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Carving means wood carving in English. Think about the process of cutting wood with a plane: what comes to mind are beautiful, curled wood shavings surrounding a workbench or machine. By analogy with wooden curls, Carving styling was born - a type of gentle perm that allows you to give your curls a durable and elastic spring-like appearance.

How to Carve Hair

The process of creating a Carving styling done in the salon is divided into several stages: preparatory, main, preventive and final. To understand what effect we will achieve, look at the photo:

Achieving the effect of long-lasting, playful and attractive curls at home is not easy.

At the preparatory stage of Carving, hair styling consists of thoroughly cleansing and degreasing the strands. Using special products, the master delicately cleanses the scalp and curls so that nothing interferes with the further effects of the chemicals.

Then long-term hair styling (Carving) moves into the main phase: the hair is divided into strands, each of which is wound on curlers. The master uses both reels of the same diameter and different sizes to give your hair a more natural look.

Now the chemicals for styling Carving come into force, which cover the curled curls.

It is necessary to soak the composition for 15 to 30 minutes for a long-term Carving styling to form. Reviews about this procedure report that the liquid is extremely bad smell, which remains on the hair for a long time after the procedure.

When Carving hair styling is finished, the chemical solution is washed off from the hair, and the hairdresser evaluates the degree of impact. If the procedure has severely damaged the hair structure, the master applies professional medicinal products, soothing hair scales irritated by aggressive environments, sealing split ends and nourishing strands with healing oils.

The final stage of long-term styling Carving - drying the hair

At this stage, it is advisable to ask the specialist about products for styling Carving - mousses, foams, balms and masks. It is easier for a professional who works with hair every day and repeatedly practices styling after Carving to orient the client in the variety of existing hair cosmetics.

The long-term installation procedure - Carving - takes about two and a half to three hours. The process of chemical exposure lasts no more than half an hour, the bulk of the time is spent styling the hair after Carving, which will give the curls the desired shape.

Hair care after carving

Having done carving hair styling in the salon, the specialist will give you precise instructions for further hair care.

The main requirements will be a ban on visiting the pool and sauna for two weeks after long-term Carving styling, limiting heat exposure to hair and a ban on washing your hair for three days.

These precautions are aimed at preserving the installation after Carving - chlorinated water from swimming pools and baths, as well as high temperature hair dryer or the chemical composition of the shampoo may react with the liquid used for long-term Carving hair styling.

Carving at home

An expensive salon procedure can be successfully replaced by Carving styling at home, if you choose wisely the means for creating your hairstyle. How to do carving styling yourself? How to avoid damaging your strands and achieve a lasting effect? And how do you style your hair after Carving at home? First things first.

What products to buy

Primarily for curling hair for a long time chemical reagents will be needed. It is recommended to give preference to well-known brands that have long proven themselves in the market - for example, Londa Professional:

or Schwarzkopf Professional:

If you have the opportunity to consult with a stylist who has positive experience with Carving styling, you should not neglect it. The master will advise not only the composition, but also tell you where it can be purchased more profitably.

When buying a liquid for chemical exposure, you should pay attention to accompanying products that help reduce the harm of the aggressive influence of the main component - fluids, serums and masks for the preventive stage. A competent consultant in a barber shop will tell you what additional jars to buy.

In addition to the reagent, you will need curlers for curling your hair. Here, in no case should you settle on metal devices, since metals actively react to oxidizing components, quickly react with chemical solutions, and it is impossible to predict the consequences.

The diameter of the devices should be of medium size - 2-3 cm

It makes more sense to use plastic or wooden bobbins. Too small curlers will give the effect of African curls, and large curlers will most likely not give the effect at all.

What to do

The further process is not much different from salon practice:

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo for oily hair.
  2. Dry the curls, but not completely - they should remain damp.
  3. Divide your hair into strands and wrap each strand in curlers.
  4. Apply the Carving composition to each strand pointwise and repeat the application three times.
  5. Cover your head with a hair cap or bag, and wrap it in a towel. To achieve the best sauna effect, warm your head with a hairdryer.
  6. Leave the liquid on your hair for 15 minutes.
  7. After unwinding all the curlers, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm running water without soap for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Allow your hair to dry on its own; the heat from the hair dryer can damage your hair.

Carefully untwist one strand in an inconspicuous place and see the degree of impact. If the curl has acquired the desired degree of curl, remove the remaining curlers. If not, twirl the curl back and hold it longer.

