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I was forced to put pen to paper by some impenetrable wall of hopelessness and lawlessness that surrounded the economy of our native Kuzbass. You listen to the conversations of Kemerovo residents, read forums of ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs and the non-governor's press, and at the same time you are overcome by both despair and surprise - why is the purely mafia-corruption style of government of the first deputy governor, who has taken over our governor, the regional budget, and the entire private enterprise economy? , has not yet seriously interested the federal competent authorities?

And we have something to be surprised by. Only the deaf and blind do not know that all affairs in the region are run by the Makinsky team, and if any entrepreneur and investor does not want to be “friends” with this team, that is, not to roll back half of their income, then they have nothing to do in the region, and It's generally dangerous to live here.

Everyone in the region probably already knows that he has actually retired from the affairs that, in fact, give him the right to be called governor. Tuleyev no longer receives anyone, including his deputies, he is very concerned about his health, is in his office no more than 2-3 hours a day, and in general he is writing memoirs.

The consequence of this self-withdrawal of the current formal head of the region was a split in the elites, the absence of any law at all in the region’s economy other than the concepts of “rollback” and “cut,” the destruction of the investment climate as such, a collapsing local economy, and even delays in paying salaries to public sector employees. The functions of the governor were openly appropriated by Maxim Makin. Who does not hesitate to declare that all serious issues in the region are resolved by him personally. Especially those where there is an opportunity to thoroughly “milk” the federal and regional budgets or entrepreneurs not covered by the tribute.

In turn, the Makinsky team sees their leader not only as a “shadow governor”, ​​but also tries on the governor’s crown on his head. And who should be embarrassed anyway? If everything is captured here, and Moscow is infinitely far away... For example, a German company comes to them and talks about the desire to build a production facility here for as much as 1 billion euros! “Wonderful,” Makin’s family rubs their hands, “just pay a fee of 50 percent of the announced amount.” The Germans, of course, are cleaning their ears - haven’t they heard right?! “Yes, no, you heard right,” the Makinskys explain, “it’s just our dachshund. And if you don’t agree, then look for another region.” And so that the overseas guests were more understanding, they gave their Russian representative here a “mask show” with the security forces and the seizure of business. And such cases are not uncommon for a long time.

Oddly enough, such Makin’s lawlessness has a very “beneficial” effect on the economy of neighboring regions. The flight of entrepreneurs, due to extortion, raiding and the establishment of fake criminal cases, towards the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions and Altai has become so widespread that it has increased the economic and social indicators of these regions. In turn, the budget of the Kemerovo region contains only holes and fictions. For example, the figure of own income in this year 99 billion rubles, which will never be collected. But the region’s external debt is quite real – 85 billion rubles. In fact, the region is bankrupt.

The Makinskys have everything covered

Makin is thoroughly preparing a springboard for himself to seize power, and now people under his control are being placed throughout the region, including in the governor’s office. The head of the region is given only the information he considers necessary by his first deputy. Most likely, in the near future this official will spend his energy and resources on completely replacing the entire top of the regional government in Kuzbass with his own people. And by the next gubernatorial elections, for the Kuzbass residents and for the Kremlin in the Kemerovo region, there will simply be no other alternative except Makin and the “Makinskys”.

To achieve his intended goals, he needs to prepare both a financial platform and provide cover from the security forces, which he is now actively doing, taking all economically profitable enterprises to his controlled structures. He is assisted in this by those officials who, due to their duties, themselves must ensure that the law is observed. For example, the deputy governor for interaction with law enforcement agencies, Alexey Ivanov, through the deputy head of the regional Main Internal Affairs Directorate Viktor Kutylkin, provides cover for law enforcement agencies. And try someone to make a complaint about the Makinsky team...

I repeat that today in the region almost all enterprises are obliged to pay tribute (those who do not pay are overboard). Obstacles are deliberately created in order to destroy the enterprise, bankrupt it and then take it away for next to nothing. It is precisely this scheme that is now in the city of Novokuznetsk that companies controlled by Makin are trying to take over the electricity and heat supply enterprise (NEK LLC, NUK LLC) and Novokuznetsk Vodokanal.

The schemes are simple but very effective. Here is just one of the many schemes by which Makin looks after his commercial interests:

Diversion of public funds due to unfinished projects and inflated prices

Makin, despite the legal prohibition for any official to engage in business, is himself actively integrated into most commercial schemes with government orders. Only MES LLC, controlled by this official, has not yet fulfilled a number of contracts. Thus, in the city of Kaltan, Kemerovo region, the contract for the construction of networks for a school worth 31,070,000 rubles was not fulfilled (the completion date of work under the contract is until December 31, 2013). The contract for the construction of a clinic in the Lesnaya Polyana microdistrict (Kemerovo), worth 139,164,000 rubles (work completion date - December 31, 2013), has not been completed. The contracts for the construction in microdistrict No. 12 (Kemerovo) of a kindergarten for 280 places, worth 287,570,960 rubles, and the construction contract have not been completed kindergarten for 220 places, costing 240,762,092 rubles (work completion date - until December 31, 2014).

According to independent experts, only during the construction of a block-modular gas boiler house in microdistrict No. 1/12 worth 120,882,667 rubles, the contract amount was overestimated by approximately 2 times. The contract for the construction of utility networks in microdistrict No. 12, worth 114,000,000 rubles, was inflated by approximately the same proportion. Also, prices were inflated for various equipment supply contracts. That is, it is clear that the objects of the social sphere suffer the most from this. For MES LLC alone, the amount of financial abuse can exceed 1 billion rubles.

Makin’s right hand is a former administration official, now an entrepreneur, who has a very controversial reputation in the region. It managed to be noted for extremely poorly constructed housing for the military, when the residents of a newly commissioned house, along with a host of other deficiencies, had their windows and doors fall out of their openings in the winter. He also took part in the raider takeover of a car dealership in Novokuznetsk.

