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Corn storks have a bile and diuretic effect, as well as a hemostatic and hypoglycemic effect. Biologically active substances of cornflowers increase the secretion of bile, reduce the level of bilirubin, increase the level of prothrombin, thereby accelerating the blood coagulation process. The drug contributes to the removal of ultrasound, phosphates and oxalates with urine.

Indications for use

Cholant, cholecystitis, hepatitis, bile violation; Urolithiasis, cystitis, swelling; Bleeding due to a reduced protecrin level (as part of complex therapy), hemorrhagic diathesis.

Mode of application

3 st aphouses of cornflowers need to be placed in enameled dishes and pour 200 ml of boiled hot water. Insist when the lid in the water bath has been closed for 15 minutes. After that, infusion should be cooled over 45 minutes, strain, and residue to squeeze into the effects of infusion. Bring to 200 ml obtained by infusion with boiled water.

Obtained by infusion to drink every 3-4 hours in warm form. Adults and children over 14 years old take 1-3 tablespoons.

Children 10-14 years old take 1 tablespoon;

Children 7-10 years old - 1 dessert spoon;

Children 3-7 years old - 1 teaspoon.

Before use, you need to shake the infusion.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Side effects

In some cases, allergic reactions may appear (also rhinitis, redness, rash).


Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug components. Increased blood clotting. The drug is contraindicated with an elevated prolrombin index, a biliary disease (with the size of the stones of more than 10 mm in diameter), obtultational jaundice, thrombophlebitis, anorexia.


During pregnancy and lactation, cornflowers are accepted only by appointment of a doctor. The drug is taken in the case when the benefit from the drug exceeds the possible risk.

Interaction with other drugs: not installed.


No overdose notifications.

Form release

Corn storks in packs with an internal package.

Storage conditions

Store corn strokes in original packaging in an inaccessible place for children, at a temperature of not more than 30 degrees Celsius. Cooked with infusion to store no more than 2 days at a temperature of 8-15 degrees Celsius. Do not apply the drug after the established expiration date indicated on the package.


Corn silk

Additionally: the drug does not affect the ability to manage vehicle. The drug is allowed to accept children from 3 years.

Corn is a cereal plant that is used not only for eating, but also for therapy of some diseases. Corn silk, medical properties and the contraindications of which will be considered further are a nutritious and useful substance. The stilts are under the sheet plates covering the patch.

What is cornflowers

Corn storks - fibers or "hair" reaching 20-25 cm long. The fibers are assembled among young maides of corn, during periods before pollination. Corn's hair at this time have the most pronounced healing properties.

Old cornframes change the color and texture. They become dark, unpleasant to the touch. It is impossible to use such a product, as it no longer contains useful elements.

For the preparation of medicinal collection are used both fresh and dried hair. They are going to personally. Shop corn, as a rule, does not have the fibers. Ready to collect dried corn hair can be purchased almost in any pharmacy. To independently dry fibers for longer storage, they need to be placed for several days in a sunny place. The product will lose all moisture due to direct exposure to sunlight.

Beneficial features

Corn storks have therapeutic properties and contraindications: this natural product has a positive effect on the entire human body, but it reduces blood sugar levels. This property of corn hair can have a destructive effect with the initial disadvantage of glucose in the body.

Mercenary substances included in the fish;

  • carbohydrates and proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • acid (organic);
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins of groups B, E, P.

Indications for use:

Due to the presence of vitamins and useful trace elements in the composition, corn hair is capable of raising the mood, eliminate problems with sleep and appetite. Regular use of fibers helps to improve the performance and brain activity of a person.

Corn's hair has 3 main actions: choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic. In some cases, they are consumed for weight loss or calm.

The stilts are shown in diseases of the digestive system, as well as with prostatitis, glaucoma, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis. This product is not a panacea from all diseases, but its use during drug treatment gives good results. Especially this rule concerns people with serious pathologies.


Corn storks, therapeutic properties and contraindications of which are closely related to each other, can harm people with increased blood coagulation or low sugar content in the body. Fibers are not recommended for use in varicose diseases. People suffering from thrombophlebitis are also contraindicated. Their use may cause the acceleration of the development of pathology by increasing blood clotting.

Corn storks during pregnancy can only be used after medical advice. The fibers will be useful in the presence of specific diseases, for example, cystitis, in all other cases, the stigs will damage. Their independent use is prohibited both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Corn fibers are not recommended to people suffering from urinary incontinence. The product has a light diuretic effect. With too long use from the body, not only harmful, but also useful substances will begin to go out. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply a stroke on an ongoing basis, 20-30 day course is quite enough to achieve a positive effect.

Mode of application

How to brew corn stilts? You can use only dried fibers and boiled water. The ratio of the ingredients: 1 tablespoon of collecting 300-400 ml of liquid. In some cases, water can be replaced with alcohol to stretch out of the fish maximum amount Useful substances. After the preparation of the mixture, she needs to be lazy for 10-15 minutes. In pharmacies 50 grams of corn fibers cost about 50-70 rubles.

Corn Strugs Instructions for Slimming:

  1. It will take to take 1 tablespoon: berries, corn fibers and chamomile flowers.
  2. All ingredients pour 1 liter of water. The liquid must necessarily be boiled and warm.
  3. Daunch to laugh overnight.

Corn stems for weight loss: how to take? Use boiled or dry fibers needed for a month. During this time, a person will significantly reduce appetite and accelerates metabolism. Also, the fibers contribute to the removal of harmful deposits from the body, including fats.

Method of application for children:

  • from 3 to 7 years old - 1 teaspoon per day;
  • from 7 to 9 years old - 1 tablespoon per day;
  • from 9 to 14 years old - 1.5 tablespoons.

Corn storks are extremely useful product. With their help, you can make a lot of medicinal ragners and even teas. Fibers can be added to green tea Without sugar, in a decoction of chamomile and forest berries. The useful properties of the product are well disclosed even without the use of additional ingredients. Any components can be added to the brave, relying on your own preferences or on specific problems.

