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Among professional and not so ufologists, every now and then the assumption pops up that in fact flying saucers are not ships of aliens, but of the very real earthlings, but only living in the future. They say they arrive behind the scenes, study history, observe furtively and do not interfere in our lives, so as not to create terrible paradoxes that could change the future not for the better. Since such a hypothesis periodically floats to the surface of the stormy sea of ​​information about the unknown, it is time, as they say, to do a serious analysis.

Yes, there will be a serious investigation, because the FBI usually doesn’t joke. Agents of this particular organization arrested a certain man named Andrew Carlssin in 2002. Why were you arrested? For the fact that he came to the stock exchange with eight hundred dollars in his pocket, and for short term earned 350 million.

Representatives of the Securities Market Commission (SEC) decided that Mr. Carlsin had used insider information. Simply put, data obtained through commercial espionage. One hundred and twenty-six very risky trades - and all were successful. The theory of probability nervously lit a cigarette on the sidelines.

They brought the above-mentioned gentleman to the state house, and there the investigators began to pester him with questions, they say, tell us, dear man, how did you know that all those one hundred and twenty-six transactions were doomed to success, if only the most desperate could hope for it? psycho?

No, says Mr. Andrew Carlsin, I'm not crazy. And I know everything because I came from the future. From the year 2256. Wow!

No, you’re definitely crazy, the investigator answered him. Sit a little and think. Maybe you will still give us your friends who are engaged in espionage.

In 2003, the tabloid Weekly World News learned about this story. And I published the article in mid-March. But by that time, the trace of Mr. Karlsin had already, as they say, hopelessly gone cold.

This is how it happens: someone made transactions, which means there was such a person. But he disappeared. Then they began to look for more detailed information about him. Well, all sorts of medical insurance, driver’s license, what school you went to, and the like. We didn't find anything at all. One got the impression that before December 2002, no Karlsin existed at all.

A serious sensation was brewing. News about a mysterious guest from the mid-twenty-third century appeared on the Yahoo! portal. From there, naturally, I started surfing the Internet.

What are you saying? Does this sound like a newspaper story created by the tabloid Weekly World News? It would be similar if those in power, through the mouths of their servants, did not so zealously begin to deny everything outright.

Did Mr. Carlsin really come from the future? Hardly. Once a person has mastered the rules of the game on the stock exchange, he would also probably become familiar with the local legislation. And I wouldn’t give myself away with rash actions.

But if this is a fable invented by journalists, then why did it need to be so vehemently refuted? Now this is a really interesting question. However, let's not rush.

Six years have passed. In 2008, passions began around. The world has gone crazy, discussing whether it will be possible to concoct a man-made black hole and whether the entire planet will fall into it. Supporters of the theory of visitors from the future rejoiced. Like, now we will definitely know the truth. How will we know? These same visitors will arrive on their plates and will not allow the Earth to be destroyed.

However, aliens could also fly in to prevent the unreasonable natives from ruining what was still quite good (even taking into account the damaged ecology) celestial body. But, as you know, no one showed up.

Soon, intensive promotion began on December 21, 2012, last date from the Mayan calendar, and everyone forgot about the theory of spies from future centuries. Indeed, why remember if, at the end of this calendar, terrible disasters will occur, and only some new indigo race, more advanced and enlightened, will survive. What do they care about those who are doomed to disappear in the future?

To understand who is flying to us, we need, paradoxically, to turn to the past. Even despite the silence of official science, few people doubt that once upon a time representatives of a powerful civilization lived on Earth.

They built pyramids, including the famous Egyptian triple, with their location and size proportionally repeating, respectively, the location and luminosity of the three stars in Orion’s belt. That is, they even left us a very clear hint about where their homeland is located.

So what does the future have to do with it if there is evidence of the alien origin of the aliens? Even the ancient Chinese emperors declared themselves the Sons of Heaven, the descendants of people who overcame empty dark space on “fire-breathing dragons” and came to Earth in time immemorial.

In fact, they probably left around the second century BC, when the “city of the gods” Babylon began to decline, and the knowledge transmitted to humanity was concentrated in the Library of Alexandria. They probably went home to the constellation Orion, having lost interest in the planet where the unreasonable natives cannot live without wars. But they are still watching over us.

An era is not just numbers on a calendar. This is, first of all, a stage of development. If the Orion civilization has already made so many achievements that it will take many centuries for earthlings to reach such a level (if they do not waste energy on wars), then yes, the aliens live in the future - in relation to our backwardness.

