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March 27th, 2015

" Deng Xiaoping answered the question: “Do you have a program for reforming China?” replied that he had no program." Simply, when you take a step, you need to get a result better than expected. And when wading a river, you need to know the depth. As a result, the once hungry China now claims to be the world's main power. Therefore, for now there will be manual control. And not only from my side."(from an interview with N.I. Merkushkin, 2013)

Nikolay Ivanovich Merkushkin - Governor of the Samara region since May 12, 2012. Head of the Republic of Mordovia from September 22, 1995 to May 10, 2012. Bureau member Supreme Council party " United Russia».

Nikolai Ivanovich was born on February 5, 1951 in the village of Novye Verkhissa, Insarsky District, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a large peasant family. Moksha village of New Verkhissa (Issa Vele) located on the Potizh River. The village is located on the border with the Penza region.

Mother - Merkushkina Maria Maksimovna (born December 23, 1918), father - Merkushkin Ivan Yakovlevich (1915-1969). The family had eight children. His nationality is Mordvin-Moksha, Orthodox. He graduated from high school with a medal.

He began working in 1968 as a machine operator on the collective farm named after. XXI Congress of the CPSU of the Insar region. In the same year he entered Mordovian state university them. N.P. Ogareva, who graduated with honors in 1973 with a degree in electronic engineering; At the same time he was elected secretary of the Komsomol committee of his university.

New Verkhissa (Issa vele)

Both facts of the beginning of active adult life accompanied by family support. Nikolai Ivanovich’s father, Ivan Yakovlevich, was the chairman of this collective farm, and the rector of the university was Nikolai Ivanovich’s uncle, his father’s brother Grigory Yakovlevich.

Merkushkin Grigory Yakovlevich

Merkushkin Grigory Yakovlevich (1917 - 1979) - Since 1947, Minister of Education of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Since 1950 - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the MASSR. In 1955-60 - Secretary of the Mordovian Regional Committee of the CPSU for Ideology. From 1960 to 1969 - rector of Mordovian State University, and since 1972 - associate professor of the Department of History of the USSR, Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva. Elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a delegate to the XXIII Congress of the CPSU.

In his first year, Nikolai becomes the head of the group. In his third year, he is the chief of staff of the Komsomolsky Searchlight of the university. And after the fifth year, Merkushkin remained at the university in the vacated Komsomol position of secretary of the Komsomol organization of the university.

In 1972, Nikolai Ivanovich got married. His wife is Taisiya Stepanovna.

In 1977, he was appointed to the position of secretary, in 1979 - to the position of second secretary, and in 1982 - to the position of first secretary of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1986, Merkushkin was elected first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the CPSU, in 1990 - chairman of the district Council of People's Deputies, and in 1990 - second secretary of the Mordovian republican committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

In October 1990, Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin ran for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, but lost the election to Nikolai Biryukov. Soon he ran for president of the Republic of Mordovia, but did not make it past the first round of elections.

In 1991, he was appointed to the post of chairman of the State Property Fund of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, on June 9, 1993 - to the post of co-chairman of the Mordovian Republican Economic Union, and in June - to the post of co-chairman of the Moscow Economic Union.

By the way, the situation in Mordovia was tense at that time. The head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Filatov, came to Mordovia specifically to resolve the situation. But each time he returned to Moscow with nothing. In one of his television interviews at the time, he told the whole country that “there are two dangerous spots in Russia – Chechnya and Mordovia. And if it was in Chechnya hot war, then in Mordovia it is cold. And what is more dangerous than the day of the country is still a question!..”()

Since 1993 - member of the council of the Mordovian Republican organization of the Agrarian Party of Russia.

In June 1993, he nominated himself for the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers of Mordovia, but later withdrew his candidacy. In September, he rejected an offer to become the representative of the President of Russia in the Republic of Mordovia. In November, he ran for the Federation Council in a two-mandate constituency, taking 3rd place out of 12, receiving 77,450 votes.

On November 27, 1994, he was elected to the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia in the 37th district.

On January 24, 1995, the first session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova opened. The main contenders for the position of Chairman of the SG were N.I. Merkushkin and N.V. Biryukov. 49 deputies voted for the first, 21 deputies out of 71 session participants voted for the second. Nikolai Merkushkin took the chair of the Speaker (Chairman of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia).

Literally a few days later, Sergei Filatov called him from the Kremlin and said that Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was waiting for him. Thus, the Federal Center made it clear that it positively assesses the changes in political life Mordovia and counts on their positivism. “Valery Shvetsov and I immediately went to Yeltsin,” recalled Nikolai Merkushkin. “I told the President about strikes, non-payment of wages, empty treasuries and a destroyed economy. I asked you to support us. Yeltsin immediately instructed Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and First Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets to finance the development program of the republic. It was prepared even earlier at the university by Alexander Sukharev.

There was an interesting moment when Yeltsin called Soskovets in front of us. “Do you know such a republic, Mordovia?” - asked the President. He says with some pause: “Yes, I know...” “And do you know where it is located?” He began to “float”... “Well, I understand, you don’t know,” Yeltsin said. - Go and see what kind of republic this is. You have a month of time. Go prepared...

On September 22, 1995, N.I. Merkushkin was elected to the position of head of the region (eventually he headed the region for 15 years).
On January 23, 1996, he became a member of the Federation Council of the 2nd convocation.

Since January 1996 - ex-officio member of the Federation Council. From 1996 to December 5, 2001 - Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy. Secretary of the Credentials Committee until December 3, 1997. On December 3, the Credentials Commission was included in the newly formed Federation Council Commission on Rules and Parliamentary Procedures. From December 3, 1997 to December 5, 2001 - Chairman of this Commission.

On April 16, 1997, he became a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for the interaction of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in carrying out constitutional and legal reform in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

On February 15, 1998, he was re-elected head of the Republic of Mordovia, receiving 90.78% of the votes. Merkushkin's main rival, Russian State Duma deputy Nikolai Medvedev, withdrew his candidacy a month before the elections due to the fact that his father was killed in early January 1998. N. Medvedev considered the murder to be contracted, committed in order to put pressure on him.