For what and how cornframes are used - video

Among the plants with a positive effect on the human body can be distinguished by corn. Grow culture on agricultural fields, dumart sites. The leaves and stalks of the plant use a cattle on food, and tasty yellow cobs are suitable for eating. Known therapeutic properties of cornflowers, there are also contraindications to their use. White silky hairs around the cigarette and are called strokes. They are collected, dried using a number of diseases in the treatment.

Instructions for use

Collected in the period of maturation matures of corn, the slices are beneficial to the human body, because in them, along with bitter glycosides and essential oily oils, sufficiently alkaloid-type substances are collected. Askorbinic acid, as well as vitamin K., among the beneficial components of selenium, silicon, resins and sugars, are separated from vitamins.

The corn raw materials are used to prepare brave bubble and inflammation with inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts, chronic hepatitis. Tea from cornflowers, as the instruction says, can be taken every 3-4 hours 20 minutes before meals at half pasta. The drink is indispensable in the treatment of sleep disorders.

Teenagers are quite a single dose of 15 milliliters, school-age children need to take up to 10, and preschoolers from 3 years to 5 milliliters.

Corn storks bring more benefits when they are poured with water and hold on a slow heat for a while. Usually, after steaming 3 tablespoons of raw materials in boiling water (200 milliliters), it is kept about half an hour in a water bath. Before use, you need to cool and filter the medicine.

To increase the volume of therapeutic drink to the desired limits of 200 milliliters, fill with boiled water.

For weight loss, removal of excess fluid from the body, there are also many recipes for cooking at home plant conditions. But before use, the doctor needs consultation.

Therapeutic properties of cornflowers

Doctors practice the use of corn, columns with stilts in the treatment of pathologies associated with the removal of bile, the work of the liver. But silk fibers also help:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • splitting fat;
  • neutralization of harmful compounds;
  • oppression of the growth of malignant tumors;
  • stop bleeding;
  • accelerating metabolic processes.

In addition, inside the fibers there are substances that increase the mood, removing the nervous excitement. Infusions are used to deal with insomnia, stress.

Use for women

The body of women especially suffers during painful and abundant menstruation. Mood changes, the woman becomes irritable, nervous. At this point and will help the infusion of corn fishing. Drinking freshly sauced tea at half a glass, a woman will feel relieved in critical days, will be able to lead an active lifestyle, to be fun and cheerful. In traditional medicine, the use of infusions of fibers to eliminate uterine bleeding is practiced.

The dream of any woman is slim, without fat folds on the sides and stomachs will be carried out with the help of a decoction or infusion. The drug to help clean the body from slags and toxins, to bring extra liquid from the body, is recommended to use those who suffer obese. They advise drinking medicine during pregnancy to remove the edema of the fabrics. But it is necessary to do it under the supervision of a doctor.

Use drug based drugs and to reduce the glycemic index, which is important for diabetics.

Look too much

Improve the structure of the hair, make them silky can also be infusable to cornflowers added to the water for rinsing.

Women suffering from the inflammation of the urogenital system, therapeutic decoctions will help to recover from pathology together with pharmaceutical drugs.

Use for men

Having stirred over 40 years old, a man faces failures in the work of the urogenital system. In addition to prostatitis, impotence arises. Back to full life will help, except traditional preparations, infusion made from 60 grams of raw materials on 2 glasses of boiling water. You need to take 3 quarters of a glass of drug daily for 2 weeks.

The corn stilts insist advise on alcohol, taking 250 grams of dried raw materials by 150 milliliters of vodka. The impotence takes 30 drops on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. Break in treatment are made for 1-2 weeks, then renew reception. But in large quantities it is impossible to use medicine. It is necessary to observe the measure, and then the work of the genitals of a man is normalized without side effects.

Benefit for children and newborns

  • intestinal diseases;
  • liver function disorders;
  • night Enuris;
  • diabetes;
  • eleks associated with excess fluid in the body.

Giving children a means need to eat. The dose is calculated at the attending physician in accordance with the age of the child, the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the reaction of the body for the drug.

Films of aqueous infusions of the fishing rigs are treated, wounds.

Newborn and children under 3 years old can not receive means for intake.

Contraindications and harm

In addition to the use of fibers, it may be harm. If the medicine is used by a patient with a reduced body weight or a poor appetite, then a negative effect with serious consequences will be on its organism. There is an individual reaction to plant reception. To check it should be all before the start of treatment by folk recipes.

Eating preparations based on cornflowers has contraindications. These include the fact that the patient:

  • blood quickly coats;
  • veins are clogged with blood closures;
  • in bile ducts, stones were detected with a diameter of more than 10 millimeters;
  • increased prothrombin liver index.

With the existence of allergy to the vegetation product, the patient will feel unreasoning, it will have a runny nose, and skin covers will become irritated, with red rash.

How to drink and brew

Follow the recipes for the preparation of infusions and decoctions from vegetable raw materials. Violations in the preparation of the means will have a harmful effect on the human body. Although infusions made of cornflowers have a light diuretic action, but a large number of The means will lead to a sharp dehydration.

For each disease, its proportions of preparation of solutions. If the patient suffers from gallstone disease, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholantitis, then it is necessary to use the decoction of a quarter of a cup or an infusion of 1-3 tablespoons before eating. Tea is prepared to calm the nervous system, eliminating insomnia.

Slimming 2 recipe

The effects of corn columns with stilts are thoroughly studied by nutrigates, therefore they advise them to apply them in the fight against obesity. Prepare a decoction of raw materials simply. It is necessary to take 100 grams of dried plant fibers. After they are filled with 1 liter of boiling water, they keep 25-30 minutes in a water bath. It is better to drink a decoction of 2-3 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals, pre-cooling and strain. The medicine will act positively at a three-week treatment.

Cleansing the body from extra liquid, the removal of toxins and slags will lead to weight loss.

Effectively use in the fight against extra kilograms and extract from alcohol on alcohol. You can purchase a tincture in a pharmacy or prepare yourself. On 200 grams of raw materials take as much vodka or alcohol. Withstand the medicine in a dark place for 20 days. In the pure form, it is impossible to drink extract, it is better to dissolve in a glass of water a dose of 30 drops. It is recommended to drink the tool before meals in 20-30 minutes. In addition to weight loss, the patient will be cleaned with blood vessels, pressure will come to normal.

