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They say that if a person does not know the history of his native state, then he does not know his roots. On the one hand, what do we, living today, care about the fate of the rulers who ruled several hundred years ago? But practice shows: historical experience does not lose relevance in any era. The reign of Nicholas 2 was the final chord in the reign of the Romanov dynasty, but it also turned out to be the most striking and turning point in the history of our country. In the article below you will get acquainted with the royal family, learn about what Nicholas 2 was like during his time, the reforms and features of his reign will be of interest to everyone.

The Last Emperor

Nicholas 2 had many titles and regalia: he was the Emperor of All Russia, the Grand Duke of Finland, and the Tsar of Poland. He was appointed colonel, and the British monarchs awarded him the rank of field marshal of the British army and admiral of the fleet. This suggests that he enjoyed respect and popularity among the heads of other states. He was an easy-going person, but at the same time he never lost his self-esteem. In any situation, the emperor never forgot that he was a person of royal blood. Even in exile, during house arrest and in the last days of his life, he remained a real person.

The reign of Nicholas 2 showed: on Russian soil there are no shortage of patriots with good thoughts and glorious deeds for the good of the Fatherland. Contemporaries said that Nicholas 2 was more like a nobleman: a simple-minded, conscientious man, he took a responsible approach to any task and was always sensitive to the pain of others. He treated all people condescendingly, even simple peasants, and could easily talk to any of them on an equal basis. But the sovereign never forgave those who got involved in money scams, cheated and deceived others.

Reforms of Nicholas 2

The Emperor ascended the throne in 1896. This is a difficult time for Russia, difficult for the common people and dangerous for the ruling class. The emperor himself firmly adhered to the principles of autocracy and always emphasized that he would strictly preserve its charter and did not intend to carry out any reforms. The reign of Nicholas 2 came at a difficult time for the state, so revolutionary unrest among the people and their dissatisfaction with the ruling class forced Nicholas 2 to carry out two major reforms. These were: political reform of 1905-1907. and the agrarian reform of 1907. The history of the reign of Nicholas 2 shows: almost every step of the sovereign was begged for and calculated.

Bulygin reform of 1905

The first reform began with a preparatory stage, which took place from February to August 1905. A Special Meeting was created, headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs A.G. Bulygin. During this time, a manifesto on the establishment of the State Duma and the Regulations on elections were prepared. They were published on August 6, 1905. But due to the uprising of the working class, the legislative council was not convened.

In addition, an All-Russian political strike took place, which forced Emperor Nicholas 2 to make serious political concessions and issue a manifesto on October 17, which endowed the legislative deliberative Duma with legislative rights, proclaim political freedom and significantly expand the circle of voters.

All the work of the Duma and the principles of its formation were written down in the Regulations on Elections of December 11, 1905, in the Decree on the composition and structure of the State Duma of February 20, 1906, as well as in the Basic Laws of April 23, 1906. Changes to the state structure were formalized by legislative act. Legislative functions were given to the State Council and the Council of Ministers, which began its work on October 19, 1905, and Yu.V. was appointed its head. Witte. The reforms of Nicholas 2 indirectly pushed the state to change power and overthrow the autocracy.

Collapse of the Duma of 1906-1907

The first one in Russia was very democratic, but the demands put forward were radical. They believed that political reforms must continue, they demanded that landowners stop land ownership, they condemned the autocracy, which rests on total terror. In addition, they expressed no confidence in the ruling government. Of course, all these innovations turned out to be unacceptable for ruling class. Therefore, the first and second Dumas of 1906-1907 were dissolved by Emperor Nicholas 2.

The political reform of Nicholas 2 ended with the creation in which the rights of the people were severely limited. New political system could not work with unresolved socio-economic and political problems.

The reign of Nicholas 2 became a turning point for the political system of the state. The Duma turned into a platform for criticizing the authorities, revealing itself as an opposition body. This prompted a new revolutionary uprising and further intensified the crisis in society.

Agrarian “Stolypin” reform

The process of transformation began in 1907. And P.A. was involved in it. Stolypin. The main goal was to preserve landownership. To achieve this result, they decided that it was necessary to liquidate the communities and sell the land to peasants living in the villages through the Peasant Bank. In order to reduce the peasant land shortage, they began to resettle peasants beyond the Urals. In the hope that all these measures will stop the social upheaval in society and it will be possible to modernize agriculture, they launched agrarian reform.

The rise of the Russian economy

The introduced innovations have brought tangible results in the agricultural sector, the economy Russian state I felt a noticeable lift. Grain harvests increased by 2 centners per hectare, the volume of harvested products increased by 20%, grain exported abroad increased in volume by 1.5 times. The incomes of peasants increased noticeably and their purchasing power increased. The reign of Nicholas 2 raised agriculture to a new level.

But, despite a noticeable economic recovery, the ruler was unable to resolve social issues. The form of government remained the same, and dissatisfaction with it among the people gradually increased. Thus, only 25% of farms left the community, 17% of those resettled beyond the Urals returned, and 20% of the peasants who took land through the Peasant Bank went bankrupt. As a result, the provision of peasants with plots of land decreased from 11 dessiatines to 8 dessiatines. It became clear that the second reform of Nicholas 2 ended unsatisfactorily and the agrarian problem was not solved.

