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How to plaster walls

Today it has become fashionable to rent ready-made apartments for sale without interior decoration. The developer explains this by the possibility of self-realization on the part of the future owner. The owner of the new home itself will face additional expenses and an impressive renovation of its grandiosity. That is why a happy newcomer simply needs to know what is the best way to plaster the walls, so that later they do not experience problems with repairs.

It is important to remember that the key to success is correct plaster, and attention here must be paid, both to the product itself, its quality and shelf life, and to the process of applying to the walls, that is, to be able to work with the tool. Before starting repair work, you must purchase:

  • buchargu - a special hammer with teeth, with which notches should be applied;
  • scraper for applying plaster on the walls;
  • falcon - a device in which a portion of plaster is applied. It is used to facilitate labor in the process of distributing it along the walls;
  • spatula, used to mix the solution, apply it to the walls and distribute it evenly;
  • trowel - necessary for leveling and removing existing irregularities;
  • construction grater, with the help of which plaster is grouted and control over the uniformity of distribution;
  • plumb/level - controls the horizontal distribution of the mixture.

Applying plaster: the secrets of success and application rules

The success of any undertaking is the observance of all the rules and recommendations, therefore, in order for the walls in the apartment to look even and pleasing to the eye, you must carefully watch specially created videos, which can be found on request: “how to plaster video walls”. If there is no time or opportunity to use the video instruction, you must follow the following tips and recommendations:

  • the wall surface that needs to be treated with plaster must first be cleaned of any contaminants, in particular dust;
  • after that, moisten the wall with water, for which you can use a sprayer or a simple broom;
  • if you have to work with a brick wall, then you should remember that in the existing seams you need to make recesses of about 1 cm. This maneuver will allow you to achieve the best adhesion of the plaster to the wall surface;
  • in the event that the wall is made of concrete, smooth and without recesses, notches should be made on its surface about 15 mm long and not more than 3 mm deep. Number of notches: 250/1m2. After applying them, the wall must be cleaned with a brush and sprayed with water;
  • working with a wooden wall involves laying boards on top and stuffing shingles. For this purpose, plywood trimmings are perfect, with which you should create a diagonal crate along the entire wall where plaster is supposed to be applied. As a shingle, a regular mesh is used - a chain-link. It must be remembered that before you fill it on the wall, you need to make a substrate of plywood strips, a gap between the wall is required - at least 3 mm.

Masters and simply experienced people in this matter have created videos that allow you to see the entire process of preparing for applying plaster, so it is recommended to view them before starting work. It is not difficult to find them - we plaster the walls with our own hands, a video and a good example before our eyes.

Mortar application technique: the secrets of craftsmanship

Start of work - the required amount of solution is collected in the falcon for distribution over the surface of the wall at a time. This must be done with a plaster spatula, and the solution should be taken by tilting it, moving away from you towards the center. For the convenience of work, only the hand is involved. Movements are smooth, unhurried, plaster should be applied to the wall quickly, but not abruptly, since you can simply spray it all around. There is another way - spreading, but it should be remembered that it does not allow you to achieve the same high-quality adhesion to the wall as the previous one. It is important to remember that the consistency of the first layer, the so-called spray, as well as its presence, depends on the type of wall. For example, if it is wooden, then spraying is necessary, the consistency of the solution is similar to sour cream, and the thickness is 1 cm, but in the case of concrete walls, this step is recommended to be skipped altogether. The soil is the second layer, which resembles dough in structure, is necessary for leveling. The thickness is not more than 2 cm - this is very important. The next layer - "nakryvka" in consistency resembles sour cream. This is a finishing layer, the thickness of which varies from 2 to 5 mm. Important - for wooden walls, it can be up to 2.5 cm, since it must completely close the shingles. After that comes the stage of leveling, and it is carried out after applying each layer. Here it is necessary to control the evenness, so that later you do not have to redo everything. The grater is grouted in a circular motion. To remove the traces remaining on the surface, grouting is used according to the “overclocking” method - with a grater pressed to the surface, sharp movements should be made - swings.

Lighthouse plastering method: attention to detail

It is used in the event that the walls have defects: bumps, recesses, protrusions. Lighthouses should be selected based on what material is used to make the walls:

  • aluminum or steel are suitable for wooden and brick walls;
  • plaster mortar / gypsum - for concrete walls.

The technique of this type of work is perfectly described in thematic videos, so for clarity, you need to type in the search engine the phrase “plastering walls for beginners video”. The first step is to create a plumb line, for which a nail is driven into the top of the wall, on which the plumb line itself is hung. The distance from the corner is 20 cm. After that, a cement mortar is prepared, which should be applied in small piles on the wall, focusing on the plumb line. There should be 3 of them, after which beacons are attached to them. Then the beacon is applied to the pile and pressed into it in such a way that the edge protrudes from the surface by 2 cm. At the opposite edge of the wall, a second beacon is installed using the same method. Fastening is done with concrete mortar. After the mixture has dried, plaster is applied with the obligatory filling of all existing cracks and irregularities. A layer of plaster mortar should protrude beyond the edges of the beacons by a couple of mm. The layer is leveled by the rule and left for a period of complete drying, which can reach 2 weeks. After this period, fine plastering should be carried out, and if it is not necessary, then work is done to apply a layer of putty.

