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To prepare, you need to have two main ingredients - miso paste and dashi broth, the rest is optional. Today we will prepare the most popular version of miso soup - with wakame seaweed and tofu.

What is miso soup made of?

  • Miso is a paste made from soybeans and rice, barley or wheat. I used light paste (it can also be dark).
  • Dashi (or dashi) is a freeze-dried, highly rich, concentrated granular fish stock based on katsuobushi (dried and then smoked tuna) and kombu seaweed.
  • Tofu is a soy product. The consistency is similar to cheese, it can be hard or soft. Miso soup uses solid soup.
  • Wakame is a type of brown seaweed with a sweetish taste, most often included in the recipe for miso soup.

Cooking time

Miso soup is prepared very quickly, in almost a matter of minutes, so all ingredients must be prepared in advance. It is not worth boiling the soup for 10-15 minutes, as indicated in many sources on the Internet: the longer the miso soup is cooked, the less nutrients and taste remain in it. The only thing that can be cooked for longer than 10 minutes is dried shiitake mushrooms, so they will become softer and tastier, and the broth from them will be more aromatic and richer.

Cooking time: 20 minutes / Number of servings: 4


  • dried wakame seaweed 5 tbsp.
  • white tofu cheese 350 g
  • dashi broth 3-4 tbsp.
  • light miso paste 120 g
  • dried shiitake mushrooms 10-15 pcs.
  • 2 liter saucepan


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    Miso soup cooks very quickly, in almost minutes, so all ingredients must be prepared and prepared in advance. It is not worth boiling the soup for 10-15 minutes, as indicated in many sources on the Internet: the longer the miso soup is cooked, the less nutrients remain in it. The only thing that can be cooked for longer than 10 minutes is dried shiitake mushrooms, so they will become softer and tastier, and the broth from them will be more aromatic and richer. So. Pour hot boiled water over the dried shiitakes, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.

    Pour wakame seaweed cold water and leave for 10 minutes, let it swell.

    Pour the mushrooms and water into a saucepan, add water to the 1 liter mark. Place on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Meanwhile, add 1 cup of water to the light miso paste and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the finished soup.

    Drain the water from the algae and squeeze lightly. Cut the tofu into small cubes, about 1 cm in size. This must be done very carefully, as tofu is delicate and can break or crumble.

    When the mushrooms are boiled, add the granulated dashi broth and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Next add miso paste to the soup. Taste and adjust the soup to your taste so as not to oversalt, because all the ingredients are very salty when dry.

    Immediately add the wakame seaweed, stir the soup, and return to the stove. As soon as the soup boils, add the chopped tofu, carefully again so that the tofu cubes do not break, stir, turn off the stove, cover the soup with a lid and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

That's all, very simple and fast. The most delicious and healthy miso soup is ready. Serve sprinkled with chopped green onions directly onto the plate.

20 best recipes making soups

30 minutes

65 kcal

5/5 (1)

Miso soup is a dish that is eaten in Japan morning, afternoon and evening. It is prepared in every Japanese family and eat it every day. Usually it is also served with a dish of rice, which complements the meal, but you can do without it.

Some ingredients that are not so easy to find in our country are a must in this soup: miso paste, tofu cheese and seaweed. Miso paste is soybeans that have been fermented by a special mold. Tofu is made from soy milk and is practically tasteless in itself, so the soup is usually cooked in vegetable, fish or meat broth.

Thanks to its components, miso soup turns out to be very healthy: it contains phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, as well as vitamins of all groups. At the same time, it is very light and low in calories. And preparing the soup is very easy, because almost all the ingredients do not even require long cooking.

Today I will only talk about the classic miso soup, and you will find variations of it if you like.

Miso soup with mushrooms

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Do not buy miso paste with additives or at a reduced price, as it is most likely counterfeit.
  • For soup, it is better to use tofu that is not too hard so that it melts in your mouth. And the packaging in which it is packed must be airtight.
  • Mushrooms should be whole, not crumble or crumble in your hands.

Kitchenware and appliances: knife, saucepan, frying pan, spoon, scissors.


Cooking process

Miso soup recipe video

This video, accompanied by pleasant Japanese music, shows a recipe for making classic miso soup at home. The video is well filmed and all actions are accompanied by written comments, so it is very easy to repeat.

  • Cook the soup over low heat, otherwise it will lose its taste and aroma.
  • After adding the pasta, do not let the soup boil: the ingredients should only be warmed and steamed.
  • Prepare only enough soup to eat at one time, because the dish cannot be reheated.

Other options

Above is only the classic version of miso soup, but its fillings are different. You can make soup with chicken, salmon and seafood. In restaurants you can often see that half a boiled egg and various spices are added to it.