Hair styling Carving on short hair is also possible, its design is not much different from the above. It should be borne in mind that short hair is lighter than long curls, therefore, the effect of the hairstyle on them will appear more clearly.

Carving as a styling technique

Long-term styling in the form of large curls is usually done using carving, performed on the basis chemical composition. Its main elements are fruit acids, so we can safely say that carving is almost completely harmless to hair.

The advantage of this technique is the effect it has on appearance your hair. Hair becomes shiny, manageable and soft, and curls last for almost nine weeks.

The selection of the correct chemical composition of carving is carried out by the master when he has already assessed the type and structure of the hair.

In addition, carving allows you to work with hair in a localized manner; it can be performed on part of the hairline or on the entire head. Some of you yourself have probably noticed that your curls are quite voluminous, but there is not enough volume at the roots. This technique will allow you to hide such a “flaw”, and anyone looking at you will get the impression of a chic, flawless hairstyle.

You are probably wondering what kind of care your hair needs after carving. So here it is:

  • Use a curling iron, hair dryer, straightener, even curlers as little as possible. And for a week after installation they are generally prohibited;
  • use shampoos for textured hair;
  • hair should dry naturally after washing;
  • comb them only when dry, and use a brush with fine or medium teeth;
  • You can use gels and foams, as well as nourishing masks.

Concluding our introduction to the carving technique, we note that it will allow you to get:

  • volume – full or partial;
  • wavy structured strands that look natural or small curls;
  • emphasizing specific areas with curls of different sizes, using localized carving.

Advice! Entrust this procedure to professionals. The slightest mistake in choosing the composition can be disastrous for your curls.


Long-term styling of short hair can be done using bio-curling. In this case, the master uses a special protein - the main “building” element for hair. That is why with this technique the formula acts on curls gently and as harmlessly as possible. Keratin will reliably strengthen them and maintain the elasticity of curls for a long time.

Among the popular types of biowave:

  • with a moisturizing complex, when hair moisture is regulated, it becomes shiny and elastic. The result is a medium-hard hold that can also be used for medium-length hair;
  • with bamboo extract, recommended for those whose hair is brittle and damaged. Certain components of the formula restore the hair structure. The Italians consider this method theirs and recommend it for strands of different lengths;
  • with silk proteins, the method is the softest, therefore short-lived and best suited for short curls. But it is also the safest.

Bio-curling on your own is a rather difficult procedure to implement. Still, you have to work with chemicals, even though their formula is gentle. Experienced master will correctly apply each layer of the chemical, combine, if necessary, curlers of different sizes, thereby only favorably highlighting the hairstyle and creating expressive accents.

Yes, the procedure for home conditions is complicated! But nothing is impossible.

Try it yourself

This will take you a couple of hours. However, don’t be lazy, first read the step-by-step instructions and watch the installation video course. Also handle chemicals very carefully. Their formula, of course, is gentle, but God protects the gentle.

For this you will need:

  • plastic curlers or special bobbins, if you can purchase them;
  • special tool. They are sold in professional cosmetics stores. And experts recommend Schwarzkopf products for colored curls as the most gentle product;
  • volume fixer of the same brand.
  • Wash your hair and dry, leaving the curls slightly damp. No hairdryer required. Remember? If your hair is colored, it is better to also use a protective spray;
  • roll the curlers. And start doing this from the ends;
  • Apply the composition drop by drop first, and only then go through the hair with the applicator three times;
  • now you can wrap your head in a towel or use an insulating cap;
  • some recommend warming it up well with a hairdryer, others consider it optional;
  • The time required for a good curl is indicated in the instructions. But, as experts advise, after 15 minutes, unwind one curl and check whether it easily takes the desired shape. Then decide whether to hold the curlers a little longer or whether they can be removed;
  • When the curlers are removed, rinse your hair with running water. No need to use any shampoos;
  • All that remains is to blot your hair with a towel and apply the fixative for the time specified in the instructions.

But always remember that the result may not meet your expectations.

Advice! If you did do something wrong. Lamination will help you protect and restore damaged hair after a poorly performed procedure.

Hair care and preservation of results

First of all, we remind you once again that hair dryers are prohibited for some time. You will have to replace your usual shampoo with a product for structured curls. Styling products can help you: various sprays, gels and foams. But don't overuse them.

