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In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called Grammar, there lived and ruled the King Verb and the Queen Adjective, and their daughter was born - Communion. And she was very cheerful, beautiful and sociable, she was friends with the prefix NOT, she was friends with suffixes and endings, and in general she had many friends from the participial phrase. The king and queen loved their daughter very much and paid her a lot of attention.

But one day the evil Numeral learned that such a sociable Communion had appeared in the kingdom! He became envious that the Participle is friends with NOT, and she has a lot of friends, and the Numeral has as many friends as the Participle has never had in a participial phrase, and the Participle sounds better than the Numeral! And then the insidious Numeral decided to steal the Sacrament and lock it in the tallest and darkest tower in the kingdom so that no one could free the Sacrament! And so the Numeral snuck into the castle at night while everyone was sleeping, stole the Sacrament and carried it to the darkest tower.

In the morning, the Verb and the Adjective woke up and the daughters realized it, thinking: “Where could our daughter have gone? Where could she have gone? Or maybe someone kidnapped her?” And the entire huge kingdom sank without the most joyful Communion. And Numeral couldn’t be happier; it’s good for him that now everyone is sad.

Sixteen years have passed since then, and the Sacrament was still not found, all these years the kingdom was in the deepest sadness, even those who did not know the Sacrament well were very upset. And then this terrible news reached the neighboring kingdom, where the most beautiful prince of the gerund lived. Having learned about this, he firmly decided to find and release the Sacrament. And so he went in search.

For exactly three years and three months he searched the world for the princess. And then he reached the darkest and highest tower and suddenly heard a song from the window:

I am the most unhappy Communion,

And the Numeral is the worst

I was kidnapped and locked up

It's very scary and dark here...

And the prince realized that the Communion was in this tower and that the Numeral had locked it there! “How can we save the Sacrament?” the prince wondered. He decided to call his friends from the adverbial phrase - they will definitely help! Friends immediately came to the rescue and decided that they would make a huge staircase. Having made it, they placed the ladder against the tower, and the prince climbed. I climbed for an hour, climbed for two, climbed for three, and finally reached the window.

Then the prince saw a beautiful girl and fell in love with her at first sight, and Communion saw the prince - she immediately became cheerful and prettier: she liked him too much. But then the Numeral entered the tower, wanting to prevent the Participle from freeing the princess, but he was afraid of the formidable prince, he wanted to run away, but the prince immediately ran to the door, took out a sword and he wanted to destroy the Numeral, but he regretted it. The prince decided to find out why the villain stole the Sacrament. To which it replied: “I became sad and envious that the Communion is not friendly with NOT, and with suffixes, and with endings, and from the participle phrase it has many friends, and the participle sounds more beautiful than me.” The prince was very surprised, grinned and said:

That would be something to be upset about! Don't be stupid, you have a lot of friends and you sound beautiful! We couldn’t do without you, but with NOT we’ll make you friends, go to the great Grammar, she’ll definitely come up with something!

After these words, the Numeral changed his face and became cheerful, he felt pleased that they could not do without him, and they all joyfully went to the great Grammar.

Finally they came and told Queen Grammar the whole problem, to which she replied:

Okay, I’ll make you friends with NOT, you will be written with NOT together in indefinite and negative numerals, but there is one condition - this word must be without a preposition! Are you satisfied?

Numeral replied:

Yes, very pleased! Thank you, great Grammar, I promise that I will never offend anyone again and I will not envy anyone.

And the joyful Numeral ran home and, indeed, from then on it never offended anyone and did not envy anyone.

And Communion brought the beautiful Communion home to her parents. They were very, very happy about the return of their beloved daughter, declared a holiday in the kingdom, and on the same day the prince and princess got married. And they lived happily ever after, and in that kingdom no one ever quarreled with anyone else.

In the United Kingdom of Grammar, in the land of Morphology, in the city of Word Formation, there lived different parts of speech. Order reigned in the country, words had the right to live, communicate, change, and be combined into phrases and sentences. Words were sent to work in Syntax, a neighboring state. Each part of speech “owned” some property - morphological characteristics, and some were richer, others poorer.

