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Violations digestive system are considered one of the most common.

Among the symptoms that indicate diseases gastrointestinal tract include: diarrhea, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and sudden changes in body weight.

The above symptoms significantly reduce the quality of life, so a person, faced with this problem, first of all thinks about what to do and what medications he can take to achieve maximum results.

It is also important to note that there is no universal drug that would help with any digestive disorder. It is important to identify the cause of the condition.

With all this, the topics of which medications for diarrhea in adults and children are the most effective, and what should be taken first, do not lose their relevance.

Why does diarrhea occur?

Before you understand which drugs are best to help cope with diarrhea, it is necessary to note what this process is and what reasons most often lead to its development.

Diarrhea is an increased urge to defecate, usually accompanied by loose stools. This process is not an independent disease, but is included in the clinical picture of various disorders associated with digestion.

In addition, attacks of diarrhea are accompanied by acute, sharp pain in the abdomen, a decrease in general health, nausea, vomiting, and in some cases, an increase in body temperature.

Only after determining the cause, that is, after conducting diagnostic studies, can the doctor prescribe effective medications for both adults and children that will help achieve treatment results.

What are the most popular and best medicines for diarrhea?

Today, the list of the most common anti-diarrhea tablets includes Smecta and Activated Charcoal.

It is these medications that are in almost every person’s medicine cabinet and are actively used for the quick treatment of diarrhea, both in adults and in children.

This kind of medicine for diarrhea is familiar to everyone, since the drugs have a fairly clear detoxifying effect on the body.

In addition, the products are distinguished by the speed of normalization of stool and good results.

However, today the pharmacological market presents a huge number of drugs of various actions that help cope with all digestive disorders, directly eliminating the cause of diarrhea.

Types of tablets and medications for diarrhea

Drugs for diarrhea in adults are currently divided into five main groups. Each of them helps to eliminate not only symptoms, including problems with loose stools, diarrhea, intense pain localized in the abdomen, but also eliminate the cause.

The groups into which medications used for diarrhea are divided include:

  • antibiotics - tablets for diarrhea in adults, used when the cause of diarrhea lies in intestinal infection of various nature;
  • probiotics are modern pharmacological products used for the treatment of dysbiosis, that is, disorders of the intestinal microflora. This cause of diarrhea is considered one of the most common;
  • antibacterial agents of plant origin - in most cases, have a supporting effect on digestion, have a tanning and astringent property;
  • drugs that perform the function of reducing the speed and frequency of wave-like contractions, that is, they affect intestinal motility;
  • enterosorbents are medications that increase absorption, ion exchange, and complex formation.

The above groups of drugs will help you quickly and effectively cope with indigestion, eliminate attacks of diarrhea, and normalize the performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, in order to understand which drug is best to take in a particular case, one should consider in more detail the pharmacological groups, the drugs included in each of them, their effect on the adult body and treatment options.

Effective antibiotics for diarrhea

Antibacterial drugs, that is, antibiotics, are used if diarrhea and other associated symptoms arose as a result of a bacterial form of infection entering the body.

Clinical signs indicating the development of an infectious process include: the presence of bloody, green spots and specific mucus in the stool.

List of drugs used to treat this type of disease: Amoxicillin, Levomycetin, Metronidazole.

All of the above medications are relatively inexpensive. There are other medications, but these are considered the most effective.


An effective remedy for diarrhea, which is part of the group of bactericidal antibiotics.

Currently, tablets, suspensions, capsules, and ampoules for internal injection are produced. The average cost of the drug varies from 25 to 50 rubles.

One of the common questions is “How to take the drug correctly?” For adults whose body weight exceeds 40 kilograms, the daily dosage is 150 milligrams.

Correct use is three times 50 milligrams. If the weight is less than 40, then a single dose should not exceed 25 milligrams, and the daily dose is 75 milligrams.


An effective, popular medicine with a wide spectrum of actions.

Levomycetin is used to combat a huge number of pathogenic bacteria, in addition, most Such microorganisms do not develop immunity to the active substance of the drug.

At the moment, the drug is available in the form of tablets, a specialized powder for injection. The price of Levomycetin starts from 75 rubles and above, depending on the region or region.

This medication can be used not only for adults, but also for children.

For diarrhea, one tablet is prescribed approximately 2-3 times a day, the dose can be slightly increased at high intensity. Treatment with such a medication must be agreed upon with a gastroenterologist.


No less effective medicine, used to treat diarrhea and other signs of digestive system problems.

When ingested, Metronidazole not only helps eliminate bacteria, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The modern drug is produced in three main forms: tablets, ampoules with powder for injection, and suspensions.

In tablet form, the medicine must be taken twice a day, one tablet. The maximum therapeutic course is 4 days.

Enterosorbents as a remedy for intense diarrhea

Perhaps one of the most effective remedies for diarrhea in both adults and young children is medications included in the group of enterosorbents.

Medicines are used to treat diarrhea caused by intoxication of the body. The list of these medications includes the well-known activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb.


A drug that is not sold in capsules, like most of the group, but in powder form. Treatment with Smecta is possible from a very early age.

Dosage per day: children under one year old – one single dose, up to two years – two doses, for an adult – one dose three times a day.


Abdominal pain, increased gas formation, diarrhea are symptoms that this medication can treat.

