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Graduated in 1985 physics and mathematics boarding school No. 18 named after A.N. Kolmogorov at Moscow State University. After graduating from boarding school, he became a student at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, who graduated 10 years later. In 1986 he was drafted into the USSR Armed Forces in the airborne troops.

After being transferred to the reserve, he continued his studies at Moscow State University. Since the early 90s, he began to engage in entrepreneurial activities. He worked at the first commercial bank of the USSR, Premier, and in 1993 he became one of the founders of MDM Bank; a year and a half after its creation, the bank became one of the thirty largest banks in Russia. He created a factory for the production of printed products and children's notebooks. In 1995 he was elected deputy State Duma according to the LDPR lists. In 1996, he became deputy chairman of the Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance. In 1999, Mikhail Kuznetsov, as an independent candidate, won the elections to the State Duma in the Pskov electoral district N141 (147 thousand voters voted for him). He again became a member of the Budget and Taxes Committee. Member of the parliamentary group "People's Deputy". In February 2000, the regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation tried to challenge the election of Kuznetsov in court.

In 2000, Mikhail Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov ran for the post of governor of the Pskov region, and in 2002 he became one of the founders of the electoral bloc “Kuznetsov, Polozov, Savitsky - Together for the Future!”, which took part in the elections to the Pskov Regional Assembly of Deputies on party lists. The electoral bloc received 15% of the votes and was able to obtain 2 out of 11 deputy mandates on party lists. In March 2001, Mikhail Kuznetsov became the owner and chairman of the supervisory board of Pskovsky Melkombinat LLC. In three years, Kuznetsov’s team managed to bring the enterprise out of crisis and make it the leading flour producer in the North-West of Russia, a leader food industry Pskov region. Since 2002, on the initiative of Kuznetsov, a program for the development of grain farming in the Pskov region was launched. High yields of wheat have been grown on rented fields in the Palkinsky district for several years, the area under crops has been expanded, and new agricultural equipment has been purchased. In 2003, he failed to be re-elected to the State Duma. He ran in the elections for the head of the region with the support of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Mikhail Kuznetsov became a laureate of the national public award named after Peter the Great “Best Manager of Russia 2004”, established by the “Managers of a New Era” foundation.

On December 5, 2004, Mikhail Kuznetsov was elected Head of the Administration of the Pskov Region. On July 1, 2005, the Head of the Administration of the Pskov Region, Mikhail Kuznetsov, was included in the official register of party supporters. United Russia" Since September 2005, the governor of the Pskov region has headed the regional coordination council of United Russia supporters. On November 2, 2005, Mikhail Kuznetsov was accepted into political party"United Russia". The ceremonial presentation of the party card took place in Moscow during a meeting of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party.

Mikhail Kuznetsov is an international master of sports in parachuting, twice Russian record holder, Russian champion, silver medalist of the European Cup, bronze medalist of the 2004 World Championship. Kuznetsov has more than two thousand parachute jumps to his name. Mikhail Kuznetsov is married and has two sons and a daughter.

When writing this article, materials from the website were used

Original of this material
© solomin, 12/18/2005, Photo: Kommersant

Kuznetsov of someone else's misfortune

Governor of the Pskov region Mikhail Kuznetsov is trying to extend his powers

Leonid Rakitin

Mikhail Kuznetsov at the end of 2004 accidentally became the governor of the Pskov region - helping former governor Evgeny Mikhailov to be re-elected, the Kremlin, through the Supreme Court, removed from the elections Mikhailov’s main rival, who was in the lead, according to voter polls, the mayor of Pskov, Mikhail Khoronen. But Evgeniy Eduardovich was so unpopular that unexpectedly the leader of the race became Kuznetsov, whom no one (including himself) counted among the favorites - the chairman of the board of directors of the Pskov flour mill, a former State Duma deputy from the Pskov region was nominated in the gubernatorial elections more so that about him haven't forgotten. Before that, he had already lost the Duma elections once and the gubernatorial elections once.

Kuznetsov once came to Pskov from the capital not because of a good life - he was a deputy from the Pskov region, and then the Pskov flour mill, received under the patronage of his fellow party member in the LDPR, Pskov governor Mikhailov (whom he later betrayed and started his own game), were, of course, weak a consolation for the former owner of 20% of MDM Bank.

At first, Mikhail Kuznetsov gave confused comments about his election as governor, but gradually he got used to it - why be ashamed, in Russia anyone can be a governor...