And, looking at their ships, flying saucers, in photos or videos by random witnesses, we see the equipment that we could have had long ago if we had not sorted things out with the help of weapons, did not burn each other at the stake and slowed down their own science. If we ever manage to build such aircraft, then such machines are our future. If we can’t overcome it... Well, then, alas, it’s not ours.

Imagine time as a wide, deep river carrying two rafts. One is in front, strong and reliable. The second one is worse, and he is pretty behind. If those sailing on the first raft get into a boat and go to the lagging one to see how things are going there and whether help is needed, then in existential terms this will happen in real time for all the listed objects. Accordingly, no violations of cause-and-effect relationships will occur.

Now let's convert the allegory into other categories. The leading raft is the Orion star system. Plus a colony in the Sirius system. Boats are starships that move through hyperspace portals. They periodically fly to Earth, which is lagging behind in development. They are looking to see if it is necessary to intervene to prevent nuclear war and other outrages.

This, by the way, explains why medical examinations of the abducted are carried out not only by the grays from the Zeta Network (we are just genetic material for them), but also by people from the constellation Orion, the gods of ancient eras, our relatives. They check whether we are goners because of our ecology (or rather, lack thereof).

In order not to travel dozens of light years each time (opening portals requires a lot of energy), the aliens founded. Actually, they had a colony on Mars (they also built pyramids and sphinxes there), but this is too far away for constant observation.

Moon bases are deep below the surface. Terrestrial astronomers have repeatedly observed the movements of giant ones, darting over craters and hiding somewhere under the ground.

Not everything is simple with Luna. Fake photographs began to circulate on the Internet depicting pyramids, very similar to Egyptian ones, flaunting in the middle of craters. And even an American astronaut against the background of the foundation of a certain building.

Well, think for yourself, why build pyramids on a planet without an atmosphere? Especially if things are already overwhelming, we need to dig up the Moon and create comfortable cities, with electricity and running water.

The pyramids were not originally tombs; the ancient Egyptians simply mistook them for such. Pyramids are fortresses. Bastions. Or, if you prefer, bunkers. In case another group of aliens attacks (the same “grays” from the Zeta Network) or they quarrel with each other, as in Sumerian legends.

By the way, Enki took refuge in the pyramid. Such a massive structure will protect from both laser fire and bombs.

And from whom to hide on the Moon? Unless from the excessive attention of earthlings, who can, out of fright, launch a missile with a nuclear warhead and cause a serious earthquake. I mean, a moonquake.

But let's get back to time travel. The river flows only forward, it is impossible to reverse it. But at the same moment there exists both the raft that is behind and the one that is ahead. Therefore, moving from one era to another is a movement in space, and not an actual return to the past.

However, if you really want to see the actual past, then you can do it in clear weather. Light from the Moon reaches the Earth in one and a half seconds, from the Sun - eight minutes, and from the stars - many years. You see the heavenly bodies as they were some time ago - in the past.

You can also get into the future, and very easily: get on a plane and go from west to east, where a new day has already arrived. And if you do it on December 31, then it’s another year. And whoever does not fly with you will remain in the past year.

The reverse process is a flight from east to west. You will find yourself in the formal past, in the previous day. But such movements will not cause any cause-and-effect paradoxes.

What about Mr. Andrew Karlsin, you ask. Did the observation bases really begin to have financial difficulties, and they sent a messenger to the stock exchange so that he could earn a couple of hundred to feed the sublunary inhabitants.

Rather, it was an attempt to quickly influence the earth's economy. Probably far from the only one in our history. It’s just that this time the secret became clear, Mr. Karlsin acted not too carefully, in a hurry.

The American authorities, of course, hastened to hand over their unlucky emissary to the aliens in order to quickly hush up the matter. And fiery denials were spread across the Internet. As part of a policy to hide the truth from the planet's population. There is no more convenient way to hide something, bringing information about it to the point of absurdity.

Well, so that no one sane would believe in lunar bases, emphatically implausible photographs of huge pyramids in craters were concocted. Like, look how fantastic all this is, you can’t take it seriously.

What is this, you exclaim, are there really alien agents among us? And we cannot distinguish them from ordinary people, because they are the same as us (after all, the ancient gods married earthly women). It's actually not that hard to tell the difference. But this, no matter how trivial it may sound, is another story...

An ordinary photo from the Bralorne Pioneer Museum in the Canadian province of British Columbia blew up the Internet. By early May, the number of links to it approached one and a half million. And this is just a month after the photo was discovered by inquisitive citizens.

