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Topic: “Friendship and enmity”

  1. I.A.Goncharov "Oblomov"
  2. A.M. Gorky “Childhood”
  3. A.A. Fadeev “Young Guard”
  4. A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

I.A. Goncharov « Oblomov

Andrey Stolts and Ilya Oblomov are the two main characters of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. In many ways they are different in character, in views, and in actions. However, the heroes are drawn to each other, Stolz happily comes to Oblomov, and he meets him with no less pleasure.

Even in school, they spent a lot of time together, were inquisitive children, dreamed of an active and interesting life. “...they were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs, then Russians, kind, fat affections, abundantly lavished in the Oblomov family on the German boy, then the role of the strong, which Stolz occupied under Oblomov both physically and morally...”
Oblomov gradually faded away, desire and interest disappeared in him, but Stolz, on the contrary, moved forward, worked actively, strived for something.

No one could return Oblomov to an active life. Even such an active, energetic person as Stolz could not do this. He wants to help his friend to the end: “ You must live with us, close to us: Olga and I decided so, so it will be.

What have you become? Come to your senses! Have you prepared yourself for this life so that you can sleep like a mole in a hole? Remember everything..." But Oblomov doesn’t want to change anything in his life. Even friendship turned out to be not omnipotent if the person himself did not want to change.

In life, a person himself makes his choice. You cannot hope that someone will radically change your life without your own efforts. Yes, friends help a person and support him. But still, it is the person himself who must take decisive action and move forward. Readers come to this conclusion after reading the novel.

A.M. Gorky “Childhood”

Alexey Peshkov - main character A.M. Gorky's story “Childhood” - he was left without parents early. Life in the house of his grandfather Kashirin was difficult. "Strange Life" here began to remind him “a harsh tale,” “well told by a kind but painfully truthful genius.” Constant hostility surrounded the boy in the house. “Grandfather’s house is filled with the hot fog of mutual enmity of everyone with everyone.” The relationship between the adults - Alyosha's uncles - and between their children was far from related and friendly. The uncles were waiting for their share of the inheritance, they were always quarreling, and the children were not far behind them. Constant complaints, denunciations, the desire to hurt someone else, the pleasure felt from the fact that someone feels bad - this is the environment in which the hero lived. There was no talk of any friendship with cousins.

However, here too there were people to whom Alyosha was drawn. This is the blind master Grigory, whom the boy sincerely pities, and the apprentice Tsyganok, for whom his grandfather prophesied a great future (Tsyganok died while carrying an unbearable cross to the grave of the boy’s grandfather’s wife), and Good Deed, who taught him to read.

His grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, a kind, intelligent, cheerful woman, became a true friend for Alyosha, despite her hard life, despite the fact that she was always beaten by her husband. Her eyes were burning "unquenchable, cheerful and warm light." It's like he was sleeping before her, "hidden in the dark" and she woke me up, brought her into the light, and immediately became a friend for life, the closest, most understandable and dear person.

There was a lot of enmity around the boy. But there is also a lot of kindness and understanding. It was precisely his friendly relations with people that prevented his soul from hardening. Alyosha became a kind, sensitive, compassionate person. Friendship can help a person in difficult times to preserve the best moral human qualities.

It all starts from childhood. It is so important during this period that children are surrounded by kind, decent people, because it largely depends on them how the child will grow up. The author leads readers to this conclusion.

A.I. Pristavkin “The golden cloud spent the night”

War. This is the most difficult test for people, especially for children. It is children who are the main characters of A. Pristavkin’s work “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night”

The cause of any war is enmity. It is precisely this that makes people cruel and soulless, and it is in war that many of a person’s moral qualities and the beauty of his soul are often revealed.

The main characters of the story are Kuzmina Kolka and Sashka, brothers, pupils of an orphanage. Their orphanage resettled to the North Caucasus, which had just been liberated from the Germans. Mass resettlement of peoples was carried out during the war, in 1943-1944.