Here are just some of the companies owned and controlled by Makin and Sybil, which “master” impressive amounts from the municipal order: PromStroyIndustriya LLC, Teploenergo LLC, Teploenergoservis LLC, Ustek LLC, RST LLC, SK Remstroytorg LLC ", LLC "Beton Stroy", LLC "Zhelezobeton", LLC "SU RST", LLC "Sibenergoconsulting", IP Makina Olga (wife).

Another fact: Teploenergo OJSC, controlled by Makin, is one of the largest heat supply enterprises in the city of Kemerovo. Exists since 1996. Currently it serves 42 boiler houses (most of which are gas) and networks with a length of about 73 km. Until December 2010, the general director of Teploenergo OJSC was Maxim Makin.

Earlier, the New Vedomosti newspaper and other media reported that after Makin came to power, Teploenergo. The fact is that the responsibilities of the first deputy governor include control over the regional energy commission (REC), which sets tariffs for the population. Perhaps this explains the fact that Teploenergo’s tariffs are many times higher than those of other heat supply companies in the region. For example, the cost of one Gcal at Kemerovo Generation OJSC costs the consumer 1,203.25 rubles, while Teploenergo OJSC sells the same amount of energy for 2,579.8 Gcal - more than double!

The formal justification for the inflated tariff is the allegedly unprofitable operation of Teploenergo boiler houses, which must be compensated by including additional costs in the cost of energy. According to the law, the Regional Energy Commission must conduct an examination of tariffs in order to prevent a situation where the company’s expenses are paid from the wallets of citizens. But the REC prefers to listen to the opinion of the first deputy governor (since the head of the REC, Dmitry Malyuta, is a person appointed and controlled by Makin), rather than honoring the letter of the law. What is noteworthy is that he is also apparently on good terms with the regional prosecutor Maxim Makin.

The tariff for the population of 2579.8 rubles/Gcal approved by the regional energy commission of the Kemerovo region significantly exceeds the tariff for an alternative gas boiler house, calculated for the city of Kemerovo taking into account break-even work, subject to full compensation of construction costs - 1420 rubles/Gcal.

Manipulation of coal production and prices

The corruption of the Makinskys is limitless, and coal is supplied to the boiler houses again through their controlled companies. They buy the cheapest coal for 600 rubles. per ton, and to boiler houses it already costs 2,300 rubles. per ton. And the profit is again in the pocket of the “commercially successful” official Makin.

But that's not all. Through his controlled structures, Makin also “sat down” the illegal mining of coal in the Prokopyevsky district (Koksovaya 2 mine, mining is carried out without a license), this mining process is covered by the already mentioned, again, Deputy Governor for Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies Alexey Ivanov and Viktor Kutylkin, legal legal support is provided by lawyer Timur Frank. All mined coal is processed and cashed through Dmitry Nikolaev and Stroyservis CJSC. According to the most minimal estimates, due to illegally mined and sold coal and funds transferred offshore, the region suffered damage of at least a billion rubles.

There is information that Makin is already resolving issues regarding Moscow. “With the money they earn,” PR companies are financed, which buy out pages in the media and ensure that the Kemerovo region receives a very high rating in various “research” studies and does not allow negative statements about the leadership of the region. Makin also resolves various issues in the Federation Council through Senator Sergei Shatirov.

However, the blissful PR picture remains only on paper, the region is being ruined and destroyed by government grabbers, and funds are being withdrawn from the regional treasury. At the same time, no decisive actions are being taken by the regulatory authorities; arbitrariness was happening in the regional administration and continues to happen to this day!

Is it possible to find justice for family corrupt officials?

The wives of Maxim Makin and Anton Sibil are the founders of more than 10 companies. These are “Beton Stroy”, which produces concrete, and “SU RST”, which is engaged in construction work. About Olga Makina, or more precisely about her business connection with Maxim Makin, it is necessary to say separately. Formally, the couple divorced, but this does not prevent them from living together in a cozy mansion worth more than 30 million rubles in a protected forest at st. Kedrovaya, 3. Probably built solely on the salary of the deputy governor, received twenty years in advance? True, Maxim Makin has been in his position for only two years, so draw your own conclusions. Olga Makina's enterprises are regularly recognized as winners at municipal auctions. Well, how can you not please your loved one if Makin is in charge of all construction in the region? For example, her individual entrepreneur is engaged in leasing construction equipment. She also owns a modern hotel with a large number of rooms, located at Kemerovo, st. Pritomskaya embankment, 7 (see photo).

By the way, about their divorce, which is probably fictitious and aims to divert attention from the conflict of interests based on closely related ties. That is, formally divorce your wife, and then “divorce” the regional and municipal budget with her without regard for decency. It seems that there is an impeccable legal structure here, that is, a fictitious divorce will write off everything. However, this is not true. It’s just that some points of the law need to be read to the end.

So, article 12.1 federal law N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” directly prohibits persons holding government positions in constituent entities of the Russian Federation from engaging in entrepreneurial activity personally or through proxies, as well as participate in the management of an economic entity. In turn, paragraph of Article 10 of this law, in the event of a conflict of interest, personal interest means the possibility of receiving income in the form of money, other property, including property rights by a person from other persons who are closely related to him or her (parents, spouses, children , brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children), citizens or organizations with which the person is connected by property, corporate or other close relations.

In our case, Maxim and Olga Makin have a different kind of close relationship. Moreover, they are very significant and directly related to their mutual material well-being. These are their two children. And all formal nods to divorce have no role here.

Is it really possible to reach Moscow?

It is clear that the authority for “Makin’s rule” cannot be found here in Kemerovo, and a resident of our region, Sergei Andreevich Prevalov, wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with a detailed description of the theft and corruption of Makin’s team. It's on the Internet. It, in particular, explains Aman Tuleyev’s incomprehensible tolerance towards the “corruption arts” of his first deputy. The fact is that Maxim Makin and Anton Sibil became the “personal wallet” of Aman Tuleyev and his family. They build expensive cottages for the governor’s family, buy apartments and luxury foreign cars. Alas, despite the numerous facts cited of violations of the law by Makin and his team, there has not yet been a proper reaction to this letter from the Center. On the eve of the elections, the opposition parties will certainly take this into account.

