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Pregnancy is by no means a disease, but a state of mind and, sorry, body. Pregnant young ladies will go to great lengths for the sake of their baby: they eat kilos of cottage cheese, grind carrots and apples every day, and wash it all down with homemade compotes and freshly squeezed juices. The list of foods useful during pregnancy is replenished with hitherto unusual steamed turnips and exclusively steamed fish (and always low-fat varieties!) But on the eve of the New Year celebrations, many ladies on a strict “pregnant” diet quietly purr to themselves: “Soon, soon, at least a little - I’ll have a blast!” What can you afford if you are in an interesting position? Is it really possible that only healthy spinach will decorate the holiday table, and not your favorite pilaf with lamb? To begin with, I will morally support you with my grandmother’s wisdom: “You can eat everything – if only a little!”

A hit of all times - Olivier salad, pickled mushrooms, aromatic smoked meats... Eh! Was not. Some rules can be canceled for a while, the main thing is not to overdo it and reach for forbidden products. Nobody canceled the reasonable restriction. Obstetricians and gynecologists from all over the country will confirm that after the New Year holidays their patients arrive noticeably fatter: after several days of feasting, the scales show an extra gain of two or even three kilograms. This, ladies, is useless! You don’t want to turn into obese elephants before the long-awaited arrival of your baby?! It’s not very easy to remove extra pounds later (we know, we’ve done it).

So, there's a feast ahead. Before a festive family dinner, I advise you to eat an apple or a pear. They will fill your stomach, thereby helping to reduce your appetite, and you will not pounce on prepared salads and hot dishes, which means you will not overeat. Instead of fruit, you can use bran; first fill it with warm water so that it swells. To prevent gluttony, which is so typical for many pregnant women (some poor women even feel sick at the sight of any food!), you need to drink a glass of ordinary clean water (still!) half an hour before the start of the feast. By the way, it’s good to drink water after waking up, also about half an hour before meals. The intestines wake up and then work like clockwork all day.

Where to start a pregnant woman's meal in the New Year?

So, New Year is coming soon. God willing, your household let you rest and didn’t bother you with cooking at all on this holiday. And now you are beautiful, tireless, sitting at the festive table, your eyes widening from the abundance of all kinds of delicious things. It's time to imagine yourself as a secret taster in a chic restaurant: try the dishes in small pieces, chew thoroughly, stretch out the feeling of enjoying freshly prepared food! It is ideal to start dinner with fresh vegetables, seasoned not with mayonnaise (try to avoid it altogether, at least during pregnancy), but with olive (or sunflower) oil. If you haven't become a vegetable lover yet, it's time to start getting acquainted with healthy beans and lentils. In general, during pregnancy it is better to give preference to bright yellow and dark green: pumpkin, green sweet peppers, broccoli, spinach... Moreover, experts advise that when going to the store or market, do not torture your brain with the choice of certain vegetables, take them every time new. They are all very helpful. Turn on your curiosity and take action. New dishes, new tastes and recipes are always pleasant and interesting.

Cold cuts traditionally decorate the New Year's table for many Russian housewives. If you really want it, you can allow yourself a couple of pieces. At the same time, it is best to prepare yourself any boiled vegetables (except potatoes) or rice as a side dish. Thanks to the enveloping effect, harmful substances contained in smoked meats will leave your body naturally(sorry, you can’t erase the words from a song...) If you periodically experience high blood pressure or swollen legs, then you should not eat smoked meats or pickles at all. The consequences can unsettle you so much that you will regret your momentary pleasure.

Do not burden your stomach with canned foods. Pregnant women are generally advised to remove them from the menu for the entire 9 months. Like small children, you should not eat spicy or fatty foods. Your liver will thank you for this.

Let's hit the hot stuff!

You can cook meat as a main dish. Moreover, according to all the rules, a pregnant woman should eat at least 200 grams of it per day. I somehow have a deputy. The chief doctor of the maternity hospital said so: “The man needs 100 grams of vodka, and you need 200 grams of meat! And there will be no anemia!” Well, seriously, rabbit meat is considered ideal (easy to digest) for a pregnant woman. You can cook veal, lean poultry (just never buy broiler chickens!), or lean pork. Geese and ducks are rare on the table of city dwellers, but just in case, I’ll say that it’s better not to abuse them for pregnant women. They contain a lot of fat.