Little tricks:

  • try not to touch your hair with your hands, especially the first few days. No need to wash your curls, comb them less often;
  • Do not use metal combs. They harm your hair. Even with a towel, gently blot your hair;
  • restorative procedures, such as nourishing masks, will not be superfluous.
    Have you gotten tired of your curls? Gelatin masks will straighten stubborn curls and even create a lamination effect.

Is long-term styling right for you?

No matter how safe long-term styling may be considered, it is still a chemical procedure. So if your hair is weak and lifeless, it is not for you.

Have you just dyed your hair? Don't rush into long-term styling. The hair structure will suffer, and the styling itself may not work. Wait a little, a week or two. And if you painted with henna, then carving is prohibited.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, be careful. The hair is already damaged and weakened. Carving results can be unpredictable.

The hair is already damaged and weakened. Carving results may be unpredictable

Be careful not to do long-term styling if there are any damage, ulcers or wounds on your head.

You are the happy owner of long hair, and the same length. Before you decide on such styling, do “ cascade”, you will lighten your hair and increase the chances of an excellent hairstyle that will last long enough.

Keep in mind that long-term styling is not recommended for hair longer than twenty centimeters.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Benefits of long-term hair styling

Beautiful hairstyles most often require daily styling. Some people do it easily and quickly, while others spend hours in front of the mirror and are still dissatisfied with the result. For such girls, styling is suitable for a long time; the photos before and after are very different - you can see them just below. This styling is done in a hairdresser, it is called carving. This procedure guarantees the preservation of lush volume and beautiful curls for a long time - up to two months.

Long-term installation: photo

What is the difference between long-term hair styling and perm?

Long-term installation hair is a variant of the long-known perm. She has a bad reputation. Chemicals, necessary for such a perm, are very aggressive. They made the strands hard, lifeless and dull. Hair lost its health for a long time; often only a haircut could help it. For carving, gentle compounds are used that keep curls healthy.

Before and after - two different people!

Long-term styling for medium hair is especially popular. This length allows you to create curls of different sizes - smaller ones at the roots and larger ones at the ends of the hair. Carving looks especially beautiful on a cascade-type hairstyle. Long-term styling gives it additional volume. See photos before and after long-term styling.

First, the strands are wound on special curlers - carvers. The master can use small or large curlers - as the client wishes. Or maybe combine them together. After this, a chemical composition is applied to the strands; it must be kept under a heat-saving cap for about twenty minutes.

Cheerful curl for short hair

Long-term styling for short hair will turn you into a perky curly beauty. This procedure will not eliminate the need for styling, but it will make it much easier and shorter. Simply dry your hair with a diffuser. On short curly hair Various accessories will look beautiful - headbands, ribbons, hairpins.

Even gentle curling products can cause damage to your hair. Carving is not recommended if the hair is damaged. Brittle and colored hair will not benefit from this procedure. You should not do long-term styling on long, thick hair. Delicate compounds won't even cope with them.

How much does long-term styling in a salon cost?

The price of long-term styling is usually not very high compared to other hairdressing services. It is better for those with dry hair to avoid this procedure, as it will dry it out even more. Carving on dry hair can cause dandruff.

Carving for long hair is not as good as for short and medium hair. And long hair is heavier, and any styling will hold up worse on it. For those with long hair, carving can be done only at the roots to add volume to the hairstyle. On long strands, long-term styling can create the effect of large waves.

What is the best way to style your hair after this procedure?

We should not forget that carving is not a finished installation, but only a base for it. The video at the end of the article will tell you how to style curly hair after carving. You will need a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment, a round brush and styling products. In the hot summer, the effect of wet hair looks great on curly strands. But to create it you need to have a gel or mousse.

Light chemicals and biowave: similarities and differences

Types of carving depend on the chemical compositions used. This is light chemistry and bio-perm. For biowaves, more gentle compositions are used. After this type of long-term styling, curls last longer. Since biowave is much more environmentally friendly and sustainable than light chemicals, it costs much more. Apart from the composition of the fixing agent, there are no other differences between light chemicals and bioperms.

How long will the curls last?

How long does long-term styling last? Typically, salons guarantee that tight and bouncy curls will please you for at least a month. And in three months or a little less you will definitely have to repeat the procedure. Curled hair straightens gradually and imperceptibly. On average, carving lasts one and a half to two months. Long-term styling is an inexpensive and effective procedure that is worth trying.

Video on the topic of the article

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


If you don’t like the daily loss of time when getting ready, caused by the need to endlessly come up with hairstyles, you love curls - be it large or small, a new direction has appeared in the list of salon services for you: long-term styling or carving. Although the real novelty is something to think about, the procedure is more reminiscent of a well-recycled old technology. Who is it suitable for and is it worth resorting to?

