some extent, brilliant and talented.


A talisman is considered an object that brings good luck and happiness. Therefore, they always try to carry it with them. Any object can be a talisman - it is only important that it comes to you under happy circumstances and from good hands. Perhaps the talisman carries some kind of positive, good energy. Let everyone think and find some object that would accompany him on happy days. It could be a simple pen, a comb, a badge, etc. Then choose a person who you like in some way. Exchange talismans with him, accompanying this good wishes and parting words. Think about what you will tell your partner when presenting the talisman: what the talisman will protect its new owner from, what kind of luck it will bring, what it symbolizes.


The way a person walks is one of the most permanent and expressive characteristics of an individual. Gait can tell a lot about a person’s state of mind, his character, temperament, and lifestyle.

We suggest playing a game that will help you learn to analyze each other’s gait, as well as find out what your gait says to others. Whoever wants to speak first goes to the middle of the circle. He needs to walk several times in front of his classmates, while trying to behave freely - for example, imagine that he is going to work, school, or a store in the morning and is thinking about something of his own along the way. The remaining participants in the game must come up with a name and a meaningful description of this gait. For example: “A Boat without Oars”, “Storm of the Winter Palace”, etc. The most important thing is that the names are accurate, but not offensive in any way.

"Psychological portrait"

Prepare markers or pencils and blank sheets of paper. The players must replace the words that need to be given an associative interpretation with a picture. The words can be anything: home, retribution, work, friendship, love, horror, abracadabra, family. Each drawing takes 1 minute. Children should try to express in a drawing the meaning contained in each of the words.

After this, you can invite the children to draw up a psychological portrait of their neighbor based on his drawings. Of course, it is difficult to give them an unambiguous interpretation, but life experience, intuition and common sense will help.

If the drawings are large, concrete and clear in meaning, then the person who drew them has a practical, reliable, thorough nature, but without imagination, without originality. Drawings in the form of symbols and allegories belong to a person with good logic and a clear mind. He is the master of his emotions, but perhaps a little dry and pedantic. If there is a lot of imagination and originality in the drawings, then this indicates creativity, but also about the difficulties that the author faces in everyday life.

You can take other words, for example: study, entertainment, crime, creativity, God, relaxation, dream.

"Quick Rhyme"

Each participant needs to write 7-8 short fragmentary phrases on a piece of paper. The topics of the phrases are not limited in any way, but they should be short, for example: “I went to the cinema,” “I want a delicious orange.” In short, any phrases that do not necessarily have a deep meaning. Then the participants in the game must disperse around the room and slowly, chaotically move around it, bumping into other players. Each time a participant comes across another partner, he reads one of the phrases to him, and the first one must immediately respond with some kind of rhyme, trying, if possible, to complete the topic he started. Then he reads his phrase, and his partner suffers over the rhyme. Having thus exchanged rhymes, they disperse and continue to move around the room until they come across another participant, with whom they repeat the same procedure. At the end, all players exchange impressions, read out their favorite rhymes, and name their authors.

"The very best"

Every person is unique personality, in some ways he is completely inimitable. However, precisely because not everyone notices this, a person becomes dissatisfied with the attitude of others towards his person. Try to fix this.

The class is divided into several teams. Inside each of them, all players talk about their merits. And then the teams talk about their most cheerful, resourceful, smart comrades.

Based on this game, you can hold competitions to identify the “best.”

"Your favorite color"

Each person has his own taste in everything. Common tastes often unite people - a unity of attitude towards life is manifested. Psychologists can create a very accurate portrait of a person based solely on knowledge of her color preferences. Offer game participants a choice of colors: orange, dark blue, blue-green and light yellow (for example, colored cards). Which color would a person prefer?

As a rule, lovers of the color orange are active people, with a lively, joyful, active and inspired sense of self. Lovers of dark blue are calm people, satisfied with their own situation. Lovers of blue-green color are usually persistent, strict and serious people. Lovers of light yellow color are usually cheerful and sociable people. One can assume a person’s behavior in a difficult, unpleasant or stressful situation. If in such a situation you are asked to choose a color, then the person who prefers orange may become overexcited and even lose his temper. People choosing blue, in the face of difficulties will feel bored and alienated. Those who prefer blue-green will feel difficult when problems arise, and those who prefer yellow will be confused and preoccupied, as if they had suffered a great loss.