It’s good if you buy a chilled piece of meat rather than a frozen one: it retains more beneficial properties. Again, give preference to domestic meat. Imported ones do not meet GOST standards; they contain growth stimulants (including steroid hormones). Even with heat treatment they are not completely destroyed. By the way, I remind you once again, get rid of bad habit There are sausages and sausages: half of them consist of fat, and half of who knows what. Eat only occasionally, when you’re too lazy to cook. However, we are talking about the holiday, my dear girls, I hope none of you will have SAUSAGES decorating your table!!!

If you're a big fish lover, congratulations (I'm one myself). Perch, pike, pollock, hake, ice fish, you can afford fattier varieties - after all, it’s a holiday. Instead of salt, you can use lemon juice. Add some greens – you are guaranteed aroma and great taste! Vitamin D, phosphorus, well, you know, it’s good to eat fish. The baby’s nervous system really needs these vitamins and microelements. Pamper both yourself and your child. An important addition: since some frozen fish are treated with tetracycline, antibiotics that can lead to fetal deformity, it is recommended to cook it, like meat, for several hours. Unless, of course, you live in a fishing region, and you can be completely confident in the freshness of the product.

It is best if you cook delicious dishes “steamed” or in the oven. These methods are first in the usefulness rating. Baking paper, foil, and again traditional clay pots will do. A piece of lean pork in the oven for 3 hours will turn into a delicious meal, the whole family will come running to the smell: you will have to drive it away, otherwise not a single piece will survive until the festive table! This homemade boiled pork is a hundred times healthier than store-bought cuts, and even tastier. You can feel the real taste of carrots, cauliflower, poultry and fish by cooking them in a double boiler (electric or regular, there is no difference).

The second most useful cooking method is stewing. To do this, you need to add a little water to a bowl with thick walls and, of course, the product being prepared: potatoes, lamb, beef, veal. It turns out very tasty.

With cooking, I think you yourself know: vitamins and minerals are preserved, but not to the same extent as in the previous two options.

But pregnant women are advised not to indulge in fried foods. You don't need extra calories. Products prepared in this way irritate the gastric mucosa, and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should completely forget what frying pans are.

Snacks and salads

This year you will try the traditional Olivier salad in a new version: instead of industrial mayonnaise, season it with sour cream, preferably not very fat (10-15%). And replace the sausage or ham with boiled veal or tongue: I’m sure you’ll really like it. Drizzle vegetable salads with olive oil. According to the rules, you must first salt the food, and then add vegetable oil, otherwise the salt will be distributed unevenly due to the oil film. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in oils are very beneficial for both the expectant mother and her baby. Daily dose Vitamin F is contained in one tablespoon of unrefined oil.

“Herring under a fur coat” is another indispensable attribute of the festive table. You can add a couple of spoons of this traditional salad, but be careful not to overdo it with herring. Especially if the pregnancy is nearing the end. And I certainly don’t recommend herring seasoned with horseradish, spices, vinegar, etc. These supplements enhance the tone of the uterus. Such dishes cause fluid retention in the tissues, which will increase the load on the kidneys and liver, and they are already having a hard time: the baby is propping up on all sides, displacing internal organs, and they work in an enhanced mode, removing harmful substances from both the mother’s body and the child’s waste products.

When you boil eggs for salads, note the time: to avoid salmonellosis, cook them for at least 6 minutes.

Drinks for the New Year

In general, during pregnancy it is very important to maintain a water regime. Your body vitally needs fluid intake every hour and a half: at least a few sips of clean water.

Lemonades and other commercially promoted drinks are strictly contraindicated for you. You can, of course, buy Coca-Cola or Sprite for your guests, but you don’t need to drink them: it is unknown what dyes are used in their production. Do not irritate the gastric mucosa and intestines with carbonated mineral water. If you intend to breastfeed your baby, you can completely forget about this drink for the coming months. Gases can cause colic in your baby. Prepare cranberry or lingonberry juice. It is easy to prepare and very healthy. Personally, I use a recipe that preserves vitamins to the maximum. If you have a juicer, squeeze the juice out of the cranberries in the usual way, but never throw away the pulp. Collect these berries in a gauze bag, tie it and lower it into boiling water. Bring to a boil again and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. After this, add freshly squeezed cranberry juice to the saucepan. Bring to a boil and turn off. If you sweeten the fruit drink with sugar, add it while the cake is boiling. But it is better to add honey to the vitamin drink after the fruit drink has cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees.

Otherwise everything beneficial properties honey will be destroyed by boiling water.