Summing up the results of the reign of Nicholas 2, it can be argued that by 1913 the Russian Empire had become one of the richest in the world. This did not stop him from villainously murdering the great king, his entire family and his loyal associates 4 years later.

Features of raising the future emperor

Nicholas 2 himself was brought up in a strict and Spartan manner as a child. He devoted a lot of time to sports, his clothes were simple, and delicacies and sweets were only available on holidays. This attitude towards children showed that even if they were born into a rich and noble family, this was not their merit. It was believed that the main thing is what you know and can do and what kind of soul you have. The royal family of Nicholas 2 is an example of a friendly, fruitful union of husband, wife and their properly raised children.

The future emperor transferred this upbringing to his own family. From childhood, the king’s daughters knew what pain and suffering were and knew how to provide help to those who needed it. For example, the eldest daughters Olga and Maria, along with their mother, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, worked in military hospitals during the First World War. To do this, they completed special medical courses and stood on their feet at the operating table for several hours.

Currently, we know that the life of the king and his family is a constant fear for his life, for his family and for everything, and above all, great responsibility, care and concern for the entire people. And the tsar’s “profession” is thankless and dangerous, as the history of the Russian state confirms. The royal family of Nicholas 2 became the standard of marital fidelity for many years.

Head of the Imperial Family

Nicholas 2 himself became the last and the rule of Russia by the House of Romanov ended. He was the eldest son in the family, and his parents were Emperor Alexander 3 and Maria Fedorovna Romanov. After the tragic death of his grandfather, he became the heir to the Russian throne. Nicholas 2 had a calm character, was very religious, and grew up as a shy and thoughtful boy. However, at the right moment he was always firm and persistent in his intentions and actions.

Empress and mother of the family

Wife Russian Emperor Nicholas 2 became the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Drmstadt, Ludwig, and her mother was the Princess of England. The future Empress was born on June 7, 1872 in Darmstadt. Her parents named her Alix and gave her a real English upbringing. The girl was born sixth in a row, but this did not stop her from becoming a well-mannered and worthy successor of the English family, because her grandmother was Queen Victoria of England. The future empress had a balanced character and was very shy. Despite her noble origin, she led a Spartan lifestyle, taking a bath in the mornings with cold water and spent the night on a hard bed.

Favorite children of the royal family

The first child in the family of Emperor Nicholas 2 and his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was daughter Olga. She was born in 1895 in November and became her parents' favorite child. Grand Duchess Romanova was very smart, friendly and distinguished by great abilities in the study of all kinds of sciences. She was distinguished by her sincerity and generosity, and her Christian soul was pure and fair. The beginning of the reign of Nicholas 2 was marked by the birth of his first child.

The second child of Nicholas 2 was daughter Tatyana, who was born on June 11, 1897. Outwardly, she resembled her mother, but her character was that of her father. She had a strong sense of duty and loved order in everything. Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova was good at embroidery and sewing, had a sound mind and in all life situations remained herself.

The next and, accordingly, third child of the emperor and empress was another daughter, Maria. She was born on June 27, 1899. The Grand Duchess differed from her sisters in her good nature, friendliness and cheerfulness. She had a beautiful appearance and had great vitality. She was very attached to her parents and loved them madly.

The Emperor was looking forward to his son, but the fourth child in the royal family was again the girl Anastasia. The Emperor loved her like all his daughters. Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova was born on June 18, 1901 and was very similar in character to a boy. She turned out to be a nimble and playful child, loved to play pranks and had a cheerful disposition.

On August 12, 1904, the long-awaited heir was born into the imperial family. The boy was named Alexey, in honor of his great-great-grandfather Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. The Tsarevich inherited all the best from his father and mother. He loved his parents dearly, and his father Nikolai 2 was a real idol for him, he always tried to imitate him.

Accession to the throne

May 1896 was marked by the most important event - the coronation of Nicholas 2 took place in Moscow. This was the last such event: the tsar became the last not only in the Romanov dynasty, but also in history Russian Empire. Ironically, it was this coronation that became the most majestic and luxurious. Thus began the reign of Nicholas 2. For the most important occasion, the city was decorated with colorful illumination that had just appeared at that time. According to eyewitnesses, there was literally a “sea of ​​fire” at the event.

Representatives from all countries gathered in the capital of the Russian Empire. From heads of state to ordinary people, representatives of every class were present at the inauguration ceremony. To capture this significant day in color, venerable artists came to Moscow: Serov, Ryabushkin, Vasnetsov, Repin, Nesterov and others. The coronation of Nicholas 2 was a real holiday for the Russian people.

The last coin of the empire

Numismatics is a truly interesting science. She studies not just coins and banknotes of different states and eras. In the collections of the largest numismatists one can trace the history of the country, its economic, political and social changes. So the chervonets of Nicholas 2 became a legendary coin.

