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If the gearshift is rough or inaccurate, the shift linkage may be the cause. In this case, it is recommended to remove the shift rod, check for wear and damage, and after lubricating all pivot joints, reinstall the rod. On some early model vehicles, the length of the shift rod can be adjusted if necessary. However, this adjustment is intended for the initial setting of the rod (when replacing the rod with a new one or if the length of the rod is not correct) and is not intended to compensate for wear during operation.
1. Raise the front of the car and secure it on stands.
2. Measure the length of the shift rod between centers, which should be 246.0 mm. If the length of the rod is not correct, then it is necessary to loosen the lock nut and remove the rod end from the ball joint from the lever to the gearboxes. Rotate the rod end until the distance between the centers of the rod is 246.0 mm, then connect the rod end to the ball joint and tighten the lock nut.
3. Check that the gearshift mechanism is properly adjusted and that the gearshift lever is in the desired position in neutral.

Gearbox components for UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

Maintenance of the gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

During operation, check the oil level in the UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 gearbox and replace it within the time period specified in the lubrication table. If a leak is found, find out the cause and replace the defective parts (gaskets, plugs, etc.).

Periodically check the mounting of the gearbox, as well as the mounting and adjustment of the gearbox control mechanism.

The tightening torque of the bolts and nuts securing the gearbox to the clutch housing and transfer case should be from 39 to 55 Nm (4.0-5.6 kg/cm)

Removing the gearbox UAZ-3741, UAZ-3962

Removing the checkpoint UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 is carried out in the following order:

Drain the oil from the gearbox and transfer case.

Remove the clutch release fork.

Remove the clutch release bearing cap and disconnect it from the bearing lubrication hose.

Disconnect the gearshift linkages from the gearshift mechanism and transfer case.

Support the engine from below with a jack or other device.

Remove and disassemble the rear engine mounts.

Disconnect the driveshaft flanges.

Disconnect the parking brake cable.

Disconnect the speedometer flexible shaft.

Remove the four nuts securing the gearbox to the clutch housing.

Pull the unit back until the input shaft of the UAZ-3741, UAZ-3962 gearbox comes out of the clutch housing.

Lower the unit down.

Disassembly of the synchronized gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

Dismantle the synchronized gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 in the following order:

Remove the side cover with the switch mechanism.

Using the M8 threaded hole in the rear end of the reverse idle gear axle, press the axle back, remove the gear.

Remove the input shaft bearing cap.

Remove the intermediate shaft front bearing cap.

Turn out a bolt of fastening of the back bearing of an intermediate shaft (the bolt has the left carving) and remove a plate spring of a bolt.

Using a puller, remove the input and output shaft rear bearings by their circlips.

Remove the retaining ring of the rear bearing of the intermediate shaft of the gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741.

Install the box so that the intermediate shaft is at the top, move the intermediate shaft forward until the block of gears of the intermediate shaft stops in the crankcase.

Feed the intermediate shaft together with the rear bearing back until the inner race of the front bearing comes out of the rollers and the rear bearing out of the crankcase.

Remove the intermediate shaft rear bearing with a puller.

Install the gearbox UAZ-3741, UAZ-3962 with a hatch under the shift mechanism up.

Remove the input shaft, 4th gear blocking ring, output shaft assembly (supporting the 1st gear spacer ring) and countershaft assembly from the gearbox housing.

Disassembly of the gearshift mechanism of the gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

Rice. 3. The gearshift mechanism of the gearbox of cars UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

1-rod of the fork of inclusion of a backing; 2-reverse fork; 3-rod of the fork of inclusion of III and IV gears; 4-fork III and IV gears; 5-fork I and II gears; 6-rod of the fork of inclusion of I and II transfers; 7- cotter pin-wire; 8 - plug; 9-washer; 10-shift shaft; 11-side cover; 12-gear shift clutch; 13-blocking spring; 14-gasket; 15-gland cover; 16-shift lever; 17-cork; 18.20 - retainer springs; 19-lock plunger; 21-ball lock; 22 gear selection lever; 23-selective lever; 24-pin; 25-reversing light switch; 26-stub

Disassemble the gearshift mechanism (Fig. 3) in the following order:

Remove the three stem hole plugs in one end of the cover.

Unpin and unscrew the screws for locking the gearbox forks UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741.