What's for dessert?

For me, for example, the most difficult thing was to resist buns, cookies, cakes, in general, in front of everything that so decorates the life of those with a sweet tooth. My dears, control yourself, especially during the holidays. Because in cakes, etc. full of so-called refined carbohydrates. With their direct participation, calcium is safely and completely washed out of your bones. Which can lead to brittle bones, tooth loss, etc. And yet, extra calories (especially since in sweets they are absolutely empty, containing no nutrients) are imperceptibly deposited not only on your sides. Your baby is also gaining excess, unhealthy weight. Pregnancy is a great time when you can reconsider your food habits and accustom yourself to eating the right products, which will prolong your youth and health and are guaranteed to give the same to your future child. So, go all out on desserts made from dried fruits, jelly homemade(gelatin plus freshly squeezed juices of lingonberries, cranberries, etc.), beautiful and very healthy fruit salads. Well, if you really can’t stand it, eat a piece of the “harmful” dessert, but then it will be the last sweet piece of the day - no sweets or glazed cheesecakes!

Bake apples with honey, boil pears in cinnamon syrup, whip real cream (don't buy cans!) and garnish with prunes and dried apricots. Bake the shortbread cakes yourself and fill them with yogurt filling and decorate with berries. If you are a fan of ice cream, allow yourself a low-fat option and decorate the dessert with beautiful slices of different fruits.

By the way, during a feast it is very useful to periodically get up and move away from the table bursting with treats. Dance, have fun in some non-gastronomical way!

Super nude

Super-nude my husband asks when he wants me to cook something like that. Or something beyond the usual everyday menu. Red caviar is the first on the list of super-nudes. And, thank God, it is not contraindicated for pregnant women. Except in cases where a person is allergic to this type of delicacy.

Yes, sandwiches with red caviar are also a must on almost every hospitable table on New Year’s Day. I’ll say right away that caviar is good for pregnant women, but you just need to remember the words of Paracelsus: “Everything is poison, and everything is medicine. Only measure determines both.” Salmon and sturgeon caviar contains about 30 percent of high-value proteins, as well as about 13 percent of easily digestible fats. Iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, D and some minerals. However, salmon roe is usually over-salted. So it’s better to buy caviar not loose, but placed in a pasteurized jar - it contains much less sodium chloride. In general, caviar, especially black caviar, is considered a salvation for women suffering from low hemoglobin during pregnancy. But very, very few people can afford to buy the royal snack. I, who was born in the Soviet Union, ate black caviar a couple of times in my life, when I was still little. Today's children don't even know what it is or how tasty it is. Okay, let's not talk about sad things. Red caviar is also quite suitable for benefiting your body. Experts say that red caviar protein is completely absorbed, just like breast milk mother at the child. Lecithin contained in caviar is involved in the supply of vitamins and minerals to the body's cells. And this is very important now. AND folic acid, which doctors recommend taking even several months before pregnancy, is also contained in caviar. Moreover, these are not pills: eating them is tasty and pleasant.

Shrimp, squid, scallops, and mussels can also decorate the festive table of a pregnant lady. They have little fat, but a lot of protein, which is very well absorbed. In addition, unlike meat, non-fish seafood contains more microelements. Eating shrimp, squid and crab meat promotes hematopoiesis. Sea kale is also healthy and praised by all nutritionists. Useful for women who are prone to excess weight, unless, of course, you suffer from diseases of the digestive system. To improve the taste of fresh seaweed, it must be boiled three times, each time adding a new portion of warm water.

Can a pregnant woman have some wine?

Very often, even when only relatives gather at the New Year's table, a pregnant woman is practically persuaded to take a sip of a little dry food, saying that there will be no harm. Who cares, you know. We don’t know our body well enough to predict how a glass of dry wine will affect the development of the fetus. Each person reacts differently to alcohol. Everyone hears all sorts of stories about how alcoholics give birth to beautiful, healthy children. You shouldn’t be led by these stories either. Of course, it is unlikely that drinking a glass of wine once can result in a defect in the development of a child.

But... I think we have all drunk more than one bottle of dry food in our lives, we know what it is and what it is eaten with. You won’t get any new impressions from drinking champagne: you already know its taste. It wouldn’t even occur to you to add 50 grams of sparkling drink to your newborn’s bottle. Why do many people easily accept an invitation to drink, knowing that alcohol penetrates the placenta, which means that the baby will drink a glass with you! In short, I am completely against drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Believe me, it’s worth being patient for the sake of the baby’s health - pregnancy is not forever. Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated wine is your way out of the situation: so that your relatives don’t cling, and you don’t feel like an outcast at this celebration of life.

