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Snake Man and Rooster Woman (Chicken)

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, a pair of a Snake man and a Rooster woman is an excellent combination for a romantic relationship that can easily develop into a strong marriage.

The Snake man is very popular among women. His charm is attractive, he is charismatic and witty, and his ability to subjugate those around him to his power is irresistible. The Snake man is a lucky man who is lucky in everything - in love, in business, and in any life situations. He treats his numerous novels quite frivolously, without thinking too much about fidelity. Unfortunately, this man may continue to have a passion for love affairs for the rest of his life if there is no smart woman who can completely tie him to her.

This Don Juan may well be carried away by the Rooster woman, who invariably attracts the gaze of men in any society. Attractive in appearance, always stylishly dressed, she looks great, and her inner charm wins hearts. This woman has passion and positive energy, so she has no shortage of admirers. The Rooster woman is very energetic and knows how to take care of herself. There is rarely a dull moment with her, she is full of love of life and optimism - this makes many men happy around her.

Despite the external shockingness of the Snake man, he is endowed with internal uncertainty and is prone to lonely thoughts and doubts. The Rooster woman, attentive and sympathetic, capable of listening and giving reasonable advice, will bring confidence and calmness to the inner world of her companion. He will need her presence, because it is next to her that the Snake man will feel spiritual comfort. In turn, the Snake man will be able to give the Rooster woman the feeling of security she needs.


The compatibility of the Snake man and the Rooster woman is conducive to long-term friendships and love relationships. Due to a similar value system, despite the difference in characters, they almost do not conflict. A sense of material wealth drives both signs, and therefore they are both ready to work hard to obtain a financial result.

However, no matter how good the couple’s compatibility is, there will still be room for disagreement. In particular, conflicts between a Snake man and a Rooster woman can flare up due to their attitude towards money. The Snake man is prone to hoarding; over the years, stinginess develops in him, so the Rooster woman’s love for clothes and shopping will not cause him delight. It is as a result of these contradictions that frequent quarrels are possible in their union.

Another reason for conflict will be the Snake’s desire to gain complete power over its companion. The Rooster is a rather independent sign; for any of its representatives, submission is simply impossible. If in such a union quarrels on this basis become frequent, the woman may decide to break off the relationship.

For a successful union, partners should not get caught up in trifles (they both know that they have no equal in this). The main advice that can be given to them is to relax and stop seeing the shortcomings of your loved one, and not try to change him. Good compatibility this couple suggests that they have found ideal life partners in each other. And this great miracle called true love must be properly fueled with positive emotions. This applies most of all to the Snake man; it is difficult for representatives of this sign to rush forward towards new adventures. Therefore, only through the efforts of the Rooster woman can a partner’s life sparkle with fancy colors. In turn, the Snake man, with his characteristic tact and thoroughness, will be able to smooth out most of the sharp edges in their conflicts.


This couple has every opportunity to create a reliable and stable marriage. Everyone in the couple is ready to work hard to achieve material wealth. At the same time, they do not have problems in distributing responsibilities around the house. Everything is decided on an intuitive level, in ways acceptable to both. They will not be bored together, since the Rooster woman is able to bring liveliness and fun into the relationship. Their union is considered ideal by astrologers. Both are aimed at starting a family, love order and will be happy to improve their home.

The Snake man and the Rooster woman can be truly a royal couple, in a permanent relationship that becomes more and more loving as time goes on. With a sincere, open Rooster, the withdrawn Snake becomes a more cheerful and less suspicious person. And, she knows that she can always count on her other half; for her, a feeling of security in a relationship is of great value. Together, they will be able to create an ideal marriage that will give them many years of serene happiness.

The compatibility of the Rooster woman and the Snake man is largely based on the fact that both signs love a beautiful life, fashion, good cuisine and fine wines. Together they enjoy spending time in stores and following current fashion trends. Fortunately, the Snake, standing firmly on its feet, in this bright tandem is responsible for the money and will never allow their reserves for a rainy day to be squandered on all sorts of pleasures.


The similarity in the desire for adventure will significantly bring the Snake man and the Rooster woman closer together. The compatibility of these signs in bed is amazing. Intimate intimacy brings true pleasure to both partners.

The sex life of this couple promises to be unusual and exciting. A man has a tendency to capture his beloved in erotic photographs or videos.