Look too much

During pregnancy

The load on the bladder during the baby tooling increases. Often there are failures in the work of the genitour-based women associated with inflammatory processes. Care at home for the condition of the kidneys and liver requires reception of plant products. Corn storks are prepared in the form of infusions on the water. Alcohol means are excluded from the use of pregnant women.

Considering the diuretic effect, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of cystitis, removing the edema drinking to drink the infusion of cornflowers, dividing on 3 portions. A diuretic is useful for 10 days, then you need to take a break. It is better to drink a drug during the day, it is impossible for the night, the medicine will not give a calmly to relax due to the action on the function of the bladder.

Additionally, to strengthen the immunity, the prevention of colds and inflammations of the future mother should be drunk in a glass of juice or cranberry juice.

Decoction and infusion for the liver

The liver, its normal state, serves as a criterion that health is in order.

Wrong lifestyle, alcohol abuse, work in harmful production leads to disorders in the tissues of the liver, an increase in the body in size.

It has been studied that the components of the stroke lead to a decrease in the bilirubin index in the organ, due to which the selection of bile, its viscosity is normalized. Then the digestion process comes back to normal, and toxic substances leave the human body.

The decoction, which is prepared from 3 tablespoons of raw materials for 200 milliliters of boiling water, you can bring the liver into normal condition when problems occur. To withstand on the water bath it is necessary tool for half an hour.

The healing drink, infused for 20 minutes, is prepared from 1 teaspoon of chopped fibers for 200 milliliters of hot water. It is enough to take 1-3 tablespoons three times a day. It is important that the medicine is taken before eating for 20-30 minutes. Then the liver will be in order, and the spine, and the vessels will be cleaned from atherosclerosis.

You can additionally take 1 spoon together with the RECORT corn Oil. The benefits of such treatment will be not only in the purification of vessels, but also in the regulation of blood pressure.

For gallbladder

Violations of exchange processes lead to an increase in the number of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Due to the dysfunction of the organs of the excretory system, the bile in the ducts, hence the inflammatory processes leading to the violation of the digestion process. The patient feels discomfort in the right hypochondrium with pulling pain.

Remove unpleasant symptoms not only traditional drugs, but also vegetable preparations. The result of treatment with cornframes will be the elimination of signs of disease associated with weights and nausea, stagnants of bile, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Therefore, fibers and need to be taken to treat the pathologies of the gallbladder. It is better to prepare infusion with a reception of 3 tablespoons before meals. If there are no contraindications, alcohol extract is used in therapy. This medical agent It acts positively when it is taken at a dose of 30 drops with dissolving in a glass of water.

It is useful to drink a medicine for preventing diseases of excretory organs, but consulting pre-with a specialist.


Corn storks, therapeutic properties and contraindications of which are known for a long time, are in demand not only in non-traditional, but also classical medicine. Even doctors often prescribe champs and infusions from this part of the plant to eliminate chronic and sharp diseases. Therefore, it is possible to buy a stall in almost any pharmacy.

Corn columns from a biological point of view are pestles to which the wind transfers pollen from male flowers, due to which fertilization occurs, and the ripening of corn grains.

Corn Strugs - Composition

The composition of the product is very wide and diverse. So, in cornflowers there are:

  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • stearin;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannin;
  • inosit;
  • cryptoxanthine;
  • gum;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins (B5, C, K1);
  • microelements (iron, copper, selenium, manganese, aluminum).

In addition, each component is in the perfect balance with others, which makes the medicine as efficient.

Corn Strugs - Medical Properties and Contraindications

Various useful properties, in particular, therapeutic, very diverse and cannot even compare with few contraindications. Consider them in detail.

Corn Strugs - Medical Properties

The product is quite extensive use in medicine. The most often take into account such therapeutic properties:

  • treat inflammatory bladder processes and urinary tract, especially as part of a competently selected collection;
  • help with cystitis and jade;
  • dilute bile, speeding up its elimination, prevent stagnant processes;
  • reduce bilirubin (which makes it an excellent means with jaundice of newborns as well

    with a housing symptom);

  • strong diuretic, and almost all diseases of the kidneys are well treated with anti-inflammatory property;
  • remove stones and sand from kidneys;
  • remove swelling of different origin;
  • the product is useful for the liver, healing hepatitis;
  • perfectly showed himself when combating cholecystitis;
  • help with gastritis;
  • in diabetes, sugar gradually reduce and improve overall health;
  • are fighting with obesity;
  • sometimes used with tuberculosis;
  • stabilize the condition of hypertension;
  • normalize the composition of blood for anemia;
  • with external use, the acne, dermatitis, rash are removed;
  • normalize the state of the veins during thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • as a lotion, they are used with wounds, burns, bruises, proleells;
  • mineral bleeding stops, reduce the pain during menstruation;
  • as part of the fees, impotence and infertility are treated;
  • soothe away, remove insomnia, depression, stress, nervous overload;
  • prevent atherosclerosis and cancer;
  • stop diarrhea.

An impressive list, right? This is a whole first aid kit in one familiar plant!

Corn storks - contraindications. Harm

As a counterweight, the multiple useful properties of the fishing and their contraindications. The medicine is forbidden to use when:

  • asthenic physique, that is, excessive thin, since the product is dulling appetite and can further aggravate the situation;
  • veins thrombosis;
  • treatment can harm when a blood clotting failure, as blood will turn faster than necessary;
  • it is not necessary to use decoctions and infusions of the fish in individual intolerance, that is, allergies to the product.

In addition, it is forbidden to use the medicine for a long time. The maximum rate is three weeks, since the decoction is very much fling from the body of minerals. And in the end you can get serious complications. So in all observe the measure!

Corn storks - therapeutic properties and contraindications to children

Often this tool is recommended to children, but here you need to observe some caution. So, most often, the stilts are used for children over 6 years old, taking into account the tenderness of the children's faster organism and probable unforeseen reactions.

