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Many people are often concerned about whether gluten is harmful to health and what the signs of gluten intolerance are. A list of gluten-free cereals will be useful when organizing a diet for people with celiac disease.

The essence of the problem

Gluten is a complex protein called gluten found in grain products. Gluten is a tasteless, gray mass; the gluten compound contains various peptides, amino acids and proteins. Most gluten is found in cereals such as wheat, barley, semolina, rye, oats. Its high content is in wheat flour (more than 80%), so the more gluten, the fluffier and softer the dough will be. For this reason, gluten is found in almost all baked goods and desserts, such as pastries, pies, and cookies. It is also included in products such as chips and breakfast cereals. Bread products that do not contain gluten will differ in their taste qualities from the usual baking. They are not as soft and airy and taste bland. The shelf life of such gluten-free products is significantly shorter.

In addition to baked goods, this protein is found in many other products. Sauces, ketchups, gravies, and ice cream contain this gluten, which helps manufacturers increase the thickness of their products. It is also contained in various semi-finished meat products and sausages to improve the plasticity and density of minced meat.

This protein can also be found in various alcoholic beverages, beer, dairy products, candies and chocolate. The following table shows the gluten content in various products:

What is celiac disease and what are its symptoms?

Celiac disease is a severe and rare disease associated with impaired function gastrointestinal tract and the body's inability to tolerate gluten. Gluten allergy or intolerance is much more common, especially in newborns. It differs from celiac disease in that gluten-containing foods are not digested in the stomach and such unpleasant symptoms occur as abdominal pain, bloating, liver disease, dermatitis, skin diseases, etc. Very often, intolerance to this protein manifests itself in people who have reached mature age, so people over 50 years of age need to pay attention to the possible appearance of such symptoms. In this case, you need to tell yourself: now I eat gluten-free foods! And change your diet, exclude from it cereals containing gluten, baked goods made from wheat flour and replace them with more healthy products: lean meat, vegetables, fruits, gluten-free cereals.

Which cereals do not contain gluten?

The diet of a healthy person who has no contraindications to consuming gluten must include this protein, since the absence of this gluten leads to a lack of vitamins B and D, iron and magnesium. If you have problems with gluten tolerance, you need to switch to gluten-free cereals. Which cereals do not contain gluten? These include the following grains:

  1. 1. Millet. Millet does not contain gluten and is a good source of iron, calcium, zinc, silicon, magnesium, as well as vitamins E, B1, B2, B5 and PP, reduces cholesterol levels and helps prevent atherosclerosis. Millet porridge is an alkaline grain product; it neutralizes adverse influence acidic foods such as sugar, meat, dairy products.
  2. 2. Fig. Brown rice is considered especially healthy because it is minimally processed. Rice grains can be used to produce cereals, flour and starch, while rice germs can be used to produce oil. Rice cereal is high in carbohydrates and protein, but lacks gluten. The use of rice vinegar in preparing Japanese dishes has now become popular. Thanks to the content of complex carbohydrates, rice is very nutritious, but at the same time low in calories and promotes weight loss. However, you should not consider rice as a monoproduct, as this can lead to health problems.
  3. 3. Buckwheat. Buckwheat grains also do not contain gluten. The cereal obtained from these grains is known mainly in fried form. However, roasting destroys about half of the vitamins, so unroasted buckwheat is more valuable and rich in nutrients. It stores a lot folic acid s and vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. It looks greenish in color and has a pleasant creamy taste.
  4. 4. Corn. Porridge made from coarsely ground corn flour is inferior in nutritional quality and vitamin content to other gluten-free cereals, but it contains complex carbohydrates, selenium, vitamin A and potassium. For those on a gluten-free diet, corn pasta is made from ground corn kernels. At the same time, people with celiac disease need to know that the germ of corn kernels contains gluten, so they cannot eat canned corn kernels, as well as flour and non-commercially ground cereals.
  5. 5. Oats. Opinions differ about this cereal. The proteins found in oats do not cause the same strong immune response in celiac disease as wheat, rye or barley, and people with gluten intolerance can consume them in small quantities. However, in some regions, oats are heavily contaminated with other grains during the growing process and may contain gluten. There, people with protein intolerance are advised to completely eliminate it from their diet. Oatmeal is richer in nutrients than oatmeal, it is characterized by a high content of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. It lowers cholesterol levels, has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, and lowers blood sugar levels.