Polysorb has a binding effect, improves the removal of toxic substances and various allergens.

Activated carbon

Treatment with this medication is the most common; we can say that this remedy is, to some extent, the best, since it does not carry side effects and has virtually no contraindications.

There are both tablets and specialized powder. The drug can be prescribed and used even for the youngest patients.

Probiotics for treating diarrhea

The main remedies for dysbiosis are probiotics. Medicines belonging to this pharmacological group contain microorganisms natural to the digestive system.

The main actions of probiotics: stabilization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, improvement of the digestion process. These medications are used if diarrhea is caused by a microflora disorder.

The main drugs of the group used for diarrhea in adults include: Bifikol, Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumakterin.


A drug used not only against diarrhea, but also to relieve abdominal pain. Release form: bottles or ampoules containing three doses of the medication.

Treatment with these drugs begins only after the recommendation of a doctor; they can be used in the treatment of newborns.


Common capsules for diarrhea, average cost which starts from 400 rubles. The drug should be taken if diarrhea is caused by a disorder of the intestinal microflora.

Depending on the intensity of bowel problems in adults, the dosage ranges from one to two capsules per day. In childhood – one capsule three times a day.

Hilak Forte

The most effective remedy not only against diarrhea, but also for improving the performance of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug effectively helps with problems with stool and abdominal pain.

Hilak forte is not tablets, but specialized drops aimed at normalizing digestive functions. Diarrhea, in this case, is only a symptom of pathology.

The product can be used from two years of age. Many experts note that these drops help more effectively than many tablets.


An effective remedy for diarrhea, available in powder form. It has a beneficial effect on the normalization of the natural intestinal microflora and fights a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms.

This remedy for diarrhea is relatively cheap, but effective. The dosage of the drug for adults is 5 single doses three times a day. The treatment course can last up to two weeks.

In this case, not only diarrhea goes away, but also abdominal pain, and digestion improves. The medication can be taken from a very early age.

Medicines to reduce intestinal motility

One of the main causes of diarrhea and, consequently, the intensity and frequency of bowel movements is the process of contraction of the walls of the rectum.

Medicines belonging to this pharmacological group slow down this process, as a result, there is an effect on the stool.

Treatment of diarrhea using this group of drugs involves the inclusion of one of the following drugs: Loperamide, Enterobene, Imodium.

Linex is an effective remedy used for diarrhea. In addition to this, there are, of course, other medications, but gastroenterologists note these three


It has several main forms of release: capsules, tablets, syrups, ampoules for intravenous use. Loperamide reduces intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on the anal sphincter.

For adults with diarrhea, the dosage is a single dosage of approximately two to four milligrams three times a day. Treatment depends on the intensity of the diarrhea.

If the symptom persists for a long time, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since the risk of dehydration and the development of serious life-threatening complications increases.


Diarrhea is a fairly common phenomenon, so there are a huge number of different drugs and Enterobene is one of them. The drug is available as coated tablets. Used exclusively against diarrhea.

The medication is taken two tablets several times a day, but it must be taken into account that the maximum possible dose is eight tablets.


The drug is available exclusively in capsules. Treatment of diarrhea can be started only after consultation and recommendation of a doctor.

The medication contains Loperamide. Drinking the drug without a prescription from a gastroenterologist is dangerous to your health.

For adults, the maximum possible daily dosage is eight capsules, for children – two to three capsules. The dose as treatment itself depends on the intensity of diarrhea, accompanying symptoms, and whether there is abdominal pain.

Herbal remedies for diarrhea

Treatment of diarrhea involves the inclusion in therapy of herbal preparations that have the necessary properties.

Such medications are inexpensive, but quite effective. In this regard, they are widely used in the treatment of diarrhea.

There are various medicines of plant origin, such as blueberries, bird cherry fruits, pomegranates or burnet root.

But it is worth noting that the use of such remedies, as a rule, only helps eliminate the signs of the disease. They have no effect on the causes of symptoms.

Diarrhea and diarrhea are common symptoms indicating various types of digestive system disorders. Associated symptoms may include severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and general malaise.

Diseases of the digestive tract are extremely diverse, so modern experts have developed a list of medications according to groups that can and should be taken for effective therapy.

The effects of some drugs on the body are quite intense, so their use is possible only after being prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

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Diarrhea is a nuisance that can happen to anyone and at the most inopportune moment. Loose stools are often accompanied by intoxication of the body, especially in cases where it lasts several days. To prevent this and quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to always keep inexpensive and effective anti-diarrhea tablets in your home medicine cabinet.


If diarrhea occurs due to poisoning, then neutralize negative impact harmful substances can be removed using adsorbents. These are the most inexpensive and effective tablets for stomach and diarrhea, which have the property of binding and removing poisons and toxins from the body.

Activated carbon (Sorbex, Carbopect, Ultra-Adsorb)

Take 250-750 milligrams orally (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight) up to 4 times a day.

Side effects: constipation is possible, with prolonged use - hypovitaminosis.

Contraindications: bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, ulcer.

Probiotics to restore natural intestinal microflora

Prescribed for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis and the prevention of diarrhea when taking antibacterial medications. The group of drugs contains microorganisms (yeast, beneficial bacteria) that are able to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the intestinal lumen, normalizing its own microflora and eliminating diarrhea.


