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Exercises for your attention.

Standing plate press, while the speed of the exercise needs to be increased.

Throwing the pancake forward while jumping at the same time.

Lunges with a pancake.

“Bus driver” - hold the pancake with outstretched arms in front and imitate the movements of the steering wheel when turning.

“Around the world” - hold the pancake with your arms outstretched and do rotations with your body and arms.

Squats with a plate

Lifting a plate in front of you with outstretched arms

Biceps exercise

Triceps exercise

Holding the pancake with your fingers

“Rolls” with pancake

Lying pelvic lift with a plate

Raising the torso (press) with a plate

Side crunches with a plate

Triceps push-ups

Calf raise

Pushing a plate forward across the floor

Imitation of strikes with pancakes

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In training activities, what is important is not the modernity of the simulators used, but the magnitude and systematicity of the load exerted on the muscles.

In this regard, barbell plates are the best equipment for working out the muscle groups of the body. This article will discuss the essence and benefits of performing exercises with pancakes, the technique of performing them, as well as special training programs.

The essence and benefits of exercises with a pancake

Holding the weight plate increases the load placed on the body during training. The deep core stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for maintaining balance, are involved in completing tasks.

The weight of the pancakes can be regularly increased, thereby achieving better training results. At the same time, the body’s endurance increases, the layer of subcutaneous fat, the body becomes more toned and sculpted.

Important! Train with plates no more than four times a week, and devote the rest of the time to cardio training and aerobics. Execution various types exercise will not only strengthen the body, but also get rid of excess fat tissue.

Regardless of which part of the body is worked with a pancake, the load is placed on the entire body - different muscle groups are involved in training process constantly.

Exercise technique

Exists large number training complexes designed for various parts of the body.

On the press

Exercises must be performed with the maximum bearable load for six to eight repetitions. It is this method, and not extremely long-term pumping, that increases muscle mass and strength.

On the shoulders

Perform the following exercises carefully to avoid damaging your shoulder joints.

  1. Stand straight, place your feet at a distance of 45 cm from each other. Take the pancake and smoothly lift it with outstretched arms to chest level. Lower it to the starting position. Do eight repetitions.

    Did you know? Pullovers are considered one of the most popular strength exercises. The Russian circus wrestler of the early 20th century, Karl Hackenschmidt, introduced this exercise into everyday use and became famous largely thanks to it. He stood on the wrestling bridge, picked up a barbell and pressed it, and then pulled it behind his head. Just being in the pullover position is very difficult for the average person, but Hackenschmidt was so strong that he could press a barbell weighing more than 140 kg from this position.

  2. Stand up straight, take the projectile in your hands and place your hands behind your head. Now, on the count of “one,” raise it above your head, and on the count of “two,” lower it to the previous position. Take a second break and repeat the sequence. The number of repetitions is eight.
  3. Lower yourself into a half-squat, slightly tilt your body. Hold the pancake in front of you with your arms bent. Bring the plate closer to your body and then return to the starting position.
  4. Lie down lengthwise on a low bench with your feet on either side of the bench. Take the projectile, place it on your forehead and hold it with your hands. Raise your upper shoulder girdle until your shoulder blades lift off the bench. Return to the starting position. Six repetitions will be enough. This exercise can be varied by lifting the pelvis - in this case the pancake is placed on it.

Video: shoulder exercises with a barbell plate

On the chest

So as not to rip pectoral muscles, start training with light weights (up to 5 kg). Increase it by 2-3 kg weekly.

  1. Stand up straight, pick up a plate and fix it in front of your body with bent arms. Describe a circular path for them in a clockwise direction - to the shoulder, over the head, over the other shoulder and back to the chest. Describe the circle in the other direction. Perform two sets of five times.
  2. Lower the pancake to the floor and place a horizontal emphasis on it. Jump yourself into a squatting position, grab the plate and rise up with it. Pull the projectile over your head, lower it to the floor and repeat the sequence. This is a complicated burpee that should be performed no more than five times in one approach.
  3. Squat down, spread your knees wide. Cover the disc with your palms, lower it between your knees so that it almost lies on the floor, then bring it to your chest with bent arms. Do 10 repetitions.
  4. Stand straight, place your feet at a distance of 45 cm. Take a pancake in your hands and do a squat. Now bend your elbows, then moving the pancake away from the body, then bringing it back. Perform two sets of seven times.
  5. Stand straight, spread your legs 45–50 cm wide. With a pancake in your palms, squat down, and then push yourself up with a strong movement. Smoothly return to the starting position and perform six repetitions.

