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Vyugina Alla
Scenario for Mother's Day in the senior group

Scenario for Mother's Day in the senior group.

Children enter to the music. They stand at the chairs.

There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt.

It's beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient,

It is sincere, beloved,

With nothing in the world comparable:

Leading: Good evening, dear guests: mothers, grandmothers! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November day. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a wonderful holiday like Day Mothers. You all deserve attention and are invited to our the festive hall is not in vain, because you are the one who bears the honorary title - Mom.

Children reading a poem:

Mom is heaven! (Hands up)

Mom is the light! (we show flashlights with our hands above)

Mom is happiness (hands to chest)

Moms - there is no better (we shake our heads no - no)

Mom is a fairy tale! (thumb Waugh)

Mom is laughter! (laugh, smile)

Mom is a weasel! (pat ourselves on the head)

Moms love everyone! (we blow a kiss to mothers with our hands)

1. Today is a difficult day -

This holiday of dear mothers!

At the autumn golden hour

We need to congratulate them!

2. To every mother on earth

Congratulations sound

A bright ray in the darkness

Children's eyes are burning.

3. May health and love

They always keep mommies warm!

Let us congratulate them together again,

We will never forget!

All together: Congratulations! - 3 rubles.

4. I once said friends:

There are many kind mothers in the world.

But you won't find it, I guarantee

A mother like mine!

5. Mom will calm you down, mom will caress you,

And she knows the answers to all questions.

Mom is like the sun - she is warm and clear.

There is no one more precious than mother, there is no one more beautiful than her.

All together. Mom, I love you

I give you a song!

Song...Dear Mommy...

6. How would we live without mothers?

Affectionate and kind?

Who would greet us with a smile,

Unhappy, sleepy?

7. Who would feed us, feel sorry for us,

Who would treat a cold?

Who would like a hug a day?

Did you find a minute?

8. That's why there is a holiday,

Dedicated to mothers,

What would the world be like without mom?

Deprived of affection.

9. Let's help mom,

And not only in holiday,

To play with us

Mom had an hour.


10. Congratulations to all mothers today!

Let smiles surround you!

We promise to behave well,

So that mothers would not be ashamed of us.

11. We also wish you good health,

May mother's dreams come true.

To warm joys with love

And the world in general was full of beauty.


Mother! The most precious word on earth. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, she can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart; the love in it never fades. Guys, what kind words, good words do you know about mothers?

Game "Heart". Children pass the Heart to each other to the music (each child, receiving a heart, says warm words to his mother, called him an affectionate word)

Leading: Well done guys. We would like you to call your mothers with these words as often as possible.

Leading. Dear mothers, we would like to ask you, do you know proverbs about mothers?

"It's warm in the sun, mother's kindness» . “There is no better friend than your own mother.” “The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is mothers» , so say Russian folk proverbs. And so it has been and will always be!

Presenter. Today is our unusual holiday: our mothers and grandmothers are not just spectators, they will take an active part in holiday along with your children. Fun games and interesting competitions await us.


1. Competition "Fairy" You need to guess the heroes of fairy tales.

1. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children? (seven kids)

2. While eating rolls, a guy was riding on a stove.

He rode around the village and married the princess. (Emelya "At the behest of the pike")

3. This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone until they are full.

That she is herself

Full of delicious food.

(Self-assembled tablecloth)

4. Sweet apple flavor

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire.

And it’s light all around, like during the day. (Firebird)

5. Like Baba Yaga

No leg at all.

But there is a wonderful one

Aircraft (mortar)

6. Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She looks for them, calls them, and sheds tears on the way (Fedora).

7. I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood).

8. Cinderella's legs

Fell by accident.

She was not simple, but crystal (slipper)

9. She is the most important mystery of all, even though she lived in the cellar.

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents. (mouse)

2. "Decorate Your Mom" Several couples with children are invited to play. In the middle of the hall there is a table with accessories: hats, scarves, beads, hairpins, etc. Mothers sit on chairs around the table. At the signal, the children begin to decorate their mother.