Available in tablets, capsules, suppositories, powder.

The active substance is bifidobacterium bifidum.

For dysbacteriosis, take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks. In severe cases, the dose can be increased by 2 times. The medicine is taken 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after.

Side effects

Contraindications: childhood up to 3 years, hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug.


The active substance is hydrolytic lignin.

The tablets are prescribed for oral administration, if necessary - after preliminary crushing, with water, 1 hour before meals and taking other medications. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 2-3 tablets three times a day; from 8 to 12 years – 1-2 tablets three times a day; from 3 to 7 years – 1 tablet 3 times a day; from 1 to 3 years – 0.5 tablets three times a day. The average course duration is 2-3 weeks.

Side effects: rarely flatulence, allergic reaction.

Contraindications: gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, galactosemia, hypersensitivity to the drug.


Available in capsules; active ingredient – ​​lebenin.

The medicine is prescribed orally immediately after meals: for newborns and children under 2 years old - 1 capsule three times a day; from 2 to 12 years – 1-2 capsules 3 times a day; adults and children over 12 years old – 2 capsules three times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the causes of diarrhea.

Side effects: the medicine is well tolerated, but the development of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.


Available in capsules, powders; The active ingredient is lyophilized bacteria.

An antidiarrheal medicine that regulates the balance of intestinal microflora is prescribed to adults and children from the age of three, 1-2 capsules twice a day for 7-10 days. For children from 1 to 3 years old, the drug is prescribed 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days. It is recommended to take the medicine 1 hour before meals and drink it with a small amount of liquid. In case of difficulty swallowing or in small children, the capsule can be opened and the contents dissolved in warm water.

Side effects: sometimes manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance, presence of a central venous catheter.

Antibiotics and antimicrobials

Tablets of this group have antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, and anti-inflammatory effects. Medicines reduce the number of urges to bowel movement, slow down peristalsis, and increase the time it takes for contents to pass through the intestines.

Alpha Normix (Rifaximin)

Available in tablets, granules; active ingredient – ​​rifaximin.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections in adults and children over 12 years of age, 200 milligrams every 8 hours or 400 milligrams every 8-12 hours. The duration of therapy is no more than 7 days.

Side effects: in some cases - nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, which disappear on their own without the need to change the dose or stop treatment.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to rifaximin.


The active ingredient is tilbroquinol.

Antidiarrheal tablets for diarrhea for adults are prescribed 2 pieces in the morning and evening for 10 days.

Side effects: Rarely, skin reactions may occur (urticaria, pigmented erythema, angioedema); in case of prolonged use, peripheral neuropathy and transient disorders of the optic nerve are sometimes observed.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the main substance of the drug, with caution in case of liver failure.


Available in tablets, capsules, drops, solution. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of various origins.

For diarrhea, it is prescribed for adults - 500 milligrams up to 4 times a day. A single dose for children under three years of age is 15 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight, 3-8 years old - 150-200 milligrams, over 8 years old - 200-400 milligrams; frequency of administration – 3-4 times a day. Treatment should be continued for no more than 7-10 days.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, thrombocytopenia, headache, confusion, skin rash, urticaria.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, blood disease, children under 1 month of age, skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis), liver dysfunction.

Loperamide (Lopedium, Suprilol, Diara, Stoperan, Loflatil, Enterobene, Pyramid, Imodium)

Available in tablets, capsules; active ingredient – ​​loperamide.

For acute diarrhea, adults are prescribed the first dose - 4 milligrams, then 2 milligrams after each act of defecation in case of loose stools. For chronic diarrhea, the first dose is 2 milligrams, then the maintenance dose is selected so that the frequency of bowel movements is no more than 1-2 times a day. Children from 4 to 8 years old – 1 milligram 3-4 times a day for 3 days; 9-12 years – 2 milligrams 4 times a day for 5 days.

Side effects: bloating, abdominal pain, dry mouth, drowsiness, fatigue, skin rash.

Contraindications: constipation, intestinal obstruction, acute ulcerative colitis, children under 4 years of age, 1st trimester of pregnancy, hypersensitivity.


The active ingredient is sulfaguanidine.

A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug, taken for diarrhea and acute intestinal infections: for adults, a single dose is 1-2 grams, frequency of administration: 1st day - 6 times, 2-3rd day - 5 times, 4th day - 4 times , 5th – 3 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 5-7 days. Children under three years of age – 200 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day in 3 divided doses for 7 days; for children over 3 years old - 400-750 milligrams (depending on age) up to 4 times a day.

Side effects: development of B vitamin deficiency, crystalluria.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance.


Available in tablets and ointments; active ingredient – ​​tetracycline.

The drug has a bacteriostatic effect due to inhibition of protein synthesis of pathogens.

For diarrhea, adults should take 250-500 milligrams orally every 6 hours. Children over 8 years old - 25-50 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight every 6 hours.

Side effects: headache, skin rash, abdominal pain, neutropenia, etc.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, mycoses, liver failure, hypersensitivity to the main substance.


The active ingredient is phthalylsulfathiazole.