The reader sees what is happening through children's eyes. Children value people based on whether their food was taken away from them or not; They don’t understand why children from the carriage passing by are stretching out their hands and asking for something, and there are tears in their eyes. They cannot understand why people are so cruel. Let us remember the terrible picture when Kolka saw his executed brother.

For children, there is no division of people by nationality. Good means your own, evil, cruel means your enemy. It is no coincidence that Kolka and the eleven-year-old Chechen boy Alkhuzor become friends. Both of them are lonely and unhappy, they found spiritual closeness and support from each other. And what does it matter that one is Russian and the other is Chechen? They became friends. Grief brought them closer. In the orphanage where the children ended up, there was the Crimean Tatar Musa, and the German Lida Gross “from the big river,” and the Nogai Balbek. All of them were united by a common terrible fate. They were drawn into the whirlpool of the problems of adults, witnesses to the extermination of peoples, enmity between them, it was they who experienced all the horrors of this struggle among adults.

The world of hostility is scary. He destroys people's destinies. It is necessary to stop hostility, be tolerant towards people, and not allow the destruction of one’s own people - the author calls for this. " There are no bad nations, there are only bad people."- the teacher Regina Petrovna will say.

Children's souls are so pure and innocent, like “golden clouds", they are able to understand each other. It’s scary if these “clouds” break on the top of the cliff - on the indifference and cruelty of people.

Adults could adopt from children the desire to live in friendship and understand how terrible enmity is. "I think that all people- brothers, - Sashka will say, and they will sail far, far away, to where the mountains descend into the seaand people have never heard of a war where brother kills brother.

A.A. Fadeev “Young Guard”
A. Fadeev’s novel “The Young Guard” tells the story of the difficult war years and the occupation of Soviet territory by the Nazis. One of the cities in which the Germans tried to rule was Krasnodon. It was here that the young heroes spent their childhood. Here they went to school, made friends, fell in love, dreamed of the future. But the war crossed out all plans, the main thing left at that moment was to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland. A.A. Fadeev “Young Guard”

The Young Guards, the Komsomol members, who created an underground organization to fight the fascists - the “Young Guard” - are wonderful. Oleg Koshevoy, Ulyana Gromova, Lyuba Shevtsova, Sergei Tyulenin and others - they were all united by enmity towards the enemies who encroached on the freedom of the country. Hatred and anger at them helped the guys fight the fascists.

The Young Guards were desperate, brave, and were not afraid of danger. Despite the fact that there was a war going on, they joked with their characteristic enthusiasm, supported each other, loved and were friends.

The betrayal of one of them - Stakhevich - led to tragedy. All members of the organization were captured. They were tortured and then brutally executed. The price of betrayal turned out to be so great.

“Nothing brings people closer together than the difficulties they have experienced together.”" In the dungeons of the Nazis, the guys supported each other, trying to somehow alleviate the suffering of their friends.

« Friendship! How many people in the world pronounce this word, meaning a pleasant conversation over a bottle of wine and indulgence in each other’s weaknesses! What does this have to do with friendship? No, we fought for every reason, we did not spare each other’s pride at all - yes, if we disagreed, we inflicted “knife” wounds on each other! And our friendship only grew stronger from this, it matured, it seemed to fill with heaviness..." The guys' friendship has been tested to the limit. They endured and persevered. The people remember the feat of young heroes. In the homeland of the Young Guard, a monument was erected to them, near which there are always fresh flowers.
A. Fadeev’s novel makes you think about a lot, about how one must love the Motherland, the people, what kind of person one must be, how one must value friendship, not betray it, and remain human in any life situations.

A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

The fairy tale “The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry” was written during the Second World War, in 1943. The author seemed to warn humanity about the consequences of misunderstanding, enmity between people, and therefore between peoples and countries, noting that only friendship, love, mutual understanding, compassion, the wisdom of people can save.