Leading: Well done guys! How beautiful our mothers are! (Everyone sits down)

Children, each of you has a mother, but your mother also has her own mother. Your mothers were also little once, they went to kindergarten, just like you, and they also love their mothers. What do you call your mother's mother? (grandmother) The grandchildren will tell about their love for their grandmother.

12. Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?

Always standing by the stove,

Who darns our clothes?

Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?

13. Who is the tastiest person in the world?

Always bakes pies

Even dads who are more important

And who is honored in the family?

14. Who will sing us a song at night,

So that we can fall asleep sweetly?

Who is the kindest and most wonderful?

Well, of course - grannies!

15. Very dear to my grandmother

I love my mother

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss!

Leading: And now our girls will show you skit how difficult it is to be a mother.

Scene"Three Moms" (Children: Tanya, Mom, Grandmother)

In the center of the hall or on stage table, three chairs. A doll sits on one of the chairs. There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table).

Our children are so stubborn!

Everyone knows this themselves.

Mothers often tell them,

But they don't hear their mothers.

Tanyusha in the evening

I came from a walk

And I asked the doll:

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.


Tanya’s mother came home from work. And Tanya asked:


How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny screamed for dinner more than once,

And you answered: now yes now.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go have lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Then my grandmother - my mother's mother - came. And mom asked:

The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again there was not a minute to eat,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

You can't sit all day without lunch.

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster.

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today! Everyone eats cheesecakes.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Dance...Far from mom...

Leading: Guys, please tell me what we eat for breakfast? (Children's answers) That's right - porridge. And now I want to check if you know what the porridge is made from and what needs to be put in it. Mothers and grandmothers can help children.

Game "Porridge"

Magpie - white-sided

I decided to cook porridge,

To feed the children.

I went to the market

And this is what I took...

Fresh milk - yes!

Chicken egg - yes!

Semolina - yes!

Head cabbage - no!

Pickled cucumber - no!

Jellied meat - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans - no!

Ghee - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bay leaf - no!

Chinese rice - yes!

Bell pepper - no!

Tatar sauce - no!

Strawberry jam - yes!

Biscuit cookies - no!

Well done everyone! They know the porridge recipe!

Now let's play together with the mothers.


1. "Make lunch". 2 mothers enter the team "Borsch" and 2 mothers per team "Compote". Each team is given a saucepan. On command, I pour vegetables and fruits into a large basin. The children will carry them for you, and your task is to sort the food so that pineapple does not end up in the borscht, garlic, etc. does not end up in the compote.

Leading: Now, let's play with the grandmothers. We will have two teams: children and grandmothers. I will ask questions first to one team, then to the other.

2. Competition – "Fairytale riddles".

Presenter (to grandmothers): A bakery product is the name of a Russian folk tale. (Kolobok)

Presenter (children): What did the Tsokotukha Fly find? (Money, what did you buy? (Samovar)

Presenter (to grandmothers):. How many times did Prince Guidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times: mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)

Presenter (children): Who is sitting under the tree? (Good Doctor Aibolit). Where did Aibolit go to treat children? (To Africa)

Presenter (to grandmothers): Which fairy tale first shows the mechanism of family contracting? ("Turnip")

Presenter (children): Who did the blanket run away from? (From dirty). And from whom did the dishes run away?

(From Fedora)

Presenter (to grandmothers): Which fairy tale talks about the bad work of the director, his evil character and the plight of the actors? (A. Tolstoy. “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key.”)

Presenter (children): What were the names of the sons of the crocodile in the poem Moidodyr?

(Kokosha and Totosha)

Presenter (to grandmothers): Boil one egg for 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil 5 eggs?

Presenter (children): Who visited Winnie the Pooh and Piglet? (At the Rabbit's)

Presenter (to grandmothers): What did the Owl give the donkey for his birthday? (Tail)

Presenter. (children): Which of the heroes loved repeat: "Guys, let's live together"?