Take for adults 1-2 grams every 6 hours for 5-7 days. Maximum dose for adults: single 2 grams, daily – 7 grams. Children under three years of age, 0.5 grams 3 times a day, after 3 years - 0.1-0.2 milligrams (depending on age) no more than 4 times a day.

Side effects: sometimes an allergic reaction.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance.


The active substance is nitrofurantoin.

A broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug is indicated for oral use in adults, 50-100 milligrams up to 4 times a day. Daily dose for children it is 5-7 milligrams per kilogram of body weight in 3-4 doses. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days.

Side effects: cough, chest pain, headache, drowsiness, allergic rash, etc.

Contraindications: children under 1 month of age, heart failure stages 2-3, pregnancy, lactation, liver cirrhosis, renal failure.


The active ingredient is furazolidone.

For the treatment of dysentery, paratyphoid, foodborne toxic infections, adults are prescribed 100-150 milligrams after meals up to 4 times a day for 5-10 days (the duration of therapy depends on the severity and nature of the pathological process). At the same dosage, the medicine can be taken in cycles of 3-6 days (intervals - 3-4 days). The dosage for children is 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day (the daily dose must be divided into 3-4 doses).

Side effects: possible vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite; in some cases an allergic reaction may occur.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, chronic renal failure, children under 1 year of age, hypersensitivity to nitrofuran antibiotics.

Enterofuril (Stopdiar, Nifuroxazide, Ecofuril, Ersefuril)

Available in capsules, suspensions; active ingredient – ​​nifruxazide.

For diarrhea, adults and children over 7 years old take 200 milligrams no more than 4 times a day; children from 2 to 7 years old - 200 milligrams 3 times a day. For children under 2 years of age, the medicine is prescribed in suspension.

Side effects: rarely an allergic reaction.

Contraindications: premature newborns, babies up to 1 month, hypersensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives.

For children

In the treatment of diarrhea in very young children, it is better to use medicines in the form of powders. If possible, the anti-diarrhea tablet should be ground to a powder before giving to the baby.

In case of dehydration, in parallel with the main therapy, it is necessary to take rehydration products as drinks - Regidron, Gastrolit.

Treatment of diarrhea in children is recommended to begin with the use of adsorbent medications, such as activated carbon, Sorbex. For more complex forms of diarrhea caused by intestinal infections and microbes, you can use Enterol, Nifuroxazide, Loperamide, Furazolidone.

For pregnant women

For intestinal infections, Nifuroxazide is prescribed with caution. In addition, the use of sorbents is recommended: Sorbex, Ultra-Adsorb. The cheapest and safest anti-diarrhea tablets in this situation are activated carbon. A break of 1.5-2 hours is required between doses of sorbents and other drugs. If necessary, to maintain electrolyte balance in the body, it is prescribed Regidron.

Can be used in late pregnancy Imodium, Loperamide, Enterobene. Probiotics are part of the comprehensive treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women - Bifidumbacterin, Linex etc.

According to statistics, diarrhea is one of the most common diseases. More than 90% of adults encounter this problem once a year. Medicines for diarrhea in adults belong to different pharmacological groups and are used depending on the cause of the disease.

Why does diarrhea develop?

Diarrhea is a disruption of normal intestinal activity, accompanied by intense release of feces. This is a protective reaction of the body aimed at removing harmful products from the intestinal lumen. Prolonged diarrhea threatens with dehydration, loss of nutrients and leaching of beneficial microflora.

Diarrhea is just a symptom of the disease. The reason for this is the following factors:

When treating any type of diarrhea, a gentle diet and, if necessary, medications are prescribed to eliminate the cause of the disease and alleviate symptoms.


These medications for diarrhea in adults are prescribed for diarrhea of ​​viral or bacterial origin. Systemic antibiotics are used because bacteria from the intestines easily penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. The drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. It is good if a laboratory determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen is carried out.

For mild diarrhea, it is not advisable to take antibiotics, since they themselves cause digestive upset due to the destruction of beneficial intestinal microflora.


In acute diarrhea, a significant amount of fluid and electrolytes is removed from the body.

They must be replenished regardless of the prescription of other drugs for diarrhea. What medications best restore water balance? These are primarily pharmaceutical saline solutions:

  • "Regidron".
  • "Gastrolit".

They are sold in powder form, which is diluted in water. You need to drink often and in small portions.

Drugs affecting intestinal tone

What medicine for diarrhea can be harmful? Loperamide is often used to stop acute diarrhea. Meanwhile, its action is based solely on the treatment of symptoms, and not the cause of the disease. Loperamide belongs to the group of opiate drugs. By acting on intestinal receptors, the medicine relaxes smooth muscles, and peristalsis (the movement of food masses) slows down or stops altogether. Thus, diarrhea, which arose as a protective reaction of the body in order to remove harmful foods and toxins from the intestines, stops. This approach is justified in the treatment of very few diseases:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Secretory diarrhea.
  • In the treatment of intestinal cancer.

Immune stimulants

Diarrhea always develops. Treatment - medications from the group of antibacterial drugs and substances that stimulate the immune system. An excellent drug developed by domestic scientists in the late 1990s is the immunomodulator “Galavit”. Among other indications for use, it is recommended for acute intestinal infections accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and increased body temperature. "Galavit" is compatible with all medications prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea. It is available in the form of tablets, suppositories and ampoules. Take two tablets once, then 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days until the signs of the disease disappear. Usually 1-2 days are enough.