The Rooster woman is very ambiguous in this regard: she can happily join in the games that her husband is planning, or reject them completely, preferring traditional ways communication without any frills.

In sex, such a woman often turns out to be a conservative. She does not need new sensations, since the old, learned methods completely satisfy her. This can be somewhat disappointing for a man who will always want more. However, the shortcomings of the Rooster woman’s conservatism are more than compensated for by her burning and passionate temperament.

Her fantasies are full of the most unpredictable and unusual mysteries, so a man only needs to be able to find the right approach to realize them. Then both will be satisfied: they will receive unforgettable sensations and understand that they can trust each other. If an intimate activity does not bring joy to a woman, she can simply stop it or reduce its duration to a minimum.

It is very important not to force your lover into anything, otherwise no one will get pleasure. And if a couple has different views on what the sexual world should be like, compromises must be sought. Bed is another opportunity for them for deeper unity, in which they can once again be convinced of the correctness of their choice.

Compatibility between the Snake woman and the Rooster man shows that mutual understanding in a couple will be enough to create a strong union, both friendly and loving. They have similar values ​​and priorities in life, so there will be very few quarrels in the couple due to differences in character. Prosperity and material well-being are what people of these signs are willing to work long and hard for.

A pair of male Rooster and female Snake can also get along quite well with each other; their difference in characters goes well together. The Snake Woman has natural magnetism. Her alluring gaze and mysterious smile can conquer almost any man. At the same time, her attractiveness is based not only and not so much on her appearance, but on her inner charm and charm. Intelligence and caution also distinguish any Snake. The Rooster Man is a masculine, active person.

His lively disposition (although not entirely persistent) will quite possibly appeal to the Snake woman, and in this case she will not miss hers. The owner-Snake is able to “calm down” even such a flighty man as the Rooster. Her natural insight will help her in this. Such an intelligent woman will most likely be the leader in this relationship. The Rooster man, due to his impulsiveness and hot temper, sometimes just needs such mentoring. However, everything is good in moderation, and the Rooster may not like excessive care, which can lead to quarrels.

Rooster man and Snake woman in love

The compatibility of the Rooster man and the Snake woman is very promising for strong family relations. They will not have problems in everyday life, since everyone is accustomed to order. True, difficulties may arise at the first stage of life together, when it turns out that they have different ideas about how to establish this order. Everyone has their own system, and compromise will be required to merge these systems into a single one.

Both the Rooster man and the Snake woman are distinguished by their hard work and put material well-being first. At the same time, the Snake woman knows that she needs to rest, while Roosters often suffer from workaholism: they simply cannot sit still, this prevents them from relaxing, and such behavior can lead to a nervous breakdown. This is when serpentine wisdom comes in handy: it can calm your partner down and give him peaceful leisure.

The Rooster man loves to show off in society, but his chosen one does not need this: for self-confidence, she only needs own opinion, and compliments from the crowd are already unnecessary. She has to understand and accept this man’s weakness and not try to put pressure on him in this matter. The Rooster’s hot temper can cause trouble, but even here the balance is achieved by the wise tactics of the Snake woman.

Rooster man and Snake woman in a relationship

In this union, conflicts and tensions are easily resolved. Although the Snake woman prefers more balanced and serious men than the Rooster. But with him she will never be bored. He is very active and is constantly ignited with new ideas, thanks to which he will be able to bring the Snake out of its sleepy state. Thus, he will add variety to their life together and the Snake woman will become more sensitive and emotional, and her life will become brighter and more interesting.

If there is no urgent need for the Snake woman to go to work, then she will still prefer to do household chores and one of her many hobbies, which, if they bring money, are small. The Rooster man is initially determined to work constantly and simply cannot help but work. The snake will support him in all his endeavors and help him come up with new ones. creative ways to achieve what you want.

These signs of the Chinese horoscope are endowed with all the necessary qualities to create a happy family. In public, the couple does not show ardent passion, but left alone in the house, they become ardent lovers, which cannot be said about them outwardly. The Snake and the Rooster are partners who complement and balance each other, especially when they do something together. In a sense, the Rooster is a strategist who comes up with goals, and the Snake is a tactician who thinks through the path to the goal.

