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Not always love relationship between a man and a woman ends in marriage. Sometimes a couple dates for a long time, lives together and even raises children together, but the man is in no hurry to propose marriage to his chosen one. This happens for various reasons (a man likes such a relationship, he does not want to limit his freedom, or he is simply too timid and is afraid of being rejected). You can correct the situation and push your loved one to more decisive actions with the help of special magical rituals and conspiracies.
Let's look at how to marry a man with the help of a love plot. A woman should read this conspiracy on the days of the waxing moon, on a starry night. Having waited for the right night, she must go outside, look at the sky and cross herself and say the following words:
“As from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth the heaven of the Lord is visible,
So that the servant of God (name of the chosen one) sees my image everywhere.
How the Mother of God covers the whole earth with her veil - from one end to the other,
So let me, the servant of God (your name),
Let him cover Holy Mother of God marriage with the servant of God (name of the chosen one),
So be it!
This spell must be pronounced nine times in a row, without faltering or stuttering.
In order to become the most dear and beloved for your chosen one (so that he wants to say goodbye to his freedom for your sake), you can use other love spells. For example, like this:
In any month, on the date of your birth, you need to pour water into a glass glass and cast the following spell on it:
“How beloved and sweet the red dawn is to everyone,
How beloved and sweet the clear star is to everyone,
So I, the servant of God (name), would be sweet and loved!
You need to wash your face with this water and pour the rest on your front door and door frame.



How to get married? Years go by and no one proposes marriage, which means it’s time for you to do something. If you already have a loved one, make this easy but very powerful and effective love spell to get your loved one to marry. A love spell guarantees that your loved one will not only reciprocate your feelings, but will also make him marry you in a very short time. To achieve your marriage, use this love spell recommended by a Siberian healer. Open the cellar or underground and read the marriage plot, it helps even a girl with a child get married. How to get married? Words of a love spell to speed up a wedding and get married quickly, forcing your loved one to marry you.

My yard owner, be my dear matchmaker,
Match me, God's servant (name)
To be your husband (here give two names of whom you would like to marry)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

© Copyright: Magician


  • By casting a love spell, you can easily bewitch your loved one and quickly marry the man you like. In love as in war, all ways are good and best weapon These are love spells; your loved one, who is not paying attention to you, will not be able to resist and will soon propose marriage, and then the wedding is not far away. So that you are fully equipped with love spells for everyone, we have selected the most powerful, quick and easy to carry out love spells for love and you have a very large selection for independent use, including everyone’s favorite love spells for love at home - read and choose. But before resorting to the help of a love spell ritual, think ten times whether you really love a person so much and want to be with him until the end of your days, or whether this is a fleeting romance after which both of you will have to eliminate the consequences of a love spell.

  • The ancient Slavic love spell is the most powerful and without consequences, so that faded love flares up again and the husband loves his wife again. An ancient custom for preserving a family, which has been practiced for many centuries, helps to bewitch a spouse to fall in love again. You need to cast a love spell at night, after midnight, 9 times breaking 9 branches alternately from any feminine tree (birch, alder, etc.) and 9 branches from a masculine tree (oak, maple, etc.), in total you should be 19 branches or 9 pairs. Read a love spell to make you fall in love deeply

  • Gypsy love spell on an onion A quick and safe gypsy love spell on an onion will help you quickly restore the relationship between people who love each other without the use of love magic. Gypsy love magic has always been one of the strongest and oldest witchcraft spells capable of instantly having a magical effect on the will and mind of a person. If you have chosen a gypsy love spell for yourself, we will tell you how to cast a love spell on a loved one on an onion yourself. A love spell is cast on a loved one early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen. Find a place where you can retire and no one will interfere with you in performing this quick love spell told by one talkative gypsy at the station. Take a large onion with you for a love spell

  • How to return a man who left you for another person, love magic has long found a solution to this problem and we will teach you how to return love and relationships and make them even better, and a love spell for love made on an apple will help us with this. Before you start casting a love spell, you need to carefully prepare for the magical ritual and, of course, you need to carry it out completely alone (you should be the only one in the room while you are reading the spell). In order to independently bewitch your beloved man and make him fall in love with you, you will need a fresh apple. A love spell using an apple is done without a photo and at any distance from the object being bewitched, which is very convenient. There are a lot of ways to make a love spell on an apple and we have already talked about some of them, this method is slightly different from those already described, so there is plenty to choose from.

