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20.11.2014 - 19:26

Events in Ukraine split the ranks of Russian nationalists

The “Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists” (BORN) was supplied with weapons from Ukraine. One of the group members, Evgenia Khasis, spoke about this. Ties between Russian and Ukrainian nationalists have always been strong and included arms supplies. However, the change of power in Ukraine and the start of punitive operations divided Russian nationalists into two camps.

The “military organization of Russian nationalists,” which committed 11 political murders on Russian territory, was supplied with weapons from Ukraine. This was announced on Thursday in the Moscow Regional Court during the trial in the BORN case by previously convicted group member Evgenia Khasis.

She explained that the leader of the group, Nikita Tikhonov, her common-law husband, was in Ukraine in 2008, where he “created a structure and purchased weapons.” During this period, Tikhonov was wanted on charges of murdering anti-fascist Alexander Ryukhin. Another alleged gang member, Alexey Korshunov, who was wanted in the case of the murder of Moscow City Court judge Eduard Chuvashov, was also hiding on the territory of Ukraine. In October 2011, Korshunov died in Zaporozhye from the explosion of a grenade he had.

According to investigators, BORN was created in mid-2008 in Moscow by Ilya Goryachev, Nikita Tikhonov and other individuals who held radical nationalist views. They began to commit various crimes and murders motivated by ideological and national hatred and enmity.

Political scientist, professor at the Higher School of Economics Oleg Matveychev notes that the entire Internet is teeming with previous photographs of Russian nationalists embracing Lviv Galicians, who are now “slaughtering Russians in Ukraine, burning them.” “We can see how some of our “Mironov” hugs their most important Bandera member,” Matveychev told the newspaper VZGLYAD.

According to him, ties between Russian and Ukrainian nationalists have always been strong and included the supply of weapons. “At that time in Ukraine, and even more so now, it was very easy to purchase weapons. Ukraine is a country with a thousand times more corruption than Russia. There is no discipline there. There you could buy a machine gun for pennies from any warehouse. Plus - ideological mutual support. They ideologically supported each other,” the expert noted.

He is sure that questions were also raised about the financing of Russian nationalists. “The funding did not come directly. Joint seminars were held and all kinds of methodological assistance were provided. In Russia, the transfer of money could have been detected by the special services, but in Ukraine - please, it seems like we went to a training seminar, and there is brain composting and ideological indoctrination of people who went there to meet with nationalist brothers. In reality, all these seminars were paid for by the Polish side, or the European Union and American intelligence services. This is no secret to anyone,” says the expert.

Matveychev is convinced that both Russian and Ukrainian nationalists were specially trained so that “one day they would turn against each other.” “As a result, as it turns out now, some nationalists are fighting with others. To achieve this, the Americans are drawing various nationalist, religious and other dividing lines. They specifically cultivate them so that they can always set one against the other, and sit back overseas and say that “Everything is fine with us here,” Matveychev is sure.

The anti-constitutional coup in Ukraine and the start of a punitive operation by Kiev in Novorossiya changed the views of many Russian nationalists who initially welcomed the Maidan. In mid-October, a publication by Khasis appeared on the Internet. She admitted that since the day of her arrest, “nothing has pleased or inspired her as much as the television footage of the Maidan chronicles” and “if I could leave my body, I would send my soul to defend the Maidan and storm the Presidential Administration.” “I think I was not the only such enthusiastic fool - after all, when I was free, Russian and Ukrainian nationalists considered themselves brothers and allies,” writes Khasis.

According to her, “the dizziness from the successes of the “brothers” passed quickly - on May 2, looking at the Odessa chronicle, at the Pravosek militants rejoicing at people burning alive and begging for help, I, perhaps for the first time in my life, sincerely thanked God for I'm in prison." “It is too likely that if I had not been imprisoned in 2009, then in 2014 I would have been among those possessed,” Khasis admitted, adding that “Ukrainian nationalists silently agreed to the role of militants.”

Member of the Public Chamber, President of the Foundation for Research on Democracy, Maxim Grigoriev notes that Russian nationalist movements and those who held radical nationalist views were divided into two groups after the Ukrainian events. The first - the absolute majority - perceives these events as anti-Russian, Russophobic. “One of the few cementing the ideology of the current government of Ukraine is the war with Russia, which, as they are trying to instill in citizens, allegedly occupied Ukraine for hundreds of years in one way or another and did not allow it to develop,” Grigoriev told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

Another - very small - part of Russian nationalists, of whom there are perhaps no more than a hundred in the entire country, according to Grigoriev, supported the Ukrainian Maidan. “These are the people for whom the overthrow of the Russian government is a higher priority than any other issue. To do this, they are ready to unite with anyone, choose any allies, including Ukrainian nationalists with their Russophobic anti-Russian policies. However, they cannot even be called a group. Probably, these are separate isolated people who, one way or another, they are now trying to involve in one or another punitive operations of the Ukrainian special services,” Grigoriev believes.

Let us recall that Mikhail Volkov, Maxim Baklagin, Vyacheslav Isaev, Yuri Tikhomirov and other nationalists also participated in the BORN gang and in its attacks from mid-2008 to March 2011.

According to Investigative Committee, the gang is responsible for dozens of crimes, including the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov, the leaders of the so-called anti-fascist movements Fyodor Filatov, Ilya Dzhaparidze and Ivan Khutorsky, world champion in Thai boxing Muslim Abdullaev, citizens Rasul Khalilov, Soso Khachikyan, attempted murders of citizen Ramazan Nurichuev and internal affairs officer Gagik Benyaminyan.

Nikita Tikhonov was sentenced to life, Khasis was sentenced to 18 years in prison for participation in a double murder. Baklagin, Isaev, Volkov and Tikhomirov are now in the dock. Another alleged ideologist of the group, Ilya Goryachev, is awaiting trial. According to media reports, the last of the group members not brought to justice, Alexander Parinov, may be hiding in Ukraine.

The Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists (BORN) has been active since mid-2008. The gang is responsible for several high-profile murders, including lawyer Stanislav Markelov, journalist Anastasia Baburova and Moscow City Court judge Eduard Chuvashov. In May 2014, the Moscow Regional Court began considering the organization’s case. The founders of the group, history students Nikita Tikhonov and Ilya Goryachev, met in 2002. By that time, Tikhonov had managed to join the OB-88 skinhead group and take part in attacks on “non-Slavs” and anti-fascists. Goryachev had no connections among skinheads or football fans and did not participate in fights.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF NIKITA TIKHONOV:“We communicated on nationalist topics, published the magazine “Russian Image”. Goryachev always knew about my connections among skinheads, speaking critically about their actions, believing that structures like the IRA and ETA (Irish and Basque radical national liberation organizations. - Esquire) should be role models. At the same time, he emphasized in every possible way that forceful actions cannot lead to an increase in influence political movement, if he does not have a legal nationalist organization. Legalists and the underground, in his thoughts, were supposed to act together: the former put forward political demands and engage in propaganda, the latter eliminate competitors in the struggle for power and other people, and, if necessary and possible, exert forceful pressure on the authorities. Our conversations with Goryachev were constantly built around these topics; he called the left-liberals, including antifa on the street, the main political enemies of the nationalists. It was with them that he proposed to fight for power. In this regard, the street confrontation between nationalists and antifa was always on his radar.”

In April 2006, Tikhonov took part in an attack on anti-fascists, during which his friend from OB-88 Alexander Parinov killed activist Alexander Ryukhin with a knife. After this, Tikhonov has to hide in Ukraine. At this time, he meets Evgenia Khasis in absentia, his future common-law wife and accomplice in the murder of Markelov and Baburova.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF EUGENIA KHASIS:“The illegal wing commits certain crimes of a violent nature, including the liquidation of certain individuals or persons in order to attract public attention. The idea of ​​such an information buffer was created in the form of statements on behalf of some stable organization, the same one, which will declare itself year after year, from crime to crime, putting forward specific demands to the authorities and society.”

In 2007, Tikhonov returned to Russia and began preparing for new murders. From the acquaintances of his friend, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Dmitry Steshin, he purchases a Suomi submachine gun and a sawed-off Mosin rifle. The first victim of BORN, joined by former FSB officer Alexei Korshunov, who has known Tikhonov since 2004, should be a famous Orthodox priest.

FROM TIKHONOV’S TESTIMONY:“Goryachev told me about influence groups in the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. According to him, there are influential “parties” of homosexuals and priests of Jewish origin. It is they who do not allow the Russian Orthodox Church MP to become a defender of the interests of the Russian people, and do not allow priests who are close in views to Russian nationalists to come forward. According to him, one of the leaders of the “Jewish party” was Archpriest Chaplin. Under the influence of these words, Korshunov and I, to whom I recounted some conversations with Goryachev, had a criminal intent. Having established Chaplin's address through the database, we organized surveillance of Chaplin's house with the aim of killing him. However, [with] better acquaintance with the initiatives of the priest, I began to have doubts about his work in the interests of the “Jewish party.” Seeing my passivity, Korshunov, who also initially did not show enthusiasm, agreed to abandon his criminal intent. Goryachev did not insist on the murder of any religious figure and never directly proposed it. He was more interested in political struggle.”

In 2008, new activists, the so-called “Northern” - Vyacheslav Isaev, Maxim Baklagin, Yuri Tikhomirov and Mikhail Volkov, joined the group. Their baptism of fire was the murder of anti-fascist Fyodor Filatov on October 10, 2008.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF HASIS:“(Filatov’s – Esquire) address was provided by Ilya Goryachev, who in turn received it from some of his acquaintances connected with law enforcement agencies from the bases of so-called extremists. Well, let me explain that law enforcement officers involved in the fight against extremism in the territory Russian Federation there is a certain database of people, last names, first names, patronymics, places of their residence, what they do, their activities for the purpose of preventing extremist activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. that is, these are not necessarily people who have even been prosecuted, but simply who are suspected of the potential possibility that they could commit some similar actions.”

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF MIKHAIL VOLKOV:“In the morning (October 10 - Esquire) I arrived at the Izmailovskaya metro station, where Nikita Tikhonov was waiting for me. There, during the meeting, Nikita handed me a knife and said that Filatov could also be armed. Next, Tikhonov and I went to the site of Filatov’s subsequent murder in the courtyard of the residential building where Filatov lived. At some point, seeing that Tikhonov had already attacked a man in the place where we were expecting Filatov, I also joined Tikhonov and attacked that man, realizing that he was the object of our attack. Tikhonov was already throwing punches at Filatov, and Filatov was trying to defend himself. At the moment I struck with a knife, Filatov was in an upright position. Then Tikhonov and I ran away, and Filatov remained at the scene of the attack in a semi-sitting position. Filatov swore and shouted, but I don’t remember what exactly. The knife with which I stabbed Filatov was a kitchen knife, the length of the blade was approximately 15 cm, the handle of the knife was black, made of plastic.”

Two months later, nationalists learned about the detention in the Mozhaisky district of the Moscow region of a Tajik janitor suspected of rape and murder of schoolgirl Anna Beshnova. As an edification to officials of the district government that hires migrants, Alexander Parinov and Alexey Korshunov killed and beheaded guest worker Salokhitdin Azizov, who had nothing to do with the crime. The head was thrown to the council building. This was the first murder committed on behalf of Bourne. Korshunov took on the key role in this crime.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF MAXIM BAKLAGIN:“Alexey was an example of selflessness. His role can be divided into two time periods... In the first stage, his role was to guide and assist us in preparing, organizing and committing crimes, as well as personally participating in the murders. At the same time, Korshunov, possessing professional skills, advised how and in what way to commit this or that murder. How to choose the location of the murder, the escape route and the approach to the alleged murder site. It was from Korshunov that I first heard about the need for conspiracy purposes during surveillance and murder to use women’s wigs, glasses, hats and large clothing, as well as the use of walkie-talkies with headsets to communicate with each other.”

On January 19, 2009, Nikita Tikhonov kills lawyer Stanislav Markelov, known for the trials in which he defended anti-fascists, and journalist Anastasia Baburova on Prechistenka. It was assumed that Goryachev would be able to use this murder to increase the political weight of “Russian Image” with the help of his acquaintance Leonid Simunin. He considered the head of the Lyubertsy organization of the “Local” movement to be an employee of the presidential administration.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF HASIS:“Based on the results of this crime, Ilya Goryachev should have put forward certain demands for Leonid Simunin and the Presidential Administration in his person. Requirements about, let's say, opportunities for further expansion of the organization. That is, take some next steps towards creating political party since, according to the plan, the murder of Stanislav Markelov should have been very loud indeed, and it would have been possible to raise quite significant political slogans, taking into account the resonance that was supposed to be created. In fact (Goryachev - Esquire, could have the opportunity to blackmail him (Simunin - Esquire) that if he does not provide him with certain administrative resources, financial opportunities, then this could happen again, relatively speaking."