Now Mikhail Varfolomeevich even talks about his experience of increasing efficiency in all areas of the central media. Of course, like all so-called young reformers, to which he undoubtedly belongs, the organ responsible for chatter is developed better than all others.

Hero of our time

Mikhail Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov was originally from Tyumen, lived in Tselinograd (present-day Astana), in Kazan, then moved to Moscow to study at a boarding school at Moscow State University. After graduating from boarding school, he entered the physics department of Moscow State University, sat there at the same desk, according to rumors, with Oleg Deripaska, with whom Kuznetsov today (no longer rumored) has close ties business relations.

After the physics department there was one of the first commercial banks in the country, Premier, and then MDM Bank - a relatively quiet, but no less oligarchic and “privatization” structure, closely associated with the young reformers from Yeltsin’s entourage, actively participating not only in business projects, but also in political ones. It was as a delegate of this group that Kuznetsov first became a State Duma deputy on the LDPR list and was primarily involved in lobbying in the Duma.

By the way, since then Mikhail Varfolomeevich has been very friendly, they say, with the famous political schemer Berezovsky. Relatively recently, there were even rumors that they met on the territory of Latvia...

Towards the end of the Yeltsin era, the MDM group began to be shaken by conflicts, and under the patronage of his fellow party member Evgeny Mikhailov, Kuznetsov became a deputy from the Pskov region and gradually approached the flour mill. Then he loses his parliamentary seat and is left with only the plant, from whose Procrustean bed he tries to break out in the 2000 gubernatorial elections, but suffers a crushing defeat from the Kremlin-backed Yevgeny Mikhailov. However, in 2004, Kuznetsov again participated in the elections, showed the same weak results, but by the will of fate, or rather the Supreme Court, he became governor - for the Pskovites on the mountain.


Mikhail, working in Moscow, learned the truth well, especially true for modern Russia: the image is everything, the real state of affairs is nothing. Therefore, the first thing the governor did was create a PR service from Moscow specialists and assign it a huge budget. And victorious reports about successes rushed across the pages of the capital’s publications, along with the reasonings of the wise statesman Kuznetsov on how to wisely reduce – of course, with an improvement in the quality of services, how could it be otherwise – social institutions and cultural organizations.

PR structures have to work hard because the governor has a catastrophic lack of contact with the public and is completely unable to clearly express his thoughts. He does not enjoy authority either among entrepreneurs, or among municipal leaders, or among young people, or in the middle class... For quite short term he managed to turn almost all social groups against himself.

Despite all the efforts of the “PR people”, federal TV channels now and then go to high-profile scandals that arise in one or another district of the Pskov region regarding budget cuts - people left without a livelihood are increasingly taking to the streets . Thank God, we have democracy, and even the Bashkirbashi Rakhimov failed to herd the citizens into a stall with the help of the loyal police...

In general, in the Pskov region Kuznetsov is called AS - angel of death. Today he is supported by 31% of the population in the region - this is despite the comprehensive propaganda of his achievements by the overwhelming majority of local media! Because his concept of “living within your means” is very familiar to all Russians from Gaidar’s reforms. Its essence is to reduce the number of eaters to the budget. And the budget, of course, cannot handle too much: after all, the main thing is to finance the management team. Therefore, in May of this year, the salaries of senior regional officials were increased fourfold.

The real life of the region is terribly far from Kuznetsov’s areas of interest. And in the region, Kuznetsov did not increase anything even by one percent.

Growth in reverse

If in 2004 the region’s economy was still holding up - the inertia of previous years was taking its toll, then in 2005 the fruits of Mikhail Kuznetsov’s management appeared in all its glory.

This year saw a decline in industrial production for the first time since 1997. Over the 10 months of this year, it decreased by 1% (over the same period last year, production increased by 4%). Investments in fixed assets fell by 14% (last year they increased by 6%).

The situation in agriculture in the predominantly agrarian Pskov region is no better. The volume of production in the agricultural complex decreased by 14% (last year it grew by 11%). The poultry population has been halved, and the purchase of agricultural machinery has almost completely stopped.

Spring sowing was practically disrupted. According to Pskovstat, at the end of the spring sowing campaign, the area sown with spring grains and legumes in the region amounted to only 68.8% of last year’s level, and with fiber flax - only 27%.

