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Furniture restoration, the photo of the results of which looks so impressive in comparison with the “before” photo, can be carried out at home. It is not at all necessary to hire professionals. Especially if you need to bring into decent shape not an antique chair or an antique chest of drawers, but an ordinary table, chair, cabinet or stool that is slightly scratched, swollen in places or peeling. Find out what masterpieces can be created with such furniture in more detail later in the article.

Main possible stages of work

The process is creative, liberating, interesting, requires a certain amount of imagination, and also allows you to save money - after all, buying a new chair will cost more than repainting an old one.

Before undertaking restoration, you need to understand what stages of work generally exist in it. Some of them are optional, some depend solely on what kind of furniture we are talking about:


You can’t do without this stage - on it you need to pull out a piece of furniture that you are not happy with into the light, and then with a critical eye estimate what repairs it will need. Is it polished? This means you will need to either renew the polish or remove it. Is it not polished? This means that other means will be required, direct work with wood. Do you want to completely transform it? How exactly - change the color, apply a design, age it? And, of course, does it have legs that break, drawers that get stuck in grooves, or other similar unpleasant things.


You can’t do without this stage either. You need to brush off the dust from the furniture, wipe it with a damp cloth and detergent to degrease it, and only then begin the repair.

Minor repairs to things

Work with cracks, chips, and other small defects. Often it is enough to make the item sparkle with new colors. Renewing the polish on polished items complements minor repairs, and removing it prepares the item for further metamorphosis if you are planning to completely change it.

Creative reworking

This stage is not necessary - you can easily stop at painting over small cracks or polishing the surface. But if you want a chair, table or cabinet to look new, you can paint, age, paint, or glue an additional layer of veneer on top.


The thing needs to be assessed again with a critical eye. Are there any cracks left in hard-to-reach places, is it well polished, is the fresh paint peeling off? After that you can use it.

If you don’t know what item of yours needs repair and whether you want to change it completely, then you just need more information to think about.

Minor repairs

If the item does not shine and its surface is clearly not polished, then it does not need to be refinished - just follow the recommendations for caring for wooden furniture.

To do this, you need to bring the thing into the light and evaluate which of the following defects it has.

Loss of gloss

The first possibility is that the thing has lost its luster. This happens to a tree simply from time to time, from the fact that it stands and gathers dust, from the fact that it is touched with hands. If the surface seems worn and has lost its original color, you need to:

  • buy a wood care product with orange oil at any hardware store;
  • take a clean sponge, dip it in water and heat it in the microwave for thirty seconds - or treat it with steam, the main thing is that it is almost hot to the touch;
  • Spray the product onto the surface using a spray bottle and wipe it with a hot sponge.

Your hands should be gloved when working, and the sponge, when it starts to cool, needs to be warmed up again.

If the item is painted - for example, a wooden tabletop - you need to use a different recipe:
  • dissolve a teaspoon in a glass of water baking soda and thoroughly wipe the countertop;
  • wait until it dries and wipe with a dry soft cloth to remove plaque;
  • Pour two teaspoons of ammonia into a liter of warm water and wipe the countertop again with this composition.
If the wood is not simple and not painted, but varnished, a third approach is needed:
  • pour a tablespoon of any dishwashing detergent per liter of warm water and carefully wipe the surface to degrease it;
  • wipe a second time, but with a cloth soaked in plain water;
  • wait until it dries and wipe with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Instead of vegetable oil you can use a mixture linseed oil, turpentine and vinegar. Or butter and beer in equal proportions. Or beer, which was previously boiled with a piece of wax of the desired color and cooled to a warm state.

As a result, the item will become bright, as if renewed. Often already these simple recipes enough for the item to look good and no further restoration is required.

Stains and dirt

The second is the presence of stains and dirt. You can approach the question in different ways:

  • Minor abrasions and old faded stains can be wiped off with a banana peel.
  • Simple stains for unknown reasons, which cannot be removed with a banana, need to be removed differently. First clean the surface with water and detergent, and then wipe with alcohol - not completely, but only the affected areas. If the color is not restored, you can paint them over with a furniture marker of a suitable color, or you can try to remember what they are from and bring them together in other ways.
  • Grease and fumes on kitchen cabinets must first be rubbed with talcum powder so that they set, and then the resulting dirty powder must be wiped off with a rag. Then dilute two teaspoons of ammonia with a liter of water and wipe.
  • Whitewash and emulsion paint are washed off with a cloth dipped in a mixture of wine vinegar and olive oil- for a glass of the first, three drops of the second.
The main thing is that the cloth is barely damp and does not drip the mixture everywhere.
  • White water stains that remain when you place a wet glass on wooden furniture or spill something are sprinkled with flour. Then moisten a cloth with oil - corn, olive, palm or regular sunflower - and wipe the surface. Then they wipe it again with velvet.
  • White hot spots that remain if you place a hot frying pan or pan on wooden furniture are wiped with a heated mixture of paraffin and wax of the desired shade in a one-to-one ratio. Then cover with a paper napkin folded in several layers and iron it. The result is polished with felt or other rough cloth.

If the white spots are weak, not swollen, and do not reach deep, they are removed differently. Cover with regular table salt, add a couple of drops of oil and leave for three hours. Then the mixture is removed and rubbed with felt until the stain completely disappears.

Without stains, furniture suddenly begins to look much better - beautiful and updated.

Mechanical damage

The third is the presence of cracks, chips and other mechanical damage. There are also numerous recipes here:

  • If the furniture is varnished and small cracks have appeared on it over time, a mixture of ethyl alcohol and burdock oil in a one-to-one ratio will help. It must be applied with a white cloth, preferably flannel. Rub with felt.
  • If lacquered furniture has a deep scratch from an unsuccessful mechanical impact, you can paint it over with a regular furniture marker or iodine - to achieve the desired shade, it can be diluted with water.
  • If there is a scratch on lacquered furniture that has already turned white, you can use shoe polish of a suitable color or a mixture of mastic and wax in a ratio of four to three. The result must be polished.
  • If there is a chip on the furniture, you will have to use putty, preferably a special furniture putty. It is better to buy a light tone and achieve the desired color with a color scheme. Then apply it to the chip, spread it so that it is completely covered, and the putty spreads evenly over the surface. Wait until it dries and sand with fine-grain sandpaper.
  • If the furniture is swollen from moisture - not completely, but only in one place - it is covered with salt and a couple of drops of vegetable oil. Salt will absorb water, oil will restore flexibility to the tree. The result, again, should be wiped off with a cloth.