(Leopold the Cat)

And the last riddle for both teams: What were the names of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok"? (Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister, Wolf-clicking teeth, Bear.)

Great! How many correct answers both teams gave! Well done! We continue our holiday!


16. Our dear mothers,

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm.

We will be worthy of you!

17. We talked here for a long time.

We finally decided.

And I’ll tell you without embellishment:

There is no one better than you in the world!

18. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for everything, dear ones,

Children (in unison): Thank you!

Song...Three wishes...

Leading. And now, guys, it’s your mothers’ turn to show you their surprise. They also prepared a fairy tale for you - "Teremok". Now look how artistic and cheerful your mothers are, and your mothers will remember their carefree childhood.

Fairy tale "Teremok". (Parents)

The phrases spoken by the characters are indicated in brackets. Each hero in the rivers has a hint, a piece of paper with words. The presenter reads the text, the actors perform impromptu performances.

There is a tower in the field (Creak-creak). A small mouse runs past. (Wow) I saw a tower (creak-creak, stopped, looked inside, and the mouse thought (Wow, what if the tower (creak-creak) empty, she will live there.

I galloped up to the tower (Creak-creak) frog (Quanterous), began to look into the windows. The little mouse saw her (Wow) and invited her to live together. The frog-croak agreed (Quantiresno), and the two of them began to live together.

A runaway bunny runs past (Wow). He stopped and looked, and then out of the tower (Creak-creak) Little mouse jumped out (Wow) and the frog (Quantiresno) and dragged the runaway bunny (Wow) to the teremok (creak-creak).

A little fox-sister walks by. (Tra-la-la) Looks - there is a tower (Creak-creak) I looked out the window and there was a mouse-norushka (Wow, you frog - croak (Quantiresno) and the bunny is a runaway (Wow) live. The little fox-sister asked pitifully (Tra-la-la), they accepted her into the company

A gray barrel top came running (Tyts-tyts-tyts, looked into the door and asked who was in the mansion (Creak-creak) lives. And from the tower (creak-creak) responded the mouse-norushka (Wow, you frog-frog (Quantiresno, running bunny; (Wow, little fox - sister (Tra-la-la) and invited him to their place. I happily ran into the tower (Creak-creak) top-gray barrel (Tut-tut-tut)

The five of them began to live together. Here they are in the mansion (Creak-creak) live, sing songs. Mouse-norushka (Wow, you frog - croak (Quantiresno, runaway bunny (Wow, little fox - sister) (Tra-la-la) and a top-gray barrel (Tut-tut-tut)

Suddenly a clubfooted bear comes (Wow). He saw a little mansion (Creak-creak, heard songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs, the club-footed bear (Wow). The little mouse got scared (Wow, you little frog (Quantiresno, little running bunny (Wow, little fox-sister) (Tra-la-la) and a top-gray barrel (Tut-tut-tut) and called the clubfoot bear (Wow) to live with yourself.

Bear (Wow) climbed into the tower (Creak-creak). I climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed - I just couldn’t get in and decided that it would be better to live on the roof.

A bear climbed onto the roof (Wow) and just sat down - fuck! - the tower collapsed (Creak-creak).

The little house creaked (Creak-creak, fell to one side and completely fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it, a mouse-norushka (Wow, a frog-croak (Quantires, a bunny - a little runner (Wow, little fox-sister) (Tra-la-la) , top - gray barrel (Tut-tut-tut)- everyone was safe and sound, but they began to grieve - where should they live next? In the forest, there are no public utilities, no repair crews. But here under the tower (creak-creak) They found a casket, opened it, and there - two - from - the casket (We’ll do everything, jacks of all trades.

They began to carry logs, cut boards, and build a new tower (Creak-creak)

They built it better than before! And the mouse-norushka began to live well (Wow, you frog-frog (Quantiresno, running bunny (Wow, little fox-sister) (Tra-la-la) and the top is a gray barrel (Tut-tut-tut) clubfoot bear (Wow) and two from the casket (We'll do everything) in the new little house (Creak-creak).