FROM BAKLAGIN'S TESTIMONY:“The roles of the participants in this murder were as follows. So, at the end of 2008 in Moscow, Tikhonov suggested that I kill Japaridze and gave me his address and place of residence with several photographs. Tikhonov said that it was necessary to kill Japaridhe because he, together with Koba Avalishvili, attacked Skachevsky’s sister (a nationalist convicted of murder - Esquire). So here it is. I, Isaev and Tikhomirov agreed with Tikhonov’s proposal.”

Korshunov has repeatedly proposed killing federal judges who hand down harsh sentences to nationalists. Also, lawyer Vadim Klyuvgant could have become a victim of the assassination attempt, but this idea was later abandoned. On November 3, 2009, the FSB detained Tikhonov and Khasis, and two weeks later BORN committed a new murder of an anti-fascist.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF VYACHESLOV ISAEV:“Korshunov and Tikhonov claimed that they were already monitoring a number of judges and public figures who were planned to be killed as part of the activities of our organization BORN. Judges of the Moscow City Court Usov, Shtunder and Olikhver, as well as lawyer in the Yukos case Klyuvgant were mentioned as possible victims. The latter had to be killed because he was an extremely significant and extraordinary figure, defending the much-hyped Khodorkovsky and other political figures of Jewish nationality.

Alexey told us about his experience, that is, he tried to follow Judge Shtunder, but he did not succeed. Since he traveled by car, and Alexey only public transport. And it is impossible to keep track of where the judge is going. And the database, which can be purchased at any radio market in Moscow, does not always contain such information, that is, he did not find it. In general, he invited us to think about it. In general, everyone took note, but for now this thought was put aside because revenge on Ivan Khutorsky, nicknamed “Bonebreaker,” for his, say, atrocities that he committed with his friends against the Russians was already in the plans nationalists. In particular, he cut them with knives.”

Four of them went to kill one of the leaders of the anti-fascist movement, Khutorskoy. Baklagin, Isaev and Tikhomirov watched the entrance, and Korshunov went inside after the victim.

FROM ISAEV’S TESTIMONY:“We took a minibus to Sokolniki. In general, on the way, he (Korshunov. - Esquire) said that everything worked out and, in general, he asked me, since he lives very far away, to stay overnight with me. Through Sokolniki, to VDNH, we took a trolleybus to Dmitrovskoye Shosse and already reached Dmitrov together. On the way, he told how he entered the entrance and began to go down the stairs to meet him (Khutorskoy - Esquire). He lived on the second floor and climbed the stairs. He started to go down and looked and he wasn’t there. And he stood near mailboxes, apparently pulled out newspapers. That is, he didn’t even see him, didn’t hear him. Alexey approached him from behind and shot him in the back of the head. He immediately fell. Khutorskoy immediately fell. He came up and fired one more control shot and that was it. I left the entrance, no one saw me in the entrance. There was no one at all at that moment.”

On April 12, 2010, Korshunov finally carried out the long-planned murder of a judge - his victim was Eduard Chuvashov, who condemned the Ryno-Skachevsky gang of nationalists.

FROM THE REPORT OF INSPECTION OF CHUVASHOV’S CORPSE:“During the forensic medical examination of the corpse of Chuvashov E.V. he was found to have 2 gunshot wounds in the head area: 1.1. A through gunshot bullet wound of the head with the localization of the entrance wound in the temporal region, the exit wound in the right temporal region with damage along the wound channel to the bone membranes, substance and arteries of the brain. This injury occurred as a result of one shot fired from a firearm into the left temporal region of E.V. Chuvashov’s head, at the moment of E.V. Chuvashov’s shot. was facing the left temporal region towards the muzzle of the firearm.”

On September 15, Isaev and Baklagin shot and killed taxi driver Soso Khachikyan, who had beaten a pregnant Euroset employee. Soon the Northerners felt they were being followed and decided to go on the run. A month later, Baklagin drove up to his house and realized from the silhouettes outside the window that he was being searched. Then he, together with Isaev, threw bags with weapons from which Khutorskoy and Chuvashov were killed to the bottom of the Ivankovo ​​reservoir. Later, ICR divers took out these bags and, in addition to the ammunition, found a yellow Kinder Surprise container with a note.

FROM BAKLAGIN'S TESTIMONY:“When familiarizing myself with the purpose of the examination, I said that the discovered note contained information about the lawyer Klyuvgant, Azerbaijani wrestler Jalil Mamerdzoev, as well as information about the place of residence of Soso Khachikyan, who was killed by us. Later, when reviewing the results of the forensic examination, I saw that there was another note in the egg. In fact, the note in my handwriting stated: “Igor Viktorovich Krasnov is the investigator in the case of Ivan Mironov,” and the surname “Eremenko” was also indicated. I can’t say anything about the last name, because I don’t remember who it is, apparently some kind of investigator. In the expert's report, Krasnov's last name was incorrectly written down. Since Isaev kept this, I forgot which of the notes I put in this container. Because I burned one of the notes. It turns out that I burned a note in which the names of Klyuvgant, Mamerdzoev and Khachikyan were indicated. And another note ended up in a plastic container and a bag, which we threw into the reservoir with the weapon.”

Igor Krasnov is a senior investigator for particularly important cases under the head of the Investigative Committee and led the BORN case. Tikhomirov was detained in December 2010 and is serving a ten-year sentence for the murder of Japaridze. Isaev and Baklagin were arrested two years later. By that time, Korshunov, who had fled to Ukraine, was blown up by his own grenade while jogging.

FROM PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION OF BAKLAGIN:“06/30/2012, while in the cell, the expert subject inflicted multiple cuts on himself in the area of ​​the left forearm and left neck with a blade from a disposable safety razor. Answering questions about self-cutting in the pre-trial detention center, he indicates that these actions were not aimed at taking one’s own life, but at the possibility of obtaining a certain “respite” from intensive interrogations, which was ultimately achieved.”

In May 2013, Mikhail Volkov was detained in Ukraine. Ilya Goryachev, who was put on the international wanted list, was detained in Serbia by local counterintelligence. A few months later he was extradited to Moscow. This is how the story of the BORN group ended. This was largely facilitated by the testimony of Tikhonov, who was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Khasis, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison. The latter claims that in prison she became disillusioned with the tactics chosen by the nationalists.