All these simple manipulations are often quite enough for the furniture to start looking good and no further restoration is needed.

But if you want the item to look not just updated, but completely new, you can process it additionally.

Removing polish

A layer of varnish is not always needed on furniture, since you will not be able to carry out any additional manipulation with it if there is varnish on it. Neither paint, nor age, nor make a mosaic.

Therefore, if simple cleaning is not enough for you, you can use one of the proven methods of removing nail polish:
  • Turpentine, ammonia or denatured alcohol. Dip a layer of thin steel wool into the solution and thoroughly wipe the surface from which you need to remove the varnish. If it is not too old and not too ingrained into the wood, it will come off.

Furniture processing methods


This idea - to repaint a piece of furniture that is boring - comes to the mind of everyone who one day decides to do restoration at home. And this is logical, because painting a chair is much easier than painting it or doing decoupage.

There are several types of paint that can be used:
  • Acrylic. Dries quickly, looks beautiful, is very durable, gives a bright color. It can be diluted with water if you need to get a different shade, and it also does not have a strong unpleasant odor - it is enough to ventilate the room after use. In addition, there are acrylic paints in spray cans. They provide an even spray, make it easier to reach areas that are difficult to reach with a brush, and often add more interest to the paint job.
  • Enamel. It gives a bright glossy color, like acrylic, and lasts no worse, but at the same time it has a specific pungent odor that does not disappear for several days.
  • Oily. Gives a matte color and is not washed off or diluted with water. Typically used when a painting base is needed.
  • Nitro, glypthal and pentaphthalic paints. They give a bright, glossy, very durable color. Unlike acrylic, oil and enamel, they do not simply form a layer on the surface, but penetrate into the fibers. Until they are soaked to a certain depth, the color will be faded, but as soon as the impregnation is finished, it will be impossible to remove the paint, only with a layer of wood. As a result, they are used for furniture that will be used in difficult conditions - for example, painting a garden table with them that sits outside from spring to autumn is a good idea.
  • stain. Translucent paint that highlights the structure of the wood. It comes in a variety of colors, but still does not look completely natural. Forms a layer that can be removed with sandpaper if necessary.
  • Potrava. Not paint in the full sense of the word - a special product that penetrates the wood fibers and, interacting with natural tannins, provides a deep natural color. You can't remove it with sandpaper, it doesn't suit every wood.
Before applying, you need to try it on a small area out of sight - the presence of tannins depends on how old the tree is.


You should choose paint depending on what effect you want to achieve.

Before directly applying the paint, you must prime the wood so that it is more resistant to moisture, and the applied layer does not come off after a couple of months.

You should choose a color, focusing both on your own tastes and on the properties of the interior:
  • Natural. Real wood looks beautiful and noble - these are its main advantages. In classic styles, no painted table or painted chest of drawers will look as good as the same table and chest of drawers, but impregnated with stain.
  • Light warm shades. Fits into interiors with the same light warm shades. They bring a feeling of comfort and warmth, but make the room feel slightly smaller. The furniture in them is well suited for Provence, for example.
  • Light cool shades. They fit into the same cold interiors, making the room visually larger, but at the same time colder and more austere. The furniture in them is well suited for minimalism, for the Scandinavian style.
  • Dark warm shades. They combine well with each other - the furniture in them can become a simply magnificent bright accent in the room, especially if you paint it not in one color, but in several, combining them. But it may, again, make the room smaller. Well suited for kitsch and rustic styles.
  • Dark cool shades. Strict, making the room feel cool, they look good in rooms where you plan to do business - but in the bedroom they will look somewhat alien.

Light shades get dirty more easily, while dark shades show mechanical damage.

Please also take into account that you can paint furniture not only in one color:
  • Plain furniture. It looks simple and uniform, perceived as a single array. Well suited for conservative interiors, where there should be no emphasis on it - or it can act as the only bright spot.
  • Furniture in two colors. Two colors in one thing is already more interesting. They should be either matching, preferably shades, or contrasting. You can paint the item with stripes, or polka dots - these are solutions either for a creative interior or for a nursery - or you can simply highlight the fittings with an auxiliary color and this will also look good.
  • Furniture in three colors. It’s more complicated, although still interesting. All colors should be either compatible, or shades of each other, or contrasting. Most often, a combination of three is used when doing something colorful for a nursery, or when the item is so large that all three colors have room to combine well.
  • Four or more colors- this is not so much painting as painting, and it is usually approached with other criteria.


The item should be combined either with the main color of the interior, or with its auxiliary color, or act as the main bright contrast. It shouldn't be there by itself - it looks unnatural.

Painting and decoupage

Painting is actually the same painting, only requiring slightly more skill. Usually used for it:

  • Gouache. Standard paint for painting on anything, even a sheet of paper. It does not give a clear, bright color on wood, so it is usually painted over either stain or oil paint. Does not require dilution with water, allows you to perfectly imitate Russian crafts of past centuries.
  • Oily. The same paint that can be used to paint the base is also suitable for drawing a pattern. Gives matte, beautiful, clear color.
  • Aniline. They are usually used to paint fabrics, but they are also suitable for painting wood.

The design on the tree can be anything.

For example, imitation of Russian folk crafts is very popular:
  • Mezensky. One of the oldest crafts, which originated a long time ago near the Mezen River. It combines only two colors - black and red with an ocher bias. Its elements are simple: crosses, dashes, leaves, circles. Sometimes there are figurines of deer, horses and birds, very simple and consisting of only a few geometric shapes. The ornaments are static; even a person who does not know how to draw can depict them.
  • Gorodetsky. The middle of the nineteenth century, already more complex than the Mezen. The colors are varied, usually light tones, all designs have a white or black outline. Not the simplest simple ones: flowers, leaves, genre scenes with people celebrating, walking, gathered around a samovar, sometimes lush-tailed roosters, horses, lions or leopards, most often opposite each other.
  • Zhostovsky. Mid-nineteenth century, city of Zhostovo. Most often used for
  • painting trays, but no one will stop you from painting a chair in the same way. The background is black or red, the main motif is a bouquet of flowers, made in a realistic style. Sometimes it is supplemented with fruit.
  • Khokholoma. Seventeenth century, Novgorod. Background - black, colors - green, red and gold. Khokhloma does not accept other colors. The main motif is strawberries or wild strawberries framed by intricate sheets. Sometimes you can see birds, but this is rare.
  • Gzhel. It is usually used for painting dishes, but it is also found in furniture. The background is white, the main color is blue, sometimes complemented by a black or white outline. The patterns are usually simple - crosses, squares, flowers with large petals. Sometimes you can see a bird that looks like a heron or crane.