There are a number of little-known cereals that do not contain gluten. These include:

  1. 1. Quinoa. This cereal contains all the essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C. Substances contained in quinoa grains have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, improve immunity . The only disadvantage of this cereal is its high cost.
  2. 2. Amaranth. This type of grain is from the same family as quinoa. It is also rich in saturated fatty acids, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and B vitamins. Eating this cereal helps lower high blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. 3. Sorghum. This grain contains a lot of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, ascorbic and folic acids; it is also rich in magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus. Due to its high carbohydrate and protein content, sorghum is considered a highly nutritious grain.
  4. 4. Sago. This is a cereal produced from the trunks of the sago palm. Potato and corn sago have become widespread in Russia; this cereal is based on starch, which potatoes and corn are so rich in. Sago is gluten-free and contains a minimum of protein, it is well absorbed by the body and is rich in vitamins PP, E, A and microelements.
  5. 5. Chumiza. The so-called black rice. Can also be used to make gluten-free porridge. Cereals or flour are made from grains. The cereal has a very high energy value and is rich in carotene, B vitamins, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Chumiza dishes normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle, remove heavy metals and toxins from the body

Celiac enteropathy is the name of an autoimmune disease that causes the destruction of villi in the intestinal wall. The body responds to this process. The disease interferes with the proper absorption of nutrients and provokes an acute allergic reaction.

Advanced forms of allergies can lead to neurological disorders, bone destruction and many other serious diseases.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat., barley, rye and even some oat crops, because oats are now grown in fields common to or adjacent to wheat.

Some people are allergic not only to oats, but also to wheat, barley and rye. However, most of us can eat these foods without any consequences for the body.

If you have not yet been diagnosed with a gluten allergy (celiac enteropathy), watch for signs of intolerance to gluten-containing grains.

By the way, only one in 133 Americans has a diagnosed gluten allergy, which is about one percent of the entire United States population.

Gluten-free foods have become very popular these days, but you shouldn't avoid gluten-containing grains unless you have signs of an allergy to it. After all, many unprocessed grains contain health-promoting vitamins and minerals.

After processing and cleaning, grain crops lose their natural properties: vitamin B, magnesium, protein, zinc, potassium and fiber. Such semi-finished products include: wheat-enriched flour, baked goods, cookies, crackers, ready-made pizza base and many others.

It is because of such hybrid products that we do not tolerate cereals containing gluten well, although there may not be an allergy to it. It is the processed cereal crops that have lost all their beneficial properties and fiber, from which most fast food chain meals are now produced, can provoke the first symptoms in completely healthy people.

It is important to remember that there are absolutely natural sources of nutrients that contain gluten and have not undergone artificial processing at the factory.

Sprouted wheat grains are a great example of a gluten-free food that provides enormous health benefits and is easy to prepare at home.

You can eat them raw, add them to salads and sandwiches, and even bake them into organic bread without flour or preservatives.

What foods should you eat on a gluten-free diet?

Some of us have to follow a gluten-free diet due to established allergies or personal preference. If you decide not to eat gluten, you need to find gluten substitute products, even if it seems difficult at first glance.

There are many alternative foods high in fiber and other micronutrients that you can eat even if you have a severe gluten allergy.

Firstly, they do not contain the vitamins and minerals you need, and secondly, they are also processed like gluten products.

Either way, whether you decide to follow a gluten-free diet or not, It is best to eat natural, unprocessed plant foods.

7 Gluten Replacement Products

We have selected 7 products that will perfectly replace gluten-containing dishes.

Ancient grains - cereal substitutes

Various seeds can be boiled, sprouted, or eaten raw: quinoa, millet, teff, chia, and amaranth. For example, you can cook two dishes from quinoa at once: hot porridge and Mexican soup with croutons.

That is why these seeds are called ancient - our distant ancestors discovered their magical properties and a huge variety of hot dishes and snacks that can be prepared from them.

All of these crops are rich in fiber, just like oats. Moreover, they contain much higher amounts of vitamin B, magnesium, and zinc. The amino acid profile of these crops confirms the high protein content necessary for the body.

For breakfast, you can make cream of wheat or cashew pudding.

Instead of flour, use quinoa or teff in your pizza dough.