Summing up the class hour - reflection.

Compiled by: Struchkova Anna Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Batagai Secondary School"

Verkhoyansk district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Two men come out of the casino. One is in swimming trunks, the other is completely naked.

“It’s good for you,” the naked player turns to his friend, “you know how to stop in time!” (Humor)

Unable to exchange thoughts, people throw cards. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Class hour dedicated to the problem of gambling addiction and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

According to doctors, among patients in psychiatric and drug treatment centers there is an increasing number of more people, obsessed with a passion for gambling. Scientists, politicians, and ordinary people are already talking about the disastrous consequences of gambling addiction. The results of recent studies show that in some schools in the country up to 80% of students are seriously “hooked” on gambling. *) 1

“Experts” present information about various aspects of gambling addiction to talk show participants. The facilitator leads the discussion.

*) 1 “Novye Izvestia”, June 7, 2006

Goals:expand children’s understanding of the harmful effects of gambling on the human psyche; develop students' conscious understanding existing problem; develop a negative attitude towards gambling; cultivate a positive attitude towards healthy image life; encourage self-knowledge, self-development, increased self-esteem and self-education.

Event form:talk show.

Preparatory work with children.

Select a presenter, experts (historian, journalist, doctor), provide them with texts of speeches.

Class plan

I. Opening remarks.

2. Gambling addiction is a diagnosis.

3. The danger of gambling addiction.

4. The cure for the “One-Armed Infection.”

III. Conclusion.

Class progress

I. Opening remarks.

Class teacher.I would like to start today's class hour with poetic lines (reads):

“We live somewhat without excitement, monotonously, as if in ranks, don’t be afraid to throw everything at stake and change your life...”

These are the words of a song from the Soviet film “Station for Two”. In Soviet times, these lines sounded like a call to break out of boring everyday life, to believe in luck, in the possibility of happiness. And in our time these words sound like a terrible mockery. More and more people are desperately throwing everything at stake, literally ruining the lives of themselves and their loved ones, becoming slaves to gambling.

Statisticians claim that every third citizen of Russia already has an acquaintance or close relative who is firmly hooked on the game.

We dedicate today's talk show to the problem of gambling addiction.

Experts will give us information for discussion today: historian (name, surname), journalist (name, surname), doctor (name, surname), sociologist (name, surname), We invite everyone to take part in the discussion. After all, this problem can affect each of us.

At the beginning, a short dossier: “Victims of gambling yesterday and today” - information from a historian and journalist.

II. Talk show “Hooked on the Game.”

Victims of gambling yesterday and today.

Historian. All people are gambling, but each one manifests their passion in their own way. One is excitedly working at the dacha, another is excitedly watching football, the third is excitedly reading books, and some are excitedly playing games of chance.

Excitement - translated from French - passion, enthusiasm, passion, excessive ardor, ardent passion for any activity, inspiration, enthusiasm. Excitement is simply necessary in sports and in creativity, but it can also be destructive and lead to tragedy.

Passion for gaming is an ancient human vice. They say that the first playing cards appeared in ancient China at the turn of the second millennium AD. After 400 years, cards and gambling came to Europe. The first gambling houses appeared, then roulette and other innovations.
In Russia, the elite, prone to a bohemian lifestyle, was fond of gambling: the great fabulist I.A. Krylov made a fortune of 110 thousand rubles with the help of cards, and A.S. lost tens of thousands of rubles in an evening. Pushkin, it is no coincidence that he wrote “The Queen of Spades”.

And M. Yu. Lermontov paid tribute to his passion for cards - he composed the drama “Shtos”. N.A. Nekrasov was a passionate gambler, F.M. Dostoevsky suffered because of the destructive passion that he described in the story “The Gambler”.
People lost fortunes, died in poverty, or committed suicide, and committed the most incredible acts and crimes.

The first casinos in Russia appeared in 1989 in Moscow, and now there are already hundreds of thousands of slot machines in our country. For example, in Moscow, there is 1 machine gun per 150 residents. Millions of people become regulars at gaming establishments and become addicted to the game. Entrepreneurs very skillfully use this human vice - a passion for risk, a desire to test oneself.

Journalist.Victims of gambling are the most different people: men and women, old people and children, rich and poor.

People of different ages and professions, of different cultural and social levels fall into the network of gambling addiction, but the ending of these stories, as a rule, is the same.