Furniture painted with folk crafts fits perfectly into the Russian style - better than any other. Also suitable for a nursery, where you can show your imagination and combine things as you wish, and not according to the canons of style.

The painting can also be:
  • Geometric pattern. It is much easier to depict than a folk one; even a person who has never drawn can handle it. You can pre-draw the markings and draw on them.
  • Floral pattern. It is found frequently and fits into most ethnic styles.
  • Story scene. Good for a children's room, where a scene from a favorite cartoon depicted on the cabinet can delight the baby.

The image can be anything, depending on your imagination. The main thing is to act carefully, and first try it on a small board so that you are completely confident in your abilities.

An effect similar to that of painting is achieved by decoupage - a thin napkin with an interesting image is glued to the wood. It could be flowers, birds, angels - anything, in fact, as long as you like it.

The technology is simple:
  • clean and degrease the surface;
  • take out a napkin and carefully coat it with a layer of PVA glue;
  • Place on the surface so that no wrinkles remain, smooth out thoroughly.


Both painting and decoupage need to be covered with a layer of varnish on top, otherwise the patterns will quickly be erased.

Any colorless furniture varnish will do - to make sure that everything is in order with it and the design will not deteriorate, you can try how it will dry on some unnecessary board.

Other ways

In addition to the simplest and most obvious methods of restoration, there are other, less familiar ones.

Anyone who has an old wardrobe, bedside table, chair, kitchen set and other remnants of the Soviet past, do not rush to throw them in a landfill. With the help simple methods decorations you will restore and make them unique. In this article we will tell you about the basic techniques for restoring and repairing furniture. Together we will create designer furniture that can outshine modern analogues from stores and workshops.

Chips, cracks and other furniture defects - how to eliminate them without leaving a trace?

Over time, various defects appear on the furniture: chips, cracks, peeling of the finish. You can deal with them using special or homemade means. For example, small chips and cracks can be treated with iodine or brown paint. This option is suitable for most versions of old furniture. For deeper cracks, we recommend using furniture wax, warm it up and rub it into the damaged area. Instead of furniture wax, you can use mastic made from 4 parts melted wax and 3 parts turpentine. After mixing, rub the homogeneous mass into the surface. If the cracks are accompanied by deep chips, use wood putty. This composition is sold in a different color palette. In order not to purchase new putty every time, we recommend buying universal white putty and mixing it with the required amount of colored paint per water based to obtain the desired tone. After filling the chips and drying the composition, we clean the surface with sandpaper to smooth out the unevenness.

If the PVC film on the panels begins to peel off, bend it slightly and apply Moment glue or liquid nails. Place a press on the glued area and press it with a furniture pin or clamp. Often in the kitchen, due to inattention, we can place a hot kettle or pan on a wooden surface, as a result of which white marks appear on it. Car polishing mastic will help correct this defect. The abrasive substances of the mastic will remove the whitish stain and remove the damaged area of ​​varnish, and the wax included in the composition will give the surface its original shine. Do the drawers or doors close poorly? There is a solution - lubricate the grooves with a candle or dry soap. Lubrication will restore their mobility.

Painting – choosing paint and preparing the surface

The simplest and affordable way restoration of old wooden furniture - painting. Before starting work, it is important to choose the right paint. Craftsmen recommend water-based acrylic paint. It dries quickly and applies well to the surface, and if necessary, erase pencil marks from its surface; this can easily be done with an eraser. If you are not a professional in painting and are worried that the paint may go unevenly, we recommend using aerosol cans. When restoring garden furniture, we take into account that it is subject to temperature changes and precipitation. Therefore, when choosing a suitable paint, we pay attention to ensure that the composition has anti-corrosion properties, since the frame of such furniture is made of metal.

We begin the work by removing the old layer of varnish and paint. Sand it with fine-grained sandpaper. Remember, the higher the marking number, the finer the grain. After this, we fill in the defects on the surface with wood putty, wait until it dries, and then sand again to smooth out the edges. Next, prime the surface with acrylic primer. Again, wait for it to dry completely. Before starting the next stage, degrease the surface with alcohol or glass cleaner.

To paint, use a roller or brush and apply the paint evenly to the surface. The optimal number of layers is two. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. If two layers are not enough and the wood shows through the paint, apply one or more layers until we achieve it perfectly. flat surface. If you intend to paint the furniture in more than one color, we recommend sealing the joints with masking tape. Masking tape will also allow you to create geometric elements and mark boundaries. After painting, it is not easily washed off and does not leave marks. We paint old Soviet wooden furniture in dark or pastel colors that meet modern trends.

Painting furniture with smudges, modern and painting with paints

If you want to give your furniture an unusual look, we recommend painting it in three or more colors with a paint bleed effect. The finished result should resemble dripping paint with frozen drops. To achieve a similar effect, we do the following. First, unscrew the handles of the bedside table or cabinet. After this, we paint the furniture in the main color. It should be contrasting and stand out from the rest. White is universal, so we suggest using it. When the background is dry, apply a second color. There is a nuance here. The paint should be applied from top to bottom, slightly pressing the brush at the bottom border of the layer to get smooth smudges. We do the same with the third color. After finishing the work, we screw on the handles and also paint them in the given style.

For lovers of the Art Nouveau style, we advise you to transform an old bedside table or chest of drawers as follows. We pull out the drawers, sand them and the main surface thoroughly with sandpaper. We paint the base of the cabinet with red glossy paint and let it dry. In the meantime, we're working on the boxes. To decorate them, we will take sheets of plywood in the color of African mahogany and cut them to the size of the front of the drawers. We made blanks from plywood and glued them to the front side of the boxes using wood glue. Now we frame the edges of the drawers using moldings. We file the edges at 45 degrees and join them together, forming a frame for the front side of the box. We paint the moldings with white glossy paint. To prevent it from going beyond the borders of the frame, we use masking tape. The paint has dried, insert the drawers and screw on the handles. It is desirable that they be long and match the color of the moldings.