“In terms of scandalousness, the campaign for the presidential elections in Mordovia ... is unprecedented in the number of candidates eliminated long before the voting scheduled for February 15. Four candidates were left out when the Republican election commission at the last moment changed the procedure for collecting signatures, and then recognized most of the signature sheets submitted by these candidates as falsified. Only two names will remain on the ballot: the president of the republic, Nikolai Merkushkin, and the little-known director of the Saransk pasta plant, Alexei Sharov. There is no point in assessing the latter's chances... The unsuccessful candidates now seem to be hoping to cancel the elections altogether. First Secretary of the Republican Committee of the Communist Party Evgeniy Kosterin, with the support of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, asks the Prosecutor General's Office and the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to “take appropriate measures to return to the legal mainstream” election campaign in the Republic of Mordovia."

State Duma deputy Nikolai Medvedev, whose father was killed on the night of January 7, also addressed the President of the Russian Federation with a similar request - “to suspend the illegal process of organizing elections for the head of Mordovia and to bring the officials who usurped power to justice.”
(OGONEK", No. 03, January 19, 1998)

In 1998, N.I. Merkushkin won the elections for the second time, after which he became the head of the region. In the same year, he was appointed president of the interregional association "Big Volga".

N.I. Merkushkin’s finest hour during the 2000 presidential elections in the Russian Federation: “At one o’clock in the morning, Putin was pleased with the Mordovian vote. Last Sunday, contrary to forecasts, Mordovia voted en masse for Vladimir Putin. The high 80% voter turnout has no analogues in the post-Soviet history of the republic. The Head of the Republic of Moldova, Nikolai Merkushkin, told reporters about this on Monday. On that crazy night, Merkushkin still managed to sleep. He left home at three o'clock in the morning, when the main results had already become clear. In the morning he was woken up by Vladimir Putin, who called to express his gratitude. “When I explained to Moscow why such a favorable result was obtained, I once again received assurances that all agreements on economic assistance to Mordovia would be fulfilled,” said Merkushkin” (“Capital S” Saransk, 03/30/00).

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2000 No. 725, Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree, for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work.

On August 4, 2002, the consecration of the temple in the name of St. Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene in her native village of Merkushkin. The temple was built by Merkushkin with the participation of his three brothers, who head large Mordovian companies, in memory of his late parents. (, August 9, 2002)

In 2003, he won the elections for the post of head of the region for the third time. According to the lists of the United Russia party, he entered the State Duma RF, but refused the mandate.

2003. YUKOS scandal. In November 2003, the chairman of the board of the oil company YUKOS, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was arrested. One of the leaders of YUKOS, Leonid Nevzlin, sat in the Federation Council as a senator from Mordovia. Another major shareholder of this company, Vladimir Dubov, entered the State Duma from Mordovia on the United Russia party list. After the arrest of the boss, both went on the run. Two days before his arrest, Khodorkovsky visited Mordovia, met and discussed some issues with Merkushkin...

During the investigation, it was revealed that dozens of YUKOS front companies were registered on the territory of Mordovia. They enjoyed tax privileges in the republic. Off-budget funds were revealed that received money from the disgraced oligarch. The threads from these funds led to the Head of the Republic N.I. Merkushkin. Four deputies of the State Assembly signed a request to the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia demanding to check the legality of providing tax benefits to subsidiaries of the oil company. The request noted that the law of the Republic of Mordovia “On the conditions for the effective use of socio-economic potential”, on the basis of which cooperation with YUKOS was built, was not brought up for discussion by deputies and was not put to a vote. Criminal cases were eventually opened against three of the four signatories ...

On December 24, 2004, Merkushkin stated that since 2005, the salaries of the leaders of Mordovia, including his own, have been made directly dependent on the income of the residents of the republic. The salaries of managers will depend on local budget revenues, timely payment of salaries to public sector employees, average salary population. (ITAR-TASS, December 24, 2004)

In 2005, Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin raised the issue of trust with Russian President Vladimir Putin, after which Putin submitted his candidacy for consideration to the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia. On November 10, 2005, deputies of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia by a majority vote approved Merkushkin’s candidacy for the post of head of the republic.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2009 No. 1094, Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree.

On October 7, 2010, he was confirmed as head of the republic for a fifth term. Some experts note that by reappointing Merkushkin, President Medvedev contradicted his own principle that regional heads should not hold office for more than three consecutive terms. Others explain Merkushkin's fifth term by the fact that two of his previous terms were incomplete. Also, compared to Luzhkov, Shaimiev, Polezhaev and other “eternal” governors, Merkushkin is relatively young and controls the situation in the republic.

During this period, according to press reports, the name of the Merkushkins was mentioned in connection with a number of “raider takeovers” (the opinion of some Mordovian media), in particular, trying to seize the business of Kharis Yakubbaev. The “case of Lyambir farmers” made a splash, who did not want to submit to the seizure of their lands, which were encroached upon by the structures of the Saransky Cannery OJSC, owned by Alexander Merkushkin, the son of the then head of Mordovia. At the same time, all administrative and security structures were on the side of the raiders. For example, a tractor sowing spring crops was arrested... as part of Operation Anti-Terror. As the press writes, custom criminal cases were opened against those who resisted. One of the farmers was given a suspended sentence of two and a half years.

During Merkushkin’s last inauguration in Mordovia, the then presidential envoy to the Volga Federal District, Grigory Rapota, gave him gifts: he put a police cap on his head, and gave him a conductor’s baton and a construction trowel in his hands.

As a member of the group of Russian governors, he represented the Russian Federation in the Council of Europe.

Declared income and property of Nikolai Merkushkin and his wife:
2009 - Nikolay Merkushkin (RUB 1,523,962, apartment 189.7 sq. m.)
Taisiya Merkushkina (RUB 176,018, residential building 377.9 sq. m, land plot 1,780 sq. m)

2010 - Nikolay Merkushkin (RUB 1,557,965, apartment 189.7 sq. m., garage 20.1 sq. m.)
Taisiya Merkushkina (RUB 377,656, residential building 377.9 sq. m., land plot 1,780 sq. m.)