Leading: Did you guys like the fairy tale? Let's thank our mothers for such a wonderful gift.

Our evening has come to an end. We thank everyone: both children and their mothers, grandmothers for their performances, for participating in competitions, for the pleasure they brought and festive mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of children.

Let your children please you with success, let your grandchildren give you kindness and attention. May your every day be filled with men's care and support. Warmth of the family hearth, health, love and understanding!

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents in the senior group for Mother's Day

Olga Viktorovna Kuriganova, teacher of MBDOU D/S 10 “Rosinka”, Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory
Description of material: The holiday scenario will be of interest to kindergarten teachers
- Harmonize parent-child relationships through joint events. Establishing partnerships with families of pupils.
- Form primary ideas about family and responsibilities; bring children and parents together.
- Creating a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.
Participants: parents, children, teachers
Leading: Mother! How capacious, how beautiful this word is! Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.” Today we would like to give moments of joy to the fragile and tender, sweet and affectionate mothers sitting in our hall.
1 child: Today we feel as comfortable as at home
Look how many familiar faces there are in the hall.
Moms came to us, we are glad to see you all
And we will begin the joyful holiday now!
2nd child: Our dear mothers, we ourselves admit
That, of course, we don’t always behave well.
We often upset you that sometimes we don’t notice,
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow kind
And we will always try to behave well.
3rd child: My mother brings toys and sweets.
But that’s not why I love my mother.
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored together.
I tell her all my secrets,
But that’s not why I love my mother
I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight,
Well, just because she's my mom
4th child: Today I want to laugh
Joking, playing and dancing.
Come on, guests, smile
And celebrate the holiday together.
Leading: Mom is a huge window to the world. She helps the baby understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... Mom's lessons last a lifetime. The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes unnoticeable grains of mother’s tenderness and care.
Sketch “I will definitely be a mother”

1 girl: I will definitely be a mother
What should I name my daughter?
I know there will be many difficulties:
You need pacifiers, a stroller, a bed.
2nd girl: I need to wash my daughter's panties.
Rock, lull, sing,
3rd girl: Kiss her scratches, bumps.
How much does mommy need to do?
4 girl: Read a story to your daughter in the evening
Feed and wash dishes,
5 girl: And in winter, ride on a sled,
Be patient and kind
6 girl: Can I really do all this?
How tired I must be!
Who will take pity on me and warm me?
Yes, of course, my mother!
Song about mom
Leading: Parents love their children unconditionally. It is after years that restraint and rigor come. But there is a meaning here too. After all, mother doesn’t care who we are friends with, who we go out with, which means she loves and cares for an hour! Mom can scold us, “spoil our nerves” a little - well, let it be. This is for our benefit. There is no need to quarrel with the person closest to us. And no matter how hard we sometimes try to push him out of our hearts, replacing him with our best friends and girlfriends, nothing will work. In difficult and bitter hours, we still remember our mother, our closest and dearest person.