Root vegetables are also an excellent substitute for absolutely all cereals in the diet, including those containing gluten. Beets and sweet potatoes are especially beneficial because they contain as many nutrients as grains while helping to relieve stomach irritation.

If you are following a gluten-free diet, you first need to relieve the inflammation in the digestive system that occurs due to gluten allergies and restore normal digestion of food.

Root vegetables maintain water balance in the body well and are a source of vitamins A and B, which significantly improve immunity.

A huge amount of fiber, vitamins A, B and C, protein, magnesium, iron are found in cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, spinach, chard, mustard and turnips.

People with gluten allergies usually have significant deficiencies in these nutrients. Vitamins A and C are essential for boosting immunity to combat gluten intolerance and overall body support.

Green leafy vegetables are good for relieving stomach irritation. Try making smoothies from green vegetables, adding them to salads, sandwiches and hot dishes.

For example, make a veggie wrap and instead of pita bread, use kale and romaine lettuce.

You can make chips from cabbage, add it to any soups, omelettes and hot dishes.

Magic seeds

Pumpkin, flax, hemp, chia, sunflower and sesame seeds are rich in zinc, B vitamins, magnesium, and some of them even contain omega-3 (in hemp, flax and chia). Omega-3 improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system and reduces inflammatory processes in the body.

Few people know, but many seeds contain more magnesium and fiber than grain crops.

If you eat organic seeds, substitute grains, roots and green leafy vegetables, you will no longer have to buy bread, cookies, ready-made dough and other processed foods. Pumpkin and hemp seeds have another benefit: they increase chlorophyll levels, which stops inflammation in the stomach during an allergy flare-up and prevents it from starting again.

All fruits, vegetables and berries

Absolutely all fruits, vegetables and berries, in addition to those we have already listed, are well suited for a gluten-free diet and principles healthy eating generally.

Instead of dry crackers with numerous chemical additives, it is better to eat a sweet, crunchy carrot or a plump, juicy apple! Of course, fresh plant-based products are better than any semi-finished products.

Imagine that 5-6 vegetables a day will provide the body with constant protection against inflammation and improve digestion, which is necessary for each of us, not only on a gluten-free diet.

When choosing fruits, vegetables and berries, remember that the most fiber and antioxidants are found in broccoli, avocado, asparagus, onions, garlic, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, red peppers, white and cauliflower, pears, carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers and zucchini .

There are many tasty and nutritious ones. For example, make a hearty gluten-free Indian-style asparagus and carrot stew for dinner. And for breakfast, mix a variety of smoothies from fruits, berries and vegetables.

In legumes increased content fiber and starch, protein, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamins B. However, remember that with poor digestion they may be poorly absorbed.

If you notice this feature in yourself, introduce legumes into your diet gradually and in small portions.

The most useful plants Black beans, adzuki (radiant beans), white beans, lentils, soybeans, green peas, chickpeas and regular beans are considered.

Today can be found based on legumes. For example, start experimenting with bean and lentil soups with tomatoes, onions and any other nutritious vegetables and root vegetables.

Various types of rice (brown, black and wild) are excellent sources of nutrients and antioxidants, and also have anti-inflammatory effects.

Wild rice is especially beneficial because it is essentially a grass, not a grain, so it is easily absorbed by the body, which is especially important for people with digestive problems.

For those who are allergic to gluten, all varieties of rice will be useful, and the most beneficial will be whole grain, unrefined rice.

Great alternative classic recipes will be brown rice or Asian black rice salad.

Let's sum it up

If you start consuming these foods, you will not only improve your health, but also save money, because processed foods are more expensive than raw vegetables, fruits and seeds.

Thanks to natural healthy food, your body will not start to relapse, since a huge part of processed foods are produced in the same containers as wheat, as well as other gluten-containing grains.

Based on materials from:

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The discussion about gluten has become more active lately. People have begun to think more about the quality of their lives, including the food they eat, and this is a rather controversial substance. There is no clear opinion about its benefits or harms, even among experts.

Gluten (another name for gluten) is a complex plant protein, the source of which is many cereals: barley, wheat, rye and others. It is contained in the hard shells of grains. In its original form, gluten is colorless and almost tasteless, however, upon contact with water it becomes gray and sticky.

Let's look at the pros and cons of this element and find out which products contain gluten and which do not.