In some cases, government procurement money is stolen openly and without regard for decency. On the portal “ Open City” was posted with a detailed explanation of how officials from Makin’s team, having groundlessly accused builders of disrupting the construction of residential buildings as part of the federal program for relocation from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, easily stole about 20 million rubles. Moreover, solely due to forgery of documents and misleading Aman Tuleyev.

Social discontent is already brewing among Kemerovo residents due to the shamelessness and greed of the Makinsky team, since all this disgrace is in plain sight, and the economy and social services are noticeably sagging. And therefore, for residents of the region, the main question is who and when will finally restore order in the administration? And will this order be restored at all?

I was forced to put pen to paper by some impenetrable wall of hopelessness and lawlessness that surrounded the economy of our native Kuzbass. You listen to the conversations of Kemerovo residents, read forums of ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs and the non-governor's press, and at the same time you are overcome by both despair and surprise - why the purely mafia-corruption style of government of the first deputy governor Maxim Makina, which has crushed our governor, the regional budget, and the entire private enterprise economy, has not yet seriously interested the federal competent authorities?

And we have something to be surprised by. Only the deaf and blind do not know that all affairs in the region are run by the Makinsky team, and if any entrepreneur and investor does not want to be “friends” with this team, that is, not to roll back half of their income, then they have nothing to do in the region, and It's generally dangerous to live here.

Everyone in the region probably already knows that Aman Tuleyev in fact, he retired from affairs, which, in fact, give him the right to be called governor. Tuleyev no longer receives anyone, including his deputies, he is very concerned about his health, is in his office no more than 2-3 hours a day, and in general he is writing memoirs.

The consequence of this self-withdrawal of the current formal head of the region was a split in the elites, the absence of any law at all in the region’s economy other than the concepts of “rollback” and “cut,” the destruction of the investment climate as such, a collapsing local economy, and even delays in paying salaries to public sector employees. The functions of the governor were openly appropriated by Maxim Makin. Who does not hesitate to declare that all serious issues in the region are resolved by him personally. Especially those where it is possible to thoroughly “milk” the federal and regional budgets or entrepreneurs not covered by the tribute.

In turn, the Makinsky team sees their leader not only as a “shadow governor”, ​​but also tries on the governor’s crown on his head. And who should be embarrassed anyway? If everything is captured here, and Moscow is infinitely far away... For example, a German company comes to them and talks about the desire to build a production facility here for as much as 1 billion euros! “Wonderful,” Makin’s family rubs their hands, “just pay a fee of 50 percent of the announced amount.” The Germans, of course, are cleaning their ears - haven’t they heard right?!! “Yes, no, we heard right,” the Makinskys explain, “that’s just the way our rate is. And if you don’t agree, then look for another region.” And so that the overseas guests were more understanding, they gave their Russian representative here a “mask show” with the security forces and the seizure of business. And such cases are not uncommon for a long time.

Oddly enough, such Makin’s chaos has a very “beneficial” effect on the economy of neighboring regions. The flight of entrepreneurs, due to extortion, raiding and the establishment of fake criminal cases, towards the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions and Altai has become so widespread that it has increased the economic and social indicators of these regions. In turn, the budget of the Kemerovo region contains only holes and fictions. For example, the figure of own income for the current year was announced at 99 billion rubles, which will never be collected. But the region’s external debt is quite real - 85 billion rubles. In fact, the region is bankrupt.

The Makinskys have everything covered

Makin is thoroughly preparing a springboard for himself to seize power, and now people under his control are being placed throughout the region, including in the governor’s office. The head of the region is given only the information he considers necessary by his first deputy. Most likely, in the near future this official will spend his energy and resources on completely replacing the entire top of the regional government in Kuzbass with his own people. And by the next gubernatorial elections, for the Kuzbass residents and for the Kremlin in the Kemerovo region, there will simply be no other alternative except Makin and the “Makinskys”.

To achieve his intended goals, he needs to prepare both a financial platform and provide cover from the security forces, which he is now actively doing, taking all economically profitable enterprises to his controlled structures. He is assisted in this by those officials who, due to their duties, themselves must ensure that the law is observed. For example, the deputy governor for interaction with law enforcement agencies, Alexey Ivanov, through the deputy head of the regional Main Internal Affairs Directorate Viktor Kutylkin, provides cover for law enforcement agencies. And try someone to make a complaint about the Makinsky team...

I repeat that today in the region almost all enterprises are obliged to pay tribute (those who do not pay are overboard). Obstacles are deliberately created in order to destroy the enterprise, bankrupt it and then take it away for next to nothing. It is precisely this scheme that is now in the city of Novokuznetsk that companies controlled by Makin are trying to take over the electricity and heat supply enterprise (NEK LLC, NUK LLC) and Novokuznetsk Vodokanal.

The schemes are simple but very effective. Here is just one of the many schemes by which Makin looks after his commercial interests:

Diversion of public funds due to unfinished projects and inflated prices

Makin, despite the legal prohibition for any official to engage in business, is himself actively integrated into most commercial schemes with government orders. Only MES LLC, controlled by this official, has not yet fulfilled a number of contracts. Thus, in the city of Kaltan, Kemerovo region, the contract for the construction of networks for a school worth 31,070,000 rubles (the completion date of work under the contract is until December 31, 2013). The contract for the construction of a clinic in the Lesnaya Polyana microdistrict (Kemerovo), worth 139,164,000 rubles (work completion date - December 31, 2013), has not been completed. The contracts for the construction in microdistrict No. 12 (Kemerovo) of a kindergarten for 280 places, worth 287,570,960 rubles, and the contract for the construction of a kindergarten for 220 places, worth 240,762,092 rubles (work completion date - until December 31, 2014) have not been completed ).