In your arms

These are some of the simplest exercises that allow for a high number of repetitions.

  1. Take the disc in your hands and hold it in front of you for half a minute. Then lift it above your head and stay in this pose for another minute.
  2. Lie on the bench with your shoulder blades, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and focus on them. Take the projectile in your palms, smoothly move it with outstretched arms from the body above your head to the shoulders and return to the previous position. This exercise is called a “pullover” and is performed in two sets of seven times.
  3. Stand straight, look ahead. Raise the projectile to chest level and describe a small circle with it in the air. Press the apparatus to your chest, rest for 2-3 seconds, repeat the exercise. Maximum quantity approaches - 20.
  4. Press the projectile against the body. Bend over with it so that your body is parallel to the floor, and at the same time take one of your legs back. Touch the plate to the floor and return to the starting position. Do 10–15 reps.
  5. Place your feet 50cm apart. Bend your knees, tilting your body 45 degrees. With half-bent arms, hold the pancake in front of your stomach and lift it to your shoulder with a small swing. Lower the projectile back down and swing it to the other shoulder. Perform 15–20 swings.

Training program

These programs train not only muscle strength, but also their endurance, as they were developed by MMA fighters.

Important! Don't stop during the exercise to catch your breath. If you feel like you're running out of energy, finish the set and give yourself five minutes of rest while doing light exercises.

"Bus driver"

Take the projectile and extend it in front of you with straight arms. Now rotate it in one direction or the other, using only the strength of your arms and shoulders. Perform two sets of 30 seconds - this will be enough to load the muscles that stabilize the shoulders.

"Around the World"

Stand straight, bring your shoulder blades together. Raise the projectile above your head with slightly bent arms and describe it in a circle as wide as possible. This program strengthens your core and shoulders and greatly fatigues your muscles. Do two sets of seven rotations.

To make your workouts as effective as possible, follow the following rules for working with a weight plate:

  1. Start training with a light weight (up to 5 kg) and gradually increase the load based on how you feel.
  2. Always train in comfortable sneakers with non-slip soles - this will reduce injuries.
  3. Take breaks between exercises for 3-4 minutes so that the muscles have time to recover and do not become covered with micro-tears.
  4. When you perform exercises with lifting a plate, lift it using the deadlift method - this will help you not to injure your spine.
  5. Try to arrange the exercises so that the total duration of the workout does not exceed 20 minutes. Spend these 20 minutes as intensely as possible.
  6. If you plan to work on strength, do up to ten repetitions with maximum weight. If you are interested in muscle size, pump it up with minimal weight and a high number of sets and reps.

Video: exercises with a barbell plate Plates exercises are used by a large number of professional athletes and wrestlers. They help build up muscle mass, increase strength and help define muscle definition by burning subcutaneous fat.

Did you know? The origins of strength training is the American inventor and athlete Arthur Jones. It is for him that bodybuilding and strength training owe their phenomenal popularity at the end of the 20th century. In the 1970s, he released a pioneering line of strength training machines and pioneered the idea of ​​short, maximum-impact training.

Follow the exercise technique strictly to get maximum benefit from it.

And add new elements to them. If you don't have dumbbells, you can use two lighter weight plates. For optimal results, it is advisable to perform this complex twice a week with a break of at least 48 hours between classes.

Exercise 1. Lunges with raised arms

Working muscles: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, deltoid, gastrocnemius.

Stand up straight with one foot in front of the other, one step apart. Take the pancake in your hands and lift it above your head. so that the leg in front is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The knee of the second leg tends to the floor, but does not touch it. The body is tense. Return to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 10–12 repetitions on each leg. Choose two weights for yourself: large and medium. As soon as you feel tired, take a lighter weight.

Exercise 2. Squats with dumbbells

Working muscles: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, popliteal, gastrocnemius.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, weights placed under your heels, arms with dumbbells at your sides. Squat back, knees do not go beyond your toes, weight transferred to your heels. At the bottom of the squat, your legs should be parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 10–12 squats.