The benefits of a well-known and complex protein

The benefits of this protein for the human body are enormous. It is an invaluable source of a large number of important substances:

  1. Gluten contains 18 amino acids that are not produced by the body, but enter it exclusively with food. They act as a natural immune stimulant, saturate cells with oxygen and perform other serious functions.
  2. Contains vitamins A, E and group B. Vitamin A supports healthy skin, hair and skeletal system, is necessary for good vision and immunity, and is an antioxidant. Vitamin E is involved in almost all biochemical processes in the body. B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the immune system and improve metabolism. It turns out that gluten porridges have a good effect not only on digestion.
  3. This substance is an excellent source of phosphorus and calcium., which have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system.
  4. The element enriches the body with iron, nitrogen, carbon, magnesium.

Having understood the benefits, you need to consider which foods and cereals contain gluten. But first, let's talk about its disadvantages. This is important information for parents who are interested in why gluten is dangerous for children.

Disadvantages that everyone should know about

First of all, there is a danger for people with a genetic disease called celiac disease. This is a congenital intolerance to this protein. It is foreign to the patient’s immune system, and it begins to fight it. As a result, the mucous membrane of the small intestine is affected, and its function deteriorates. According to statistics, about 1% of the planet suffers from this disease. A gluten-free diet is required for them.

Approximately every third person observes increased sensitivity to gluten, as a result of which the small intestine suffers (bloating, heaviness in the abdomen and other digestive disorders are observed). This is due to the fact that it smoothes out the villi inside the intestines, slowing down the process of absorption of nutrients, and can lead to intoxication. This condition may worsen with age. Therefore, doctors talk about the advisability of gradually reducing the consumption of products containing gluten. But you shouldn’t completely abandon them.

With the active consumption of large amounts of gluten food, the element envelops the intestinal walls, which negatively affects its functioning, the absorption of nutrients and the absorption of food in general worsens. In addition, due to its “adhesive” properties, gluten impairs intestinal permeability, further complicating the digestion process.

Recently, information has emerged that this protein can be addictive. When it enters the human stomach, it is broken down into certain peptides (gluten exorphins), which act on the brain like drugs.

The element can negatively affect the condition of the skin. It has been proven that large number Eating gluten often causes acne. Therefore, people with problem skin prone to rashes should reconsider their diet.

Where is gluten found?

List of all food products so huge that it is much easier to list those that do not contain this protein (but more on that later). It is interesting that this substance may be part of cosmetics and medicines.

When discussing what an element contains, it is worth noting that there is a so-called explicit and hidden form.


Products that contain explicit gluten include the cereals presented in the table:

Wheat Wheat flour and products made from it
Wheat starch
Rye Rye flour and products made from it
Kvass wort
Barley Barley flour
Barley malt
Barley groats
Pearl barley
Oats Oatmeal

This substance, accordingly, will be contained in whole grain products, bread, cereal mixtures, bran and cereals instant cooking.

Regarding oats, we need to talk separately. Initially, this cereal and its derivatives do not contain gluten. However, it has a special protein that causes a strong autoimmune reaction in people who are sensitive to gluten. Therefore, it is better to exclude oats from the diet.

As for the hidden form of the element, it can be found in most multi-component products and semi-finished products:

  • store-bought yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • crab sticks;
  • condensed milk;
  • table vinegar;
  • ice cream;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages;
  • pates;
  • marshmallow;
  • halve, etc.

Gluten can also “wait” in soy sauce. Soy does not contain this protein, and it cannot be in the original sauce. However, unscrupulous manufacturers may add wheat extracts to their products. A list of gluten-containing foods can be printed for those who care about their nutrition and health.


It is important to know which drinks contain gluten. First of all, this:

  • beer;
  • whiskey;
  • vodka;
  • herbal teas;
  • store-bought juices;
  • instant cocoa;
  • flavored coffee.

Nutritional supplements

The hidden form of gluten is most often listed on packaging as “modified food starch,” “textured vegetable protein,” or “hydrolyzed plant protein.” It is also found in some other nutritional supplements:

Where there is no such element

The list of products that do not contain gluten is not very long. Among them:

  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • buckwheat;
  • fruits;
  • milk;
  • poultry meat;
  • millet (millet);
  • corn grits;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oils;
  • pseudocereals (quinoa, sorghum, amaranth);
  • legumes (beans, beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, soybeans and others);
  • natural fermented milk products(ryazhenka, kefir, plain yoghurts, yogurt).