How to plaster slopes: the secrets of craftsmanship

This stage is considered the most difficult and time-consuming in all the work of plastering walls. Even masters spend more time repairing corners, openings and slopes than on all other actions. You can see how to plaster the walls of the video without any problems. Lighthouses will come to the rescue here too. In those places where the walls are in contact with each other, it is necessary to place a rule and cover the space above it with a plaster solution, after which it is necessary to wipe everything with a trowel. This will help correct existing imperfections and level the surface. Vertical spaces are plastered like this: a rule is attached to the lighthouse, and the voids between them are filled with mortar.

After that, you need to wait a while and remove the rule. If everything is done correctly, then a strip of plaster mortar should be perfectly smooth, without flaws and irregularities. You need to wait until it dries completely. Exactly the same operation should be carried out at the top of the wall, resulting in an identical strip. They will serve as horizontal beacons in the future. Then the plaster is applied to the rest of the empty space and carefully leveled against the strips of mortar.

In the case of work with protruding corners - mustaches, you need to nail on the plastered opposite wall a flat wooden plank and fasten. This should be done in such a way that it becomes possible to then level the solution along it. Then the plaster is applied and leveled until a perfectly smooth surface is obtained. It is necessary to wait a little, as before, before drying and carry out the grouting process using a grater. After checking the evenness of the work done, you can remove the slats.

The better to plaster walls: the difficulty of choosing for a perfect result

When choosing a mixture, it is necessary to take into account which surface to be treated. So for internal walls and partitions the best option will be a lime mixture or with the addition of clay, you can also use a combination of concrete and lime, clay gypsum and lime. Wood is an ideal material for gypsum-based plaster. For work on plastering external walls, lime mortar or cement-lime, as well as cement-clay, are ideal.

Video how to plaster walls

With the use of mortars, decorative and protective surfaces are created, walls are leveled. They are used on different grounds, And . The correct use of universal technologies allows us to successfully solve various functional and aesthetic problems. This article talks about how to plaster walls with your own hands for a beginner. Videos, step-by-step instructions, comments and other materials will help you learn the nuances of professional techniques.

Read in the article

What is plaster: we study general information

The purpose of applying this technique is to create a durable layer that eliminates irregularities and other defects in the original surface.

Homogeneous solid plaster provides good protection against wind and other adverse external influences. It performs full-fledged, improves economic performance during the operation of the property.

This is a suitable basis for pasting. In the process of work, they create high-quality external and internal corners, docking with and frames, floors and ceilings. On such surfaces, it will subsequently not be difficult to fix other parts without the formation of cracks.

This photo shows an example of a spectacular one. The unique appearance was created on the basis of the techniques that are discussed in detail in this article.

Related article:

The composition and types of coatings, manufacturers, examples of the use of decorative mixtures, how to prepare it yourself, application instructions are in this material.

From the examples above, it is not difficult to understand the basic requirements for a suitable mixture:

  • For reliable adhesion to various surfaces, it must have good, but not excessive adhesive characteristics. Otherwise, the composition will stick to the tools, which makes it difficult to accurately perform work operations.
  • The appropriate consistency is determined in the same way. As a rule, they prefer to use a density similar to that of fatty sour cream.
  • After hardening, it is desirable to obtain a surface that is resistant to mechanical stress. This will prevent damage from careless handling.
  • Health safety is a must. Wall plaster is used inside residential premises, so maximum attention is paid to environmental cleanliness.
  • Washable, color, antiseptic properties can be provided with appropriate additives. But in any case, the durability of the layer will come in handy. Its creation is associated with labor-intensive wet processes, so it will be beneficial for any owner to increase the interval between.

The listed criteria correspond to a mixture of sand, water,. It is supplemented with lime and gypsum to improve plasticity, adhesion to a certain surface. Below are popular "recipes". With their use, high-quality plaster walls will be created. Video tutorials along with written step-by-step instructions will help you figure it out on your own. important nuances technological processes.

What is the difference between plaster and putty: the correct use of building technologies

Not only the composition, but also the application features are similar. What is the difference is described in this part of the article. In either case, the main components are sand, cement and water. However, on large areas it is more convenient to work with relatively large fractions of fillers. Putty is used for sealing small cracks, joining elements from, other "delicate" operations. In this case, small components that form a smooth surface are useful.

The plaster is applied sequentially, in layers up to 10 mm. With a thickness of more than 30 mm, reinforcement is used. As noted above, this technology is able to provide good isolation from external influences.

Such a tool is more often used for masonry,. However, it is also used for plastering walls. Stir with a trowel, collect and throw the solution onto the wall. With the help of the narrowed part, working operations are performed in the corners, gaps are closed.

The tapered trapezoid shape is well suited for accurately filling the joints with a mixture. In particular, such a tool is used when forming surfaces from sheets. It is also convenient for them to separate the old plaster, remove dirt from the cracks.