Dance “Far from Mom”
Leading: Dear mothers, do you like to read fairy tales to your children? Now we will check it! All children love and know fairy tales, and now we will understand how well you know them.
Task for mothers: “Guess the fairy tale”
I listened to the fox's advice:
I sat on the river until dawn.
However, I didn’t catch any fish,
Only the tail, poor fellow, was lost.
(“The wolf and the fox.”)
A boy found himself in the jungle
And made friends with wolves,
And with a bear and a panther.
He grew up strong and brave.."
In which Russian folk tale housing problems are solved or, in smart adult language, problems housing and communal services farms?
In which Russian folk tale does the brother disobey his sister, once violate the sanitary and hygienic rules, and pay dearly for it?
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)
My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
(A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”)
He went up to the honey
And he managed to sing:
“I am a cloud-cloud-cloud,
And not a bear at all” (“Winnie the Pooh and that’s all.”)
What is the name of the boy who had to form the word “eternity” from pieces of ice? (Kai.)
What is the name of the poet in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”? (Pierrot.)
Leading: You cope with tasks very deftly! What great moms you are!
And now I offer a little warm-up for children.
- I will call different types household chores, and you guys answer in unison who does this work: dad or mom:
- Who: Does laundry, drives a car, cooks dinner, repairs a TV, washes the floor, digs a garden, collects children for kindergarten, waters flowers, knits, chops wood, builds a house.
Well done! Guys, you see how many different things your parents do! Today we will see if your parents can also play well, have fun and
participate in competitions.
Relay race “Fold the sun”
(from long and short sticks - rays, you need to make a sun)
Leading: And now we are for you guys,
We want to make riddles.
You need to listen to them carefully
And then answer in unison.
Children ask riddles, and when the answer is given, they show objects.
1 child: Who goes to bed later than everyone else and gets up earlier than everyone else?
Spends the day worrying and gets very tired? (Mother)
2nd child: Mom's ears sparkle
And they don’t melt at all.
Ice flakes turn silver - crumbs
In mom's ears...(earrings)
3rd child: These balls on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box...(beads)
4th child: Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers,
Mystery headdress
Our mother has...(hat)
Leading: There are answers to our riddles on the table.
Isn't it time to play?
Which one of you guys wants to decorate your mom?
Ira “Decorate your mother”
(Beads, rings, clips, bows, hairpins, bracelets, hats, glasses are offered)
Leading. Listen to an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s children’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief”:
And the dishes answered:
It was bad for us at the woman's place,
She didn't love us:
She ruined us.
It got dusty and smoky.
She beat and beat us.
That's why we are from a woman
They ran away like from a toad,
And we walk through the fields,
Through swamps, through meadows.
Game "Fedorino's grief"
We suggest listing kitchen utensils, which may be in the household. But you need to call him affectionately so that the dishes don’t run away from you. Whose word will be the last - he wins. You cannot repeat your opponent’s words!
Leading: Moms, we have no doubt that you know how to earn money. Are you spending them correctly? A pleasant pleasure, isn't it? Now you will go to our store to buy candy. Your child should bring you candy in a small spoon and put it in a bag, and then your mother should take the money to the store on the back of her hand and return without dropping it. We will find a winner based on the number of candies purchased! There are only 8 candies in the store, so hurry up!
Relay “Go shopping!”
Game "Who will burst the most" balloons» with balloons
Leading: The child learns
What does he see in his home?
His parents are an example to him,
Child: Dear parents!
We wish you that we
You weren't upset
To T-shirts and panties
We did our own laundry.
So as not to whine, not to fight,
We weren't rude to you.
I just need you to
They were an example for us.
Game "Politeness Lesson"
The participants are children and answer in unison.
Need to continue:
Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word... (thank you)
The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... (good afternoon).
If you can't eat anymore
Let's tell mom... (thank you)
The boy is polite and developed
He says when we meet... (hello).
When we are scolded for our pranks,
We say... (excuse me, please).
Both in France and Denmark -
They say goodbye...
Competition “My Dance Family!”
Leading: Guys, invite your parents to dance in a circle!
Dance "Inseparable Friends"
Children give gifts to mothers.

Winner of the all-Russian competition "The most popular article of the month" DECEMBER 2017

Prepared by: teacher Elena Nikolaevna Golovko.


Hello, hello, moms!
Today the guys won't be stubborn,
And they will be obedient and in harmony with you,
After all, a special day comes in the year.

Mother's Day is a day of warmth and love,
Which you generously give to them!

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a row (music by Yu. Chitkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev “Hello, moms!” )

Presenter: each last sunday November is Mother's Day in Russia, and our children should definitely know about it. After all, mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, worthy of honor and love.

1 child.

Mother! There is no more beautiful word in the world,
Children know this, of course, from birth!
Mom is our world and the pier of kindness,
Mom is like the sun and like flowers!

2nd child.

Yes, like the sun - warm, clear,
And like flowers in the sky - beautiful!

