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What better time to treat yourself to something delicious than on the holidays! But how to reconcile the pleasure of the New Year's feast and the benefits for the future baby? The word is to the nutritionist.

Let's start with a basic question: what is most important in the nutrition of an expectant mother? If you think that the main thing is to eat more so that there is enough for two, you will not be able to get into the ranks of excellent students. After all, what and how you eat is much more important than how much you eat.

How do I eat?

In the words of nutritionists, the diet of the expectant mother should be complete, varied and safe for her and the unborn baby. In order for the baby to receive all the substances necessary for development, your daily menu should include a variety of foods: meat and fish, milk and eggs, bread and sugar, butter and vegetable oil, vegetables and fruits.

During pregnancy, the body's energy needs do not increase as much as we used to think: in the second half of pregnancy - by 350 kcal per day (2,550 instead of 2,200), and before that - even less.

What do I eat?

Festive table– a place where you can find almost all this abundance at once. Just look at the long list of appetizers that hospitable housewives generously put on the table: salads, sausages, cheeses, fish, caviar, pickles, vegetables. But there is also hot food, not to mention desserts! What an expectant mother can eat in one New Year's Eve party with her family would be enough for her on weekdays for the whole day. But is this good? To understand the situation, let's try to take a closer look at the holiday menu.

A common cost of holiday feasts is “overdoing it” on fats and carbohydrates. As a result, many of us leave the table with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or heartburn. And for expectant mothers, such a prospect is absolutely great, especially in the second half of pregnancy, when the body works for two, and the growing uterus puts pressure on the digestive organs, primarily on the stomach (which is why, by the way, it is better to eat little and often). Overeating and heavy foods are fraught not only with discomfort for the mother, but also with troubles for the unborn baby, since they can disrupt its supply of nutrients.


Usually the first part of the feast accounts for the bulk of what is eaten throughout the evening - it’s not for nothing that most guests manage to get enough long before the hot food is served. Strictly speaking, this is wrong, because the purpose of snacks is to awaken the appetite, and not to satisfy it. It is best to start your meal with foods that increase the production of gastric juice - for example, salads.

Season vegetable salads with vegetable oil - it will supply the expectant mother with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important for the development of the baby. But any mayonnaise, even “light”, contains food additives and acid, which will only add problems to the gastrointestinal tract. “What about Olivier salad?” – fans of culinary classics will ask. If you can’t imagine a feast without a traditional salad, it’s much healthier to replace mayonnaise with 10–15% sour cream.

Salty snacks can also be a good start to a feast, but only if the expectant mother does not have problems with edema and fluid retention in the body. Even so, such products require very careful handling. On the one hand, many women have an irresistible craving for salty foods, and you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure - often it’s this kind of food that relieves the manifestations of toxicosis. On the other hand, with pickles, like any other dish, it is important to observe moderation.

Even if you are ready to eat a whole can of herring in one sitting, you should still limit yourself to a couple of pieces. And pickled and spicy foods are not at all suitable for you: dishes with vinegar, pepper, horseradish, mustard and garlic (the latter, among other things, can increase the tone of the uterus). Because of such dishes, liquid can be retained in the tissues, and the load on the expectant mother’s body, which is already growing day by day along with the baby, will increase. This is especially risky in the second half of the 9-month wait - which is why during this period it is better to keep everything salty to a minimum.

Deli meats are included in the “special list” for the same reason as pickles - most of them also contain plenty of fat and food additives. Jellied meat or fish is also considered an unsuitable dish for expectant mothers - it is prepared using a very strong broth, which contains a lot of concentrated substances that irritate gastrointestinal tract.


“A little bit of good stuff” - there’s no better way to say it, just appetizers, but we seriously intend to get to the main course. What should it be like?


Almost all types are suitable for expectant mothers: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit. These products are rich in high-quality protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12 - substances essential for the growth and development of a child. Keep in mind: fatty meat is difficult to digest and causes the stomach, liver, pancreas and gallbladder work in enhanced mode. That is why nutritionists advise excluding duck and goose meat from the diet of expectant mothers, in which the fat content is always high; as well as bacon, fried foods and deep-fried side dishes.


Fatty varieties (sardines, mackerel, halibut, etc.) are also among the foods that you should not lean too much on. Despite the fact that they contain a lot of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, they can easily lead to digestive disorders.

How to prepare a hot dish?

When composing the New Year's menu, try to choose the most “gentle” option. An excellent holiday version is oven-baked meat, fish or vegetables (but not mushrooms - they are difficult to digest). Pour milk sauce over the dish or sprinkle low-fat cheese on top - it will turn out tender and juicy, and you hardly have to add butter to it.

All dishes from the expectant mother's menu must be absolutely safe. How to achieve this?

  • Pay attention to the shelf life of products. Store the remaining dishes after the feast only in the refrigerator, and for no more than a day.
  • Do not buy products by weight or cut into pieces, choose vacuum packaging.
  • Make sure that meat and fish dishes are properly cooked (baked, fried). Rare steak and kebabs are not your choice, as are dishes made from raw or smoked fish, oysters, raw smoked meat, appetizers such as carpaccio and tartare.
  • Store vegetables, meat and prepared foods separately. When you cook, use different knives and cutting boards for different foods.


