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Pear is a deciduous plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. The first mentions of these trees are found in ancient Chinese odes dating back to the 2nd millennium BC, therefore the lands of Central China are considered the birthplace of the plant. Today, pears grow over a vast area from Western Asia to Eastern Europe. However, China remains the largest producer of the fruits of this plant and their supplier to the international market.

Pear is a tree up to 23 meters high, with an abundantly branched dense crown and a powerful trunk covered with gray wrinkled bark. The leathery green leaves of the plant, located on elongated petioles, have an oval or round shape. The tree blooms at the end of April with large pink or white flowers collected in small inflorescences.

The pear bears fruit for the first time 3–8 years after planting. The fruits of the plant can have a spherical or elongated shape with a slight expansion at the bottom. The size, taste and color of pears can vary markedly depending on the variety. The fruits fully ripen by early autumn.

Pears are eaten fresh, baked and dried. Juices, compotes, candied fruits, salads, snacks, preserves, jams and fillings for confectionery products are prepared from the fruits of this plant. In addition, they are actively used in alternative medicine to combat a whole group of pathologies.

Nutritional value of pear and vitamins in its fruit

Nutritional value 100 g pears:

  • 0.349 g proteins;
  • 0.271 g fat;
  • 10.214 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.486 g of dextrins, starch;
  • 0.495 g organic acids;
  • 9.794 g sugars;
  • 5.114 g fructose;
  • 1.784 g glucose;
  • 2.716 g fiber;
  • 84.792 g water;
  • 0.698 g ash.

Vitamins in 100 g of pears:

  • A, retinol equivalent – ​​1.878 mcg;
  • B9, folate – 1.914 mcg;
  • K, phylloquinone – 4.483 µg;
  • B1, thiamine – 0.017 mg;
  • C, ascorbic acid– 4.858 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin – 0.027 mg;
  • E, tocopherol equivalent – ​​0.378 mg;
  • PP, niacin equivalent – ​​0.183 mg;
  • B5, pantothenic acid – 0.047 mg;
  • H, biotin – 0.091 mcg;
  • B6, pyridoxine – 0.026 mg.

Calorie content of pears

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh pears is 46.481 kcal. Thus, one medium-sized fruit (140 g) contains 65.073 kcal. Dishes prepared from pears have the following energy value (per 100 g):

  • fruit puree – 51.738 kcal;
  • juice – 47.892 kcal;
  • dried fruits – 248.411 kcal;
  • jam, jam – 272.388 kcal;
  • compote – 69.812 kcal;
  • baked fruits – 46.213 kcal.

The most high-calorie product made from pears is candied fruit. Their energy value is 344.627 kcal per 100 g.

Useful elements in pears

Video recipe for the occasion:

Microelements in 100 g of pears:

  • boron – 129.711 mcg;
  • nickel – 16.127 mcg;
  • selenium – 0.092 mcg;
  • manganese – 0.064 mg;
  • zinc – 0.087 mg;
  • iodine – 0.977 mcg;
  • vanadium – 4.881 mcg;
  • copper – 119.534 mcg;
  • rubidium – 43.572 mcg;
  • fluorine – 9.613 mcg;
  • cobalt – 9.992 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 4.812 mcg;
  • iron – 2.213 mg.

Macronutrients in 100 g of pears:

  • magnesium – 11.711 mg;
  • silicon – 5.849 mg;
  • phosphorus – 15.723 mg;
  • sodium – 13.923 mg;
  • potassium – 154.709 mg;
  • chlorine – 0.914 mg;
  • sulfur – 5.212 mg;
  • calcium – 18.424 mg.

Features of choosing and storing pears

When choosing pears, you should focus on smell and tactile sensations. Well-ripened and high-quality fruits have a strong sweetish-fruity aroma and a soft texture. At the same time, their skin should not show signs of rotting, mold or damage.

The duration of storage of pears depends on their variety. These fruits should be stored in dark and cool places: on balconies, in refrigerators, in cellars or basements. Freezing pears is not recommended.