Many phrases of the work have become aphorisms. “Loving does not mean looking at each other, it means looking in the same direction.”

These words can also be applied to friendship. True friends really strive to understand each other, “look in the same direction,” not conflict, and calmly solve all problems that arise.

Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is so wonderful. After all, children see the beauty of nature, those around them, they understand lies and falsehood, they notice everything that adults, sometimes behind a lot of things and problems, have long stopped paying attention to.

“We all come from childhood,” the author writes, that is, all the best that is in us comes from there, from our distant childhood.

The work is philosophical, it contains so many thoughts about the meaning of life, about moral concepts and principles, about relationships between people

The main character, the Boy, reveals many truths. One of the things expressed by the Fox is that people can be indifferent, heartless towards each other, but they can also be close, dear, and needed. He understands that friendship is a component of human happiness, life “as if the sun will illuminate», if something reminds you of a friend. The most important thing cannot be seen with your eyes, you need to feel it with your whole soul, heart, then the true beauty of such human relationships as friendship will be revealed. "Genuine miraclesnot noisy. And the most important eventsvery simple."

"Create bonds" - This is what it means, according to the Fox, to tame someone. “We are all responsible for those we have tamed.” There is so much wisdom in these words: you must value those who are close to you, have trusted you, rely on you, you must protect valuable human relationships . Your rose is so preciousto you, because what you gave her his whole soul"- says the Fox to the Boy")

"Fineif you once had a friend, even if you had to die“- readers come to this conclusion, realizing how high the price of friendship is.

“Only the heart is vigilant.” You need to perceive life with your heart, with all your soul, then there will be hope that hostility will not cloud people’s minds and will not lead to terrible consequences. How relevant the work sounded during the war years, how important it is to understand it now, in our rather turbulent times!

Types of problem

True friendship


L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Sincerity and selflessness, mutual understanding and willingness to support each other - this is the basis of the true friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, the main characters of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What unites them, such different people, why are they interesting to each other? Both of them constantly strive to seek truth, goodness and justice.
And how Pierre rejoices when he learns that Prince Andrei fell in love with Natasha Rostova, how wonderful and generous he is when he hides his feelings for her, moreover, he persuades his friend to forgive the girl for her infatuation with Anatoly Kuragin. Having failed to achieve this, Pierre painfully experiences their breakup, he hurts for both, he fights for their love, without thinking about himself. The events of 1812 are a severe test for both, and both pass it with honor, finding their place in the fight against the invaders. Before the Battle of Borodino, Pierre had to see Prince Andrei, because only he alone could explain to him everything that was happening. And so they meet. Pierre's expectations come true: Bolkonsky explains to him the situation in the army. Now Bezukhov understood that “hidden warmth... of patriotism” that was flaring up before his eyes. They won't have to talk heart to heart anymore. A wonderful friendship was cut short by an enemy grenade. But the dead friend will forever remain next to Pierre as his most precious memory, as the most sacred thing he had in his life. He still mentally consults with Prince Andrei and, making the main decision in his life - to actively fight evil, he is sure that Prince Andrei would be on his side. The pages of War and Peace dedicated to the friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are unforgettable. After all, before our eyes, these people, supporting each other, become better, cleaner, fairer. Everyone dreams of such friends and such friendship.

A.S. Pushkin and Lyceum friends. In the works of A.S. Pushkin, the theme of friendship occupies a special place. Friendship was for the poet a comprehensive force that can unite people in a strong union for life. A sense of camaraderie, loyalty to brotherly ties, devotion - all these feelings were brought up in Pushkin by the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. It was there that during his studies he made many true friends, to whom he later dedicated many poems. No matter how the circumstances developed and no matter where fate took him, Pushkin remained invariably faithful to his friends: Delvig, Pushchin, Kuchelbecker.
My friends, our union is wonderful! He is like a soul, indivisible and eternal - Unshakable, free and carefree, He grew together under the canopy of friendly muses. Pushkin considered spiritual kinship and friendship to be the highest values ​​in life. The poet always classified the sphere of human relationships as beautiful.