Compatibility of Rooster and Snake in marriage

In a marriage where the Rooster man and the Snake woman both sincerely value family. She is a fairly balanced person, and her fussy husband is full of energy. The Rooster man will be able to calm down a little, thanks to the wisdom of the Snake woman. She will allow herself to fully rest, and not work too hard. In order for there to be good compatibility between a Rooster man and a Snake woman, she must appreciate the kindness and gentleness of her husband. They need to not give in to the temptations of life. This is especially true for the Rooster man, who has many acquaintances of the opposite sex. The Snake Woman is jealous, but not without reason.

The family union of a Snake man and a Rooster woman is one of the best in terms of horoscope compatibility. This is a very effective and successful partnership, since it unites intelligent, prudent and success-oriented signs.

The Rooster woman is capable of fulfilling the role of an impeccable housewife and implementer of her husband’s ideas and plans. He, in turn, is like the brain center of every business or creative operation aimed at success. Therefore, often, in this marriage, what comes first is not feelings, but aspirations towards a common goal.

Both partners are well aware of the power and strength of money, fame and success and prefer them to paradise in a hut. In addition, they have a similar life philosophy and share dreams of prestige, authority, and material security. Spouses are able to tolerate each other's shortcomings. The Snake man differs from men of other signs precisely in that he is more willing to endure confusion and... And she, without any internal doubt, will trust the Snake man and fully rely on the wisdom of the decisions he makes. This will give her a feeling of completeness and stability in life, which she so lacks in other partnerships.

Both signs find agreement quite easily and can spend their energy more productively. In this combination, the spiritual and mental closeness of the partners is quite high and therefore their union is quite stable.

Snake man and Rooster woman - compatibility

The compatibility of a pair of Snake man and Rooster woman is at a high level. Their compatibility is natural and harmonious. This couple has a good understanding in love and creates long-lasting friendships and love relationship, despite the fact that both are not the easiest partners. It is very difficult for both to build harmonious relationships with most signs of the Eastern horoscope. But, in such a combination, incredible opportunities open up for both - they feel good together in any situation. Both know how to set priorities correctly and avoid serious disagreements in their marriage. Despite all the differences in their characters, they have the same value system. Both are ready to work for the sake of obtaining material benefits, love order in business and in everyday life, and live according to a carefully worked out plan. Both spouses are ambitious and often have conversations about how to make better money or how to be more creative in achieving their goals. All aspects are present in their compatibility happy marriage. In public, they behave calmly and do not show their true feelings, but as soon as they are alone, a cloud of passion and strong love forms. Their love is strengthened by joint decisions and complementing each other. They don't even have to change to be together. Of course, there will still be some disagreements, but they are quite surmountable.

A man born with a look and an attractive appearance. He is smart, wise and reasonable. He rarely has problems with finances, thanks to his insight, intuition, hard work and ability to bring things to fruition. The Snake man is very attractive to people of the opposite sex due to his sensuality and spirituality. The Snake Man is a rather secretive person. Outwardly, he appears confident, calm, ambitious and strong, but inside he is a vulnerable and emotional person. He loves to make a lasting impression on others, and is dependent on their opinions. He especially needs the praise and admiration of his beloved woman.

A woman born of originality and extravagance. She loves to amaze people with her appearance. She is sweet, sociable and friendly, so she is always the life of the party. This is an incredibly lively, energetic and confident woman. She never sits still and loves to show off her intelligence and dexterity. The Rooster woman always looks great and knows how to take care of herself and fashion. There is never a dull moment with her, as she is full of love for life and optimism. By the way, this is what attracts many fans to her. Negative traits include excessive criticality and straightforwardness, which often offends others, but does not even notice it.

One cannot help but be carried away by the Rooster woman, who invariably attracts the gaze of men in any society. Attractive in appearance, always stylishly dressed, she looks great, and her inner charm wins hearts. This woman exudes passion and positive energy. The Snake man cannot resist her, and will do everything to win her favor. The Rooster woman also makes this extravagant and strong man stand out from the crowd. She is attracted to his aristocratic manners, intelligence, wisdom and strength. They are interested in being together, there is always something to talk about, since they have similar hobbies. The Snake man knows how to delicately and beautifully restrain the impulsive impulses of the Rooster woman, as a result of which she gives up stupid ideas, but does not feel offended by being stopped. There will be little courtship or romantic evenings in this relationship, but for both, stability is more important. Together they form a wonderful couple with great prospects. The foresight and insight of the Snake man with the hard work of the Rooster woman helps them quickly achieve financial success.