Beneficial properties of fresh pears for the body

  • Pears are a rich source of vitamins and other nutrients that create conditions for the normal functioning of the body. People who regularly include these fruits in their diet do not face the problem of vitamin deficiency and recover faster from illnesses and increased physical and mental stress.
  • In alternative medicine, pears have been used for centuries to prevent and treat prostatitis. Traditional healers recommend that men aged 50 years and older eat at least 1 fruit of this plant daily.
  • Pears contain pectins, organic acids, and tannins that have antimicrobial properties. That is why the fruits themselves and decoctions prepared from them are used in alternative medicine to combat infectious diseases.
  • The pulp of pears contains useful substances that can increase the body's immune strength.
  • A few pears eaten during the day completely replenish the body’s need for B vitamins. Therefore, people who regularly include these fruits in their menu are less likely to experience depression, sleep disorders, neuroses, and more easily tolerate psycho-emotional shocks and stress.
  • The beneficial compounds contained in pears speed up metabolism, promoting weight loss. At the same time, the fruits themselves have a reduced energy value, which means that people trying to get rid of excess weight can supplement their diet with them without fear.
  • Pears contain nutrients that can block the spread of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Pears are a natural source of iron and other elements, without which the formation of healthy blood cells is impossible. People suffering from diseases of the hematopoietic system are recommended to eat 2 fruits of this plant per day.
  • The pulp of pears contains nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the heart muscle, regulate the heart rate, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and give them additional elasticity, remove excess cholesterol from the body and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. With regular consumption of these fruits, the risk of developing cardiac pathologies is significantly reduced.
  • With moderate consumption of pears, digestive processes are normalized and the production of gastrointestinal enzymes is activated. The beneficial compounds present in the pulp of these fruits prevent the development of rotting processes in the intestines.
  • Raw pears - effective remedy from constipation.
  • The fruits of this plant contain substances that have tonic properties. When consuming pears, your mood improves, daytime sleepiness disappears, and your performance increases.
  • Antioxidants present in pear pulp have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity, give it a radiant, healthy appearance, and prevent the formation of wrinkles. In addition, substances belonging to this group prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body and the development of cancer.
  • Cosmetic masks made from pureed pears help to cope with acne and tighten enlarged pores on the face. Due to the presence of hard stone-like cells, pear pulp can be used as a natural scrub to remove dead skin particles.

Beneficial properties of dried pears

  • A decoction made from dried pear contains a large amount of tannins - compounds with pronounced astringent properties. In order to get rid of diarrhea, it is enough to drink at least 2 glasses of this drink during the day.
  • Dried pear compote is an effective remedy against urinary tract diseases. The drink blocks the spread of the inflammatory process, destroys pathogens, increases diuresis, thereby promoting accelerated recovery.
  • IN folk medicine A decoction of dried pears is used for treatment severe cough(including tuberculosis). The drug is taken 400 ml per day, dividing the entire dose into several doses.

Benefits of pear juice

  • Pear juice with added rosehip syrup - effective folk remedy from bronchitis. For medicinal purposes, the drink is taken 1.5 glasses per day, dividing the daily portion into several doses.
  • Freshly squeezed pear juice quickly relieves fever and eliminates symptoms of intoxication in the body. To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink 1/5 glass of this drink every hour.
  • Traditional healers believe that people suffering from urolithiasis should drink half a glass of freshly squeezed pear juice daily. This drink contains substances that can dissolve stones.
  • Pear juice contains compounds that accelerate the elimination of toxins, waste and other toxic substances from the human body.
  • According to nutritionists, this drink can improve the condition of people with diabetes. For medicinal purposes, take 70 g before each meal. With normal tolerance, the dose of the drug is gradually increased to 180 g.

Contraindications and harm of pears

  • Raw pears are contraindicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend eating these fruits on an empty stomach: their pulp contains substances that irritate the intestinal epithelium. The optimal time for their consumption is 40–50 minutes after eating.
  • Pears are a potential allergen. Therefore, people with allergies should be careful when including these fruits in their diet.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend washing down the pear you have just eaten with water: such actions can lead to the development of diarrhea.
  • It is advisable for elderly people and children to eat only well-ripened cultivated pears or fruits that have been heat treatment(boiled, baked, etc.).