According to independent experts, only during the construction of a block-modular gas boiler house in microdistrict No. 1/12 worth 120,882,667 rubles, the contract amount was overestimated by approximately 2 times. The contract for the construction of utility networks in microdistrict No. 12, worth 114,000,000 rubles, was inflated by approximately the same proportion. Also, prices were inflated for various equipment supply contracts. That is, it is clear that the objects of the social sphere suffer the most from this. For MES LLC alone, the amount of financial abuse can exceed 1 billion rubles.

Makin's right hand is a former administration official and now an entrepreneur Anton Sibil, which has a very controversial reputation in the region. It managed to be noted for extremely poorly constructed housing for the military, when the residents of a newly commissioned house, along with a host of other deficiencies, quite mockingly had windows and doors fall out of their openings in winter. He also took part in the raider takeover of a car dealership in Novokuznetsk.

Here are just some of the companies owned and controlled by Makin and Sybil, which “master” impressive amounts from the municipal order: PromStroyIndustriya LLC, Teploenergo LLC, Teploenergoservis LLC, Ustek LLC, RST LLC, SK Remstroytorg LLC ", LLC "Beton Stroy", LLC "Zhelezobeton", LLC "SU RST", LLC "Sibenergoconsulting", IP Makina Olga (wife).

Another fact: Teploenergo OJSC, controlled by Makin, is one of the largest heat supply enterprises in the city of Kemerovo. Exists since 1996. Currently it serves 42 boiler houses (most of which are gas) and networks with a length of about 73 km. Until December 2010, the general director of Teploenergo OJSC was Maxim Makin.

Earlier, the newspaper Novye Vedomosti and other media reported that after Makin came to power, Teploenergo began a period of unprecedented prosperity. The fact is that the responsibilities of the first deputy governor include control over the regional energy commission (REC), which sets tariffs for the population. Perhaps this explains the fact that Teploenergo’s tariffs are many times higher than those of other heat supply companies in the region. For example, the cost of one Gcal at Kemerovo Generation OJSC costs the consumer 1,203.25 rubles, while Teploenergo OJSC sells the same amount of energy for 2,579.8 Gcal - more than double!

The formal justification for the inflated tariff is the allegedly unprofitable operation of Teploenergo boiler houses, which must be compensated by including additional costs in the cost of energy. According to the law, the Regional Energy Commission must conduct an examination of tariffs in order to prevent a situation where the company’s expenses are paid from the wallets of citizens. But the REC prefers to listen to the opinion of the first deputy governor (since the head of the REC, Dmitry Malyuta, is a person appointed and controlled by Makin), rather than honoring the letter of the law. What’s noteworthy is that the prosecutor’s office is aware of these schemes, but they are also apparently on good terms with regional prosecutor Maxim Makin.

The tariff for the population of 2579.8 rubles/Gcal approved by the regional energy commission of the Kemerovo region significantly exceeds the tariff for an alternative gas boiler house, calculated for the city of Kemerovo taking into account break-even work, subject to full compensation of construction costs - 1420 rubles/Gcal.

Manipulation of coal production and prices

The corruption of the Makinskys is limitless, and coal is supplied to the boiler houses again through their controlled companies. They buy the cheapest coal for 600 rubles. per ton, and to boiler houses it already costs 2,300 rubles. per ton. And the profit is again in the pocket of the “commercially successful” official Makin.

But that's not all. Through his controlled structures, Makin also “sat down” the illegal mining of coal in the Prokopyevsky district (Koksovaya 2 mine, mining is carried out without a license), this mining process is covered by the already mentioned, again, Deputy Governor for Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies Alexey Ivanov and Viktor Kutylkin, legal legal support is provided by lawyer Timur Frank. All mined coal passes and is cashed through Dmitry Nikolaev and ZAO Stroyservis. According to the most minimal estimates, due to illegally mined and sold coal and funds transferred offshore, the region suffered damage of at least a billion rubles.

There is information that Makin is already resolving issues regarding Moscow. “With the money they earn,” PR companies are financed, which buy out pages in the media and ensure that the Kemerovo region gets a very high rating in various kinds of “research” and does not allow negative statements about the leadership of the region. Makin also resolves various issues in the Federation Council through Senator Sergei Shatirov.

However, the blissful PR picture remains only on paper, the region is being ruined and destroyed by government grabbers, and funds are being withdrawn from the regional treasury. At the same time, no decisive actions are being taken by the regulatory authorities; arbitrariness was happening in the regional administration and continues to happen to this day!

Is it possible to find justice for family corrupt officials?

The wives of Maxim Makin and Anton Sibil are the founders of more than 10 companies. This includes Beton Stroy, which produces concrete, and SU RST, which is engaged in construction work. About Olga Makina, or more precisely about her business connection with Maxim Makin, it is necessary to say separately. Formally, the couple divorced, but this does not prevent them from living together in a cozy mansion worth more than 30 million rubles in a protected forest at st. Kedrovaya, 3. Probably built solely on the salary of the deputy governor, received twenty years in advance? True, Maxim Makin has been in his position for only two years, so draw your own conclusions. Olga Makina's enterprises are regularly recognized as winners at municipal auctions. Well, how can you not please your loved one if Makin is in charge of all construction in the region? For example, her individual entrepreneur is engaged in renting out construction equipment. She also owns a modern hotel with a large number of rooms, located at Kemerovo, st. Pritomskaya embankment, 7 (see photo).
By the way, about their divorce, which is probably fictitious and aims to divert attention from the conflict of interests based on closely related ties. That is, formally divorce your wife, and then “divorce” the regional and municipal budget with her without regard for decency. It seems that there is an impeccable legal structure here, that is, a fictitious divorce will write off everything. However, this is not true. It’s just that some points of the law need to be read to the end.

Thus, Article 12.1 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” directly prohibits persons holding government positions in constituent entities of the Russian Federation from engaging in entrepreneurial activities personally or through proxies, as well as participating in the management of an economic entity. In turn, paragraph of Article 10 of this law, in the event of a conflict of interest, personal interest means the possibility of receiving income in the form of money, other property, including property rights by a person from other persons who are closely related to him or her (parents, spouses, children , brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children), citizens or organizations with which the person is connected by property, corporate or other close relations.