In the family of the important Verb and the tender Adjective there were a lot of children, they were called Participles. They were very similar to their parents; Some Communions were in the imperfect age, and others in the perfect age, everyone was interested in what happened in the past tense and what is happening in the present time. Sometimes servants came to the house - dependent nouns and pronouns. Participles, just like their power-hungry father Verb, loved to command: they indicated in which case the servants should stand. But the cunning participles tried to resemble mother Adjective and, in order not to upset her, they changed according to cases, genders and numbers.

Many Communions loved to help with housework, did everything themselves and acted boldly and decisively. These were Real Participles. And others were forced all the time, scolded, offended, and they suffered all their lives. They were called the Sufferers. Active and Passive Participles were distinguished not only by the designation of the attribute, but also by clothing. Active Participles belonging to the first conjugation were given the suffixes -УШ-/-УШЧ- in the present tense, and those belonging to the second conjugation were given the suffixes -АШ-/-ЯШ-. And the Passive Participles are, respectively, -EM-/-OM- and –IM-. In the past tense, Active Participles wore the suffixes -ВШ-, -Ш-, and Passive Participles sported the suffixes -НН-, -ЭНН-, -Т-.

In the same city lived the most proud, stubborn and narcissistic Particle NOT. She was not friends with short Participles and could not stand full Participles, which strongly commanded the servants (that is, they had dependent words). But she did NOT really respect the Communions, who could not live without her or were the same individual farmers as herself. Then she did NOT lose her head and turned from a free Particle into a stupid Prefix or even part of the root.

Parents had a lot of questions about raising Participles: what vowels should they write in suffixes, should they leave them to study for Definition or get them a job Predicate, how many N should they give for New Year: one or two... But, thanks to Princess Grammar, who was in charge of the rules of life and safety (dictation without a deuce), everyone could easily find a common language and mutual understanding.

The Tale of Communion

Once upon a time...

  • the fairyland Morphology name Adjective and Verb.

And they had a daughter, Communion

    The parents loved their girl very much. Moreover, she looked like both dad and mom. From the mother-Adjective, the Participle inherited gender, number and case, as well as endings. Dad-Verb gave his daughter his two tenses (present and past), perfect and imperfect form, reflexivity. Mom allowed the Communion to be friends with the name Noun and obey it, since it is older. Dad insisted that his daughter control the noun and adverb. And since in all families the head is always the father, then everyone called the Communion a special form of the Verb.

That's how they lived.

  • Communion grew up to the delight of her parents. The suffixes –USCH(-YUSCH), -ASCH(-YASCH), -OM(-EM), -IM, -NN, -ENN, were added to its verbal base.

  • -SH, -VSH, -T. And Communion became more and more beautiful.

  • Communion was a sociable girl. She had many friends. Nouns, Pronouns, Adverbs and Indefinite verb forms came to her. While playing, they obeyed the Communion and answered her questions. All of them together were called the Participle. When there were a lot of them.

They always had a Noun nanny with them, who was called the Defined Word. The whole cheerful little company depended on him and was a little afraid. Their relationship was amazing: if during a walk the Defined Word walked ahead and could not see how the kids behaved, it called for help with a Comma, which it placed after itself, before the Participial phrase. And if the noisy gang ran in front of the Defined Word, then the Comma was no longer needed, the nanny herself watched the guys.

Like every child,

    Communion was both obedient and disobedient. If she did everything her elders told her, she was called Real Communion. But sometimes I had to ask her and force her to work, then she received the name Passive Communion. But what’s interesting is that in both cases the Communion was always helped by Suffixes: they worked together with it - -УШ(-УШЧ), -АШЧ(-ЯШЧ), -ВШ and –Ш, and “suffered” - -ОМ(-ЭМ),

  • -IM, -NN, -ENN, -T.

  • And as punishment for disobedience, the Passive Communion was sometimes used in a short form. Mom-Adjective took one letter N from the suffixes –NN and –ENN. Therefore, short Participles are always written with one letter N.