Painting is another design option for restoring old furniture at home. You can paint furniture either manually or using stencils, which you can purchase or make yourself. As a stencil, you can use not only paper patterns, but also other textured materials, such as thin lace. This material leaves a beautiful pattern on the surface, ideally complementing the Provence style. To make the paint go on more evenly, when using stencils and lace for painting, we recommend using aerosol paint in cans.

Regular and craquelure varnish – modern shine or antique effect?

We recommend varnishing furniture made from solid wood and valuable wood species. Depending on the expected effect, this can be done using regular varnish and craquelure. First, let's focus on regular acrylic varnish. It will create a glossy shine and give old furniture a new sound. For better adhesion, coat the wood with a primer before applying varnish. After drying, apply a thin layer of varnish using a brush or spray. When using the second application option, spray the varnish at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. This will minimize smudges, but if they still form, increase the distance. We applied the first layer of varnish, it dried, you can apply a second, and then a third if necessary. Acrylic varnish dries within a few hours, but to be on the safe side, we recommend leaving the furniture to dry completely for another day.

But applying craquelure varnish differs from regular varnish. This option is ideal for. Once dry, a “cracked paint” effect is created on the wooden surface, which gives the furniture a vintage and antique look. We carry out the work with applying craquelure in the following sequence. Level and prime the surface in 2 layers. We apply a base paint, which, after cracking, will show through the cracks. It is important that it is a contrasting color. After the base paint has completely dried, coat it evenly with craquelure varnish. Depending on the desired depth and number of cracks, apply the varnish in a thick or thin layer. When the varnish still sticks to your fingers, but the paint does not remain on your fingers, you can apply paint of a different color. It should be one or more shades lighter than the base. As it dries, the cracks will appear more and more. We fix the result and apply acrylic varnish on top. To ensure that a restored antique cabinet or chest of drawers harmonizes with the style, we recommend covering the handles and other furniture parts with a bronze or gold patina.

Decoupage technique for old furniture - a small master class

Restoring old furniture with your own hands using the decoupage technique is gaining more and more popularity every year. And this is not surprising. After all, to update furniture using this technique you will need ordinary napkins with a pattern or special stencils for decoupage, varnish and wood glue. Using decoupage you can transform any wooden furniture and interior items. If you are new to this business, we advise you to start restoring with simple furniture, without complex bends.

The first thing to do is prepare the surface. We clean off the old layer of varnish with fine-grained sandpaper or use grinder. A clean and sanded surface will ensure better adhesion of the paper base to the surface.

Secondly, we prepare paper blanks. You can use any paper stencils here. Newspaper clippings, book pages, printed paper, or napkins will do. The main thing is that the paper is not thick, but thin. So, it will lie smoothly and flow around the surface to be decorated.

Third, apply glue. Apply PVA construction adhesive to the prepared surface. We begin to apply paper with a pattern onto the adhesive base. If the drawing consists of separate pieces, apply them tightly to each other, not forgetting to thoroughly coat the joints.

Fourth – level the paper layer and coat it with glue. Using a roller, remove air bubbles. This will allow you to achieve perfect results. We also coat the top paper layer with glue. When the paper hardens and does not stick to your fingers, you can begin the final step.

Fifth - varnish coating. To make the furniture not only beautiful, but also practical, we cover the paper layer with acrylic varnish on top. Apply it in two, or better yet, three layers. Don't forget to let each layer dry thoroughly.

Vinyl film, 3D effect and a few more original ideas

Achieve an imitation of any natural and artificial material, it helps to transform facades with multi-colored and monochromatic shades. It is sold in rolls and also in individual pieces. The film can be combined with each other. However, it is suitable for framing straight surfaces, without complex bends and geometric shapes, since in these cases it will be problematic to smooth it out and bring the surface to perfection. Self-adhesive film looks good both on the facades of kitchen units and on furniture in the bedroom.

But the next idea for decorating old furniture will especially appeal to lovers of modern trends. We are talking about a 3D effect. This effect can be achieved in different ways. The main thing is that the figure is voluminous and convex. Alternatively, prepare a stencil of letters and select the desired font for the inscription. Take the blank to the workshop and ask them to cut out three-dimensional letters according to the sample. After this, glue the letters using wood glue, also pre-painting them.

If the glass breaks, replace it with a thick mesh. This is a fairly popular trend that can be seen in modern models. Unlike glass, such a facade will not break and will add a special touch to old furniture.

You can complement the design of old furniture with the help of fabric, as well as twine or rope. We cut out beautiful inserts from fabric to frame moldings on a cabinet or chest of drawers, which can often be seen on old Soviet furniture. For such purposes, it is better to select dense fabric, such as tapestry. The surface must be thoroughly lubricated with wood glue, the fabric must be applied and pulled tightly, as on a hoop, and then the wooden frames must be inserted back. You can create original frames from rope or twine. For example, twist the rope into a donut, fixing the curls with hot glue, or frame individual elements on furniture and emphasize the outline. Rope and twine blanks are also glued to the surface using wood glue.

Replacing the upholstery of an old chair - a transformation before your eyes

If the wooden frame of your chair is in excellent condition, but the seat has long been worn out and is spoiling appearance, it's time to change it. We have previously talked about DIY, where we shared in detail tips on choosing the right fabric and filling. We advise you to first familiarize yourself with this information in order to proceed with the further part of the restoration.

We start work by unscrewing the seat. We inspect the old filler; if it is worn out, we replace it. If you don't have the money to buy new foam, make your own soft filling using an old blanket or bedspread.

Next, measure the dimensions of the seat to make the correct pattern. We advise you to make the pattern with a margin, you need to leave the fabric for the hem, and also take into account the stretch. In order not to make a mistake in this important step, we increase the length and width of the upholstery fabric by 1.5 times. By the way, if you do not want to specifically purchase fabric for sitting, use the material of an old shirt, jacket, bedspread or knitted sweater for upholstery. Such upholstery restoration ideas look especially original on an armchair. With their help you can create an unusual art decor, cover the back with old cashmere coat along with collar and buttons.