In a number of areas of the region, the reduction in crops turned out to be critical. Thus, in the Dedovicheskoe district, grains were sown on only 37.2% of last year’s area, in Loknyanskoye - by 56.2%, in Nevelskoye - by 47.6%, in Plyusskoye - by 58.1%. Fiber flax, the main agricultural crop of the region, has ceased to be grown altogether in some areas. In the fields of the Krasnogorsk region, the current crops amounted to only 9.6% of last year’s level, Opochetsky - 13%, Palkinsky - 7.4%, Pechora - 13.8%, Pustoshkinsky - 14.1%, Sebezhsky - 17.1%.

Construction is decreasing - the commissioning of residential buildings fell by 25% (last year it increased, due to the inertia of previous years, by 40%). The program of budgetary allocations for the construction of social facilities has been completely curtailed.

For the first time in many years, official unemployment increased by 21%.

In this aggregate, the main statistical indicators have not been negative since the late 90s. It is no exaggeration to say that the Pskov region is on the verge of an economic disaster.

St. Michael's Days

The situation in the social sphere is even worse. The regional administration's struggle with the super-tariff fund wages teachers will soon lead, according to experts, to a shortage of teaching staff, an outflow of intellectuals from the village, and the criminalization of teenagers. Thousands of residents will lose their jobs without new employment opportunities, and many will be left without accessible education. This will lead to further erosion of the village and a deepening of the demographic crisis.

To date, it is known about the reduction of two orphanages, 47 schools in the regions of the region, nine vocational schools, almost half of the regional institutions of additional education, in particular, the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers, and several regional hospitals.

The regional healthcare system is now actively reforming (read: shrinking). Contrary to federal legislation and in violation of established standards, the volume of guaranteed medical services. In many areas of the region, specialized medical care is being eliminated. Medical assistance in the region and without Kuznetsov’s “optimization” it is difficult to access due to the lack of roads, scattered settlements and chronic underfunding. And now for many families it will become practically inaccessible.

In fact, funding for physical education and sports has completely stopped; children's sports facilities are not being built or developed.

Pskov culture is in the corral - the head of the Department of Culture, the most famous Russian culturologist, who played a huge role in the preservation and restoration of historical and architectural monuments of the Pskov region, Alexander Golyshev, was fired. After several attempts to find a new head of the department, a young reformer with a non-core education was appointed to the position.

Fire across cities

By pursuing such a policy, Kuznetsov cannot help but suppress pockets of possible opposition. Therefore, first of all, he strikes at the Pskov and Velikiye Luki municipalities, headed by experienced mayors Mikhail Khoronen and Lydia Golubeva, popular in the region and well-known in Russia.

The budget of Pskov, the city headed by Kuznetsov’s main rival, will be reduced in terms of expenditures to 550.7 million rubles in 2006, while tax revenues and revenues to state funds from the city of Pskov amount to 4.5 billion rubles .!

For the city, as Khoronen said at several press conferences, this means the risk of stopping several municipal enterprises, increasing the population's payment for housing and communal services by 50%, the complete elimination of funding for improvement, which is vital for this city-museum, which is visited by thousands of tourists; out of 20 ambulance teams, only eight will have to be left, 15 health centers, a number of early aid and rehabilitation treatment departments, and school and preschool departments will have to be liquidated; closure of several kindergartens, as a result of which 1,625 children will be left without kindergartens and the city’s queue for a place in kindergarten will increase from approximately 3.5 thousand to more than 5.1 thousand children, it will be necessary to more than quadruple parental fees for children's additional education, which will lead to the fact that more than 3 thousand children will not be able to attend music and sports schools.

A similar situation will develop in Velikiye Luki.

Using Law 131, according to which it is now necessary to establish the procedure for determining the head of municipal self-government, Kuznetsov is trying to push through changes to the charters of these two cities, replacing the popular election of mayors with their election by city councils, which, of course, are easier to buy than the sympathy of citizens.

Of the 17 deputies of the Pskov City Duma, Kuznetsov’s people have already recruited 11 deputies - including the chairman of the Duma, Leonid Trifonov. They adopted the changes to the regulations by a simple majority vote. And on December 15, despite the fact that in the city referendum 77% of the townspeople were in favor of direct elections of the mayor, the Duma, by 11 votes, decided that it would now appoint the head of the city.