Exercise 3. Lunges with plates

Working muscles: gluteus maximus, popliteal, calf.

Take light weight pancakes in both hands, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a lunge by stepping your right foot forward. The right leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the left knee almost touches the floor. In order to increase the load on, lean slightly forward with a straight back, moving most of weight on the right leg. Return to the starting position and switch legs.

Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each leg.

Exercise 4. Raising on your toes

Working muscles: calf.

Stand up straight on a flat, hard surface, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the weight in your hands in front of you. Slowly rise up and then lower yourself just as slowly without touching your heels to the floor.

Perform 4 sets of 15–20 repetitions.

Exercise 5. Pushing the weight forward

Working muscles: gluteus maximus, deltoids, pectoralis majors.

Lunge and place your hands on a heavy plate in front of you. Start pushing it forward, pushing off the floor with the toe of your back foot. Try to move the pancake 30–60 meters.

Perform 3-4 approaches.

    What you need

    Among the numerous CrossFit complexes used not only by professional CrossFitters, but also by novice athletes, lunges with a weight plate overhead are especially popular. This exercise does not require special training, and can be performed even at home; the only requirement is the presence of a barbell plate.

    The essence and benefits of the exercise

    Lunges with a weight plate are an exercise aimed at developing the coordination and stabilization abilities of an athlete. It is useful because, unlike regular lunges without weights, it loads not only the leg muscles, but also strengthens the shoulder girdle by holding the weight of the projectile above your head in a static position.

    Another advantage of this movement is that during its execution, dynamic load on the muscles of the lumbar region is eliminated, since holding the weight above the head implies a static perpendicular position of the back relative to the floor.

    What muscles work?

    When performing lunges with a weight plate overhead, the following are actively involved:

    • in the lower part of the body - the gluteal muscles and quadriceps;
    • in the upper body - trapezius muscles, triceps, anterior and middle deltoid muscles.

    However, it should be noted that the upper body works indirectly in this exercise - it is responsible for stabilizing and holding the weight of the apparatus with straightened arms above the head.

    Exercise technique

    This exercise is multi-joint and quite difficult to perform. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the technique of its implementation. To perform this exercise correctly, you should learn to work with your legs, maintaining the correct working angles in the joints. Only after you have mastered the technique of performing the exercise without additional weights can you move on to selecting a projectile. First, try the classic ones. Once your legs are adjusted to lifting weights, you can move on to lunges with a weight plate overhead.

    Select the weight of the pancake in such a way that you feel comfortable performing this exercise. Additional load should be increased gradually.

    So, how to do lunges with a weight plate overhead? The technique for performing the exercise is quite simple and looks like this:

    • Take the starting position - take the pancake in your hands and lift it above your head. Arms should be fully straightened elbow joint. Direct your gaze in front of you or at the floor. Place your feet shoulder width apart.
    • Taking a deep breath, take a wide step forward and begin to lower yourself down until your knee touches the floor so that the tibia of the forward leg and the femur of the back leg are perpendicular to the floor.
    • As you exhale, straighten your legs, focusing on the front leg, and return to the starting position by taking a step back.

    Common mistakes

    Among the mistakes that athletes most often make when performing this exercise, there are several typical ones. They are most often found in novice athletes, instinctively, one might say, on a subconscious level, trying to make the exercise easier. These errors look like this:

  1. Not fully straightening the arms at the elbow joint is the most common mistake made by novice athletes. If your arms with a plate above your head are not fully straightened, then the triceps begins to be loaded, which is undesirable in this exercise.
  2. Bend your arms forward with a weight plate – this mistake leads to incorrect distribution of the load, as the deltoid muscles, which should act as stabilizers in this movement, are overstrained.
  3. An incorrect angle in the knee joint is the most traumatic mistake. The load from the gluteal muscles moves to the quadriceps and overloads its tendon, which can lead to a sprain. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the 90-degree angle between the femur and tibia.
  4. Shifting the load to the back leg is a mistake that overloads the quadriceps, which can also lead to injury. Therefore, you need to transfer the main load to the gluteal muscle and quadriceps of the front leg.
  5. Incorrect posture (excessive arching or rounding of the back). Such a mistake can lead to spinal injury.
  6. Lunges with a weight plate overhead are a complex and multi-joint exercise, so in order to avoid mistakes and injuries, it is better to entrust the setting of its technique to a qualified specialist. And don’t forget to do a warm-up to warm up your joints, ligaments and tendons before training.