  • LOVE SPELL AT A DISTANCE WITHOUT A PHOTO We will teach you how to bewitch a man you love, but he does not want to marry, and a strong love spell at a distance without a photo will help you with this, which you will do yourself. The magic of love will help you bewitch your loved one, and he won’t even know about it, but his feelings for you will awaken and increase every day. Girls used this old love spell back in ancient Rus' and this method of drying the goodness of a young man is actively used by knowledgeable girls in our time. If you don’t know how to bewitch a man, perform this simple magic ritual - a love spell and quickly get what you want. Each of us wants great and pure love, strong and necessarily mutual.

  • Those who have made a love spell using candles know about its consequences, which come very soon. Of course, the most powerful love spell made on candles is considered to be a black love spell on a candle, but the one made in front of a holy icon will be no less effective; this is a white love spell on love in the church, which we will talk about today. What is a visit to a sacred place without church paraphernalia? Of course, this love spell is done on church candles. But don’t rush to rejoice, it has some limitations that you shouldn’t forget about. A love spell with candles using white powers is not done on family people and does not break up engaged and married people; for this purpose it is better to use a special love spell on candles married man which was mentioned earlier. But if you decide to make a love spell on a guy, then this ritual is right on topic and then you will learn how to make a strong love spell using candles.

  • How to make the most powerful love spell that cannot be removed with complete and detailed description Love spells will teach you everything about this very ancient love spell ritual that has come down to this day from the depths of centuries. In order to make a strong love spell without just memorizing a text, all magical rituals, including love magic, are carried out with a certain set of objects, for example: blood, church candles or a love spell based on a photo. Also very important role The power of a love spell cast on a loved one is influenced by the location where it took place - a cemetery, home environment or done in a church. The most powerful love spells are considered to be black love spells made on New Year's holidays - this is a love spell on an old New Year or Christmas, as well as love spells on the moon, the detailed rituals of which the love spell told everyone earlier.

  • A very strong love spell made even with the slightest violation can have the most terrible consequences, which can be avoided if you properly prepare for the love spell and carry out the ritual without haste. You can find out how to cast a love spell on a loved one by reading everything that is said below. In love white and black magic There are a huge number of quick and powerful love spells to kindle love in the heart of a loved one. Love spells, depending on the chosen ritual, can be very strong, cast for life, or weak - aimed at making the person you want to bewitch pay attention to you and show loving feelings

  • You can quickly bewitch your loved one and it’s completely free, and we’ll tell you how to do it. Many love spells are performed at home and the presence of a person next to whom the magic love spell is directed is not at all necessary. We have already told you how to make a love spell from a photo, and if you have already watched this ritual, then you know that there is nothing complicated about it, but this is not what we are talking about. In this article you will learn the true power of love magic, which can very quickly give what you need and cast a love spell on the love of a loved one located at any distance from you in a very short time

Plot for marriage reads in the photo of the future groom and a white or church candle yellow(other candle colors are not suitable and the ritual will not be effective). For the ritual you need a new needle and red thread. Before reading the plot, a preparatory ritual is performed. Take a needle, red thread and a photo of a person and with a needle on each corner of the photo where the image is, scratch out a pictogram (a five-pointed star in a circle). Now the photo is rolled into a tube with the image facing inward and secured with a red thread making 3 circles around the photo and 7 knots. Now that preparatory work can be carried out read a love spell for marriage and a quick wedding :

The moon rises, the sun goes down, the sun rises, the moon goes down.
On the sea, on the ocean, on a heavenly platter, and on mother earth people walk.
The servant of God, the falcon (name), walks among them, his eyes sleep, his heart slumbers.
And you, hot needle, go to work, take care of God’s servant (name).
During the day he cannot sleep, in the dark night he cannot sleep, think and suffer,
Keep God's servant (name) on your mind.
If it were not forbidden from God for him to affirm,