If we return to more traditional options that are closer to us, then here too you can find a lot of recipes. For example, dietary, which, in addition to being easy to prepare, is also very healthy.

It turns out very tasty and satisfying, which are prepared in just a couple of minutes. If you want to prepare a purely Russian soup, then do it, because this grain is grown only here.

And if you want to try something unusual, but healthy, then try it, the main thing is to cook it carefully. There are a lot of recipes for soups that are easy for the body and easy to prepare, so if you are tired of regular borscht, just look for something new.

Are you a fan of Japanese cuisine? Did you have miso soup? Are you going to try other recipes? If you have already tried other versions of miso soup, then tell us about it in the comments.

Miso soup is a classic Japanese dish. You can eat it for breakfast, lunch or even instead of lunch. It has a minimum of calories and a lot of useful substances. In addition, miso soup is very quick and easy to prepare.

It contains no meat or oil, so it is suitable even for Lent. The only disadvantage of miso soup is that it cannot be stored; it must be eaten immediately after cooking.

Ingredients of miso soup

The base of the soup is dashi broth. It is the basis of many Japanese dishes and soups, usually made from dried small niboshi sardines. Dried shiitake mushrooms and kombui seaweed are added to the soup. Very often, for nutritional reasons, various types of fish and shrimp, as well as potatoes and vegetables, are added to the soup. But the composition of the broth makes miso soup unique and is chosen freely. For example, in winter you can add thinly sliced ​​pork to a dish in order to get a complete dish.

Miso is a fermented soybean paste with rice, barley, wheat, salt and water. Each region of Japan has its own version of miso paste. They differ in appearance. The color can vary from white to brown, almost black. Different pastas and to taste. Miso is fermented from several months to several years. Light pasta is made with rice. It can be both sweet and not so sweet. Both options are suitable for miso soup. Red can also be used for making soup and marinades. It can be stored for up to 3 months.

How to make miso soup at home

The golden rule for making top-notch miso soup is that the ingredients must work together harmoniously.

Basic miso soup recipe

1 liter of water (in portions)
1-2 tbsp. dashi (dry fish broth)
1-2 tbsp. miso paste (dark or light to taste)
shiitake mushrooms (to taste)
dried seaweed (to taste)
Green onions (to taste)
Tofu (to taste)

How to make miso soup?

First you need to boil water and pour dry dashi fish broth or dry fish flakes into it. The broth is worth tasting. It shouldn't be salty. Otherwise, the miso will over-salt the soup. You can add more water.

Miso soup recipe

Bring the broth to a boil. Cut the pre-soaked shiitake into strips and add to the broth. When the mushrooms are cooked, take some broth into a separate container and dilute the miso paste there. Remove the soup from the heat, pour in the miso and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Next, add dry seaweed - they will quickly absorb water. The soup is ready.

Place diced tofu cheese into deep serving bowls to taste, pour the soup over it, garnish with chopped green onions and serve the dish.

It is worth noting that when cooked, the soup emits a rather strong odor. This is quite normal. The finished dish smells very tender and pleasant. However, an overly pronounced smell of seafood is present during the preparation of many Japanese dishes.

How to cook miso soup just like Japanese housewives? There is no clear answer here. Recipes depend on where you live and what you have in stock at home. Therefore, experiments are encouraged here. Onigiri (unleavened rice dishes) are perfect as a snack. During fasting, dashi can be replaced with cubed broth, which by definition does not contain fish.

Miso soup with shrimp and squid

1 liter of water for light miso broth (to taste)
dashi (to taste)
boiled or canned squid - one carcass for four
5 pieces of shrimp per plate
1 egg for 4 plates
dried seaweed to taste

Boil water and add dashi to it. The broth should taste sweet and slightly salty so that miso can be added to it. Add the seaweed, and while it is boiling, beat the egg in a plate. Pour it in a thin stream into the boiling broth and stir constantly. Pour one ladle of broth into a cup and dilute the miso paste in it.

Arrange shrimp and squid in portions. Add the diluted pasta to the soup, stir once and turn off. Next, pour the soup into bowls and serve.

Miso soup with kelp

1 liter of broth
60 g miso paste
200 g canned shiitake mushrooms
50 grams of canned kelp

Wash the kelp and cut it into small pieces. Dissolve miso paste into some of the broth. At the same time, rinse the mushrooms with cold water and lower them into the broth. Add the kelp at the very last moment and the dish is ready.

Onion miso soup with tofu

700 ml broth
15 g rice miso paste
250 g white firm tofu (bean curd)
large green onions (to taste)

Bring the dashi broth to a boil. Add miso paste to it. Next, add the diced tofu and cook the soup for a few minutes. Then cut the green onions into thin, neat rings and add to the pan.