A.S. Pushkin and I. Pushchin. Friendship brings out the best qualities in a person. A true friend will not leave you in trouble; he will be by your side in joy and sorrow. How joyfully Pushkin greeted his lyceum friend Ivan Pushchin, who, despite the strictest ban, was not afraid to visit the poet in exile. And sending a poem to a friend in Siberia, the poet addressed him with the words: “My first friend, my priceless friend!”

Proverbs accompanied by explanations. It is no coincidence that folk wisdom affirms the unconditional value of friendship: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends,” “An old friend is better than two new ones,” “Friends are known in trouble,” “Look for a friend, but if you find one, take care.” Indeed, true friends are ready to share your grief and joy with you and come to your aid in difficult times. It is friends who make us understand that we are not alone in this world.

Since the 2014-2015 academic year, the program for the state final certification of schoolchildren has included a final graduation essay. This format differs significantly from the classic exam. The work is of a non-subject nature, relying on the graduate’s knowledge in the field of literature. The essay aims to reveal the examinee’s ability to reason on a given topic and argue his point of view. Mainly, the final essay allows you to assess the level of speech culture of the graduate. For exam paper Five topics from a closed list are proposed.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - conclusion

The final essay 2016 requires a volume of 350 words or more.

The time allotted for the examination work is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Topics for the final essay

The questions proposed for consideration are usually addressed to the inner world of a person, personal relationships, psychological characteristics and the concepts of universal morality. Thus, the topics of the final essay for the 2016-2017 academic year include the following areas:

  1. "Friendship and Enmity"

Here are concepts that the examinee will have to reveal in the process of reasoning, referring to examples from the world of literature. In the final essay 2016, the graduate must identify the relationships between these categories based on analysis, building logical relationships and applying knowledge of literary works.

One of these themes is “Friendship and Enmity.”

As a rule, works from a school curriculum course in literature are a large gallery of different images and characters that can be used to write a final essay on the topic “Friendship and Enmity.”

  • Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
  • The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • Roman M. Sholokhov " Quiet Don»
  • The story of V.L. Kondratiev “Sashka”
  • The story by V. G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”

Arguments for this topic

Arguments for the final essay on the theme of friendship 2016:

  1. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy

The friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is an example of a real, sincere and wonderful friendship, which was based not on profit, but on the similarity of the spiritual ideals of the heroes. Both Andrei and Pierre are alien to society, since they have more sublime thoughts and moral values ​​than those around them. Bolkonsky is initially confident in his own destiny and special place in the world. Pierre needed to verify this from his own experience, largely thanks to Andrei, who supported him.

  1. "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin

Can an enemy become a friend?

The story of the relationship between the main character - the young officer Pyotr Grinev and the impostor Pugachev - is the story of two enemies who could have become friends if they had not found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades. The first meeting between them occurs when Grinev was heading to the Belogorsk fortress and got lost due to a strong snowstorm. He met a robber on the way, who told Grinev the way, for which he received a sheepskin coat from the master's shoulder as a gift. The next meeting of the heroes could have been fatal for Pyotr Grinev - during the siege of the fortress, Pugachev ordered everyone to be hanged for disobedience, but, remembering the officer’s kindness, he pardoned him.

  1. "Sashka" V.L. Kondratiev A

An example of true male friendship can be found in the work of V.L. Kondratiev “Sashka”. The main character - Sashka - is a young guy who caught the Great Patriotic War. He was wounded in the arm after two months on the front line and sent to the rear. On the road, the hero meets a guy Volodya, with whom they will continue their journey and subsequently experience a lot together, getting used to each other.

In the future, more than once situations will arise between Sashka and Volodya that confirm their friendship. For example, when they had to stay overnight in the village, the hospitable hostess invited Sashka to stay and gain strength, but he did not abandon his friend and continued the journey with him.

