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In life, situations often arise when a person does not know what to do correctly, then he begins to seek advice. Friends and relatives are vying with each other to suggest a solution, but their experience, unfortunately, is not always enough to give truly practical advice. Another thing is Chinese wisdom, proven over centuries. Chinese philosophical teachings spread and gained recognition throughout the world. We invite you to get acquainted with quotes and aphorisms of Chinese sages who teach how to live a decent life.

One of the most famous Chinese philosophers is Confucius, the founder of Confucianism. No less popular are Chinese thinkers such as Lao Tzu, Zhuang Tzu, Mo Tzu, Han Fei and others. They all thought about the meaning of life, called on people to be kinder, taught them to act and not wait for the right moment, because time does not stand still.

Quotes and aphorisms of Chinese sages

No one returns from travel the same as he was before.

Travel changes a person's inner world.

You can only pour from a jug into a bowl what was in it.

Do not demand fruit where you did not sow it.

There are many roads that lead to the top. But the landscape remains unchanged.

The goal is one, but there are different ways to achieve it.

Don't speak unless it changes the silence for the better.

It is better to remain silent than to speak without meaning.

Anyone who drinks water must remember those who dug the well.

You should always honor those to whom you owe your life and blessings.

When away from home, behave as if you are receiving honored guests. When using the services of people, behave as if you were performing a solemn ceremony. Don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself. Then there will be no discontent either in the state or in the family.

If everyone does this, then the world will change for the better.

A person does what he loves well.

When doing something you don't like, don't expect a good result.

A horse is recognized by riding, a person by communication.

By appearance You can’t judge a person, but as soon as you start talking to him, everything about him immediately becomes clear.

Buy cheap - lose money.

You have to pay for quality.

Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of upbringing.

What kind of person your child will grow up to be depends only on you.

Trouble comes when people, in their laziness, forget to take care of themselves.

Trouble happens so that people can spend time with each other.

For those who are not sailing anywhere, there is no tailwind!

Luck accompanies those who strive for something.

Don't be afraid that you don't know - be afraid that you don't learn.

Ignorance is not a problem if you have the desire to learn.

When people do not pay attention to the criticism and praise of the people and calmly put up with the loss of their sympathy, this is an unworthy way to govern the country.

A good ruler is one who listens to his people.

Instead of exalting the sky and reflecting on it, isn’t it better to ourselves, by multiplying things, to subjugate the sky? Instead of serving the sky and praising it, isn’t it better, overcoming the heavenly fate, to use the sky to our advantage?

Man already uses almost everything to his advantage.

Even if a person by nature has excellent qualities and wisdom, he must still receive a wise teacher and follow him, he must choose his friends good people and be friends with them.

With wise teachers and good friends you will become even wiser.

Proverbs and folk wisdom

It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

Visualization gives a better idea of ​​the situation.

By reflecting on the past, you learn about the future.

What could not be done in the past can be done in the future.

Only a beautiful bird is put in a cage.

Man is accustomed to subjugating beauty to himself, without thinking that he is dooming her to bondage.

He who speaks ill of others is not good himself.

No one has the right to judge a person.

Money makes people strangers.

If you want to lose a friend, lend him money; if you want to distance yourself from your loved one, tell him that he needs to earn more.

In friendship, too, know the boundaries.

Friendship is good when it is in moderation.

The greatest treasure in the world is children.

A child is the meaning of life for his parents.

It's better to be an enemy good man than a bad friend.

It's better to be friends with bad people.

Vouch for money, never for a person.

Sometimes it’s difficult even to be responsible for yourself, let alone for others.

Saying kind words does not mean being kind.

You can say whatever you want, but saying what you feel is rare.

Until you fall for the bait, you will not become an expert.

Let one go through mistakes and failures to knowledge and wisdom.

But nevertheless, we need to live not for yesterday or tomorrow, but for today.

If there is a desire in the heart, then you can drill through the stone.

If you have the will, you can find the way.

Quotes and aphorisms of Chinese sages are a storehouse of life wisdom. They teach you to live here and now, and not put off life for tomorrow. Share them with your friends, perhaps they will become useful advice for someone.

Ancient Greek philosophy can still teach us a lot today. The worldview of ancient philosophers is striking in its optimism, virtue and wisdom. Below are 9 quotes life principles, which were professed by the most famous ancient philosophers of Ancient Greece.

  1. Do everything with unconditional love.

A person should do what he loves. Only in this case will he succeed. It's better to be a good carpenter than a bad banker. Sincere love for your work is your calling.

“Work done with pleasure allows you to achieve excellence”- Aristotle.