Take the Servant of God (name) as your eternal spouse.
You are high in strength, be even higher, sew the experience into his head,
There is torment and suffering in my heart, sadness in my forehead.
You can’t wash it with water, you can’t wash it away, you can’t dissuade it with words, you can’t turn it off with deeds:
Neither the first, nor the second, nor the youngest, nor the eldest, none.
Oh, you needle, you could help me sew and dry it.
Morning, day, night, no one can overcome forever and ever.
What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say.
I started sewing on Monday

On Tuesday I took his heart for the rest of my life.
Wear, servant of God (name), my sewing, do not take it off,
Age by age, do not forget me, the servant of God (name).
Key, lock, tongue.


You need to read the plot 1 time and immediately after that love spell to force your loved one to marry starts to take effect. Ritual for marriage It is considered completed after you burn the photo and scatter the ashes outside in the wind. If you do this correctly strongest conspiracy- love spell who makes your loved one propose to you and marry you, you will forever tie him to you with bonds of love and no one will ever be able to remove this love spell and separate you. There is a high probability that you will soon get married and start a family with your loved one.

© Copyright: Magician


  • How to bewitch your husband to yourself forever and return your loved one from your mistress by reading the conspiracy. You can do this yourself and quite simply. A love spell on a husband and a ritual to return him are done without his presence. The ceremony is carried out without photos and things of the person being bewitched, and this greatly simplifies the task. After this love spell, my husband stopped going out and as soon as I performed a ritual of magic on my husband who had left the family, he returned to my home on the second day and until now my husband has never cheated on me with anyone again. After reading a plot to return a husband who is walking or has left home, his head will contain longing for his wife and a constant desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are in a family or love relationship will help you to bewitch your husband to yourself. At home, after 10 p.m., take a pinch of coarse salt in your right hand (crystals are important and fine salt will not work) and approach front door open the door wide and throw salt on your threshold and quickly say a love spell - a spell for eternal love by the husband of his wife:

  • All strong prayers to return the husband to the family, they will make sure that the husband understands that he loves his wife and quickly returns home to his wife and children. Women also read prayers for the return of their husbands when the husband has left for his mistress or if the husband has filed for divorce. Orthodox prayer about reconciliation and the return of the husband in Russian will quickly bring his beloved to his senses and force him to return to his wife, loving her again with his former strength. How to quickly return a husband to the family with prayers quickly and without consequences, women whose husbands left their family and went to another woman - a rival, forgetting about their children, ask me in letters. A prayer, like a conspiracy to return a loved one, very quickly gives the expected effect, and if you carry out the ritual of white magic correctly, then in 3 days you can return your husband with prayer and make it so that he will forever love only his wife and will never cheat on her with another woman and so will no longer leave the family.

  • The Magician knew how to cast a demonic love spell on a needle and use demons to bewitch her beloved to her forever since childhood, but she recently used this love spell ritual with the help of black power. It was not for nothing that I chose a demonic love spell - NDB, because the consequences of this love spell made through demons occur instantly and the bewitched person, having lost his head, falls deeply and forever in love with the object of his passion, loving him for life. After a demonic love spell, a bewitched man will never be able to cheat on his wife, he will love only her, forgive her for everything she does, never saying a word against his wife’s will. Many people say “henpecked” about such men, but a woman feels very comfortable next to such a husband, because he doesn’t need anyone else except his wife, even his mother-in-law (his mother) immediately fades into the background, having lost all her power of influence on her son (the bewitched man ). Strong demonic love spells through a black matchmaker can be done on any moon, but a prerequisite for making a demonic love spell on your own is to wait until midnight, after midnight the demons have received the power to cast a strong love spell in one night and immediately in the morning the bewitched man will feel a strong attraction to his beloved. In order for a demonic love spell to work, in the room where the ritual for love with the help of demons will be performed, there must be no church attributes (icons, lamps, crosses...), and you should also remove church attributes from yourself (a cross, a palm, an icon...), if There are mirrors in the room, cover them with thick cloth. The nbd love spell has enormous power, and its power lies in the words of the conspiracy against devils. So, you need to read a love spell - a devil spell 13 times. Insert a needle into the church candle on the side opposite the wick and light it from the needle side. As the candle fire flares up, read a strong demonic love spell on your loved one 13 times:

  • This strong conspiracy The wife should read on the love of a husband for his wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life itself, listens to her advice and respects his wife more than his mother. The plot is made on a glass drinking water, and you need to give your husband drunk with the charmed water. After the wife reads the spell, which evokes the husband’s love, respect and obedience to his wife, the beloved man who drinks the charmed water will “take his head”, stop drinking and going out with friends, and will always rush to his wife, stop listening to the opinions of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) but will begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others. The consequences of this love spell on love and obedience by a husband to his wife are expressed in the following, the husband will be very much drawn home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband’s behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. If you want to use magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the plot to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife. For the ritual, pour drinking water into a glass and say over it the words of the conspiracy for the love and respect of your husband:

When a relationship begins at the age of 15–16, it is clear that neither party is yet thinking about starting a family and marriage. When we are talking about older age, the girl always takes her future husband as her boyfriend. Regardless of material wealth, work, number of friends, every girl dreams of marriage, children, and family.

If a guy doesn't want to get married, magic can help

For most representatives of the fair sex, it is important that the marriage is not civil, but officially registered. Some people don’t have any problems with this at all, they met, met, got married a year or two later and that’s it - family life has begun.

Magic and personal relationships

And there are times when everything is fine in a relationship, there are no complaints against each other, people agree both in sex and in everyday life, but for unknown reasons the guy does not propose marriage to the girl.

In desperation, the beautiful half is ready to do anything, even use magic to achieve their goals, especially if the man is also married, and you need to not only push him to get married, but first also take him away from his family.

Magic in love affairs

Before turning to magicians for help, you can always try to perform the ritual yourself so that the man proposes.

The simplest, but very powerful and effective ritual you can use is one that should be performed around Christmas.

Love spell

No matter how much a man loves freedom and tries to avoid marriage, with the help of this love spell he can be persuaded to direct his thoughts towards marriage.

To perform the ritual you need:

  • 9 nails;
  • hammer.

To carry out a love spell, you need to stock up on a hammer

How to perform a ritual

  1. To perform the ritual, you need to buy 9 nails before Christmas.
  2. Come home and immediately drive them into the threshold of the house.
  3. Cast a love spell:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Two monks are walking, carrying an icon, On that icon there are three holy faces, Three God's miracles. Jesus Christ was born, God's world changed. Change you too, servant of God (name), to me, to God’s servant (name). Your spirit and your soul, love me more than yourself. Don’t sleep at night, don’t find peace anywhere: At night with the moon, in the evening with a star, With a clear sun, with a red sunset. Everything for you to think and wonder, On your mind, on your mind. To be crowned with a crown, to be betrothed with a ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

To marry your loved one

A ritual for the guy to propose marriage as soon as possible.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you must have the following:

  • Tarot cards;
  • red candle;
  • golden colored candle.

How to perform a ritual

To carry out the ritual, the following sequences must be followed:

Stage one: Card selection

Among the Tarot cards, select cards with the following content:

  • The Lovers card (means the abandonment of the old life and an irrevocable turn to a new life plot, the creation of love and the adoption of specific decisions);
  • Strength card (means courageous and decisive resistance to changes in fate);
  • card of the Page of Cups (means a joyful message about a wedding, engagement, birth of a child);
  • Ten of Cups card (means a feeling of satisfaction, gratitude, highest harmony, complete compensation of desire).
Stage two: Candles

Place a golden and red candle on the table.

  1. Light a red candle.
  2. Say the following:

    “I light this candle to strengthen our love, removing all obstacles along the way.”

  3. Light a golden candle.
  4. Say the following:

    “I light this candle for the success of our union”

Stage Three: Card Spread

On the table so that the candles are in a circle, clockwise, be sure to lay out the cards starting from the east in the following order:

  1. Strength.
  2. Lovers.
  3. Ten Cups.
  4. Page of Cups.

As soon as the Page of Cups lands on the table, you need to focus all your thoughts on the relationship between you and your loved one, who have already been united by marriage.