This list contains many favorite, frequently used products. Those who want to understand whether buckwheat contains gluten now know for sure that it does not.

Let's talk about porridge

As already mentioned, a huge amount of the substance is found in cereals: wheat, barley, rye. Accordingly, porridges made from these grains also have a high level of protein.

Let's figure out which cereals contain the interesting element gluten:

  • semolina;
  • bulgur;
  • couscous;
  • barley;
  • pearl barley;
  • wheat

Since the gluten content in these cereals is quite high, if you are intolerant to gluten, consuming these cereals is contraindicated. You should also not include it in your menu oatmeal(although this substance is not on the list), since it can cause a similar reaction and allergy. Although there are rare cases when patients with celiac disease tolerate oatmeal normally.

List of gluten-free cereals and grains, from which porridges are often prepared:

  • buckwheat;
  • corn grits;
  • millet cereal;
  • exotic pseudocereals (quinoa, amaranth and others);
  • all types of rice (brown or wild rice, which undergoes minimal processing, is especially useful).

As you can see, the not well-known but important grain quinoa is also gluten-free. Therefore, it can be safely used by those who are against this protein.

Knowing which cereals do not contain such complex gluten is important, because cereals made from them can be consumed without fear by anyone who suffers from celiac disease.

But you need to pay attention that instant cereals, muesli, as well as various cereals (corn, rice) may contain traces of the element, since they are often processed on the same equipment as cereals, which are a source of harmful protein. In addition, they can “hide” it in the form food additives. You need to carefully study the information on the packages.

For parents about baby food

Active control over the presence of the element in children's diets began after cases of celiac disease among this age group increased in the United States and European countries.

Because this hereditary disease, then you need to be especially careful in introducing food containing this protein to children whose families have cases of this disease.

It turned out that acquired gluten intolerance is increasingly occurring in children whose mothers did not eat properly during pregnancy.

An initially healthy child who consumes gluten in large quantities (especially hidden gluten, which is found in large quantities in processed foods and industrially produced sweets) may experience digestive problems, and subsequently develop food allergies or even persistent intolerance. Therefore, it is important to control the quality of food entering children’s diets.

First of all, the child needs to be introduced to gluten-free cereals:

  • rice;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat

It is better to postpone oatmeal and millet porridge until a later period, since the former quite often causes allergies, and the latter is difficult to digest.

The above does not mean that you need to completely stop eating foods containing this protein (unless, of course, you have a congenital intolerance to gluten). After all, it is a source of many useful substances. It is best to hold off on introducing them into baby food. And in the future, carefully approach the choice of food for your children, minimizing the consumption of low-quality products. Of course, you need to know which cereals and cereals generally do not contain gluten, but this does not mean that you should eat only these foods.

The situation is difficult when a child is born with celiac disease, and for some reason breast-feeding impossible. In this case, it is mandatory to use exclusively highly adapted gluten-free milk formulas. The packaging must contain relevant information.

Opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky says that the topic is extremely popular among young mothers: gluten - what is it in baby food and baby cereals. About 20-30 years ago, none of the ordinary people knew about it, in addition, not every doctor in his practice could somehow apply knowledge about such a protein. Parents of those children who suffer from intolerance to this protein should worry about the presence or absence of an element in the children's diet.

Of course, no one will dispute that gluten is harmful for patients with celiac disease. But often with the introduction of cereals with protein into complementary foods, certain digestive disorders occur (increased gas formation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.). And here it is very important to correctly diagnose celiac disease. One of the main studies that will help determine this disease is a biopsy of the small intestinal mucosa, the results of which determine the presence or absence of the disease. The main thing is that the diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Self-prescribing a gluten-free diet can have serious consequences.

The doctor claims that many food manufacturers “play” on the conscience of parents, popularizing this topic, thereby increasing their own income (after all, specialized products are an order of magnitude more expensive than regular ones). Therefore, if there are no problems with its tolerance, you should not prepare only porridge and other gluten-free products for children.

We answer frequently asked questions

Despite the fact that today you can find quite a lot of comprehensive information on our topic, some questions still arise quite often.

Is it in potatoes?

Potatoes, like other root vegetables (beets, sweet potatoes, tapioca), do not contain gluten, so people with intolerance can consume this vegetable without fear.