P.S. At the end of the day, I hasten to congratulate you on the feeling of a miracle in your stomach and on the upcoming holidays. Don’t bother yourself with preparing a dozen dishes: a harried expectant mother, tired from chopping salads, is not the best picture of the holiday. Be happy and healthy!

Related articles: Nutrition

Aglaya Blinova 11.02 16:06

ABOUT! And for some reason, in my pregnant state, I don’t really want any salads, pilaf, or cookies! Does this really seem delicious to you all? Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! My body snorts and fusses at this and demands soup and fruit! Raw vegetables and lots of fish! Dried, fried, boiled, but without any mayonnaise, sauces, etc....
I don’t even know how I can persuade myself to stand at the stove for a while for the sake of my husband: he is a fan of cutlets, jellied meat and Muskandi....

New Year is a magical holiday beloved since childhood, and for pregnant women it is a double holiday.

After all, the coming year will be special for you: you will have a baby, and life will change for the better.

So, allow yourself and the baby in your belly to enjoy New Year's Eve to the fullest.

However, the New Year's feast will have its own characteristics for expectant mothers - not all holiday dishes can be eaten. There are some restrictions here, but we will cope with this and celebrate the holiday deliciously!

Often the festive table is replete with various mayonnaise salads and all kinds of spicy, smoked and salted cuts.

While expecting a baby, your diet should be correct, healthy and varied.

Therefore, you shouldn’t attack all these harmful things, but you shouldn’t strictly limit yourself either; stick to your normal pregnant diet, but follow some rules.

What to cook for the New Year for a pregnant woman

Exclude from the holiday menu dishes containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, and harmful food additives. We send all semi-finished products, canned food, and carbonated lemonades to this list. This option will be useful not only for you, but also for your family.

If you have a tendency to experience allergic reactions, then be wary of potential allergens: strawberries, chocolate, nuts and mushrooms.

There is usually a very wide variety of dishes and snacks on the New Year's table, but don't try to try them all, less is better. The digestive organs of the expectant mother already work in double mode and are very vulnerable to an excess of fatty foods or overeating.

Therefore, they may not react in the best way to your desire to eat more; you can even continue the New Year holidays in a hospital bed.

The same applies to eating something new, unusual, exotic. Well, this is not the time! Otherwise, you are guaranteed to have stomach problems or allergies if your pregnant body decides that this is not for it.

This applies to tropical fruits, seafood, and other delicacies. Let them wait until next New Year, although you will probably breastfeed there, but it’s also better not to risk it. Save it for later, there will definitely be a reason to try these delicacies.

Replace all harmful things healthy products. Instead of high-fat mayonnaise, make salad dressing from olive oil, honey and lemon juice. Make the salads yourself from fresh herbs and vegetables. Hot meat dishes Instead of frying, steam, or stew, or bake.

You can leave the traditional Olivier salad, replacing only some ingredients with healthier ones. Instead of sausage, take boiled poultry or other lean meat, replace pickled cucumbers with fresh ones, and the dressing can be made from sour cream with 1 spoon of mayonnaise or unsweetened yogurt.

When baking hot meat or fish in the oven, grease the dish not with a thick layer of mayonnaise, but with olive oil and egg yolk. You can cook veal baked with vegetables and herbs, or.

For dessert, choose light cheesecake, apple strudel, marshmallows or low-fat ice cream. Be wary of desserts that contain citrus fruits or chocolate.

During pregnancy, allergies to some foods may arise for the first time; it is better to take care not to spoil your holiday.

You can stick to light desserts made from fruits, cottage cheese, and yogurt rather than eating complex sponge-protein cakes, which contribute to gaining extra pounds.

But such desserts must be prepared immediately before consumption, because after lying down, the fruit gives juice, and cottage cheese and yogurt have a very limited shelf life.

If you really want a cake, then prepare it at home yourself, so you will be sure of the freshness of the product and, of course, you will not add any chemical additives and preservatives to it.

You can improvise and arrange a festive table in a non-traditional style, for example, Italian. IN Italian cuisine a lot of tasty and healthy dishes.

Also, a rich entertainment program is a good distraction from the table and TV.

If you had to celebrate a holiday at a party, you will have to look on the table for something suitable for you, or you can agree in advance with the hostess and bring some salad with you. It’s good for you, and there’s less cooking for her.