It was first issued in 1911, and subsequently the mint minted chervonets in huge quantities every year. The denomination of the coin was 10 rubles and was made of gold. It would seem, why does this money attract the attention of numismatists and historians so much? The catch is that the number of coins produced and minted was limited. And that means it makes sense to compete for the coveted chervonets. There were many more of them than the mint claimed. But, unfortunately, among large quantity Forgeries and “impostors” make it difficult to find a genuine coin.

Why do the coins have so many “doubles”? It is believed that someone was able to take the obverse and reverse dies from the mint and put them in the hands of counterfeiters. Historians claim that it could have been either Kolchak, who “minted” a lot of chervonets in order to undermine the country’s economy, or the Soviet government, which tried to pay off Western partners with this money. It is known that for a long time Western countries did not recognize new government seriously and continued to pay with Russian gold chervonets. Also, the mass production of counterfeit coins could have been carried out much later, and from low-quality gold.

Foreign policy of Nicholas II

During the reign of the emperor there were two large military companies. On Far East The Russian state faced an aggressive Japan. In 1904, the Russo-Japanese War began, which was supposed to distract the common people from the socio-economic problems of the state. The largest military operations took place at the Port Arthur fortress, which surrendered in December 1904. The Russian army lost the battle at Mukend in February 1905. And near the island of Tsushima in May 1905, the Russian fleet was defeated and completely sunk. The Russian-Japanese military campaign ended with the signing of peace agreements in Portsmouth in August 1905, according to which Korea and the southern part of Sakhalin Island were ceded to Japan.

First World War

In the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia, the heir to the Austrian throne, F. Ferdinand, was killed, which was the reason for the outbreak of the First World War of 1914 between the Triple Alliance and the Entente. It included states such as Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. And the Entente included Russia, England and France.

The main military actions took place on Western Front in 1914. On the Eastern Front, Austria-Hungary was defeated by Russian army, was close to capitulation. But Germany helped Austria-Hungary survive and continue its offensive against Russia.

Again Germany went against Russia in the spring and summer of 1915, capturing Poland, part of the Baltic states, part of Western Belarus and Ukraine during this offensive. And in 1916, German troops delivered the main blow on the Western Front. In turn, Russian troops broke through the front and defeated the Austrian army, General A.A. led the military operations. Brusilov.

The foreign policy of Nicholas 2 led to the fact that the Russian state was economically exhausted by a long war, and political problems also arose. The deputies did not hide the fact that they were not happy with the policies pursued by the ruling government. was never resolved, but Patriotic War only made it worse. By signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 5, 1918, Russia ended the war.

Summing up

We can talk for a long time about the fate of rulers. The results of the reign of Nicholas 2 are as follows: Russia experienced a colossal leap in economic development, as well as increased political and social contradictions. During the reign of the emperor there were two revolutions at once, the last of which became decisive. Large-scale changes in relations with other countries led to the fact that the Russian Empire increased its influence in the east. The reign of Nicholas 2 was extremely controversial. Perhaps that is why it was in those years that events took place that led to a change in the political system.

We can discuss for a long time whether the emperor should have acted one way or another. Historians still have not agreed on who he was last emperor The Russian Empire - a great autocrat or the death of statehood. The era of the reign of Nicholas 2 was a very difficult time for the Russian Empire, but at the same time remarkable and fateful.


2005 marked twenty years since the beginning of perestroika and subsequent reforms. We invite our readers to familiarize themselves with two materials. The first is dedicated to the results of the twenty-year reign of Emperor NicholasII. This period is still interpreted as a blind, rotten tyranny, incapable of anything. The second material is also dedicated to the twentieth anniversary - but of the modern period of Russian history.


Sergey Oldenburg

During the twenty years of the reign of Nicholas II, the population of the empire increased by fifty million people - by 40%; Natural population growth exceeded three million per year. Along with natural growth increased noticeably general level welfare.

Thus, sugar consumption from 25 million poods per year (8 pounds per capita in 1894) exceeded 80 million poods (18 pounds per capita) in 1913. Tea consumption also increased (75 million kg in 1913; 40 million in 1890).

Thanks to the growth of agricultural production, the development of communications, and the expedient supply of food aid, the “hunger years” at the beginning of the twentieth century are already a thing of the past. A crop failure no longer meant famine: the shortage in certain areas was covered by the production of other areas.

The grain harvest (rye, wheat and barley), which reached an average of slightly more than two billion poods at the beginning of the reign, exceeded in 1913-1914. four billion.

The amount of manufacture per head of the population doubled: despite the fact that the production of the Russian textile industry increased by one hundred percent, the import of fabrics from abroad also increased several times.

Deposits in state savings banks increased from three hundred million in 1894 to two billion rubles in 1913.

Coal production increased continuously. The Donetsk basin, which produced less than 300 million poods in 1894, already produced over one and a half billion poods in 1913. For recent years development of new powerful deposits of the Kuznetsk basin in Western Siberia began. Coal production throughout the empire more than quadrupled in twenty years. In 1913, oil production approached 600 million pounds per year (two-thirds more than at the beginning of the reign).

The metallurgical industry grew rapidly in Russia. Iron smelting has almost quadrupled in twenty years; copper smelting - five times; production of manganese ore also increased fivefold. In the field of mechanical engineering, rapid growth has been evident in recent years: the fixed capital of the main Russian machine plants in three years (1911-1914) increased from 120 to 220 million rubles. The production of cotton fabrics from 10.5 million poods in 1894 doubled by 1911 and continued to increase further. The total number of workers in twenty years has moved from two million to five.