Does milk contain

For those wondering whether milk contains gluten, the good news is: it doesn't. Moreover, most fermented milk products do not contain it.

In rice

In corn and cornmeal

Corn is included in the list of gluten-free grains. There may be traces of gluten in instant corn flakes. This is due to the fact that often in such industries different grains are processed on the same equipment.

The same principle should be used to determine whether corn flour contains gluten. As you know, corn itself does not have gluten. But the equipment on which flour is produced can be used for different types croup Therefore, you may end up with traces of protein in your cornmeal.

Does millet contain

There is no need to think about whether millet contains gluten. It does not apply to products containing it in their composition.

Is it found in bananas?

It is important for fruit lovers to know whether bananas contain gluten. In some sources you can find information that bananas contain gluten, although official medicine still denies this. However, in patients with celiac disease, a so-called cross-reaction to bananas is possible, so they should be eaten with caution.

Are gluten free alcoholic drinks sold?

Protein is only found in alcohol that is made from grains. These are beer, vodka, bourbon, gin and whiskey. Safe from this point of view are rum, tequila, wine, sake.

Is there gluten free flour?

There is no gluten in flour that is made from products without it. These are rice, corn, buckwheat, soy, potato flour. However, it may still be contaminated with traces of it. You need to look for the appropriate labeling on the packaging.

At what age can cereals with gluten be introduced into children's diets?

The main rule regarding gluten in a child’s diet is that it should not be present before reaching 8 months of age.

Its presence in a baby's diet is fraught with intestinal disorders and allergies. In addition, there are studies showing that the presence of this protein in baby food before the age of six months increases the likelihood of developing:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus

Until this age, you should only give rice, corn, and buckwheat, because gluten is dangerous for babies. But it is important to remember that the diet of babies at the right age should not be completely gluten-free.

In any case, after the child starts eating such food, parents should carefully monitor his general condition to see if there are any digestive disorders, if weight gain is getting worse, or if symptoms arise.

Is there gluten-free bread?

Yes, bread and other baked goods without this substance are on sale. It can be found in specialty stores or large supermarkets.

What vegetable oil can be used for celiac disease?

Almost all types vegetable oils do not contain gluten. These are olive, sunflower, peanut, corn and soybean oils.

So, the topic of gluten in products is multifaceted and largely controversial. Its presence in food is definitely contraindicated for people with a complex genetic disease - celiac disease. They are required to follow a lifelong gluten-free diet. Fortunately, today you can find a sufficient number of products labeled “Glutenfree” on store shelves.

For everyone else, official medical science recommends not to completely exclude gluten foods from your daily menu, since they can provide the human body with a huge amount of useful vitamins, amino acids and minerals. However, everything needs moderation. Excessive amounts of gluten (especially hidden gluten) can lead to a number of digestive problems. This is especially true for children.

For several years in a row, both in the field of sports and proper nutrition There is increased attention to such a substance as gluten. Experts have not come to a consensus when answering the question: is this protein harmful to the human body? However, there is a known disease called celiac disease, in which even 25 mg of gluten is enough to cause health problems.

In addition, many people, particularly bodybuilders, suffer from gluten intolerance and allergies to the element. Therefore, many doctors today prescribe gluten-free diets, which we will talk about.

Gluten is also added as a preservative to various products to increase the shelf life of products. In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows small amounts of gluten in gluten-free products.

Often, even in childhood, many children experience intolerance to the substance. This is explained by the fact that the child’s body does not have enough enzyme that hydrolyzes the protein completely (breaks down the molecules of the substance into amino acids). With age, the disease can go away or develop into an allergy to gluten and a more serious disease - celiac disease.

People who experience problems after taking gluten must know gluten-free foods to protect their health. And for some, a gluten-free diet is the only chance to live a full life.

Dozens of studies have not answered the question of how much of a substance consumed can be safe for human health. Some experts suggest that 620 mg per day (about one-fifth of a piece of bread) is quite acceptable, while other scientists argue that even 10 mg of gluten per day can have serious consequences.

This is due to the fact that in people with celiac disease, every time they eat foods containing gluten, the amount of gluten in the body accumulates, which leads to a worsening of the patient's condition. As a result, intestinal villi develop atrophy.

Scientists at the University of Maryland at Celiac Research found that in patients whose diet included 50 mg of gluten daily, villous atrophy was observed as early as 90 days. 10 mg of gluten showed the lowest percentage of disease development.