Cakes and pastries are an eternal reason to struggle with yourself: one piece or two? Indeed, few expectant mothers will be able to resist the creamy biscuit splendor, and you can easily afford a portion. Now throw all your strength into fighting temptation! Firstly, easily digestible carbohydrates found in cakes, sweets, sugar and sweet fruits will quickly add extra pounds to you. Secondly, they are easily broken down and increase blood glucose levels. Because of this, the load on the pancreas increases, because it has to more energetically produce the hormone insulin, which “utilizes” sugar. If, in addition, the expectant mother has a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy such a problem can manifest itself.

Fortunately, this does not mean that all expectant mothers need to give up sweets. It’s enough just to follow the measure: if you’ve already eaten a piece of cake at dinner, you shouldn’t eat it with sweets. When choosing a dessert, it is better to stop at heavy ones. sponge cakes with cream, and “airy” delicacies with fillings of fruit, cottage cheese or yogurt.

Fruits are another component of the holiday table that should be treated with attention. Namely, taking into account the characteristics of your intestines: in case of “difficulties”, plums, cherries, apricots, peaches will be useful, and bananas and pears have a “fixing” property.

We are accustomed to thinking that the main sources of vitamins are fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, they contain only a small part of the beneficial substances that the expectant mother’s body needs. What can the world of fruits boast of?

Vitamin C

It will help a woman’s body protect itself from infections, and her baby will develop healthy tissues and bones. Without ascorbic acid, iron is less absorbed, and therefore the expectant mother should rely on parsley, black currants, and citrus fruits.

Provitamin A

Important for the growth of the unborn child, the development of its visual organs and hormonal system. Carrots, sweet yellow and red peppers are rich in provitamin A.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Helps prevent serious problems in the child's development. This vitamin is found in spinach, lettuce, and parsley, but to get it in the right quantities you will need vitamin preparations. We get the remaining vitamins mainly from other foods. Thus, vitamin D is present in fatty fish and eggs; group B – in rye bread, egg yolk, meat; vitamin PP - in wheat sprouts, liver, nuts.



To drink or not to drink is a question, fortunately, that does not give rise to hesitation for most expectant mothers. Of course, it is better to give up alcohol altogether, but in honor of the holiday, the doctor may allow you one small glass of champagne or dry wine. It should be enough for you throughout New Year's Eve - and no repeats the next day! After all, even a small amount of alcohol easily penetrates the placenta and goes directly into the baby’s blood.


To ensure that you have no doubt about the quality of the water you drink, choose bottled drinking water of the highest category. This water contains minerals(for example, iodine, which is involved in the formation of the baby’s thyroid gland) and undergoes particularly stringent safety testing.

I can't pour it!

What drinks are not suitable for expectant mothers?

  • Sweet soda: It contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives.
  • Drinks with sugar substitutes - aspartame and others.
  • Strong tea, coffee: they increase blood pressure and remove fluid from the body, increase the tone of the uterus, and increase the baby’s heartbeat.
  • Raw milk, especially country milk: may contain bacteria that can lead to intestinal infections.
  • Carbonated mineral water: increases the formation of gases in the intestines and irritates the stomach.
  • Alcohol: no comment.

The final part of any feast is tea. This drink does not leave the expectant mother’s table while she is expecting a baby, but now you should be more careful with it. and are used to drinking this drink strong, it’s worth breaking away from your habits. During pregnancy, it is better to switch to weak tea, fruit teas or special teas for pregnant women.


The same applies to coffee - both of these drinks contain stimulants that can make the baby's heart beat too fast and prevent the mother from resting peacefully. Choose decaffeinated coffee and try to drink no more than one cup per day. By the way, coffee and tea should not be washed down with meat and dairy dishes, as they inhibit the absorption of calcium and iron.

Special purpose drinks:

The “right” drinks will help you cope with some of the problems that come with expecting a baby. For example, non-acidic acid is useful for edema. cranberry juice, for nausea - mint tea or orange juice, and juices with pulp (apple, peach) will help cope with constipation.

How much should an expectant mother drink?

Water, tea, juices, compotes - about a liter - one and a half a day. In the last weeks of pregnancy, if a woman has swelling, this amount is limited to 4 glasses (800 ml).

Pregnancy is by no means a disease, but a state of mind and, sorry, body. Pregnant young ladies will go to great lengths for the sake of their baby: they eat kilos of cottage cheese, grind carrots and apples every day, and wash it all down with homemade compotes and freshly squeezed juices. The list of foods useful during pregnancy is replenished with hitherto unusual steamed turnips and exclusively steamed fish (and always low-fat varieties!) But on the eve of the New Year celebrations, many ladies on a strict “pregnant” diet quietly purr to themselves: “Soon, soon, at least a little - I’ll have a blast!” What can you afford if you are in an interesting position? Is it really possible that only healthy spinach will decorate the holiday table, and not your favorite pilaf with lamb? To begin with, I will morally support you with my grandmother’s wisdom: “You can eat everything – if only a little!”