2011 - Nikolay Merkushkin (RUB 2,072,811, garage 20.1 sq. m)
Taisiya Merkushkina (488,214 rubles, residential building 377.9 sq. m., land plot 1780 sq. m.)

2012 - Nikolay Merkushkin (4.139 million rubles, 20.9 m garage in Saransk and Lada largus car)
Taisiya Merkushkina (498,050 rubles, residential building 377.9 sq. m., two apartments (54.2 and 65.1 sq. m.), land plot 1780 sq. m., two unfinished construction projects: 270 sq. m. under bathhouse, summer kitchen and a swimming pool, as well as 120 sq. m for a garage and technical rooms)

Married, has two sons (Alexander and Alexey).
Wife, Taisiya Stepanovna Merkushkina (b. 1948), a pensioner (since 1970 she worked as the head of pharmacy No. 89 in Saransk).

Data for 2012-2013:

Merkushkin Alexander Nikolaevich

The eldest son, Merkushkin Alexander Nikolaevich (born 1974), entrepreneur, owner of a number of Mordovian companies and shares in banks (JSC Saransky Cannery, LLC AutoSpetsTsentr, JSC Atemarskaya Poultry Farm, LLC Saransk TV, KB Mordovpromstroybank, Masloprodukt LLC, Verkhisskoye LLC and others).

Merkushkin Alexey Nikolaevich

The youngest son, Merkushkin Alexey Nikolaevich (born 1978) - Minister of Targeted Programs and Deputy Chairman of the Government of Mordovia; Previously, he held the positions of General Director of OJSC Lamzur S and Chairman of the Board of Directors of CB Mordovpromstroybank. The appointment to a high post of 34-year-old Alexei Merkushkin, who had no previous experience in public service, caused criticism from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, which stated the need to combat clanism in power. Alexey Merkushkin owns Invest-Alliance LLC, which owns large blocks of shares in a number of enterprises (Kostromadorstroy LLC, Mordovneft LLC, Mordovstroykomplektatsiya LLC, Saransk Printing Plant LLC, Mordovelektroteploset OJSC, Saranskdorstroy LLC and other); also owns large retail and office real estate in Saransk. President of the Ruscon-Mordovia basketball club

Merkushkin Alexander Ivanovich

Elder brother, Alexander Ivanovich Merkushkin (born 1942), General Director of Saranskstroyinvest Investment and Construction Company LLC, Director of Zhilagropromproekt LLC, Chairman of the Board of Directors - Zhelezobeton OJSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mordovgrazhdanproekt OJSC, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Mordovtsement", member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Mordovian Mortgage Corporation", member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Holding Company "Saranskstroyzakazchik". Owner of a number of large construction companies and shares of Aktiv Bank.

Younger brother, Merkushkin Ivan Ivanovich (born 1960), General Director of Mordovian Fuel Company LLC, which owns several dozen gas stations in Mordovia, owner of shares and member of the Board of Directors of JSCB Mordovpromstroybank.

Nephew, Merkushkin Sergey Aleksandrovich (born 1971), first vice-president, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Holding Company Saranskstroyzakazchik, owner of a number of Mordovian enterprises and shares in banks.

Cousin, Nikolai Alekseevich Merkushkin, head of the Volgovyatskselstroy trust, controls all rural and energy construction in Mordovia.

TASS DOSSIER. On September 25, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of Samara Region Governor Nikolai Merkushkin and appointed him special representative of the Russian President for interaction with the World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples.

Dmitry Azarov, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee of the Russian Federation on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, became the acting head of the region. local government and affairs of the North.

Nikolai Merkushkin, former head of the Republic of Mordovia (1995-2012), has headed the Samara region since May 2012 - for a total of 1 thousand 965 days (42nd place in terms of length of tenure among current heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin was born on February 5, 1951 in the village of Novye Verkhissa, Insarsky District, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Republic of Mordovia) in a large family, one of eight children. His father, Ivan Yakovlevich, worked as the chairman of a collective farm. My father’s brother, Grigory Yakovlevich, over the years held the positions of Minister of Education of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic, Secretary of the Mordovian Regional Committee of the CPSU, and from 1960 to 1969 headed the Mordovian State University.

By nationality - Mordvin-Moksha.

In 1973 he graduated with honors from Mordovian State University. N. P. Ogarev (now - National Research Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev) with a degree in Electronic Engineering.

In 1968 he worked as a combine operator at the collective farm named after. XXI Congress of the CPSU of the Insar region of Mordovia.

While studying at the university, he was the head of the group, the chief of staff of the Komsomol Projector youth movement. After the fifth year, he remained at the university in the vacated position of secretary of the Komsomol organization.

In 1977 he was appointed secretary, in 1979 - second secretary, and in 1982 - first secretary of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. Since 1986, he served as first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the CPSU, and since 1990, he headed the district Council of People's Deputies. At the same time, in 1990, he was elected second secretary of the Mordovian Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of Mordovia of the XI (1985-1990) and XII (1990-1995) convocations. In October 1990, he ran for the post of chairman of the Republican Supreme Council, but lost the election to Nikolai Biryukov.

In 1991-1993, he headed the State Property Fund of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which was involved in the privatization of state property of the republic. At the same time, in 1993, he was co-chairman of the Mordovian Economic Union, uniting heads of enterprises and financial institutions republics.

In 1993, he joined the council of the republican branch of the Agrarian Party of Russia.

On December 14, 1991, he took part in the first presidential elections in Mordovia. He took fifth place among eight candidates and did not advance to the second round of voting. On December 22 of the same year, the leader of the local organization “Democratic Russia” Vasily Guslyannikov (56%) was elected head of the republic. Later, in April 1993, the institution of the presidency in Mordovia was abolished by a decision of the republican Supreme Council.

In 1993, he ran for the Federation Council of the Russian Federation of the first convocation in the Mordovian two-mandate electoral district No. 13. According to the results of the elections on December 12, 1993, he did not enter the upper house of parliament, taking third place among 12 candidates.

In November 1994, he was elected as a deputy of the State Assembly of Mordovia of the 1st convocation in the Tengushevsky electoral district No. 37.