Add these exercises to your workouts and become the owner of abs of steel.

Six or eight-pack abs are the cherished dream of many men, but not everyone knows how to achieve this cherished ideal. You can achieve abs of steel not only with endless crunches; there are many other equally effective exercises; By the way, too many twists can negatively affect the lower back. It's time to expand your arsenal of dream abs exercises.

The most effective abdominal exercises

It doesn't matter if you choose one exercise and build up your endurance or do five exercises at a time, these workouts are what you need to achieve your goal. Good luck!

Exercise "Polisher" with a barbell

Lie on your back, hold the barbell with outstretched arms at chest level. Without bending, lift your legs up. Lower your legs to the right, without touching the floor. Return to starting position and repeat on the left side.

Advice: When your legs are lowered as close to the floor as possible, stay in this position for a couple of seconds. This will not only allow you to work your oblique muscles more effectively, but will also strengthen your core muscles, which in this position actively tense to maintain balance.

Hang 5 kilogram weights on the barbell. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Stand with your shoulders directly above the barbell and slowly roll the barbell away from you, then back to the starting position.

Advice: The further you move the bar, the heavier it gets. Don't try to jump over your head and make sure your hips don't sag. One short repetition with correct posture is much more effective than holding the barbell as far back as possible with a hunched back.

Rotations of the body with the traction of the upper block (“Lumberjack”)

Stand a short distance to the side of the machine, feet shoulder-width apart, and grab the cable handle with both hands. Without bending your arms, pull the cable down towards the opposite knee, rotating your body as you do so. Bend your knees slightly and lean on your far leg. Slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: Make sure that the cable does not “pull” you into the starting position, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will be halved. Return to the starting position slowly and with resistance. As you move backwards, slowly count to three.

Rotations of the body on the block

Grasp the cable handle with both hands so that your left arm is fully extended and crosses your body. Moving only your hands, pull the cable in the opposite side until the right arm is completely straight. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

Advice: Fix the position of your arms and shoulders, suppress the desire to tense these muscles to help yourself. The better you are able to isolate your core, the faster you'll be able to boast six-pack abs.

dragon flag

Lie on your back, grab the bench above your head with your hands. Bend your knees and push your legs up towards the ceiling, thus lifting your back off the bench. Slowly lower your legs and return to the starting position, then repeat.

Advice: Although this makes the exercise easier, do not swing your legs at the top. Instead, slowly stretch your legs to a crunch before pushing them upward.

Leg raises while lying on a bench

Lie on a bench, on your back with your legs hanging over the edge. Hold the edge of the bench with your hands to maintain balance. Keep your legs as straight as possible. As you exhale, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: Press your lower back against the bench - this will not only allow you to specifically work on your abdominal muscles, but will also protect your spine from injury.

Throwing a medicine ball on the floor

Stand with your legs slightly bent, holding a medicine ball in straight arms above your head. Lean forward slightly and, using your core muscles, hit the ball as hard as you can on the floor about 30 centimeters in front of you. Let your hands follow the ball to avoid falling forward. Catch the ball and repeat the exercise.

Advice: Make sure to perform this exercise as an abdominal exercise and not a shoulder exercise. Focus on curling your abs as you throw the ball to the floor. You will be surprised how much stronger you will become. The ball will bounce so high that you will have to avoid rooms with low ceilings.

V-crunch with medicine ball

Lie on your back, holding the ball above your head. Stretch your arms and legs, raise your palms and feet slightly above the floor. At the same time, lift your torso and legs up. Try to touch the medicine ball to your feet. Then slowly lower yourself back to the floor.

Advice: Don't let the weight of the ball pull you back to the floor. Make sure you have good technique and keep your shoulders off the floor. This way, the abdominal muscles will work throughout the entire exercise.

