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A special act is used to reflect the results of the inventory of receivables and payables. This act is a unified form of INV-17. You will learn how to arrange it in the next article.

Before preparing financial statements, companies must make an inventory of their liabilities and assets. This helps to correctly fill out the balance sheet, as well as timely identify discrepancies between the accounting data and the information of counterparties.

Inventory must also be carried out in the following cases:

  • change of persons carrying the mat. responsibility;
  • liquidation of the company;
  • theft in an organization.

How to fill out the form

Form INV-17 must be prepared by the inventory commission. The composition of this commission is determined by the head of the organization.

This document is generated in two copies. One copy remains with the commission, and the second is transferred to the chief accountant.

During the inventory of receivables and payables, it is necessary to conduct a verification analysis of transactions with funds, customers, suppliers, customers and employees.

Before you start filling out the INV-17 form, you need to create a certificate application. This help contains the following information:

  • about creditors and other persons, indicating their contacts;
  • reasons for debt;
  • documents on which debts arose;
  • date of occurrence of the debt;
  • amount of debt.

The form and sample for filling out a certificate for form INV-17 can be found in.

After completing this certificate, you can begin filling out the act form. A sample act of inventory of receivables and payables is presented below.

The form consists of two pages. The first page displays information about accounts receivable, and the second - about accounts payable.

Filling out the first page involves providing the following information:

  • name of the debtor;
  • account number of accounting transactions performed with it;
  • total balance for this debtor (third column);
  • certified amount of debt (fourth column);
  • uncertified amount of debt (fifth column);
  • the amount of debt for which the statute of limitations has expired (sixth column).

If there is more than one debtor, information for each of them is filled out separately, and at the end the total is calculated.

The second page of the settlement inventory report INV-17 is filled out in the same order, only for accounts payable.

After completion of the registration, all members of the commission must put their signatures on the act.

How is debt inventory carried out?

Before starting the inventory, employees who are financially responsible must present reconciliation reports to their counterparties. After this, the director of the company issues an order appointing an inventory commission. This body, through documentary checks, must verify the authenticity of the following information:

  • accounts receivable and accounts payable;
  • settlements with employees;
  • settlements with accountable persons;
  • settlements with control authorities;
  • other payments made by the organization.

Many people have the misconception that inventory is always associated only with checking the actual availability of fixed assets, inventory items, including finished products. But this is wrong. Inventory can be carried out in different areas, and one of these areas is the audit of debts with buyers and suppliers, and other counterparties. And then briefly about how such an audit is carried out and what the Inv 17 form is.

The inventory of settlements with various creditors and debtors is no different from other inventory. It is also carried out on the basis of the manager’s order to carry out such an inventory and the order to create an inventory commission. Such an audit can be carried out at different intervals, but must be carried out before filing annual reports. In this case, the date of provision for inventory of such debt in the documents should be December 31.

The audit is carried out in the context of checking debts on various sub-accounts, checking the availability of supply contracts, sales, and other documents confirming the debt and payment for it.

Based on the results of the audit, a single document is drawn up - form inv 17; the form has a standard unified form (act inv 17 can be downloaded easily, without restrictions).

Compilation and filling

Form Inv 17 form can be downloaded in the public domain. This is a standard approved form that is recommended for use throughout Russia. The act of inventory of receivables and payables can be modified by an accountant to improve the quality of work and convenience of a given company (you can take into account the specifics of the work by adding or removing additional columns).

A sample act of inventory of receivables and payables can be downloaded here (SAMPLE). And below is a fragment that is included in the accounts receivable inventory report sample

Table 1 – Fragment that contains a sample debt inventory act

Name of the creditor, debtor; Check Account number including debt
total confirmed


not confirmed



limitation period

Account 71, A.S. Kondratyev, manager 71 1500,00 1500,00 1500,00
Total 1500,00 1500,00 1500,00

The settlement inventory report inv 17 must necessarily disclose the following information:

  1. On what date was the debt statement compiled;
  2. Who carried out the inventory with a decoding of their signatures and positions;
  3. What amount of debt is listed on the accounts separately for all creditors and for all debtors. By the way, many people get confused and believe that it is necessary to draw up a separate inventory report for accounts receivable and an inventory report for accounts payable. This is wrong. When taking stock of the debt, a single act of inventory of payments is drawn up (you can download Inv 17). And only if the enterprise does not have accounts receivable, then it is necessary to draw up an accounts payable act. The act of inventory of accounts payable itself, the sample filling is similar to how the inventory act of inv 17 is filled out;
  4. Providing analytical accounting information indicating the accounts of such debt on which it is recorded. Yes, the act of inventory of settlements with buyers, other debtors and creditors must necessarily contain synthetic and analytical accounts. As the sample presented in Inventory 17 (Table 1) shows, account 71 appears here.

Important: an inventory list of settlements with buyers and suppliers cannot be compiled and transferred to the accounting department without adding to it - a special certificate indicating information about the debts that are on the accounting accounts. This certificate is printed by the accountant before the audit itself. It is drawn up in a free or unified form.

As a result, the procedure for filling out Inv 17 is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to download the current account inventory form inv 17 (the unified form inv 17 can be easily downloaded on the Internet);
  2. Read the example of filling provided;
  3. Prepare an analytical report on the debt that is registered;
  4. Conduct an audit, compare the data of actual settlements with counterparties with accounting data;
  5. Enter data into the document - inventory inv 17, adding the name of the counterparty and the amount of debt.

All. After this, act inv 17 should be given to the inventory commission for signature. The inventory after signing the document is completed.

Form INV-17 is an “inventory” act used to show information about transactions with suppliers or other persons. A certificate appendix is ​​attached to this document; it is the basis for drawing up the inventory report INV-17. You can download an example of the INV-17 form, certificates and various applications.

This documentation is completed by a special inventory commission. This commission is implemented on the basis of an order, which is drawn up according to.

As a result, 2 copies of the act are filled out. The first form is handed over to the chief accountant, the second remains.

During the “inventory” of debts (receivables and payables), it is necessary to carry out a verification analysis of transactions with personnel, funds, suppliers and customers, in general, with all participants.

To reflect information on transactions with suppliers and other persons as accurately as possible, a special form INV-17 is used.

Before filling out the INV-17 act, you must complete a certificate application. It can be found here.

This document contains the necessary information on creditors and other persons, as well as their contacts. In addition, the application certificate contains information about the reason for the debt, date, quantity, and documentation on which it appeared.

Only after completing the completion of filling out the annex to the INV-17 form is an act of “inventory” of transactions with suppliers and other persons completed. These applications and the act can be found here.

Act of inventory of settlements with suppliers and customers. Process of filling out the form

Only upon completion of filling out the annex to form INV-17 is an act of “inventory” of transactions with suppliers and other persons completed. Information is recorded separately:

  • By debtors.
  • By creditors.

1st page, information about receivables is indicated here:

  • Debtor name.
  • License plate of the account of accounting transactions with it.
  • The total balance for this debtor is column 3.
  • The certified amount of debt is in the fourth column.
  • Uncertified amount of debt in the fifth column.
  • The amount of finances for which the statute of limitations has expired in the sixth column.

If there are several debtors, then filling is carried out on each line, where the total quantity is then summarized.

Second page:

  • Filling out the information is done in exactly the same way as in the first one - only for accounts payable.

Upon completion of filling out, the commission certifies the act with its signatures. You can download examples of filling out the INV-17 form and its attachments from us.

Please provide clarification on filling out the certificate for the Inventory Report of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors (Form No. INV-17), which is the basis for drawing up the Act in Form No. INV-17. Please indicate what exactly should be indicated in each column of the certificate, columns 3-4 and 7-9 are of particular interest. I ask you to especially clarify the moment of filling out this certificate in the case when the limitation period is interrupted by signing a reconciliation act, since after the break the limitation period begins anew, the time elapsed before the break is not counted towards the new period (Article 203 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

The legislation does not specify how to fill out the certificate-attachment to the INV-17 act.

This certificate indicates the details of the counterparties, the amount of debt and the grounds on which it arose, with links to supporting documents.