Children sing a song “The best!” music V. Ivannikova, lyrics. O. Fadeeva.

3 child.

Let this song sound everywhere
The one we sang to you now.
I will never forget this day -
Everything today is just for you!

4 child.

Winter is in a hurry, it’s just around the corner.
Only we are still warm.

Singing a song to mom made our souls feel good.

5 child.

Our mothers, the most beloved,
They came to our festive concert.
And today they are the happiest -
We read it in their eyes!

Children sit on chairs.

Host: Guys, do you think your mothers are brave mothers? (Yes). Well, of course, they are the bravest mothers. They are ready to do anything for their children. They are ready to go into the hall and take part in our celebration.

I think everyone in the room will be interested in how well mothers know their children.

Competition No. 1.

Leading: (addresses mothers) do you know your children well? And you will never confuse your child with someone else's? Yes? Let's check it now. The first competition is called “Recognize your child by... his palm. (Several children and one mother in the center of the circle, blindfolded), 3 times.

Presenter: Our mothers have the kindest, most affectionate and skillful hands. But now we will find out how rich imagination mothers have.

Competition No. 2. (We invite two mothers. Mothers must make an outfit for the child from a scarf, a scarf and ribbons).

Presenter: Our children’s grandmothers are also present in our hall today. But this holiday is for them too. The guys prepared congratulations for our beloved grandmothers.

The children come out.

My grandma and I are very friends.
We help each other.
She... cooks dinner for me,
For her, I... eat everything.

I lead her by the hand.
A passerby will not always understand,
Is my grandmother my granddaughter?
Either I'm a child after all.

Who is leading whom? "Lactic" ?
Who's in who "Toys" dragging?
We live as a strong family,
Let's be true friends!

Mom and Dad tell us:
- You are nearby from morning to night.
Just go to bed early
Grandma doesn't want something.

Doesn't want to measure puddles
And he considers sand dirty!
Otherwise, we are very friends,
Despite the different ages.

Scene "Old Grandmothers" , to the band's song "Syabry" "Stoves-benches" boys come out dressed as grandmothers, sit on chairs and whisper. A couple passes by in an embrace - the grandmothers, judging, shake their heads. The song is interrupted.


Grandmothers are sitting on a bench in the yard,
They talk about something all day until the evening.

1st grandmother

What are young people like?
What about actions and words?
Look at their fashions
The fools got dressed!

There used to be dancing and quadrilling,
They wore full skirts.
But now it’s not the same
Pants are in, and skirts are in! (show)

2nd grandmother

Everyone became like foreigners
How they start to dance
Scratch your feet!
They are shaking as if in a fever,
Look, such a shame and disgrace!

3rd grandmother

We didn’t dance like that with you,
We kept in shape and went to balls!

4th grandmother

Enough, grandmothers, to grumble,
Young people discuss everything.
We were like that too
Young, mischievous.

Lose fifty years
Let's dance for the guys!

Dancing to V. Dobrynin's song "Old Grandmothers" , then go backstage.

Presenter: Our mothers can do and know a lot of things, but can they sweep the floor?

Competition No. 3

Two teams of moms (children can also be taken), in the hands of a broom, it is necessary "sweep" broom the ball between the pins.

Presenter: you are probably tired from such a load, you need to rest a little. I invite moms to dance (lambada, lezginka, gypsy, kalinka, rock and roll).

Host: thank you everyone. Dear mothers, listen to a few more gentle and kind words for you.

The children come out.

1. My sweet, gentle mother!
I bow to you,
I love you, dear mother,
And I will always be by your side!

2. Mom - how much is in this word
Sun, light and warmth.
Mom - there is no one more precious than you,
You gave us children life!

3. I love you, mom! For what? I don't know,
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day
For this, dear, I love you!

4. So let, always sparkling,
The sun is shining for people!
Never you, dear,
We won't upset you!

Children sit on chairs. The intro to the song sounds “Mom, always be by my side...” Dance for mothers (4 pairs).

After the dance we sat down on the chairs.