Leg and body raises

Lie on your side, put your right leg on your left. Place your right hand behind your head, move your elbow to the side, and place your left hand in front of you for balance. Perform a twist, while trying to touch your right elbow with your right foot. Do the required number of repetitions on your left side, then on your right.

Advice: If you're new to this exercise, you'll be more likely to feel tension in your hip flexors than in your obliques. Stretch after each set to loosen the tendons and increase the number of repetitions.

Side crunches

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Place your right hand behind your head, move your elbow to the side, place your left hand, palm down, perpendicular to your body. Tighten your abs, lift your shoulders off the floor, and reach your right elbow toward your left knee. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. First, perform the required number of repetitions on one side and only then move to the other.

Advice: Perform this exercise at the end of every abdominal workout. This exercise is best for creating abs of steel.

Plank with two-point support

Stand in the classic plank position: legs and arms are straight, shoulders are above the palms, the abdominal muscles are tense, the whole body is in a straight line. Tighten your abs and, resisting the urge to lift your hips, raise your right arm and left leg parallel to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Advice: Raising two limbs turns a standard plank into a dynamic exercise for high-quality development of the abdominal muscles. If, of course, you follow the execution technique. If you have trouble maintaining your balance, lift one limb at a time.

Body Lifting

Get into a plank position, supporting yourself on your forearms, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the floor and stretch your body upward, while your torso remains straight. Slowly lower to the starting position and repeat.

Advice: Is your goal not only pumped up abs, but also big and strong shoulders and arms? This exercise combines upper body work with a plank - 3 sets of 20 reps from any plank.


Sit on the floor, hands behind your back, knees bent in front of you. Lift your hips up, supporting yourself only on your palms and feet. Start walking using both your arms and legs.

Advice: Raising yourself just a couple of centimeters above the floor will only put stress on your shoulders. Keep your hips as high as possible. Try to walk about 25 meters and ignore the chuckles behind you.

Spider movement

Starting position: lying position. Lift one leg off the floor and pull it towards your elbow. Hold this position for a moment, then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Advice: To add complexity to the exercise and work your obliques more effectively, after pulling your knee toward your elbow, move your leg back a little, then pull your knee back toward your elbow and only then return to the starting position.

Crunches with leg raises

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up above your head. Pull your knees to your chest and at the same time lift your back off the floor and, helping yourself with your hands, perform a twist. Return to the starting position and then repeat.

Advice: Stretch your arms above you throughout the exercise. This will increase the range of motion, which has a positive effect on the work of the abdominal muscles.

Swing your legs

Lie on the floor, raise your heels 10-15 centimeters from the floor, while straining your core muscles. Alternately lift one leg and lower the other, as if you were swimming in a pool.

Advice: Cross your legs left and right, not just up and down. Then your abs will work in different directions, also using the oblique abdominal muscles.

Hanging Leg Raise

Grasp the bar, making sure that while hanging, your feet do not touch the floor. Allow your straight legs to pull your pelvis slightly back. Tighten your abdominal muscles and raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your torso. Stay in this position for a short time, then slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: Allow your legs to swing freely after each repetition. This will force you to tighten your abs more to avoid excessive swinging. If you hang around, you won't achieve success.

Crunches on the upper block “Prayer”

Kneel in front of the machine, holding the cable handles on either side of your neck. Without moving your hips, using only your abdominal muscles, try to reach your hips with your elbows. At the bottom point, hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

Advice: Don't be afraid of aggravation. This is one exercise that doesn't depend on your body weight and you don't have to do 20 reps to figure it out. Keep a steady pace and do not make sudden movements.

Raising the torso with a sandbag

Lie on your back, bend your knees, hold a sandbag (sports equipment - a bag of sand) on your arms outstretched in front of you. Tighten your abs and lift your torso up so that your upper body forms a V with your hips. Slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: To make the exercise easier, rest your feet on something. In another situation we would call this cheating, but you're doing the exercise with extra weight, so it's forgivable.

Russian crunches with weight

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and hold a sandbag with your arms outstretched in front of you. Quickly turn the body left and right, while moving the sandbag in different directions.

Advice: Avoid moving your shoulders and glutes to isolate your abs as much as possible. This will force your core muscles to work even harder to absorb the impulse from shifting the bag.

The secret to perfect abs


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