This tool is used to work with figured pilasters and other complex elements. The tapered front part of the paddle is well suited for dosing and spreading the solution in hard-to-reach places, on curved surfaces.

This tool got its name from the name of a special technology of decorative finishing. walls are made using plastic mortars. Apply thin layers with careful alignment of the smallest irregularities. For high-quality and fairly fast reproduction of work operations, an ideally smooth large work surface is useful. Rounded corners of the trowel prevent scratches.

For your information! Experienced craftsmen acquire identical blades in several sizes. Large ones are used for stirring and throwing, creating the first plaster coating. Compact tools are used to apply subsequent layers and perform “jewelry” work.

From this photo it is not difficult to understand the principle of working with the tool. It is moved based on beacons to form a flat surface.

This tool removes irregularities from the surface. The photo shows a grater with a replaceable blade.

Use specialized mechanical equipment

To perform certain operations, in addition to gloves, you will need a respirator. Other personal protective equipment. The list of necessary purchases is compiled after choosing a certain technology, taking into account the characteristics of the property, and other important factors.

How to prepare a mortar for wall plaster

  • When plastering walls with your own hands using factory mixtures, use the manufacturer's official instructions.
  • The created solution should be well fixed on a vertical surface.
  • It is necessary to obtain such a consistency that there are no difficulties when smoothing the rule.
  • Too dry mixture forms lumps and bumps. With excessive moisture concentration, the solution flows down.
  • Be sure to specify the period for which the finished composition must be used in full. With insufficient qualifications, it is better to prepare not a large number of for the work cycle.

If there are no special instructions for creating a solution, the following algorithm of actions is used:

  • Prepare a container of the right size. A light plastic bucket is suitable, which is not damaged by a construction mixer, and is quickly cleaned of dirt. Unlike metal counterparts, it does not make loud sounds when in contact with metal working tools.
  • First pour clean water. It is not necessary to boil it, but colored impurities and strong odors must be excluded.
  • Dry ingredients fall asleep gradually, mixing thoroughly.
  • When the lumps are eliminated, leave the solution for 3-4 minutes. Next, the viscosity is checked, water and other components are added in the correct proportions until the desired consistency is obtained.

For your information! For standard cement-based formulations, wall plastering in one batch should be completed in 45-60 minutes. If there is gypsum in the composition, the work will have to be done twice as fast.

The most important stage of finishing work: preparing the walls for plastering

  • The base for applying a new layer must be strong, so remove the old, other coatings.
  • Check the condition of the walls. Upon detection, they close up cracks, install elements for strengthening the power frame.
  • If dampness is detected, eliminate the source of its occurrence. Repair, install high quality.
  • Next, it is necessary to prevent the walls from absorbing moisture from the plaster mortar. To do this, use depending on the material of the wall.
  • Special formulations improve the adhesive properties of the surface. If mechanical processing is used for this, on final stage remove contaminants from the working area.

How to plaster walls without beacons with your own hands: video and useful tips

This technology is used in basements, technical rooms, attics and other facilities where it is not necessary to create an ideal surface.

A photo How to level walls without beacons: step-by-step instruction with expert commentary

If you do everything right, you can ensure high quality with an economical consumption of the building mixture. It should be noted that such techniques are indispensable when working in cramped conditions, when it is necessary to plaster walls behind pipes and.

Pre-clean the influx of the solution, close up large holes. The brick is old, so the typical solution (wetting with water) will not work. Careful handling required.

The design has corners. They will need to be covered with overlays made of plastic or metal.

To create the first layer, do not apply sketching. Use sequential processing of small areas, rub small doses of the solution into the wall. It is at this stage that all the voids in the masonry can be filled. A wide spatula makes it easier to level the surface. When performing smooth movements, it is not difficult to notice and eliminate depressions and tubercles.

Next, the rule checks the evenness of the wall section, mount the corners. Mark the places (recesses) where it is necessary to remove irregularities.

Start applying the second layer. After fixing the plaster on the wall, the rule is again used to control the surface. They can also have an extra solution.

Apply after 30-40 minutes finishing layer. At this stage, small doses of the solution are used, since in fact only corrective actions are needed. On a fairly flat surface, the consumption of material is small. It is especially important here that there are no lumps or foreign bodies in the mixture. In a real situation, the time is set taking into account the characteristics of a particular recipe.

At the final stage, after hardening, the top layer is treated with a grater. Experienced craftsmen remove small defects with a spatula. When plastering walls with your own hands without beacons, you can save consumables. But here you have to spend more effort and time to get good results. But in some cases, perfect quality is simply not needed.

Video of plastering siten without beacons using gypsum mortar:

What are the differences between do-it-yourself wall plastering on lighthouses: video with professional comments

A photo Plastering walls using homemade beacons: step by step instructions

After removing old decorative and insufficiently durable coatings, construction defects are eliminated. Next, a primer is applied with a paint roller.

Mark the location of the beacons in such a way that when performing work operations, the rule is based on two reference lines at the same time.