Unscrew the stopper of the 1st and 2nd gear rod retainer socket and remove the spring and retainer ball.

Press the rods through the holes in the cover where the plugs were removed, and remove the forks. When pressing out the rods of III and IV gears and reverse, do not lose the retainer ball ejected by the spring.

- Remove the springs and balls of the UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 gearbox rod retainers; remove the two lock plungers through the hole of the latch of I and II gears.

Unscrew the nut and remove the lever 22 from the splines (see Fig. 3).

Knock down the pin 24 of the fastening of the axis of the lever 23 and remove the axis together with the selection lever.

Loosen the nut and remove the lever 16.

Turn away three bolts, remove a cover 15 of an epiploon and take out a spring. Having lowered the shaft 10 with the coupling 12 and two washers, remove the shaft through the side cavity of the cover.

Before removing the levers 22 and 16, note the mutual position of the levers on the rollers in order to set the levers to their previous position.

Disassembly of the gearshift control mechanism of the UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 checkpoint

Rice. 4. Gearshift control mechanism of the gearbox of UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 cars

1-shift lever; 2-mechanism seal; 3-select lever mechanism; 4-shift lever mechanism; 5-vertical shift rod; 6-intermediate shift lever; 7-intermediate selection lever; 8-horizontal selector rod; 9-shift lever; 10 gear selection lever; 11-horizontal shift rod; 12-arm intermediate levers; 13-intermediate selection lever; 14-vertical selector rod; 15-press grease fittings

Disassemble the gearshift control mechanism in the following order:

Disconnect the rods 8 and 11 (Fig. 3) from the levers 9 and 10.

Unscrew rods 5 and 14 from levers 6 and 13.

Disconnect the bracket 12 intermediate gear levers UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741.

Remove the mechanism bracket together with gear shift lever 1.

Wash the parts of the control mechanism.

Detect wear in the levers and rods by external inspection.

Replace worn parts.

Assembling the gearshift mechanism UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

Assemble the gearshift mechanism in the following order:

Install the rubber o-ring into the shift shaft oil seal cover.

Install the rubber sealing ring in the hole under the axis of the selector lever 23 (see Fig. 3).

Install the clutch, thrust washer, spring thrust cup and spring onto the shift shaft. Insert the shaft into the side cover housing and install the gland cover with gasket, secure the cover with three bolts.

Install the selector lever assembly with the axle into the cover body so that the selector lever enters the groove of the shift sleeve. Lock the lever with a pin, which you hammer in from below.

Turn the side cover over with the machined flange up and insert the springs and balls of the III and IV gears and the reverse gear shaft of the UAZ-3741, UAZ-3962 gearbox into the sockets of the spring clamps and balls using a mandrel.

Install the reverse fork on the stem from the opposite side of the retainer, and, having sunk the retainer ball into the cover body with the help of a mandrel, set the stem to the neutral position. So sequentially collect all the rods and forks. Install lock crackers between the rods.

Fasten the forks to the stems with conical bolts and cotter them with wire, which should not interfere with the movement of the forks. When attaching the forks, the shift clutch lever must be in the groove of the forks.

Insert the detent ball and spring into the hole in the 1st and 2nd gear rod and tighten the plug. At the same time, keep in mind that the spring of the rod retainer of I and II gears in the free state is longer than the other two springs of the rod retainers.

Install six plugs in the end holes of the cover body, a plug in the hole for the shift shaft and caulk them.

Install the select and shift levers on the splines of the shafts and secure them with nuts and spring washers.

The correct position of the levers is checked with the neutral position of the gears in the gearbox after installing the shift mechanism on the gearbox.

Fig.5. The position of the selector lever and the shift lever after installing the mechanism on the gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741

A-corresponding to reverse; B-corresponding to the inclusion of III and IV gears; B-corresponding to the inclusion of I and II gears; 1-selection lever; 2-shift lever (in neutral position)

Assembly and adjustment of the gearshift control mechanism of the UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 gearbox

Assemble the gearshift control mechanism in the reverse order of disassembly. After assembly, adjust the gearbox control mechanism.

Adjust the gearbox UAZ-3962, UAZ-3741 by changing the length of the horizontal - 8.11 (see Fig. 4) and vertical - 5, 14 rods in the following order:

Before starting the adjustment, set lever 9 to the neutral position (N), and lever 10 to position III-IV until it stops against the blocking spring.