An ordinary engineer: he lost a large sum of money, borrowed from friends to win back and lost again, borrowed from friends, but this amount also remained in the casino, death threats began, he had to sell his apartment, now he lives in the basement, collecting bottles.

Teacher, 45 years old. I lost 200 thousand rubles in slot machines, which the family had been collecting for 5 years to build a house. Now there is no home, no money, and still she continues to play. He loses, realizes his problem, stops playing for a while, and then it all starts again.

37-year-old businessman: a solid business, his own office in the city center, a luxurious mansion, several cars, a young beautiful wife. One day, his business partner invited him to a casino, and he immediately won a fairly large amount of money. After that I started playing regularly. Now he has neither cars nor a mansion. He sold his business, his beautiful wife left him, and he himself lives, stealing, at the station with only one thought - to find some money and recoup.
By the way, all the clubs in the city pay out big winnings without any problems. Why should they be afraid? All the same, if not today, then tomorrow, this money will definitely return to them...
Research from the US National Association on Problem Gambling states that the average city dweller in any country in the world:
6% - become a criminal;
34% - chances of becoming an alcoholic;
32% - chances of becoming a drug addict;
48% - chances of becoming a gambling addict.*) 2

*) 2 Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, no. 1, March 2005

It turns out that the threat of gambling addiction is very high for each of us.

Leading.I propose to discuss the information received. (Addresses talk show participants)

– Have you ever been to a casino? Have you placed bets?

– Who has experience with slot machines?

– Have you ever won? How many did you lose?

– Do you know anyone who is passionate about the game?

– Have you ever had to restrain your passion for the game?

(Discussion in progress)

Gambling addiction is a diagnosis. *) 3

Leading.What attracts people to the game? Why do they get addicted? How do you become a gambler? What is gambling addiction from a medical point of view?

Doctor. Pathological attraction to gambling - gambling addiction, or ludomania (from the Latin word ludus - game) - is included in the International Classification of Diseases in the section of mental diseases. Gambling addiction is a non-chemical addiction in which a change in consciousness occurs without taking psychoactive substances. Gambling addiction is a disease similar to drug addiction or alcoholism. The biological nature of gambling addiction is associated with “happiness hormones”, endorphins, which are produced in the brain. Our mood and our emotions depend on the concentration of endorphins. Endorphins cause a state of satisfaction and joy. Any excitement (sports, games, arguments, etc.) contributes to the release of endorphins. The emergence of addiction occurs because a person tries to prolong the state of happiness, for which purpose he repeats the actions that lead to it again and again.

Leading. What pushes a person to seek excitement?

Doctor. Paranoia of desires - this is what employees of the Ministry of Health call the condition that pushes a player to search for a casino or slot machines.

Leading. By what signs can a person judge that he has become addicted to the game?

Doctor. Most often, a gambling addict is uncritical of his illness and thinks that he can quit at any time (like an alcoholic or a drug addict), so it is mainly his relatives who turn to specialists.
Signs of gambling addiction:

1. Absorption, preoccupation with the game (remembering past games, planning future bets, searching for money for the next game).

2. Strong excitement during the game, increasing the bet.

3. Failure to control or interrupt play.

4. Feelings of anxiety and irritation when it is necessary to interrupt the game.

5. Game as a way to escape from your problems or cheer up (get away from guilt, anxiety, depression).

6. Trying to win back the day after a loss.

7. Deceiving loved ones in order to hide the true degree of one’s involvement in the game.

8. Willingness to go on the offensive to finance the game.

9. Neglecting studies, career, family, friends for the sake of the game.

10. Debt trap - the desire to borrow money in order to pay off debts caused by gambling.

If you have at least four symptoms, you are already seriously ill.
Leading. What are the stages of disease development?

Doctor. According to doctors, this passion is worse than drug addiction; every 20 residents of Russia are susceptible to it. And in order to become addicted, 8-12 hours are enough.
The principle of addiction to gaming is the same as that of alcoholism and drug addiction.

An obsessive gambler usually goes through four stages:
– stage of winnings - playing occasionally, dreams of winnings, increasing bets, big wins.
– stage of losses - playing alone, leaving work, large loans, unpaid debts, remortgages, lies.
– phase of despair - damaged reputation, break with family, friends, repentance, shifting blame to others, panic, loss of job, illegal actions.
– hopeless stage: feelings of hopelessness, thoughts of suicide and possible attempts, arrests, alcohol, emotional collapse and symptoms of insanity.