Marks are made at a distance of 5 cm from each edge of the instrument. If a 250 cm long rule is selected, the distance between the beacons should be 240 cm or slightly less.

Holes are drilled according to the marked marks. Plastic dowels are hammered into them.

Screw in self-tapping screws with wire rings. Similar operations are performed on the other side of the wall.

Wooden pegs are used to accurately set the desired level. The dimensions of these elements and the corresponding position of the string are chosen taking into account the position and geometric features of the wall.

With the help of a bubble level control the vertical. If necessary, change the position of the strings. When suitable pegs are selected, the self-tapping screws are tightened to the stop for strong wire tension.

Mix the solution in accordance with the manufacturer's official recommendations. This procedure does not require the ideal state of the finished mixture, but it is more convenient to work with high-quality consumables, without lumps.

Using a plaster spatula, a solution is applied near the string. Remove excess parts from the surface of the stretched wire. After hardening, small irregularities are removed with a spatula from the surface of the created beacons.

Start mixing the ingredients. Dry ingredients are poured into the water. Next, use a construction mixer. At this stage, a high-quality solution with a uniform structure and optimal density should be created.

Throw in a mixture of trowels (trapezoidal trowel). For preliminary smoothing use a wide spatula.

Next, the rule is applied. They pull the solution to the side. Lighthouses serve as longitudinal supports. Small movements up and down make this operation easier.

Continue plastering the walls in the same way. After completing the treatment of the entire area, it is necessary to withstand 10-15 minutes until the top layer “grabs”. After that, small irregularities are removed with a grater, a wide spatula.

Watch this lighthouse plastering video for beginners:

Here it is shown how a high-quality flat surface is created using this technology. It can be painted and wallpapered without additional processing after drying.

In this video, do-it-yourself alignment of the wall along the lighthouses is done with preliminary reinforcement:

This technique can be used instead of creating special irregularities. The mesh will also provide increased resistance of the layer to mechanical stress.

Additional advice: setting beacons without errors

The drawing of the premises will help to accurately establish the lines for placing vertical beacons.

In the figure, the places of their installation are marked, taking into account the length of the rule. As with the strings, here you need to make the distance smaller than this leveling tool. It is necessary to leave a sufficient distance to the inner corners, other obstacles.

In this figure, the principle of constructing the field is clear. Instead of nails, it is more convenient to use self-tapping screws that are screwed to the desired depth. First, screws are installed at points 1 and 3. A cord is pulled between them and elements 7 and 8 are installed. Verticals (1-2; 3-6-4) and others are controlled using a plumb line. If necessary, change the position of the screws to obtain a clear line.

Diagram (1) shows installation using specialized fasteners. To check the surfaces, bubble (2) and laser (3) tools are used. A stretched string (4) sets the exact level of one line.

Proper selection and use of different materials

In the apartment, it will be possible to find out after a detailed acquaintance with the features of different recipes. It is quite convenient to work with ready-made building mixtures. They are sold dry, so subsequent dilution with water and mixing will be required. The main advantage is a carefully selected composition. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost. At right choice ingredients, you can create a professional-grade solution.

Features of do-it-yourself wall plastering with cement mortar: video and written instructions

The first layer of wall plaster is called "splatter". It is applied with a liquid solution in order to fill the smallest pores and cracks as evenly as possible. When setting occurs (but until completely dry) - apply a second, thicker one. It creates a rough surface. The mixture for the next layer is created from fine sand with the addition of lime. This will increase plasticity. The following table lists the technical parameters and quantities of ingredients. Knowing the proportions, you can change the parameters, taking into account the characteristics of a particular project.

Ingredients / Layer Options Wall plaster layer
First Second The third
Cement (M-400), kg10 25 5
Sand, kg81,2 274 81,6
Hydrated lime, kg5,6 21 5,6
Water, l16,8 53 15,4
Layer thickness, mm3-4 10-15 1-3

The video shows an example of plastering walls with cement mortar on lighthouses:

How to plaster walls with gypsum plaster: video, important nuances

When using mixtures on this basis, rapid hardening must be taken into account. It should also be noted a slightly lower resistance to moisture without special additives. In this case, a denser structure without pores is obtained, which worsens the insulating characteristics. However, the surface is smooth. It should be noted the ease of application to different surfaces.

In the accompanying documentation for factory dry mixes indicate:

  • Minimum and maximum layer thickness.
  • The operating temperature to which the individual parameters correspond.
  • Consumption per 1 sq. m.
  • The amount of solution that is obtained from one package;
  • Time:
  1. maturation and life of the solution in an open container;
  2. drying of a layer of a certain thickness;
  3. set of nominal strength.
  • Density and strength of the finished layer.
  • Grain.
  • Color and shelf life of plaster in its original packaging.

For interior work, you can use homemade plaster with an increased setting time. Create two separate solutions from water and one/three parts of gypsum/lime, respectively. Then they are mixed, used for their intended purpose.