“It is better to do a small part of a task perfectly than to do ten times as much poorly.”- Aristotle

“Never do anything you don’t know, but learn everything you need to know.”- Pythagoras

“Each person is worth exactly as much as the cause for which he cares is worth.”- Epicurus.

“Where a person resists, there is his prison.”- Epictetus.

  1. Don’t complain, don’t lose heart, don’t live in the past.

The biggest obstacle for a person in this world is himself. Other obstacles and unfavorable circumstances are the reason to look for new opportunities and unexpected ideas.

“A man who is dissatisfied with few things is not satisfied with anything.”- Epicurus.

“When leaving for a foreign land, don’t look back”- Pythagoras.

"Live today, forget the past"- ancient Greek proverb.

“Small opportunities often become the beginning of great enterprises”- Demosthenes.

“The great science of living happily is to live only in the present”- Pythagoras.

“The first and best victory is victory over yourself”- Plato.

“People tend to blame fate, the gods, and everything else for their misfortunes, but not themselves” - Plato.

  1. Believe in yourself, listen to yourself and don’t always take for granted what others say.

Nobody knows you better than you. In life you will come across many people who will share their ideas, opinions and vision with you various situations. You will meet many people who will give you free advice on how you should manage your life. Listen without judgment, draw conclusions, but follow the dictates of your heart - ancient philosophers urge in their aphorisms.

“Learn to listen and you can benefit even from those who speak ill of you.”- Plutarch.

“First of all, don’t lose your self-respect”- Pythagoras.

“Learn to be silent, let your cold mind listen and heed”- Pythagoras.

“Whatever they think of you, do what you think is fair. Be equally impartial to both blame and praise."- Pythagoras.

“If you live in harmony with nature, you will never be poor, and if you live in harmony with human opinion, you will never be rich.”- Epicurus.

  1. Don't lose faith.

Replace fears and misgivings with faith and hope. Humility, love and faith can work miracles. Everything will happen at the right time and in the right place.

"Hope is a daydream"- Aristotle.

“No fruit ripens suddenly, neither a bunch of grapes nor a fig tree. If you tell me that you want figs, I will tell you that time will have to pass. Let the tree bloom first, and then the fruits ripen."- Epictetus.

  1. Always strive to think and feel positively.

The ancient Greeks preached: “Think positive thoughts.” If negative thoughts filled your head, wave them goodbye and replace them with positive thoughts of beauty, happiness and love. Focus on the present, and the things for which you are grateful to God. Stay away from negative people around you and always surround yourself with happy and positive people.

“Fear and sadness that have taken possession of a person for a long time are conducive to illness”- Hippocrates.

“The human brain contains the cause of many diseases”- Hippocrates.

“Happiness depends on ourselves”- Aristotle.

“The brain is the place where pleasure, laughter and joy arise. From it come melancholy, sorrow and crying.”- Hippocrates.

6. Improve yourself and discover new horizons for yourself.

“Explore everything, give the mind first place”- Pythagoras.

“Work, good spirits and the striving of the mind for perfection, for knowledge lead to results that decorate life”- Hippocrates.

7. In difficult situations, look for strength and courage within yourself.

“Courage is a virtue by virtue of which people perform wonderful deeds in danger.”- Aristotle.

“People need courage and fortitude not only against the weapons of enemies, but also against any blows of fate.”- Plutarch.

“You don’t develop the courage to be happy in a relationship every day. You will develop it in difficult times and through all sorts of adversity."- Epicurus.

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. This is the greatest quality in a person and should be honored."- Aristotle.

8. Forgive yourself and others for mistakes.

View your mistakes positively as learning experiences that will help you eventually achieve your dreams. Mistakes and failures are inevitable.

"It's better to expose own mistakes than strangers"- Democritus.

“To live and not make a single mistake is not in the power of man, but from one’s mistakes it is good to learn wisdom in the future”- Plutarch.

“To make no mistakes is a property of the gods, but not of man.”- Demosthenes.

“Every business is improved by mastering technology. Every skill is achieved through exercise."- Hippocrates.

9. Virtue and compassion.

The views of ancient Greek philosophers echo the later Christianity. It is no coincidence that medieval Christian theologians called Aristotle a spontaneous Christian, although he lived long before the birth of Jesus Christ.

“What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good"- Aristotle.

“Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and your enemies become friends”- Pythagoras.

“Boys stone frogs for fun, but frogs really die.”- Plutarch.

“Immortality, alien to our nature, and power dependent mostly from luck, we thirst and strive, and we put moral perfection - the only divine blessing available to us - in last place.”- Plutarch.

“Two things make a person godlike: living for the good of society and truthfulness.”- Pythagoras.