From 1,200 million at the beginning of the reign, the budget reached 3.5 billion. Year after year, the amount of receipts exceeded estimates; the state always had free cash. Over ten years (1904-1913), the excess of ordinary income over expenses amounted to over two billion rubles. The gold reserves of the State Bank increased from 648 million (1894) to 1604 million (1914). The budget grew without introducing new taxes or raising old ones, reflecting the growth of the national economy.

Stretch railways, as well as telegraph wires, more than doubled. The river fleet has also increased - the largest in the world. (There were 2,539 steamships in 1895, and 4,317 in 1906.)

The Russian army grew in approximately the same proportion as the population: by 1914 it consisted of 37 corps (not counting Cossacks and irregular units), with a peacetime composition of over 1,300,000 people. After the Japanese War, the army was thoroughly reorganized. The Russian fleet, which suffered so severely during the Japanese War, was revived to a new life, and this was the enormous personal merit of the Emperor, who twice overcame the stubborn resistance of Duma circles.

The growth of public education is evidenced by the following figures: by 1914, expenditures by the state, zemstvos and cities on public education amounted to 300 million rubles (at the beginning of the reign - about 40 million).

The following data is available on the number of books and periodicals in Russia in 1908: there were 2,028 periodicals, including 440 daily. Books and brochures were published in 23,852 titles, 70,841,000 copies, worth 25 million rubles.

The economic activity of the broad masses was expressed in the unprecedentedly rapid development of cooperation. Before 1897, in Russia there were only about a hundred consumer societies with a small number of participants and several hundred small savings and loan partnerships... Already by January 1, 1912, the number of consumer societies was approaching seven thousand... Credit cooperatives in 1914 increased their fixed capital by seven times compared to 1905 and numbered up to nine million members.

Against the background of the overall picture of the mighty growth of the Russian Empire, the development of its Asian possessions stood out. Over the course of twenty years, about 4 million migrants from the interior provinces found a place for themselves in Siberia.

In the twentieth year of the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, Russia reached a level of material prosperity unprecedented in it... Foreigners noted the change taking place in Russia. At the end of 1913, the editor of the Economist Europeen, Edmond Théry, carried out a survey of the Russian economy on behalf of two French ministers. Noting astonishing successes in all areas, Thary concluded: “If the affairs of European nations continue from 1912 to 1950 as they did from 1900 to 1912, Russia will, by the middle of this century, dominate Europe both politically and economically.” and financially."

This is what Winston Churchill wrote about the last days of the reign of Nicholas II: “Fate has never been as cruel to any country as to Russia. Her ship sank while the harbor was in sight. She had already weathered the storm when everything collapsed. All the sacrifices have already been made, all the work has been completed. Despair and betrayal took hold of power when the task was already completed...

In March the Tsar was on the throne; The Russian Empire and the Russian army held out, the front was secured and victory was undeniable.

According to the superficial fashion of our time, the tsarist system is usually interpreted as a blind, rotten tyranny, incapable of anything. But an analysis of the thirty months of war with Germany and Austria should have corrected these facile ideas. We can measure the strength of the Russian Empire by the blows it suffered, by the disasters it survived, by the inexhaustible forces it developed, and by the recovery of which it was capable.

In the government of states, when great events happen, the leader of the nation, whoever he may be, is condemned for failures and glorified for success...

They're about to kill him. A dark hand intervenes, at first invested with madness. The king leaves the stage. He and all those who love him are given over to suffering and death. His efforts diminish; his actions are condemned; his memory is being defamed... Stop and say: who else turned out to be suitable? There was no shortage of talented and courageous people, ambitious and proud in spirit, courageous and powerful people. But no one was able to answer those few simple questions on which the life and glory of Russia depended.”


Nikolay Leonov
especially for Pravoslavie.Ru

The ultimate objective criterion for assessing the success or failure of reform efforts is statistical indicators, characterizing the state of the state as a whole and the population of the country. During twenty years of perestroika and reforms (1985-2005), historical Russia, which had been alive for more than 1000 years, ceased to exist. In 1991, contrary to the will of the overwhelming majority of the population of the USSR, expressed during a national referendum, the political leaders of individual union republics took advantage of the weakness of the central government and announced the liquidation of the USSR. The Moscow Kingdom, which had been created over centuries, which later became the Russian Empire, and then the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, shrank in one day, December 8, 1991, to the size of the RSFSR, i.e. to borders approximately corresponding to the middle of the 17th century. 5.5 million square meters were lost. km. territory (from 22.4 million to 17 million), on which 14 independent states arose, most which took anti-Russian positions.

Of the 272 million population of the former USSR, only 146 million remained within Russia. More than 25 million ethnic Russians ended up abroad, becoming second-class citizens in the new national limitrophe states. Against the backdrop of a global trend towards the reunification of nations (examples of Vietnam, Yemen, Germany, etc.), the Russian people found themselves in a disunited position.