In our case, Maxim and Olga Makin have a different kind of close relationship. Moreover, they are very significant and directly related to their mutual material well-being. These are their two children. And all formal nods to divorce have no role here.

Is it really possible to reach Moscow?

It is clear that the authority for “Makin’s rule” cannot be found here in Kemerovo, and a resident of our region, Sergei Andreevich Prevalov, wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with a detailed description of the theft and corruption of Makin’s team. It's on the Internet. It, in particular, explains Aman Tuleyev’s incomprehensible tolerance towards the “corruption arts” of his first deputy. The fact is that Maxim Makin and Anton Sibil became the “personal wallet” of Aman Tuleyev and his family. They build expensive cottages for the governor’s family, buy apartments and luxury foreign cars. Alas, despite the numerous facts cited of violations of the law by Makin and his team, there has not yet been a proper reaction to this letter from the Center. On the eve of the elections, the opposition parties will certainly take this into account.

In some cases, government procurement money is stolen openly and without regard for decency. It was posted on the Open City portal with a detailed explanation of how officials from Makin’s team, having groundlessly accused builders of disrupting the construction of residential buildings as part of the federal program for relocation from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, easily stole about 20 million rubles. Moreover, solely due to forgery of documents and misleading Aman Tuleyev.

Social discontent is already brewing among Kemerovo residents due to the shamelessness and greed of the Makinsky team, since all this disgrace is in plain sight, and the economy and social services are noticeably sagging. And therefore, for residents of the region, the main question is who and when will finally restore order in the administration? And will this order be restored at all?

From March 1, Kemerovo governor Aman Tuleyev receives 10% less. Following the example of head of state Vladimir Putin, Tuleyev cut wages himself and his first deputy Maxim Makin.

At the same time, information appeared on the Internet about the shadow sources of income of the deputy governor. Apparently, Maxim Makin will not be very upset by losing 10% of his official income: according to the publication NKNews, we are already talking about billions of rubles - and in the future, about the governor’s chair. A source in the Kemerovo region told the journalist about this. regional administration, the interview with whom we publish in full.

Sergei Neverov recently visited Kuzbass and announced that he has no gubernatorial ambitions. Has the number of candidates decreased accordingly?

Neverov made this statement publicly. But it was already clear before that he was not a candidate for governor. This is a move to pit some people against the current governor. In my opinion, this idea was invented according to a standard scheme in order to hide and protect a third party from various information attacks.

If Neverov’s participation is a fiction, then who is the real contender for the post of governor?

Let's go in order. Aman Gumirovich did not say that he was leaving his post, and he did not say that he was going to the elections. This was voiced for him by Kemerovo political scientists, who called all publications in the media “escalating” the situation before the elections. The governor recently delivered a report from which it can be concluded that he remains in office.

That is, there will be no election race?

I'm sure it will. I am inclined to believe that perhaps we are now developing the same scenario as in Krasnoyarsk during the time of Lev Kuznetsov. Kuznetsov’s rating in “Medialogy” fell, while he gave an optimistic report, and experts and political scientists assured that the governor’s departure was not decided by “ratings.” However, after some time Kuznetsov left his post.

That is, Tuleyev can still leave?

I am saying that Aman Tuleyev has not yet said anything about his participation in the elections. Only political scientists talk. Whether Tuleyev will participate in the elections or not will be decided by him and the Kremlin. They will do this without regard to political scientists and experts.

Let's return to the possible election race. Are there currently candidates who can be appointed acting? governor and then win the election accordingly.

So far I see only one such candidate and this is logical. This is First Deputy Governor Maxim Makin. I think at the moment this is a candidate for governor of Kuzbass. But it's not that simple. Aman Tuleyev has charisma that was tempered during the very difficult period of the nineties and two thousand. In this regard, it is very difficult for Makin to compete with Tuleyev and he remains in the shadow of his boss. This is the first. The second is working with negative information.

The one that can influence the voter?

Yes. The first deputy (deputy), if he has gubernatorial ambitions, must pay attention to his “election” reputation. For more than a year, there was a bad rumor in the business community about Maxim Makin’s connection with the notorious Anton Sibil (former deputy governor for construction).

That is?

After some time, the rumor became fact. The rumor was confirmed that the wife of First Deputy Governor Maxim Makin and the wife of Anton Sibil are together the founders of a Kemerovo company with the telling name “Reinforced Concrete”. This information, as it turned out, is not difficult to find on the Internet. This rumor was confirmed.

Is there any other information that may influence the candidate?

They talk about this almost openly. For example, there is a rumor that he (the first deputy governor) is lobbying for the interests of the ex-deputy governor (Anton Sibil) in various large construction projects, and the KPDS enterprises of Myskov and Mezhdurechensk, allegedly associated with people close to him (the ex-deputy governor), are currently receiving many orders and, accordingly, apply for budget money. These rumors are not dealt with (they are not refuted).

Still, there are a lot of rumors on the eve of the elections.

But not those who started going even before the elections. Do you think that rumors that few large construction projects in Kuzbass are completed without specific “gratitude” will harm a possible candidate, and if there is none, then it is almost impossible to start construction? Add to this (rumour) the fact that there are a number of companies where the founder is the wife of the first deputy governor. These companies are in one way or another connected with construction activities. For example, Sibenergoconsulting LLC. The activities are wide - from providing services for the repair and maintenance of heating boilers to industrial construction. Keep in mind that Maxim Makin was the deputy governor for construction. Or the individual entrepreneur of the same name, again his wife, who rents construction machinery and equipment with an operator. Now this (Maxim Makin) is the second person in the region. He supervised (inspected) billion-dollar construction projects (construction work) for “Miner’s Day” in Novokuznetsk, and his wife is a founder of companies involved in construction, and also does business together with the wife of another former deputy governor for construction. It turns out to be a very, very “influential” group. It seems to me that these are suspicious coincidences and the purposeful attraction of the wife of the former deputy for construction (Makin) to this particular field (construction) and to the field of heat and power engineering, where he, in fact, also previously held top positions in the Teploenergo company.