Although occasionally, the product is used to treat the jaundice of newborns. So my girlfriend cured her crumb-son, when they already tried a number of pharmacy choleretic syrups and everything is no means, but folk remedy removed the problem for a couple of days!

Another one in a popular way Applications are the use of rim with Enubery, which are mostly kids suffer. It would seem that corn fibers are a diuretic, but perfectly remove inflammation and prevent urinary incontinence.

But the folk medicine will be effective only in cases where the problem is in the inflammatory process. With a psychological component, the stroke is useless.


It is extremely important here to follow the dosage rules. So, the kids 3-6 years solely with the testimony of the doctor you need to give 1 tsp. For reception, for children 6-10 years old - 1 dec. l., older than 10 - on the dining room, while adults can drink 1/3 glasses. And kroocham under three years old and it is worth a medicine strictly to indicate a pediatrician and under its supervision.

In addition, the use of the plant in childhood Not yet confirmed by clinical trials, and even doctors with caution offer such therapy. In addition, corn, or rather, her stilts in the form of beams are contraindicated to children with:

  • diabetes mellitus, taking appropriate drugs, since such mixing can cause an uncontrolled drop in sugar level;
  • with hypertension, although such an anomaly is quite rare among children;
  • when taking anti-inflammatory preparations (hydrocortisone, prednisone and others), for example, with bronchial asthma.

Corn storks - Medical properties and contraindications for women

There is benefits and for women, removing except general and original female diseases. So, the stilts help:

  • cure cystitis, which many ladies occur with the slightest overcooling or gynecological inflammation, apparently, so we are arranged from nature;
  • remove soreness when menstruation;
  • cure many types of female infertility;
  • prevent the emergence of cancer of the genital organs and the urogenital system.

Corn Strugs - Application

The plant is widely used in medicine as a strong bloodstand, diuretic, antispasmodic and choleretic agent. I propose to talk about the most frequent use of cornflowers.

With pancreatitis

Surprisingly, corn cobs and cereals are strictly prohibited in pancreatitis, resembling heavy food. But the diggers will significantly facilitate the course of the disease.

How to brew

As a rule, the hairs are crushed, poured with boiling water of 1 tbsp. On a cup of water, boiling 5-6 minutes. And leave another hour, after which they are fixed and drinking 1/3 of Art. 3 r. For a day.

It is also effective to collect with corn strokes, mint, calendula, plantation and chamomile to extend remission, that is, it is necessary to drink it not in an acute form, but when the pain retreated a little. At the same time, all herbs need to be mixed in the same proportion and brew at the rate of 1 tbsp. on a glass of water.

The decoction is allowed to do at once for 2-3 days, holding it in the refrigerator. For one reception, it is necessary to ¼ cup of beam 15 minutes before meals.

For weight loss

Often, seeking to regain their excellent shape looking for salvation in folk medicineAnd here the strokes offer comprehensive weight loss help, as they:

  • dulp the appetite, allow you to eat less and less often;
  • accelerate the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • remove swelling;
  • accelerate metabolism;
  • help to remove the hated cellulite, which is a pleasant bonus for weight loss!

As a rule, it is recommended to make an infusion, pouring 4 tbsp. Hair with a cup of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours or night. Next, the liquid should be strain and drink 1 tbsp. Three times a day for 30-35 minutes. Before the next meal.

It will help to remove the feeling of hunger and fade into smaller portions, which will further reduce the volume of the stomach and in the future, after the course of treatment, do not gain lost kilograms again - such a prolonged effect!

My girlfriend for the New Year holidays scored more than five kilograms, and then it was also peating, earning cystitis. In my advice, she began drinking cornfits, and a week of reception, he noticed with surprise, which was easily lost by 1.5 kg!

Having pleased me by such a news, she continued to drink decoctions to secure the effect and for three weeks, laid for taking medication, managed to throw 3 kilograms, while not sitting on complex and exhausting diets.

During pregnancy

There is benefits and during pregnancy. In the interesting position of corn helps:

  • in the first trimester get rid of toxicosis;
  • replenish the stock of vitamins;
  • stabilize urination.

True, before applying it is worth talking to a doctor on this topic, since sometimes the reception of such brazers can negatively affect the state of the baby, and we do not want it?

For hair

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have long been known that this product is useful for hair, keeping the beauty of their curls without new-fashioned balms, sprays, air conditioners and masks.

It is proved that corn with external use feeds hair follicles with vitamins, revives them, makes thin hair stronger, thicker, stronger, stimulates their growth.


It is necessary to boil the product at the rate of 3-4 tbsp. On the liter of water before washing the head and after cleansing the curls, it is easy to rinse them with a leaky decoction.

The effect will be greater if you connect the straits with a nettle or a birch sheet, a Canadian moleptus, the root of the burdock, and it is possible to make a real comprehensive collection - there would be a desire!

In diabetes

Decractions with corn with diabetes are shown in comprehensive therapy. Such a drink stabilizes the patient's condition well, helps to gradually reduce the level of sugar and prevent the appearance of this insidious ailment.

For this, 2 tbsp. It will take 0.5 liters. Waters, grass must be let the fastening on a slow fire for five minutes, let cool and write, drink 1 tbsp. before eating.

It is even easier to use the finished pharmacy extract, just needed that it is necessary to dilute 15-20 drops in water and have a drink before eating.

As usual, the course is 3 weeks, no more than a month, after which it costs 14 days to relax, and then again take care. On average, it is necessary for about six months to obtain obvious effects.

When to collect cornfits

It is necessary to collect medicine when corn in milk-wax ripeness, that is, it is just to eat - no longer white and young, but still soft and fastened. As a rule, this is the end of summer, less often - the beginning of September. The best are delicate light brown hairs, but dark, almost black, less severe.

Dry raw materials in a darkened, well ventilated room, unfolded with a small layer on paper, fabric or cardboard. You can also use special electrical dryers or oven with heating no higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the product will be spoiled.

Corn storks - how to brew. Medicinal forms

It remains to discuss how to brew collected and dried raw materials. Depending on the disease, recipes may differ, somewhere necessary, a weaker or strong concentration is necessary, a decoction is used somewhere, and in another case - infusion.