On January 24, 1995, he headed the State Assembly of the republic (49 out of 71 deputies were in favor). At the same time, he led the commission to work on a new draft constitution of Mordovia.

On September 22, 1995, he was elected head of Mordovia by the Constitutional Assembly of the republic (elections were held on an uncontested basis). He headed the republic for almost 17 years - until May 2012, he was re-elected twice and was twice given the powers of the head of Mordovia. In the elections of February 15, 1998, he received 90.85% of the votes. His only rival, head of the Saransk pasta plant Anatoly Sharov, received 3.13%.

On February 16, 2003, Merkushkin, who was nominated by the “For Mordovia” electoral bloc, received 87.34% of the vote. His closest competitor, communist director of the Saransk Instrument-Making Plant Anatoly Chubukov, was supported by 7.01% of voters. On November 10, 2005 and October 7, 2010, Merkushkin was vested with the powers of head of the region by the State Assembly of Mordovia on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, in 1996-2001, he was a member of the Federation Council (ex officio), and served as deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy. In 1996-1997 he headed Credentials Commission Federation Council, and after its reform in 1997 - the commission on regulations and parliamentary procedures.

Since April 1997, Merkushkin was a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the interaction of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in carrying out constitutional and legal reform in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In 1999, he became a member of the Fatherland movement of Yuri Luzhkov, then of the Fatherland - All Russia electoral bloc (OVR; head - Evgeny Primakov). In December 1999, he participated in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the federal list of the OVR, after the elections he refused his deputy mandate.

On May 10, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of Merkushkin’s powers as head of Mordovia and appointed him acting governor of the Samara region. On May 12 of the same year, on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation, the Samara Provincial Duma approved Merkushkin as head of the region. He replaced Vladimir Artyakov in this post.

On June 6, 2014, Putin accepted Merkushkin’s early resignation and appointed him acting head of the Samara region.

On September 14, 2014, Merkushkin was elected governor of the Samara region, receiving 91.35% of the votes. The second place was taken by the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mikhail Matveev (3.95%). Merkushkin's inauguration took place on September 23 of the same year.

He has been a member of the United Russia party since 2003.

He held the position of president of the Association of Economic Cooperation of the Republics and Regions of the Volga Region "Big Volga" (1998-2003).

In the chapter effectiveness rating Russian regions, published by the Civil Society Development Foundation in June 2016, was included in the second group of leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (“high rating”). Received 65 points and took 38th place in the ranking.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 was 4 million 284 thousand rubles, spouses - 498 thousand rubles.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1986), Friendship of Peoples (1981), "For Services to the Fatherland" III and IV degrees (2009, 2000), medals.

Has the Russian Order Orthodox Church: Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (1996), Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir II degree (2000), St. Sergius of Radonezh I and II degrees (2006, 2002).

Honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia (2010). Honorary citizen of the Republic of Mordovia (2012).

Married, has two sons. Wife - Taisiya Stepanovna (born 1948), worked as the head of a pharmacy in Saransk, now retired. The eldest son Alexander (born 1974) is an entrepreneur, head of Mordovian Agro-Industrial Association LLC and a number of other Mordovian companies. The youngest is Alexey (born 1978), since 2012 he has served as Deputy Chairman of the Government, Minister of Targeted Programs of the Republic of Mordovia. Was previously general director OJSC "Lamzur S" (confectionery production), chairman of the board of directors of "Mordovpromstroybank".

Hobbies: football, volleyball, billiards and chess.

Today I watched sensational sensations on "Russia" :-) Eduard Petrov in "The Honest Detective".
Eduard traveled to the Perm region, where he found out that he (the Perm region, that is) is not so rich :-).
Red post-modern men are scurrying around everywhere, and the governor of the region, Monsieur Chirkunov, is somehow supposedly connected (oh, geezzzz!) with the chain of shops “Semya”...
The whole plot of the “revealing investigation” revolved around a network of shops “connected” somehow by Chirkunov (the author did not explain how) and little red men.
Sensational sensations :-) turned out to be cloudy, dull and limp.
There was a suffocating smell of “jeans”.
That’s why I invite Eduard Petrov and his “Chesssssssty detective” to us in Mordovia.
What kind of chain of stores is there "Semya"...
We have “Family” here, so “Family”, Edward.
The real one!
Only according to official data and only SOME members of the family of the Head of Mordovia Merkushkin (here he is, in the photo) CONTROL only in Mordovia:

Head of the Republic
Marital status: Married, two sons

Older brother: Merkushkin Alexander Ivanovich

Upon completion high school in 1958 he entered the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev, specialty "engineer".

From 1963 to 1980 he worked in the capital construction department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Mordovia, where he worked his way up from a foreman to the head of the SMU.

In 1980-1989, he held the positions of head of the Mordovselstroy, Mordovremstroy and Saranskgrazhdanstroy trusts.

In 1989, he was elected deputy chairman of the Saransk City Executive Committee for Construction.

In 1992, he went to the Capital Construction Department, on the basis of which he organized a construction company.

Since September 1994 - General Director of OJSC Saranskstroyzakazchik.

Since 2006, President - OJSC Holding Company "Saranskstroyzakazchik"

The holding includes dozens of subsidiaries: an industrial construction materials plant, an asphalt plant, a workshop for the production of PVC windows, and a brick factory.

From 1998 to 2009 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC JSCB ACTIV BANK

Since 2008 - General Director of Saranskstroyinvest Investment and Construction Company LLC, Director of Zhilagropromproekt LLC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zhelezobeton OJSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mordovgrazhdanproekt OJSC, member of the Board of Directors of Mordovcement OJSC, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Mordovian Mortgage Corporation", member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Holding Company "Saranskstroyzakazchik".

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Alexander Merkushkin owns:

51.6% of shares of OJSC Holding Company Saranskstroyzakazchik (revenue in 2009 - 588.8 million rubles, net profit - 2.7 million rubles).

28.8% shares of OJSC JSCB "Aktiv Bank"

50% shares of LLC "Cement"

9.98% of Mordovcement OJSC (revenue in 2009 - 8.1 billion rubles, net profit - 991 million rubles).