« For the sun to rise, there is no need for prayers or spells; it suddenly begins to send its rays to the joy of everyone. So don’t wait for applause, noise, or praise to do good—do good deeds voluntarily—and you will be loved like the sun.”- Epictetus.

“Always prefer a short but honest life to a long but shameful life”- Epictetus.

“Burning yourself, shine for others”- Hippocrates.

“By caring for the happiness of others, we find our own”- Plato.

“A person who has received a benefit must remember it all his life, and a person who has shown a benefit must immediately forget about it.”- Demosthenes.

Artist Thomas Cole

This collection of wise quotes, aphorisms and sayings is a continuation of the previously published post:.

Judging by the number of views, site visitors liked the wisdom of the ancients, and I decided to continue publishing. Maybe we'll get a whole collection of wisdom, quotes and aphorisms from time to time Ancient Egypt to this day.

In the meantime, a selection of quotes from the sages of Ancient Greece.

Quotes, aphorisms and sayings of the Greek sages

Out of love for children, some people should not have them.

Wise men speak, but matters are decided by ignorant people from the People's Assembly.

Ancient Greece. Anacharsis =

The Athenian reproached him, Anacharsis, for being a Scythian. Anarchsis replied: “If I am a disgrace, my homeland is a disgrace, and you are a disgrace to your homeland.”

Ancient Greece. Anacharsis =

Safe ships are beached ships.

Ancient Greece. Anacharsis =

The market is a place deliberately designated to deceive and rob each other.

Ancient Greece. Anacharsis =

An angry person is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it blackens you.

Ancient Greece. Anacharsis =

It is also likely that a lot of incredible things are happening.

Ancient Greece. Agathon =

Everyone who is touched by Eros becomes a poet.

Ancient Greece. Agathon =

Even the gods cannot change the past.

Ancient Greece. Agathon =

In the end, having abandoned everything, he [Anaxagoras] took up the speculation of nature, without worrying about any state affairs.

They asked him: “And you don’t care about your fatherland?”

He replied: “Not at all, I really care about the fatherland!” - and pointed to the sky.

Anaxagoras, after the death of his beloved son, did not fall into madness, as those around him expected. When asked the reason, he replied: "I always knew that I gave birth to a mortal."

Ancient Greece. Anaxagoras Klazomensky =

Someone lamented that he was dying in a foreign land; Anaxagoras told him: “The descent into Hades is the same from everywhere.”

Ancient Greece. Anaxagoras Klazomensky =

Nothing can be known, nothing can be learned, nothing can be ascertained: feelings are limited, the mind is weak, life is short.

Ancient Greece. Anaxagoras Klazomensky =

Characteristic of wisdom is the ability to find for everyone its own kind of wisdom, and ignorance is characteristic of different people use monotonous speech.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Artist Albert Joseph Moore

Lovers often deceive and promise the impossible.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

The beginning of education is the study of words.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

It is difficult to endure an educated and intelligent person, since unreason is an easy and unburdensome thing, but reason is adamant, unshakable, its weight is insurmountable.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Virtue is the same for both men and women.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Pleasure is good, but [only] when it does not cause remorse.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

The lions took the floor when, having gathered for a council, the hares demanded equality for everyone.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

A holiday is an occasion for gluttony.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

One should seek the pleasures that come after the work, and not before the work.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Politics should be treated like fire: do not come too close so as not to get burned, and do not move too far away so as not to freeze.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Don’t notice the old man’s mistake: it is useless to replant an old tree.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Ignorant people are like those who are awake and in a dream state.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

When asked which woman is better to take as a wife, he [Antisthenes] replied: “The beautiful one will be a common property, the ugly one will be your punishment.”

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

When asked what is most blissful for a person, he [Antisthenes] said: “To die happy.”

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

When asked what philosophy gave him, he [Antisthenes] replied: “The ability to talk with oneself.”

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Artist Hans Zatzka

Someone said that war destroys the poor; Antisthenes remarked: “On the contrary, she gives birth to them in abundance.”

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Once, when Antisthenes exclaimed: “Oh, who will save me from suffering!”, Diogenes showed him a dagger and said: “That’s who” - “I said: from suffering, not from life!” - Antisthenes objected.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

States perish when they cease to distinguish the bad from the good.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

It is better to fight among a few good people against many bad ones, than among many bad people against a few good ones.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

Restraint is more necessary for those who hear bad things about themselves than for those at whom stones are thrown.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

It is better to fall to vultures than to fall to flatterers. Those devour the dead, and these devour the living.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

You need to meet those women who themselves will be grateful for it.