In particular, column 3 reflects what the debt is accounted for. Here you can write what type of obligation the debt is for - for goods, account, loan, etc.

Column 4 reflects the date from which the debt was recorded. This is important for determining the statute of limitations. For example, the seller shipped the goods on January 13, 2014, and payment under the contract must be made no later than 10 calendar days after shipment, that is, no later than January 23, 2014. In this case, column 4 is entered as January 24, 2014, provided that the statute of limitations has not been interrupted.

If, for example, on February 1, 2014, the parties draw up a reconciliation act, the statute of limitations begins to count again - from February 2. Accordingly, column 4 already contains the date February 2, 2014.

Column 7 reflects the name of the document confirming the debt. These could be:
agreements that specify the terms for repayment of obligations by counterparties;
certificates of work performed (services rendered);
acts of inventory of receivables at the end of the reporting (tax) period.

Column 8 reflects the date of the document confirming the debt.

If the limitation period is interrupted, for example, in connection with the preparation of a reconciliation act, column 7 reflects the name “reconciliation act” and indicates the date of the act.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

1. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 1998 No. 88 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording cash transactions and recording inventory results”

inventory of settlements with customers,

suppliers and other debtors and creditors

(Form No. INV-17)

It is used to formalize the results of an inventory of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors. The act is drawn up in two copies and signed by the responsible persons of the inventory commission based on the identification of balances of amounts listed in the relevant accounts from the documents. One copy of the act is transferred to the accounting department, the second remains with the commission.

For the specified types of debt, a certificate must be attached to the settlement inventory report (appendix to form No. INV-17), which is the basis for drawing up an Act in form No. INV-17. The certificate is compiled in the context of synthetic accounting accounts.”

The organization must promptly write off bad debts in accounting and recognize them in tax accounting.

Cases of accounts receivable

After the break, the limitation period begins again. At the same time, do not count the time that elapsed before the break into the new limitation period (Article 203 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).* However, there is a limitation: the limitation period cannot exceed 10 years from the date of violation of the right, even if the period was interrupted. The exception is cases established on countering terrorism. This is stated in paragraph 2

An example of determining the limitation period. The limitation period was interrupted*

On January 13, Trading Company Hermes LLC shipped goods to Alfa CJSC. According to the contract, payment must be made no later than 10 calendar days after shipment, that is, no later than January 23. However, payment was not received from Alpha on time.

On January 25, Hermes sent a letter of claim to Alpha. On February 1, the parties drew up a reconciliation report. This means that Alpha has admitted its debt. In this case, the limitation period begins to count again - from February 2.


The fact of the occurrence of receivables must be documented (Part 1, Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

Determine the amount of overdue accounts receivable based on the results of the inventory and reflect it in the act, for example, according to form No. INV-17. Carry out the inventory by order of the manager (form INV-22).

To write off accounts receivable, the manager must issue an appropriate order. The basis for this will be an inventory act and an accounting certificate.

Attach documents confirming its occurrence to the accounts receivable inventory report, for example:*

  • agreements that specify the terms for repayment of obligations by counterparties;
  • invoices;
  • certificates of work performed (services rendered);
  • acts of inventory of receivables at the end of the reporting (tax) period.

This procedure follows from letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 8, 2013 No. 03-03-06/1/11347 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated April 13, 2011 No. 16-15/035618.1.

Sergey Razgulin,

Accounts payable arises if an organization:

  • did not settle accounts with the counterparty (for example, did not pay the supplier for shipped goods, did not pay an employee’s salary, did not transfer taxes (fees, penalties, fines) to the budget, did not repay the debt on a loan (loan), etc.);
  • did not ship goods (work, services) to the buyer (customer) against the received advance payment.