But still, do not forget that when a pregnant woman enjoys delicacies, her baby also experiences pleasure from the hormones of joy, so you should not go to extremes and isolate yourself from everything with a piece of boiled meat and lettuce.

You can try a little of the harmfulness that you most want. But just one thing: a piece of roast duck, or a spoonful of complex mayonnaise salad, or maybe a cake with butter cream. The main thing is without fanaticism.

And finally, about alcohol. We are all accustomed to raising glasses of champagne when the chimes strike. Can the expectant mother have this drink, and if so, how much?

At all, modern science states that a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding Alcoholic drinks are prohibited, even in small doses.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to drink or not, but a safe dose of alcohol for the fetus has not yet been identified. It might be better to play it safe and fill the glass with some other tasty, sparkling non-alcoholic drink.

Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat for pregnant and nursing mothers

These are classic New Year's salads far from the recommendations of nutritionists: it is too difficult to understand what a child might react to in this mayonnaise mess. On the other hand, these salads are made with boiled potatoes, which have enveloping properties, protecting the stomach during the holiday. And chicken eggs, which we can’t live without holiday salads, contain 12 essential vitamins. For example, in terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil.

Our advice: replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, forget about sausage and other “conditionally meat” additives, replace mayonnaise with sour cream mixed with mustard. And eat no more than 2-3 tablespoons.

Vinaigrette for pregnant and nursing mothers

A very healthy dish. Beetroot is necessary for the body to form red blood cells (but is excluded in the first 3 months if the baby is prone to allergies). Carrots are good for enhancing lactation and are rich in carotene, which is called growth vitamin. Green peas are good for the liver and blood. If you season the vinaigrette not with sunflower oil, but with olive oil, then together with delicious dish You can obtain unsaturated fatty acids that have unique properties - oleic, linoleic and linolenic. As scientists have found, oleic acid actively and successfully helps female body in the fight against breast cancer.

Sauerkraut and pickles for pregnant and nursing mothers

Pickled cucumbers are an anecdotal addiction of the expectant mother. But they will have to be abandoned if they are observed or increased. The potassium contained in cucumbers can be obtained, for example, from any dairy products or exotic avocado, or even from a simple banana. As for the nursing mother, then if digestive system Women can easily tolerate fermented foods and pickles; there is a high probability that they will not cause much discomfort in the child, except perhaps an attack of colic.

Our advice: when choosing between pickled and pickled cucumbers, give preference to salted ones (at least they don’t contain vinegar). Eat sauerkraut in microscopic doses and be sure to season it with a teaspoon of dill seed or caraway seeds (these herbs reduce flatulence).

Fish and caviar for pregnant and nursing mothers

The main “trump card” of red fish is its unique omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and help strengthen blood vessels, brain and nerve tissue. These acids are essential for the development of a child's brain. One or two servings of lightly salted or steamed red fish is enough to replenish a week's supply of omega-3 fatty acids.

Caviar is considered one of the most allergenic foods. Therefore, despite the legends about how great black caviar raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it should not be on the table of a nursing mother.

Our advice: make a salad from lettuce leaves (arugula, spinach) and one (!) piece of red fish; chop everything finely and season lemon juice. You will feel like you have eaten a large portion of fish dish.

Exotic fruits for pregnant and nursing mothers

Eating one orange or kiwi is enough to get a good dose of vitamin C.

In addition, oranges are rich in flavonoids, which enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamin C, which means that by eating oranges, a woman remains young for a long time. Clarification: a woman who is not pregnant or lactating is a very strong allergen of New Year's citrus fruits, especially tangerines. However, if the child does not have the most severe, then the pleasure of a couple of slices compensates for the risk.

Our advice: prepare fruit salad from kiwi (relieves constipation), banana (contains potassium), pear (rich in B vitamins), cranberry (contains a lot of organic acids and vitamin C). Cut the fruits, season with low-fat natural yoghurt.

Chocolates pregnant and nursing mother

Chocolate triggers the body’s production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone.” It is better to choose dark natural chocolate and limit yourself to one candy or several slices.

Our advice: treat yourself to a new type of chocolate - one unusual piece of candy will be happier than half a bar of the usual delicacy. You can also eat dried fruit covered in chocolate, such as prunes.