Of course, everyone is familiar with such a garden crop as the pear, since it can be found in every soda garden. And this fruit, by the way, is not only tasty, but also very healthy, because many people don’t even realize that vitamins are found in large quantities in pears. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet and juicy with a wonderful aroma. And the stronger the aroma, the more benefits the fruit will bring to the human body.

What benefits does a pear have for the human body?

With regular use of this product in the diet, immunity is significantly increased and the natural beauty of the skin and health are preserved for many years. internal organs. Even though pears have a sweeter taste than apples, their sugar content is much lower. They contain not only vitamins, but also all the microelements necessary for normal life, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Pears contain a large amount of essential oils that help the body fight different types infections and are simply an excellent remedy for depression;
  2. The pulp contains iron, which helps healthy cells divide. This is especially necessary during constant physical activity or increased fatigue;
  3. The main vitamins in the pear are, of course, C and E, which have properties that protect the skin from aging;
  4. Due to the low caloric content, the product can be safely consumed during diets aimed at weight loss, but only, of course, in normal quantities, since the product contains a lot of carbohydrates. Also, these vitamins and microelements have a positive effect on the pancreas;
  5. Pears contain a lot of fiber, which enhances metabolism and normalizes intestinal microflora. Due to the presence of vitamin B in sufficient quantities, timely cell renewal occurs, and the existing folic acid very useful when carrying a child;
  6. The fruit of this group is rich in potassium, which has diuretic properties, due to which even experts recommend the constant consumption of pears for people who have diseases of the urinary system or hypertension. Of course, potassium also has its negative qualities, that is, with excessive saturation, cholesterol in the blood increases.

The main vitamins and microelements that make up the pear

Why is the pear considered so healthy fruit? If the product is of high quality and ripe, it will emit an excellent aroma. And as mentioned earlier, the stronger the aroma, the more benefits the fruit has. It should be noted that greatest number vitamins and microelements will only be contained in a product that has not undergone any type of heat treatment.

Harm and possible contraindications

Those who love this fruit very much should be aware of what consequences can occur if it is not eaten correctly. In order to avoid adverse consequences, you should not eat a pear on an empty stomach. Since the composition includes a large amount of coarse fiber, which can negatively affect the gastric mucosa. Ideal option will consume the treat approximately half an hour after eating “normal” food. In addition to all this, the fruit should not be washed down with water, since this combination can soon simply cause disorder. The simultaneous consumption of fruit and meat is also harmful.
Thus, even taking into account all the features and beneficial properties fruit should be introduced into your diet gradually and not overdo it with the quantity. This is especially true for older people, who simply should avoid tart varieties due to poor absorption by the body. It is best for older people to consume pears boiled or baked.

With the arrival of autumn, a juicy and fragrant fruit called pear begins to appear on our tables. It is tasty and healthy, and is also considered an excellent dietary and multivitamin product.

In ancient China, the pear was associated with longevity, due to its varied, rich composition and beneficial properties. Let's look at what vitamins the pear contains, and whether it really is that healthy.

What vitamins does the fruit consist of?

Pears, as a rule, contain fiber and juice, consisting of a variety of vitamins, minerals, as well as pectin, phytoncides, organic acids and sugar. In the table below you can see in more detail the vitamin content of this fruit, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