Host: A mother’s love is a power that works miracles. And no matter how old we are, we always need a mother. We always need her kind word and affectionate look.

Happy Mother's Day, dear ones!
And at this solemn hour
Our loved ones, relatives,
We are happy to congratulate you!

Dear mothers and grandmothers, please accept our heartfelt congratulations and wishes to always be young and full of health! May your home always be filled with peace and warmth, and may your whole life be sunny and happy! (Children give gifts to mothers)

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 7439 Human

Children and their mothers enter the hall and sit down together. The presenter comes on stage.

Host: Mom is a short but very meaningful word, and it sounds the same in many languages! Mothers are different, but they are all united by the same feeling - limitless...

Scenario for a holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day in senior preschool age “My mother is the best in the world!”

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 7707 Human

Presenter: We are glad to see you in our hall on such a wonderful day - Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is still a young holiday, but everyone is happy about it, of course.

Everyone who was born under a lucky star and mother’s heartfelt care.

We want you for the holiday now...

Celebration scenario Cafe “Mom’s Smile”

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 7845 Human

Children and their mothers enter the hall and sit in subgroups at tables, focusing on symbolism (discussed in advance).

M. Plyatskovsky's song "My Mommy is the best in the world."

Presenter: Mom is the kindest word for every person. Mom loves...

“My dear mother...” Holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 7885 Human

The presenters and children enter to the music “Mom is the first word.”
Presenter 1: - Good evening, dear friends!
Presenter 2: - Good festive evening! Festive, thanks to the dearest, dearest, most affectionate, most tender – mothers!
1 presenter: - And...

Scenario for a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day for older preschool children and parents

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 7530 Human

To the music, children enter the hall, where guests greet them with applause. They stand in three lines, in a checkerboard pattern.

Presenter 1. Hello dear mothers, grandmothers and all guests present! We are glad to see you all in our kindergarten!

Presenter 2...

"It's good to be with mom"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 3039 Human

Host: How wonderful the word “mother” is! Everything on earth is from mother's hands! Our meeting today is dedicated to you, our dear guests, since the last Sunday of November is celebrated as Mother's Day in Russia.
How much warmth and affection this contains...

Scenario of the matinee in kindergarten "Mother's Day"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 3419 Human

The hall is festively decorated with balloons, posters, and flowers in vases. Dressed guests are sitting in the auditorium.

Presenter: We solemnly congratulate all mothers,
And in your honor we are starting a holiday!
Songs and poems for you today!
Who will congratulate you? ...

Sports fun for Mother's Day

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 2413 Human

Host: In this world there are words that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate and gentle words is “MOM”. The word that a child says most often is the word “MOM.” The word that makes an adult, gloomy person smile is...

Celebration scenario for Mother's Day for children of the older and younger groups

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 3093 person

Celebration progress:

The hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the matinee. Music sounds, children enter the hall to the “song about mom.” They make a lap of honor and stand in a semicircle.

Poems read:

Child 1:
There are so many people in the hall!
A glorious holiday awaits...

“You are the best in the world” concert script

06.11.2010 | Looked at the script 6271 Human

Ved: Good evening, dear mothers, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday - Mother's Day. And even if it’s frosty outside, this holiday emanates such warmth that warms everyone sitting in this room.
Song "Smile" all
Ved: Today is a holiday for us...

Target: Enrich children's knowledge about Mother's Day


  • develop the ability to expressively read poems, perform songs artistically, and carry out competitive tasks in an organized manner;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards mother, involve parents in participation in the life of the group.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation “Mom is the best friend”, “All professions are important”;
  • compiling the story “My Mom is the Best”;
  • reading and memorizing a poem about mom;
  • reading the fairy tale “Cuckoo” and discussing the content;
  • learning songs, making surprise gifts for mothers;
  • learning dances.