There are no problems in distributing responsibilities around the house; everything is solved on an intuitive level. The Snake man has a more developed intellectual side, while the Rooster woman has a more physical one. This gives both partners the opportunity to coexist harmoniously. Acting as a generator of ideas and projects, the Snake man will push the Rooster woman to active work for the common good. At the same time, both of them will be satisfied, realizing their potential where they do it best. For the sake of the success of the joint event, they will give their all, replacing each other in difficult moments.

Despite his outward shockingness, the Snake man is endowed with internal uncertainty and is prone to lonely thoughts and doubts. And an attentive and sensitive Rooster woman is able to listen and give reasonable advice. She brings confidence, calmness and spiritual comfort into the inner world of her husband just by her presence. And the Rooster woman often shows excessive fussiness. She is constantly busy with something and is in a hurry to get somewhere. To her I like to plan the week ahead, carry out what is planned and mark completed tasks with crosses. And the Snake man, in turn, brings calm and balance into the life of the Rooster woman.

Conflicts in this couple may arise due to different attitudes towards money. The Snake man is prone to hoarding, while the Rooster woman loves shopping and happily spends money on clothes. Over the years, the Snake man develops stinginess, so spouses should immediately clarify the distribution of finances so that quarrels and disagreements do not arise on this basis.

Both the Snake man and the Rooster woman are both strong personalities. But, nevertheless, a woman must give up to her beloved the right to be the leader in the relationship. But the Snake man should not strive to gain complete power over his companion. The Rooster woman is quite independent and complete submission is simply impossible for her.

With the right approach, spouses will be very useful to each other. The Snake man will smooth out the tough moments, and the Rooster woman will bring activity and variety to their life together.

Snake man and Rooster woman – compatibility in love

The sexual relationship between the Snake man and the Rooster woman is also at a high level. The bed serves as another opportunity for them to gain deeper understanding and unity with each other. Intimate relationships are perceived very difficult by the Snake man. But, in a marriage with a Rooster woman, he reduces their importance. After all, he just feels good next to her. They easily understand each other and can enjoy ordinary caresses without introducing complex experiments. They do not need to impose anything on each other, since desires are guessed and realized immediately. In bed, both are once again convinced of the correctness of their choice.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Snake Man and Rooster Woman couple

A family union between a Snake man and a Rooster woman can be ideal. Learn to take care of your love given by the stars and adapt to each other. Unfortunately, there are very few such couples and you can become an example for many.

The main advice that “Moon Today” gives you is to relax and stop seeing the shortcomings of your loved one, much less strive to change him. Don't pick on each other over little things (both spouses are good at this). The good compatibility of this pair means that you have found ideal life partners in each other. And this great miracle called true love must be properly fueled with positive emotions.

Is a strong relationship possible between a proud rooster and a calm snake? At first glance they are opposite, but astrologers do not think so. So, snake and rooster compatibility of these signs eastern calendar will be described later in the article.

General compatibility information

Those born in the year of the snake have good intuition. They see right through people, and therefore it is quite difficult to surprise them. At the same time, the sign is able to discern all the hidden qualities of the partner that it is not typical for him to show. Purposeful, but slow. They can implement plans for a very long time, but never deviate from the intended path.

The rooster, unlike the snake, is impulsive. Due to their intemperance and straightforwardness, they may have few friends, but this select few are marked by the rarest loyalty. Sometimes they may seem indifferent to the opinions of society, but in reality this is not the case. They just hide their sensitive nature deep inside.

Astrologers say that the compatibility of such a couple is extremely high. And there are many explanations for this:

  1. They understand each other easily. The snake will see the “hidden” soul of the rooster, and he will rejoice at the simplicity of the snake, because even straightforward phrases will not be able to confuse it.
  2. Both representatives are partial to money. They do not need wealth so much as a comfortable life.
  3. They love to work, or rather receive a salary. But for the sake of bonuses and promotions, as well as simply for the sake of a good position at work, they are ready to work hard and hard.
  4. Have similar preferences in sexual relationships.