  • In general, the stilts are brewed at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. on a glass of water, if necessary, it is possible to increase volume, adhering to this proportion;
  • The grass needs to be allowed to quit 5-7 minutes to transfer all nutrients into water;
  • give yourself to cool and breed yourself;
  • same liquid and drink before eating for 15-30 minutes to 1-4 tbsp.

In the markets and in the pharmacy, the easiest way to find dried and crushed strugs, but there is another form of release - this is a ready-made alcohol extract. It is more saturated and suggests dosage drops, it is convenient, no need to constantly suffer with the brewing process. For obvious reasons, such a medicine is prohibited for children and pregnant women - they don't need alcohol!

Here they are what useful, our usual cornfits, their healing properties and contraindications are impressive! So why not collect a little of this natural medication and, if necessary, use instead of harmful pills, because just soon the collection period will come - corn cobs are already starting to get tie and crooked.

Well, it's time to say goodbye, join our club lovers folk drugs And cottages, that is, subscribe to the blog, good luck!

Corn fibers for health: recipes of traditional medicine

Drinks prepared on the basis of cornflowers can bring the body invaluable benefit. But it is important to know not only how to prepare them correctly, but also how to use it. Here are some useful recipes.

Diuretic tincture with the addition of medicinal herbs

Such a drink will have any post assistance when removing swelling, and will also be useful to reduce blood pressure.

  • Water - 1 l;
  • Fibers - 5 tbsp. l;
  • Drug chamomile - 5 tbsp. l;
  • Sage - 5 tbsp. l.

All ingredients must be mixed and pouring a liter of boiling water. After the fluid cools down, it must be rejected. Drink a couple of times a day at half a cup. But the duration of the chamber of tincture should be limited to three weeks.

Tincture for kidneys and liver, with the addition of immortelle

These fibers, as mentioned earlier, will bring to your kidney to enormous benefit, as a diuretic. Additionally, such a tincture stabilizes the activities of the liver, warning the occurrence of numerous diseases.


  • Immimentant - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Strugs - 0.5 tbsp. l.

The mixture of herbs should be pouring boiling water and leave alone at half an hour. Then to move through the tea-site. The tincture advise to drink a couple of times a day one glass. Approximately half an hour before meals. The duration of drinking such a drink is fourteen days. During this time, an excess bile leaves the body, which will greatly facilitate the work of the internal organs.

Obesity tincture

Figs - a good natural tool for those who seek to lose weight. This drink reduces the feeling of hunger, and even reduces the desire to eat something sweet. In addition, harmful substances and excess liquid are derived from the body.


  • Water - 1 st;
  • Strugs - 0.1 kg.

Fibers need to fill hot water And leave in a dark place for a couple of hours. The drink will need to be moving and drinking three times a day, about thirty minutes before meals. But it is necessary to consume it no longer than a couple of weeks. After that, for the same fourteen days it is necessary to interrupt. And then again repeat the course, during which it will be useful to use fruits and fresh vegetables, as a supplement. And do not forget about sports. And from flour and sweets at the time of course it is better to refuse.

Tincture with glycerin

Alcohol tincture can not be suitable because of the peculiarities of perception. Because infusion with glycerin can become an excellent alternative. It can be given even to kids and pets.


  • Glycerol;
  • Corn fibers.

The components mentioned must be placed in a blender and grind to the state of homogeneous mass. After that, the mixture should be shifted into a jar with a lid and put in a dark dry place for a couple of weeks. For example, in the storage room. During this time, the components will have fun. The resulting liquid should be moved through the sieve and drink half a teaspoon several times a day. Such an infusion can be stored until the year.

Corn Fiber Tea

In fact, it is much easier to prepare it than it seems. For this drink will be required:

  • Water - 1 st;
  • Corn fibers - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Honey - to taste
  • Custard tea - 1 tsp.

Fibers along with custard tea must be poured a glass of boiling water and let it stand a little less than half an hour. Then sonicate. Do not add sugar here. If you like sweet drinks, add a bit of honey.

You need to drink such tea two or three times a day. Drink can be prepared in the future and stored in the refrigerator. This will especially be relevant in summer. But you should not leave tea there longer than for a couple of days.

Useful advice: Specialists insistently assure that one should not use such a drink immediately before bedtime. It is best to drink tea about three hours before the deposit to sleep. And he should also consult with the doctor so that it calculates the optimal daily dosage.

Contraindications for consumption and probable side manifestations

Of course, these corn threads are extremely helpful. But in everything, as you know, it is important to observe the measure. Corn intolerance as such, erroneous dosage or violation of consumption measures can lead to not the desired consequences for a person.

In everything should be moderation and prudence. It is not necessary to abuse, otherwise cornfits instead of use, only harm will bring. We draw attention to contraindications for receiving corn fibers. Do not get acquainted with them your body, if you:

  • Allergy to corn, as such;
  • Anorexia or bad appetite. Due to the fact that corn fibers block the feeling of hunger, the situation can be even worse and strongly disrupt the work of the digestive system;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Pressure problems;
  • If blood is improved, there is a risk of thrombosis.

How to treat cornflowers of edema, cholecystitis, obesity nerves, cystitis and other diseases We will help to deal with video review of recipes of traditional medicine:

Chemical composition of cornflowers

Treatment with cornflowers has become very popular. This corn has a lot of useful elements.

Some do not perceive this product seriously, in fact, he is able to bring a great benefit to health thanks:

  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin B5;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • β-sitosterina;
  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • gland;
  • manganese.

The impressive composition of vitamins and useful trace elements has a beneficial effect on health.

Useful properties of cornflowers

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It is part of this unique product. Ascorbic acid cleans the vessels from cholesterol plaques, participates in the process of cleansing the body. Vitamin C is irreplaceable during colds and cold weather. It helps to restore forces.

Alkaloids - substances synthesized by plants. Studies have proven that they are struggling with cancer cells, slow down the growth of tumors.

Coarse fibers, which are contained in the corn, have a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. After use, the body is cleared. The product has a diuretic effect, it is recommended to people with diseases of urinary tract, kidneys.