The geopolitical catastrophe that broke out on the territory of historical Russia had a detrimental effect on the state of its population, which is characterized by a steady process of extinction. The annual population loss from natural causes ranges from 700 to 800 thousand people. Fertility does not compensate for mortality. In terms of the number of suicides, Russia has taken one of the first places in the world (60 thousand annually, of which 80% are men). The total outflow of the population abroad in the form of economic emigration, brain drain, etc. is estimated at 5 million people over the twenty years. The Russian government does not see any other ways to replenish the labor reserves other than the migration of citizens from the former Soviet republics to Russia, which will change the demographic composition of the country's population and bring all the associated risks and dangers.

For 1985-2005 The well-being of the Russian population has deteriorated sharply. Even according to official statistics, half of the country’s citizens live either below or on the border of the minimum living wage. These fellow citizens of ours are more likely to survive than to live. During this time, the bank savings of the Russian population were devalued twice. In 1992, they were virtually destroyed by multiple and lightning-fast price increases; in August 1998, depositors were ruined as a result of the financial bankruptcy of the state and the depreciation of the ruble by three to four times in relation to foreign currencies.

Level wages systematically lagged behind price increases. By 2000, the cost of food and basic necessities had stabilized at global levels. Based on a combination of factors, Moscow has repeatedly become the most expensive city in the world to live in. At the same time, the average wage level in Russia is approximately 10 times lower than in other countries Western Europe And North America, to which Russia formally belongs, being included in the group of 8 most developed countries peace.

The reaction to the collapse of poverty was the demoralization of a large part of the people, the desire to seek oblivion in alcohol and drugs. Alcohol consumption in Russia has reached 17 liters (in terms of pure alcohol) per capita per year, while a level of 8 liters is considered critical for public health. Drugs, previously known only to a narrow circle of intellectuals, began to seize large sections of teenagers and young people. The drugs confiscated by customs authorities alone in one year would be enough to produce almost 200 million single doses.

Repeated surveys of the population on the question of whether they have become better off as a result of perestroika and reforms give a consistent picture: from 5 to 8% answer in the affirmative, 25-30% say that they have maintained the same quality of life or slightly improved it, the rest admit that that life has become worse.

For 1985-2005 There was a sharp social stratification of the Russian population. A distinguished stratum of the richest people, contrary to traditions, often flaunts their wealth in the form of luxurious villas and expensive cars, which offends the vast majority of the population, makes their poverty even more painful and, naturally, hinders the formation of national unity and the success of government reforms.

Russian agriculture suffered greatly from perestroika and reform “transformations”. The gross harvest of grain decreased from 110 million tons to 78 million in 2004, sugar beets from 25 million tons to 21 million, potatoes from 38 million to 36 million tons. Against the backdrop of a general decline in agricultural production, the only exceptions were sunflower and soybeans - the main raw materials for production vegetable oil. The situation in livestock farming is even worse: the number of cattle has decreased from 57 to 23 million heads, pigs from 38 to 14 million heads. Meat production (including poultry) fell from 16 million tons to 8 million tons, and milk production from 56 million tons to 32 million. Currently, imported meat occupies more than a third of our domestic market, and milk about 16%. Russia has lost the ability to provide itself with food, which poses a serious threat to national security. (The data were announced at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 20, 2005)

The system of land tenure and land use has not yet been determined. There are about 16 million rural households in the country, focused on self-sufficiency and small-scale production. In the absence of land and mortgage lending in the country, these farms, which do not have free financial resources and agricultural equipment, are doomed to degradation. The process of forming large modern agricultural complexes has begun, but their establishment will take a lot of time. Farming as a type of farming has not taken root in Russia.

Industry has been undergoing similar changes of a destructive nature all these years. Only oil and natural gas production remained the same and even slightly increased compared to 1985, the export of which abroad became the main source of gold and foreign exchange earnings. Ferrous metallurgy, aluminum smelting and the production of chemical fertilizers remained at an acceptable level, since the world market is extremely interested in their products. These types of production require either a large amount of scarce raw materials, or cheap electricity, or are associated with environmental costs, which makes Russia competitive.

The manufacturing industry was almost completely destroyed, with the exception of the automotive industry and the military-industrial complex (engine building, production of industrial vehicles, machine tools, control and communication equipment, agricultural machinery, household equipment, etc.) The volume of industrial production decreased to 60% of the 1985 level. Production at 70 thousand plants and factories was stopped. The average annual number of industrial production personnel decreased from 20 million people in 1992 to 11.8 million in 2004.

Majority finished goods, on which the country's life support depends, Russia imports from abroad: from screws and nails to computers and airplanes.

The severe socio-economic consequences of perestroika and reforms are explained by the acute political bias of all the processes that took place in Russia during these years. Just as in 1917 the Bolsheviks sang “We will destroy the whole world of violence to the ground, and then ...”, so the reformers of the 1985-2005 era were guided primarily by the ideas of destroying everything Soviet, creating guarantees of the irreversibility of a return to the previous model of society. Vain haste and ill-conceived reforms, coupled with the passive hostility towards them of the majority of the population, predetermined the failure of the transformations called democratic.

