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Why do you dream about Socks in a dream according to the dream book?

A young woman has a dream in which she darns socks- portends a poor life.

If you find that you are not wearing socks- the threat of a serious illness hangs over you.

Children's dream book

Socks - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, but you will be able to get out of it with dignity.

Lunar dream book

Socks - to grief.

Maly Velesov dream book

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Socks?

Wearing socks in a dream- to the road.

If you dreamed that you were buying socks- Your well-being will noticeably improve.

Seeing holey socks in a dream- to poverty and failure.

But if you sew up your socks- this means that your financial affairs will not always be in such a disastrous state.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Socks dream about in a dream?

Seeing socks or stockings in a dream- to the road, travel.

For a woman to buy socks- means hope for changes for the better in personal life, have socks with holes- for short-lived happiness, putting it on means money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Darning socks - it’s time to immediately solve personal problems, otherwise it will be too late.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Socks in a dream?

Socks are a journey.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Socks in a dream?

Seeing socks in a dream- means that you may soon receive an invitation to travel. Wearing socks - you will save some amount needed to buy a personal item.

Torn socks - hide from your husband something that could lead him to excessive suspicion and jealousy. Striped socks - you will have fun, relax and get a lot of pleasure during your next vacation. Buying socks in a dream- you will be disappointed in the person you were crazy about.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Socks according to the dream book?

Men's socks, stockings- road; advantageous offer; torn - troubles, quarrel.

Stockings, tights with gusts- failures and difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex.

Beautiful - male attention; long stockings - a protracted relationship.

Women's stockings for men- erotic impulses; date; profit (idiom: "to put in a stocking").

Wash other people's socks- marriage for a woman.

Freud's Dream Book

Socks are a symbol of a condom.

Putting on socks- symbolizes your desire for safe sex.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Socks - road, travel.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Socks according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, if you pull your socks on- go on a trip.

More interpretations

Found a hole in them- problems of a material nature await you.

Buy them and you will become a little richer and stop experiencing financial difficulties.

Darning socks in a dream- even if everything seems hopeless now, there is no need to be sad, material problems will not last long.

A dream in which you take off your socks- portends you losses and problems with leg health. This may be a warning that something is really bothering your legs; be sure to consult your doctor about this.

Are you washing your socks?- symbolizes physical cleansing after hard work or long journey, as well as the desire for spiritual purification, the desire to move to a higher level of self-development. It may also be evidence that you very much regret something you did earlier and want to atone for your guilt.

Seeing a small child's socks in a dream- probably in the near future you will be placed in very unenviable conditions, but you will find a way out and brilliantly cope with the problems that arise.

A dream in which you buy socks- foretells you some kind of trip in the near future; you will not be able to sit still. It can also symbolize your readiness to start some important business, your development and desire for new heights, both in your career and in your personal life.

If you dreamed about not-so-fresh socks - be prepared that your trip will not bring you the expected result, and besides, disagreements are possible both at work and in the family, someone is spreading evil rumors about you.

If the socks are white- you should be wary, as they do not bode well, big losses or even loss of life await you. Be sure to take care of your own health, and also show increased care for those around you.

Black socks in a dream- portend that your journey may disappoint you, nostalgia, decadent moods are possible, at the same time, a reassessment of values ​​may occur, you will become more mature and spiritually pure.

Seeing a hole in your socks- to conflicts and disagreements with those with whom you spend the most time together. If you wear them, your plans will fail miserably.

The dream book interprets warm socks made of natural wool- as a sign that you will soon need to set off on a journey that will not go smoothly; unforeseen circumstances will arise that will significantly complicate everything.

You knit socks in your sleep- our ancestors believed that this is not a very good sign, warning you of possible deprivation and need, most likely yours family union will bring you nothing but grief. But now it can symbolize home comfort and mutual understanding between relatives.

If the socks are clearly masculine- this is a sure sign that you will not be able to spend the near future at home, you will be constantly traveling.

Dream that you are pulling on your socks- perhaps you are not satisfied with the way your life is currently shaping up, or you simply have some kind of voyage ahead of you, it all depends on the context in which this process took place.

If the socks are red- you will experience very strong emotions, both of a loving nature and openly hostile, associated with confrontation and the struggle for superiority.