“Honored Builder of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Builder of the Republic of Mordovia”. He was awarded medals “For Labor Valor” and “For Labor Distinction”, diplomas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the MASSR, the Head of the Republic of Moldova.

Married, has two children and two grandchildren.

Younger brother: Merkushkin Ivan Ivanovich

Born in 1960

In 1987 he graduated from Mordovian State University. Ogareva with a degree in civil engineering

From 1994 to 1996 - Director - Phoenix LLP

From 1996 to 1999 - Deputy General Director - OJSC "Mordovnefteproduct"

In 2006, part of the shares of Mordovnefteprodukt was sold to Investment Company A1 (Alfa Group). As of the summer of 2007, Ivan Merkushin owned 37.9% of the authorized capital. Companies. Now the shares are in nominal holding. The revenue of Mordovnefteprodukt in 2009 was 367.9 million rubles, the net loss was -87.4 million rubles.

From 2007 to the present - General Director of Mordovian Fuel Company LLC, which owns several dozen gas stations in the republic.

In addition to Ivan Merkushkin, the shareholders of Mordovian Fuel Company LLC are the youngest son of the President of the Republic Alexey Merkushkin, Ravil Mateev and Andrey Ivanovich Merkushkin. The revenue of the Mordovian Fuel Company in 2009 was 103.5 million rubles, the net loss was -26 million rubles,

From 2004 to the present - Member of the Board of Directors - JSCB "Mordovpromstroybank". Owns 7.38% of the bank's shares.

Wife: Merkushkina Taisiya Stepanovna
Information on income and property for 2008 and 2009

Merkushkina Taisiya Stepanovna

She was born on September 10, 1948, in the Erzya village of Chukaly, Mordovia, in a family that already had two children.

My favorite school subjects were geometry and literature.

She graduated from medical school in Moscow, majoring in pharmacy, although she originally planned to become a nurse. According to her assignment, she and her friend Zoya Odinokova ended up in the city of Ardatov, where they worked in a pharmacy.

After working for several years in Ardatov, she decided to enroll in the evening department of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Mordovian State University, while simultaneously working in one of the pharmacies in Saransk.

She met her future husband at the Moksha rest home, where she went on vacation on a trade union package. In September 1972 she married Nikolai Merkushin.

At first, the newlyweds lived with Nikolai’s mother, in a two-room apartment in the south-west of Saransk. Their first son, Alexander, was born here.

From 1970, almost until retirement, Taisiya worked in a wholesale pharmacy in Saransk.

After retirement, she got a job as the manager of pharmacy No. 89 in Saransk.

Favorite movie - “Love and Doves”. Favorite singer - Anna German.

Married, two sons.

Eldest son: Merkushkin Alexander Nikolaevich

Education - higher.

From 2000 to 2005 - General Director of OJSC Mordovian Agro-Industrial Association.

Since 2005 - General Director of OJSC Saransky Cannery.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Alexander Merkushkin owns a 66.3% stake in Masloprodukt LLC, which owns:

71.78% of OJSC Saransky Cannery (Production of dairy and vegetable canning. Company revenue in 2009 - 482.2 million rubles, net profit - 62.9 million rubles).

51% LLC "AutoSpetsTsentr" (Car repair. The company's revenue in 2009 was 13.5 million rubles, net loss - -156,000 rubles).

18% of OJSC Atemarskaya Poultry Farm (Alexander Merkushin personally owns another 7% of the shares of the poultry farm. The company's revenue in 2009 was 1.059 billion rubles, net profit was 6.3 million rubles).

Alexander Merkushikin also owns:

76% of shares of Verkhisskoe LLC (company revenue in 2009 - 40.6 million rubles, net profit - 332,000 rubles).

49% of shares of Ryazan Malakhit LLC.

Through JSC Saransky Cannery, Merkushkin controls:

100% shares of MAPO Ardatov LLC (revenue in 2009 - 279.1 million rubles, net profit - 76.4 million rubles).

100% shares of MAPO Vostok LLC (revenue in 2009 - 333.9 million rubles, net profit - 73.1 million rubles).

100% shares of Media-Line LLC

100% shares of LLC TD "Spros"

50% shares of Mordovian Potato LLC

25% shares of Atemarsky Broiler LLC"

25% shares of OJSC "Mordovian Agro-Industrial Association".

25% shares of Saransk TV LLC

9.8% shares of Mastor OJSC

6.67% shares of Vastoma OJSC (revenue in 2009 - 18.8 million rubles, net profit - 272,000 rubles).

1.99% shares of Aktiv-Bank.

0.47% shares of CB Mordovpromstroybank.

Youngest son: Merkushkin Alexey Nikolaevich

In 2000 he graduated from Mordovian University. Ogarev, majoring in jurisprudence.

In 2004, he received a Candidate of Economic Sciences degree, defending a dissertation on the topic: “Managing the processes of attracting and using foreign investment in the economy of a constituent entity of the Federation: Using the example of the Republic of Mordovia.”

From 2000 to 2001, he held the position of legal adviser at the Lamzur S confectionery factory. Since 2001 - General Director of OJSC Lamzur S. Since 2003 - member of the board of directors of OJSC Lamzur S and OJSC Lamzur.

Alexey Merkushkin, through the Moscow LLC Invest-Alliance, controls 100% of the shares of OJSC Lamzur S and 92.4% of OJSC Lamzur.

The revenue of OJSC Lamzur S in 2009 was 1.14 billion rubles, net profit was 8.5 million rubles. The revenue of OJSC Lamzur in 2009 was 2.22 billion rubles, net profit was 361,000 rubles.

Since 2008 - member of the board of directors of CB Mordovpromstroybank, since January 2009 - chairman of the board of directors of the bank.

Through Invest-Alliance LLC and Lamzur OJSC, it controls 19.1% of the bank's shares.