Cook the soup for a few more minutes and, without bringing it to a boil, turn off the burner. It is worth steeping the soup a little and serving it to the table.

Miso soup with tofu and seaweed

4 glasses of water
2-3 niboshi (dried Japanese anchovy)
100 g tofu
1 handful of pickled seaweed
white meat to taste
some green onions

We put the niboshi in the water and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil. Next, take out the niboshi and add one tablespoon of white miso. If the niboshi you get is not of very high quality, then add dashino-moto (or dashi) fish broth powder.

Next add chopped seaweed, as well as small cubes of tofu. As soon as the grounds float to the surface, turn off the heat, since miso loses its aroma during boiling. The dish is ready. It should be served with chopped green onions.

500 ml dashi
60 g soy paste
50 g sea salted cabbage
half a bag of shiitake

Peel and wash the seaweed, cut it into pieces, 3 centimeters each. Then rinse the shiitake in water. Next, heat the dashi in a saucepan and add the soybean paste to cook the soup base. Next, add the shiitake and seaweed to the pan and divide the miso soup into cups.

Miso soup with pork and spinach

350 ml dashi
1.5 tbsp. soybean paste
50 g thinly sliced ​​pork
1-2 bunches of spinach
enoki mushrooms (third of a stick)
half a teaspoon of oil

Cut the pork into pieces and fry directly in the pan. Cook the spinach briefly and place it in cold water. Next, cut into pieces of 4 centimeters each. Heat dashi rice broth in a saucepan and add soybean paste. Add enoki and pork, cook and turn off the stove.

The editors of the site hope that the recipes given here will help you become a master in preparing miso soup with various ingredients, and you will be able to amaze your guests with Japanese cuisine.
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Get acquainted with classic and original reliable recipes for dishes with miso paste on the culinary avant-garde website. Try cooking options with miso paste for soups, sauces, marinades for chicken, meat and fish, brines for pickles and eggplants. This paste can also be used as a sauce for rice and other hot side dishes. Or cook it with vegetables. Sometimes this paste is made sweet and used in confectionery.

The main principles of amazing Japanese cuisine are maximum preservation of the natural appearance, minimal heat treatment and beauty of presentation. And another important rule is the seasonal supply of vegetables. Based on this, the ingredients for Japanese cuisine must be super fresh and of high quality. And of course, miso paste is an essential ingredient in many dishes. She's very helpful. The paste contains an abundance of protein, minerals: Zn, Fe, Ca and very necessary vitamins A, D, B. B12. Miso paste comes in three varieties:
SHIROMISO - white miso (from rice, wheat, pearl barley, barley);
AKAMISO - red miso made from soybeans;
AWASEMISO is a mixed type of miso.

The five most commonly used ingredients in miso paste recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Cut the tofu into slices. Dry a little.
2. Coat with red soy miso paste.
3. Fry the tofu in a frying pan until browned. Divide among plates.
4. In the same frying pan, fry the Chinese cabbage until soft.
5. Combine tofu in bowls.
6. Steam funchose rice noodles with boiling water and let stand for at least 3 minutes. Drain the liquid, rinse and also place in plates.
7. Prepare dashi broth. Fill plates with funchose, Chinese cabbage and tofu.
8. Season with coriander and freshly chopped herbs.
9. Serve hot.

Five of the fastest recipes with miso paste:

Helpful Tips:
. The miso paste is not boiled, but added at the very end of cooking to the hot, ready-made broth and mixed thoroughly.
. The ideal ratio for soup: 150 grams of miso paste per 1 liter.
. Miso paste can be used as a preservative, which will help keep the product fresh for a long time.

Miso soup or miso shiro is a traditional and very popular dish of Japanese cuisine. It's probably more popular than sushi. The Japanese can start their day with miso soup, continue it with lunch, and end it with dinner. Miso is served to guests and prepared in all restaurants.

The base of the soup is dashi broth. Considered the basis of many Japanese dishes and soups, it is most often made from dried small niboshi sardines. Dried shiitake mushrooms and kombui seaweed are added to the soup. Often, for nutritional reasons, various types of fish and shrimp are chopped into the soup, and of course potatoes, as well as vegetables. But the composition of the broth makes miso soup inimitable and is chosen freely. For example, in winter you can add finely chopped pork to the dish in order to get a complex dish.