But as punishment for disobedience

  • The Passive Participle was sometimes used in a short form. Mom-Adjective took away one letter N from the Participle suffixes -ENN and -NN, and since then short Participles have always been written with one letter N.

  • And even the particle NOT did not like it when the Communion became short, and in these cases it was always written SEPARATELY with it.

  • Dissatisfied with the Passive Communion, Pope-Verb also set his own conditions. He allowed not all suffixes to help his negligent daughter. “The suffix -ENN will help only when the Passive Participle is formed from verbs ending in

  • -IT, -TI and -CH; the suffix -NN will help the Passive Participle, formed from verbs ending in -AT, -YAT and -ET!” said the strict father.

Years passed...

  • Nothing special happened in the life of Communion. She was often called upon to help people write text. The Communion was used especially often in the scientific style of speech. There was only one thing that didn't suit her. After all, she was already an adult, she could be friends with whomever she wanted, help people, and everyone still considered her a Special form of the verb.

In the United Kingdom of Grammar, in the land of Morphology, in the city of Word Formation, there lived different parts of speech. Order reigned in the country, words had the right to live, communicate, change, and be combined into phrases and sentences. Words were sent to work in Syntax, a neighboring state. Each part of speech “owned” some property - morphological characteristics, and some were richer, others poorer.

In the family of the important Verb and the tender Adjective there were a lot of children, they were called Participles. They were very similar to their parents; Some Communions were in the imperfect age, and others in the perfect age, everyone was interested in what happened in the past tense and what is happening in the present time. Sometimes servants came to the house - dependent nouns and pronouns. Participles, just like their power-hungry father Verb, loved to command: they indicated in which case the servants should stand. But the cunning participles tried to resemble mother Adjective and, in order not to upset her, they changed according to cases, genders and numbers.

Many Communions loved to help with housework, did everything themselves and acted boldly and decisively. These were Real Participles. And others were forced all the time, scolded, offended, and they suffered all their lives. They were called the Sufferers. Active and Passive Participles were distinguished not only by the designation of the attribute, but also by clothing. Real Participles belonging to the first conjugation were given the suffixes -УШ-/-УШЧ- in the present tense, and those belonging to the second conjugation were given the suffixes -АШ-/-ЯШ- . And the Passive Participles are, respectively, -EM-/-OM- and –IM-. In the past tense, Active Participles wore the suffixes –ВШ-, -Ш-, and Passive Participles sported the suffixes -НН-, -ЭНН-, -Т-.

In the same city lived the most proud, stubborn and narcissistic Particle NOT. She was not friends with short Participles and could not stand full Participles, which strongly commanded the servants (that is, they had dependent words). But she did NOT really respect the Communions, who could not live without her or were the same individual farmers as herself. Then she did NOT lose her head and turned from a free Particle into a stupid Prefix or even part of the root.

Parents had a lot of questions about the education of Participles: what vowels to write in suffixes, leave them to study for Definition or get them a job Predicate, how many N to give for the New Year: one or two... But, thanks to Princess Grammar, who was in charge of the rules of life and technology safety (dictation without a bad mark), everyone could easily find a common language and mutual understanding.

A participle is a part of speech that is involved

verb in the form of an adjective."

V.I. Dahl

Here is my required property:
I bow as an adjective.
I answer all his questions.
I remind you of the meaning of the verb.

P. Chesnokov

A grammatical tale or a dose of humor in a serious...

Part one

Current relations on the continent

Morphology in the Verb Kingdom.