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF HASIS:“On the one hand, I love Nikita Tikhonov, this large number emotions, on the other hand, there are a lot of crimes going on around me that I can’t do anything about. On the one hand, maybe if I had told law enforcement about all this when I was in this gang, perhaps it would somehow prevent these crimes from being committed. Or, perhaps, there would simply be another corpse in the person of me. Now, being from the outside, analyzing this whole situation from the outside and analyzing the actions of Ilya Goryachev, analyzing the conversations that were held with him as part of their project, I come to the conclusion that in fact a machine was launched aimed at to achieve some of their own goals and ambitions at the expense of people’s lives. Monstrous crimes have been committed, but not only have they already been committed, and nothing can be done about it, it cannot be resurrected dead people, they can be committed in the future. Because some people are free and they are no less obsessed than Alexey Korshunov, who is now deceased, and they can also continue to commit some crimes within the framework of this ideology. I don't want this to happen, at least I don't want my role to be in it. I figured that the only thing I could do now was just tell the truth, maybe it would have some effect and the consequences wouldn’t be as dire as they could be if this truth was never heard.”

Gave interesting material Komsomolskaya Pravda from 2011-03-23 ​​“An attempt was made on an Armenian police officer by nationalists playing Robinhood”. True, there is valuable information mixed in half with propaganda garbage - since now the regime controls all the media. I reprint individual pieces from there, without unnecessary garbage.

So, we are talking about BORN.

District police officer Benyaminyan and the family of Kalbay Zhumatov

Earlier this month in the Golyanovo area shot at district police officer Gagik Benyamyanyan. The policeman drove up to the station, got out of the car, and then shots rang out. One bullet hit the collarbone, the other shattered the jaw. The policeman survived. And he has already given evidence. He said that a young man in a cap shot at him. For what? But you never know how many enemies a district police officer has! And among others - the seemingly quiet and timid music teacher Elena Zhurina. This, it would seem, is not where the threat should come from. But it was she who was taken away for interrogation first. The teacher herself, of course, did not pull the trigger, but there is a version that it was this “God’s dandelion” who set... the extremists against the policeman.

I am regularly beaten by my Uzbek neighbors, trying to survive from the communal apartment,” Zhurina complained to the “intercessors.” - And the district police officer covers them in every possible way, I think he was just bought. And I ask you for help...

At this point the teacher's voice breaks down. This video message is posted on the website. DPNI (Movement against Illegal Immigration, which the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate now demands to be recognized as extremist). Initially, Zhurina called the office of the “saviors”, and a film crew immediately came to her (with these guys everything is on a grand scale). It was in August. Six months passed, and - lo and behold! - the district police officer is in the hospital, and the hated neighbors have disappeared.

They called us endlessly, threatening to kill me and my “geeks,” says the teacher’s neighbor Kalbay Zhumatov. “And after the attempt on the life of the district police officer, I realized that this was not a joke. We left for rented accommodation.
- What are you talking about?! - DPNI leader Alexander Belov is amazed. - Indeed, we provided Zhurina with legal and moral support, but we did not call anyone with threats and did not shoot at the local police officer. I declare this to you with full responsibility. My people would not miss!

The district police officer Benyaminyan himself is healing his wounds in the hospital and refuses any comments.
Yes, the DPNI disowned the attempt on the life of the local police officer. But a certain person took responsibility for the shooting. BORN. What all nationalist sites reported. Abbreviation BORN stands for "combat units of Russian nationalists". A sort of Robinhood who act not according to the law, but according to justice. They developed their activities in the last 2-3 years.

Armenian taxi driver Khachikyan

It was in Moscow. Armenian taxi driver Khachikyan entered the Euroset salon. He handed over 30 rubles to top up his account. The woman, a pregnant Euroset employee, hesitated. Without thinking twice, the taxi driver swore at her, then pulled her out from behind the counter by her hair and hit her. Then again and again... He hit me in the stomach. Half an hour later, Olesya (that’s the saleswoman’s name) was taken away by ambulance. She suffered a miscarriage due to the beating right in the car. A criminal case was opened against Khachikyan, but he did not wait for the trial. The villain's body was found on rented apartment , and next to the body there is a note: “This is for the child. BORN."

Janitor from Uzbekistan Farkhod Tursunov

Earlier, the same BORN took revenge for schoolgirl Anya Beshnova. In the Mozhaisk district of Moscow, a drunken janitor from Uzbekistan Farkhod Tursunov attacked her, hit her, threw her to the ground and raped me all night.

“I released her in the morning,” the rapist admitted during the investigative experiment. “She stood up with difficulty, buttoned up her jeans, and then screamed that she would tell her mother everything and write a statement to the police. Then I started hitting her...

And he beat him to death. Six months later in a neighboring area A migrant worker was killed. His head was brought to the district government- the one where Anya Beshnova was killed.

BORN - combat units of Russian nationalists

There are dozens of similar examples of lynching in Moscow. And all with reference to BORN. And it’s strange that law enforcement officials failed to neutralize this dangerous group.

In fact, this is not one organization, but simply a brand,” says Alexander Verkhovsky, director of the SOVA information and analytical center. - Any of the groups can commit lynching, but they will sign not with their own name, but as BORN. First of all, it's safer. Secondly, there are now quite a few small groups, the name of which will not mean anything to anyone, even in the national environment.

And at what level is the decision made that this scoundrel should be executed?

Now the nationalists do not have a vertical management structure, but a horizontal one,” says Verkhovsky. - That is, they do not have a headquarters from which commands are issued. It’s just that one of the groups may become interested in the case - the loudest stories are discussed on websites and forums.

That's for sure. On the forum of the same DPNI, as if an invitation to everyone, not only interviews with Zhurina were published, but also the exact addresses of her offenders. Such a mini-dossier: date of birth, address, home phone, mobile. Like, use it, good gentlemen. You can call and threaten your neighbors (and those, by the way, were called not only from Moscow, but also from St. Petersburg numbers). Or you can perform a “feat”. And the nationalists themselves often do not know who exactly “distinguished themselves”...
- This is the trend of the last few years. A kind of attempt to win loyalty among broad sections of the population, says Verkhovsky. - And what’s most interesting, a certain part of the population regards such actions with hidden approval... They say, of course, they are going too far, but in our country both the police and the courts have discredited themselves. Although maybe...
Law enforcement agencies do not give official comments about BORN, citing secrecy and extreme busyness. But is it only for this reason that the existence of “combat detachments” is not made public?