Copper helps to increase immunity, protects bones from fractures. Aluminum plays a crucial role in restoring the connective tissue.

Triptophan is an important amino acid that helps keep a healthy sleep is also contained in this product.

For women

Vitamin E cares about the beauty of women. He takes part in the synthesis of collagen necessary for young and beautiful skin. It is especially important to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamin E in winter timeWhen the skin is too dry.

For men

For men, the β-sitosterlin is important, which is contained in this product. β-sitosterol reduces the risk of prostate cancer. If a person often uses products enriched with β-sitosterol, the likelihood of cancer tumors is sharply reduced.

Vitamin E results in the state of the sexual system, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

During pregnancy

The product is able to influence blood clotting. Blood coagulation disorders are able to cause serious complications during childbirth. For example, bleeding. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is worth using this product in medicinal purposes.

During pregnancy, Pancreatitis often sharpens. This happens on the first or third trimester. Corn storks with pancreatite eliminate inflammation. Women recommend drinking bums with this product.

Latin name:Stigmata Maydis.
ATH code: A05A X.
Active substance: Corn spruce
Manufacturer:Health, Pharmaceutal, Grass
Altai, Evalar (RF), LEcts (Ukraine)
Vacation from Pharmacy: Dry raw materials - without a recipe,
Alcohol extract - by recipe
Storage conditions:at the tempo of up to 25 ° C
Shelf life:2-3 g

Corn storks are a vegetable preparation with choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic properties. Helps the removal of small appraints from the urinary tract.

Indications for use

  • For diseases of the liver (chronic form of hepatitis, states with a difficult bile compartment), inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts (cholecystitis, cholangitis), dyskinesia of bile ducts
  • With inflammation of the pancreas (chronic form of pancreatitis)
  • When cystitis, urolithiasis, nephroolithiasis (only if there are small stones)
  • Under edema of various genes (incl. During pregnancy, due to violations of cardiac and vascular systems, renal dysfunction)
  • To eliminate bleeding, provoked by a decrease in Prothrombin (as the priority of therapy).

As an auxiliary, the plant may be assigned in the case of other pathologies: in the treatment of tuberculosis, oncology, obesity, impotence, nervous system disorders, sleep mode, damage to skin cover (burns, breakdown, etc.).

The composition of the drug

Corn storks as a drug is presented at the pharmaceutical plant in the form of a moster of dry raw materials, in bags, or in a liquid extract. In addition, the plant is a popular component of various bars and vitamin complexesrepresented in the form of tablets or capsules.


  • Active substance: dried stiffs (100% composition).

Crumpled dried filamentous fibers of columns and a brown rim or brown with a red tint or pale yellow. The smell may be absent or being weakly pronounced. Cooked broth slightly mucous.

Vegetable raw materials are delivered to polyethylene or paper bags placed in cardboard boxes, 35, 50 or 75 g. Characteristics of the drug (description of the action, the rules of brewing and reception) are printed on the surfaces of the packaging.


LANs are also packaged 1 g in separate filter packets. In the package - 20 or 50 sachets, the instruction (may be on a separate sheet or printed on the surfaces of the box).

Liquid cornflower extract

The medicine is produced as an alcohol or aqueous extract:

  • Active substances: In equal proportions of extract of fish, pestles and ethyl alcohol (70%).

LS in the form of brown liquid smelling alcohol. It is packaged into light-protective bottles (25 or 50 ml), closed with a dropper cover. Capacity with the instructions are placed in a box of cardboard.


  • Active Component: Corn Railway Concentrate
  • Auxiliary Ingredients: Water, Propylene Glycol.

Dark solution, packaged in dark glass containers from 30 or 50 ml. In the package -1 bottle with the accompanying instruction.

Medical properties

The price fluctuates depending on the form of release from 30 to 150 rubles.

Corn (or maize) is one of the most ancient plants, anchored by man. This fact was confirmed several decades ago in Mexico, when the petrified corn pollen was discovered, whose age is presumably over 60 thousand years. In the wild form today almost does not occur.

Thanks to high nutritional properties And the unique content of the elements, corn not only saved humanity from hunger, but also healed. The plant and today remains in demand in medicine, because despite the latest achievements of scientists and the rapid development of pharmaceuticals, modern drugs could not fully displace him from therapy. Moreover, it is one of the few plants whose unique properties are recognized as official medicine, and is still a popular treatment tool. In modern therapeutic practice, they are mainly used corn stiggers, oil and starch.

Benefit and harm

Corn storks differ most useful properties And therefore are used for production medicines. Raw materials serve dried columns with fibers from female plants.

They are collected from the moment the pillars are included in the stage of dairy ripeness and to their full ripening. The plant is dried in the shade of naturally or using special equipment. The finished raw material is a mass of confused fine threads, the color of which can vary from light yellow to dark brown.

The chemical composition of the fibers is quite complex, and therefore it has not yet been studied to the end. It is known that the stilts contain a large stock of vitamin K, saponins, bitter glycosidic substances and even gold. There is also oil, fatty acids, sterols, ascorbic and pantothenic acid, as well as a number of alkaloid compounds, which are not yet thoroughly installed.

In medicine, cornflowers are valued for their choleretic, diuretic and bloodstand properties.

LS corn stilts are prescribed for the treatment of liver disease, since it is known that after the reception inside the broth or extract:

  • Increases the volume of bile produced
  • The viscosity and weight of bile
  • The concentration of bilirin is reduced
  • The process of blood clotting is activated with a simultaneous increase in platelet levels and prothrombin.

But, despite all the beneficial properties that corn hairs have, their use can bring harm if used without taking into account contraindications.

Caution should be revealed to patients with a sensitivity to the plant, as well as people who have a tendency to thrombosis due to high blood clotting.

LS based on the corn rim has a strong diuretic property: it is noticed that they increase the volume of separated urine by almost 160%. This feature should be taken into account patients with a lack of magnesium, calcium and other metals, since the drug can be treated to the lack, accelerating their withdrawal from the body. In addition to these substances, the output of ultrasters, phosphates and oxalates will increase.

Therefore, it is necessary to use plant drugs after medical advice, when there is confidence in the absence of contraindications.