List of vitaminsTheir quantity is 100 g. pears (mg)Effect on the body
WITH5,5 Develops resistance of body cells to various types infections, increasing immunity. Strengthens blood vessels, enriches them with oxygen.
TO4,5 Normalizes blood clotting, controls stable kidney function, and takes part in the formation of bone tissue.
E0,4 It inhibits cell aging due to its antioxidant properties, quickly heals various skin damage, and stabilizes the functioning of the reproductive and endocrine glands.
PP (niacin)0,2 Normalizes activity gastrointestinal tract and the condition of the mucous membranes, promotes better blood circulation and lowers high blood pressure.
N (biotin)0,1 Takes part in the process of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Has a positive effect on the defenses.
B10,02 Activates brain activity, as well as the functioning of systems such as cardiovascular and endocrine.
B20,03 Restores visual functions, takes part in the formation of hormones and red blood cells.
B50,05 Improves intestinal function, leads to faster healing of injuries, and supports the immune system.
B60,03 Reduces the number of muscle spasms, reduces nervous stimulation, and prevents premature aging of body cells.
B9 (folic acid)2 Affects digestion, plays important role in the formation of new cells.

Of course, no data vitamin substances do not fully cover the needs of the human body. For example, to get daily value vitamins K, C and E, a person should eat 18, 11 and 25 pears.

Because of this, nutritionists strongly advise eating other fruits and foods that also have beneficial properties along with pears.

Minerals in pears

The minerals contained in the fruit also perform their positive functions in relation to the body, satisfying its needs. The data is presented in the table.

MineralsTheir content is 100 g. pears (mg)How do they affect the human body?
Potassium155 Strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure.
Calcium19 Is a building block for bone and tooth growth, ensures normal activity nervous system, struggles with stressful situations.
Magnesium12 Regulates the functions of the nervous system and takes part in all biological actions.
Sodium14 Replenishes cells with oxygen and necessary nutritional components, participates in the regulation of metabolic processes.
Phosphorus16 Maintains acid and alkaline balance.
Iron2,3 It is a source of hemoglobin.
Cobalt6 Stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas, takes part in metabolic processes.
Silicon10 Reduces capillary fragility and ensures tissue elasticity.

Having eaten a pear that weighs 150 grams. As a rule, it is possible to enrich the body with microelements such as silicon and cobalt by 100%.

Healing qualities of the fruit

Regular consumption of this fruit helps improve immunity and helps maintain beauty and health. for a long time. Although pears taste sweeter than apples, they contain less sugar.

Please note that pears contain more fructose than glucose, so they can be consumed in moderation by people suffering from diabetes mellitus. This is another plus of this fruit. But still, before taking it, it is important to consult your doctor.

It is important that pear is a fruit that does not contain any allergens. As a result, it can be safely given to children. Doctors allow babies to be given pear puree as complementary foods at 8 months. Thanks to pectins, which are part of the pear, they regulate the stool of a small child and increase immunity.

A decoction of the seeds of this fruit is very useful for helminth infections. But compote, which is made from dry fruits, very well removes toxic substances from the body and helps in the absorption of food. Therefore, it is useful to drink it during intoxication of the body and in the treatment of poisoning.

Doctors also advise pregnant women to consume pears. This is due to the fact that folic acid, iron and calcium, which are contained in the fruit, help the baby strengthen and develop in the mother’s womb.

Baked pears are considered a source of energy. As a rule, when stressful conditions occur, constant intake of this fruit leads to the regeneration of nerve cells, as well as a general relaxing effect.

Who should not eat pears and when?

If you eat this fruit incorrectly, bad consequences may occur. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to some points, namely:

  • Doctors do not advise eating pears on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that the rough cell adversely affects the gastric mucosa
  • It is forbidden to drink fruit with milk or raw water, this will lead to stool disorders
  • Eating tart, unripe fruits can lead to constipation.

Having found out what vitamins are contained in the pear, we can confidently say that it is a fairly healthy fruit for the human body. Enjoy its taste, combining healthy and pleasant qualities. And also don’t forget to stock up on healthy jam and dried pear fruits for the winter.

Due to the prevalence and large number of pear tree varieties, sugar and juicy fruit, grown in domestic gardens, can be enjoyed from July to January. Fragrant yellow summer fruits, autumn varieties with a red barrel and grassy green winter varieties of pears when ripe have a sweet taste and pleasant aroma, which is valued by nutritionists and cooks.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of pears is preserved in the fruit during drying, drying, and cooking. amber jam, but a person gets the greatest benefit from pears by eating fresh fruits.