Leading. Have any of you ever felt addicted to a game?

– What signs of gaming addiction have you already discovered in yourself?

– Do you agree that gambling addiction is similar to drug addiction?

– Where else can adrenaline junkies tickle their nerves? (Extreme sports, racing, horror films, etc.)

– Can these activities cause addiction?

(Discussion in progress)

*) 3 Big Medical Encyclopedia, M., Eksmo, 2007

The dangers of gambling

Leading. It would seem that to play or not to play is a personal matter; everyone has the right to manage their life as they want. What is the social danger of gambling addiction? Word to the lawyer.

Lawyer. Game addiction is very dangerous for society. Unable to overcome their passion and pay off their debts, people often take their own lives.

Teenagers often become victims of gambling addiction. According to the police, tens of thousands of Russian teenagers spend all their free time in slot machine halls, getting money to play through thefts and robberies.

The gaming business is very profitable - daily revenue reaches $1000 per day. A significant part of the proceeds is hidden from taxes and goes into the shadows.

The gaming business is terribly criminalized. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, approximately 60-65 percent of all gambling establishments in the country are under the control of criminal gangs. Only for last year Dozens of attacks were carried out on the owners and visitors of halls and casinos. Law enforcement officials constantly accuse these establishments of falsifying financial documents and using unregistered machines.

The gaming business encourages fraud. To increase profits, some tricksters configure the machines in such a way that only one out of 500-600 players gets a small win.

Leading.(Addresses the talk show participants). Do you agree that gambling addiction is dangerous to society?

– What else can you see as a social danger of gambling addiction?

– Is it possible to compare the activities of gambling establishments with fraud?

– Do you agree that the roots of teenage crime lie in gambling addiction?

The cure for the “One-Armed Infection”

Leading.How to solve the problem of gambling addiction? Problem solution from doctors.

Doctor.A person can only be cured when he wants it, but for this he needs to reach the very bottom, realize, be horrified and voluntarily give up the game. Family support is very important. It’s good to go somewhere, for example, to the taiga, where there is not a single slot machine for hundreds of kilometers around. Psychotherapists are already “coding” players from gambling addiction.
When treating gambling addiction, it is recommended to use the following techniques:
- “Piggy bank.” You need to imagine some luxurious thing that you have long dreamed of. Every time you pass by a machine and persuade yourself to lose just “a little 500 rubles,” you need to urgently run home and mentally put the lost money in your piggy bank.
- "Crisis manager." You need to find a loved one with a strict character to whom you can deposit all your earned money. Together with him, a plan for distributing debts is drawn up.
- “Personal psychologist.” A rather unusual method, which is used only in the West: the psychologist himself accompanies the patient to the casino and turns on when the condition begins to melt.
Leading. What methods do you find most effective?

(Children answer)

Leading.What do lawyers offer?

Lawyer. The State Duma is already involved in the gaming business. It is proposed to amend the tax code and increase taxes on the gambling business. But laws need to be passed to prohibit gambling under the age of 18, as is done in Western countries.

It is necessary to introduce a limit on the time spent in gaming establishments.

It is necessary to pass a law according to which a gambling addict, as someone who has lost his health, could receive compensation from a gambling establishment.

Or better yet, ban gambling altogether. And today up to 95% of our fellow citizens stand for this.

Leading. What legal measures to combat gambling addiction seem to you to be the most effective?

What measures would you suggest?

(Children answer)

Leading.What do journalists offer?

Journalist. It is necessary to educate, to warn people about the dangers of gambling addiction. After all, every pack of cigarettes must bear the inscription: “The Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous to your health.” It is necessary that every slot machine at the entrance to the casino have a similar inscription.

Another solution to the problem is to introduce children to physical education, sports, artistic and technical creativity. After all, the roots of gambling addiction are in childhood. As a rule, those children whose parents did not create an area of ​​interest where the child would feel successful and where he could achieve positive results become gambling addicts.

Therefore, it is necessary to build stadiums, open clubs and clubs where children can realize themselves.

Leading.(Addresses the talk show participants). How do you feel about these measures?

What can you suggest to solve the problem of gambling addiction?