When his friends were admitted to the hospital, Volodya was surprised by the injustice in the distribution of food for the sick and in one situation, in anger, he threw a plate of lunch in the presence of the major. Sashka, being a private, understood that there was little demand from him, and Lieutenant Volodya could be court-martialed, so he took the blame upon himself.

Essay example

Man is a social being who constantly lives in a world of relationships with other people. It's amazing how different they can be - from true friendship to real hatred. Psychological qualities, life experiences and conditions directly influence the formation of personality and a person’s relationship with others. So how exactly is friendship born, and is it possible to change the pole of a relationship and turn hostility into friendly communication?

To see what true friendship is, it is worth turning to the works of classics of Russian literature. The work of L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” offers us an example of faithful, sincere friendship between the heroes - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

Both characters are highly spiritually developed individuals who understand that they have no place in a secular, immoral society. But at the same time, they have completely different characters - strong-willed Andrei and insecure, sensible Pierre. The basis of their relationship is similar views on life and high spiritual ideals. Bolkonsky immediately realizes his alienation from this society, but this takes Pierre time, while his friend constantly supports him morally.

Relationships between people are a rather complex part of our lives, and they cannot always be clearly explained. Thus, in A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” a complex chain of relationships is built between Pyotr Grinev and the impostor Pugachev. They are real enemies, between whom a friendly relationship could arise.

The first meeting between them occurs when Grinev was heading to the Belogorsk fortress and got lost due to a strong snowstorm. He met a robber on the way, who told Grinev the way, for which he received a sheepskin coat from the master's shoulder as a gift. The next meeting of the heroes could have been fatal for Pyotr Grinev - during the siege of the fortress, Pugachev ordered everyone to be hanged for disobedience, but, remembering the officer’s kindness, he pardoned him.

When the heroes met again, Pugachev offered to help Grinev. But the officer had mixed feelings - after all, his position depended on his attitude towards his recent enemy. In this situation, the characters reveal their souls to each other in a frank conversation.

Both heroes are strong-willed and fearless men, which makes them similar, giving grounds for possible friendly relations.

Thus, it is worth saying that the sphere of human relations is the soil where both sincere true friendship and enmity due to circumstances and conditions can be born.

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Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) At all times, friendship was considered one of the first blessings in life; this feeling will be born with us; The first movement of the heart is to seek to unite with another heart, and meanwhile the whole world complains that there are no friends. (2) Since the beginning of the world, all centuries together have barely produced three or four examples of perfect friendship. (3) But if all people agree that friendship is wonderful, why don’t they seek to enjoy this good? (4) Isn’t this the delusion of blind humanity and the consequence of its corruption - to desire bliss, to have it in one’s hands and to run away from it?

(5) The benefits of friendship are brilliant in themselves: all nature unanimously confirms that they are the most pleasant of all earthly benefits. (6) Without friendship, life loses its pleasures; a person left to himself feels an emptiness in his heart that a single friendship can fill; naturally caring and restless, he calms his feelings in the depths of friendship.

(7) How useful is the haven of friendship! (8) She protects people from the deceit, who are almost all fickle, deceptive and deceitful. (9) The first advantage of friendship is to help with good advice. (Yu) No matter how reasonable someone is, a guide is always needed; we should not without fear entrust ourselves to our own reason, which our passions often force us to speak according to their will.

(And) The ancients knew all the benefits of love, but they made the descriptions of friendship so enormous that they forced it to be considered a beautiful invention that does not exist in nature. (12) It seems that they knew poorly the properties of a person when they intended to seduce him with such descriptions and force him to seek friendship, so richly colored by them: they seemed to have forgotten that a person is more inclined to be surprised by a noble example than to follow them.