Judging by the rare comments that sometimes slip through, the security forces do not have a common opinion about BORN, says Semyon Charny, a member of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights. - One department believes that this is a brand. Others believe that this is a real group. Apparently, the truth is somewhere in the middle. I think initially it was actually a group that committed a couple of high-profile crimes. But it apparently broke up, and the abbreviation turned into a brand. From the series: there may be no pioneering avengers, but their work lives on.

But why can't the police deal with BORN?

This is a controversial situation. The police are detaining the nationalists. But before they have time to imprison some, others commit a new crime and sign “BORN.” As soon as they were identified, the third ones raised their heads. Therefore, the question here is rather not even about law enforcement agencies, but about national politics in general.

Judge of the Moscow City Court Eduard Chuvashov, lawyer Stanislav Markelov

Experts note that lately skins have been lynching in two directions. The first is “everyday” revenge for a specific offended “Russian person” (as an obvious example, the same Armenian taxi driver). The second is revenge from the series “it’s a shame for the state.” In this case, those who “allow the invasion of migrants in Russia or interfere with a fair fight against the occupiers” are punished.

In 2010, Moscow City Court judge Eduard Chuvashov was shot dead at the entrance of his house. The culprit has not yet been found. The nationalist version is considered by the investigation to be a priority. The fact is that Chuvashov tried the national group “White Wolves” and conducted the second trial of Arthur Ryno’s gang. On nationalist websites, the judge was dubbed “an enemy of the Russian people” and sentenced to the “tower.”

In 2009, lawyer Stanislav Markelov and Novaya Gazeta journalist Anastasia Baburova were killed. BORN took responsibility for the crimes. Members of the nationalist organization “Russian Image” Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Khasis were charged with committing a crime. Court hearings are in full swing.

In 2009, an explosion occurred in the building of the Kuntsevo department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow. “This action was of a demonstrative nature, and therefore we did everything to avoid casualties,” reads the statement of the “combat detachments.” And the reasons for the explosion are explained there. It turns out that the nationalists faced “repression from the Ministry of Internal Affairs” and this made them very angry, so they “ask” to leave them alone in an amicable way.

My comment ():

In my opinion, everything is clear here. As a comment, you can simply repeat again the words of the director of the information and analytical center “Sova” Alexander Verkhovsky from this article: “... a certain part of the population treats such actions with hidden approval... They say, of course, they are going too far, but in In our country, both the police and the courts have discredited themselves..."

Especially for those who again did not understand: " our country both the police and the courts have discredited themselves... "

What goals did the “Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists” set for itself, who led it and how the bandits committed the murders. Documents

Neo-fascism, bringing blood and terror, is now often spoken about. True, exclusively in the context of Ukraine and pretending that Russia does not have its own “right sector,” which was once in great demand at various levels of government, and perhaps still is.

The fear of the “orange”, long before the mass “swamp” protests, forced the authorities to look for allies. Serious allies, since various “ourists” were only suitable for participating in small dirty tricks and large pro-government rallies. So in someone’s head (and sooner or later we will find out in whose particular) the idea of ​​“controlled nationalism” matured, becoming a response to challenges from the left and liberal opposition, which the government considered and continues to consider its main enemy. Nationalist organizations began to be actively supported (including with money), “Russian marches” and concerts of Nazi groups near the Kremlin were allowed, initiatives of “Russian patriots” to combat migration, drugs, the LGBT movement or modern art were encouraged, and gangs fans are actively used to intimidate the opposition. Law enforcement officers went on raids with the “patriots,” the prosecutor’s office carried out checks based on their denunciations, the courts made decisions in their favor, and they became speakers for leading pro-state media.

As a rule, people turned a blind eye to “little pranks” - group massacres, murders of anti-fascists and migrant workers, and if criminal cases reached the court, then the motive for the crimes of the Russian Nazis was considered to be “hooliganism”.

Until the tail took on its own dog life and the matter turned into political terror. The Nazis, who happily used state resources, ceased to resemble popular popular patriots, armed only with cult healthy image life and a baseball bat, and turned into adherents of that very real fascism, whose main goal was the overthrow of the existing government. From the murder of guest workers, they moved on to other “objects of liquidation”: politicians, law enforcement officers, judges, lawyers, journalists, and priests. It was no longer the migrants' huts that were on fire, but the police stations. Bats were thrown onto the mezzanine as gun barrels and explosive devices appeared.

And now the state, having come to its senses, is trying to somehow correct the situation. Almost every month it becomes known about new arrests, sentences and gigantic sentences. Only in place of those sent to jail are new supporters of “racial purity” and “Russian Nazism”. And in the broth that the Kremlin and its media have now brewed, the deadly bacteria of fascism are multiplying with amazing speed. There may not be enough strength to drive this genie back.

On June 23, the Moscow Regional Court was supposed to select a jury for the trial in the criminal case of the Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists (BORN). However, it was not possible to form a board; a new selection was scheduled for July 17.

Let us remind you. Four defendants - Maxim Baklagin, Vyacheslav Isaev, Mikhail Volkov and Yuri Tikhomirov - were charged under the following articles: participation in an extremist community; participation in a gang; murder of two or more persons, committed on the grounds of political, ideological, national or religious hatred by an organized group by prior conspiracy, associated with banditry; encroachment on the life of a person administering justice; illegal acquisition and trafficking of weapons. Only one (at least known) member of BORN remains on the international wanted list - Alexander Parinov (Romanian).

As the investigation proves, the gang was responsible for the murders of: judge Eduard Chuvashov, anti-fascists Fyodor Filatov, Ilya Japaridze, Ivan Khutorsky, guest worker Salokhitdin Azizov, leader of the Black Hawks ethnic group Rasul Khalilov, world and European champion in Thai boxing Muslim Abdullaev and native of Armenia Sosa Khachikyan, as well as two attempts on life.

Another active member of BORN, Nikita Tikhonov, was sentenced to life imprisonment several years earlier for the murder of Novaya Gazeta journalist Anastasia Baburova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov. At this trial, he acts as a witness - although new charges have been brought against him, he will be tried in a special manner, since he cooperated with the investigation.

Tikhonov, the investigation believes, is one of the leaders of the Nazi gang, but the idea of ​​​​creating this combat structure belongs to Ilya Goryachev, who was extradited from Serbia last year. His case has been separated into separate proceedings and is currently being investigated.