(Children answer)

III. Conclusion.

Leading. Our discussion is coming to an end. And I would like to end our conversation with one Abkhazian parable.*) 4

*) 4 Lakrebay M.A. The one who killed the doe. "Alashara", 1982

...Old Jesib spent a long time trying to persuade his grandson to stop stealing and gambling. But it's all in vain. And before his death, the old man made the following will to his grandson: find the most skilled thief and the most skilled gambler and ask them to teach him their craft.

Fulfilling his grandfather's last wish, the grandson found the king of thieves, but what he saw surprised him very much.

“In the small room of the “king” of thieves there was not even furniture. The owner was lying on an old sagging ottoman. There was a cracked pot lying on the floor, from which it had obviously not been eaten for a long time. Poverty and dirt spoke for themselves. Here it is, thieves' "happiness"!

After the old thief, the young man found the “king” of gamblers. He made an even more painful impression on him: a gambler with tousled hair was on his knees and feverishly threw card after card onto the floor.
The young man waited for an opportune moment and spoke about the purpose of his coming.
- Oh, you were not mistaken! – the gambler proudly declared. – I have been playing for more than thirty years. “He looked up from the cards for a moment and looked at the guy with bloodshot eyes. Then he began to throw cards excitedly again and immediately invited the guest to play with him.
But the young man thanked the old gambler and hurried away.
He realized that the old gambler had lived his life in vain.
So the wise Jesib saved his grandson. The old man knew that life teaches much better than any moral teachings.

– Do you think this parable is relevant for our time? One suggestion from the experts.

(Experts speak out)

– And the opinions of the participants in our talk show.

(Children speak out)

Leading. We came to the conclusion that the best way to avoid gambling addiction - do not gamble. Our talk show has come to an end. Thank you all for participating.

IV. Summing up (reflection)

Class teacher. How do you feel when you leave class? Are you immune to gambling addiction?

Scenario of the intellectual game “In the kingdom of savvy

A man's mind is stronger than his fists.

Francois Rabelais

It's good to be strong

It's twice as smart to be smart.

I. A. Krylov

Goals: expand children’s understanding of logical problems and ways to solve them; promote the development of imagination, awakening the creative activity of children; to form a positive moral attitude towards mental work; promote the development of collectivism.

Preparatory work: invite children to unite into two teams, choose a captain, come up with a name. Choose judges (2 for each team).


Make medals from cardboard “Knight of Ingenuity”, “Squire of Ingenuity”, “For Ingenuity” (according to the number of participants);

Make a photocopy of the sheet with tasks in triplicate, cut one sheet into strips with tasks (without answers!), give the second and third to the judges;

Make 20 keys from cardboard.


Make two large tables out of desks, around which teams will sit;

Write epigraphs for the game on the board and draw a labyrinth, the passages of which are closed with locks in ten places. (You can draw such a labyrinth on two sheets of Whatman paper, pin it on the board, and the judges will cross out the locks as they hand out the keys.)

Class plan

I. Introductory word “Man is a playing creature.”

II. Intellectual game “In the labyrinths of the Kingdom of Ingenuity.”

III. Awarding the winners.

IV. Final word: “The mind is stronger than the fists.”

Class progress

I. Introductory word “Man is a playing creature”

Class teacher. Sociologists argue that man is a playing creature. The game accompanies us throughout our lives. Sports games train the body, and there are intellectual games to train the mind. By solving riddles, puzzles, puzzles, we not only have fun, but also learn - we learn to compare, analyze, think. We learn patience, perseverance, wisdom.

And the more complex the puzzle, the more joy it brings to solve it.

II. Intellectual game “In the labyrinths of the Kingdom of Ingenuity”

Homeroom teacher. Today we will play the intellectual game “In the labyrinths of the Kingdom of Ingenuity.” Listen to the rules of the game.

Two teams of sixth graders got lost in the labyrinths of the Kingdom of Savvy. On the way to the exit, they need to find the keys to 10 locks that lock the passages of the labyrinth. Every castle contains a puzzle. Whoever solves it will receive a magic key. Having collected 10 keys, the team gets out of the maze and receives orders and the title “Knights of Savvy”. The team that comes second receives orders and the title “Squires of Savvy.” And those participants who obtained the magic key for their team receive medals “For ingenuity.”

How will the game play out? Teams receive all puzzle castles at the start. Each puzzle can be solved by the whole team, or tasks can be distributed among the participants - it all depends on the organization and cohesion of the group.