Video: Why do you dream about Socks?

Dreams are that magical world in which the impossible is possible. When falling asleep, a person hopes to see interesting dreams, in which there is a place for adventure and novelty. But what to do when you dream about absolutely ordinary things that represent our everyday life? For example, wardrobe items are one of the most common symbols found in dreams. Dream books will help determine why you dream of men’s socks, new, dirty, as well as interaction with them.

Interpretations from famous dream books

To consider the dream about socks in more detail, it is not enough to know only the subject of the dream; it is important to grasp the details and remember the sensations that accompanied the dreamer in his dreams. To interpret what we saw, let’s turn to well-known dream books:

  • Miller.
  • Loffa.
  • Freud.
  • Tsvetkova.

The famous psychologist Miller lived in a time when socks did not yet exist, so in his dream book he describes an item of clothing that was the predecessor of socks. These are foot wraps. Foot wraps, as you know, were an integral part of military clothing.

The interpretation of the dream, accordingly, refers to people who have a military rank, or those who repay their debt to the fatherland. Foot wraps are the personification of long and hard training, as well as serious events that will change the life of a military man for the better. Very often this event means promotion.

Loff and Freud on socks

Loff in his dream book associates socks with a protective shell; they keep feet warm and are the connecting link in the foot-sock-shoe chain.

It is also very important to pay attention to the condition of the product. I dream of new socks for protection. Neat socks guarantee a calm life in which there is no fear and hopelessness.

Gossip dreams of dirty socks. The dream book advises paying attention to the people around the dreamer; perhaps among them there are hidden ill-wishers and liars who gossip behind his back.

The same interpretation applies to a dream in which there is a torn sock. According to the dream book, slander is a dream of a holey sock. Such a dream will negatively affect the sleeper. You will have to spend a lot of effort to get out of a difficult situation.

As you know, the psychologist Freud always interprets dreams from a sexual point of view. Almost every dream can have sexual character. A sock is nothing more than a condom, a symbol of protection.

If a man has such a dream, in reality he is worried about his health and does not trust his partner. Perhaps his suspicions are not unfounded.

And also a similar dream that a woman had, suggests that in reality she is afraid of getting pregnant.

Interpretation of Tsvetkov’s dream book

In his dream book, Tsvetkov points out that dreams about this item of clothing are mostly related to travel, however Don't forget about some nuances:

Did you happen to put on socks in a dream? In reality, you will find yourself in a very difficult story, but you will be able to come out of it with dignity. The dream book will help you understand why you dream about this seemingly banal plot.

What did you decide?

In dreams, hosiery symbolizes the desire to make moving through life a little easier, and its condition reflects hidden possibilities.

Did you dream about how you tried unsuccessfully to put on your socks? The dream book is sure: in order to achieve the desired goal, you need to fully concentrate and not be distracted by extraneous matters.

In a dream, putting on socks for yourself means that you will soon receive an offer to go on a trip. Why do you dream if you managed to put your stockings on inside out? In real life, decide to sort out your relationship with your loved one.

Take action today!

Did you dream that you had to put on socks for another character? In reality, you will take part in other people's affairs, and in return you will receive satisfaction and even material profit.

Why do you dream if you tried to put on beautiful socks for someone? The dream book promises: your idea will be accepted and supported. But finding that your stockings are covered in holes is bad. If you don’t solve a problem immediately, you will irrevocably miss your chance.

For a bachelor, a woman can put on socks before an affair or marriage; for a married woman, this is a symbol of the need to obey her husband in everything.

According to Miller

Did you dream about getting ready to put on socks? A dream in this way reflects the desire to receive protection, to be protected from troubles.

Fun or disappointment?

Why do you dream if you had to wear white items? At night, this is a sign of severe disappointment and major troubles.

Seeing and especially wearing white things is always bad. In the next few days you will fall down with a serious illness. White items also warn of tragedy in the family.

Have you seen black knee socks? The dream book is convinced: there has been progress in business, and the planned event will be very successful.

Did you happen to wear red socks in a dream? A very fun period is approaching. Striped objects promise a lot of impressions during your vacation.

What are they made of?

It is advisable to establish as accurately as possible the material from which the dream things were made. The dream book offers the most popular decryptions.