What is hair carving

Half a century ago, chemical hair styling was at the peak of its popularity, which involved treating it with a special compound and then wrapping it in curlers. The result was a curled head, and the resulting hairstyle lasted a very long time. “Chemistry,” as the women called it among themselves, saved a lot of time: it took away the need to heat curlers, curl the strands yourself, and wait several hours just to short term beauty. However, it had a serious drawback - this long-term styling killed even the healthiest hair.

Carving is based on the same “chemistry”, but the process has been revised to eliminate some of the disadvantages and give women the following advantages of such a long-term perm:

  • Visual thickness and density even on naturally thin hair.
  • Possibility to select local areas for installation.
  • If necessary, long-term curls can be straightened with an iron.
  • The styling does not suffer from exposure to moisture - you will not lose curls or volume.
  • Carving can be done even for girls with colored hair, for highlighting, etc.
  • The effect lasts from 2 months to six months (carving for thin hair, subjected to dyeing), which is determined by the structure of the hair and the chosen type of styling, and you can repeat the long-term perm within 3 months from the date of its implementation.

However, this procedure still involves exposure to a chemical composition, which fixes the styling, and therefore cannot be absolutely safe - only gentle. There are several disadvantages and precautions that hairdressers advise to keep in mind:

  • If your hair is thick, thick and has not been dyed before, i.e. The structure is absolutely smooth, there is a risk that the styling will not last even a day.
  • Long-term hair styling cannot be combined with henna dyeing, because... a conflict of chemical reactions can lead to unpredictable color changes or washout.
  • During pregnancy, due to hormonal instability, carving is not recommended.
  • Those with dry, brittle hair or any scalp diseases should not resort to long-term perm, because... the problem will get worse.

How to do

This type of salon styling has several options, which professionals divide according to hair length. Any curl, even on large curls, raises the cut line, so owners of a bob may find themselves with an almost boyish haircut. However, in addition to this, there is a classification according to the type of curlers used for styling:

  • Traditional long-term perm - soft light waves or elastic curls for the entire length.
  • Texturing carving - styling is achieved through the use of several types of curlers accentuated, i.e. The whole head may not be affected, only sections.
  • Local styling - root volume using large curlers or working with ends. Possible bangs.
  • Spiral styling - for volume from the root, curling with a ribbon on a spiral curler, preferably a very small curl.

For long hair

For those with waist-length braids, the hairstyle cannot be particularly long-lasting, since the force of gravity will outweigh any chemical composition. If you have planned carving for long hair, there is a high probability that the specialist will offer vertical curling, i.e. elastic curls that will gradually weaken, or soft large curls just to create texture.

To medium

With a length up to the shoulder blades or up to the shoulders, a woman has maximum freedom of choice regarding styling ideas - even light curls will be long-lasting (with the exception of natural heavy hair). However, taking into account the loss of length during curling, hairdressers advise avoiding curls that are too small (close to an afro, diameter less than 10 mm), especially if the haircut has an even cut.

Carving for short hair

For “pixie”, “pageboy” and even “legged bob” haircuts, experts offer not classic curling, but texturing, so as not to lose the almost missing length and give the hairstyle a zest. An alternative styling option is to add only the root volume. Mostly carving for a short haircut: the hairstyle will be really long-lasting and can last six months.

Hair carving at home - step by step instructions

You can do this styling yourself only on hair up to the shoulder blades and longer, since you have to curl your occipital area and treat it with a chemical composition when short haircut difficult. The procedure itself has a simple algorithm and the main thing to achieve success is to be careful and carefully follow the prescribed scheme. First of all, you will need to buy all the preparations that make the styling long-lasting, plus curlers (plastic).

The step-by-step algorithm looks like this:

  1. Wash your hair without using a mask or conditioner - firstly, the scales should be open, and secondly, an unnecessary chemical reaction may be created.
  2. To dry, use only a towel and do not wait until the moisture completely disappears.
  3. Apply a special protective composition to colored hair. If you are natural, you can skip this step.
  4. Curl each strand of hair using curlers using the pre-selected pattern. Fasten well, making sure that the ends do not stick out, otherwise they will remain straight.
  5. Soak each curled strand with the long-lasting curling compound three times.
  6. Cover your head with a plastic cap and throw a towel on top. Warm up with a hairdryer while waiting for the composition to work.
  7. You need to wash your hair for about 5 minutes; shampoo is no longer used to fix the hairstyle. Dry again with just a towel.
  8. At the final stage, a fixing composition is applied, which is washed off after a few minutes.
  9. New hair washing is also done without shampoo.