Of course, such facts and rumors cast a shadow on the candidate. But.

But no one refutes them. And this looks like a kind of hushing up so as not to attract public attention to it. There is no reaction. Meanwhile, the rumor about their (Makina and Sybil) wives' joint business became a fact. If we consider the activities of Sybil, then there are generally more than ten companies where she is the founder. These are Beton Stroy, which produces concrete, and SU RST, which is engaged in construction work. Anton Sibil himself is now the president of the Remstroytorg company, the name of which has already appeared in the federal press. Continuous construction. If we take into account everything that was stated above, then I confidently assume that these companies (Sibil and Makina) will probably “help” participate in the elections current first Deputy Governor

It is at least strange to draw such a conclusion.

It’s not this that’s strange, but the fact that the connection between the first deputy governor and Anton Sibil is rejected, even if the wives have a joint business.

How can these rumors and the fact about the spouse's business activities harm the candidate during the election period?

Let me remind you that the candidacy of oligarch Gridin (SDS) was not considered for the governor’s post due to the fact that he is an oligarch. There are two things here. The first deputy needs to explain himself to the public. It is quite strange that this information has been agitating the business environment of Kuzbass for more than a year, but Aman Tuleyev is not reported about it. The wife of the first deputy is engaged in the construction business on such a scale and doing business together with the wife of the former deputy for construction is at the very least suspicious. This is important. Because if the rumors are confirmed by public facts, in addition to those already confirmed (the wife’s business), then the image of the authorities in Kuzbass will be greatly damaged, which will cast doubt on the entire election procedure.


Such that there is now an economic crisis, and the money allocated for construction is simply huge. These are dangerous rumors and they will affect attitudes towards the elections during an already difficult period. The feeling is that no one cares about anything, or the regional center still doesn’t know about it. And these are very dangerous facts, considering how Moscow is paying attention to this. Let me remind you that not long ago President Vladimir Putin met with representatives of the regions and, in particular, they talked about officials going out of business. There have been numerous cases when the image of one person casts a shadow over the entire vertical. And here is Kuzbass and here you have to be very careful.

Our publication will closely monitor the public reaction to this interview. It is being discussed quite vigorously in the Kemerovo regional media, and judging by the intensity of passions, the facts presented have touched a nerve among many. This means that new revealing publications await you.

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Deep cleaning


The authorities of the Kemerovo region, including law enforcement agencies, are shaking seriously. Since last fall, six deputy governors have lost their posts, and the governor himself has not appeared in public for more than three months due to surgery. Another six senior leaders of law enforcement agencies left their positions in one way or another, three of them in connection with criminal cases. Will the purge of the region's power elite end here?

What happened?

First, let me remind you how it all began. The start of a series of resignations, wittingly or unwittingly. Even on the eve of this high-profile event, the absolute majority of those who are in one way or another connected with the local authorities predicted Makin the fate of a successor to the already middle-aged Amana Tuleyeva. Moreover, the health problems of the region’s first person were quite obvious even to people far from the power elite.

There was talk on the sidelines that the relatively young but already experienced manager Makin would soon lead the region. And these conversations were quite logical. Again, according to rumors circulating in circles around the government, Maxim Makin managed to bring “his” people to key positions in the regional administration. Up to deputy governors.

Indirect evidence of Makin’s sharply increased apparatus weight was, for example, the fact that a long line of people lined up to see him for a personal reception. Including heads of large and small business structures, heads of cities and rural areas. While the queue to the formally main person in the region was quickly melting away.

In addition, the majority of social partnership agreements, which are annually signed by representatives of the largest regional businesses with the authorities, were endorsed by Maxim Makin from the regional administration in 2016. Aman Tuleyev retained only the fattest signatories - large coal miners, who were apparently necessary for the governor’s personal PR.

Although the increasingly rare participation in the signing of agreements should rather be attributed to the state of health of Aman Gumirovich, about whom recent years Only the lazy didn't speak.

But let's return to Makin. Like a bolt from the blue, on September 28, 2016, the first deputy governor asked Tuleyev to resign. Moreover, this appeal was read out publicly, in the presence of numerous journalists, who were prudently invited for this purpose to the oval hall of the White House. Alexey Doronov, who soon headed the main department for work with the media of the administration of the Kemerovo region, as well as other employees of this department.

The formal reason for the formally voluntary resignation is a campaign to discredit Teploenergo, and at the same time the “governor’s team.” Contrary to the pretentious indignation of Maxim Makin, it was Teploenergo that soon became aware of the facts of unjustified excess of heat tariffs. As far as is known, no criminal cases have yet been initiated against Makin himself. Perhaps these two events - early and voluntary resignation and lack of criminal prosecution - are somehow connected. But these are just guesses.

What kind of misfortune?

In this sense, Makin was much luckier than his “followers.” After all, it started to rain down. Almost immediately after the resignation of the first deputy, three high-ranking and several mid-level employees came under criminal charges in connection with extortion of shares.

Among these were two deputy governors - the “chief” in the AKO for law enforcement agencies, Alexey Ivanov, and Alexander Danilchenko, who replaced Makin. Together with them, the head of the regional investigative committee, Sergei Kalinkin, came under investigation. As well as other employees of the Investigative Committee and the regional administration.

It is worth noting here that after the detention of Ivanov and Danilchenko, the Kuzbass governor announced that the governor’s deputies suspected of extortion would remain in their places. That is, Tuleyev will not appoint anyone instead of them. However, soon the post of first deputy was taken by Vladimir Chernov.

As for the Kuzbass department of the RF IC, the matter was not limited to the removal of one leader. Pavel Mullin, who had just begun to lead this department as an acting director, also found himself under criminal charges in connection with “protection protection” for illegal arms trafficking.

The purge did not spare the glorious Kuzbass police either. Three of its leaders left their posts: the head of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Larionov, his deputy, also the head of the regional police, Viktor Kutylkin, and the head of the “police” investigation, Vladimir Shepel.