Since 2005 - President of the basketball club "Ruskon-Mordovia"

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it owns a 45% stake in Invest-Alliance LLC, which owns large blocks of shares in enterprises:

100% LLC Kostromadorstroy (revenue in 2008 - 57.2 million rubles, net loss -917,000 rubles)

100% LLC Mordovneft (revenue in 2009 - 364.3 million rubles, net profit - 671,000 rubles)

100% Mordovstroykomplektatsiya LLC (revenue in 2009 - 97.2 million rubles, net profit - 648,000 rubles)

100% Gaming Club LLC

86.5% of Saransk Printing Plant LLC (revenue in 2009 - 48.7 million rubles, net profit 1.3 million rubles).

75.1% of shares of OJSC Mordovelektroteploset (revenue in 2009 - 296.6 million rubles, net profit - 5.4 million rubles).

75% of Mordovregionproekt LLC (revenue in 2009 - 21.6 million rubles, net loss - -490,000 rubles).

100% of SDS-Construction Management LLC (revenue in 2009 - 721.8 million rubles, net profit - 377,000 rubles).

100% of Saranskdorstroy LLC (revenue in 2009 - 390.2 million rubles, net loss - -1 million rubles).

Alexey Merkushin also owns:

25% Mordovian Fuel Company LLC (Chain of gas stations in Mordovia. Revenue in 2009 - 103.5 million rubles, net loss - -26 million rubles)

45% of OgaryovPlaza Management Company LLC, which owns a shopping and office center of the same name in Saransk.

6.9% of JSC Elektrovypryamitel (revenue in 2009 - 1.3 billion rubles, net profit 126.1 million rubles)

40% LLC "Club "Gagarin" (revenue in 2006 - 22.6 million rubles. Net profit - 3.1 million rubles)

45% LLC Saransstroyneft (field of activity: Oil storage and warehousing).

Nephew : Merkushkin Sergey Alexandrovich

Born in 1971

Graduated from Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, studied in England, in Cardiff.

From 2000 to 2001 - General Director of Saransktekhpribor CJSC

Since 2001 - works at OJSC Saranskstroyzakazchik. Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs, Vice President. From 2003 to the present - First Vice President, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Holding Company Saranskstroyzakazchik.

Owns 6.61% of the shares of OJSC Holding Company Saranskstroyzakazchik. Together with their father, they control 58.31% of the company's shares.

The company's revenue in 2009 was 588.8 million rubles, net profit was 2.7 million rubles.

Since 2005 - member of the Board of Directors - Mordovcement OJSC. Sergei Merkushin owns 8.34% of Mordovcement shares. Together with their father, they control 18.32% of the company's shares.

Since 2004 - member of the Board of Directors - OJSC JSCB "Active Bank"

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Sergey Merkushkin owns 40% of the shares of Sarmich Cheese Plant LLC, 55% of the shares of Saransktekhpribor-Service LLC (revenue in 2009 - 9.8 million rubles, net profit - 979,000 rubles). Owns 51% of the shares of Saransk Facing Brick Plant LLC (revenue in 2009 - 157.6 million rubles, net profit - 31.3 million rubles), 42% of the shares of NPO Bytservis LLC (revenue in 2009 - 6 .5 million rubles, net profit - 1.4 million rubles).

Lives in Saransk.

Etc. and p.t.
And you say, Edward, “little red men”, a chain of stores and his wife’s beauty salon in Switzerland...
We need to work on a larger scale.
Look at these honest faces of the Creators in the photo.
Can you see the scale?
Becoming economical?
Well, of course.
Therefore, dear editors, taking advantage of the live broadcast, I personally invite you:
Come to Mordovia, Eduard!
(God knows, I called Eduard to Mordovia even in Gelman’s magazine)
You can have fun with such a chess detective - you can easily fall out of an oak tree!
Unplowed field! The land of unafraid Creators!
Come, Eduard!

PySy: True, they might not let you in. We have a special creative zone here: when the film crew of “Man and the Law” (Channel 1) arrived, a guy who introduced himself as a colonel of the local FSB was constantly running after her.
He observed, explained, protected :-) Do you understand?
Well, you and I are not afraid of the colonels of the local FSB (are we?), so we are waiting for you, Eduard!

Representatives of Nikolai Merkushkin’s family control a huge business empire

One of the distinctive features of the Mordovian political and business landscape is the presence of relatives of the now former governor as owners large quantity enterprises in various fields and the absence of any noticeable third-party business players.

The interests of the Merkushkin family are diverse and closed in schemes; control is exercised over the entire chain - from banks to production.

After the resignation of Nikolai Merkushkin from the post of governor of Mordovia, the official website of the republican government published the information he submitted about income and property for 2011. These data are not much different from the declarations of 2009 and 2010. Previously, the governor of Mordovia owned an apartment with an area of ​​189.7 square meters. m, which, apparently, he sold recently, and his wife Taisiya Merkushkina has been the official owner of a residential building (377.9 sq. m.) and a land plot (1780 sq. m.) for all three years. At the same time, Nikolai Merkushkin’s annual income last year amounted to a little more than 2 million rubles (the previous two years - about 1.5 million), although his wife increased her income, but this growth is not impressive - in 2011 it did not even reach half a million. The spouses do not have transport.

The governor's close relatives lead a completely different life. According to Finance magazine, based on the results of 2007-2008, the governor’s elder brother, member of the board of directors and co-owner of the Mordovcement company, Alexander Merkushkin, was included in the Top 500 richest people in Russia. Merkushkin Sr.’s fortune was then estimated at 2.4 billion rubles. And he is not the only wealthy member of an influential family.

Information about what its members own appeared quite often on various resources. In particular, a year ago such data was published by the Kommersant Money magazine and the business Internet portal According to this publication, one of the assets of the youngest son of the governor Alexei Merkushkin is the Moscow LLC Invest-Alliance (45%). This company, among other things, owns such important enterprises for the region as Mordovneft LLC (100%), Mordovelektroteploset OJSC (86.5%), Saransk Printing Plant LLC (75.1%), SDS LLC -Construction Department (100%), etc. In addition, Merkushkin’s sons Alexander and Alexey head the Mordovian Agro-Industrial Association, the Saransky cannery, the Lamzur S confectionery factory and the Lamzur enterprise, in which they are also the owners. According to Kommersant Money magazine, at the same time they own a network of gas stations and a number of industrial and agricultural enterprises, whose annual revenue exceeds 1 billion rubles. Most The assets belonging to the sons show multimillion-dollar net profits from year to year.