Statute of limitations

The general limitation period is three years (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, according to the law, for certain types of requirements the period can be reduced or increased (Article 197 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). For example, a transaction can be declared invalid within a year (clause 2 of Article 181 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). One of the shareholders can challenge the sale of a share in the common property within three months if his pre-emptive right to purchase has been violated (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The duration of the limitation period is determined in the following order:

  • for obligations for which the fulfillment period is determined - upon expiration of the obligation fulfillment period;
  • for obligations the fulfillment period of which is not defined or is determined by the moment of demand - from the day the creditor submits a demand for fulfillment of the obligation. If the creditor has given the debtor some time to fulfill the demand - after the end of the last day of the deadline for fulfilling the obligation.

This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The limitation period may be interrupted. The basis for interrupting the limitation period is the actions of a person indicating the recognition of a debt. After a break, the limitation period begins anew; the time elapsed before the break is not counted in the new period. However, there is a limitation: the limitation period cannot exceed 10 years from the date of violation of the right, even if the period was interrupted. The exception is the cases established by the Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ on countering terrorism.

This procedure follows from the provisions of Article 203 and paragraph 2 of Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Debt inventory

Accounts payable must be written off separately for each obligation. Determine the amount of overdue accounts payable based on the inventory results.

Carry out the inventory by order of the manager. You can use the standard form of this order (Form No. INV-22). Or you can develop a template yourself, approving it in the appendix to the accounting policy.

Written justification for writing off a specific obligation is an inventory act (you can use standard form No. INV-17 or a self-developed form) and an accounting certificate. Based on these documents, the manager issues an order to write off accounts payable.

This is stated in paragraph 78 of the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting.

Sergey Razgulin,
Actual State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class

Inventory report of receivables and payables (sample)

Each domestic enterprise must conduct an inventory of its fixed assets, inventory, accounts receivable and payable at different intervals. This obligation is provided for by the Law “On Accounting”. The procedure for such reconciliation is specified in detail in the instructions of Russian government bodies. One of the documents drawn up based on the results of the audit is form No. INV-17. The sample for filling it out is not approved by law.

Debt inventory

The Russian Ministry of Finance issued Order No. 49 dated June 13, 1995, which not only approved the Methodological Instructions for conducting an inventory, but also developed forms and forms of official documents.

It should be especially emphasized that the provisions of paragraph 1.1 of this regulatory act directly indicate the need to reconcile not only property, but also all financial obligations of organizations. For this purpose, an inventory list of settlements with buyers, suppliers, as well as debt amounts is compiled.

In the process of checking such amounts, the inventory commission should establish the correctness of registration and occurrence of obligations to creditors and debtors.

Among other documents, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in its Order, approved the INV-17 form. This form is used in cases of inventory calculations:

  • with buyers;
  • with sellers;
  • accounts receivable and accounts payable.

However, we must remember that at present, by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 1998 N 88, the INV-17 form, which is still in use today, has been developed and put into effect.

Form INV-17

When filling out any documents related to the reconciliation of the actual status and information reflected in the accounting records, all members of the inventory commission must certify with their signatures the information contained in the forms used. Ignoring this instruction may result in the corresponding form being declared invalid.

Sample act of inventory of receivables and payables

The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, in Resolution No. 88 dated August 18, 1998, developed not only the form of the act itself used when reconciling obligations, but also approved the annex to it. However, neither the State Statistics Committee of Russia nor the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation have developed an official sample for filling out INV-17 in their Methodological Recommendations.

To fill this gap, it is necessary to indicate that the form of the main form consists of two parts:

  • facial;
  • negotiable.

The first page of the document contains general information about the enterprise, its division, and also indicates the start and end of the reconciliation, its basis, the number and date of the act itself. To comply with the procedure for filling out INV-17, the code of the type of activity of the enterprise should be reflected on the title page.

Filling out the form is done on a computer or with a black or blue pen.

After reflecting the specified data, information on receivables is entered into the act form.

The reverse side of the document form is intended to reflect information on relationships with creditors.

The data entered into the act of inventory of settlements with buyers, sellers, debtors and creditors is certified by members of the commission.

The basis for drawing up the initial form is a certificate, which is an appendix to form No. INV-17, without which the inventory act cannot be considered issued in accordance with Russian legislation.

Information in the specified application is entered in accordance with the data of the synthetic accounting accounts of the enterprise.

Sample of filling out the INV-17 form and its attachments


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