Attach the prepared pattern to the soft seat. Try on and pre-stretch the fabric, trim off the excess edges. Fold the fabric over one side in a straight line and secure it with staples, moving from the center to the edges. Pull the fabric tightly and make sure there are no wrinkles. We carry out a similar procedure with all other sides, checking each time that the material is well stretched. After this, we turn the corners diagonally and fix the folds with staples. We screw the upholstered seat to the chair.

There are many apartments and private houses where furniture made from chipboard gradually takes on a non-marketable appearance. To put a closet, chest of drawers or table in order, it is not at all necessary to turn to specialists or change things to new ones if they are familiar and comfortable for the owners of the home.

High-quality restoration of furniture is a labor-intensive and slow process.

Old furniture can be restored using available materials in the house. Additional materials and tools can be purchased at any hardware store.

If the need arises, you can contact specialists, or you can study all the intricacies and do it yourself.

Restoring the appearance of chipboard objects is a low-cost process. In addition, it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • no need to take a cabinet or table to the workshop;
  • all tools are usually at hand;
  • You yourself monitor the progress of work and make adjustments if necessary.

During restoration, you do not use the help of expensive specialists; you can estimate the costs and labor yourself. The process develops everyday ingenuity, and sometimes unites fathers and children if you involve the latter in joint work.

Restoration methods

It is important to understand what material you are dealing with. A compressed wood-resin mixture is the basis of the slab. The easiest way to restore a fresh look to chipboard is high-quality painting.

Natural crushed material is mixed with synthetic resins and hot-pressed.

Restoring chipboard furniture by tinting, varnishing and decorating allows you to renew the façade and internal surfaces piece of furniture. In this form it will last for a very long time. The main materials for restoration are paint, varnish, sandpaper.

Chipboard (chipboard) is made from shavings of coniferous and deciduous trees.

The second method, which is not too time-consuming, is using adhesive film in natural tones. It does not require glue - its base is quite durable, the film sets and smoothes over the surface very well.

Materials and tools needed for work

When working, you will need different materials. In order to disassemble old furniture, you will need a screwdriver. Glue is needed only if the surface was previously coated and it came off. To clean the surface from unevenness, sandpaper and a spatula are needed.

The slab produced in this way is resistant to aggressive environmental influences and has excellent noise and heat insulation properties.

Updating the color will require:

  • aerosols with paint;
  • hairdryer;
  • tassels;
  • rubber gloves.

Before starting restoration, degrease the slab using detergent.

Sometimes putties for wooden surfaces are used, since solid wood can dry out - for further work you need to seal small cracks and crevices.

Such restoration of furniture will allow you to get rid of minor scratches and change the boring shade.

Using varnish as a final coating, you can achieve a more impressive look for the item being restored, so its use will not be superfluous.

Materials may vary depending on the scope of work, vision of the final result and method of restoration.

If there are significant defects on the surface, it is better to choose a different method.

If inserts from fabric, wallpaper, decoupage napkins, film are expected, then scissors are needed.

To quickly dry painted surfaces you will need a powerful hair dryer - it is better to use a construction hair dryer.

Chipboard is a specific material, and it must be painted using a special technique.

Restoration process: step-by-step instructions

Take help from members of your household if they have the skills to do restoration work. Maybe they’ll tell you how to quickly restore chipboard with your own hands.

Prepare your tools and necessary materials– everything should be within walking distance. Since the process is labor-intensive, it is better to carry out the work on a weekend.

Before starting work, you should disassemble the furniture.


Step 1: Carefully disassemble the furniture using a screwdriver .

Step 2. Degrease the surface. Clean out uneven areas and rough spots with sandpaper and a spatula. If necessary, fill cracks and cavities. Let the boards dry.

Step 3. Apply tint (prefer acrylic paint) evenly to the surface of the elements using an aerosol. If necessary, apply 2-3 layers, taking breaks to allow them to dry.

Step 4: Apply polish and let it dry. Secure it by applying another coat.

The paint will lie evenly if there are no drafts in the room while it is drying.

If you decide to use another method - gluing film, then the materials used are quite inexpensive. No glue is used for this work - the back side of the film is sticky.

It is necessary to paint each element separately, this will allow you to more carefully work out all the joints and avoid the formation of drips.

After drying, all facades should be wiped with a weak solution of vinegar. This treatment will remove a thin film of grease that will interfere with the adhesion of the slab and the self-adhesive film.

Step 1. See paragraphs. 1-2 painting instructions.

Step 2. Accurately measure the amount of film. It is better to make a small allowance, as the axes may be uneven. Then you can remove it by carefully cutting it with a stationery knife.

Step 3. Level the pasted area with force so that there are no air bubbles.

It is better to choose a film in a natural color - shades of wood, light or dark, depending on which one you like best. The advantage of the film is that it can be washed repeatedly - a high-quality coating does not lose color and does not form streaks.

If the furniture has been previously painted, you can remove the paint using special solvents or sandpaper. It will be more difficult to dismantle the coating if the facades are covered

Finishing the product - decoration

Old furniture can not only be renewed, but also decorated, giving it an original look. Drawings or ornaments are used as unusual design elements. To apply the print evenly, use a stencil cut from thick paper or a file folder. You need to apply the paint very carefully so as not to splash the areas around the ornament. It is better to place it around the perimeter.

In order for furniture restoration to meet expectations, the coating must be applied carefully, avoiding the formation of gaps and smudges.

A large, soft pattern looks good in large central areas or at the bottom. From above it will “weight down” the visual space. You can also use a combination of contrasting colorful elements - plain sides and decoupage parts with floral or thematic designs.

Do-it-yourself furniture restoration is almost complete, all that remains is to bring the new coating to perfection.

You can also decorate chipboard with your own hands using applications made from self-adhesive film or fabric.

If a defect is discovered after drying, the problem area must be processed again with sandpaper and covered with an additional layer of paint.

Carved elements must be introduced into the overall design with caution - the slab is very fragile. When carving, you must use a sharp chisel and sandpaper to clean out the grooves. We recommend that you first make a sketch of the future ornament - this way you can evaluate the aesthetics of the future decor.

Often, a good-quality and reliable table is sent into exile to the country only because its design is hopelessly outdated.