As for Yuri Larionov, there have been rumors that he actually planned to resign for a long time. Be that as it may, General Larionov enjoyed well-deserved respect both in Kuzbass and far beyond its borders.

But Kutylkin’s resignation looks quite symbolic. It occurred almost at the same time as the resignation of his wife Ekaterina Kutylkina, who held the position of Deputy Governor for Industry, Transport and Entrepreneurship. In turn, together with Kutylkina, the head of the regional department of transport and communications, Pyotr Shikalev, lost his post.

Informed sources said that the resignation of regional officials could be connected with some other “unrevealed” criminal case, but this version has not yet been confirmed.

As for Viktor Kutylkin, here is one fact that took place on the eve of his resignation. First there was information that investigators had interrogated a high-ranking police officer in the case of Pavel Mullin. However, soon in various media in the region, someone began to actively push the “news” that “nobody interrogated Kutylkin in the case.”

Why achieving a massive refutation of the very fact of interrogation turned out to be so important for Viktor Kutylkin (or someone else who promoted this idea) is anyone’s guess.

However, according to the site’s sources in law enforcement agencies, Viktor Kutylkin is currently actively communicating with the investigator. They conduct either interrogations or surveys with him. Presumably, all in the same criminal case. Moreover, they say that the guards at the entrance are especially meticulous in examining the ex-policeman using a metal detector.

The detentions were hidden from the general public, from those who voted for the governor in the elections. And then it was not advertised that Tuleyev, and then that he was transported. Ostensibly for better medical care for the sick governor.

And all this time - officially from the end of May, in fact from the end of April - Aman Tuleyev did not appear in public. That is, in the releases of the regional administration and many regional media, everything still happens “on the initiative” of Tuleyev, but Tuleyev himself is not visible. In essence, Kuzbass was left without its first leader.

Who remains from the “old guard” of Tuleyev’s time? As for the regional administration, almost all the key deputies have changed: Anatoly Lazarev– for housing and communal services, Ekaterina Kutylkina- on entrepreneurship, Alexey Ivanov– for law enforcement agencies, Alexander Danilchenko– acting first deputy, Evgeny Bukhman- on construction. And, of course, Maxim Makin.

By the way! Evgeniy Bukhman, who recently resigned “of his own free will,” has not sunk into information oblivion. Last Thursday, his name resurfaced in the media. The former regional official's home was searched. The reason, leaked to the media, is not yet entirely clear: “It is suspected that with the participation of an official, apartments in new buildings were confiscated under the pretext of transferring them to citizens as part of the sale of social programs Kuzbass." In any case, we can expect another criminal case.

There are only Valery Tsoi, in charge of regional medicine, Alexey Sergeev, who survived the recent castling with Tsoi and, as a result, headed social issues, as well as Elena Pakhomova– senior over regional education. And, of course, the chief personnel officer in the regional administration Alexey Zelenin.

As for the generals - heads of law enforcement agencies, there are not a lot of them at all. More precisely, one. This Alexander Mamontov, head of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Of course, any attentive observer will ask the question: why did Mamontov turn out to be such a long-liver?

Is it because Alexander Sergeevich is a man of crystal honesty? Or perhaps because his department stands a little aloof from the vibrant life in the region and does not have such an important influence on it as the Investigative Committee or the Ministry of Internal Affairs have? Or even the FSIN?

It's hard to say for sure. However, various rumors have been circulating around this department for a long time. And about how state supervision inspections are carried out at commercial enterprises, and about how individual government procurements are organized. People close to the local Ministry of Emergency Situations say a lot of things. Many entrepreneurs who encounter this department express quite convincing claims.

Today -1

Are the prospects of the first deputy governor of Kuzbass becoming the head of the region realistic?

In the aircraft industry there is such a concept - rate of climb. Actually, this is the speed at which the aircraft climbs. Expressed in meters and seconds. A good rate of climb is, in principle, good. But - up to a certain limit. This happens with people too. The speed with which some citizens manage to move along the “rags to riches” trajectory is amazing. A striking example of such a fast-rising personality is the First Deputy Governor of Kuzbass Maxim Makin.

Where did Maxim Makin come from? Just three or four years ago, his name meant little to the vast majority of residents of the Kemerovo region. Now the quality of life of Kuzbass residents directly depends on the intentions and actions of this man with the characteristic Semitic look of large, slightly sad eyes. And what these intentions are can be judged by Makin’s career path.

So, our hero was born in 1974. That is, he is quite young and full of strength. Graduated from Kemerovo Polytechnic University with a degree in mining and civil engineer. Classmates remember Maxim Makin as an extremely arrogant and self-righteous young man. And they also claim that his hobby was to make friends with teachers, so that he could then whisper to them what the students were saying about them. All of Makin’s classmates knew that quarreling with him was more expensive for themselves: then prove in the exam that you did not walk around in the teacher’s manner of spanking students. By the way, if you dig into history a little further, into the depths of time, circumstances will emerge that somewhat justify student Makin. Allegedly, at school his peers regularly bullied him, so he was forced to seek protection from teachers by any means. Although, it may turn out that it’s the other way around, and he “received” it precisely for being a snoozer and constantly trying to get into the favorites.

Maxim Makin began his career in the dull utility sector - from a low-level engineering position at the Teploenergo company. He tried to apply for other positions, in particular, for a leadership position in administrative bodies, but they simply did not take him: according to the people who knew him, the applicant demonstrated too low qualifications.

The Teploenergo office, which appeared in the turbulent 1990s on the ruins of the Soviet housing and communal services, operated old boiler equipment, supplying the right bank part of Kemerovo with heat. Ten years later it was already one of the most profitable commercial enterprises of the Kemerovo communal apartment. And it was headed, of course, by Maxim Makin. After all, Makin perfectly learned how to achieve preferences in a competitive environment during his school and student years.