Thus, based on preliminary data from US experts, we can conclude that maximum quantity protein intake for patients with celiac disease and for people with gluten allergies is equal to 10 mg per day. However, this indicator is individual for each person.

It is important for patients to know which gluten-free foods they can eat. In addition, they should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the correct diet based on the test data.

Gluten-free diet

If you would like to switch to a gluten free diet, below we will provide you with full list products without this protein:

Bread, baked goods made with gluten-free flour;
Corn, all its types: grits, flour, canned corn, porridge;
Buckwheat porridge, flax, quinoa, soybeans, millet, amaranth;
Natural dairy products: yogurt, cheese, margarine, cream, butter;
Rice: brown, white, basmati, wild and other types;
Canola vegetable oil;
Distilled vinegar;
Distilled alcohol;
Food starch, tapioca starch;
Natural spices;
Potato flour;
Lactic and malic acid;
Gluten-free flour from nuts, coconut, beans.

For your convenience, below is a table and a list of manufacturers of gluten-free products. Material provided by the website of the St. Petersburg Society, created by patients with celiac disease under the name “Emilia”. All products were tested in Peter's laboratory.


  • Butter “33 cows” from the Ochakovsky plant;
  • Zhar Pechka oil produced at the Novosibirsk plant;
  • Sour cream, fat content 20% from the Skazka Milk company, in the city of Barnaul;
  • Sour cream from Rosta Agro Export;
  • "Lambert" cheese made using the technologies of the Moscow plant "Wimm-Bill-Dann";
  • Processed cheese “Yantar”, Karat plant in Moscow;
  • Finnish cheese “Polar 15%”;
  • “Miracle”, glazed cheese from Wimm-Bill-Dann;
  • “Piskarevsky”, cottage cheese from the St. Petersburg plant;
  • Yogurt "Ehrmann";
  • Strawberry yogurt “Immunelle” also from Wimm-Bill-Dann;
  • Ice cream from the Inmarko plant: “Golden Standard”, “Exotic”, “Magnat”, “Trzhestvo”.

Flour products

  • St. Petersburg buckwheat flour “Kashevar”;
  • Rice bread from TD Dietproduct;
  • Grata bread, produced in Samara;
  • Corn flakes from a food plant in Kuntsevo;
  • Corn sticks manufactured at the Russian Product plant in the city of Ryazan;
  • Pressed yeast from the Food Products Plant.

Sauces and seasonings

  • "Persona", ketchup;
  • Mayonnaise "Calve" from Tula;
  • Horseradish "Bastion";
  • Tomato paste “Pomodorka”, China;
  • Seasoning from Croatia “Vegeta”.

Meat products

  • Crab "Vici";
  • Stewed beef, Salyut meat processing plant;
  • Doctor's sausage, made in Tsaritsino;
  • Bavarian sausages from Pit-Product.

Other gluten-free products

  • “Drakosha” toothpaste, Yekaterinburg;
  • "Ferrosan", Multitabs, manufacturer Denmark;
  • Tablets with different flavors "Sana-sol" from Austria;
  • Ambrobene syrup from Merkle GmbH, country of origin - Germany;
  • "Novopassit";
  • Antigrippin tablets from France.

Gluten free diets

Especially for people with problems in digestive system Diet No. 4 developed by gastroenterologists is suitable. It completely excludes products from barley, wheat, oats and rye. This includes both cereals and flour with baked goods. Breading with the mentioned flour is prohibited.

The patient's diet should contain the optimal amount of proteins (on average 125 g), fats (100 g), minerals and vitamins. There are no restrictions on carbohydrate intake - you can consume up to 350 grams. per day. It is recommended to boil or steam the food. Doctors also advise not to exceed 8 grams of salt.