I remember that after the trial of the murderers of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, some human rights activists (especially right-wing) and journalists tried to present Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Khasis as victims of tyranny and almost political prisoners, convicted innocently. They are now trying to assign exactly the same role to Goryachev in the public space. In the issue of the newspaper dated April 23 of this year, we promised to talk about the role of the former leader of “Russian Image” in the creation of a bloody gang, not in our own words, but with the help of official testimony. We keep our promise. And at the same time, we provide information for analysis to supporters of the “innocently convicted” version.

Help "Novaya"

Goryachev Ilya Vitalievich - born on May 30, 1982 in Moscow. Founder and leader of the nationalist organization “Russian Image”. A historian by training. In 2001, he was awarded the diploma of the Russian Orthodox Church “For his contribution to the development of Orthodoxy.” He was an assistant to State Duma deputy from the LDPR N. Kuryanovich. Organizer of a nationalist rally-concert on Bolotnaya Square in 2009. Collaborated with the organization “Young Russia” and “Local” activists. At the trial of the murder of Anastasia Baburova and Stanislav Markelov, he initially served as a witness. Gave testimony incriminating N. Tikhonov and E. Khasis. After that he disappeared abroad.

But first, let us recall what Goryachev himself said in an interview with Novaya Gazeta (January 2010).

Ilya Goryachev: “We have one goal - to become power”

“Lack of a political alternative, the opportunity to fight for one’s views, beliefs, rights using legal methods<...>really pushed many honest, sincere Russian people underground.”

“What socio-political goals does Russian Image set for itself?

The main direction is the struggle for power. Moreover, the struggle for power is not with the Kremlin, but with ideological opponents in our niche, with left-liberals.<...>

Today it is being decided who will determine the political face of Russia in the 21st century.<...>And the left-liberal camp, antifa, is our main competitor (one of the leaders of the left-liberal and anti-fascist movement in Russia was Stanislav Markelov. - Ed.). And we have one goal - to gradually reach the levers of power. Become the power.<...>»

“What is the difference between a political prisoner and a bandit? In the motivation of his actions. A bandit acts out of a thirst for profit, for the sake of enrichment, a political soldier acts out of his political and ideological convictions, not for the sake of self-interest, but for the sake of an idea.”

(For the information of Roskomnadzor: we do not promote, but condemn.)

Testimony of Sergei Golubev (Oper) 1 at the trial for the murder of S. Markelov and A. Baburova:

“Who decided who to choose and who to leave?

Tikhonov, possibly Goryachev.<...>They decide who will live and who will not.<...>In 2009, on January 15 or 16, I don’t remember exactly, I met with Goryachev.<...>He handed me the money and said: “Serge, listen, this is the situation. In the near future, a week, there may be a serious problem with right-hand traffic, something may happen. There may be problems, so it is better to leave the city.<...>When I returned to Moscow, at the end of January - beginning of February, I received a letter in my mail from an unknown address that “BORN” was taking upon itself the murder of Markelov and Baburova. In 2008, in December, the same letter came to me from Goryachev about the beheading of a person of Asian appearance 3 . He writes - open the email, I see - “BORN” and the severed head of a man from Central Asia.<...>

What about “Russian Image” in relation to “BORN”?

“Russian Image is a legal political organization, BORN is an illegal organization, its military wing.”

Protocol of N. Tikhonov’s confession (March 2012)

“I, Nikita Aleksandrovich Tikhonov, born in 1980,<...>I want to voluntarily report the circumstances of previously committed crimes.<...>We began to follow him (Markelov - Ed.) after press conferences in order to find out his place of residence and attempt murder there. But Korshunov 4 was photographed by people from Markelov’s entourage, and he asked to cancel the liquidation.

In principle, I was ready to listen to him, but unexpectedly in January 2009, Goryachev informed me that Markelov’s press conference would soon take place. I looked at the topic (Parole of Budanov) and decided that this would be a good cover, because Korshunov’s face would be sought among the military, dissatisfied with Markelov’s activities, and not skinheads. The problem was that Volkov was busy with work, I had no contact with Parinov that day, and then I decided to at least follow Markelov to his place of residence and kill him if the opportunity presented itself. I took Evgenia Khasis with me for surveillance.<...>The decision to kill Markelov and his companion was made spontaneously by me and came as a surprise to Khasis.<...>

Goryachev’s initial reaction to the murder of Markelov and his companion (whom we learned from the media that it was A. Baburova) was enthusiastic; I confirm the circumstances of the murder set out in the criminal case. At the same time, Goryachev expressed dissatisfaction with my reluctance to make a newsletter on the murder on behalf of BORN. Subsequently, such a statement nevertheless appeared (at the beginning of March) without my knowledge.<...>I learned about this mailing list from Goryachev.

Around May, Goryachev gave me a photo of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from St. Petersburg, G. Boyko, in the BTO case 5. Having obtained his address from the databases, I went with Khasis to St. Petersburg. Previously, Goryachev, through a member of “RO” from St. Petersburg, Anna Bogacheva, rented an apartment for us.<...>However, no action was taken against Boyko due to security reasons.

At the end of June 2009, antifa activist I. Dzhaparidze was killed by members of the “Northern” brigade Maxim (Baklagin. - Ed.) and Y. Tikhomirov (“Estonian”). I gave his address, previously received from Goryachev, to Severny in April 2009.

Protocol of interrogation of witness N. Tikhonov (May 2012)

“Tell me, where is the body of the murdered man left?

I don't know.

Don't know?

Don't know. I don’t know the body, and somehow I wasn’t interested. I had enough head (of the murdered S. Azizov - Ed.) for impressions.<...>We met Goryachev, probably in the Taganka area, but I can’t say for sure. In one of the Moscow cafes. He was very delighted with all this that happened and, in general, was not shocked by this, this photograph.

What kind of photograph was that?<...>

A tree stump, the head rests on it. I tried not to look closely.<...>There I followed Goryachev’s advice and wrote on behalf of “BORN”.<...>What was the point here - that BORN has military weapons. That these are really not skinheads, that this is something more, which Goryachev called for. That this is already an underground organization, that this is the Russian IRA 6.<...>

Since October 1989, Korshunov had already been spying on Markelov’s registered address.<...>We monitored this entrance, but we never saw Markelov.<...>Goryachev insisted that Markelov was the main target.<...>I explained to him when we met,<...>that surveillance does not produce results, we do not know where Markelov lives.<...>And we started following Markelov after the press conferences.<...>It was assumed that Korshunov was helping the surveillance, and the attack was carried out by me and Parinov.<...>

- <...>You told Goryachev, what was his reaction to this? Was he even aware that you were preparing?