Vegetables for pregnant women

Tomatoes regulate work nervous system, improve mood. Sweet pepper strengthens the immune system. The enzymes contained in radishes help to better absorb protein foods, enhance metabolism, enrich the body with B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Cucumbers do not shine with vitamins, but they contain more than enough mineral salts and enzymes - almost all the elements of the periodic system, including chromium, silver and cobalt.

Our advice: fresh vegetables can cause flatulence in nursing mothers, and so can the baby. Therefore, we bake or boil everything we can, and eat the rest in tiny quantities.

Baking for pregnant and nursing mothers

Baked goods contain a lot of gluten and calories. Neither of these in excess is recommended for nursing mothers. But if you really want something sweet, you can bake cottage cheese cookies or buy a yogurt cake: you will enjoy it and add calcium to your body.

Our advice: curd filling better than cream; natural berries are better than colored jelly. We replace white and black bread with grain bread without objection.

Soda for pregnant and nursing mothers

Chemical additives contained in carbonated drinks immediately reach the baby through mother's milk. Just as quickly, artificial colors and flavors pass into milk from various fizzy candies, causing an allergic reaction in the baby much more often than natural products.

Our advice: make lemonade. Add the juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of cane sugar to sparkling mineral water.

Champagne for pregnant and nursing mothers

What's New Year's without champagne? The one that a mother meets with her baby at her breast. To avoid feeling out of place while the chimes are ringing, uncork a bottle of non-alcoholic children's champagne.

It is difficult for pregnant women to imagine a New Year's Eve menu. Festive table will be so diverse and seductive that it will be very difficult to resist temptation! How can we not celebrate at all?! Of course not, especially in such an interesting situation, you definitely need to celebrate the holiday, take photos and videos, so that later you have something to show your baby!

About New Year's menu for women If you are expecting a baby, you can say the following: if you do not have any special warnings from the doctor, and the pregnancy is progressing normally, then eat whatever your heart desires! Just don’t overeat under any circumstances – eat very little at a time, literally a couple of spoons at a time. You can even afford some carbonated drinks and a glass of champagne as well. A healthy mother and a normally developing fetus are unlikely to have problems from this.

The following information to note for expectant mothers:

  1. prepared with mayonnaise. The main decoration of New Year's tables can be considered a variety of salads prepared on the basis of mayonnaise and other “suspicious” sauces. To protect yourself from “devouring” something like this, prepare it separately for yourself, prepare slightly different salads. For example, cooking crab sticks with corn and eggs, replace mayonnaise sauce with regular natural sour cream. You can use it somewhere olive oil, mustard. Chicken eggs, used to prepare salads for yourself, it is better to replace sawn ones. Of course, it’s better not to put smoked sausage in your salad! In fact, there are salads that are not only allowed for pregnant women, but even healthy. First of all, this is a vinaigrette with olive or unrefined linseed oil. Give preference to salads made exclusively from fresh vegetables of unquestionable “production”.
  2. Homemade solanine. Homemade pickles without using vinegar will diversify a pregnant woman's menu on New Year's Eve. So, the main dish can be sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes, winter salads, compotes and something else. First of all, all this is natural, you always know what it’s made from, it’s tasty and healthy!
  3. Fish and fish semi-finished products. Not a single New Year's table would be complete without fish slices, toasts, and sandwiches using semi-finished fish products. Fish, of course, can be salted just a little, but it would be nice to steam some red fish in a slow cooker. Of course, you will have to give up a lot of toast, but mostly you can afford a couple of pieces. If you have a strong desire, you are allowed to eat a little caviar, taking into account that it is a natural product.
  4. Fruits. You need to choose at least “suspicious” fruits. It is better not to try anything specifically suspicious for you. It is quite possible to eat an apple, kiwi, orange, lemon, persimmon, coconut and, of course, banana, although this is not a fruit! By the way, using fresh yogurt or sour cream with sugar, you can easily prepare a sweet salad of fresh fruit for yourself. Great option.
  5. Homemade baked goods. Homemade baked goods will completely complement the holiday meal, but in very small quantities, especially when it comes to digestive problems. If you have constipation, it is better to eat less bread and all that.
  6. Chocolate products. In any case, the New Year's table will be distinguished by a variety of sweets and chocolate. You will want to eat something in any case, so preference is given to real dark chocolate in the amount of several slices and a couple of candies.
  7. Dairy products. You can always make a light dessert from cottage cheese. Eat some yogurt and cheese. Dairy products have a high nutritional value and will come in handy for pregnant women!

Happy New Year!


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