In this video, the master talks about leveling the walls with gypsum plaster:

How to make finishing wall plaster with your own hands: video, the basics of quality work

For high-quality wall plastering, you need to create an ideal flat surface. At the same time, good adhesion is needed for reliable fixation of the finishing decorative coating. You can solve this problem using the following recipe:

  • For 5 kg of gypsum take 15 kg of chalk (powder). The ingredients are mixed.
  • Next, a solution (5%) of wood glue is added to the container.
  • The required amount of liquid is determined experimentally by stirring the mixture to a homogeneous mass with the consistency of very thick sour cream.

Important! Without sufficient experience, it is better to work with a small amount of mortar, as it sets very quickly.

Lime is added to them if outdoor work is supposed to be performed. Similar solutions are used for other rooms with high humidity. Plastering brick walls is often preceded by the removal of the old coating. There are many irregularities in such surfaces, so you should count on a relatively large consumption of materials. When creating thick layers, mesh reinforcement is used.

How to plaster brick wall do-it-yourself indoors is described in this video:

Concrete walls: smooth, durable surfaces are not always good

When preparing such coatings, the joints between the plates are carefully sealed. Smooth factory products are characterized by low adhesion, so you will have to use a special tool (bush hammers, perforator nozzles) to create special damage. The necessary adhesion is provided with the use of primers, gypsum is added to the solution. These operations increase the cost of wall plastering. However, it should be noted the high strength of the corresponding building structures, the absence of deformations during operation.

Preparation and quality plastering of wooden walls

Removing old plaster in this case is not difficult. To fix the mortar, a lattice structure of slats is used. Such a base does not provide high strength. The entire building is rapidly collapsing. The only inconvenience is a lot of dust.

Instead of rails, a chain-link net with a wire thickness of 2.5 mm or more is used. The surface freed from external layers is preliminarily cleaned. Wooden parts are treated with drugs that protect against decay.

For your information! Pay attention to fiberglass. This material provides the necessary reinforcement strength, but is not damaged by corrosion processes, like metal products.

With the help of this video, you can quickly figure out how to plaster houses with your own hands:

No matter how accurate the theoretical knowledge is, in this case practical experience is needed. In order not to waste time and money on correcting deficiencies, it is better to practice in advance in small areas. Separate experiments are performed before plastering the walls with their own hands on new (complex in shape) surfaces.

Do not use instructions for the composition of building mixtures as immutable dogmas. Of course, there are certain general limitations. However, it is impossible to foresee the various conditions of humidity and temperature, the technical parameters of individual components. The skill of the performer and personal preferences for the consistency of the solution also matter.

Given the creative component, it makes sense to get more data on wall plastering. Use the comments to the article for communication, exchange of experience. Ask questions. This mechanism for obtaining information will help eliminate errors.

Well-plastered walls are the key to a successful, high-quality and durable repair. But plastering is a very laborious process, requiring great skill from the one who deals with them. We advise entrusting this work to specialists, but if, nevertheless, you decide to take on this business yourself in order to save the budget or out of curiosity, then our today's article will try to instill in you theoretical basis, without which it is definitely impossible to count on the success of this enterprise. How to plaster walls correctly - read in our today's material.

The plaster mix, which will be used for the work, must be selected in accordance with what the walls of the building are built from. Also an important factor when choosing is the side of the wall that will be plastered - internal or external.

concrete walls

First of all, you need to pay attention to the texture of the wall. If the wall is smooth, then it should be pre-treated with a primer, which contains quartz inclusions - they will make the surface sufficiently rough, which in turn will help the wall hold the plaster well. Gypsum powder can be added to the cement mortar, it increases the adhesive qualities of the mixture.

Another option for working with a smooth concrete wall is a lime-gypsum mortar, consisting of ¾ parts lime and 1 part gypsum. The process of preparing the solution is as follows: gypsum is added to the water and quickly kneaded, lime mortar is added to a sufficiently liquid substance and all this is kneaded to a homogeneous consistency.

With a rough wall, the situation is simpler - here you can use standard cement or gypsum mortars, but you should still impregnate the wall with a deep penetration primer - so the result will be more reliable.

brick walls

It is better to plaster such walls with mixtures based on cement with the addition of lime, the latter adding moisture-resistant qualities to the solution. The applied layer of plaster should not exceed 30 mm, and if you have chosen a layer of 20 to 30 mm, then you first need to fix a chain-link mesh on the wall, which will help hold the plaster mixture.

The mixture must be plastic, and therefore we recommend using a solution consisting of ¾ parts of sifted sand and 1 part of cement. By mixing the components with water, you will get a fairly plastic mixture that easily fits on the wall. When the lime component is included, the solution will look like this: 1 part cement, half lime and 5/7 parts sand. Diluted lime is added to a dry mixture of sand and cement, after which the solution is mixed.

If the plaster is applied to a smooth facing brick, then you will have to tinker and pre-treat the wall with a primer, as well as select a reinforcing mesh. It is better to leave the application of plaster on a wall made of facing bricks to professionals; from the first time, few people do such work with high quality.

wooden walls

If there are wooden walls in the room that you plan to plaster, then before you start work, you need to fill them with shingles. For this, thin slats or plywood trimmings are suitable, if such elements were not at hand, then you can use the usual chain-link mesh.