How to combine medications for poisoning and diarrhea

How to combine medications for diarrhea in adults? If there is diarrhea without fever and signs of poisoning (headache, vomiting, sweating, heart rhythm disturbance), then an approximate treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. “Smecta” - 1 sachet three times a day. It is necessary to take a break between taking the drug, food and other medications. The course of treatment is 2-4 days.
  2. "Enterol" - for 7-10 days in the morning and evening 1 hour before meals.
  3. If you are dehydrated, drink Regidron.

Medicines for diarrhea in adults with fever, vomiting, headache:

Antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs, except Enterofuril, cannot be prescribed independently, as they cause an imbalance of microflora in the intestines and can aggravate the situation. Loperamide is taken in emergency cases as an exception.

If there are signs of acute poisoning, uncontrollable vomiting, or impurities in the stool, you should immediately seek medical help. Medical intervention is also required if diarrhea lasts more than 3-4 days. Medicines for poisoning and diarrhea should be prescribed by a specialist.

Many people suffer from symptoms of diarrhea, especially when changing their diet when traveling, in stressful situations or consuming poor-quality food. For mild cases of the disease, you can carry out a course of treatment at home by taking drugs from the group of enterosorbents and intestinal antiseptics. To restore normal microflora, it is advisable to take a course of probiotics.

Everyone, even healthy people, has experienced diarrhea, or diarrhea. There are a huge number of reasons for its appearance, starting with food products that are incompatible with each other and ending with very severe infections.

In this article, we will not consider severe infections accompanied by painful diarrhea, such as cholera and others. This is a separate topic.

Watery diarrhea

Watery diarrhea occurs when the small intestine is involved in the pathological process. This may be a situation where poisoning has occurred with substandard food products or for acute intestinal infections.

Sometimes the number of pathogenic bacteria present in the intestines can be very small. It is not the bacteria themselves that are dangerous, but their metabolic products, the toxins they release.

In the cold season, watery stools sometimes occur due to a number of viruses that are active in winter. These are so-called rotavirus infections, which are very easy to catch.

Why is water diarrhea dangerous?

Diarrhea can be roughly divided into watery stools without pathological impurities, such as blood, and diarrhea streaked with blood. If blood appears in the intestinal discharge, this is a signal to seek medical help, because... The causes of this symptom can be very serious: intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoidal bleeding or a serious bacterial infection. All these conditions can threaten the patient's life. But this also needs to be discussed separately.

So, if water diarrhea occurs in an adult, treatment should be immediate. It should be noted that with watery stools there is a large loss of water, and if this process is also accompanied by vomiting, then we can talk about dehydration, and it can occur very quickly if emergency measures are not taken.

The human body normally contains about 85-90% water. More precisely, the brain, muscles and heart contain approximately 76% fluid, blood - 84%, and only the human skeleton consists of 15-20% water. From this you can understand how important water is for humans. Every cell of our body consists of water, and if there is a lack of fluid, all systems and organs will suffer. In addition, with diarrhea, a huge amount of minerals, so necessary for the body.

For a young child, a loss of 10% of body weight due to watery diarrhea results in fatal outcome. If a child weighs 5 kg, then a loss of 500 ml of fluid will be fatal for him. Adults lose 10% of their body weight per short term more problematic, because their weight is much greater, so they have time to make a decision. Dehydration (dehydration) is most dangerous for children and the elderly. Diarrhea in an adult - what to do? Of course, treat.

Diarrhea is not a diagnosis, but a symptom. To select the correct treatment tactics, it is necessary to establish the real reason loose stool. Even if an adult has loose stools 2-3 times a day, which does not pose a threat to his life, over time (if this lasts for several days), the body will be severely depleted and the water-salt balance will be disrupted. Recovery will take much longer than the duration of the illness. If an adult has water diarrhea, treatment is necessary, especially if an elderly person suffers from this symptom.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea is a kind of defensive reaction to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. In this way the body itself protects itself from harmful effects pathogenic microflora and carries out its detoxification. But if this condition does not go away within a few hours, help is needed. Especially if there is a temperature and in this case it is necessary. Hyperthermia (increased temperature) may indicate general intoxication of the body. This condition requires an appropriate attitude. You can't leave everything to chance. Some people believe that diarrhea is not really a disease. Diarrhea still needs to be treated if it lasts more than one day. This way you can save your body from serious consequences.

If the patient complains of diarrhea, abdominal pain, treatment is also necessary. Pain is a serious symptom that may indicate a serious illness such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, gallstones or appendicitis. If you experience pain with diarrhea, you should see a doctor. In some of these situations, surgical treatment is necessary.

There are other causes of diarrhea:

  • dyspeptic - this is the most common cause of diarrhea; it can occur due to insufficient secretion of the stomach, improper functioning of the glands and, as a result, improper digestion of ingested food;
  • infectious - can be caused by dysentery bacillus, various intestinal viruses, amoebas and food toxins;
  • nutritional is an allergic reaction to food;
  • toxic - poisoning with poisons and toxic substances, such as arsenic or mercury;
  • medicinal - caused side effects medications, for example, some antibiotics in the intestines kill not only pathogenic flora, but also beneficial ones, thereby causing diarrhea;
  • neurogenic - can be caused by strong emotions or fear; such diarrhea is also called “bear disease”.