The two brothers of Nikolai Merkushkin can be called tycoons on a republican scale. For example, the elder brother, Alexander Merkushkin, heads the largest construction company in the region - OJSC Holding Company Saranskstroyzakazchik, which includes dozens of subsidiaries: an industrial construction materials plant, an asphalt plant, a workshop for the production of PVC windows, and a brick factory. It is noteworthy that since November 2011, the Saransk Municipal Property Management Committee has been listed among the company’s co-owners. At the same time, Merkushkin Sr. is the general director of Investment and Construction Company Saranskstroyinvest LLC, director of Zhilagropromproekt LLC, chairman of the board of directors at Zhelezobeton OJSC, Mordovgrazhdanproekt OJSC, member of the board of directors at Mordovcement OJSC, Mordovian Mortgage OJSC corporation". The business of his younger brother, Ivan Merkushkin, is mainly associated with Mordovian Fuel Company LLC, which owns several dozen gas stations in the republic.

The nephew of the head of Mordovia, Sergei Merkushkin, who managed to get an education in England, in Cardiff, has been working as first vice-president since 2003 and is a member of the board of directors of Saranskstroyzakazchik Holding Company. He is also a member of the board of directors of Mordovcement OJSC, Aktiv Bank, owns shares in Sarmich Cheese Plant LLC, Saransktekhpribor-Service LLC, Saransk Facing Brick Plant LLC and NPO Bytservis LLC.

Income and property of Nikolai Merkushkin and his wife for 2009-2011

Nikolay Merkushkin

apartment 189.7 sq. m

Taisiya Merkushkina

Nikolay Merkushkin

apartment 189.7 sq. m, garage 20.1 sq. m

Taisiya Merkushkina

residential building 377.9 sq. m, land plot 1780 sq. m

Nikolay Merkushkin

garage 20.1 sq. m

Taisiya Merkushkina

residential building 377.9 sq. m, land plot 1780 sq. m

Eldest son

OJSC "Mordovian Agro-Industrial Association" - 25%

OJSC Saransky Cannery - 71.78%. Revenue in 2010 amounted to 536.7 million

rubles, net profit - 4.495 million rubles

Through the cannery controls MAPO Ardatov LLC - 100%, MAPO LLC

Vostok - 100%, Media-Line LLC - 100%, TD Spros LLC - 100%, LLC

"Mordovian Potato" - 50%, LLC "Atemarsky Broiler" - 25%, LLC "Saransk TV" -

25%, Mastor OJSC - 9.8%, Vastoma OJSC - 6.67%, Aktiv-Bank OJSC - 1.99%,

OJSC CB Mordovpromstroybank - 0.47%

controlled AutoSpetsTsentr LLC - 51%

OJSC Poultry Farm Atemarskaya - until October 2009 owned 9% of the shares and

another 18% through Masloproduct LLC. The company's revenue in 2010 amounted to 1.15 billion

rubles, net profit - 9.361 million rubles

Verkhisskoe LLC - until February 2012 owned 76%

Malachite LLC (Ryazan) - 49%

Youngest son

Invest-Alliance LLC (Moscow) - 45%

Through Invest-Alliance controls the confectionery factory OJSC Lamzur S - 100%

(revenue in 2010 amounted to 1.04 billion rubles, net profit - 2.97 million rubles), OJSC

"Lamzur" - 92.4% (revenue in 2010 amounted to 2.09 billion rubles, net profit -

2.75 million rubles), Kostromadorstroy LLC - 100%, Mordovneft LLC - 100%, LLC

Mordovstroykomplektatsiya - 100%, Gambling Club LLC - 100%, SDS LLC

Construction Management - 100%, Saranskdorstroy LLC - 100%, Saransky LLC

printing plant" - 86.5%, OJSC "Mordovelektroteploset" - 75.1%, LLC

"Mordovregionproekt" - 75%

Through Lamzur controls CB Mordovpromstroybank - 13.68%

Mordovian Fuel Company LLC - 22.73%

OgarevPlaza Management Company LLC (owning the shopping and office center of the same name in

Saransk) - 45%

JSC "Electrovypryamitel" - 10.56%. Revenue for January-September 2011 amounted to

Merkushkin Nikolai Ivanovich, whose biography will be presented in the article, has been the governor of the Samara region since May 12, 2012. The region, which has strategic and geopolitical significance for the country, has lost its status as a support region over the previous five years Russian state. The new leader managed not only to change the situation for the better, but also to receive the unofficial title of “People’s Governor” from the residents of the region. What path did this statesman and political figure take?

Childhood years

The birthplace of Nikolai Ivanovich is the small village of Novye Verkhissa (Republic of Mordovia). In the large Merkushkin family, a son was born on February 5, 1951, becoming one of eight children. My mother worked on a collective farm all her life. During the war, my father worked at a military factory, and then headed a collective farm. As chairman, he built a school where his own children were educated. If the mother was illiterate, and the father managed to complete only 5 classes, then all daughters and sons received higher education.

Nikolai Merkushkin completed his studies at school with a gold medal, and his two sisters with a silver medal. Parents raised their children with rigor and respect for work, so at the age of 17 the young man began working as a combine operator. A year later, my father died. This did not prevent his son from entering the Mordovian University (faculty of electronic engineering), which he graduated from in 1973.

Science or politics?

The young man treated his studies responsibly, spending all his free time at lectures and in the library. The profession of an electronics engineer was very popular and interesting, which was confirmed by practice at the Orbita plant. After receiving a diploma with honors, the prospect of pursuing science appeared, but life took a different direction, as evidenced by the biography of Nikolai Merkushkin.

From his school years, the young man was a leader. He attended the university until his third year and then headed the Komsomol Searchlight. As a leader, he never acted by orders. Merkushkin managed to unite students and motivate them to complete tasks. Therefore, after graduating from university, he was elected secretary of the Komsomol Committee of Moscow State University, which predetermined his future fate.