If any participant solves the puzzle, he must go to the board and convey the answer to the judges - the keeper of the keys. They will evaluate the correctness of the decision and give the participant a magic key. Then this participant can join his team and continue solving puzzles.

So, let's start the game.

(Music plays, the judges distribute tasks to the teams. Then all the task cards are laid out on the table. Children solve the puzzles. The team captain can distribute tasks among the participants to speed up the solution. Having solved the puzzle, the participants come up to the judges and show the solution. Having received the key, they join their team.)

III. Awarding the winners

Class teacher. Our game has come to an end. Both teams managed to get out of the maze. The guys from the team (...) were the first to collect 10 magic keys. All members of this team receive the title of “Knights of Savvy” and are awarded medals of the same name.

(The judges hand out awards.)

And their rivals, who came second, become “Squires of Savvy” and also receive medals.

(The judges hand out awards.)

Well, everyone who received the magic key keeps it as a prize, receiving in addition the Order “For Ingenuity.”

(The judges hand out awards.)

IV. Final word: “The mind is stronger than the fists”

Class teacher. No matter who a person becomes, no matter where he finds himself, intelligence, clarity and logical thinking will always help him. Read the aphorisms on the board. (Reads, comments.)

Indeed, knowledge is power. After all, a smart person is able to answer any question and find a way out of any situation. And to be strong, you need to develop your mind - read books, expand your horizons, participate in intellectual games.

And the magic keys that you found today while solving puzzles will be a symbol that the Kingdom of Ingenuity is always open to you.

Additional material

Task cards

First team

slave + moon = ?

ditch + hundred = ?

flies + mustache = ?

(Barnaul, Rostov, Sukhumi.)

2. With “g” - it will be part of the word,

With “th” - a little similar to layer,

With “n” - not a horse or a cow,

At least with legs and a tail.

(Syllable, layer, elephant.)

(The dark sector is added clockwise.)

4. Find the extra piece.

(B; everyone else has a pair.)

(2; the number in the circle is the result of dividing the sums of numbers located diagonally. 1) 12 + 4 = 16; 2) 5 + 3 = 8; 3) 16:8 = 2.)

6. Insert the missing letters and read the synonym for the word “employee”.


7. Solve the puzzles.

(Anapa, Volgograd, Moscow.)

8. Guess (by rearranging the letters in the required order) which professions are encrypted here:


(Architect, journalist, lawyer, teacher.)

9. Solve number puzzles (the same letters correspond to the same numbers):

YES + YES + YES = FOOD (50 + 50 + 50= 150.)

10. (Note) + (play) = carpenter's instrument.

(Garbage) + (river) = bird.

(Sea animal) + (tree) = military jacket.

(Note) + (deer decoration) = location of movement.

(Chisel, magpie, jacket, road.)

Second team

1. From each pair of words, by rearranging the letters, make up a third word - the name of the city.

log + water = ? ointments + silt = ? floor + cotton wool = ?

(Vologda, Izmail, Poltava.)

2. With a “t” - it’s where the stadium is,

With "m" - animal food,

With “a” - we’ll find it by the tree,

If we look there. (Kort, feed, bark.)

3. Study this series of figures, find a pattern and continue this series in accordance with the pattern found**.

(First, the dark sector is added with each move clockwise, then counterclockwise.)

4. Find the extra piece.

(B; other figures in the row have rounded sides.)

5. What number should be put instead of the question?

(2; look at the numbers in the same segments in each of the pentagons. Their sum is 10. For example: 6 + 1 + 3 = 10. Or: 2 + 4 + 4=10. Thus: 10-3-5 = 2.)

6. Fill in the missing letters and read the synonym for the word “employee”.


7. Guess (by rearranging the letters in the required order) which professions are encrypted here:


(Builder, artist, designer, seller.)

8. Solve number puzzles (the same letters correspond to the same numbers):

UH + UH + UH = OX

(25 + 25 + 25 = 75.)

9. Solve the puzzles.

(Patriot, autumn, invasion.)

10. (Area measure) + (note) = musical instrument.

Draft cattle) + (measure of area) = river.

(Male name) + (one hundred female names) = city in Crimea.

(The main song of the country) + (part of the world) = educational institution.

(Harp, Volga, Sevastopol, gymnasium.)

Target: develop attention, thinking, design, and artistic abilities.