Long-term styling products

Most Companies that produce professional hair care products also offer special lines for long-term styling. The first was Schwarzkopf, after which options appeared from Londa, Shot, Cutrin, Goldwell, and GreenLight has gentle compositions for bio-laying. If you calculate how much hair carving costs based on materials, it will be about 2000 rubles, and what you buy will be enough for you several times, so it turns out to be more profitable than in a salon.

A complete set should include:

  • The main composition, which is selected according to hair type (mostly companies offer 4 types).
  • Fixer or fixer.

Hair care after carving

Permanent styling cannot be done without damage, so hair subjected to this procedure, even with initially exceptional health, becomes worse in structure and requires careful handling. In addition, in order for the styling to remain long-lasting, it is necessary to prevent the applied composition from being washed out, and therefore special care should be selected. Basic rules that each specialist tells the client during the procedure:

  • It is prohibited to apply hair dye for at least 72 hours after visiting the salon for long-term perm.
  • You need to wash your hair followed by the use of moisturizing masks, and the shampoo should not contain sulfates.
  • Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to separate curls.
  • You can start using a curling iron/iron only a week after styling, and a hair dryer - after 2 days.
  • Don't sleep with wet hair and forget about rubbing wet strands after washing with a towel.

Carving price

The cost of long-term perm, which is indicated by salons in Moscow and the regions, is approximately the same - it is an expensive procedure, especially if it is performed on long hair. It was clarified above that it is cheaper to purchase a set and try to do the styling yourself, however, if this is not your option, the table below will help you navigate the picture of average metropolitan prices:

Video: hair carving

Photo of long-term styling

Day modern woman scheduled every minute. This rhythm of life does not leave the fair sex any time and energy for styling their hair. That is why many ladies are looking for a way to look well-groomed without spending half a day visiting a beauty salon. Women leading an active lifestyle are increasingly resorting to the carving procedure. This styling will add volume and a well-groomed look to your hair.

Description of carving

The procedure is quite safe. Despite the fact that this a type of perm, the gentle composition does not dry out the curls and does not disturb their structure, unlike aggressive chemicals.

The essence of carving is that the master winds the curls onto pre-selected bobbins, applies special mixture and leaves it on 1−1.5 hours.

After time has passed, carefully rinses their. This concludes the procedure. The result is strong, shiny, voluminous curls. As a rule, the effect lasts 8-9 weeks.

Composition of funds

Long-term styling is carried out due to the chemical composition based on fruit acids, which are absolutely safe. That is why this procedure is recommended even for weakened, thin hair.

Differences in techniques for different hair lengths

Depending on the length of the hair, the application technique may differ:

Advantages and Disadvantages

Unlike aggressive chemicals, long-term styling penetrates only into the upper layers of the hair without disturbing its structure. Therefore, hairdressers recommend this styling for thin hair that is weak and lacks volume.

Advantages of carving:

Just like any procedure, carving has a number of disadvantages:

  1. May dry out weakened, bleached, burnt curls.
  2. Coloring is recommended carried out three days after the procedure.

Long-term styling at home

In order to do carving yourself, you will need professional carving product, curlers, bobbins, gloves, brush and mittens.

Don't rush through the procedure first test her for an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the strand and wait. If after 10 minutes you have not noticed any changes in your well-being, feel free to proceed to the next steps, following the instructions.

On average, the procedure takes about 2-2.5 hours. The duration of the procedure will depend on the length of the hair.

Stages of the procedure

The carving procedure is carried out in several stages:

Hair care after the procedure

Like any salon procedure, carving requires special care rules. The instructions contain recommendations that must be followed.

Necessary refrain from washing your hair in the first two days after the procedure. This helps the fixative penetrate the hair structure and secure the curls. Failure to follow the recommendations regarding washing your hair can lead to unwinding of the curl.

Necessary use fine-tooth combs. Comb only dry hair so as not to stretch the curl. It is highly not recommended to use a hair dryer, especially in conjunction with a comb.

Apply masks and conditioners to prevent curls from drying out.

Long-term styling on bobs, medium and long hair will help reduce the time it takes to care for them, add volume to lifeless curls, create Hollywood curls and add romantic charm.


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