Using wallpaper or patterned fabric you can further freshen up painted furniture. Such inserts look interesting on the facades of tables, cabinets and chests of drawers. In this case, you will need glue. You need to choose a fabric that is waterproof; thin fabric will quickly become soaked and will look sloppy. This method is suitable for updating furnishings in country houses, apartment kitchens, bedrooms and children's rooms.

But any furniture can be given a second chance, just modernize its appearance, and external restoration will help with this.

These materials can also be used to decorate internal surfaces – walls and shelves. It does not require much effort, and the result often exceeds expectations.

Using decorative elements to decorate large items, do not miss the opportunity to add the same stylish note to the rest of the decor. For example, you can enhance the harmony of colors by upholstering the seats of old chairs with the same fabric that was used to decorate a cabinet or table.

The main thing is to buy quality materials, study carefully step by step diagram work and follow all recommendations.

To decorate objects made of chipboard, napkins in the Victorian or Provence style are often used. Pastoral elements perfectly refresh the interior, making it light and bright.

Decoration is also carried out through the use of certain paints - gold, silver, copper. They make furniture more sophisticated. They can be complemented by an impressive-looking craquelure. For this you will need a special varnish. This method is perfect for classic interiors, where there is a lot of vintage furniture of unusual shape.

The easiest way to update a cabinet or desk is to simply repaint it.

Small mosaic inserts made of colored glass or plastic, glued to the facade, will give the closet or bedside table a new look.

The main thing is to know what material to use and how exactly, and then the restoration of furniture with your own hands will be completed quickly and with an excellent result.

Coffee tables look unusual with a “kaleidoscope” of newspaper clippings. To add immobility, glue them to the tabletop. Arrange them asymmetrically, but while maintaining overall compositional harmony. Then cover with glass or seal with two coats of clear varnish.

Replacing the fittings can also add a new note to the appearance of the furniture. Instead of simple handles, choose bronze or silver ones with a relief shape. Or paint them a different color.

After all, what could be more pleasant than updating and decorating your home without significant expenses.

If the furniture has legs, you can use twine for them, securing it with glue.

An old mirror can be used as an insert in one of the cabinet doors. An oval shape will look better.

But it is not at all necessary to change your favorite table or cabinet; furniture restoration will help, and you can do it yourself.

The decor should not be too colorful or garishly contrasting. Colors should be harmoniously selected and not irritate with excessive eclecticism.

You need to figure out how to decorate furniture that has lost its former appearance in advance. There are a great many ideas, so anyone can make an unpresentable cabinet or table look advantageous and stylish, even at home.

When selecting the right materials and studying master classes, the updated table or cabinet will delight you with its appearance for many years to come.

VIDEO: Restoration and decoration of an old Soviet-era kitchen cabinet

The new is the long forgotten old. And this is not surprising, since new thing does not have to be purchased. You can give something old a new look by restoring it, and the thing will look completely different. This can be applied to old furniture. Often people chase new items and designer models, but stop appreciating and noticing the true beauty of old furniture. Most people simply throw away old furniture in order to buy something new. But is this rational? It's no secret that old furniture differs in quality from new furniture. Such products were often made from solid wood and environmentally friendly materials were selected. Moreover, they are very reliable and strong. Therefore, it is worth thinking about not buying new furniture, but bringing life back to the old one. Anyone can do this - both a beginner and an experienced person. Let's look at how to restore old furniture with your own hands .

Before you begin, you should decide how you will restore the furniture. There are several methods for this purpose, some of which we will consider throughout the article. In order to restore wooden or chipboard surfaces, the following methods are used:

  • decoupage;
  • adhesive tape;
  • painting with paints;
  • craquelure;
  • varnish and stain treatment;
  • lamination or veneering.

You can use one or more techniques in your work. It all depends on skills and desire. For example, craquelure goes well with decoupage, and they can be complemented with painting.

Let's look at what each technology is:

  1. Decoupage is the process of gluing appliques onto furniture. To mask furniture defects that arose during operation, this method is often used. To work, you need napkins with a pattern, which you can buy in the store, glue and varnish. A design is cut out of a napkin, secured with PVA glue, and after drying it is coated with varnish.
  2. Adhesive tape. Everything is simple here - this tape with different textures and patterns is used to cover the surface of the furniture. Thus, old furniture finds new life.
  3. Painting with paints. This technology requires artistic skills and imagination. The work requires paints and brushes. The finished drawing is opened with varnish.
  4. Craquelure. This is a special technique for which a special composition is used. You can buy it in the store. After applying this composition to the surface, it dries, imitating the texture of old cracked wood.
  5. Treatment with varnish and stain. It's no secret that stain is ideal for coloring wood. With its help you can restore the color of old furniture. All you need is paint, a brush and varnish.
  6. Lamination or veneering. A method that requires veneer, iron and special glue. The entire surface is covered with glue in two layers. After that, veneer is applied to it, which is ironed through the paper with an iron. You need to iron from the center to the edges.

Such a restoration will give you the opportunity to realize creativity and fantasy. No special skills are required, and you will be in a good mood.

Before starting work, you should prepare the furniture for restoration work. There is no need to rush in this matter. All details, parts and surfaces should be prepared very delicately. First, you need to clean them with a sponge previously soaked in a soap solution. Treat all surfaces and joints. The water should be warm, but not hot. It is better to use vegetable soap, without the presence of active chemicals.

If the product is decorated with decorative elements, be it carvings or fittings, use a toothbrush and the same soap solution for cleaning. And to get dirt out of hard-to-reach places, an awl or a regular toothpick will do.

For the most stubborn plaque, buy sandpaper - zero grade. Use it to remove dirt, carefully, without pressing on the surface. After such manipulations, everything is ready for restoration work.

After the cleaning work is completed, you can begin repairing and replacing parts. Finding exactly the same legs or fittings will be problematic, but still possible. Contact a specialized furniture store or simply look for it on the market. If you couldn’t find something suitable there, you can make the part yourself. If it's a broken leg, door or other element, just do it yourself. Fittings and other accessories can be replaced with others. The entire structure should be checked for strength and, if the bolts are loose somewhere, tighten them. Corroded ones should be replaced with new ones. If there are cracks, they need to be joined with special glue, and cracks with wood putty.

If old layer the finish is in very poor condition, or you are simply planning to replace it, then it should be removed. This can be done using chemical solvents and sandpaper.