Makin’s formula for business success comes entirely from the very 1990s, in which the ambitious young man began his rise. And it boils down, according to sources from his circle, to the creation of a shadow holding company of similar companies, registered, as a rule, to friends and family members. According to them, work was also carried out on other fronts at the same time. A significant part of Teploenergo's profits was spent on buttering up the city leadership - so that officials would not suddenly decide to change their utility service provider. Of course, additional costs were included in the cost of “utilities” for ordinary people. But the head of the enterprise quickly noticed that it was the poor ordinary people who could be milked almost forever. Squeezing an extra penny out of the population’s wallets is not a problem, and these pennies will add up to millions.

As you might guess, things were not bad for Makin’s friends and relatives either. For example, the pretty Olga Makina, the wife of a successful businessman, has never been seen in stock business qualities, has turned out to be the founder and owner of a whole range of enterprises in the construction and public utilities sector. She even has her own individual entrepreneur, engaged in (guess what?) renting out construction equipment.

What's the point? Watch your hands. For example, a municipal competition is announced for laying a utility highway or, say, building a kindergarten. Applications come from a variety of companies. One wins. Everything is as it should be. But, in reality, whoever wins, if you believe the same sources, it will be a representative of that same Makinsky gray holding. And for the general public, you must agree, it makes no difference whether the facility is built by Teploenergo, where Makin himself is the director, or by Teploenergoservis, which is headed by his wife. Or a company with a completely different name, but controlled by the Makins through the family management company Ustek. The main thing is that business processes follow the desired trajectories: money from the municipal budget goes into the family pocket, Makin’s career goes to stratospheric heights. And if any middle-level city managers decide to object, then Maxim Makin, as they say, has the keys to the heart and thoughts of every big boss in the Kuzbass empyrean. Golden keys, to put it bluntly. Perhaps even platinum.

There are, however, some difficulties. For example, in order to avoid an obvious conflict of interest, Maxim Makin had to divorce his wife. But don't worry: divorce is an empty formality. The successful family still lives in its entirety in a nice large cottage on the territory of a protected pine forest. But, according to the law, you can’t find fault: why are budget decisions under the leadership of M. Makin made in favor of the individual entrepreneur O. Makina? They are strangers to each other now. As they say, life got in the way.

Another important point: for the successful functioning of Makin’s gray holding, an bureaucratic link in its composition is necessary. Namely: their own people in key positions in municipalities and regional authorities, who are engaged in the notorious “distribution of flows” and control of government orders. For example, in the city of Kemerovo, the “Makinsky” person is the head of the Urban Development Department, Andrei Kalinin. He used to be a criminal lawyer and, with varying degrees of success, defended his own brother, a local crime boss, from prison. And then suddenly he became deputy mayor of the regional capital. Sounds like a familiar career move? That's right, for the same reason Makin himself, from director of commercial companies, suddenly jumped first into the deputy's chair Kemerovo governor in construction, and then moved to the place of the governor's first deputy. This is a key post that makes it possible to decisively secure (and increase many times!) the pace and volume of funds flowing into the Makinsky “common fund”. And this word from criminal argot did not arise here by chance. If you believe the operational information available to law enforcement agencies, Makin’s financial empire finances part of the elite of the Kuzbass capital, which does not disdain connections, including in the criminal world. In return, Makin is supposedly supplied with what is called “infantry” in French - strong young men trained to solve problems where it is impossible to act with flattery and bribery.

True, let's be honest: there is an even more key position in Kuzbass, which Maxim Makin is clearly targeting. We are, of course, talking about post number one in the region. The seriousness of the first deputy’s aspirations is evidenced by the fact that he very reluctantly and quietly denies the assumptions repeatedly expressed in the press about his gubernatorial ambitions. Then, after all, it will be awkward if you loudly refute everything now.

In the meantime, Maxim Makin is busy actively drawing his own team into the regional government. An important part of the “team of like-minded people,” which is typical, is a well-known young entrepreneur in Kuzbass, Anton Sibil, whose construction enterprises now, perhaps, carry out the most budget orders in the region. At one time, it was he who briefly headed the construction department of Kuzbass, in order to then transfer his place to his business partner and long-time comrade, Maxim Makin. Naturally, Makin, thinking through plans for the development of the Kemerovo region in the construction aspect, does not forget to show gratitude to his friend and assistant.

Maybe someone thinks that Sybil is still an impeccable businessman, drawn by Makin into his schemes described above? Just type “Anton Sibil” in the search engine and look at the photo portraits that the system offers.

By the way, the Makin and Sibil families share a surprisingly close friendship outside the bureaucratic offices. The second half of these worthy husbands, Olga Makina and Yana Sibil, together founded a number of industrial firms, which appear, again, in the distribution of municipal and regional construction orders. One can only envy our officials and businessmen, who so often get wives who are so talented in commerce (even if they are divorced).

Of course, it is unlikely that Maxim Makin will decide to run for the governor’s post in this election cycle. For a person who came out of nowhere for the residents of Kuzbass and was never elected, as they say, even to the place of a house manager, it would be a serious mistake to go against his current leader - the current governor Aman Tuleyev. Most likely, Makin will spend the next years completely replacing the entire top of the regional government in Kuzbass with his own people. And by the next gubernatorial elections, for the Kuzbass residents and for the Kremlin in the Kemerovo region, there will simply be no other alternative except Makin and the “Makinskys”. What such a regime will be like is a topic for a separate article, in the genre of socio-economic dystopia.

Hope, however, remains. She, oddly enough, is still in the same career-financial rate of climb characteristic of Maxim Makin. Good engineers know that when a certain critical rate of climb is exceeded, the machine creates such powerful aerodynamic drag that it throws it into a flat tailspin. And this is a completely hopeless situation.

According to Dmitry Gorovtsov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, the most dangerous thing about such schemes of merging power with private commercial interests is that they, most often, cannot be legally qualified. “Yes, there are provisions of the law, codes of conduct for officials are prescribed, there are public associations in the construction business, but if a wife remains faithful to her husband even after a divorce, what will you do about it? Now the relevant committee of the State Duma is preparing materials on the current situation. We will try to find some legal clues from which we can begin real legal opposition to such a “group of comrades,” the parliamentarian shared his plans.

Ildar Akhmetshin.


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