The distance between the grid and the wall must be at least three millimeters, otherwise the plaster may crumble.

Preparatory stage

Necessary tools and materials

Plastering walls is a laborious process, for its implementation you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Ready plaster mixture or components for its mixing;
  • In order for the walls to come out even, we need to be able to track the curvature - we need beacons 3-6-10 mm;
  • Metal scissors or grinder to cut beacons;
  • The mixture will have to be stirred, here a perforator with a special nozzle will come in handy;
  • Dowels, many dowels of different sizes;
  • The same situation with screws;
  • Crosshead screwdriver;
  • Level;
  • Hammer;
  • Primer for concrete and smooth walls, as well as acrylic primer;
  • Wide brush or roller;
  • Individual protection means.

Preparing walls for plaster

As always, before proceeding directly to the plastering process, we need to clean the wall from the previous finish and various plaque. If you have taken to plastering the walls with your own hands and skipped this step, do not be surprised when the plaster begins to slowly and inevitably crumble. If the wall consists of several types of materials, then each section must be cleaned in accordance with the recommendations for a particular surface.

After we have bare walls in front of us, they need to be carefully examined for cracks. Why plaster walls if not to repair cracks? Seeing a crack, we carefully clean it and treat it with a primer. After it dries, the crack should be sealed with putty on the same level as the remaining wall plane. Narrow and shallow cracks can be sealed with sealant, but with wide ones you will have to tinker and use mounting foam.

Further sequential actions depend on what the walls inside the house are made of. In the case of a brick base, we first remove the previous layer of plaster, if any, and then sand the walls with an iron brush. The seams between the bricks, if necessary, are deepened for better adhesion of the plaster, and the wall surface is treated with a primer.

The concrete wall must be freed from whitewash, and notches should be applied to the cleaned surface or a primer containing quartz sand should be used. After completing these works, run your hand over the surface of the wall - we need to get a rough texture.

Displaying beacons

We need a perfectly flat wall, and therefore we cannot avoid using landmarks. As beacons, metal guides are used, which are fixed on the wall surface with a plaster mortar.

Levels for beacons should be set at a distance of one and a half meters from each other.

The verticality of the profiles is controlled by a plumb line. After our walls are on alert and waiting for the plaster to be applied, we can begin to prepare the mortar.

Solution preparation

Following the rules of plastering walls, we will apply the mortar in three stages, there are no secrets here - we thickly throw the mortar with the first layer, this can be done both manually and with the help of a trowel. Brick and concrete walls should be covered just above the beacons, at a level of about 5 mm. The thickness of the layer on wooden walls should be about 8-9 mm.

The second layer, ground, has the consistency of dough, it should be applied with a spatula with a thickness of 7-8mm. The third layer has a creamy consistency and consists of fine sand.

For each of the layers, you can purchase ready-made mixtures, but it can also be produced independently, the main options have already been described above. It must be remembered that mortars have a variety of properties, for example, a gypsum-based mortar must be kneaded right before application, as it hardens extremely quickly, and cement-based plaster must be used within an hour from the moment of kneading.

wall plaster technology

Where to begin? We follow the three steps described above for preparing the solution. First, we throw a solution from the bottom of the wall, gradually rising up. Having reached a height of about a meter from the floor level, we level the plaster using the rule, there are other methods, but why reinvent the wheel.

We already know how to apply plaster on the wall with a second layer - after the first layer has set, we apply the plastic primer composition with a spatula. This layer should hide the guide strips that are still visible.

At the final stage of plastering the walls, we make the surface of the wall smooth with the help of a finishing layer. This thin layer should not exceed two millimeters in thickness. The third layer should be applied to the still wet second, if it has had time to dry, it should be moistened.

After the finish layer has dried, you need to start grouting with a grater. In a counterclockwise circular motion, smooth the surface. Putting soft felt material on the brush, we repeat the sanding, and the plastering process is completed!

Wall plastering is one of the main types of repair work. The quality of the wall decoration depends on the correctly executed plaster. The article talks about how to properly, efficiently and in what sequence to apply different kinds plasters on the walls. What tools are needed for this and what materials to use.

What is plaster

The history of plaster is the history of mankind. Since people began to build houses for themselves, stucco has also appeared. Even well-placed walls do not hold heat like plaster. At first, these were the most affordable materials: clay and straw. But with the development of technology, the quality of plaster mixtures also developed. With the development of geology, gypsum-based mixtures appeared. With the development of chemistry - cement mixtures.

The modern construction market offers a large number of plaster mixtures, different in quality, application and properties. The use of mineral and chemical additives in the production of mixtures further expands the range.

What is plaster? Plaster is the Italian word for gypsum, lime, alabaster. That is, those ingredients that are actually the basis of plaster mixtures. The word plaster itself is explained as “finishing hardened layer formed by building (plaster) mortar on the surfaces of structural elements and parts of buildings and structures.”