Patients experience diarrhea differently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, loose stools 2-3 times a day cause weakness and poor health in some people, while in others diarrhea 5-6 times a day does not cause negative consequences.

If diarrhea lasts a short time, it usually does not cause negative consequences and passes without much harm to health. If diarrhea continues for a long time and is accompanied by bloating, rumbling, false urge to defecate (tenesmus), nausea, vomiting, heartburn and causes severe weakness (depletion of the body), then this condition requires emergency medical care. Often patients with such symptoms are hospitalized.

For any type of diarrhea, it is necessary to drink enough fluid. Compliance with the drinking regime can protect against negative consequences and keep the patient’s body in good shape.

Drink better mineral water without containing gas, it will help maintain the water-salt balance. If prolonged water diarrhea occurs in an adult, treatment is necessary. If home treatment does not help, and diarrhea does not go away within a few days, this is a serious reason to seek help from a medical facility. If severe diarrhea develops, a doctor will determine the cause and treatment.

Diet for diarrhea

Gentle, regardless of the reasons that caused it, is necessary. Until the condition improves and the symptoms of intoxication disappear, you need to follow a diet.

The following products are allowed:

  • porridge with water;
  • jelly;
  • lean boiled or steamed meat;
  • steam cutlets;
  • boiled or steamed fish.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty foods;
  • fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • spicy dishes;
  • pickled products;
  • any canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee;
  • tea is too strong;
  • any alcohol.

After the diarrhea disappears and the diet improves, you need to stick to it for a few more days, at least for a week. By gradually adding other previously prohibited foods to the diet, the weakened body is prepared for the usual diet. You cannot immediately return to your usual diet. A sudden return of the wrong dish to the menu can upset the fragile and unstable balance after illness.

Diarrhea: causes and treatment

Treatment of diarrhea directly depends on the cause that caused it. What medications for diarrhea are most effective? We'll talk about this in this section.

First of all, any diarrhea should not be treated with antibiotics. This is done only in severe cases, for example, if the cause of the pathological process really poses a serious danger. This applies to diseases such as salmonellosis or cholera. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized, and further treatment will be carried out under the strict supervision of doctors. If water diarrhea is observed in an adult, treatment should be aimed at preventing dehydration and restoring water-salt balance. For these purposes, solutions such as “Regidron” or “Oralit” are suitable; you can also drink mineral water without gas.

Solutions are taken after each stool, half a glass. In addition, you should drink at least 4 glasses of one of these medications within 12 hours.

Medicines for diarrhea

Medicines for diarrhea are not a panacea at all. A range of interventions should be considered when treating diarrhea. The most important of which, as already mentioned, is the fight against Consider medicines for diarrhea in adults, which are used most often.

All of them are divided into several pharmacological groups:

  • sulfonamide drugs ("Fthalazol");
  • antibiotics (Levomycetin, Tetracycline tablets);
  • nitrofurans (drug "Furazolidone");
  • antimicrobial drugs ("Enterofuril", "Sulgin");
  • antifungal (Intetrix) - used for;
  • enterosorbents (activated carbon);
  • antiviral drugs.

Let's look at the most famous ones among adults. In what case is it advisable to take this or that drug?

Activated charcoal for diarrhea

What to give for diarrhea to an adult? Enterosorbents are a group of drugs that have an adsorbing and enveloping effect. Treatment should begin with activated carbon. Sometimes this is enough. These tablets for diarrhea in adults (and children) are not absorbed in the intestines.

Activated carbon is taken at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of patient weight. So, if the patient weighs 60 kg, then, accordingly, he should take 6 tablets and drink plenty of water.

Activated carbon absorbs all harmful toxins, bacteria and viruses, and also binds water and covers the intestinal wall with a protective layer. After this it is displayed naturally. It should be noted that after taking tablets of this drug, the stool will be black. There is no need to be afraid of this. If diarrhea occurs due to poor-quality products, then activated carbon in most cases is sufficient for treatment.

The drug "Fthalazol" for diarrhea

This group is most appropriate to take for infectious types of diarrhea (dysentery, enterocolitis and colitis of an infectious nature). Taking the medicine "Fthalazol" for allergic types of diarrhea and ordinary indigestion will be ineffective. Its effect is noticeable only on day 2-3, when the growth of pathogenic microflora under the influence of the drug is stopped.

Imodium for diarrhea

The drug "Imodium" (its other name is "Suprelol", "Lopedium" and "Loperamide") begins to act within the first 40-60 minutes. This drug is effective for diarrhea caused by poor-quality foods, as well as irritable bowel syndrome and initial stages infectious diarrhea. It helps well with frequent vomiting. This drug is convenient to take with you on the road. Diarrhea is a common companion for travelers.

Treatment with Loperamide and Simethicone

This is a new generation drug, it is a combined remedy for diarrhea “Imodium Plus” and includes the so-called antifoam agent - simethicone. This substance eliminates bloating and adsorbs unnecessary intestinal gases. Thanks to it, spastic pain and the feeling of intestinal distension disappear. These are chewable tablets for diarrhea in adults. It is not recommended to give them to children under 12 years of age.