... (13) The first dignity that should be sought in a friend is virtue: it assures us of him that he is capable of friendship and is worthy of it. (14) Do not rely at all on your obligations, as soon as they are not confirmed on this basis: now it is not choice, but needs that unite people, and for this reason the current friendship will end as soon as it began: they make friends indiscriminately and do not quarrel thinking; nothing is so despicable: either a bad heart or a bad mind makes a bad choice. (15) Know how to choose a friend out of a thousand; nothing is as important as this choice, for our well-being depends on it.

(I. A. Krylov)


Friendship is the second significant emotion in a person’s life after love. Friends become a real support in difficult situations: they give advice and help. “A friend is a friend in need,” says an old Russian proverb.


I.A. Krylov raises the problem of friendship. He reflects on the very concept of friendship and its meaning for a person. Why does humanity, understanding all the advantages of friendship, not do anything to preserve true friendly relations? The author is looking for an answer to this question.


Krylov writes that friendship has been talked about since time immemorial. From birth, a person strives to find a kindred heart, a congenial person who would be support and support for him throughout his life.

But for some reason, in the entire history of mankind, only three or four examples of true perfect friendship are known. The author asks the question - why is this happening? Why, if friendship has so many advantages, do people lose each other so easily?

A lonely person feels inner emptiness, but with a like-minded person he will find support and will always be able to console even his most difficult feelings.

Friends help protect yourself from the deceit of deceitful and disingenuous people. They will help with advice, and a person really needs this advice, since you should not rely only on your mind - emotions can overwhelm your reason.

People of ancient times praised friendship so much that it began to seem unattainable to people. And this is not good, since people are more surprised by something unattainable, rather than trying to follow it, strive for it.

It is very important to choose the right friend. He must be virtuous, reliable. But during the time of Krylov, people began to converge on other principles - out of necessity, out of some kind of self-interest. Such friendship, the author assures, is very short-lived. How quickly it begins, so quickly it will end. We need to be able to choose the right person from a thousand, and approach this choice wisely, since our future well-being depends on it.

Author's position

The author assures the reader of the need for friendship and its value. The most important thing, in his opinion, is the ability to choose the right friend among many insidious and deceitful ill-wishers. True friendship will be the key to a happier life.

Your position

The author's position is closest to me. Friendship is the most important thing in a person’s life. Probably even more important than love. Love can fade, but true friendship never ends. There are not many people in the world who can understand you completely and accept you with all your shortcomings and weaknesses. Therefore, it is very important to carefully look at those around you in order to exclude the possibility of making the wrong choice, which can lead to undesirable and sad consequences.

Argument No. 1

The problem of friendship is revealed in many works of Russian literature. It occupies one of the primary meanings in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov, is a nihilist. He denies everything - love, friendship, laws and moral standards. But without noticing it, on the basis of common interests, he begins to be friends with Arkady Kirsanov, who shares his views and beliefs.

But as soon as Arkady falls in love and starts a family, his interests go far from Bazarov’s position in life. They gradually move away from each other, and their friendship ends.

Turgenev is trying to show that without a community of interests, friendship is impossible.

Argument No. 2

Grigory Pechorin, the main character of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" also does not believe in friendship. He believes that among friends there is always one slave of another. Throughout the novel, fate confronts him with different people who sincerely want to help him, but he denies their friendship in every possible way.

Perhaps the closest in spirit to him is Doctor Werner, with whom he shares his most intimate thoughts. Werner understands Pechorin, but soon he also turns away from him, since Gregory’s views contradict his moral principles.

Pechorin remains alone because he is unable to give others a single chance to get closer to him.


Friendship is important for every person. Without friendship, life becomes much more difficult. Friends will always support and give advice in difficult situations, when it is difficult for us to do it ourselves. right choice. It is very important to build the right relationships with people.

True friendship remains strong and unbreakable despite time and trials. Friendly relationships are based on trust and mutual assistance, therefore they exclude selfish motives and betrayal. However, life often confronts a person with a difficult choice, in which only a few choose the right path, while the rest become victims of mistakes and can commit treason, betraying the best feelings, including comradely affection. Many writers have argued that the problem of fidelity and betrayal in friendship is a very serious and pressing issue. Therefore, they touched on it in their books, but we will list their most famous examples.