So how do you properly apply this “finish hardened layer”?

Required tool

To do this, you will need the following tools:

The main tool of the one who makes repairs is a puncher.

In order to knead the mixture, you need a mixer. Preferably industrial.

But since it is quite expensive for one repair, a perforator nozzle is also suitable.

To work with the mixture, a spatula and a grater are needed.

In order to set the beacons you need a plumb line. You can set the beacons by level, but it does not give such accuracy.

To level the plaster on the wall, rules of various lengths are needed.

Works with cement-sand plaster are carried out with a trowel and float.

Well, all sorts of little things: a thread, a beacon profile, etc.

From the materials you will need:

Stucco mix. She can be anyone. Let's take Volma as an example, since this is the most common mixture today.

Cement and sand. Cement can also be of any brand.

Primer "Betokontakt".

Deep penetration soil.

The grid is plaster.

Mesh metal.

Getting Started

You need to start by cleaning the walls. From concrete floors, and these are window and door lintels, the old plaster must be knocked off. Previously, primers were not used during construction. And cement-sand plaster has very poor adhesion (sticking) to concrete.

In panel houses, all load-bearing walls are concrete. Therefore, all the old plaster is knocked off on these walls. You should also pay attention to the junctions wall panels to outer wall. These seams are usually empty and covered with plaster only from above. Such places are best foamed before plastering.

On plaster and brick walls, you can also knock down all the plaster for safety purposes. But you can also knock down sections where it falls off. To check the strength of the old plaster, you can tap it with a hammer. In problem areas, the plaster will ring. And where it holds well, the sound will be deaf.

We cover all walls with deep penetration primer in order to create a protective film. If this is not done, then the walls will draw water from the plaster. And it will dry out before it gains its strength.

Concrete surfaces are covered with Betokontakt primer.

A plaster mesh is attached to them.

After all surfaces have been primed, beacons are set on a plumb line.

"Skis" are stuffed on beacons. “Skis” are guide strips from the plaster mixture that the walls will subsequently be covered with.

If ninety-degree angles are not required, then beacons are first set along the edges of the wall. Then a thread is pulled between the beacons and beacons are set along the entire length of the wall according to the level of this thread. The distance between the beacons is slightly less than the length of the rule. The optimal distance is one and a half meters.

The maximum layer of plastering is three centimeters. But if you need to apply a larger layer, it is applied in several stages. Be sure to let the previous layer dry.

It is allowed, to strengthen a large layer, the use of drywall. It is attached to the wall with dowel-nails, which creates an additional reinforcement of the plaster layer. The plaster mixture "Volma" has very good adhesion (sticking). But for greater strength, in problem areas, such as brickwork, it is necessary to strengthen the plaster with a mesh.

The mesh is laid on the wall and attached to it with a plaster mixture. After the first layer dries, apply the main layer. Plaster mixture "Volma" is applied to the wall with a spatula.

The plaster is leveled along the “skis” by the rule.

Plastering walls with a cement-sand mixture has its own characteristics. The cement-sand mixture is used in "damp" rooms such as a toilet, bath, shower, sauna. The use of a cement-sand mixture in these rooms is due to the fact that it is able to "breathe" and therefore condensate moisture does not accumulate in the plaster layer.

In order to keep the mixture stronger on the wall, it is reinforced with a metal mesh.

The cement-sand mixture is rubbed into the mesh with a grater.

After the first layer dries, “skis” are rubbed on it.

Then a layer of plaster is applied with a trowel.

Since it is very difficult to work with a trowel (even from the tenth time you will not succeed), it is best to invite professionals for this work.

After applying the second layer, the wall is leveled by the rule.

Wall plaster | photo, video, step by step instructions. In the process of construction or repair work, you always have to deal with the need to finish the walls with plaster. This process cannot be called creative, so most do not like it. At the same time, correctly and accurately applied plaster guarantees a problem-free decoration of the walls with a finishing coating. But how to do everything on your own and without flaws? A video of do-it-yourself wall plastering with cement mortar is designed to teach this.

It is quite possible to plaster the walls with your own hands

The main types of plaster mixtures and their preparation

There are three main types of cement plaster used in both new construction and renovation work. They differ in the composition of the plaster mixture:

  • Plaster based on a cement-lime mixture. It is prepared by mixing lime and cement in equal parts. To this add 10 parts of sand and dilute with water to the desired consistency. Rooms with high humidity are ideal for plastering with such a solution. These include kitchens and bathrooms, basements and garages. This type of plaster is indispensable for work on wooden walls, since lime has good adhesion to wood.

Proportions for the preparation of cement mixtures for plastering walls

  • If the main component of the solution is sand, and the binder is cement, then such plaster is called cement-sand. With this composition it is convenient to align both internal and external walls. Just be aware that sand does not like moisture. For this reason, this type of plaster is not recommended for use with excessive moisture. A mortar for brickwork in a ratio of 1: 5 can be prepared independently for plastering walls with your own hands. A video of mixing a cement-sand mixture will help with this.