Equipment: the teacher has a sample image of a heron, laid out from the details of a tangram, printouts of an image of a strawberry in cells for each student, cards with dialogues for each pair, printouts of a cryptogram for each pair; Students have a tangram, a squared notebook, and a pen.

Teacher. Today I am bringing you guys some fun activities that will help you develop your creativity.

Let's start with a warm-up. Now I will read you poetic lines in which mistakes may be made. Find them and fix them.

Oral group work.

He purrs affectionately in his sleep,

Pink cheerful pig.

I fished in the river,

The crocodile sang songs to me.

The beast can roar menacingly,

Because he's a bear.

Who moos in the stable in the morning?

Well, of course, the blue whale!

Dashingly rushes through the desert

Cross-eyed hare.

Like a sleepyhead, really.

The snail crawls barely.

From flower to flower, like a feather,

A sea pig flutters.

“Kuk-ku, kuk-ku,” the nightingale sings to us,

And there is no more joyful song in the forest.

Having finished my long flight,

A hippopotamus sat on the feeder.

Two badass crayfish grappled

And a big fight began.

Task 1. Solve problems about vehicles.

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two blinding lights. (Automobile)

A Zhiguli car and a Honda motorcycle crashed into each other, resulting in a Zhigulonda cyclomobile. How many wheels does the new one have? vehicle, if half of the wheels flew off during an accident? (3 wheels)

Making a “Cadillac” from a “Zaporozhets” is very simple, you just need to stretch the “Zaporozhets” to twice its length. The length of the “Zaporozhets” is three meters and five decimeters. What is the length of the Cadillac in meters? (7 meters)

Three trucks are driving along the road. In the back of each truck there are two cars. There are four toy cars in the trunk of every car. How many cars are there in the problem? (33 cars)

To solve the last problem, you need to draw a diagram on the board.

Task 2. Lay out an image of a heron using tangram details.

I have stilts -

The swamp is not scary.

I'm looking for frogs -

That's my concern. (Heron)

A sample of a tangram heron is placed on the board. Independent work in progress.

Task 3. Find examples with errors. Correct them.

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world. (Numbers)

A note on the board opens.

Task 4. Redraw the image of strawberries in the cells.

In a forest clearing

Tatyanka shows off -

Scarlet sundress,

White specks. (Strawberry)

Children receive printouts of the assignment.

Task 5. Staging humorous miniatures.


He is both a wolf and Santa Claus,

And makes the kids laugh until they cry.

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... (an artist).

And now I suggest you work as artists. Dramatize humorous dialogues.

Work in pairs. Students receive cards, rehearse for 2-3 minutes, then act out dialogues in front of the class.

teacher. Did you remember what I said in class today?

Student. I remember.

teacher. Repeat!

Student. Vovochka, don't play around! Vovochka, sit quietly...

Grandmother. Did you throw out the colander?

Grandson. I threw it away!

Grandmother. Why?

Grandson. So he's covered in holes!

Doctor. Sasha, do you have any complaints about your ear, nose or throat?

Sasha. Yes, they bother me when I put on a sweater.

teacher. Seryozha, what do you dream of becoming?

What profession do you want to choose? Seryozha. I want to become Santa Claus! Cool profession. I fussed around for a week, ran around with gifts and was free for a whole year.

Teacher. Make up a sentence using the words “cat” and “watch.” Student. When I accidentally stepped on the cat’s paw, he shouted: “You need to watch where you step!”

Daughter. Dad, dad, why did you hang all the candies at the very top of the tree?

Dad. This is so that you don’t eat all the candies before the New Year.

Daughter. So what, dad, do I care about serpentine now?

Is there a New Year, or what?..

1st girl. Where do you go for mushrooms?

2nd girl. To the neighbors on the balcony.

1st girl. Do they grow them there?

2nd girl. No, they dry it.

Son. Dad, I dreamed that you gave me a hundred rubles.

Dad. Keep them for yourself, son.

Task 6. Cryptogram solution.

It’s not for nothing that she says,

Russian... (proverb).

Teacher. Decipher the cryptogram and a Russian proverb will be revealed to you. Explain its meaning.

Students receive printouts of the assignment. Work in pairs. Examination.


Key words:

- a drawing tool that will help you construct a circle. (Compass)

- they say that if he is quiet, then there are devils in him. (Whirlpool)

Answer. Modesty suits everyone.


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