At Komsomol-party work

A special mindset, business acumen and ability to work with people allowed the Komsomol leader to make a dizzying career. Mordovian construction teams became famous throughout the country, and after 4 years Nikolai Merkushkin was elected secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol, which he headed in 1982. In 1986 communist party sent an effective manager to the backward Tengushevsky district.

At first, he seemed to local officials and the population to be an overly meticulous person. During these years, Merkushkin began to develop a special leadership style, devoid of formality. He directly communicated with people for a long time and in detail, finding out their needs and needs. Making promises, he brought what he started to completion. In a short period of time, 400 families received housing, a sports complex, a hospital, and new roads were built in the area.

Difficult 90s

In 1990, Merkushkin first tried to realize his ambitions, running for chairman of the Supreme Council and president of the Republic of Mordovia. Having lost the elections, Nikolai Merkushkin was appointed to the post of head of the Property Fund, where he was able to prove himself in the difficult 90s. Healthy political forces are forming around him, and he himself connects his future with the Agrarian Party of Russia, joining its council.

In 1993, he became co-chairman of the economic union not only in Mordovia, but also in Moscow. After Merkushkin becomes a deputy of the State Assembly a year later, and its speaker a few months later, the Kremlin will become interested in the candidacy of a political leader. He will be considered as a possible leader of the republic, which will happen in the elections in September 1995.

At the head of the Republic of Mordovia

For seventeen years, Nikolai Merkushkin led Mordovia, achieving outstanding results. They concerned not only the revival of the economy, which confirms the recognition of the agro-industrial complex of Mordovia as one of the leading ones in the country, but also the formation of political stability in the region, where much was done to maintain the authority of the federal government. On the eve of his coming to leadership, the impoverished Volga Republic ignored the center, while the economy was collapsing and wages were delayed by 5-6 months.

The head of the region managed to consolidate society through the adoption of the new Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. Political stability has made it possible to attract federal and foreign investment to the republic. This contributed to the development of large-scale construction, the restoration of industry and the development of agriculture. V.V. visited the republic five times. Putin, before whose eyes changes for the better took place. The capital of Mordovia in 2011 was recognized as the most comfortable city, and the republic took 2nd place in the ranking of doing business in Russia. Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin became the real leader in the region.

Biography: awards and recognition

The fact that the leader of Mordovia was on the right path was confirmed by the 1998 elections, where he collected more than 96% of the votes in his support. His contribution to the development of the region's economy was recognized with one of the country's main awards - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000). The day before, he ensured the highest voter turnout in the Russian presidential elections. In 2009, the same order of the 3rd degree was added to the collection of awards.

Nikolai Merkushkin received his first awards while still working in the Komsomol (1977-1986). Among them:

  • Medal "For Labor Valor".
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1990, the medal “For the transformation of the Non-Black Earth Region of the RSFSR” was added to them. Economic success made him “Person of the Year” in 2001, and in 2002 he entered the top seven governors of Russia. Among his awards are orders of the Russian Orthodox Church, for he did a lot for the development of the Orthodox culture of the region, preparing in 2012 for the outstanding holiday “Unity of Nations”.

Appointment to the Samara region

In 2010, D. Medvedev reappointed Merkushkin as Head of the Republic of Mordovia. This did not correspond to his position that governors should hold office for no more than three terms. Despite his outstanding contribution to the development of the region, Nikolai Merkushkin at that time had been at the helm of the republic for 15 years, which required thinking about new prospects. He was a member of the leadership of the United Russia party, of which he was a member since 2000, and until 2001 he represented the republic in the Federation Council. His career could have developed in one of these directions, but in May 2012 he unexpectedly received an appointment to the Samara region.

His predecessor Vladimir Artyakov never became one of his own for the Volga region, coming to Samara from Moscow as if to work. It was obvious that he would not be able to win the upcoming gubernatorial elections, so the authorities had to think about a new leader, taking advantage of the still existing right of appointment. It was unexpected, because never before in the history of the country has there been a horizontal movement of leaders.

And the Samara region is also three times larger than Mordovia in population and two times larger in territory. In a region with unique industrial potential and a difficult situation in Tolyatti, depending on the work of AvtoVAZ, the ruling party, United Russia, did not enjoy unconditional support.

Achievements in the new post

In the elections, Mordovia provided up to 85% of the votes for United Russia, which in the eyes of the people was personified by Nikolai Merkushkin. The governor set himself the task of achieving recognition of Samara residents, proving with all his actions that he came to new position for a long time. In 2014, he even resigned in order to go through the election procedure. In two years, he managed to gain such authority that he collected more than 91% of the votes in his support. By this, he proved that he is the support leader of the region for the President of the Russian Federation. What achievements earned you recognition?


Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin openly answers the most inconvenient questions when communicating with the population. Residents of the region have access to information about the income of the governor and all members of his family. Today he is a real Samara resident. His wife Taisiya Stepanovna, a pensioner, lives with him. Sons Alexander (b. 1974) and Alexey (b. 1978) live in Saransk, where they both have families and businesses. Alexey holds a senior position in the government of Mordovia.

The Merkushkin brothers, with their own money, built a temple in their native village (2001) in memory of their parents. For many, this serves as an example of honoring parents.

In 2014, V. Putin held a meeting in Samara. Based on the vector of movement for the coming decades, determined by the president, Merkushkin has drawn up a program, according to the results of which Samara will become the leading production center of the country, leading in terms of population income. Merkushkin Nikolay - governor of the Samara region, is the author of a number of social benefits and benefits for large families. Social services provide more than 120 payments, including for Easter and September 1.

In order to emphasize the priority of moral values ​​in the region, 50 regional awards have been established to encourage the most active residents of the region. On the occasion of the 430th anniversary of Samara (2016), the city received a title that has no analogues in the country: “City of Labor and Military Glory,” and thousands of residents received memorial signs “Kuibyshev - Reserve Capital,” established by Merkushkin.

2016 is the year of the 65th anniversary of the governor of the Samara region, who in four years managed to prove that consolidation and unification are the most modern global trends. Only together can we create a territory of comfortable living in the region.


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