Allowed foods for celiac disease

Legumes9 2 168
Cabbage2 0,1 27
cucumbers0,8 0,1 15
Potato2 0,4 80
Apples0,5 0,4 45
Pears0,4 0,2 43
Oranges0,8 0,2 37
Nuts16 41 502
Dried fruits2,2 0,5 286
Buckwheat12,7 3,4 312
Corn8,2 1,1 338
Rice6,8 0,8 345
Millet11,6 3,2 349
Diet corn7,3 1,4 334
Walnut50,1 1,5 334
Pumpkin32 9 306
Milk3,3 3,6 65
Kefir3,5 2 52
Cottage cheese17,3 6 123
Boiled beef25,9 17 256
Boiled chicken25 8 174
Red caviar32,2 16 264
Sprats17 33,2 364
Rabbit21,2 8,1 157

Prohibited Products

  • Wheat products, rye, barley, oats;
  • Containing flour canned meat, sausages, frankfurters, ham;
  • Breaded both meat and fish cutlets, canned fish with flour;
  • Baked goods: biscuits, cookies made from wheat and oat flour;
  • Canned vegetables;
  • Confectionery products: dragees, chocolate, caramel, candies;
  • Bananas (there is controversial information about them. Some experts prohibit eating them, others do not. They are often prohibited due to a “cross-allergic reaction.” This is when a person with celiac disease has the same reaction to a banana as to gluten. In most cases, they can be included in the diet).
  • Soda, kvass, beer, vodka;
  • Dates;
  • Sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise.

Diet example No. 4

All the patient’s food is natural. If gluten-free bread is not available in stores, it is possible to replace it with baked goods that can be made at home from the approved types of flour: buckwheat or rice, also from corn flour. The online store will help those who want to make purchases quickly. For example, DietClub ( and Lioana ( provide similar services.

Many bodybuilders follow nutritional therapy in order to lose weight. Here you need to reduce the number of cereal dishes and baked goods. The first half of the day should be with food full of carbohydrates - bread, sweets, honey. And you should have dinner with foods with a lot of protein - fish, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables, chicken, fruits.

Below is an example of a therapeutic diet:

  1. For breakfast you should top the cottage cheese with berries and dried fruits. For dessert, croutons with honey and green tea. For second breakfast, you can serve stewed apple puree or prepare an omelette with vegetables.
  2. Diversify your lunch with vegetable puree soup for the first course, and bake potatoes for the second course. You can also serve steamed cutlets with rice cakes. Don't forget about your afternoon snack with fruit.
  3. Dinner can consist of boiled fish (fatty fish is also possible), vegetable salad and kefir.
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Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Useful and harmful properties gluten are the subject of much debate among experts. Information about which products contain gluten is necessary, first of all, to comply with healthy eating standards, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Gluten should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution. baby food and use in the presence of certain diseases of the digestive system.

What is gluten

This is a term that unites a group of proteins, the high content of which is found in the seeds of cereal crops. This substance is also called by another definition - gluten. This name was not chosen by chance: in its pure form, gluten is a powdery composition, but when diluted with water, it forms a thick mass reminiscent of glue. The main contraindication to consuming products containing this protein is considered to be the presence of individual intolerance.

The glue-like consistency of the protein has become main reason its widespread use in food industry, especially in the field of bakery baking, as well as the production of meat products. When mixed with minced meat or flour, the final preparations and products are stored longer than usual, retain their shape and have an airy consistency when baked.

A small amount of gluten does not cause significant harm to health. However, if you have a disease such as celiac disease, consuming products containing it is highly not recommended. The harm of gluten is due to its peculiar effect on the stomach.

Protein blocks the functioning of the digestive organs, as a result of which the body does not receive the required amount of vitamins. This process can cause upset and bloating, diarrhea, as well as a sharp decrease in immunity.

List of products containing gluten

The record holders for gluten content are cereals - rye, wheat, barley and oats. For use in the food industry, protein is produced from these crops. The substance is then mixed with water and becomes an ingredient for the preparation of a wide variety of product categories:

  • bakery products, flour;
  • sausages, minced meat;
  • drinks made from cereals (the most striking examples are beer, whiskey and vodka);
  • chocolate products;
  • sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise.

Gluten Free Products

The answer to the question of which foods do not contain gluten can be answered based on simple experience. It has been proven that gluten, when in contact with iodine, changes its color to black or dark blue. However, the exception in this case is rice and potatoes. These components do not contain gluten, but the color of the iodine is changed due to the high content of potato and rice starch.

Rice, buckwheat, corn;

Meat, poultry, seafood;

Vegetables and fruits.

Table of gluten content in food products

Products with gluten

Which foods are gluten free?

Sausages, bakery products based on gluten flour

Fresh vegetables, fruits

Minced meat products

Any types of preserves made on the basis of thickeners


Dairy products made with the addition of stabilizers


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