What is pear rich in, and what effect does the healing composition have?

Like all fruits, the pear consists of fiber and juice, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, pectin, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, sugars and phytoncides. The summary table describes the amount of vitamins in 100 g of pear, which have a beneficial effect on many body systems.

Vitamins Quantity per 100 g Effect on the body
WITH 5.5 mg Helps the body resist infections, strengthen blood vessels, and oxygen supply to cells.
TO 4.5 mg Ensures normal blood clotting, participates in the formation of bone tissue, and ensures normal kidney function.
E 0.4 mg Antioxidant properties prevent cell aging, increase defenses, improve the functioning of the reproductive and endocrine glands, and accelerate wound healing
PP (niacin) 0.2 mg Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, supports cardiovascular -vascular system, normalizes the condition of mucous membranes, improves blood circulation, and reduces blood pressure.
N (biotin) 0.1 mg Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, participates in the synthesis of glucose, affects the immune system.
B1 0.02 mg Stimulates the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems.
B2 0.03 mg Increases visual acuity, participates in the formation of red blood cells and hormones.
B5 0.05 mg Regulates intestinal function, accelerates wound healing, normalizes metabolic processes.
B6 0.03 mg Relieves muscle spasms, nervous excitement, prevents aging of the body, supports the immune system.
B9 (folic acid) 2 mcg Affects hematopoietic processes, normalizes digestion, regulates cell division processes, and is necessary for the production of new cells.

If we analyze the rate of consumption of vitamins and their content in a pear, then not a single substance fully covers the needs of the body. So that a person receives daily norm vitamins K, C and E, you need to eat 18, 11 and 25 pears, respectively. Therefore, nutritionists recommend supplementing the diet with pears, not excluding others rich in vitamins and valuable substances.

The mineral composition of the fruit, which is considered a source of energy, well satisfies the needs of the human body for micro- and macroelements:

Minerals Quantity per 100 g Effect on the body
Potassium 155 mg Strengthens the heart muscle, regulates blood pressure, provides physical strength and endurance
Calcium 19 mg Building material of bones and teeth, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the fight against stress
Magnesium 12 mg Normalizes the functions of the nervous system, accumulates energy in cells, normalizes blood pressure, and participates in all biochemical processes.
Sodium 14 mg Helps oxygen and nutrients penetrate cells, promotes regulation of metabolic processes
Phosphorus 16 mg Maintains acid-base balance and regulates metabolic processes
Iron 2.3 mg It is a source of hemoglobin production, important for providing the body with oxygen
Cobalt 6 mcg Normalizes the activity of the pancreas, promotes the formation of blood cells, regulates metabolic processes
Silicon 10 mcg Provides strength and elasticity to organ tissues, reduces capillary fragility

If you eat one pear weighing 150 g, you can saturate your cells with silicon and cobalt by 100%. If you eat 5 sweet ripe fruits during the day, then the norm for obtaining iron and dietary fiber will be fully met, and potassium - by 50%. The presence of molybdenum, sulfur, chlorine and copper in the composition makes pear pulp a storehouse of microelements that supplement the diet with essential minerals.

In general, biologically active substances improve the body’s resistance to infections, normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Organic acids improve metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Due to the fact that there is more fructose in pears than glucose, they can be consumed in moderation by people with diabetes.

If you have rapid heartbeat, stress, dizziness, loss of appetite, you should eat fresh pears, drink decoctions and freshly squeezed juice every day. Kissels and compotes made from dried pear slices are used as an antipyretic, bactericidal, and antitussive agent.

Compatibility of pears with basic diet products

Due to its low calorie content - from 42 kcal per 100 g to 65 kcal / 100 g in different varieties of fruit, nutritionists recommend eating ripe pears daily, separately from main courses, for dessert. A good combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 0.4 g/0.3 g/10.9 g, with great content water - 85 g - helps improve digestion processes, which is used in diets and the treatment of stomach disorders.