The original photograph, which has become almost the most replicated in the world, is posted on the museum’s website as an exhibit of the virtual exhibition Their Past Lives Here. What is shown? The event supposedly took place in 1941 - the opening of the provincial bridge (South Fork Bridge), which was built to replace the one that was washed away by the flood. Among the others gathered there is a young man. In fact, it attracted the attention of the Internet community. With its unusual appearance. It, the community, not all, of course, but the majority, decided that this guy was clearly not from the time in which those around him were. And from the future. And his haircut, a T-shirt with a printed logo, a fashionable sweater, a portable camera and sunglasses of the 21st century model give him away. Like, there was definitely no such outfit in Canada 70 years ago.
The picture was examined by experts. Subjected to computer analysis, which, by comparing the background and the suspicious object, reveals whether Photoshop was used. No traces of “imprinting” were found. That is, the “foreign body” is genuine. And this very young man was indeed among the crowd at the time of filming. Which, according to enthusiasts, indicates only one thing: time travel is possible. And this is inspiring.
While some were speculating about what time machine the guest arrived in, from what year and, most importantly, why, others expressed doubt. Incredulous skeptics began to consider young man through a magnifying glass, still trying to find signs of correspondence to 1940. Camera? The Kodak company, for example, was already producing quite portable models at that time - folding ones, in which the lens extended like an accordion. It looks like the “traveler” has something similar in his hands. But what exactly is impossible to see.
The sweater could have been knitted by a mother or grandmother. At that time, many people knitted. It is again difficult to evaluate the cut - how modern it really is. The entire silhouette is not visible.
Sunglasses... Of course, men hardly wore them 70 years ago. And if they did wear it, it wasn’t like that. Look at the rest of the crowd - not a single person wearing sunglasses anymore.
But the model itself... The “suspect” has glasses with leather pads on the arms - with triangular elements that cover his eyes from the wind and side rays. Experts assure that climbers already had similar structures in the late 30s of the last century. By the way, they are climbers and respected knitted sweaters.
An insurmountable difficulty was caused by the T-shirt - clearly cotton and with a printed emblem. No analogues were found at that time. There were only sweaters, again knitted and with emblems sewn on.
Bottom line: Of those who saw the mysterious photo and responded on forums, approximately 60 percent believe that the guy is from the future. About 20 percent do not see anything supernatural in it. Although they admit that the suspect looks like an eccentric. The rest don't know what to believe.
The guy in dark glasses aroused the suspicion of millions of Internet users. Skeptics point out that his camera could be quite ancient.

I AM FROM 2256

In December 2002, FBI agents arrested a 44-year-old man in New York on suspicion of fraud. Allegedly, when playing on the stock exchange, he used insider information. That is, having entered into a criminal conspiracy with managers of companies trading shares, he received commercial information from them. Thanks to which he had great financial success.
Having an “initial capital” of only $800, the suspect earned as much as $350 million in two weeks. Made 126 transactions - very risky, but in the end they turned out to be incredibly profitable. This aroused the suspicion of the US Securities Market Commission (SEC).
The arrested man identified himself as Andrew Carlssin. He denied the conspiracy charges. And he said that he worked alone. And I received information from... the future. From where, in fact, he came to us in a time machine. Started from 2256.
This is the brief story of the “millionaire from the future,” which first appeared in mid-March 2003. The tabloid Weekly World News (WWN) wrote about him. And he even quoted the words of one of the researchers. He said that, of course, he did not believe the fables about the time machine. But his attempts to find references to a man named Andrew Karlsin were unsuccessful. Like, there is no information that it existed before December 2002...
The story then appeared on the Yahoo news portal. And I went for a walk through thousands of sites and blogs without mentioning the original source. Numerous forums were full of responses. Including from Wall Street brokers. Their essence was that, even with insider information, it is impossible to earn so much. This means that Karlsin is not lying that he came from the future.
Most likely, WWN simply made up this whole story. In fact, the publication is famous for such jokes. But those who believed in the reality of Andrew Carlsin did not know about it. And they considered news sites to be the primary source.
The story, by the way, continues. But WWN no ​​longer has anything to do with it. Someone else says that the arrestee was given a bail of a million dollars. He left prison and, naturally, disappeared. And now, you won’t believe it, he’s hiding in Canada - in the very province where the “guy from the future” was photographed.
And here's another strange thing: there is no trace of Andrew Carlsin on the Weekly World News website. It's not on Yahoo News. All details remained only in copies. And this gives rise to a terrible suspicion: what if the tabloid wasn’t lying? This happened to him...
To add credibility, newspapers even printed portraits of the “millionaire from the future.”


The name John Titor has been known since November 2, 2000. Then he first appeared on the Time Travel Institute, a forum for time travel enthusiasts and theorists. Logged in under the nickname TimeTravel_0. And he wrote until March 2001. Then he disappeared.
John reported that in 2000 he was passing through. Stopped to see relatives on the way “home” - to 2036.