Put the shift lever I in the position corresponding to the choice of gears I and II. In this position, connect and secure the selection rod 8 and 14, without allowing the levers to be pulled up.

After that, put the lever 1 in the position corresponding to the choice of gears III and IV and also loosely connect the shift rod 5 and 11.

At the end of the adjustment, check the completeness of the gear engagement. To do this, turn on the first gear and make sure that the rods and levers do not rest against adjacent parts. Perform the same check by turning on the reverse gear.

At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the intermediate lever 6 does not rest against the frame cross member and mudguard. With the reverse gear turned on, the gap between them should be 2-3 mm.





UAZ-469, 31512, 31514



UAZ-3160 Simbir

UAZ-3303, 452, 2206, 3909

UAZ cars (loaf) have the most spacious body. The body of the machine is made of durable material. The vehicle is equipped with security systems, a durable power unit that is capable of developing more than 100 horsepower, and a transmission system.

The all-wheel drive cargo-passenger UAZ, which has increased cross-country ability, began to be mass-produced at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant in the mid-1960s.

On cars of the UAZ-452 family of a new model, there is a manual gearbox (four-speed). Inertial-type synchronizers provide easy gear shifting. The five-speed ADS gearbox is synchronized in all forward gears.

UAZ can be equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission Daimos (DYMOS). This gearbox is known for its reliability. The average resource of its work is 300,000 km. The fill plug is located in the middle of the box, drain from the bottom. They can be unscrewed with a hex wrench. When oil is drained, special containers should be prepared. New fluid must be filled up to the level of the oil filler hole on the box. The dipstick allows you to accurately determine to what mark the liquid is filled. An alternative to the probe can be a long nail. For preventive purposes, every 15,000 km it is necessary to measure the oil level.

The presence of mechanics on this option vehicle fully justified. It is important to use such a machine on rough terrain, off-road. In addition to this, there will be no problems with towing.

The gearbox has external shift levers. The lever in the cab moves freely both parallel and perpendicular to its axis.

The machine is equipped with a transfer case. In the design of the transfer case on the UAZ 452: drive axle shafts, gears. All listed components are in a cast-iron crankcase. The crankcase and cover are connected with nuts. The shift fork rods are securely fixed in the cover.

There is a slot, bearings. There is a helical gear for the speedometer drive. An intermediate shaft is fixed on the "loaf" bearings. This box has reliable gears with straight teeth.

Thus, the checkpoint on the UAZ 452 consists of many components and assemblies. This unit needs regular maintenance.

The need to diagnose the gearbox UAZ model 452

This vehicle must be diagnosed if control began to deteriorate, characteristic creaks began to be heard when gears were changed or gears began to change spontaneously. The UAZ transfer case should be checked if the grip of the wheels with the road has noticeably deteriorated, a rumble begins to appear, an increasing noise during its operation.

During the passage of maintenance, the masters must check the system for oil leaks, the level of lubrication. All worn parts in the transmission system must be replaced with new ones. Also, diagnostics involves lubricating the axis of the levers, adjusting the front links.

Scheduled diagnostics in a professional auto repair shop allows you to accurately determine the existing nature of the problem with the box, eliminate existing problems at an early stage.

Causes of breakdowns

As a rule, the need to replace the main components at the gearbox arises with their natural wear and tear.

Causes of gearbox breakdowns

The main reason for oil leakage from the gearbox is the presence of an increased level of fuel in the system. For a gearbox on a UAZ, high-quality oil should be used. If the liquid does not have the proper quality, then characteristic noises from the side of the box may occur due to this. When the synchronizer or its parts are worn out, it is always difficult to change gears. Pay attention to the details of the switching mechanism. When the gear teeth are deformed, self-disengagement of gears is often noted.

Gearbox removal process

Repair of a checkpoint on a UAZ 452 is quite possible to do it yourself. This requires:

  • a set of wrenches, including the wrenches needed to tighten the nuts;
  • screwdrivers;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • pliers.

Dismantling algorithm.

The car must be on level ground. It is necessary to drain the oil from the two boxes by unscrewing the drain plugs. Next, the front seats, hatch halves, clutch release fork, transverse frame, gear levers from the boxes are removed.