However, Russia approached the end of the period under analysis with serious chances for revival. It was saved by the enormous natural resources given by the Lord, the patience and endurance of the population, and the faith in the future that was not completely lost. Thanks to the sale of raw materials, Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves reached the highest level in its entire history. They amount to 180 billion dollars. In the near future, our export income will remain at a high level. There is an urgent need for smart, energetic leaders who will be able to use these favorable opportunities to make up for lost time. Russia has retained the necessary scientific and technical backbone, it’s up to the organizers.

It is critically important to reverse the negative trends in the moral degradation of society, to inspire people with faith in God, in the country, in its leaders, in themselves.

26 / 12 / 2005

Chapter 3. Revolution and assassination of Nicholas II…………………………….….9 – 11

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….12 – 13

List of used literature……………………………………………………14


Nicholas II Alexandrovich is the last Russian emperor from the House of Romanov. The last Russian Tsar, with whose death the great Russian Empire fell.

This is one of the few rulers whose opinions differ not only among historians, but also among ordinary people. Some consider Nikolai Alexandrovich “bloody” for shooting demonstrators, others consider him, on the contrary, a saint and brutally tortured along with his entire family by Bolshevik terrorists led by Yankel Yurovsky, many consider him a coward and a man of weak will because the emperor could not to retain his throne and save the country from destruction, but there are those who, on the contrary, consider Tsar Nicholas a strong-willed and strong man who was simply betrayed by those he trusted.

But one thing can be said - the reign of Nikolai Alexandrovich fell on some of the most difficult days in the history of Russia. This includes the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905), the first revolution (1905-1907), the crisis in the Balkans, revolutionary terrorism, riots, strikes, strikes, the outbreak of the First World War(1914) and the second “Russian” revolution and the subsequent change of power in the country (1917).

Emperor Nicholas II can be assessed as a good or bad ruler, but one cannot accurately state or prove what we actually do not know, because the Bolsheviks prevailed in the revolution, and history, as we know, is always written by the winner, despite the fact that it is false story or true.

Chapter 1. Brief biography and personality of Nicholas II.

Nicholas II Alexandrovich May 6, 1868, Tsarskoe Selo - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg - the last Russian emperor (1894-1917), the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III Alexandrovich and Empress Maria Fedorovna.

Nikolai's training began when he was 8 years old. The curriculum included an eight-year general education course and a five-year course in higher sciences. It was based on a modified classical gymnasium program; instead of Latin and Greek, mineralogy, botany, zoology, anatomy and physiology were studied. Courses in history, Russian literature and foreign languages ​​were expanded. The cycle of higher education included political economy, law and military affairs (military jurisprudence, strategy, military geography, service of the General Staff).

Classes in vaulting, fencing, drawing, and music were also conducted. Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna themselves selected teachers and mentors.

From an early age, Nikolai felt a craving for military affairs: he knew the traditions of the officer environment and military regulations perfectly, in relation to the soldiers he felt like a patron-mentor and did not shy away from communicating with them, and resignedly endured the inconveniences of army everyday life at camp gatherings or maneuvers. One day, Nicholas II was presented with a version of a uniform for soldiers to check its quality. Nikolai Alexandrovich personally made a ten-kilometer march and appreciated the quality of the new uniform.

Immediately after his birth, he was enlisted in several guards regiments and appointed chief of the 65th Moscow Infantry Regiment. At the age of five he was appointed chief of the Life Guards of the Reserve Infantry Regiment, and in 1875 he was enlisted in the Erivan Life Guards Regiment. In December 1875 he received his first military rank - ensign, and in 1880 he was promoted to second lieutenant, and 4 years later he became a lieutenant.

In 1884, Nicholas II entered active military service, in July 1887 he began regular military service in the Preobrazhensky Regiment and was promoted to staff captain, in 1891 Nicholas received the rank of captain, and a year later - colonel.

The personality of Nicholas II and his character still evoke different assessments from contemporaries. Many noted “weak will” as the dominant feature of his personality, although there is a lot of evidence that the tsar was distinguished by a persistent desire to implement his intentions, often reaching the point of stubbornness (only once was someone else’s will imposed on him - Manifesto of October 17, 1905, and then under the pressure of revolutionary sentiments in the country).

Unlike his father Alexander III, Nicholas II did not give the impression of a strong personality. At the same time, according to the reviews of people who knew him closely, he had exceptional self-control, which was sometimes perceived as indifference to the fate of the country and people (for example, he met the news of the fall of Port Arthur or the defeats of the Russian army during the First World War with composure, striking the royal entourage). In dealing with state affairs, the tsar showed “extraordinary perseverance” and accuracy (Nicholas II, for example, never had a personal secretary and himself stamped letters), although in general the rule of a huge empire was a “heavy burden” for him.

Contemporaries noted that Nicholas II had a tenacious memory, keen powers of observation, and was a modest, friendly and sensitive person. At the same time, most of all he valued his peace, habits, health, and especially the well-being of his family.

The support of Nicholas II was his family. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (nee Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt) was not only a wife for the Tsar, but also a friend and adviser. The habits, ideas and cultural interests of the spouses largely coincided. They got married on November 14, 1894. They had five children: Olga (1895-1918), Tatiana (1897-1918), Maria (1899-1918), Anastasia (1901-1918), Alexey (1904-1918).