A hit of all times - Olivier salad, pickled mushrooms, aromatic smoked meats... Eh! Was not. Some rules can be canceled for a while, the main thing is not to overdo it and reach for forbidden products. Nobody canceled the reasonable restriction. Obstetricians and gynecologists from all over the country will confirm that after the New Year holidays their patients arrive noticeably fatter: after several days of feasting, the scales show an extra gain of two or even three kilograms. This, ladies, is useless! You don’t want to turn into obese elephants before the long-awaited arrival of your baby?! It’s not very easy to remove extra pounds later (we know, we’ve done it).

So, there's a feast ahead. Before a festive family dinner, I advise you to eat an apple or a pear. They will fill your stomach, thereby helping to reduce your appetite, and you will not pounce on prepared salads and hot dishes, which means you will not overeat. Instead of fruit, you can use bran; first fill it with warm water so that it swells. To prevent gluttony, which is so typical for many pregnant women (some poor women even feel sick at the sight of any food!), you need to drink a glass of ordinary clean water (still!) half an hour before the start of the feast. By the way, it’s good to drink water after waking up, also about half an hour before meals. The intestines wake up and then work like clockwork all day.

Where to start a pregnant woman's meal in the New Year?

So, New Year is coming soon. God willing, your household let you rest and didn’t bother you with cooking at all on this holiday. And now you are beautiful, tireless, sitting at the festive table, your eyes widening from the abundance of all kinds of delicious things. It's time to imagine yourself as a secret taster in a chic restaurant: try the dishes in small pieces, chew thoroughly, stretch out the feeling of enjoying freshly prepared food! It is ideal to start dinner with fresh vegetables, seasoned not with mayonnaise (try to avoid it altogether, at least during pregnancy), but with olive (or sunflower) oil. If you haven't become a vegetable lover yet, it's time to start getting acquainted with healthy beans and lentils. In general, during pregnancy it is better to give preference to bright yellow and dark green: pumpkin, green sweet peppers, broccoli, spinach... Moreover, experts advise that when going to the store or market, do not torture your brain with the choice of certain vegetables, take them every time new. They are all very helpful. Turn on your curiosity and take action. New dishes, new tastes and recipes are always pleasant and interesting.

Cold cuts traditionally decorate the New Year's table for many Russian housewives. If you really want it, you can allow yourself a couple of pieces. At the same time, it is best to prepare yourself any boiled vegetables (except potatoes) or rice as a side dish. Thanks to the enveloping effect, harmful substances contained in smoked meats will leave your body naturally(sorry, you can’t erase the words from a song...) If you periodically experience high blood pressure or swollen legs, then you should not eat smoked meats or pickles at all. The consequences can unsettle you so much that you will regret your momentary pleasure.

Do not burden your stomach with canned foods. Pregnant women are generally advised to remove them from the menu for the entire 9 months. Like small children, you should not eat spicy or fatty foods. Your liver will thank you for this.

Let's hit the hot stuff!

You can cook meat as a main dish. Moreover, according to all the rules, a pregnant woman should eat at least 200 grams of it per day. I somehow have a deputy. The chief doctor of the maternity hospital said so: “The man needs 100 grams of vodka, and you need 200 grams of meat! And there will be no anemia!” Well, seriously, rabbit meat is considered ideal (easy to digest) for a pregnant woman. You can cook veal, lean poultry (just never buy broiler chickens!), or lean pork. Geese and ducks are rare on the table of city dwellers, but just in case, I’ll say that it’s better not to abuse them for pregnant women. They contain a lot of fat.

It’s good if you buy a chilled piece of meat rather than a frozen one: it retains more beneficial properties. Again, give preference to domestic meat. Imported ones do not meet GOST standards; they contain growth stimulants (including steroid hormones). Even with heat treatment they are not completely destroyed. By the way, I remind you once again, get rid of bad habit There are sausages and sausages: half of them consist of fat, and half of who knows what. Eat only occasionally, when you’re too lazy to cook. However, we are talking about the holiday, my dear girls, I hope none of you will have SAUSAGES decorating your table!!!

If you're a big fish lover, congratulations (I'm one myself). Perch, pike, pollock, hake, ice fish, you can afford fattier varieties - after all, it’s a holiday. Instead of salt you can use lemon juice. Add some greens – you are guaranteed aroma and great taste! Vitamin D, phosphorus, well, you know, it’s good to eat fish. Nervous system The baby really needs these vitamins and microelements. Pamper both yourself and your child. An important addition: since some frozen fish are treated with tetracycline, antibiotics that can lead to fetal deformity, it is recommended to cook it, like meat, for several hours. Unless, of course, you live in a fishing region, and you can be completely confident in the freshness of the product.

It is best if you cook delicious dishes “steamed” or in the oven. These methods are first in the usefulness rating. Baking paper, foil, and again traditional clay pots will do. A piece of lean pork in the oven for 3 hours will turn into a delicious meal, the whole family will come running to the smell: you will have to drive it away, otherwise not a single piece will survive until the festive table! This homemade boiled pork is a hundred times healthier than store-bought cuts, and even tastier. You can feel the real taste of carrots, cauliflower, poultry and fish by cooking them in a double boiler (electric or regular, there is no difference).