Yes, he was aware. But we carried out surveillance. We did not have the goal of killing Markelov there in the center of Moscow in broad daylight with a crowd of people under cameras, no. The idea was to track the place of residence. He provided information then, well, that is, he constantly monitored the Internet, Goryachev.<...>

I found out Volkov's plans for January 19th. He was busy that day, working.<...>Well, then I turned to Evgenia Khasis<...>. We had two walkie-talkies - hers and mine.<...>And earlier we used these radios when spying on Markelov, when Korshunov and I were watching. He then told me on the radio: “That’s it, I’ve been “fired”, I’m leaving.” I alone followed Markelov and his companion, as it later turned out to be Baburova. I lost them alone on the subway. Because I got too close to them, Baburova looked at me<...>. And that means we also used walkie-talkies here. In order not to catch the eye of the same Baburova, so that she would not remember me, I was in the area of ​​the monument,<...>Zhenya is opposite the office of the Independent Press Center. She followed them...<...>In general, we had to change periodically in order to track our place of residence<...>. There was no plan to kill.<...>The decision to kill was made spontaneously.<...>Prechistenka was surprisingly deserted, there were almost no cars, almost no pedestrians<...>.

We met the Goryachevs after quite a long time<...>. Well, in general, he was delighted with what happened. Well, the information coverage, of course, was enormous. The only thing he said: “Where is the newsletter? Why doesn't BORN take responsibility for this?<...>There’s hype, there’s a chance to promote the brand.” In general, on this basis we had a conflict with him.<...>

About a month, maybe a month and a half after the murder of Markelov and Baburova, I noticed a change in Goryachev’s mood. He was alarmed, he said that there was a great outcry at the top about these crimes. And he asked for a while not to touch any more anti-fascists, because “after all, Filatov, he is from the list that I received,” Goryachev said, “from the cops.”<...>I just wanted to discuss with him the personalities of Japaridze and Avilishvili as future goals. That is, if he gives the go-ahead for this, I mean Goryachev, then accordingly I would try to organize an attack on them. But when Goryachev said that “that’s it, don’t touch anyone now,” I listened<...>.

Someone needed Markelov’s murder and they pushed me towards it. I don’t rule out that Goryachev was also pushed.<...>I clearly understand that I was set against him.<...>I was wrong".

Protocol of interrogation of E. Khasis as a witness (February 2012)

« <...>Markelov seemed to be familiar to me by sight, and he often appeared in our conversations with Goryachev. Goryachev always spoke impartially about him in his conversations.<...>This conversation (about the press conference) began with Goryachev’s suggestion. I sort of saw this conversation on Skype, that is, he was mostly inclined.<...>I have reason to believe...<...>It is possible that Leonid Simunin 7 was interested in this, that the situation around Stanislav Markelov would develop in exactly this way. Stanislav Markelov interfered with the Presidential Administration<...>. And Ilya Goryachev repeatedly in his conversations, in general, about the socio-political situation, said that the leadership is extremely dissatisfied with the activity of left-liberal circles<...>, including the activity of Stanislav Markelov.<...>Naturally, Ilya Goryachev, as was the case before, took upon himself the function of covering this upcoming murder in the public with the placement of those accents that would be beneficial at that time<...>nationalists.<...>Based on the results of this crime, Ilya Goryachev had to put forward certain demands for Leonid Simunin and the Presidential Administration in his person. Requirements for, let’s say, opportunities for further expansion of the organization,<...>could have the opportunity to blackmail him, that if he does not provide him with certain administrative resources, financial opportunities, then this could happen again, relatively speaking.<...>Ilya Goryachev, in his conversations with Tikhonov, of which I am an eyewitness, expressed his desire for the militant organization of Russian nationalists to take responsibility for committing this crime.<...>».

Which of all these testimonies is true and which are just assumptions will become clear during open trials - against members of BORN and Ilya Goryachev. Unless, of course, the court avoids pressing political issues and decides to understand how a very effective and extremely brutal nationalist underground almost formed in Russia, whose members considered the state their enemies (which did not prevent them from using official resources), and the left-liberal opposition, and representatives of other ethnic groups.

1 Sergei Golubev is the leader of the Russian branch of the international nationalist organization Blood-and-Honor and the organizer of the Internet project “Right Radio”. Collaborated with Russian Image. Witness in the trial of N. Tikhonov and E. Khasis.
2 The murder of A. Baburova and S. Markelov occurred on January 19, 2009.

3 We are talking about the murder of S. Azizov

4 Alexey Korshunov, another BORN member, was hiding in Ukraine and died when his own grenade exploded in October 2011.

5 BTO - “Combat terrorist organization”. A neo-Nazi gang led by D. Borovikov (killed during detention) and A. Voevodin (received a life sentence). At least six murders, including the murder of anti-fascist and ethnographer Nikolai Girenko in 2004.
6 IRA - Irish Republican Army, which had military and political wings and advocated the independence of Northern Ireland from Great Britain. The military wing of the IRA is recognized by the international community as a terrorist organization.
7 Leonid Simunin is the leader of the Lyubertsy branch of the pro-Kremlin organization “Local”; Goryachev introduced him in conversations as “the curator of the “Russian Image” from the presidential administration.”

On an August afternoon, an explosion occurred in the almost deserted stadium of school No. 71 in the Ukrainian regional center of Zaporozhye. It was witnessed by two men working out on the horizontal bars, and a school watchman who jumped out to hear the noise. In nearby houses, the shock wave rattled windows and alarms went off in many parked cars. After the explosion, the body of a man who was jogging was left lying on the stadium treadmill. Witnesses did not dare to approach him. The police and ambulance doctors were the first to approach the scene of the incident. An eerie picture appeared before their eyes.

Within a radius of ten meters from the lying body, its entrails were scattered, almost all the clothes were torn off from the man, and the right side of the body was practically absent. On the chest and arms of the corpse, police officers were able to see numerous tattoos, mainly consisting of swastikas and inscriptions in Gothic font.

The guards of order at first thought that the deceased belonged to the criminal community, the so-called “deniers”, who often in the zone express their protest and rejection of the current laws with similar tattoos. However, they were wrong. The deceased never sat in the camp, although Russian state put him on the international wanted list. He was listed on the wanted list as Alexey Korshunov. Apparently, in the bag hanging on his right side there was an F-1 hand grenade, from which the pin fell out as he ran. Korshunov straightened the bag that was slipping, after which an explosion occurred. He knew that he was wanted and under no circumstances wanted to surrender to the authorities. I always carried a grenade with me for self-defense.