Natural Remedies for Diarrhea

This includes drugs such as Smecta and Kaopectate. These drugs are used for rotavirus infections. It should be noted that the drug "Kaopectate" is contraindicated in childhood.

These drugs belong to the group of enterosorbents; they gradually reduce the frequency of trips to the toilet, and also relieve bloating and rumbling in the abdomen.

Tablets "Linex" for diarrhea

This product contains beneficial microflora and has a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. It includes 3 types of positive microflora:

  • lactobacilli - have a positive effect on the functioning of the small intestine;
  • enterococci - have a similar effect and help the small intestine function properly;
  • bifidobacteria - actively work in the large intestine.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat such ailments as diarrhea. Folk remedies for treating diarrhea have been proven for centuries.

  1. A decoction of pomegranate peels is considered an effective remedy for intestinal disorders. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a well-washed peel of one fruit and pour it into a glass. cold water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Take this remedy every two hours, 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Alternative treatment for diarrhea involves the use rice water. Taking this remedy every 20-30 minutes for 3-4 hours will relieve bloating and stop diarrhea.
  3. Wormwood will help cope with diarrhea. But you need to be careful with this product: do not exceed the dosage and do not use it for too long. To prepare the medicine, add 1 teaspoon of dry herb to one glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the medicine 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  4. A very strong folk remedy for diarrhea using an alcohol infusion of partitions walnuts has been known for a long time. It must be taken without exceeding the permissible dose (5-6 drops), otherwise it may provoke a reverse reaction - constipation. As soon as the number of trips to the toilet decreases, you need to reduce the dosage to 2-3 drops. It is clear that alcohol tinctures can only be used internally for treatment by adults. To prepare the drug, take 1 tbsp. spoon of ground partitions walnut and pour one glass of vodka. Leave in darkness for 5-7 days. This product is prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to always have this medicine on hand for those who are prone to frequent intestinal disorders.


For an illness such as diarrhea, folk remedies treatments can be very effective. Whatever the nature of the origin of diarrhea, this fact must be taken seriously. If you cannot cope with an intestinal disorder on your own, and pain or fever also occurs, in this case you need to seek medical help. This is especially true for elderly citizens, because... They become dehydrated much earlier than young people in full bloom.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant symptom indicating problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of the problem varies from simple indigestion to a serious infection.

In addition to watery stools, the patient may also be bothered by other symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, increased body temperature. A sick person is faced with a whole host of unpleasant factors - frequent urge to go to the toilet, “revolutions” in the abdomen, accumulation of gases, pain in the epigastric area.

A few words about diarrhea

Long-term diarrhea is not as safe as many patients believe. The loss of fluid and microelements important for the body is fraught with a violation of the water-electrolyte balance. In medical practice, even today, there are cases where diarrhea causes serious dehydration, leading to the death of the patient.

When to see a doctor (call an ambulance):

  • loose stools in a child under one year of age more than three times a day, in older children - up to five times a day;
  • diarrhea, which is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting, chills, dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • Abnormal bowel movements in a pregnant woman can signal various diseases, including those threatening the life of the child, so the woman needs to receive medical assistance as quickly as possible.

In addition, diarrhea in weakened people (for example, those with impaired immune function, cancer or old age) can lead to an extremely serious condition in a matter of days.

Therapeutic measures taken for loose stools must be comprehensive, especially if we are talking about severe pathology (for example, salmonellosis or gastroenteritis). For such diagnoses, treatment should be carried out in an infectious diseases hospital, where round-the-clock monitoring by medical personnel is provided.

When treating watery stools, volumetric therapy is used, which includes intestinal lavage, rehydration, and treatment of the underlying cause of the disease.

However, not every diarrhea requires hospital monitoring; sometimes it is enough to use anti-diarrhea tablets in adults (inexpensive ones are very effective in many cases, so doctors recommend them). You can often stop loose stools at home with the help of properly selected medications, as well as drinking plenty of fluids. Pharmacies provide a huge range of products and it is sometimes very difficult for a patient to choose an effective drug that is affordable.
So, which pills are the best for diarrhea (from cheap to expensive)?

Enterosorbents are effective drugs for diarrhea

Enterosorbents are chemicals, the purpose of which is to bind (by adsorption or absorption) and remove pathogenic microorganisms from the body, as well as their metabolic products that are poisonous and toxic to humans. Despite the fact that the drugs are sold freely, they can only be used after a face-to-face consultation with a doctor!

List of tablets for stomach and diarrhea:

1) Smecta. Release form: powder from which the suspension is prepared. for oral administration. Smecta is of natural origin. It is used for loose stools, heartburn, bloating, and intestinal colic.

Dosage for adults – 6 sachets per day – 3 days, then 3 sachets per day – 4 days.

Dosage for children: 4 sachets per day – 3 days, then 2 sachets per day – 4 days.

2) Polysorb. The drug has a high sorption concentration and is available in powder for preparing a suspension.

Dosage for adults – Two tbsp. Dilute spoons of powder in 150 ml of water, take 5 times a day, continue treatment for 3-5 days.

Dosage for children: Dilute one teaspoon in 70 ml of water, take four times a day. Duration of treatment is up to a week.