John Titor sometimes accompanied his Internet access with photographs. Here is his time machine (military style)...
Titor identified himself as an American soldier participating in a military time travel project. He said that he was sent to 1975 for an IBM 5100 computer. They say that it was needed in the future to decipher computer codes, since it supported the APL and BASIC programming languages.
Titor's time machine is military-grade. It was first installed on a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette, then on a 1987 Jeep.
“American Soldier” sprinkled physical terms related to time travel in his posts and answered questions. And he reported on what significant things had happened in the future he had already lived.
He “remembered” that in 2004 the US began civil war. And the world ended nuclear war. In 2015, Russia launched the attack and defeated everyone, including the European Union and China. Then peace came. And instead of the USA, AFI appeared - the American Federal Empire.
It seems that John has completely lost his mind. But those who believed in its “foreign” origin justified even such a mess. Like, there can be many time lines. In the one connected with John, events developed exactly as he said. We just took a different line.
And the traveler's information about the IBM 5100 turned out to be accurate. Experts say that the details about this car that Titor reported in 2000 became known only in 2007. This strengthens the position of the “soldier”. What ruins it is that he recklessly said that in 2036 cameras would not be digital, but film.
Nevertheless, thousands of Internet users believed Titor when they corresponded with him. Many people still believe. And what? There really are a lot of people who want time travel to become a reality.

The story about the mysterious Andrew Carlssin is leading both the global Internet and its Russian segment. And no wonder - the details are breathtaking. FBI agents reportedly arrested Andrew, a 44-year-old man, in New York. And they accused him of fraud on the stock exchange. Like, he used so-called insider information. That is, he entered into a criminal conspiracy with managers of companies trading shares, receiving commercial information from them, thanks to which he had major financial success. Allegedly, owning only 800 dollars, Carlsin earned as much as 350 million in two weeks. At the same time, he made 126 transactions - very risky, but in the end they turned out to be incredibly profitable. Moreover, profits, as a rule, came as a result of unexpected events in the business world - those that were impossible to predict.


The amazing luck that accompanied Andrew aroused the suspicion of the US Securities Commission (SEC). The man was arrested and demanded to hand over his accomplices.

However, he denied charges of criminal conspiracy. And he said that he worked alone. And I received information from... the future. From there he, in fact, came to us in a time machine. Specifically from the year 2256. “We all know that your era was characterized by extreme instability of the stock market,” said Karlsin. - Archival data is also available, with which it is easy to make a fortune. And it was very difficult to resist such temptation. According to Andrew, he planned to work carefully, losing periodically so that the investment did not look suspicious. But he couldn’t control his thirst for profit and got caught. In prison, Karlsin offered the investigation a deal. He promised to give up the place where bin Laden was hiding in exchange for freedom. And explain how to make a cure for AIDS. But he flatly refused to indicate the place where his time machine was hidden.
“Karlsin is lying and will be in prison until he tells the truth,” investigators said.


Row Russian newspapers They told about the “time traveler” for some reason not on April 1, but a little earlier. The story was immediately picked up by Internet news portals. And the impression was created

As if it had just happened. Moreover, it has nothing to do with jokes. A small investigation showed that Carlsin first “appeared in our time” in mid-March 2003. The tabloid Weekly World News (WWN) wrote about him. Moreover, it sharpened the suspicion that the “player” could really come from the future. Quoted the words of one of the investigators. He said that, of course, he did not believe the fables about the time machine. But his attempts to find references to a man named Andrew Karlsin were unsuccessful. Like, there is no information that it existed before December 2002...


The story's high point came after it was posted by the Yahoo news portal. It was from there that she went for a walk around the world - on thousands of sites, on blogs. No mention of the original source. And became a legend on a global scale Numerous forums

They were full of responses. Including from Wall Street brokers. Their essence: even if you have insider information, it is impossible to earn that much. This means that Karlsin is not lying that he came from the future. That is, millions of people believed that such a person existed and was actually arrested. However, there is a suspicion - on the verge of one hundred percent certainty - that WWN simply made up this whole story. In fact, he is famous for such jokes. And he doesn't have to wait until April 1 to play a prank on his readers. The tabloid has April 1 all year round. But those who believed in the reality of the “millionaire from the future” did not know about it. If only because they considered news sites to be the primary source.