  • Silk - poverty, difficulties.
  • Cotton - consistently average income.
  • Woolen - abundance, joy.
  • Terry - illness, loneliness.

Nylon underfoots are associated in dreams with illusory hopes and very unsteady plans.


Did you dream that you were lucky to wear brand new socks? In reality, an extremely advantageous offer will be received, but it will also cause additional worries.

Why does a woman dream that she is lucky enough to buy and put on new stockings? The dream book predicts favorable changes on the personal front. It is possible that you will meet a person who will later become your legal spouse.


In your dream, did you manage to put on clearly torn clothes? Get ready for dirty gossip, showdowns and various quarrels.

Did you dream that you were wearing torn stockings? Dream book advice: try to hide from your loved one anything that could cause him jealousy or discontent.

Seeing torn items on your feet also means that wealth will not be so great. Another interpretation of the dream suggests: unforeseen circumstances will dramatically disrupt your long-standing plans.

Are you ready?

Why do you dream if you happen to wear very old socks? According to the dream book, in reality you will be able to save a lot and buy yourself what you dreamed of.

You can see patched items on your feet in a dream before an unwise waste of money. Did you dream that you had to wear mended things? A particularly difficult life period is approaching, and the planned trip will be unsuccessful.

What do you want?

Unlucky enough to change your socks in a dream? In reality, prepare for a serious family quarrel, including divorce. If you happen to change your socks, then in reality you will try to evade unexpected problems.

All people see dreams. But not everyone attaches importance to them. Psychologists say that dreams are a reflection of a person’s thoughts and experiences. Therefore, you should not take them seriously.

Astrologers have a different opinion. They claim that dreams are messengers that help people see the future, feel their emotional state, and predict troubles and misfortunes.

How to approach this is an individual matter for each person. But dreams play their magical role in a person’s life.

People dream about different things. But if a dream about a fish or wedding rings speaks for itself, then a dream about a sock misleads many people. They don’t know what it means to see a sock in a dream, for better or worse.

What does a sock mean in a dream?

In order to understand why a sock is dreamed of, it is worth remembering what it was like and, based on its appearance and location, it is worth interpreting the meaning of the dream.

People often see socks like this in their dreams:

  • Leaky.
  • White.
  • Woolen.
  • New.
  • Reds.
  • Knitted.
  • Children's.
  • Different.
  • Men's.
  • Knitted.
  • Warm.
  • Black.
  • Dirty.
  • Torn.

Holey socks seen in a dream are a reflection of a person’s inner world. They symbolize discontent. Remember, a situation may have arisen in your life that you were unhappy with due to your soft character and lack of restraint.

Whites warn a person that people from his environment will take advantage of his vital resources: intelligence, abilities, money. White speaks of gentleness of character, kindness and selfless perception of the world.

Woolen ones foretell that the plan will come true, that the goal will be achieved. The financial situation will improve, new acquaintances, confidence, and stability will appear.

If you see a new sock, expect changes. Your circle of acquaintances will expand, your influence will increase, your wallet will be replenished, and a person will appear who will radically change your life.

A man's sock is a harbinger of getting ready for the trip. Get ready for a business trip, work trip, or unplanned vacation.

If you dreamed about dirty ones, expect the appearance of self-doubt. You should gather your strength and bring your plans to the end. It wouldn’t hurt to go to a psychologist, raise your self-esteem, and understand the cause of your insecurity.

Warm socks in a dream assure the dreamer to believe in his own strength.

A black item of clothing warns a person of pride, foreshadows authoritarianism and power.

Baby socks symbolize the appearance of children or small pets that require love, affection and care. But such a dream also has another interpretation: a new project at work will appear, to which the person will devote all his free time.

Knitted ones portend stability in life, confidence in the future.

Red socks speak of committing an act that can surprise. If they different colors- then the dreamer is looking for like-minded people to implement his plans.

A large number of socks foretells the dreamer that he will leave his home.

Other interpretations

Dreams about socks can also be interpreted based on the action with the dreamed attribute:

  1. Dress socks means preparing for tests. The dream warns of upcoming difficulties on the way to the goal.
  2. Buy. If a person buys this attribute of clothing, then this indicates his self-confidence, desire to continue to achieve heights at work, and desire to improve his financial situation.