Dry plaster mixture is added to water and mixed with a construction mixer

  • As part of gypsum plaster gypsum predominates. The ability of this mineral matter fast setting allows you to use this type of plaster on the ceiling and in other places with difficult access.

Mortar for wall plaster, proportions: video instructionToday, few people independently prepare plaster mixtures from individual ingredients. Ready-made dry formulations are available for sale, which are enough to dilute with water in accordance with the instructions and mix thoroughly. Mixing can be done with a drill with a nozzle.

Useful advice! At self-cooking plaster mixture must take into account the brand of cement. The higher it is, the more sand will be required. The best adhesion will provide PVA glue, which can be added to the solution.

Tools that you may need for self-plastering walls with cement mortar

Plastering walls with cement mortar: preparatory work

Do-it-yourself plastering of walls with cement mortar necessarily includes preparatory work. If this is a new construction, and there are walls made of ordinary ordinary bricks, then there is no great need to prepare them for applying the plaster mixture. It is only necessary to cut down protruding bricks with an ax, if any. This will help to avoid applying too thick a layer unnecessarily.

The cement mortar is first thrown onto the wall with a trowel, then the mixture is evenly distributed by the rule

If the wall is made of facing bricks, then you need to drive nails between the rows and tie everything with aluminum wire. It would be even better to fix the plaster mesh. The wall itself must be primed and applied to it with tile adhesive using a notched trowel. Only then can the mixture be applied. Concrete and foam concrete blocks also require preliminary priming and application of glue. A special plaster mesh will help to make high-quality plaster on such walls. Otherwise, the plaster mixture will bounce off them.

Application of plaster cement mixture on the wall

Wooden walls are much more difficult to plaster. To do this, it is imperative to fix a crate of slats on them or a ready-made mesh sold in stores. You should also do a primer.

For plastering walls, a rule 1.5 - 2 meters long is used

In the case of repair work, before the preparatory work, it is necessary to completely dismantle the old coating to the very foundation. If parts of the old plaster remain on the walls, the quality of the new work cannot be guaranteed. Do-it-yourself wall plastering presented on any video , always starts with preparatory work, on the quality of which the success of the entire repair depends.

Useful advice! Too dry walls do not allow the mixture to stick. Therefore, before plastering, it is necessary to wet the bricks well.

Wall plastering algorithm

As in any construction process, wall plastering has its own specific rules and sequence of actions. To apply plaster on a prepared brick wall, you must:

  • Fasten the plaster mesh to the wall using dowels driven in a checkerboard pattern. The grid must have an anti-corrosion coating. Otherwise, traces of rust will appear on the wall before the plaster is completely dry. The dowels are connected to each other with a knitting wire Z - figurative patterns.

Plastering a wall using reinforcing stacks

  • Guide beacons are installed. flat surface can only be created when plastering walls on lighthouses with your own hands. A video of such a process is proof of such a claim. Wooden slats can be used as beacons, but professionals use perforated slats sold in stores. Lighthouses are installed strictly according to the level.

Scheme of optimal placement of wall beacons

  • The plaster mixture is applied and leveled along the beacons.
  • Plastering is being done.

The process of applying the mixture is the longest and most laborious. The solution is thrown onto the wall with the help of a trowel or a ladle, as it suits you. Throwing movements must be made from the bottom up. It is necessary to fill all the space between two adjacent beacons. Then, using a special rule, we level the applied mixture. In this case, the ends of the tool must slide from the bottom up along the surface of the profiles.

One of the most difficult processes in plastering walls with your own hands is the design of internal corners. To facilitate the task - you can use a homemade corner level from the building profile

In the process of this movement, the rule must be moved with sharp movements to the right and left. This allows you to evenly distribute the solution along the wall, compacting it. The result is a flat wall. After completing the first segment, move on to the next. All movements are repeated again. On the video of wall plastering on lighthouses with your own hands, you can see in detail what movements are made by the rule.

An example of attaching a construction beacon to a wall

When the walls dry a little, they need to be rubbed. For this, a semi-ter or a trowel board is used. These tools move across the surface in a circular motion. The process continues until the surface is smooth. If the plaster has had time to dry too much before grouting, then it can be moistened.

Grouting of dried plaster is carried out using a semi-terre

To obtain a smooth surface without cracks, it is necessary to carefully control the drying process. Firstly, high temperatures indoors are not allowed. Secondly, the walls periodically need to be moistened with water. Thirdly, you should always immediately overwrite the cracks that appear. Proper control of drying ensures high quality plaster.

The solution does not stick to the tool moistened with water, which facilitates plastering work.

Useful advice! In the process of all work, the tool must be moistened with water. This will prevent the mortar from sticking, which will allow you to accurately and competently plaster the surface.

When the plastered walls dry out, you can start puttingtying them.

Although the procedure for applying plaster to walls is laborious and unpleasant, the quality of its implementation should not be in doubt. Irregularities on the walls will not allow you to make a beautiful finish or will force you to take additional leveling measures, which will entail additional costs.

Do-it-yourself wall plastering: video instruction


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