Once upon a time there lived a king named Verb. He ruled the Kingdom of Verbs. And it was located on the shore of the Verbal Sea. And this sea splashed and seethed when strong winds raged over the kingdom of Verb. His advisers did not help him well. The weather forecast was not communicated on time. The Verbal Kingdom differed from its neighbors in that everything there was in constant motion. Even the weather changed too often. The fishermen determined the weather inaccurately, and this hindered the development of the fishing industry, on which the well-being of the inhabitants depended. And King Verb decided to expel the incompetent royal advisers and invite new assistants to take care of state affairs. And who can the king trust in difficult times for the kingdom? Of course, to your family. Verb had a wife whose name was ADJECTIVE. A kind, sympathetic woman made every effort to help her husband. She was responsible for order in the royal family, making sure that children grew up smart, healthy, literate, and obedient. She raised four sons. And they had wonderful names.Those who were similar to their father, King Verb, were called USCH and YUSCH. And the two, similar to their mother, were called ASH and YASH. Usch and Yusch were the eldest in the family. From childhood we learned all sorts of tricks, but we also didn’t forget to have fun with our peers. The children with whom the elder princes loved to play lived by the sea and called themselves verbs of the First conjugation. And the smaller brothers ASCHU, YASCHU liked to communicate only with the inhabitants of the second conjugation, living on the plain and in the mountains. And King Verb called all his entourage and said that his sons had already grown up, and now, together with him, the fairy-tale kingdom would be ruled not by his retinue, but by his own children, who had inherited the best character traits of the king and queen, Verb and Adjective.

The king's sons also began to rule the kingdom. The princes introduced their own laws for citizens. All who obeyed the eldest children of the Verb, USCHU and YUSCHU, necessarily pronounced their names in their names, and those who obeyed the younger princes included the names of the youngest ones in their own. In And so new subjects appeared in the fairy-tale kingdom, no worse than the previous ones. T Thus, from the old-timer verbs, participles were born, new inhabitants of the kingdom, very similar to their parents. Look for yourself: living is living; struggling-struggling; breathing-breathing; believe-believers.

And the people in the fairy-tale Kingdom of Verbs lived better than before. And from generation to generation, residents passed on the ability to judge the weather well, engage in fishing and farming. And most importantly, participles have never violated the tradition of necessarily combining the attribute of an object by action. They answered the question with an adjective, expressing their respect for the queen, and indicated the action, honoring the king. Without such signs, these inhabitants of the kingdom had no right to be called sacraments. And in their names the suffixes were and are always present: - ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash-.

Part two

Riot in the kingdom and

differences of opinion...

And then this happened. The participles, the inhabitants of the Verb Kingdom, were divided into two communities. One community called itself the actual sacraments because it believed that only its members truly benefited the kingdom. This community included young assertive present participles with the suffixes -УШ-, -УШ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ- and older past participles with the suffixes -ВШ-Ш-. These real participles hissed terribly on those of their relatives who did not accept their ideas and flatly refused to use the suffixes they loved for active participles in their names. Dru same community, who suffered from the actions of her relatives, was called passive participles and to this day reflects the attacks of relatives and uses only the suffixes -EM-, -OM-, - IM-, -NN-, -ENN-, -ENN-, -T-.

Part third

The story of how communions became

think about new lands

Years passed, there were so many participles that they decided to move from the continent of Morphology to the continent of Syntax of the Grammar Ball.

Military operations began. L The leader of all sacraments was the so-called RETURN, who sent his army to the enemy’s camp. The involved Turn, after several battles, managed to win a place in the sun on the new continent, but he had to sign a peace treaty with neighboring kingdoms and listen to their demands. Under the terms of the treaty, the Participatory Turn had the right to move freely throughout the continent of Syntax and even separate from the local residents for recreation by erecting a fence. But this agreement was valid only when there was a retinue next to the Turn, subordinate to him, dependent on the leader and helping in construction. And most importantly, the fence was erected only in the case when the Participial Revolution was placed on the territory after the Defined Word - one of the representatives of the Kingdoms of the Noun or Pronoun. According to the intergrammatical agreement, only the noun word or pronoun word present during the construction of the fence had the right to control the actions of the Turn and his retinue.

This is how, to this day, the fairy-tale neighboring kingdoms observe the behavior of the Participant, and he walks around continent Syntax I’m still sometimes alone, sometimes with a retinue. The Participatory Turn understands that on foreign land he is obliged to take into account the demands of the owners.

This is the end of the fairy tale

And those who listened and remembered – well done!


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