The second most useful cooking method is stewing. To do this, you need to add a little water to a bowl with thick walls and, of course, the product being prepared: potatoes, lamb, beef, veal. It turns out very tasty.

With cooking, I think you yourself know: vitamins and minerals are preserved, but not to the same extent as in the previous two options.

But pregnant women are advised not to indulge in fried foods. You don't need extra calories. Products prepared in this way irritate the gastric mucosa, and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should completely forget what frying pans are.

Snacks and salads

This year you will try the traditional Olivier salad in a new version: instead of industrial mayonnaise, season it with sour cream, preferably not very fat (10-15%). And replace the sausage or ham with boiled veal or tongue: I’m sure you’ll really like it. Drizzle vegetable salads with olive oil. According to the rules, you must first salt the food, and then add vegetable oil, otherwise the salt will be distributed unevenly due to the oil film. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in oils are very beneficial for both the expectant mother and her baby. Daily dose Vitamin F is contained in one tablespoon of unrefined oil.

“Herring under a fur coat” is another indispensable attribute of the festive table. You can add a couple of spoons of this traditional salad, but be careful not to overdo it with herring. Especially if the pregnancy is nearing the end. And I certainly don’t recommend herring seasoned with horseradish, spices, vinegar, etc. These supplements enhance the tone of the uterus. Such dishes cause fluid retention in the tissues, which will increase the load on the kidneys and liver, and they are already having a hard time: the baby is propping up on all sides, displacing internal organs, and they work in an enhanced mode, removing harmful substances from both the mother’s body and the child’s waste products.

When you boil eggs for salads, note the time: to avoid salmonellosis, cook them for at least 6 minutes.

Drinks for the New Year

In general, during pregnancy it is very important to maintain a water regime. Your body vitally needs fluid intake every hour and a half: at least a few sips of clean water.

Lemonades and other commercially promoted drinks are strictly contraindicated for you. You can, of course, buy Coca-Cola or Sprite for your guests, but you don’t need to drink them: it is unknown what dyes are used in their production. Do not irritate the gastric mucosa and intestines with carbonated mineral water. If you intend to breastfeed your baby, you can completely forget about this drink for the coming months. Gases can cause colic in your baby. Prepare cranberry or lingonberry juice. It is easy to prepare and very healthy. Personally, I use a recipe that preserves vitamins to the maximum. If you have a juicer, squeeze the juice out of the cranberries in the usual way, but never throw away the pulp. Collect these berries in a gauze bag, tie it and lower it into boiling water. Bring to a boil again and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. After this, add freshly squeezed cranberry juice to the saucepan. Bring to a boil and turn off. If you sweeten the fruit drink with sugar, add it while the cake is boiling. But it is better to add honey to the vitamin drink after the fruit drink has cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees.

Otherwise everything beneficial properties honey will be destroyed by boiling water.

What's for dessert?

For me, for example, the most difficult thing was to resist buns, cookies, cakes, in general, in front of everything that so decorates the life of those with a sweet tooth. My dears, control yourself, especially during the holidays. Because in cakes, etc. full of so-called refined carbohydrates. With their direct participation, calcium is safely and completely washed out of your bones. Which can lead to brittle bones, tooth loss, etc. And yet, extra calories (especially since in sweets they are absolutely empty, containing no nutrients) are imperceptibly deposited not only on your sides. Your baby is also gaining excess, unhealthy weight. Pregnancy is a great time when you can reconsider your food habits and accustom yourself to eating the right products, which will prolong your youth and health and are guaranteed to give the same to your future child. So, go all out on desserts made from dried fruits, jelly homemade(gelatin plus freshly squeezed juices of lingonberries, cranberries, etc.), beautiful and very healthy fruit salads. Well, if you really can’t stand it, eat a piece of the “harmful” dessert, but then it will be the last sweet piece of the day - no sweets or glazed cheesecakes!

Bake apples with honey, boil pears in cinnamon syrup, whip real cream (don't buy cans!) and garnish with prunes and dried apricots. Bake the shortbread cakes yourself and fill them with yogurt filling and decorate with berries. If you are a fan of ice cream, allow yourself a low-fat option and decorate the dessert with beautiful slices of different fruits.

By the way, during a feast it is very useful to periodically get up and move away from the table bursting with treats. Dance, have fun in some non-gastronomical way!

Super nude

Super-nude my husband asks when he wants me to cook something like that. Or something beyond the usual everyday menu. Red caviar is the first on the list of super-nudes. And, thank God, it is not contraindicated for pregnant women. Except in cases where a person is allergic to this type of delicacy.