Cast a spell:

“The power of love will overcome everything, our wedding will take place soon. With the forces of all four elements and the ancient power of the Tarot, our love will be crowned with marriage. Let it be as I want."

After the ritual, the cards must be left in the same order until the red and golden candles burn out. Be sure to perform the ritual only before bedtime and only during the full moon.

To speed up marriage

In order for your loved one to marry you faster, a ritual to speed up marriage will help.

What is needed for the ceremony

To carry out this ritual, you must prepare in advance:

Cinnamon is one of the main attributes for performing a ritual to speed up marriage.

  • two dolls;
  • white ribbon;
  • pen;
  • valerian;
  • cinnamon;
  • incense;
  • myrrh oil;
  • box;
  • hops or grapevine;
  • holy water;
  • magnet;

How to perform a ritual

To perform the ceremony you need to take two dolls, no matter what size.

  1. Dress them as the bride and groom.
  2. Write the names of the newlyweds on the back of each doll.
  3. Take a long white ribbon and write the same names on it.
  4. Tie three knots on the ribbon, be sure to take into account the number of knots. Exactly 3, in this way the Holy Trinity is called upon for help.
  5. Take two dolls and tie them facing each other. You need to tie it at the waist.
  6. Mix valerian, cinnamon, add a little frankincense, a couple of drops of myrrh oil. The result was herbal tea.
  7. Take the dolls and put them in tea, saying:

    "Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father."

  8. Wait until the dolls dry and put them in a box, sprinkle the dolls with holy water.
  9. Mix holy water with honey and wash the magnet in this water. After that, put it in the box with the dolls.
  10. Take a long shoot from a hop or vine and place it in a box that already contains dolls and a magnet.
  11. Close the box and hide it in a secret place.

Ritual for a happy marriage

The ritual is great for those girls who live with their loved ones, but in an unofficial marriage. The ritual will help the marriage take place earlier.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you need:

For the ritual you will need a wedding card

  • insole from the chosen one's shoes;
  • pink paper or wedding card;
  • pen;
  • 5 needles;
  • red silk fabric;
  • yellow or golden thread;
  • white candle;
  • yellow candle.

How to perform the ceremony

There are no difficulties in carrying out the ritual; just do it according to the instructions:

  1. You can take insoles from any shoes of your chosen one, even if the shoes have not been put on for a long time.
  2. Take pink paper or a wedding card and cut out two heart shapes.
  3. Write a name on each heart. One is the name of the chosen one. The second is yours.
  4. You can fold the hearts in such a way that the names are opposite each other, this can be done with the help of five needles.
  5. The needles must be new.
  6. Take red silk fabric and wrap the hearts attached to each other in it.
  7. Place the finished package between the insoles of your chosen one.
  8. Using a yellow or golden thread, tie the insoles so that the bundle is still between them.
  9. Place the finished product under the mattress of the bed on which you sleep with your chosen one.
  10. For 5, 10 or 25 days, it all depends on how strong the desire is to speed up the marriage, you need to light a white and yellow candle for one hour.

Conspiracy "Power over a man"

It is carried out so that the man shares the thoughts and lifestyle of the chosen one, and also takes into account her desires.

  1. Before carrying out, you need to pay attention that the moon must be growing.
  2. To carry out a conspiracy, you need to take the chosen one’s underwear, soak it in cold water, squeeze out.
  3. After this, place it on a hot battery, saying:

    “As this linen dries, so let the servant of God (name of the betrothed) dry for the servant of God (your name) from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

  4. Every ritual intended to speed up marriage, to cast a love spell on a loved one, must be done only if the girl herself is confident in her chosen one.
  5. Because magic is not a toy and every action has consequences. You need to be confident in your goals and desires.

First of all, you need to know for sure that the person on whom the love spell or conspiracy is being cast is exactly the chosen one with whom you are ready to start a family. Magic is not always bad, but before you use it, you need to try on your own to push your loved one to change in the relationship. Because a man who loves and who is planning a family with you specifically will not need any magical rituals.