Miso is a fermented mixture of soybeans with rice, barley, wheat, salt, and water. Each region of Japan has its own version of miso paste. They differ in appearance. The color can vary from white to brown, almost black. Different weights and to taste. Miso is fermented from a number of months to several years. The light mass is made with rice. It turns out both sweet and not so sweet. Both options are suitable for miso soup. Red can be used in the same way for preparing soup and marinades. It can be stored for up to three months.

The golden rule of preparing first-class miso soup is that the ingredients must combine harmoniously.

Cooking recipes

Miso soup is an excellent dish of Japanese cuisine based on a paste of the same name made from fermented soybeans. The population of the land of the rising sun owes, among other things, to this soup their own health and longevity. According to the UN, Japan has the largest number of centenarians (people aged 100 years and older) per capita. In addition, local citizens have one of the lowest rates of obesity.

The history of the dish dates back more than 2500 years. According to rumors, Buddhist monks were the first to make it and begin to eat it. Many Japanese still eat it three times a day. In this article, the editors “ Quick Recipes” has prepared a complete guide for you on how to make miso soup.

Basic miso soup

The recipe for miso soup is incredibly simple, like most dishes of Japanese cuisine, which is why it can be prepared at any time without putting much effort into the matter.


  • six tbsp. fish broth
  • one piece green onions
  • three tbsp. soy sauce
  • one pack ramen noodles
  • fifteen gr. spinach
  • sixty gr. tofu
  • olive oil


To start cooking miso soup, you should heat up a fish or vegetable broth, to which you need to add two tablespoons of soy sauce, one teaspoon olive oil and finely chopped green onion.

While the broth is boiling, cut the tofu into small cubes and fry them for 5-7 minutes in a mixture of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. As a result, the tofu will take on a barely noticeable golden appearance and will be soaked in soy sauce. Add one package of ramen noodles to the boiling broth and continue to boil the broth along with the noodles.

After the ramen noodles are soft, add spinach leaves, which can be added whole, to the almost finished miso soup. If you wish, you can chop the spinach, but this is a voluntary step. All that remains is to add fried tofu to the miso soup and let the finished soup warm up in the heat for a few more minutes, after which the dish can be poured into dishes.

Miso soup with vegetables and tofu


  • 1.25 liters chicken broth or dashi broth
  • three tbsp. l. dark miso paste
  • one medium carrot
  • five medium champignons
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn
  • one hundred g of green pea pods
  • two handfuls of spinach leaves, preferably small
  • four green onions
  • 120 g tofu


Peel the carrots and cut into thin strips, mushrooms into thin pieces. Pour boiling water over the corn kernels for 3 minutes, then drain. Chop the pea pods into 1.5 cm long pieces, and the green onion into thin rings diagonally. Tear off the tough stems of the spinach and tear the large leaves into 2-3 pieces. Chop the tofu into cubes. In a large saucepan, bring the broth to a boil over regular heat. Pour 1/2 cup into a small bowl, add miso paste and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Place carrots, mushrooms and corn in a saucepan with broth and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes. Add pea pods, spinach and green onions, cook for another 1 minute. Reduce heat, add diluted miso paste to the soup and simmer for five minutes, avoiding boiling. Add the tofu cubes to the pan and heat them in the soup, 1 minute. Pour the soup into a bowl and serve.

Authentic miso soup requires a dashi broth made from bonito flakes with kombu seaweed. But it is possible to buy it ready-made.

Miso soup with wakame and tofu


  • Hondashi broth in granules - three tsp;
  • dried seaweed Wakame - 1–2 tbsp. l.;
  • enoki mushrooms - 85 g fresh, or 0.5 packs of canned ones, or Shiitake mushrooms - 1–2 pcs. (your choice);
  • miso paste - three tablespoons;
  • tofu - 175 g;
  • green onion - one arrow (of your choice, for decoration);
  • white sesame - one tsp. (your choice, for decoration).


First of all, you need to prepare something in advance.

  • If you use dried shiitake mushrooms instead of enoki mushrooms, you need to soak them in warm water for half an hour. After this, squeeze out the moisture, remove the remaining stems from the caps, cut into strips and soak again in warm water for ten minutes. Squeeze out moisture before use.
  • If you use fresh enoki, you need to cut off the remaining mycelium and carefully rinse the mushrooms.
  • If using canned enoki, cut off the ends of the stems, removing the roots, and then rinse them from the brine.
  • Soak the dried Wakame seaweed in water for five minutes, then drain the water.

Cut the tofu into cubes measuring one cm by one cm. If you do not have Dashi broth prepared in advance, it can be prepared from Hondashi granules by diluting 3 teaspoons of grains in 0.75 liters of warm water. Dilute 3 tbsp. miso paste in hot Dashi broth (use half a glass of broth) until the paste is completely liquefied and there are no lumps.