Yes, sandwiches with red caviar are also a must on almost every hospitable table on New Year’s Day. I’ll say right away that caviar is good for pregnant women, but you just need to remember the words of Paracelsus: “Everything is poison, and everything is medicine. Only measure determines both.” Salmon and sturgeon caviar contains about 30 percent of high-value proteins, as well as about 13 percent of easily digestible fats. Iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, D and some minerals. However, salmon roe is usually over-salted. So it’s better to buy caviar not loose, but placed in a pasteurized jar - it contains much less sodium chloride. In general, caviar, especially black caviar, is considered a salvation for women suffering from low hemoglobin during pregnancy. But very, very few people can afford to buy the royal snack. I, who was born in the Soviet Union, ate black caviar a couple of times in my life, when I was still little. Today's children don't even know what it is or how tasty it is. Okay, let's not talk about sad things. Red caviar is also quite suitable for benefiting your body. Experts say that red caviar protein is completely absorbed, just like breast milk mother at the child. Lecithin contained in caviar is involved in the supply of vitamins and minerals to the body's cells. And this is very important now. AND folic acid, which doctors recommend taking even several months before pregnancy, is also contained in caviar. Moreover, these are not pills: eating them is tasty and pleasant.

Shrimp, squid, scallops, and mussels can also decorate the festive table of a pregnant lady. They have little fat, but a lot of protein, which is very well absorbed. In addition, unlike meat, non-fish seafood contains more microelements. Eating shrimp, squid and crab meat promotes hematopoiesis. Sea kale is also healthy and praised by all nutritionists. Useful for women who are prone to excess weight, unless, of course, you suffer from diseases of the digestive system. To improve the taste of fresh seaweed, it must be boiled three times, each time adding a new portion of warm water.

Can a pregnant woman have some wine?

Very often, even when only relatives gather at the New Year's table, a pregnant woman is practically persuaded to take a sip of a little dry food, saying that there will be no harm. Who cares, you know. We don’t know our body well enough to predict how a glass of dry wine will affect the development of the fetus. Each person reacts differently to alcohol. Everyone hears all sorts of stories about how alcoholics give birth to beautiful, healthy children. You shouldn’t be led by these stories either. Of course, it is unlikely that drinking a glass of wine once can result in a defect in the development of a child.

But... I think we have all drunk more than one bottle of dry food in our lives, we know what it is and what it is eaten with. You won’t get any new impressions from drinking champagne: you already know its taste. It wouldn’t even occur to you to add 50 grams of sparkling drink to your newborn’s bottle. Why do many people easily accept an invitation to drink, knowing that alcohol penetrates the placenta, which means that the baby will drink a glass with you! In short, I am completely against drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Believe me, it’s worth being patient for the sake of the baby’s health - pregnancy is not forever. Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated wine is your way out of the situation: so that your relatives don’t cling, and you don’t feel like an outcast at this celebration of life.

P.S. At the end of the day, I hasten to congratulate you on the feeling of a miracle in your stomach and on the upcoming holidays. Don’t bother yourself with preparing a dozen dishes: a harried expectant mother, tired from chopping salads, is not the best picture of the holiday. Be happy and healthy!

Related articles: Nutrition

Aglaya Blinova 11.02 16:06

ABOUT! And for some reason, in my pregnant state, I don’t really want any salads, pilaf, or cookies! Does this really seem delicious to you all? Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! My body snorts and fusses at this and demands soup and fruit! Raw vegetables and lots of fish! Dried, fried, boiled, but without any mayonnaise, sauces, etc....
I don’t even know how I can persuade myself to stand at the stove for a while for the sake of my husband: he is a fan of cutlets, jellied meat and Muskandi....

The New Year holiday is coming, which both adults and children are already looking forward to. On this holiday, the table is set with all sorts of delicious dishes and drinks, which are hard to refuse, and even if you don’t have the strength to eat, you should at least try a little. Every hospitable hostess puts out an abundance of everything and a variety of snacks at once. But what if a young mother is expecting the birth of a baby, because too much food can have negative consequences, so it is necessary to create a special New Year’s menu for a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother should avoid eating too much carbohydrates and fats. This is necessary to avoid heaviness in the stomach and heartburn. This is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy, since the body is already working for two and it is difficult for it. As the uterus grows, it puts pressure on the digestive organs and stomach, so it is better to eat often and not too much. Then both mother and baby will feel more comfortable.

Pregnant women need to start their meals with those dishes and snacks that will better produce gastric juice during digestion. Such snacks include, for example, light salads.

It is better to prepare the New Year's menu for a pregnant woman using vegetable oil. If added olive oil, you need to make sure that there is not a lot of it, otherwise nausea is guaranteed. Such salads are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

It is better to avoid mayonnaise altogether. When preparing it, additives, acids and all kinds of preservatives are added to it, which cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
If you want, for example, a traditional Olivier salad, then it is better to season it with sour cream, but with the minimum fat content.

A little saltiness can be eaten only by those mothers who have no problems with edema at all. Otherwise, after salty food, the body will ask for more liquid, but this should not be allowed, because the child has difficulty in receiving oxygen. The cells of the body swell and the passages become narrowed.

You shouldn’t give up saltines at all, you just need to know when to stop. After all, such products have helped and are helping many pregnant women to fight toxicosis. If, for example, you want to eat a whole plate of herring, of course, in no case should you just limit yourself to a couple of pieces.