Compatibility in love and marriage

  • If he was born in the year of the snake, and she was born in the year of the rooster, their union foreshadows an almost ideal, romantic relationship, and then a strong marriage. Both of them are serious-minded, and both need a successful marriage. For this, they will be able to make sacrifices and come to an agreement in a difficult situation. The Rooster woman has an eccentric disposition and can worry about trifles. The snake is balanced and calm. Such a husband will be able to calm down his beloved if necessary.
  • If he was born in the year of the rooster, and she was born in the year of the snake, harmony is expected in relationships and marriage. He will be able to enrich her worldview, expand the boundaries of possibilities and show real world. She, in turn, thanks to wisdom, will be able to maintain and strengthen their relationship even in the most difficult situation. They complement each other, hiding shortcomings from prying eyes and showing only advantages. They also care about their position in society and the opinions of other people, so in public they look perfect couple, although they do not show excessive feelings.

Disadvantages of the union

  • A pair of snake and rooster can greatly undermine the relationship in the struggle for power. It can manifest itself not only at work, but also at home, and even in raising children. Here, as they say, whoever is smarter will give in. If one of them moderates their ardor, the relationship can be saved.
  • In the union of a rooster man and a snake woman, social position is very important. If your loved one outperforms your spouse at work or earns more, he will be greatly affected.
  • The rooster woman can terrorize the snake man too often. The reason could be even a simple shopping list or an unmade bed. If she does not moderate her ardor, one day it may throw him off balance and the love story will end in tears.
  • The rooster has a significant disadvantage in the eyes of the snake - talkativeness. This sign can talk with or without reason for hours, just to have fun or vent feelings. For a calm snake, this is new and if it does not show understanding, a conflict may arise on this basis. By the way, the silence of the snake can also irritate the rooster.
  • The rooster is loving. And this is the most dangerous part of the union. He can and will flirt - this is his essence - to show himself. But if he decides to cheat, the snake will never forgive this.

Compatibility in bed

If in public they are calm and very reserved, then in sex they release all the feelings they are capable of. This is a very passionate couple, with a vivid imagination. They are not afraid of experiments and love role-playing games.

But at the first stage of the relationship, they do not have time to plan games, they simply quench their thirst. And only then do they learn variety in order to surprise their loved one more often in bed.

Business compatibility

If a snake and a rooster start a joint business, the chance of getting rich is very high. Hardworking, diligent, they will move mountains, but will achieve their goal.

However, in such a practice, as in simple, collaborative work in an enterprise, many stumbling blocks await them:

  • Both signs will fight for leadership and promotion, and in this case it will be unhealthy competition. Meanness, setup, dishonest play are possible.
  • If they are friends, constant communication can ruin any business.
  • They may have different views to solve one problem.
  • The snake does the work slowly, but efficiently and conscientiously. The Rooster, on the contrary, is impulsive, he instantly reacts to the situation and finds a way out of it. So it is not recommended for them to work on one project.

Compatibility in friendship

Quite a high probability of a strong friendship between a snake and a rooster. But just like that, they will never meet on the street. In order for them to simply meet, someone must introduce them. And at first they may seem to each other as very unpleasant personalities. After all, the rooster talks a lot, but the snake loves silence more.

But after just a few months of dating, if they see each other often, they will understand the benefits of such friendship. The rooster will be able to get a lot useful tips from a snake, and that, in turn, even on the saddest day will be able to decorate him with the company of a rooster. They can have a strong friendship that nothing can break.

Compatibility percentage

The snake man and the rooster woman have 89% compatibility - an excellent result:

  • in love – 85%;
  • married – 88%;
  • in bed – 89%.

Nothing bothers them and they balance each other. And if the situation gets tense, sex helps to throw out unnecessary emotions.

The compatibility of a male rooster and a female snake is 80%! These are amazing relationships in different areas of the novel:

  • in love – 80%;
  • married – 80%;
  • in bed – 80%.

Success awaits them in any field. They will be able to achieve material well-being and respect in society. They see support in each other and receive it at any time needed.

  • Marriage between a rooster man and a snake woman the best option will happen if the wife chooses the role of a housekeeper or simply starts earning money from home. Thus, she will provide the rooster with the opportunity to show all his positive qualities, and will not hurt his pride with the next promotion.
  • You shouldn’t pay attention to trifles, or at least you shouldn’t talk about them to your partner, then there will be fewer reasons for quarrels.
  • There's no point in competing. Two partners in this union should be supportive of each other, then there will be much fewer problems in their lives.
  • If a couple spends their leisure time together, they will be able to correct any tense situation in time, as well as strengthen relationships through a romantic dinner smoothly flowing into intimacy.
  • They should resolve serious disagreements as soon as they arise. Otherwise, both will find solace in work or on the side.
  • The snake needs to be able to show understanding towards an impulsive partner and be able to calm his ardor.