When working with aggressive chemicals, use respiratory protection - a respirator is suitable for this purpose.

This process can be called the dirtiest and most painstaking, but the result is worth it. When using a spatula and sandpaper, be especially careful so that your efforts do not come to naught. Thus, your rare furniture is prepared, and further actions will depend on your choice of restoration technology.

Let's look at some work options using a specific example. Almost everyone at home has an old grandma's sideboard. This is an integral part of old apartments. But after restoration, it can become the main element of your home.

The simplest and at the same time beautiful way is painting and varnishing. You can use both stain and other regular paint. It is important to choose a color that fits into the interior. Designers advise using bright, contrasting colors that fit well and do not differ from the overall interior.

Since the surface has been cleaned and all defects have been removed, you can immediately begin painting. Make sure to have brushes of varying widths. A roller will also be useful, then you will be able to properly cover the entire surface and paint over even hard-to-reach places. The process itself is simple: apply paint to the surface with a brush or roller. Make sure there are no leaks or bubbles. After finishing work, be sure to open all windows and doors so that the paint can ventilate and dry faster. That's all, you can enjoy your updated sideboard, which will serve you for many years. Whether or not to open it with varnish is entirely your decision.

The next option for adding nobility to old furniture is patination. The word itself comes from Italy and indicates a specific coating that formed on products made of bronze and copper after its oxidation. Nowadays there are several colors used to create the worn effect of wooden furniture: gold, silver, copper.

To achieve this antique look, you need to buy ordinary wood paints: two different colors, which you have in mind for the palette. One shade will be basic, and the other will be additional, shiny. Next, the work is divided into three stages:

  1. Cleaning the surface of old finishes, grease and dirt.
  2. Apply a base coat of paint to the surface until completely dry.
  3. Applying a second layer, an auxiliary one, which will imitate wear and tear. This stage is the most creative and requires attention. Using a dry brush, carefully apply the second paint to individual areas of the furniture. It is not advisable to dip it heavily into the paint so that the base paint protrudes through the painted layer. Then a textured paint layer will be created on the surface. Pay special attention to relief formations, bends and depressions. Excess paint can be removed with a simple sponge. Some areas can be shaded.

After that, we let the paint dry, and our furniture turned into an “updated” rarity.

The following technique is perfect for restoring old furniture - craquelure. The roots of this word come from France. The word itself means “crack” and refers to a cracked top layer of paint or varnish on an object. This style is very popular and will give your interior the spirit of a certain aristocracy.

Despite all the complexity of the above, achieving the crack effect is easier than you thought. First, you need to apply the first layer of acrylic paint of the desired color to the cleaned surface. After waiting for the paint to dry completely, apply a special craquelure varnish or regular PVA glue. The product must be applied quickly and evenly. The thicker the layer, the larger the cracks will be. Without waiting for complete drying, cover everything with a second layer of paint (the shade may be different). After this, the necessary cracks that we have been waiting for will form on the surface.

Decoupage and DIY drawings

Decoupage is a French word meaning "to cut out." The technique itself is that cut paper napkins are glued to furniture. You can buy such applications in the store, and what’s most important is that there are a lot of varieties and types of them. You can choose the designs that you like and will be in harmony with your interior. Apply a layer of PVA glue to the workpiece and secure it in the desired area. You can choose large patterns and small ones. It all depends on your imagination. The resulting result must be opened with varnish.

If you don’t want to use ready-made ideas, paint and brushes will help you realize your fantasies. You yourself can decorate your furniture the way you see it. You can also involve other family members, for example, children, who will also contribute to the overall design.

An inexpensive and simple way to restore a product is to stick a film on the facade. With the help of such a film, your furniture can become modern and look like new.

The color and texture of this material is very diverse. The choice is yours. All you need is to buy a self-adhesive film and stick it on a cleaned base. The main thing is to correctly calculate the required amount. The advantage of this type of restoration is that the coating will last a long time, will not fade, and the surface itself can be washed with water.

This update applies not only to your old sideboards, but also to old sofas, armchairs and other kitchen furniture. These are not all the options for updating old pieces of furniture, but they will help you do it yourself without much effort.


In these videos, you can see how to restore old furniture with your own hands:


Below you can see examples of restoring old furniture with your own hands:

Reading time ≈ 13 minutes

Surely almost every home has old pieces of furniture that you don’t want to throw away because of valuable memories, but they no longer fit into the interior. The services of professionals will not be cheap. How to restore old furniture with your own hands at home?

Dresser makeover

Features of restoration

In the era of consumerism, we increasingly simply get rid of broken and unusable things. If this concerns old home furniture, the situation is different - an old chest of drawers, sideboard or sofa is not just a piece of wood, but a whole treasure of memories. For example, looking at the old table that my great-grandmother bought, you can remember how a large family gathered around it. Other products will remind you of your childhood.

However, after several decades, such items lose their attractive appearance, break and do not fit into the interior of a modern apartment. However, you can try to restore a beautiful appearance to antique items.

Restoring old furniture on your own is quite difficult - it will be a painstaking and, most likely, lengthy process, requiring patience, attention to detail, and precise technique. But the task is quite real and feasible.

Advantages of do-it-yourself restoration:

  1. An opportunity to give a second life to an old and valuable item.
  2. Budget savings (including on logistics, movers).
  3. An opportunity to gain an unusual, exciting experience.
  4. Updating the interior with a new, stylish piece of furniture.

Before starting any work processes, it is important to decide on the location. Dust, unpleasant odors finishing materials, a little chaos - all this will certainly accompany the work process. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out all work in non-residential premises. In a private home, it is ideal to do everything in the garage or on fresh air, but in this case it is important to follow the instructions for temperature and humidity when working with paintwork.

If you live in an apartment, then small items can be restored on a balcony or loggia. When working in a room, it is necessary to remove carpets and textiles and cover flooring and other working surfaces with film.

Tools and materials

To restore various products you will need the following tools:

  • brushes and rollers of different sizes;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • spatulas;
  • sander (preferable for processing large surfaces);
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • fasteners.

Wood restoration materials

With quality tools, the job will move faster and the end result will be neater and more attractive. But if you don’t have your own tools, you can rent them or ask your friends (unless you are going to update the furniture in large quantities and on an ongoing basis). It also makes sense to buy tools if you have to do some DIY repairs.