You should not eat spicy or pickled foods under any circumstances. Dishes that include the addition of pepper, vinegar, mustard or horseradish are best avoided, because this can lead to increased uterine tone. Due to such dishes, fluid will be retained in the body, which puts a strain on it.

If pregnancy proceeds on recent months During pregnancy, you should not eat salty food, and not at all.

You cannot eat sausages and smoked products. They have great content harmful dyes and preservatives.

It is better to eat weak broths and boiled vegetables. The meat should be boiled and not fatty.

The New Year's menu for pregnant women should contain as few strong flavors as possible; food should not be fried or high in calories.

Now you know what to eat for the expectant mother for the New Year, take care of yourself and then the New Year will be great. It remains to be seen

The New Year is traditionally celebrated with family, with near and dear people, at a leisurely table conversation, in the twinkling of a decorated Christmas tree. In a word, this holiday is the best suited for a woman expecting a child. However, the New Year's meal for the expectant mother is a topic of special conversation.

Taking into account the situation

Some families like to create new exotic dishes every year, while others stick to the traditional set with the inevitable Olivier salad, a pile of tangerines and champagne from year to year. However, for a lady in an interesting position, neither exotic nor traditional options for the New Year's menu are suitable.

Dishes for the expectant mother should not only be festively delicious, but also healthy. The traditional food set “Olivier-tangerines-champagne” is difficult to consider suitable for a pregnant woman’s diet. Olivier, that is, a salad with boiled potatoes, sausage, meat or chicken, canned cucumbers and peas, and thickly seasoned with mayonnaise, is a very heavy and unhealthy food. Tangerines, like most citrus fruits, often cause food allergies during pregnancy. And champagne is clearly not on the list of drinks recommended for expectant mothers!

Also, a woman expecting a baby should be careful when consuming allergenic foods - citrus fruits, chocolate, exotic fruits and dishes. During pregnancy, a first-time allergic reaction to foods that a woman ate without any consequences before pregnancy is often discovered. Allergies are dangerous for an expectant mother because they are a predisposing factor in the development of early and late toxicosis of pregnancy - complications that sometimes cause miscarriage, so you should not rely on recognized allergens.

On a general basis

Creating a holiday menu for an expectant mother is truly not an easy task. Indeed, at the beginning of pregnancy, many women, “thanks to” toxicosis, sometimes don’t even want to think about food! In the second half of pregnancy, when appetite improves, the exact opposite problem often arises, when the expectant mother has to carefully monitor weight gain. The difficulty of creating a New Year's menu is further aggravated by the fact that many foods and dishes that were so beloved before pregnancy fall out of favor during pregnancy. The reasons for such a gastronomic “retirement” can be different: changes in a woman’s taste preferences, difficulties with digestion, or a conscious refusal of not very healthy food.

Natural products. The diet of the expectant mother should be rich and varied - this is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the full development of the fetus. The holiday table should not be an exception to this rule. While expecting a baby, it is especially important to pay attention to healthy products of natural origin: they are better absorbed by the body, are less likely to cause allergic reactions and digestive problems, and most importantly, they contain greatest number substances that a growing fetus needs. These substances primarily include natural proteins, fats and carbohydrates of plant and animal origin. Entering the body of the expectant mother with food, they enter the circulatory system and are delivered to the fetus through the bloodstream. These elements play the role of biological fuel - a source of energy necessary for the baby to grow and develop. If there is insufficient dietary intake of proteins, lipids and sugars, the child’s maturation and physical development may slow down, so the richness of a pregnant woman’s diet should be taken seriously.

Vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and beneficial microelements contained in natural products are no less important for the development of the fetus: these substances are a kind of catalysts for metabolic processes in the body of the mother and fetus. The hematopoiesis and respiration of the fetus, the proper formation and functioning of the baby’s cardiovascular, nervous and hormonal systems depend on the intake of vitamins and microelements. A lack of vitamins in the body during pregnancy can lead to very serious consequences for mother and baby; among the most dangerous complications of vitamin deficiency are the threat of miscarriage, the formation of malformations of the neural tube and heart, and congenital diseases of the fetal thyroid gland.

In general, “proper” nutrition is really necessary for the expectant mother; a well-chosen and balanced diet is guaranteed medical insurance for the normal course of pregnancy, the health of mother and baby.

Taste preferences. When composing a diet, it is equally important to take into account the taste preferences of the pregnant woman, so that the eating process brings pleasure to the expectant mother. Nutrition is one of the basic needs of our body. By satisfying it, we experience pleasure: at the moment of saturation, the so-called “hormones of happiness” - endorphins - are released. The tastier the food, the more pleasure the eating process brings, and, consequently, the more “happiness hormones” are released, no less important for a pregnant woman than proteins or vitamins. The main function of these hormones is the regulation of metabolism, i.e. the speed of processing food into final products necessary for energy metabolism (and these are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements). Regular release of endorphins in the body of the expectant mother has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the fetus. It turns out that eating delicious food is no less important than taking care of the benefits of its components! Therefore, the “correct” New Year’s menu for a pregnant woman should be developed taking into account not only the physiological needs of the body, but also the culinary preferences of the expectant mother.