Expected result:

  • Emotionally accurately feels the experiences of loved ones, shows sensitivity to literary words, uses polite words in speech, without an adult’s reminder;
  • knows and states his first and last name, first and patronymic names of his parents;
  • knows how important the work of his parents is for society;
  • is able to accept a memorization task, remembers an adult’s instructions;
  • is able to retain a simple condition in memory when performing any action;
  • observes the rules of decency in the company of adults and children.

Scenario for the holiday in the senior group “Smile”
"The Best Mother's Day"

Contents of organized activities

Anya K.
- Thank you, dear mothers,
Why did you come to our kindergarten!

Let's smile kindly
Let's make our guys happy!
May all bad weather pass you by!
And I will repeat again and again,
That children are your happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

Children enter the hall. (Dance with balloons “Mom’s Heart”)

Vadim A:
-I thought for three weeks or five,
How will I congratulate my mother!
What should I tell her, what should I give her?
I thought for a long time about how to please her.
Ilya N.:
Maybe draw some flowers?
Ilya P.:
Maybe I should sign the postcard?
No, I'd rather come and kiss you
Beloved dear mother!

And now we’ll play and tease our mothers,
May their bright smiles make us happier!

Game "Find Your Happiness" to the music with your eyes tied, recognize your child by touch

Song "about Mom"

May this wonderful, snowy day!
Will be remembered as the most tender!

Kirill A.:
Like the most joyful and sweetest,
Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

Let the wind carry with it
What I will reveal to everyone:
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mother is the best.

Dance “Far from Mom” (flashmop)

Mother's Day is a worthy, good holiday!
Who enters the family like sunshine.
And how nice it is for every mother,
When she is rightfully given honor.

Who opened this world to me, sparing no effort?
And the best mother in the world always protected me.

Anya T.:
Who in the world is sweetest and warms everyone with his warmth?
Loves more than himself? This is my mom!

Reads books in the evening and always understands everything
Even if I am stubborn, I know my mother loves me.

Ksenia P.:
Never loses heart, knows exactly what I need
If drama happens, who will help?
My mom!

I love you mom, why, I don’t know
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,
For this, my dear, I love you.

Anya Sh.:
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around
I love you, mom - you are my best friend!
Comic couple dance “Do you love me?”

Game "Golden Hands"

Leading: We invite 2 mothers to the stage.
(Moms should use a scarf, a scarf, and bows to make an outfit for their child.)

- It's time for mommies to have fun!
You have them as entertainers!
We collected “miracle tools”.
Ensemble of moms! Applause!

Mothers perform a melody on “miracle instruments”
/Tools: combs, beads, bracelets, bags - clutches/

- Mom loves roses,
Lilies, mimosas,
Red chrysanthemums,
And the violets are different!

Dear mom,
Mom dear,
Accept flowers
From my beloved daughter!

Gymnastic dance of girls “Flowers for Mom”. Leader Permyakova O.A.

Igor K.:
Poem by E.N. Uspensky “If I were a girl”

Song "I'm having fun with my mom"

Sasha D.:
- On holiday we must not forget
Treat your mom!
Let's prepare a treat -
Caramel cookies!

"Dance of the Cooks"


The cookies go into the oven,
And our joyful holiday continues!
Oh, the guys made cookies, but didn’t clean up the trash. Well, it doesn't matter! Let's see if mothers have forgotten how to sweep the floor.

Game "Venicoball"

Participants need to circle a balloon between the pins with a broom.
— Game
"Dress up your mom" (mothers sit in a semicircle, children dress them up to the music, taking things out of the bag.)
— The game “who can hang up the laundry faster”

Presenter: Today is the kindest, most important holiday - World Mother's Day! Without affection, tenderness, care and love, without our mothers, we could not become human. Now I give the floor to our children.

We are finishing our holiday,
We wish dear mothers,
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers
Never be discouraged
Be more and more beautiful every year
And scold us less.

We want, for no reason,
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.

— Thank you, moms, for your participation!
We wish you love and happiness!

Who wants it, guys?
Kiss your mothers!
Come and kiss me
We won't mind! /go to moms, give gifts/
Dance with moms


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