Fatal drama royal family was associated with the incurable illness of her son Alexei - hemophilia (incoagulability of blood). The illness led to the appearance in the royal house of Grigory Rasputin, who, even before meeting the crowned kings, became famous for his gift of foresight and healing; he repeatedly helped Alexei overcome attacks of the disease.

  • Height agriculture, ridding the country of hunger;
  • Growth of economy, industry and culture;
  • Rising tensions in domestic policy, which led to revolution and a change in the government system.

With the death of Nicholas 2 came the end of the Russian Empire and the monarchy in Russia.

The aggravation of contradictions within the country and the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War led to a serious political crisis. The authorities were unable to change the situation. Causes of the revolution of 1905 - 1907:

  • the reluctance of the highest authorities to carry out liberal reforms, the projects of which were prepared by Witte, Svyatopolk-Mirsky and others;
  • the lack of any rights and the miserable existence of the peasant population, which made up more than 70% of the country's population (agrarian question);
  • lack of social guarantees and civil rights among the working class, the policy of non-interference by the state in the relationship between entrepreneur and worker (labor issue);
  • the policy of forced Russification in relation to non-Russian peoples, who at that time made up up to 57% of the country's population (national question);
  • unsuccessful development of the situation on the Russian-Japanese front.

The first Russian revolution 1905 – 1907 was provoked by the events that took place in early January 1905 in St. Petersburg. Here are the main stages of the revolution.

  • Winter 1905 – autumn 1905. The shooting of a peaceful demonstration on January 9, 1905, called “Bloody Sunday,” led to the start of worker strikes in almost all regions of the country. There were also unrest in the army and navy. One of the important episodes of the first Russian revolution of 1905 - 1907. There was a mutiny on the cruiser "Prince Potemkin Tauride", which occurred on June 14, 1905. During the same period, the workers' movement intensified, and the peasant movement became more active.
  • Autumn 1905 This period is the highest point of the revolution. The All-Russian October strike, started by the printers' trade union, was supported by many other trade unions. The Tsar issues a manifesto on the granting of political freedoms and the creation of the State Duma as a legislative body. After Nicholas 2 granted the rights to freedom of assembly, speech, conscience, and the press, the “Union of October 17” and the Constitutional Democratic Party, as well as the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, announced the end of the revolution.
  • December 1905 The radical wing of the RSDLP supports an armed uprising in Moscow. There are fierce barricade battles on the streets (Presnya). On December 11, the regulations on elections to the 1st State Duma are published.
  • 1906 - first half of 1907 Decline in revolutionary activity. Start of work of the 1st State Duma (with a Cadet majority). In February 1907, the 2nd State Duma was convened (left-wing in its composition), but after 3 months it was dissolved. During this period, strikes and strikes continued, but gradually the government's control over the country was restored.

The result of the revolution of 1905 - 1907, which was bourgeois-democratic in nature, was a number of serious transformations, such as the formation of the State Duma. Political parties received the right to act legally. The situation of the peasants improved, since redemption payments were canceled, and they were also granted the right to free movement and choice of place of residence. But they did not receive ownership of the land. Workers won the right to legally form trade unions, and the working hours in factories were reduced. Some workers received voting rights. National policies have become more lenient. However, the most important significance of the revolution of 1905 - 1907. is to change the worldview of people, which paved the way for further revolutionary changes in the country.

The first semblance of parliament in Russia were legislative bodies - the Boyar Duma of the 16th-17th centuries, the council of associates of Peter I, the “circle of young friends of the emperor” under Alexander I.

As a result of the zemstvo reform of Alexander II, unique provincial parliaments-zemstvos appeared, which had legislative deliberative rights. But the emperor was categorically against the creation of an all-Russian zemstvo, seeing this as a limitation of the principles of autocracy.

However, due to the intensification of terror, Alexander II, who believed that the zemstvos were loyal to state power, issued an order to join the assembly of zemstvo representatives to the State Council.

This meeting was supposed to have only a legislative character, but later it could become a full-fledged parliament. The plans were interrupted by the assassination of Alexander II in March 1881.

The Next Emperor Alexander III pursued a policy of counter-reforms in order to strengthen the autocracy.

Nicholas II, who came to power in 1894, continued his father’s policies.

However, in January-February 1905, the first Russian revolution began in Russia (1905-1907). It demonstrated that the autocratic period in the history of the Russian state is ending and the period of practical constitutionalization and parliamentarization of the country begins.

The first, at first moderate, steps towards parliamentarization were associated with the adoption by Nicholas II of documents dated August 6, 1905: “The Highest Manifesto on the Establishment of the State Duma”, “The Law on the Establishment of the State Duma” and “Regulations on Elections to the State Duma”.

However, these acts established the status of the State Duma as a legislative advisory body under the monarch.

In addition, the documents of August 6, 1905 on the elections contained a lot of restrictions and qualification requirements that prevented wide circles of Russian society from taking part in the work of even such a powerless Duma.