The compatibility of Rooster and Snake is excellent. The signs have a lot in common; both are practical, purposeful, strive to earn money and build a family nest. They have similar temperaments and the same outlook on life.

The characters of the partners balance each other’s qualities

The calm Snake balances the impetuous nature of the Rooster, helping him to sometimes take breaks and stops in his work. There are problems in the family, but they are quickly resolved through mutual compromises.

The rooster is very sociable, but quick-tempered

Compatibility in love depends on the nature of the partners. According to the eastern horoscope, the Rooster has the following features:

The Rooster loves to shine in society and be the center of attention. He brags about his successes and expects admiration from his friends. Noble, rushes to the defense of the weak, even if he is not asked. He works from morning to night, bringing himself to a nervous breakdown. Life is built according to rules and a clearly thought-out plan. Going beyond the instructions pulls the rug out from under his feet. Prefers teamwork, is practical, but is often distracted by trifles.

These are the traits he attributes chinese horoscope for a person born in the year of the Snake:

  • Determination
  • Developed intuition
  • Wisdom
  • Restraint
  • Hard work and perseverance
  • Reticence
  • Calm.

The snake is called a socialite. She loves to shine in society, but is always reserved with people and shows maximum tact. Trusts intuition more than logic. She is perspicacious, her abilities border on extrasensory. He sets one goal for himself and persistently pursues it, sometimes throughout his life. Restraint and secrecy do not allow others (even those closest) to guess the feelings, emotions and thoughts of the Snake. She wins hearts with her wisdom and tact, but throughout her life she remains a mystery to others.

Partners must learn to give in to each other

The Rooster and the Snake quickly find a common language; they feel each other on an intuitive level. The couple does not demonstrate their feelings in public, but at home serious love passions flare up between them. The partners have a lot in common; both put wealth first and material assets. They are hardworking, know how to earn money, and set clear and practical goals. The Snake sometimes likes to soak up the sun and helps the Rooster stop and rest from the constant race. Calm and reasonable, she is able to withstand her partner’s cockiness and temper. Moreover, the Snake is accustomed to doing its work flawlessly, and it is difficult to find fault with it.

I also have problems in the family, despite almost perfect compatibility in marriage. Both spouses love to shine in society and compete with each other. The Rooster brags about his successes, surprises people with his non-standard behavior and original clothes. The snake captivates with its subtle mind, intuition, and sense of humor. If spouses begin to compete, this will not lead to good. Every time after going to visit, they will return offended and dissatisfied. Most often, the Snake yields, not because of weakness, but because it is wiser. She knows about her abilities even without someone else’s confirmation, and the Rooster constantly needs to feel admiring glances at himself in order to increase his self-esteem.

Zodiac signs affect the compatibility of the Rooster and Snake. According to the Western horoscope, the Rooster is answered by Virgo, and the Snake is Taurus. The signs of the earth converge perfectly with each other. Capricorn will be a good partner for them; they feel good next to the element of fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius). Bright fire signs bring more dynamics and activity to the union. It is better if the owner of such a sign is a Snake, she will be able to properly manage the hot energy. Water makes a family more productive. Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces will reward the Rooster with greater insight, smooth out his temper, allow him to look at the world around him more broadly and understand it more deeply. The air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is not very suitable for the Snake and the Rooster, unless both partners were born under these signs.

The Snake man can be too demanding

The Snake man and the Rooster woman quickly fall in love with each other, they feel kindred spirits. Partners get married after a period of courtship, when they clearly decide that they can live together. A man and a woman set the same goals for themselves. Family, financial well-being, and an impressive bank account are important to them. The husband in the family becomes the think tank, the generator of ideas, he is responsible for finances and is very successful. The wife arranges the house and brings a living spark to the family. True, she can be too demanding and comes up with plans that are impossible to implement. A man looks at this behavior philosophically. He patiently explains a woman’s mistakes and steadfastly endures her fussiness and nagging.


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