Ancient Greece. Antisthenes =

He, Apelles (painter and court artist of Alexander the Great), exhibited his completed works in an open gazebo and, hiding behind the painting, listened to the comments of those passing by, since he considered the people a more attentive judge than himself. Once, they say, a spectator-shoemaker noted that on the inside of the boot there was one less loop than it should be. The next day, proud that the omission he pointed out had been corrected, the shoemaker began to elaborate on the image of the foot. Then the angry artist came out of hiding and exclaimed: “Shoemaker, judge no higher than the boot.”

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

I am a stranger everywhere.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

In no case do I put myself among those who want to rule. It’s a difficult task to get what you need for yourself; but only a complete madman can, not being content with this, impose on himself a new burden - to deliver to all citizens what they need.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Someone brought his son to study with him, Aristippus asked for five hundred drachmas. The father said: “For this money I can buy a slave!”

“Buy,” said Aristippus, “and you will have two whole slaves.”

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Artist John William Godward

He [Aristippus] asked the man who decried the luxury of his table: “Would you refuse to buy all this for three obols?” “Of course not,” he replied. “So, it’s just that money is more valuable to you than pleasure to me.”

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Indeed, generosity will never ruin Dionysius [the ruler of Syracuse]: to us, who ask a lot, he gives little, but to Plato, who takes nothing, he gives a lot.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

When teaching brought him [Aristippus] a lot of money, Socrates asked him: “Why do you need so much?” And he replied: “For the same thing for which you have so little.”

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Just as those who eat a lot are not healthier than those who eat the bare necessities, so true scholars are not those who read a lot, but those who read useful things.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

If luxury were bad, it would not be at the feasts of the gods.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

It is better to be a beggar than an ignoramus: if the first is deprived of money, then the second is deprived of human image.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Your right is to swear, my right is not to listen.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Does it really matter whether you occupy a house in which many have lived or one in which no one has lived? And does it really matter whether you sail on a ship where thousands of people have already sailed, or where no one has sailed yet? It makes the same difference whether to live with a woman whom many have already known, or with one whom no one has touched.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

The best lot is not to abstain from pleasures, but to rule over them without submitting to them.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

Ancient Greece. Apelles =

6th century BC


Knowledge increases ignorance.


Life must be measured as if you have both a lot and a little left to live.

I carry everything I have with me.


Learn to be a good leader in your own home.

Do not preempt thought with your tongue.

Do not encroach on what is beyond your strength.


A person who wants to find a sage must be wise himself.


Don't chase happiness: it is always within you.

Life is like games: some come to compete, others to trade, and the happiest come to watch.

Do great things without promising great things.

Of two people of equal strength, the one who is right is stronger.

The beginning is half of everything.

Do not reason with children, women and people.

Try to be wise first, and learn when you have free time.

Only one deity can possess comprehensive wisdom, and man can only strive for it.

A statue is painted by his appearance, but a man by his deeds.

Joke, like salt, should be consumed in moderation.

Lao Tzu

True words are not graceful, graceful words are not true.

He who is dead but not forgotten is immortal.

Look at the matter as difficult, and in the end it will not be difficult.

By striving for little you gain, by striving for much you fall into error.


Everything for everything, always.

For never in this world does hatred cease with hatred, but with the absence of hatred it ceases.

The jug fills from falling drops. A stupid person is filled with evil, even accumulating it little by little.


Teaching without reflection is useless, but thinking without learning is also dangerous.

It is enough that the words express the meaning.

Don't do to a person what you don't want to do to yourself.

Be hard on yourself and gentle on others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.

He who repeats the old and learns the new can be a leader.

A person has three paths to reason: the path of reflection is the most noble; the path of imitation is the easiest; path personal experience- this is the hardest.

Visit and listen evil people- this is already the beginning of an evil deed.

The word by which you can live your whole life is indulgence.

Paying good for evil is absurd. How then to pay for good?

The madman complains that people don't know him; the sage complains that he does not know people.


I bequeath: do not be zealous in anything.
Choose the middle in everything
You will see the same success as working hard.

It is difficult for a reasonable person to have a long conversation with fools.
But to remain silent all the time is beyond human strength.


There is no one in the world without sin and without reproach.

No, you are strong not to speak, but you are powerless to remain silent.


You cannot step into the same river twice.

Everything flows, everything changes.

Let us not guess at random about the greatest!

When all people's wishes come true, it is no better for them.

Much knowledge does not teach intelligence.

People's opinions are child's play.

If happiness consisted only in bodily pleasures, we would call the bulls happy who found peas to eat.


Nothing comes from nothing.

There is no emptiness at all. For emptiness is nothing. So, that which is nothing cannot exist.


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