A nationalist, sentenced to 18 years in prison and who knew Alexei Korshunov well, characterized him as a manic person. Korshunov was unexpectedly carried away by the political struggle, otherwise he could quite easily join the list of Russians. The short, bald, rather faded man hid within himself remarkable willpower and determination. He was very private and rarely shared even with his nationalist friends about his own experiences or his inner world.

The sociable ones were never able to figure out Korshun, but Khasis’s female instinct became a more reliable indicator. All his acquaintances noted some oddities about Alexei Korshunov. He really didn't like it when dogs barked at him. He immediately entered into open conflict with their owners, and he was not embarrassed by the size or breed of the animal or the physical condition of the owner himself. Another feature of Korshun’s behavior was his reluctance to never, under any circumstances, bow his head. Walking through a forest or park, he always kept his head straight, bending back all the tree branches that came in his way, and if this was impossible, bypassing the trunks. By joining the fight for the rights of the “oppressed” Russian people, Alexey Korshunov was able to demonstrate all his inflexibility.

Ensign nationalist

Studying in high school, Korshunov wrote poetry and practiced karate. He graduated from school with a silver medal, entered college, but quickly abandoned his studies. In the army, Alexey served in the 810th Marine Brigade, stationed in the then Ukrainian Sevastopol. After his military service, Korshunov continued it as a contract soldier in the FSB units, rising to the rank of warrant officer. He never told anyone what he had to do in the special units, but he was bored with being in the ranks of the elite of the Russian security forces of the FSB. He demobilized, got a job as a security guard at a private security company, and started a family and a child.

He acquired the defiant marks on his body during his membership in the Nazi organization OB-88. In neo-Nazi slang, the number 88 means a phrase in German– Heil Hitler. Army political studies did not leave a mark on the minds of the marine and the ex-FSB officer. He took the term “patriotism” in his own way - becoming a patriot only of the interests of the Russian people, as part of the white race. Reinforcing the ideology of Nazism with a spiritual principle, he additionally chose for himself the cult of truly ancient Russian pagan gods.

Moving among people like him, he met Nikita Tikhonov and Alexander Parinov, nicknamed “Romanian.” Young people, despite their different roots and life path, quickly found a common language and became bosom friends. It was from their meeting that the nationalist organization “” will begin to account for the time of its existence, although many experts consider it mystical, arising in the head of the intellectual-ideologist Ilya Goryachev. Perhaps the trio of friends did not know that their union became the formal reason for the formation of the organization, but each of them shared plans and ideas with their closest comrades.

Murder of a lawyer

The common opinion of Tikhonov, Parinov and Korshunov was the need to carry out a landmark action - the murder of a prominent representative from the opposition camp. The choice fell on lawyer Stanislav Markelov. He spoiled a lot of blood for domestic followers of Rosenberg’s racial theory by participating in the courts, where, as a rule, he represented the interests of victims at the hands of Russian nationalists.

The first attempt at revenge was unsuccessful. The anti-fascists who accompanied Markelov to the Independent Press Center on November 24, 2008 drew attention to a suspicious man who had been walking around the building for several hours without any apparent purpose and was defiantly holding his hand in his pocket. They photographed him, after which, realizing that it was impossible to carry out their plans secretly, the stranger hastily left the site of his ambush. He, as it later turned out, was Alexey Korshunov, whom eyewitnesses were able to identify much later from those photos. The second attempt, made 2 months later by Tikhonov and Khasis, turned out to be effective - Markelov, and with him an accidental witness, journalist Baburova, were shot.

Murder of a Judge

The stubborn Korshunov was greatly annoyed by the first failure and actively began searching for a new victim, not inferior in importance to the figure of Stanislav Markelov. It didn't take long to search. Federal judge Eduard Chuvashov handed down the most severe sentences to members of the White Wolves gang and members of the Ryno-Skachevsky group, which was engaged in a real hunt for foreigners and killed 2 dozen people.

The hatred of the servant of justice among Russian nationalists was reinforced by the interpretation of his careless statement at one of the court hearings. The quote, taken out of the context of the judge’s speech, was interpreted by domestic xenophobes as a call to kill Russians. On April 11, 2010, a short young man in a baseball cap approached the entrance of the house where Chuvashov lived, with the help of a helpful janitor, got inside and waited for half an hour on the stairs of the 3rd floor, politely greeting residents passing by. He also politely nodded his head to the judge hurrying to work, and then, grabbing a pistol, shot him in the back of the head.

Investigators received only video surveillance materials from cameras installed in the courtyard of the house and testimony from the janitor. It is characteristic that after the murder of Judge Chuvashov there was no statement from BORN, expected in cases of organized political murder, which once again suggests that the trio of nationalists acted as lone killers.

On October 1, 2010, in the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region, 15-year-old schoolgirl Anna Beshnova was raped and then killed. Based on fresh tracks, the police quickly identified the killer. It was a native of the sunny Fergana Valley, Farkhod Tursunov, who, as usual among Uzbek migrants, worked as a janitor. The crime could not go unnoticed by the nationalist underground. The outrage was bound to result in retaliatory murder.

Severed head

Korshunov openly admitted that he had long wanted to cut off a non-Russian head. Less than a week later, such an opportunity presented itself to him. On the evening of October 6, a group of extremely angry militants attacked 3 migrants. Two managed to escape, and the remaining one, Salokhitdin Azizov, was shot by Parinov. Korshunov immediately began to realize his old dream over the cooling body.

With a knife, he sawed through the cervical vertebrae of the dead man for a long time before separating the head from the body and putting it in a plastic bag. The epic story didn't end there. She was referred to Nikita Tikhonov, who was to photograph her and use the image in a new journalistic work - a propaganda leaflet. The severed head spent the night in his refrigerator at home, only to be thrown to the doors of the Mozhaisk district government the next night. The last personal victim of Alexei Korshunov was civil activist Ivan Khutorskoy. Korshunov shot him in the back of the head.

Feeling a police chase behind him and soberly realizing that he was in danger of rotting while serving an inevitable life sentence, Korshunov moved to Ukraine, and then moved his entire family there. In Zaporozhye, he lived low-key, quietly, but he always carried a grenade with him, dreaming of blowing himself up in the event of an attempt to arrest him and taking a couple of other enemies with him to the next world. The grenade went off a little before the enemy approached its owner.


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