    The dreamer in real life is a role model; he is envied, praised, imitated, admired.

  3. Search. The dreamer is looking for a way out of a difficult situation, trying not to lose hope, and attracting all resources to solve the situation.
  4. Walk. If you dreamed that you walked without shoes and had socks on your feet, expect that your intentions, plans and desires will become the property of society. People learn about them in the family, at work, among friends.
  5. Wear torn. Astrologers say this is a bad sign. Psychologists interpret this action as pangs of conscience, a struggle with oneself. The dreamer often goes against his own will, carries out other people’s orders, which he himself does not encourage.
  6. Wash. In this case, whose socks you wash plays a huge role:

    Own - the dreamer’s affirmation of his own self-sufficiency.
    Strangers - expect the appearance of your lover. This is a sign of the beginning of a serious, strong relationship that may end in marriage.

  7. Knit. Seeing in a dream how you knit means an abundance of work. The result of your activities will please you.
  8. Are you going to get dressed?. The dreamer feels confident and impeccable, ready to conquer new career heights.
  9. Lose. Lost things are harbingers of loss of trust among friends, relatives and acquaintances.
  10. Sew up. Sewing marks the imminent arrival of material difficulties.
  11. Take off. There are two interpretations of this action:

    Losing an item that is not particularly important to you.
    Committing an event that you will regret.

    According to Felomena's dream book, taking off your socks means parting with your loved one. This symbolizes the pain of loss, divorce, tears, resentment.

  12. Gave. The gift symbolizes excessive kindness and gullibility.

Interpretations from dream books

There are many dream books in the world, each of which has its own explanation for the sock in your dream.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller There were no socks during Miller's lifetime. But there were foot wraps. Therefore, he interpreted the foot wraps he saw in his dream as a preliminary run in the army.
Children's Getting into an unpleasant situation, participating in a bad event. The dream foretells that the dreamer will come out of the situation with dignity, without tarnishing his reputation.
Maly Velesov There's a long road ahead.
21st century Buy - upcoming changes in your personal life.
Seeing holes in them means short-term happiness.
Putting on clothes means replenishing your wallet.
Lunar Expect trouble.
Medea Torn to gossip.
Clean to improve well-being.
Medium Hasse The upcoming journey to another country.
Apostle Simon To the road.
Tsvetkova Dressing means quick preparation for the journey.
Wanderer Men's - get ready for the journey.
Any - expect a job offer.
Torn - expect trouble.
Women's with holes - difficulties will arise with men.
Women are whole - a lover will appear.
Felomena The emergence of aspiration. Implementation of planned plans.
Fast road.

You can also interpret dreams based on the gender of the dreamer:

  • Man. A male dreamer saw socks - this means new acquaintances, dates, falling in love, starting a relationship and a wedding.
  • Woman. If a woman saw socks in a dream, then this foreshadows the appearance of a rival, a mistress, and the possibility of the destruction of the husband’s marriage.

In the traditional dream book, socks symbolize travel and moving forward. Such a dream is a reflection of a person’s desires and aspirations and personifies secret thoughts. Depending on the condition of the socks and their appearance, the interpretation of sleep varies significantly. Before you begin to unravel the signs of the subconscious, you need to remember what the socks looked like, what condition they were in, what actions the dreamer performed with them.

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    The appearance of socks in a dream

    It is important to remember what the socks looked like in your dream. Dirty ones with holes and scuffs - to scandals and gossip. The dream book advises to carefully control your emotions when talking with loved ones. This will help avoid quarrels and maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family. You should look for a gossip among your acquaintances, work or study colleagues. Rumors are unfounded, their goal is to harm the dreamer's reputation. You must not give in to provocation. This will make the gossiper think about his behavior and change for the better.

      Torn socks indicate that a prosperous period in life will not last long. It is worth being patient and firmly pursuing your goal. Seeing torn socks of different colors is a sign of possible mistakes.

      New socks are a good sign. Pleasant events await a person that will lift his spirits for a long time. The dream book says that the dreamer will receive support from loved ones. Warm socks - the subconscious pushes a person to do what he has long dreamed of. It's time to make your dreams come true. If the socks were wool, you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation.