Almost all girls want to get married. Especially if the acquaintance and first date with a nice guy is over and the relationship has been going on for a long time. But not all men, like the fair sex, also strongly want to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen. Usually women have to resort to intrigue and tricks to push their lover to the decision to get married. Psychologists give various advice on this matter and recommend many hidden manipulation techniques. But there are also invaluable tips of simple worldly wisdom and even magical techniques that can as soon as possible guide a man to marriage. About these and other techniques and practical advice we will tell you in this article.

To marry a man, you need to take into account and put together many factors. But, dear ladies, let us immediately make a reservation that we will not talk about such factors as beauty, grooming, health, etc.speech. After all, the decisive role in marrying a man to yourself according to his free will is your character and attitude towards him.

What character traits and attitude towards a man can push him to decide to marry you?

Be a reliable friend

Have you noticed that girls with not outstanding external data get married more often than the notorious beauties? Have you ever wondered why this happens? It's actually very simple. Those representatives of the fair sex who were not naturally endowed with a bright appearance behave differently with men. They don’t have excessive demands, they are less offended and, as people say, they don’t “blow out” their man. Instead, they become reliable friends to their chosen one and give him freedom of action and choice.


In the same way, you should become a reliable and faithful friend to your potential husband. A person who will completely accept him as he is, will not criticize him, but on the contrary, at any moment will be able to encourage him and provide moral support. A man should feel psychological comfort next to you, but not tension and anxiety due to your difficult character. It is important for him to be understood in a timely manner, to hear words of support, compliments and, if anything happens, to be easily forgiven.

Be caring, affectionate, gentle, and most importantly flexible. Agree with the man and don’t go against him. Use the phrase “Okay, honey” more often.

Don't be intrusive

This rule applies both to the question of a wedding and to other everyday moments. A man must independently come to the decision to marry you. If you constantly repeat this to him, he is unlikely to like it. Also, never insist that he spend more time with you. time than it actually is. Give him complete freedom. Yes, this may not be to your liking. But it's worth it. A man who understands that a woman trusts him and does not try to control or enslave him, subconsciously feels warmth and comfort from communication and relationships with such a woman. He doesn’t have to worry and worry that she might be offended again, etc. The less you “stress” a man and create unnecessary problems for him, the better. Let him calmly meet with friends, go to football, visit relatives, etc.

Be a good housewife

Your man, especially if you live together, should always be fed, watered, clean and tidy, and the house should be clean and tidy. Surprise him with various culinary delights from your production. Take care of him in everyday life, but not intrusively and in a home-grown way. Men value thriftiness and economy in a woman. He should be calm that if he marries you, that you will fulfill your traditional feminine duties well.

These were several invaluable psychological and everyday rules. But besides this, you can also use magical techniques to push a man towards marriage. Next, we will give a couple of effective magical rituals to marry a man.


Do the following rituals And read conspiracies to marry a man you need only during the period waxing moon. You should be the only one in the room. No extraneous noises, etc. should disturb or distract you. You need to start performing such rituals only in a good mood and good health.

Read also: Marilyn Kerro: Marriage is a show.

Ritual for Christmas to marry a guy

This magic ritual quite simple, but according to legend very strong and effective. Unfortunately, it can only be performed once a year, namely on Christmas Day.

So, January 7 morning you need to buy 9 small nails. It is important to buy nails in the morning, and not to take existing ones or borrow from someone. Don't take change from your purchase! After the nails are purchased, you will need to drive them into the threshold of your own home, while reading the following plot:

“Two elders are walking, carrying an icon in their hands, on this icon there are three faces of saints - three Divine miracles.

When Jesus Christ our God was born into the white world, the whole world around me changed. I command you to change your decision and attitude, too, the servant of God (name of the man) towards God’s servant (name). May your spirit and soul love me more than ever, and more than yourself. So that you don’t sleep at night, so that you don’t have peace anywhere: neither on a moonlit night, nor on a starry evening, nor on a clear day, nor on a red sunset.

All thoughts are about me, I conjure you to think and wonder, and keep it in your mind. From now on, you and I will be married with a crown, and soon we will be engaged with a ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this ritual, expect quick news from your loved one.


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