New Year's menu: according to new rules

  1. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to abuse fatty, spicy, smoked and spicy foods: errors in the diet are harmful to the well-being of both mother and baby.
  2. You shouldn’t take risks with exotic dishes that you haven’t tried before: pregnancy is a bad time for culinary experiments!
  3. It is harmful for an expectant mother to overeat, but it is not recommended to take long breaks between meals, so you should not go hungry while waiting for the festive banquet to begin.
  4. It is advisable that all dishes for a pregnant woman be prepared from natural products, without synthetic additives - flavors, artificial colors, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and preservatives. There must be fresh vegetables and fruits on the New Year's table.
  5. Instead of traditional sandwiches, it’s better to make tartlets with soft cheese, pieces of boiled pork or homemade ham, olives or caviar - it’s much less high in calories and, moreover, very beautiful!
  6. To avoid getting hungry or overeating during the holiday, you need to put a small portion of one dish you like on your plate. You shouldn’t put all the items on the holiday menu on your plate at once: the New Year’s feast takes place late in the evening, when overeating has a particularly hard impact on work digestive system. During the holiday, it is better to eat fractionally - often and little by little.
  7. For appetizers, salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat and fish salads, some pickles, olives, cheese and cold meat are suitable, but you should not overuse sausages and smoked meats.
  8. Hot holiday dishes suitable for a pregnant housewife include: white poultry, lean meats (veal, lamb, rabbit), lean fish - tilapia, cod, pike perch.
  9. Boiled potatoes with herbs or rice or buckwheat are best served as a side dish.
  10. For dessert, instead of cake and pastries, it is better to make fruit salad or berry mousse.
  11. Make sure in advance that there is a sufficient number of drinks on your table - after the holiday bustle and a hearty meal, the need for liquid increases significantly. You should not drink alcohol; you can pour a symbolic amount of champagne or dry wine into the glass with which you will clink glasses, but it is still better to wash down New Year’s toasts with non-alcoholic drinks. Mineral water - lightly carbonated or still - is suitable, as well as fruit cocktails, juices and fruit drinks.

Note to the hostess

Here are several options for festive dishes that will decorate the New Year's table, will not require much effort to prepare and will be useful to the hostess who is expecting a baby.

Caesar salad with salmon

This dish requires few ingredients, it is easy and quick to prepare, healthy and, most importantly, very tasty.

You will need:

  • 1 small head of iceberg lettuce;
  • 5–6 lettuce leaves;
  • 4 medium salmon steaks;
  • 4 grain toasts;
  • 50 g peeled pine nuts;
  • A little hard cheese(for example, Parmesan);
  • 200 g low-fat yogurt (1 pack).

Cooking method:

Cut the iceberg into 5x5 cm squares. Cook the salmon in a double boiler for 20 minutes and divide into small pieces with your hands. Toast the grain bread in a toaster for 1 minute and cut into cubes, or first cut the bread and then dry it for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 100°C. Fan out a lettuce leaf on the bottom of the salad bowl, then slices of salmon, sprinkle with nuts and pour over lightly salted yogurt, and evenly sprinkle cubes of grain bread on top. Then grind the Parmesan in a blender and add it to the salad before serving.

Lamb in a pot

This dish is also healthy and does not require special culinary skills, but it will take a little longer to prepare.

You will need:

  • young lamb shoulder;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2–3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 sprigs of cilantro.

Cooking method:

Chop and mix carrots, onions and cilantro. Salt the resulting mixture a little and add a few peas of allspice. Place layers of meat cut into small slices or steaks into portioned clay pots or ceramic dishes; sprinkle each layer with a mixture of vegetables and chopped garlic. Then add
3 tbsp. spoons of drinking water, cover and cook in the oven at 150°C for 2 hours. Serve with pita bread or pita bread. Rice is ideal as a side dish for this dish.

Fruit salad

During pregnancy, it is better to use traditional berries and fruits of our stripe for fruit dessert; exotic fruits should be abandoned in the interests of the health of the expectant mother due to the high risk of allergies.

You will need:

  • 2 apples;
  • 2 pears;
  • 4–5 small plums;
  • 15 white grapes;
  • 15 black grapes;
  • a handful of black currants (can be frozen).

Cooking method:

Cut apples and pears with a curly knife, add plums, grapes and black currants to them. Mix everything, place in bowls and top with whipped cream. Ready-made whipped cream of vegetable origin from a can is ideal - in addition to ease of use, they are lower in calories than regular whipping cream with 33–35?% fat content. Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with a cherry.

Happy New Year and bon appetit!

It is better to make mayonnaise in salads yourself according to the recipe already posted. In addition, you can use recipes for some children's dishes, the site has already been indicated here

Salad with chicken and Chinese cabbage

Boiled chicken fillet - 300g,

Canned corn - 150g,

Beijing cabbage - 3-4 leaves,

Green apple - 1/2 pcs.,


Mix all the products with mayonnaise, after chopping the boiled chicken fillet, cabbage and apple.