3) Activated carbon. The main active ingredient is coal of plant or animal origin. The drug is presented in black tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g. Ten units per package.

Dosage for adults – 3 tablets eight times a day, chewing in the mouth is allowed.

Dosage for children: One tablet (you can drink it or dilute it with water) three times a day.

4) Enterosgel. The drug has an enterosorbing, antidiarrheal, enveloping and detoxifying effect.

Dosage for adults – One tbsp. lie three times a day (take therapy for up to a week).

Dosage for children – One teaspoon three times a day – therapeutic duration is five days.

5) Polyphepan. These are effective plant-based anti-diarrhea tablets that are derived from hydrolyzed lignin. The drug is available in tablets and powder (it must be diluted in half a glass of water).

Dosage for adults – Powder – per table. spoon 4 times a day. If treatment is carried out with tablets, then you need to drink 12-16 units per day.

Dosage for children – Powder – one dessert spoon 3-4 times a day, tablets – 9-10 units per 24 hours.

6) Entegnin. The medicine is of plant origin, so its use does not cause dysbacteriosis.

Dosage for adults – Daily dose – 15 tablets (duration of taking the drug is 3-7 days).

Dosage for children: Take 10 tablets per day and continue treatment for up to a week.

Antibiotics for diarrhea from intestinal infection

The best tablets for infectious diarrhea are antibiotics. The agents have a bacteriostatic effect by interfering with the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the pathology and in many cases is 5-7 days.

List– Antibacterial tablets for diarrhea (inexpensive and effective).

1) Levomycetin. Used against microorganisms sensitive to chloramphenicol.

Dosage for adults: 1-2 tablets three times a day.

Dosage for children: 0.5 tablets three times a day.

2) Tetracycline. The antibiotic is characterized by a wide spectrum of action, affecting staphylococcal, streptococcal, gonococcal infections, etc.
Dosage for adults – 1 t. three times a day.
Dosage for children – 0.5 t. twice a day.

3) Phthalazol. The drug is prescribed for colitis, dysentery and gastroenteritis.

Dosage for adults: 2-4 tablets every 6 hours.

Dosage for children – 0.5 tablet. 4 times a day.

4) Amoxicillin. A broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins.

Dosage for adults – 1-2 tablets. three times a day.

Dosage for children – One tablet three times a day

5) Enterofuril. Prescribed for all types of diarrhea (acute, chronic, iatrogenic stool disorder).

Dosage for adults – One capsule four times a day.

Dosage for children - For children under 7 years of age, the drug is recommended in syrup. Thus, the dosage is one measuring spoon three times a day.

Loperamide for non-infectious diarrhea - fast action

Loperamide tablets for diarrhea

Loperamide binds to intestinal receptors, causing changes in cholinergic synapses and adrenergic receptors, and also inhibits the release of prostaglandins and acetylcholines. This helps regulate the motor function of intestinal smooth muscle tissue, slow down peristalsis and increase the tone of the anal sphincter. The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the urge to have a bowel movement, as well as keeping feces from involuntary passage.

List. Loperamide and its derivatives for intestinal infections (quick-acting tablets for diarrhea).

1) Diara. The medication is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of acute and often recurrent diarrhea (non-infectious), as well as as an additional treatment for intestinal diseases caused by pathogenic microflora. The drug is presented in tablets that need to be chewed.

Dosage for adults – 1-2 tablets. after each need to “go to the toilet”, the maximum daily number of medicinal units is 8 pieces.

Dosage for children - The drug is prescribed after 6 years - 1 tablet after each act of defecation, medication units per day should not exceed 6 pieces.

2) Loperamide. The drug in tablets or capsules is not recommended for use in children under six years of age. For diarrhea, Loperamide drops can be used after a year.

Dosage for adults – Two tablets or capsules 2-3 times a day.

Dosage for children – From 6 to 14 years – 1 tablet. or caps. 2-3 r. per day. After a year, give 30 drops four times a day. per day.

3) Lopedium. Today Lopedium is available in two dosage forms - capsules and 2 mg tablets.

Dosage for adults – Two capsules or tablets 3 r. per day.

Dosage for children – Children over six years old – 1 capsule. or tab. 3 times a day.

4) Imodium. Capsules are dark gray in color with a green cap and contain powder white. The blister contains 6 or 20 capsules.

Dosage for adults: Two capsules three times a day.

Dosage for children: After six years of age – 1 capsule. eight times a day.

5) Vero-loperamide. Dosage form – caps., tablets for resorption and oral administration, drops.

Dosage for adults - On the first day - 2 solid units every eight hours, then you need to go to 1 unit.

Dosage for children - Up to 5 years 30 drops. three times a day.

  • During treatment, it is important to take care of the intestinal microflora, especially if antibacterial drugs are included in the therapeutic course.

In addition, beneficial bacteria are “washed out” along with loose stool, so the risk of dysbiosis is very high. The most effective drugs for restoring microflora are Baktisubtil, Linex, Bifiform, Acipol.

The patient needs to be aware that ordinary loose stools can cause significant damage to health. Incorrectly selected therapy often leads to complications in the digestive organs, such as the stomach, pancreas and intestines. It is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner so as not to face serious consequences.


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