This sweet and sour fruit owes its good nutritional compatibility to pears with protein and fermented milk foods to pectins and vitamin H, which break down proteins and carbohydrates, accelerating metabolic processes. When heat treated, the pear turns into a culinary delight that promotes good digestion of poultry meat and offal, as well as sweet baked goods.

There are a number of contraindications how not to eat pear:

  • It is not recommended to eat pears on an empty stomach - coarse fiber has an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • You should not drink this fruit with water - it can relax your digestion.
  • Tart, unripe pears can cause constipation.

For gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to supplement the diet with boiled, steamed, baked pears rather than raw ones.

The benefits of pears for women, men and children

To the biggest pear lovers - for children - boiled pulp can be introduced into the diet from 8 months. Thanks to pectins, pear puree normalizes stool and increases the body's defenses. A decoction of pear seeds is useful for helminth infections, and a compote of dried fruit is used in the treatment of poisoning: it removes toxins and helps process food.

Folic acid, iron and calcium help strengthen small bodies, so the fruit is recommended for pregnant women. Eating pears between meals satisfies hunger, nourishes the body with energy and normalizes digestion.

Elderly people prone to constipation, high blood pressure, and heartburn can drink fresh pear juices half an hour after the main meal.

Baked fruits and fresh fruits are a source of energy for busy people who are very tired and weak at the end of the working day.

In case of stress and nervous conditions, regularly eating pears helps restore nerve cells and relieve tension.

Pear, as a source of moisture and responsible for youth and normal hormone production, is useful for men and women. The valuable properties of normalizing sexual function and strengthening the immune system are used to prevent prostate and urinary tract diseases.

Pear is not only a tasty and juicy fruit, but also very healthy. In addition, pear is an excellent antidepressant and dietary product.

Pears can be consumed both raw and baked, as well as dried and dried. At the same time, all the beneficial properties of the pear are perfectly preserved.

Useful properties of pear

Pears have been used since ancient times as natural medicinal products: with the help of pear decoction they fought against high temperature, digestive disorders and bronchial diseases.

Let's find out what diseases pear is useful for:

    For diseases of the urinary system;

    For digestive problems;

    For frequent headaches and dizziness.

    Due to the rich content of vitamins and essential oils, pears are eaten for infections.

Pears help the skin look soft and smooth. At the same time, you can not only eat it, but also make homemade cosmetic masks from it, which will be no worse than expensive store-bought ones.

Almost all people, including children and the elderly, as well as people with diabetes, can eat pears. It is also recommended for pregnant women to eat pears, as they contain folic acid, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

It is recommended that people consume pears with caution or avoid them altogether during exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, intestinal diseases, serious nervous disorders in old age.

Why is pear considered a healthy fruit? What exactly is useful in it? Thanks to various studies, the enormous benefits of pears have been proven.

It contains large amounts of pectin, fiber, essential oils, fast carbohydrates, many vitamins and minerals. And at the same time very few calories.

Vitamins per 100 grams of product Content
Vitamin A0.002 mg
Vitamin B10.02 mg
Vitamin B20.03 mg
Vitamin B50.05 mg
Vitamin B60.03 mg
Vitamin B90.002 mg
Vitamin C5 mg
Vitamin E0.4 mg

    Zinc - essential for good performance male hormones, fight against the prostate.

    Vitamin B - helps rejuvenate the skin, make it soft and velvety, fights dermatitis and eczema, and also helps with gastrointestinal disorders.

    Vitamin P (rutin) - helps prevent varicose veins, increases capillary permeability. Its quantitative content can be determined by the color of the pear pulp; the darker it is, the more routine it contains.

    Carotene - helps preserve vision.

    Vitamin E - strengthens hair and nails.

    Vitamin C - helps strengthen the immune system, helps fight viral infections.

    Organic acids - help the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

It is advisable to eat pears separately from other foods, with an approximate difference of two hours. It is good to eat pears for an afternoon snack or a couple of hours after breakfast.