Salad "Under a fur coat" original

- 2 cans of seaweed.
- 2 small beets
- 3-4 carrots
- 5 small potatoes
- 200 g Adyghe cheese
- 1.5 tsp. salt
- 400 g sour cream
- mayonnaise

1. Boil vegetables.
2. Grate 3 potatoes onto a large flat plate and spread in a thin layer on the plate.
3. Place 2/3 cabbage and 2/3 grated cheese on top. Lightly salt the cheese, grate 2 carrots on it and pour 1/3 of the sour cream mixed with salt.
4. Then grate the potatoes again and add the remaining cabbage. Grate the cheese and add a little salt. Place carrots on cheese.
5. Then cover with grated beets on all sides and pour in sour cream or mayonnaise.
6. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Chicken balls in cream cheese sauce
-500 gr. chicken fillet
-1 onion
- 1 egg
-3 cloves of garlic
-200 ml cream
-150 gr. hard cheese

Cooking method:
Chicken fillet needs to be lightly beaten and finely chopped
(I forgot to beat it, but the fillet was slightly frozen and it was easy to cut finely)
Then add finely chopped onion, salt and pepper, beat the egg
Mix well.
Now take a mold, grease it with cream and form small balls from the prepared mass and place them in the mold.
(I rolled them a little in flour, otherwise I couldn’t form a ball)
Bake in an oven preheated to 180*C for 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling: grate the cheese on a fine grater, squeeze in the garlic and mix with cream.
Now remove the pan from the oven, pour the filling over each ball and place in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.
The cheese will melt and flow, and the cream will soak the balls and you will have a gorgeous homemade dish!
Good as a side dish stewed vegetables or salad

Hake fillet covered with cheese and vegetables
Hake fillet, s/m – 1 kg.
Onions (medium size) – 2 pcs.
Potatoes (medium tubers) – 4 pcs.
Hard cheese (I have marble) – 150 gr.
Garlic – 3 cloves
Sour cream – 100 gr.
Salt, pepper, fish seasoning - to taste and desire. Thaw the fish fillet first. Sprinkle with your favorite seasoning or fish spices. I used lemon seasoning for Santa Maria fish dishes (carrots, onions, paprika, black, green and pink peppers, sugar, tarragon, lemon powder, citric acid). Leave while preparing the fur coat.
Peel the onion and chop finely. Place in a bowl.
Peel the potatoes and grate them directly onto the onion.
Pour boiling water over the onion and grated potatoes until the vegetables are completely covered and leave for 5 minutes.
Grate the cheese.
Peel the garlic, chop finely.
Place the potatoes and onions in a sieve and squeeze well. Cool.
Mix potatoes with onions, cheese, garlic, sour cream. Mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste (take into account the saltiness of the cheese).
Cut the fish fillet into portions and place in a baking dish. I lined the pan with foil, but this is not necessary. It is also not necessary to pre-lubricate the mold with oil.
Place cheese and vegetable coating on the fish in an even layer.
Bake in preheated to 180 degrees. oven on medium level for 45-50 minutes.

Chicken fillet with broccoli cream sauce
500 g chicken fillet
400 g broccoli
200 ml cream (10-25%)
100 g cheese
Cooking recipe
Instead of portion molds, you can use a baking dish about 15x20 cm in size.
The specified amount of ingredients makes 4 servings.
Boil the fillet until tender (after boiling, cook for 20 minutes).
Boil the broccoli until tender (after boiling, cook for 7-8 minutes).
Cut the leek into half rings.
Cut the fillet into small pieces.
Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
Mix cheese and cream.
Place fillet, broccoli, and onion into molds.
Salt and pepper.
Drizzle with cream cheese sauce.
Place in the oven.
Bake at 180 degrees until golden brown (about 20-25 minutes).

Georgian meat
-1 kilogram of meat,
-1 spoon of sour cream,
-Greens (parsley, dill, rosemary, basil, cilantro),
-2 spoons of honey,
-1 spoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method:
Cut the meat into large pieces, chop the greens. Mix all the greens in a plate and add salt and pepper. Now mix the herbs, meat, lemon juice, honey. Let's leave it in the refrigerator.
Add sour cream to the mixture, stir, place on a baking sheet, and bake in the oven for one hour.

Chicken cutlets with zucchini

minced chicken fillet - 500 g;
zucchini - 500 g;
egg - 1 pc.;
greens (green onions, dill, parsley) - 50 g;
salt, pepper - to taste;
vegetable oil for frying.
Peel the zucchini, grate it on a coarse grater, and squeeze out the juice.

Prepare minced chicken fillet and combine it with zucchini.

Add finely chopped herbs, egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Knead thoroughly.

Form cutlets with wet hands, bread in flour, fry on vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Mimosa salad.

The recipe is traditional, only canned fish replace with natural red, which has been boiled beforehand. Homemade mayonnaise can be diluted with yogurt.

You can also prepare lavash rolls filled with Adyghe cheese and herbs as a snack for the New Year, as well as bread with curd cream: cottage cheese, herbs, salt, yogurt - mix everything.


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