When working you will need to use the following materials:

  • washing solutions (they can replace work with a grinder);
  • compositions for filling cracks and voids (sealants, waxes, putties);
  • paints and varnishes;
  • other materials depending on the chosen restoration method.

Advice: it is advisable to order specific materials for restoration (for example, special wax for furniture or edges for finishing) in specialized online stores. Standard materials for repairs can be purchased at any construction supermarket.


Immediately before restoration work, the products should be prepared.

To begin, disassemble the product into individual elements: remove the drawers, remove the doors, glass, unscrew the fittings and fasteners. There is no need to separate glued elements!

  • using a hair dryer;
  • sandpaper;
  • special solvent removers;
  • grinding machine.

Removing old coating with sandpaper

For greater efficiency, you can combine several options. When working, be sure to use personal protective equipment: masks, respirators, gloves. Special attention Pay attention to corners and rounded areas. Working with a hairdryer will require some skill and experience so as not to burn the wood and effectively remove the layer of old coating.

If there is any damage on the wooden surface (chips, deep scratches, cracks, etc.), they need to be repaired. For this we use special means. It is advisable to select the color to match the tone of the wood from which the item is made. If, after filling defects, you need to imitate the structure of wood, use the following materials:

  • wax – ideal for filling scratches and small cracks. First you need to melt it on the stove or using a burner;
  • sealant - can be used for the same damage as wax;
  • putty - it is convenient to fill large, deep chips and damage.

Be sure to remove excess materials. After drying, go over the coating with fine-grained sandpaper - this will help level the surface, eliminate transitions between the restored areas and the rest of the area, and remove roughness. Wipe surfaces thoroughly with a soft, damp cloth and dry. Further actions will depend on the chosen restoration method.

Video: methods of cleaning from old coating.

Ways to renew wooden products

There are several options for updating old wooden furniture. The most popular are painting and varnishing; more complex options include decoupage and veneering. Let's look at the features, pros and cons of each method.


This is the most common way to update an old product with an unsightly surface. Most often, painting is used for objects made of inexpensive wood (pine), but furniture made of noble wood may lose its majestic appearance due to painting, so you should choose the color very carefully. For woodworking, it is best to choose acrylic paints - they are odorless, dry quickly, and are durable. You can purchase a ready-made mixture of the desired color or a white base and several colors to create, for example, a gradient or a multi-colored surface with clear shade transitions.

Important! Some paints require preliminary application of a primer - it promotes better adhesion of the color coating to the base. Be sure to check and follow this manufacturer's recommendation.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class for beginners - how to update old furniture with your own hands using the example of a chest of drawers:

Dresser restoration process

First, the chest of drawers was disassembled, washed to remove dirt, and the top layer was removed with sandpaper. Next a layer of primer was applied. If the furniture is dark, you can use a light primer - this is an excellent base for a light finish. After complete drying, a layer of paint is applied in the form of a gradient. The required tones were created from a white base and two colors of blue and green shades. Next, multi-colored compositions were applied using a spray bottle. After the paint has completely dried, it is advisable to coat the surface with a transparent protective varnish.

Finished product

An example of remaking an old desk:

Painting can give old things a stylish, modern look.

Furniture in the style of the 50s or 60s can harmoniously fit into a modern minimalist or Scandinavian interior if it is repainted in a calm, solid color.

Changing the nightstand

An antique sideboard, thanks to repainting it in a soft blue shade, will be an excellent addition to a kitchen in a country or Provence style.

Sideboard update

New color, fittings and base can radically change the look of an old piece of furniture:

Updating the bedside table

Varnish, wax, stain coating

Most types of varnishes require preliminary priming of the surface. Next, you need to apply several thin layers of coating, waiting for the previous layer to dry completely. If the varnish is presented in the form of an aerosol, the can must be shaken well before use. When working, maintain a distance of 30 cm from the surface; at a closer distance, drips may occur. After drying, the surface should be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, wiped and a new layer applied. Depending on the manufacturer's recommendations and the desired result, 3-4 layers can be applied.

Classification of varnishes

When using stains, it is possible not only to preserve the natural color and texture of the wood, but also to protect against the attack of bugs, mold, and larvae. The compositions are water-based, alcohol-based and oil-based. It is recommended to use the latter type - such stains are easy to apply, they do not lift wood fibers, and are easily covered with another layer of color.

Varnishing an old table

Also, the wooden surface can be renewed using wax treatment. Modern products (except beeswax) may contain inorganic components and oils. This group of coatings preserves the beautiful natural appearance of wood, its texture, and protects against moisture and damage by pests. Liquid types are suitable for adding color and masking minor scratches, while solid types of wax are also used to seal deep damage.

Important! Pieces of furniture that often come into contact with clothing should not be coated with oils and waxes to avoid staining and damage.

You can prepare furniture for restoration using the algorithm described above. Next, apply the composition with a thick brush, swab or sponge for washing dishes. The first layer is rubbed in a circular motion, then along the wood grain. The second layer is applied a couple of minutes after the first and rubbed across the fibers. After drying, apply another 1-2 layers and polish the surface with a soft cloth.

Closet update


A great idea for updating old furniture is decoupage. This technique allows you to preserve the vintage, antique look of the products. Using decoupage, you can decorate the fronts and doors of a cabinet, a table top, a seat or the back of a chair, or cover the entire product.

Decoupage and painting the chest of drawers

The preparatory work is similar to that described above (removing the old layer of varnish/paint, sealing cracks, removing dust). Further algorithm of actions:

  1. If the product is not completely covered with decoupage napkins, you need to paint it acrylic paint. For a smooth, neat, beautiful surface, you need to apply paint in 2-4 layers.
  2. After drying, they begin the creative part. Attach decoupage napkins to the product, twist them to find a harmonious version of the composition. Cut off the excess.
  3. Next, the surface on which the drawing will be placed is coated with acrylic varnish. It dries quickly, so work needs to be done quite quickly, but carefully and evenly. If there is no varnish, you can use PVA glue.
  4. We apply a napkin with a pattern, straighten out folds and irregularities.
  5. Then we cover the glued napkin with a layer of acrylic varnish.

Instead of special decoupage napkins, you can use ordinary multi-layer table napkins (only the top layer), wallpaper, textiles and lace.


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