Mode of application

Depending on the purpose and type of pathology, the corn stiffers can be used in the form of decoctions, aqueous extracts or alcohol tinctures. The drug can be prepared only from corn fibers or used in a mixture with other components.

Decoration from cornflowers

To prepare a healing solution, you need to take 10 g of fibers (about 3 table spoons), pour in an enamelled or glass container with boiled water (1 stack) room temperature And put on water bath. Heat for 15 minutes after water boiling, and then remove 45 minutes from fire and let it brew.

After that, strain the decoction, press the used raw material and add to the decoction of boiled water to a volume of 0.2 liters.

The decoction is recommended to take before eating. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times throughout the day. Store medicine follows in a cool place (at a temperature of 8-15 ° C) no longer than 2 days. Before use, get infusion from the refrigerator, shake, thoroughly shaking the container with the solution, measure the desired dosage and give it to warm up naturally.

Adults take corn stilts in accordance with the instructions for use, you need half a compartment 2 times during the day. Drinking LS follows during food intake. The course of treatment is established individually. On average, it can take from 20 to 30 days.

Alcohol extract

It is allowed to take on a day from 20 to 50 drops. The drug is recommended to mix with water (half a glass). Multiplicity of reception - 2-3 times throughout the day. The duration of the course depends on the type and complexity of the disease.

Aqueous extract

Depending on the testimony, take three times a day from 5 to 10 drops. The drug can be drunk at an undiluted form or add to drinks (compotes, juices, tea). The duration of the course is to appoint a doctor.

Corn storks with pancreatitis

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the degree of inflammation of the pancreas. If the disease is manifested in acute form, then the phytopreparation is unlikely to help. In case of acute form of pancreatitis, the patient is subject to hospitalization. The purpose of the plant is possible only if the patient has a chronic form of pathology. In this case, the medicine is shown to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and, thus, the painful syndrome.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Corn storks during pregnancy can be used, but exclusively in the form of decoctions, chipping or in the composition of the dietary supplies permitted during this period.

The extract of plant fibers is not recommended, since the drug is produced with an ethyl alcohol content. Therefore, if a woman got pregnant during the treatment with an alcohol, then she needs to cancel his reception and inform the doctor about therapy. In this case will be minimized possible harm For the future child.

During pregnancy, most often corn fibers are used to get rid of edema, as the plant has a pronounced diuretic effect. Also, the phytostreality is shown in cystitis. But independently apply the tool is not recommended, since the uncontrolled reception of the medicinal product, without the appointment of a doctor and accounting for the characteristics of the body, can provoke complications after the start of the movement of the kidney stones. If the output concretions are impressive, they can create a threat to the state of the woman.

In addition, the uncontrolled application of cornflowers will cause not only an outflow of extra fluid from the body, but also useful substances. The resulting lack of minerals and vitamins will negatively affect the formation of the fetus.

Contraindications and precautions

Phytopreparation Corn Fits is prohibited from:

  • High level of personal sensitivity to components or presence of intolerance
  • GCB (if the diameter of the stones exceeds 10 mm)
  • High degree of blood clot
  • Thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (or disease inconsistencies)
  • Obstructive jaundice
  • Anorexia
  • Age under 12 years old
  • Increased promrombminic index.

Cross drug interactions

No clinically significant reactions with other drugs are recorded.

Side Effects and Overdose

The corn stiffers themselves in the application in the recommended dosages usually do not cause complaints in patients. Only some people with high sensitivity to plant components are manifestations of allergic states that manifest themselves with different intensity. Most often marked redness of the dermis, rash, the appearance of an allergic runny nose.

If cornfits are part of other medicines as one of the components, the patient has side effects to be associated with the body's reaction to other active and / or auxiliary substances.

When signs of intolerance natural product It is necessary to consult a doctor for advice, you can or not continue to drink LS with corn strokes.

Cases of intoxication with decoction or infusion of corn columns with stilts is not described. Overdose extract containing ethyl alcohol is characterized side effects ethanol.


Vegetable means chemical composition And it has no analogues rendered. Select a replacement tool must be diagnosed.

Update, Vihtech, Uralbiofarm (Russia), BelmedPreparats (RB), Borschagovsky HFZ (Ukraine)

Price: Tab. (10 pcs.) - 13 rub., (24 tab.) - 42 rubles., (50 pcs.) - 52 rubles.

HP to enhance the secretion of bile by stimulating the intestinal mucosa, as well as activating the excretory liver function. The drug contributes to an increase in the volume of bile allocated, improves the motorcycle gastrointestinal motorcycles, counteracts the processes of rotting and fermentation.

The LS is appointed in the pathologies of the liver, chronic hepatitis, cholangitis, Discower ZVP, constipation due to bowel atony. Contraindicated with acute and subacute hepatitis or liver dystrophy, obtuctive jaundice.

In addition to treating, the drug can be used as a substitution with an endogenous shortage of bile.

As part of tablets: dry bile, vegetable extracts (garlic, nettle), activated coal.

  • Recommended reception - 2 tab. 3 r. / D. After receiving food. The duration of the healing course is from 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Children under 7 years old are allowed to give 1 tab., Older - 2 pcs. Also take three times a day for 3-4 weeks.

The drug is usually transferred well side effects may appear in the form of allergic reactions and diarrhea.


  • Natural composition
  • Cheap Means
  • Helps quickly.


  • Allergy.

A truly unique cub can be considered corn, thanks to which more and more people pay attention to its positive effect. But the useful properties and contraindications of cornfits also possess, especially for women, which will become the theme of our today's material.

Corn storks: Medical properties for women

The fibers with an excess are filled with valuable elements that fill their benefit for a female body, and not only:

  • vitamins, minerals, hormones and tanning substances;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • tanines, selenium, essential oils and pantothenic acid.

Gynecological diseases often accompany the woman throughout life, and to enhance the effect of pharmacy preparations it is recommended to use cornflowers.