Moreover, Mikhail Khoronen’s powers are going to be terminated on January 1, in the absence of any legal grounds. Or even earlier: there are rumors that Trifonov, with the support of regional security officials, is going to move into the mayor’s office in the coming days and become acting. the head of the city with a living mayor whose powers have not expired. Thus, Pskov may become the first regional center of Russia in which the forceful scenario of seizing municipal power is implemented.

Nevertheless, opposition sentiments towards Kuznetsov are growing, and therefore Mikhail Varfolomeevich is making every effort to get an appointment with the president in order to present the situation in a light favorable to himself. His main task is to raise the question of trust before the president, to extend his powers after actually receiving the highest “go-ahead,” and to deal with his opponents before the crisis becomes obvious to everyone.

And the Pskovites think: how did they anger the heavens so much that the former governor, a slacker and a “grabber”, was replaced by a slacker and a “grabber” even more scathing.

    ✪ For the Motherland! For Stalin! German machine guns mow them down Mikhail Mikhailovich Kuznetsov

    ✪ Mikhail Kuznetsov, Sergey Yazev - Lecture “Practical work and project activities in astronomy”



He served in the Gaizhunai Airborne Forces training center, then in the Tula Airborne Division. He worked in a number of commercial banks, including Premier Bank. In 1993, he was one of the founders of MDM Bank; a year and a half after its creation, the bank became one of the thirty largest banks in Russia. He worked as deputy chairman and chairman of the board of MDM Bank.

In 1997-2002 he worked on the implementation of the program for the socio-economic development of the Pskov region. As part of this program, a children's regional hospital was built in Pskov, a significant part of Velikiye Luki was gasified, gas pipelines were laid in Loknya, Bezhanitsy, Ostrov, and construction of a gas pipeline in Nevel began. In 2001, he became chairman of the board of directors of Pskov Mill Plant LLC.

In 2002, in the elections to the Pskov Regional Assembly, he headed the electoral bloc “Kuznetsov, Polozov, Savitsky - together for the future!” According to the voting results, the bloc took third place, gaining 15% and receiving two mandates in the regional parliament.

At the 13th Russian Championship in 2006 in parachute group acrobatics, the Sky Panthers team set a national record - 42 figures, thereby equating the Russian national achievement with the world one. And in August 2010, at the World Championships, the team, having completed 56 figures, set a new world record, which has not yet been broken.

Married, has two sons and a daughter.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev prematurely terminated the powers of the governor of the Pskov region, Mikhail Kuznetsov, while simultaneously introducing the candidacy of Andrei Turchak for this post to the local parliament, the Kremlin press service said in a statement.

Mikhail Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov was born on August 22, 1968. In 1991 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. He served in active military service in the airborne forces. Since 1992 he has been engaged entrepreneurial activity, was one of the founders of MDM Bank.

In 1995-2003 he worked as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In 1995-1999, he was Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 1997-2002 he worked on the implementation of the program for the socio-economic development of the Pskov region. As part of this program, a children's regional hospital was built in Pskov, a significant part of Velikiye Luki was gasified, gas pipelines were laid in Loknya, Bezhanitsy, Ostrov, and construction of a gas pipeline in Nevel began.

In 2001-2003, public reception rooms for State Duma deputy Mikhail Kuznetsov were opened in all districts of the region, financed from the deputy’s personal funds. Reception centers provided great assistance to residents of the region in solving their pressing problems. In total, during the period of Mikhail Kuznetsov’s deputy work, he received more than 20 thousand requests. All of them were considered by the deputy and his assistants, many were resolved positively.

From 2003 to 2004, Mikhail Kuznetsov headed the Pskov Mill Plant.

In 2004, Mikhail Kuznetsov became a laureate of the national public award named after Peter the Great “Best Manager of Russia 2004”, established by the “Managers of a New Era” foundation.

On July 1, 2005, Mikhail Kuznetsov was included in the official register of supporters of the United Russia party.

Since September 2005, the governor of the Pskov region has headed the regional coordination council of United Russia supporters.

On November 2, 2005, Kuznetsov was admitted to the United Russia political party. The ceremonial presentation of the party card took place in Moscow during a meeting of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party. Member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the regional branch of the party.

On the initiative of Mikhail Kuznetsov, the Good Deed charity foundation was created in 2000, which provided assistance to orphans and gifted youth.

On February 16, 2009, it became known that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev prematurely terminated the powers of the governor of the Pskov region, Mikhail Kuznetsov, while simultaneously introducing the candidacy of Andrei Turchak for this post to the local parliament.


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