      Clean socks are a good sign. The dreamer is successfully moving towards his goal. He is surrounded by an aura of confidence that commands respect from those around him.

      The interpretation of the dream depends on who owns the socks. If they were male and a woman had a dream, a person will appear in her life who will make a strong impression on her. Her personal life will improve after this meeting. Children's socks symbolize the care and attention that the dreamer will soon show towards someone.

      In Longo's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as a bad sign. A quarrel will arise between family members, and gossip may visit the house.

      Sock color

      People don't have colorful dreams very often. Scientists explain this by the individual characteristics of each person. However, if a person dreams of socks of certain colors, this may indicate some character traits of the dreamer. Shades of socks that are most often found in dreams:

      • White socks symbolize purity and innocence. The person who owned the socks is honest and sincere. It is worthwhile to appreciate your acquaintance with him.
      • Red - passion, emotionality. The personality is characterized by impulsive actions.
      • Yellow symbolizes brightness and impermanence.
      • Blue - calm, balance. People with such character successfully run their own business. They tend to make thoughtful decisions that lead to success.
      • In the Slavic dream book, green is a symbol of wisdom.
      • Black is the color of mysterious natures who have secrets from others.

      The dreamer's actions

      Buying socks portends the successful achievement of what you want. The dreamer is firmly confident in his abilities and strives for perfection in everything. These qualities evoke respect and admiration from others. Another interpretation: the desire to find like-minded people. The person is dissatisfied with his surroundings. We are talking about business partners and colleagues at work. They don't meet the requirements and don't put all their effort into their work.

      Seeing knitted socks on your feet in a dream means a pleasant meeting with an old friend. Walking without shoes means the dreamer's secret will be revealed. The plans he hid will be made public. To avoid this, you will have to make a lot of effort. Wearing socks means increasing wealth. Things at work will go uphill.

      Interpretation of sleep in famous dream books

      In the dream books of famous soothsayers appearance socks are given great importance.

      American psychologist Gustav Miller believed that the state of socks is a reflection of the dreamer's state of mind.

      If there are holes in the socks, this is a sign that the person is dissatisfied. It can concern both internal qualities and lifestyle. Emotions are carefully hidden behind a mask of confidence and indifference. It is worth analyzing your life, setting priorities and paying more attention to them. Excessive self-discipline will not do you any good. Excessive demands on yourself can have a negative impact on self-esteem. Everything is good in moderation, a person must develop in harmony with himself and the outside world. New socks of a light shade indicate the purity of the dreamer's intentions. He acts selflessly, without thinking about his own benefit. The main thing is not to allow others to take advantage of his kindness. Wearing socks means underestimating the enemy's capabilities.

      Vanga paid great attention to the details of the dream. Walking around the market looking for a pair of socks is a sign that the dreamer is an active person who is constantly on the move. It is important for him to achieve perfection in everything, no matter how difficult it may be. Receive socks as a gift - life will change for the better. The dreamer will begin to be more appreciated and respected in the family and work team. It is possible to meet an influential person who will become a patron and give wise advice.

      Men's socks are dreamed of when preparing for a trip. The trip will be successful. It will be possible not only to resolve business issues, but also to have a good rest.

      In Freud's works, socks are associated with contraception and the desire for safe sexual intercourse. There are alternative interpretations. Trying on products with holes means showing sacrifice in reality. This will lead to a depressive state, and the appearance of illness is possible. The dreamer needs to decide what is important to him, think about his own interests and not sacrifice himself for the sake of his family.

      Dirt and stains are a symbol of insecurity. If a person cannot overcome his insecurities on his own, it is better to consult a psychologist. Consulting a specialist will help you overcome shyness and believe in yourself. Washing someone else's socks in Nostradamus's dream book is a sign that the dreamer will soon meet his soulmate. Knitting socks is a long, monotonous task that requires patience and attentiveness. In life you will have to do similar work. It will not bring moral satisfaction, but the result is definitely worth the effort. Buying women's socks means chores around the house.

      If a person sleeping walks down the street without shoes in a dream, this means that you should take care of your secret; it may be revealed. Thick and warm knitted socks mean that the dreamer is going to in the right direction. He listens to his heart, his intentions are sincere. Achieving his goals will lead him to a happy future.


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