Well, the preparation is complete, you can start making miso soup. In a saucepan of a suitable size, bring the Dashi broth (prepared yourself or from Hondashi granules) to a boil. Add soaked Wakame seaweed to the broth, as well as mushrooms (if using), reduce heat and simmer for 1 minute. Add miso paste diluted in Dasha's broth to the pan (or you can use a special strainer, which you need to lower into the bubbling broth, and use it to strain the miso paste into the broth). Add the tofu cubes and let the soup warm up, but do not boil. If necessary, tofu cubes can simply be divided into portioned bowls and then poured over them with warm soup. Pour the finished soup into portioned bowls or bowls, sprinkle with green onion rings and white sesame seeds. Serve warm.

Miso soup with smoked eel


  • smoked eel fish 300 grams
  • tofu cheese 150 grams
  • dashi broth 1 liter
  • miso paste 3 tablespoons
  • soy sauce to taste
  • dried wakame seaweed to taste


Soak wakame seaweed in water and dilute dashi broth from a dry base (traditional products for Japanese cuisine are sold online or in specialty stores). Boil the dashi broth, dilute the miso paste with 1-2 tablespoons of broth and stir thoroughly. Add the resulting mass to the boiling broth.

Place the diced soy cheese tofu and already soaked wakame seaweed, reduce the heat and keep covered for another minute, then remove from heat and let stand for a while. Place the chopped eel in portioned bowls and pour the soup over it; you can sprinkle a little green onion on top. TIP: Miso is a legendary Japanese soup. It can be a base that goes well with a variety of ingredients: salmon, shrimp, mushrooms, green onions, etc.

Miso soup with chicken

Chicken miso soup is easy to make. The main thing is that in the supermarket closest to you you can always buy all the necessary ingredients for it.


  • Chicken broth 500 ml
  • Chicken breast 2 pcs.
  • Long grain rice 50 g
  • Carrots 5 pcs.
  • Miso paste 2 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce 1 tbsp.
  • Mirin 1 tbsp. l.
  • Green onion 1 bunch


Weld chicken breasts. Remove meat from pan and shred it. Strain the broth. Add rice and carrots. Bring to the boil, covered, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the rice and carrots are cooked through. Return the chicken to the pan and add the miso paste, soy sauce and merino. Add chopped green onions just before serving.

What are the benefits of miso soup?

In the East, much is attributed to the dish useful qualities: ensuring longevity, supporting weight loss, boosting immunity, correcting digestion, preventing osteoporosis, lowering blood cholesterol, enhancing memory, easing nervous tension, etc. The usefulness of Japanese miso soup and its numerous properties have been proven by official science.

  • Protein gift. The product includes high levels of sirtuins - proteins that activate metabolism, stabilize cellular defense and the reproduction of new cells.
  • For healthy skin. The dish contains a lot of vitamin F (linoleic acid). Makes the skin elastic and firm, reduces inflammation and pigmentation, makes it moist and heals. Helps fight acne; It is no coincidence that a lot of miso is added to Japanese facial ointments and other cosmetic products.
  • Slows down cell aging due to large number antioxidants in its composition.
  • Strengthens immunity. Soybean amino acids strengthen the immune system and promote normal blood and lymph circulation.
  • For superior digestion. Lactic acid bacteria, as well as digestive enzymes (including lactobacilli), stored in miso soup, strengthen the gastrointestinal tract. The benefits of the product are related to the double fermentation process during the production of pasta: the result is decomposition complex carbohydrates, as well as proteins, vegetable oils on ordinary easily digestible elements. Soup also increases the secretion of digestive juices.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis. Soybeans contain natural estrogens, isoflavones, which are beneficial for bones and have anti-inflammatory powers.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels and also strengthens blood vessels precisely due to the presence of lecithin. A very high concentration of antioxidants of lean origin makes the dish a real cardiotonic, strengthening the heart and protecting against serious cardiac diseases. A key oversight for hypertensive patients is the huge amount of salt.
  • Strengthens memory. The benefits of miso soup extend to brain function. Soybeans contain acetylcholine, which improves memory and protects the central nervous system from age-related degeneration.
  • Reduces stress levels. Calcium, as well as B vitamins, ease the condition after suffering from nervous tension. In the East there is a fable: “After a bowl of warm miso soup, you lift the burden of the whole world from your shoulders.”
  • Anti-cancer properties. The benefit of the dish also lies in the presence of the isoflavone genistein. Scientists have determined that this compound is not only considered a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from mutating effects free radicals, but also a real cure for certain types of cancer (breast, prostate, lung and colon). Genistein inhibits (slows down) the growth and spread of cancer cells.


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