The State Council was supposed to function in tandem with the State Duma. The status of a legislative body under the monarch was given to the State Council at the time of its creation - in 1810. The manifesto of August 6, 1905 only confirmed this status.

The starting point for the formation of parliamentarism in Russia was the Highest Manifesto, signed by Tsar Nicholas II on October 17, 1905, “On the improvement of the state order” and a whole series of acts developing the provisions of the Manifesto and also approved by the emperor’s decrees, issued in 1905-1906: Decree of 11 December 1905 “On amending the Regulations on elections to the State Duma (dated August 6, 1905) and the legislation issued in addition to it,” Manifesto of February 20, 1906 “On amending the establishment of the State Council and revising the establishment of the State Duma” , Decree of February 20, 1906 "Establishment of the State Duma" ( new edition), etc.

The Manifesto of October 17, 1905 occupies a special place among these documents. It said: “To establish as an unshakable rule that no law can take effect without the approval of the State Duma, and that those elected by the people are provided with the opportunity to truly participate in monitoring the regularity of the actions of the authorities appointed by us.”

This meant that the State Duma was transformed from a legislative body into a legislative one. The rights in the legislative activities of not only the State Duma, but also State Council. He, like State Duma, was also vested with legislative, rather than advisory, powers.

Under the authoritarian regime that existed in Russia, when all fateful decisions for the country were made exclusively by the emperor, no reforms could be carried out without his consent and approval. In a crisis situation requiring the adoption of quick, energetic and effective measures to save the monarchy and the country, a leader like P. A. Stolypin was needed. A talented, proactive and fairly independent administrator who proposed a comprehensive program of state and economic reforms became no longer needed by the monarch as soon as the situation in Russia stabilized somewhat. Moreover, this stabilization was achieved largely thanks to the efforts of the same P. A. Stolypin.

Repent people! The king is coming!

They were given to the slaughter to the Masonic Jews.
We received retribution for this.
And it is already approaching one hundred years.

God has given us so many years to repent
In the hope that we will repent for everyone.
No revolution, no war, no consciousness
They did not explain to us the gravest sin.

After all, our ancestors broke their oath,
Which they swore to Fedor the Tsar,
We have forgotten that he is the Anointed One from God.
We swore in one thousand six hundred and thirteen.

We had a King! But we killed him!
There are few years left for repentance.
We haven’t washed His blood off ourselves yet.
And They are still waiting for an answer from us.

The sun has already gone down towards sunset,
Pulsates in the dying hours.
Betrayal of God has already been accomplished,
But we did not repent of our atrocities.

But we pray and ask nevertheless:
“God, bring back the Tsar!
Murder, forgive us, God.
God, lengthen our days."

As Moses prayed for the Jews:
"Take me, but leave them alive"
So the Tsar prays: “Deliver Rus' from villains,
That they strangle the world in their arms.”

As Abraham asked: “At least the faithful
If you find ten, will you spare them all?”
But there were no worthy ones among the bad ones.
God poured fire and brimstone on them.

As Elijah cried then in the desert:
“Oh, take it! You are no longer here,
Everyone turned away. There are too many villains to count.”
God answered: “There are mine among the tares.”

The fourth Angel is already blowing - we don’t hear,
Three trumpets have already sounded, but we are deaf,
In our struggle we become quieter and quieter,
Getting ready for the fiery fish soup.

We had a King! But we killed him!
We had the Queen with her Husband and children.
Eagle was killed. The Turtle Dove is torn to pieces!
And the Children are raised on sharp bayonets!

Who killed them?! We are by our betrayal,
By his corruption and cowardice.
And we became a Masonic shift,
Serving killers in the darkness of days.

We had a King! But we killed him!
They killed him easily. With His entire Family.
We did not forbid His killing
And they did not wash themselves with a tear of repentance.

But their bodies were famously dismembered,
The heads of the heir and his father were cut off
And they placed it in a bottle of alcohol,
Bringing an account to Satan's minions.

They were shot, stabbed, dismembered,
They doused it with acid and carefully burned it...
And, ritually, they drank Their blood and ashes...
We allowed them that in those days.

And we still allow it
Opponents of Russia of all stripes.
Ivans, we don’t know the relationship,
And we give our children to demons!

We're sleeping! Deep sleep and drunk.
And we wait - who will pour acorns for us?
Come to your senses, Ivans - Ioannas!!!
Very few days left!

They will kill you, how did you allow it?
With His King and His entire Family.
They disingenuously: “Your Tsar has been killed.” Didn't argue?!
And the Tsar was killed by them and you.

Now they have crucified Christ again.
They were preparing, mocking you.
They killed us, and we slept,
Covered in a veil of indifference.

So little time! And the field turned yellow.
Waiting for the harvest. Where are his reapers?!
Ascend boldly with the King and God.
And remember that the Forefathers are with us!

But the King is coming! A wanderer of the last times.
The people will be saved, the Anointed One is the Chosen One!
Repent people! God is waiting for us!
Without this, no one will save us.

After all, God is with us! We just need to decide.
Without this He will not be able to help.
And the All-Heavenly Queen is with us...
Let there be Light! And let the night perish.

r.B. Gennady. Simferopol.


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