  1. In V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow,” Lena Bessoltseva knows how to love and empathize with her neighbor like no one else. She knows the value of friendship and is equally ready to share joys and sorrows with a friend. She believes in the sincerity and honesty of the one to whom she once believed and gave warmth. Her choice fell on Dima Somov, who comes to Lena’s aid in a quarrel with her classmates. He seems strong and correct to her, but only until he himself finds himself in trouble. When the guys accuse Lena of telling the teacher about the missed lesson, Dima remains silent and allows others to mock her, although he did it himself. Fear of condemnation and punishment makes him deliberately hide the truth. He is afraid to admit his own wrongdoing and leaves Lena alone at a time when she especially needed his help. He realizes that he has committed betrayal, but cannot do otherwise, because the opinion of others turns out to be more important to him than camaraderie, which he is not able to appreciate and share fully.
  2. The bonds of friendship bind people who are completely different, dissimilar to each other, sometimes completely opposite in their views and aspirations. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" friendship between Onegin and Lensky is presented as a mutual struggle of characters and interests. Onegin is a cynic disappointed in life, Lensky is a sentimental and touching romantic in his naive aspirations, seeing beauty where Onegin sees only boredom and vulgarity. The heroes get closer to each other, but the dissimilarity of their characters gives rise to a contradiction, which turns out to be a turning point in the life of each of them. An irritated Onegin decides to teach his sensitive friend a lesson by showing attention to his fiancee, who, by the way, is not the least bit interested in Eugene. As a result, friends suddenly become enemies, and Lensky dies in a duel at the hands of Onegin. Eugene is afraid of other people's opinions and accusations of cowardice, thereby betraying friendship due to momentary weakness and selfishness.
  3. Friendship is a sure cure for loneliness, based on complete spiritual interpenetration and acceptance of another person with all his advantages and disadvantages. Patience, help, understanding, trust are the main components of this deep feeling.
    In the fairy tale “The Little Prince” by A. Saint-Exupery, the theme of friendship is central. To comprehend the depth of these relationships, to give them the best emotional impulses, to learn to be responsible for the one to whom you promised to be close - this is the greatest art that the Little Prince learns. On his journey, he discovers many important truths, one of which the Fox shares with him. “We are responsible for those we have tamed,” he says to the hero and gives him the most valuable thing he has - selfless friendship that connects hearts and makes them necessary to each other. The fox is true to himself and his comrade, so he patiently teaches how to be friends, and does not get annoyed at the sight of the boy’s ignorance.
  4. In the novel by V.A. Kaverin's "Two Captains" the theme of friendship is revealed through the example of the relationship between two central characters - Sanya and Romashka. They are connected by a long-term friendship, which turns out to be woven from contradictions. Each of them goes through important stages of growing up, as a result of which they form their own ideas about responsibility, understood and interpreted by the heroes differently. Chamomile decides to sacrifice friendship in the name of his own interests, which remain in first place for him. Sanya remains direct and honest, rejecting betrayal as a way to achieve personal happiness. Friendship ties are severed by one of the heroes due to moral limitations, which dominates the nobility of the soul and becomes the cause of betrayal.
  5. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" the author creates two deep and contradictory images - Stolz and Oblomov, who are connected by selfless friendship. Both heroes are very similar in character, which makes them close and important to each other, but the difference in aspirations, goals and upbringing in general becomes the cause of contradictions that ultimately separate them. These contradictions are largely external in nature, because both heroes are bright personalities who are in constant search of happiness. Stolz is active, active, he is trying with all his might to instill a thirst for life in Oblomov, who is prone to contemplation, regularity and laziness. However, as soon as their friendship fades due to marriage, both the active Stolz and the passive Oblomov ultimately lose themselves and do not find harmony in life: Ilya Ilyich dies, and Stolz remains confused and confused in the face of the future.


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