The speedometer shaft, suspension mounts in the undercarriage, brake levers are subject to removal. As a result, an exit to the clutch housing opens. A box is fixed on it with fastening nuts, which must be unscrewed, then the UAZ gearbox is carefully extended along with the transfer gearbox until the splined shaft exits the flywheel. The driver will need an assistant to remove the box.

The assembly of the UAZ gearbox requires due attention. With self-assembly, the driver may have difficulty installing the input shaft in the clutch system. With this process, it is necessary to actively move the box so that the shaft gets into the splines.

As soon as the disassembly into individual component parts has taken place, the box must be washed in kerosene and dried. All component parts are checked for integrity. First of all, this concerns the crankcase, shafts. If the threads on the shafts are damaged, they must be replaced. It seems dangerous to operate the machine if the gears are chipped.

Thus, the timely repair of the UAZ "loaf" checkpoint helps to extend the life of the box.

Assemble the gearshift mechanism for cars of the UAZ-31512 family in the following order:

  1. Install the rubber sealing ring (fig. 114) in the shift shaft stuffing box cover.

    Rice. 114. Installing the sealing ring of the shift shaft cover

  2. Install the rubber sealing ring in the hole under the axis of the selector lever 23 (see Fig. 105).

    Rice. 105. Gearshift mechanism for cars of the UAZ-3741 family:
    1-rod of the fork of inclusion of a backing; 2-reverse fork; 3-rod of the fork of inclusion of III and IV gears; 4-fork III and IV gears; 5-fork I and II gears; 6-rod of the fork of inclusion of I and II transfers; 7- cotter pin-wire; 8 - plug; 9-washer; 10-shift shaft; 11-side cover; 12-gear shift clutch; 13-blocking spring; 14-gasket; 15-gland cover; 16-shift lever; 17-cork; 18.20 - retainer springs; 19-lock plunger; 21-ball lock; 22 gear selection lever; 23-selective lever; 24-pin; 25-reversing light switch; 26-stub

  3. Install the clutch (Fig. 115), thrust washer, spring thrust cup and spring onto the shift shaft. Insert the shaft into the side cover housing and install the gland cover with gasket, secure the cover with three bolts.

    Rice. 115. Assembling the gear shift shaft

  4. Install the selector lever assembly with the axle (fig. 116) into the cover body so that the lever enters the groove of the shift clutch. Lock the lever with a pin, which you hammer in from below.
  5. Turn the side cover over with the machined flange up and insert into the sockets of the spring retainers and the balls of the III and IV gears and the reverse rod using a mandrel (see Fig. 113).

    Rice. 113. Device for assembling rods and clamps:
    a-assembly of the latch; b-stem installation

  6. Install the reverse fork on the stem from the side opposite the retainer, and, having sunk the retainer ball (Fig. 117) into the cover body using a mandrel (see Fig. 113), set the stem to the neutral position. So sequentially collect all the rods (Fig. 118) and forks. Install lock crackers between the rods.

    Rice. 117. Assembling the stem and reverse fork

    Rice. 118. Assembling the stem and fork of switching III and IV gears

  7. Fasten the forks on the rods with conical bolts and cotter them with wire (Fig. 119), which should not interfere with the movement of the forks. When attaching the forks, the shift clutch lever must be in the groove of the forks.

    Rice. 119. Cotter pins for fork bolts:
    1-bolt; 2-pin-wire

  8. Insert the detent ball and spring into the hole in the 1st and 2nd gear rod and tighten the plug. At the same time, keep in mind that the spring of the rod retainer of I and II gears in the free state is longer than the other two springs of the rod retainers.
  9. Install six plugs in the end holes of the cover body, a plug in the hole for the shift shaft and caulk them.
  10. Install the selection and shift levers (Fig. 120) on the splines of the shafts and secure them with nuts and spring washers.

    Rice. 120. Installation of external selector and shift levers

The correct position of the levers is checked with the gears in the gearbox in neutral position after the shift mechanism is installed on the gearbox in accordance with Fig. 121.

Rice. 121. The position of the selector lever and the shift lever after installing the mechanism on the gearbox:
A-corresponding to reverse; B-corresponding to the inclusion of III and IV gears; B-corresponding to the inclusion of I and II gears;
1-selection lever; 2-shift lever (in neutral position)


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