More fibers normalize the metabolism in the body, leading in order a figure, increasing endurance and filling with energy as well as:

  • Strengthen the immunity and eliminate the body from harmful elements by tying them and with a natural way out.
  • The stilts have a prophylactic effect against the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the body, slowing the growth of already existing cancer cells.
  • Eliminate free radicals, following their presence in the body under admissible limits.
  • Reduce the amount of blood sugar, allowing the use of fibers with diabetes mellitus, as well as to prevent the development of this disease.
  • The positive effect of corn fish is applied to the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing all organs.
  • Weight problems also "by the forces" corn stilts.
  • More fibers lead to normal blood pressure and hormone levels, help to productively work the kidneys and liver, reassuringly act on the CNS, increasing stress resistance.

    What diseases help?

    The female body corn fibers are able to assist in the following cases:

    • in the uterine bleeding, inflammation of the mucosa of the internal genital organ and the available seals in the pipes;
    • with vain attempts to conceive and endure a child;
    • in pain during monthly bleeding.

    At the same time, the storks reassuringly act on the nervous system, helping the woman to cope with excessive irritability, and also normalize sleep and remove headaches. The product is also shown, what the speech will go further about.

    Benefit and harm during pregnancy

    During the hatching of the baby, the stilts are probably the only means that does not harm her mother, nor the fetus in the womb.

    The first trimester, as a rule, brings a lot of unpleasant moments due to toxicosis, with which the product helps to cope. And in the last period there are edema, from which specially prepared decoction eliminates.

    Another pregnancy is often accompanied by cystitis and problems in the work of the kidneys. So, the stilts are gently, but they are effectively eliminated, cleaning urine removal channels, bringing stones and sand and removing inflammatory processes.

    The harm from the product is possible with the unlimited use and individual intolerance of the components in the composition.

    Instructions for the use of cornflowers

    To obtain a maximum of benefit from the use of cornflowers without harm to health, it is necessary to brew them correctly. There are several types of preparation of healing agents based on them - decoctions, infancy, tincture and teas.

    How to brew

    The most simple is infusion, with which the bile, the liver and the gastrointestinal organs are treated.
    On 1 large spoon, the fibers need a glass of boiling water. Insist composition 1 hour. After that, strain and drink.

    The decoction is getting rid of hepatitis and cholecystitis. At the same time, such a tool is much more effective than the previous one, but also cook it is not so simple - pour 1 glass of water (warm), add 2 large spoons of the fishing. We prepare further on a water bath of 1/3 hours, after which it is to cool, strain, topping the water to the original level.

    In addition to cornflowers, also dry herbs, for example, the leaves of black currant, raspberries, mint and others take part in the preparation of tea. On 2 parts of the fibers, 1 selected herbs are taken, everything is mixed and 2 tablespoons are poured with a glass of water (boiling water), followed by insisting within a quarter of an hour.

    The tincture is prepared on vodka, where the ingredients are taken in equal amounts. The dishes should be of the glass of dark color, and the insist on the composition will be required for 20 days in the coolness and darkness.

    Approximate dosage at various illnesses

    For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink infusion up to 4 times a day on a tablespoon 2-week course.

    The instruction for applying the decoction is the following - is accepted in the same dosage and as much time during the day as the previous composition, but after meals and in warm form. This quickly restore the body after removing the surgical path of the gallbladder.

    Tea from herbs and corn fibers drinks on the floor of the glass several times during the day, which will give forces, improve the mood, will calm the nerves.

    An alcohol-based tincture has a pronounced sedimentation, used every day drip - by 30, 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

    Healing braids and infusions

    Now goes to the preparation recipes and the rules for receiving medicines based on cornflowers in specific diseases.

    If a sugar disease is diagnosed, then it will be necessary to cook a decoction on the stove - a large spoon of fibers poured ¼ l boiling water, putting the composition on the middle fire. After the water boils, cook for about 10 minutes, then remove from the stove, give half an hour to stand and strain. Drink 1 large spoon 2 hours after eating 3 times during the day 45 days, then a 2-week break and repetition of the course.

    It will help to get rid of cystitis such a recipe - floor liter of boiling water to pour 4 tablespoons of a fish with subsequent insistence of 2 hours. After that, infusion is fastened and used 4 times a day in 100 ml.

    In order to strengthen the roots of the hair, take in the same quantities of nettle in dry form with corn fibers. The proportions - on 1 liter of water floors of a glass of mixed composition. The mixture is worth 1 hour, focusing with several layers of gauze and then this liquid you need to rinse the hair after the usual wash wash.

    Corn Slimming Stigs

    Corn is very effectively burning fats without affecting lipolysis, but possessing certain properties:

  • A pronounced diuretic action, forcing a person very often to attend the toilet. Although the fibers are also possible and the reverse reaction, expressed in the swelling, which will talk about the need to visit the doctor.
  • Decrease in blood sugar levels. But at the same time, it should be remembered that if you continue there are many candies, buns, cakes and fast foods, then you are unlikely to help corn stilts get rid of excess weight.
  • The laxative effect, being an excellent antispasmodic, which kicks the bile and improving the processes of digestion.
  • And remember that always and in everything you need to know the measure, so before the start of use of fibers for weight loss do not forget to consult with a specialist who correctly calculates the dose and selects the tool.

    When women are contraindicated corn stiggers

    Corn fibers, like any other product, can bring not only the benefit of the body, but also harm.

    This happens if there are the following health problems:

    • an elevated blood coagulation was recorded. If you neglect this contraindication, then you will increase the risk of thrombus development in several times;
    • weak appetite together with insufficient weight. Reception of funds based on the fishing will further reduce it by dulling the feeling of hunger and dehydration due to frequent urination;
    • varicose varicose plants provokes blood thickening, leading to even greater stagnation;
    • during pregnancy, you should not drink alcohol tincture or fish extract, everything else to resolve the doctor.

    The contraindication is the individual intolerance to the cereal itself.

    Important: It is impossible for too long and uncontrollab to consume funds based on corn fibers, as it will entail the removal of the necessary elements from the body.

    Especially the product is effective as an additional means in the fight against kidney pathologies, liver and bladder. But treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor - self-treatment is absolutely contraindicated.
    Health to you and your loved ones!

    The Bell.

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