The story didn't end in 2003. Made a second trip around the world in 2006. Already with new details, the roots of which were lost in the wilds of the Internet. But WWN definitely no longer had anything to do with them. It was said that someone posted a million bail for Andrew.
dollars. He left prison and, naturally, disappeared. Rumor has it that he is hiding somewhere in Canada. And via email he shares some information from the future. For example, he claims that enormous oil reserves are hidden in the Canadian province of Alberta. And here it is supposedly possible to produce 300 billion barrels a day. Although with difficulty, since the oil is heavy, deep deposits of sand are saturated with it. Then, in 2006, he promised to appear to the world in 2007. But he didn't show up. Now history seems to have gone into a third circle. But with one suspicious oddity. There is no trace of Andrew Carlsin on the Weekly World News website. It's not on Yahoo News. All details remained only in copies. And this gives rise to a terrible suspicion: what if the tabloid wasn’t lying? This happened to him...


The story of the mysterious Andrew Carlssin is a leader both in the global Internet and in its Russian segment. And no wonder - the details are breathtaking.

FBI agents reportedly arrested Andrew, a 44-year-old man, in New York. And they accused him of fraud on the stock exchange. Like, he used so-called insider information. That is, he entered into a criminal conspiracy with managers of companies trading shares, receiving commercial information from them, thanks to which he had major financial success.

Allegedly, owning only 800 dollars, Carlsin earned as much as 350 million in two weeks. At the same time, he made 126 transactions - very risky, but in the end they turned out to be incredibly profitable. Moreover, profits, as a rule, came as a result of unexpected events in the business world - those that were impossible to predict.


The amazing luck that accompanied Andrew aroused the suspicion of the US Securities Commission (SEC). The man was arrested and demanded to hand over his accomplices. However, he denied charges of criminal conspiracy. And he said that he worked alone. And I received information from... the future. From there he, in fact, came to us in a time machine. Specifically - from 2256.

“We all know that your era was characterized by extreme instability of the stock market,” said Karlsin. - Archival data is also available, with which it is easy to make a fortune. And it was very difficult to resist such temptation.

According to Andrew, he planned to work carefully, losing periodically so that the investment did not look suspicious. But he couldn’t control his thirst for profit and got caught.

In prison, Karlsin offered the investigation a deal. He promised to give up the place where bin Laden is hiding in exchange for freedom. And explain how to make a cure for AIDS. But he flatly refused to indicate the place where his time machine was hidden.

Karlsin is lying and will sit in prison until he tells the truth, investigators said.


A number of Russian newspapers reported about the “time traveler” for some reason not on April 1, but a little earlier. The story was immediately picked up by Internet news portals. And it seemed as if it had just happened. Moreover, it has nothing to do with jokes.

A small investigation showed that Carlsin first “appeared in our time” in mid-March 2003. The tabloid Weekly World News (WWN) wrote about him. Moreover, it sharpened the suspicion that the “player” could really come from the future. Quoted the words of one of the investigators. He said that, of course, he did not believe the fables about the time machine. But his attempts to find references to a man named Andrew Karlsin were unsuccessful. Like, there is no information that it existed before December 2002...


The story's high point came after it was posted by the news portal Yahoo. It was from there that she went for a walk around the world - on thousands of sites, on blogs. No mention of the original source. And she became a legend on a global scale. Numerous forums were full of responses. Including from Wall Street brokers. Their essence: even if you have insider information, it is impossible to earn that much. This means that Karlsin is not lying that he came from the future. That is, millions of people believed that such a person existed and was actually arrested.

However, there is a suspicion - on the verge of one hundred percent certainty - that WWN simply made up this whole story. In fact, he is famous for such jokes. And he doesn't have to wait until April 1 to play a prank on his readers. The tabloid has April 1 all year round. But those who believed in the reality of the “millionaire from the future” did not know about it. If only because they considered news sites to be the primary source.


The story didn't end in 2003. Made a second trip around the world in 2006. Already with new details, the roots of which were lost in the wilds of the Internet. But WWN definitely no longer had anything to do with them.

It was said that someone had posted a million dollar bail for Andrew. He left prison and, naturally, disappeared. Rumor has it that he is hiding somewhere in Canada. And via email he shares some information from the future. For example, he claims that enormous oil reserves are hidden in the Canadian province of Alberta. And here it is supposedly possible to produce 300 billion barrels a day. Although with difficulty, since the oil is heavy, deep deposits of sand are saturated with it.

Then, in 2006, he promised to appear to the world in 2007. But he didn't show up.

Now history seems to have gone into a third circle. But with one suspicious oddity. There is no trace of Andrew Carlsin on the Weekly World News website. It's not on Yahoo News. All details remained only in copies. And this gives rise to a terrible suspicion: what if the tabloid wasn’t lying? This happened to him...


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