If you like constant snacking, then a pear can be an excellent substitute. unhealthy sweets, chips and seeds. You should not eat a pear on an empty stomach, or immediately drink it with water or eat heavy food. All this will create additional stress on the digestive system.

The minerals and vitamins in the pear will help replenish the lack of essential substances in the body and significantly improve health and appearance.

Chemical composition of the fruit

Pear has a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

100 grams of this fruit contains - 85 g of water, 10.3 g of carbohydrates, 0.4 g of proteins, 0.3 g of fat, 47 kcal. Pears contain dietary fiber, sucrose, fructose, and organic acids. Quantitative nutritional content may vary slightly depending on the variety and duration of storage.

Dried pear

You can eat the pear in dried form, but its usefulness will not decrease at all.

As you know, dried fruits have the ability to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. Therefore, they are useful to use for digestive disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to store

Pears tend to spoil quickly because they contain large amounts of ethylene. But with proper storage, they can last much longer, while maintaining their appearance and vitamin content.

When buying pears or harvesting your own, you must immediately wash them, wipe them dry, put them in paper bags and put them in the refrigerator.

How to dry

Currently, there are many electrical appliances on sale that significantly simplify household work, among them we can note an electric dryer that will dry any fruit without any special problems or skills.

But if you don’t have such a device at home, then you can dry the pears using the oven - to do this, cut the fruit into slices, put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes and put it on parchment paper, put it in the oven for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees, door oven It's better to open it a little.

You can also make dried pears in the microwave - putting them in for a few minutes, setting the temperature to medium. But you need to be careful with this method, since microwaves work differently, and you may not always get the perfect dried pear.

You can also make a lot of tasty and healthy things from pears, and they can be stored for a very long time, for example, jam, marmalade, compote, juice, pear puree.

Simple, but very delicious recipes from pears

Pear jam

To prepare you will need:

1 kg fresh pears

3 cups sugar

Cooking method:

Wash the pears, peel and core them, cut into small slices. Place in a large saucepan, add sugar and cinnamon, let sit for 10-15 minutes. After the pear gives juice, put it on the stove and cook for 15-20 minutes. Pear jam is ready. Immediately pour into prepared jars and close with lids.

To ensure that the slices do not boil over and turn into puree, but remain intact, you need to use hard varieties of pear.

Pear jam

For pear jam you will need:

1 liter of water

800 g sugar

You can only use one variety of pears; if you mix different varieties, the jam will turn out uneven.

Cooking method:

    Cut each pear into 4 parts, remove the core;

    Place the slices in a saucepan, add water;

    Cook for 30-35 minutes until the pears are soft;

    Remove from heat, let cool;

    Remove the slices and finely chop using a blender, mixer or meat grinder;

    Pour the resulting puree back into the pan with water in which they were previously boiled;

    Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes;

    Pour hot jam into jars.

There is no need to roll up this jam; you can simply store it in the refrigerator.

Pear compote

For the compote you will need:

3 liters of water

0.5 kg sugar

Cooking method:

    Pre-prepare sterile jars;

    Wash the pears and place them in jars so that they are half filled;

    Fill each jar with boiling water;

    Let it brew for 10-15 minutes;

    After the pear gives juice, pour the water into any deep bowl;

    Add sugar to the resulting syrup and mix well;

    Boil for 1-2 minutes;

    Pour hot syrup into jars with pears;

    Roll up the cans.

The compote is ready!

Pear juice

To prepare pear juice that can be stored all winter, you need to extract the juice using a juicer and simmer it over low heat for 10-15 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam. Pour the hot juice into pre-prepared sterilized jars and roll up.

Pear can also be used as a pie filling. To do this, the fruits need to be washed, peeled, cut into small slices and mixed with sugar. Spread the finished mixture onto yeast, shortbread or puff pastry.

If you notice general malaise, frequent fatigue, colds, you quickly begin to gain weight, digestive problems appear, your skin, hair and nails take on an unhealthy appearance, then your body does not have enough vitamins. To replenish the supply, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. And with the help interesting recipes. you can diversify your diet.

Useful properties of pear


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