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The answers to tasks 1–19 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the answer boxes to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Place historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that represent historical events in the correct sequence.

1. Battle of the Neva

2. Battle of the Kalka River

3. Livonian War


Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the abolition of serfdom in Russia.

1) peasant society; 2) global mediator; 3) sessional peasant; 4) charter; 5) a free tiller; 6) a free rural inhabitant.

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.


Write down the term in question.

“The idea of ​​such a celebration was borrowed by Peter the Great in Europe and introduced into Russian noble and merchant life in 1718._________was held at all times of the year, and in the summer usually in the open air. The celebration program included food, drinks, dancing, games and conversations.”


Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.

A) “His Imperial Majesty announces His Highest blessing to the troops who were on maneuvers on this date and their commanders, General of the Infantry Golenishchev-Kutuzov and General of the Cavalry Count von der Palen, as well as all battalion commanders, and grants the lower ranks a ruble and a glass wine and a pound of beef per person; and at the same time, they deigned to announce to the Highest that it is very comforting for His Imperial Majesty to see the achievements of troops of such perfection, in which they showed themselves in all units under the command of such generals, whose qualities and talents, acting with such troops and such a nation as the Russian one, cannot but approve and fail to ensure the security and integrity of the state. »

B) “E.v. All-Russian Emperor and H.V. the Emperor of Austria, the King of Hungary, wishing to put into practice the idea that guides their cordial agreement, with the goal of strengthening the peace that now prevails in Europe, and striving to postpone the possibility of war, which could disrupt it, convinced that this goal can best be achieved It was only by direct and personal agreement between the sovereigns, an agreement independent of changes that might occur in their governments, that the following points were agreed upon:

I. Their Majesties promise each other, even when there is some disagreement in the demands of the interests of their states on particular issues, to come to an agreement so that these differences cannot prevail over considerations of a higher order with which they are concerned. Their Majesties have decided not to allow anyone to separate them on the basis of the principles they consider to be the only ones capable of ensuring and, if necessary, forcibly supporting European peace against any upheaval, no matter where it may come from.

II. In the event that an attack from a third power should threaten to disturb the European peace, their Majesties mutually undertake, without seeking or concluding new alliances, to first come to an agreement among themselves in order to agree on the course of action that should be followed jointly.

III. If, as a result of this agreement, there was a need for military action, such action should be in accordance with a special convention to be concluded by Their Majesties.

IV. If one of the high contracting parties, in an effort to regain full independence of action, wishes to denounce this act, it is obliged to give two years' notice in order to give the other party time to take such measures as it deems appropriate."

2. The creation of this agreement was influenced by the results of the Crimean War.

3. Material refers to the Schönbrunn Convention

4. The family of the awarded general came from the Rurikovich family.

5. The order was given by Paul I.

6. This document was signed by the emperor, who was subsequently killed by terrorists.

Fragment AFragment B


Indicate which of the listed phenomena, facts, and events are characteristic of the history of Rus' in the 10th century.

1. creation of a system of graveyards

2. defeat of the Khazar Kaganate

3. Prince Askold’s campaigns against Byzantium

4. compilation of “Russian Truth”

5. defeat of the Pecheneg tribes near Kyiv

6. Baptism of Rus'


Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) The supply of the rear and the organization of the national economy during the war was carried out by such an organization as _______

B) _______ was engaged in strategic planning of all military operations during the Great Patriotic War.

C) _______ led the entire partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

1. People's Commissariat of Defense

2. State Defense Committee

3. State Commission for Logistics Supply

4. Central headquarters of the partisan movement

5. Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

6. Presidium of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Establish a correspondence between the events and the participants in these events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Read an excerpt from the source and indicate the year to which this event relates.

“On September 1, at 9 o’clock in the evening, a ceremonial performance began in the city theater, in the Supreme presence. At 11.30, during intermission, after the second act, P.A. Stolypin, who was sitting in the first row near the Sovereign's box, rose from his seat and stood with his back to the stage, talking to the people approaching him. Suddenly two shots rang out in the hall one after another... Wounded by two bullets, Stolypin retained his presence of mind. He made the sign of the cross over himself and the royal box in which the Emperor stood, after which, deathly pale, he began to fall.”


Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each missing letter, select the number of the required element.

Parties Leaders Year founded
(A)V.M. Chernov1902
(D)A.I. Guchkov(E)

4. Yu.O. Martov

5. Bolsheviks

7. V.M. Purishkevich

9. P.N. Miliukov


Read an excerpt from a historical source.

“The prince’s contemporaries highly valued him for his services to the fatherland. He was the first to rise up to fight for liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The prince managed to unite a large number of Russian soldiers, showing during the Battle of Kulikovo the significantly increased strength of Rus'. The prince's reign lasted 30 years. During this time, there were many military clashes with external enemies, not to mention internal conflicts. Frequent battles devastated the Russian lands, and at the same time they contributed to the spiritual unity of the people who stood up to defend their native lands. Despite the fact that the Grand Duke was unable to prevent the devastation caused by Tokhtamysh, the population was not inclined to blame him for this. The prince was always loved by the people and willingly accepted signs of their attention and gratitude.

The prince's rivals were the rulers of Ryazan and Tver. By the end of his life, he practically stopped their attempts to leave obedience to Moscow. And yet the Ryazan and Tver principalities still retained their separate position.”

Using the passage and your knowledge of history, choose three true statements from the list given.

1. The prince referred to in the passage received the honorary nickname Nevsky.

2. The isolated position of the lands, which is mentioned in the passage, ended during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

3. The destruction of Moscow, which is mentioned in the passage, dates back to 1382.

4. During the reign of this prince, a new white-stone Kremlin was built in Moscow.

5. The prince mentioned in the passage was the first to receive the right to independently collect tribute from Russian lands for the Golden Horde.

6. The prince mentioned in the passage handed over the label for the great reign to his son without the permission of the Golden Horde khan.

Look at the diagram and complete tasks 13-16


Write the name of the part of the German Empire indicated on the diagram by the number “1”.


Write the name of the commander of the Southwestern Front, under whose leadership the combat operation was planned and carried out, the general area of ​​which is indicated on the diagram by the number “4”.


Write the name of the city, indicated on the diagram by the number “3”, which was surrendered to the enemy due to the strong moral decay of the Russian troops and their general unwillingness to resist the enemy.


Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three judgments from the six proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. The number “2” in the diagram shows the section of the front where the Galician operation was carried out in the first months.

2. - this symbol on the diagram indicates the front line at the end of the first year of the war.

3. The territory shown in the diagram from conditional line to conditional line was abandoned by Russian troops during events known as the “Great Retreat”.

4. The United States became an active participant in the war at its final stage, its troops were actively operating on the Western Front.

5. The Romanian leadership considered that the Russian offensive, carried out in the area indicated by the number “4,” indicated a turning point in the course of hostilities, and the beginning of a war against the Entente.

6. The war, the events of which are shown in the diagram, ended with the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia.


For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Cultural monuments Characteristics
A) “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears”1) Film by the outstanding Soviet director S. Eisenstein.
B) "Domostroy"2) Represents the solemn speech of Metropolitan Hilarion in the middle of the 11th century.
B) Notes on ancient and modern Russia in its political and civil relations3) The first manifesto of Russian conservatism, written by N.M. Karamzin
D) “The Word on Law and Grace”4) It was rewritten by the confessor and associate of Ivan the Terrible, Archpriest Sylvester, as an edification to the young Tsar.
5) Film by V.V. Menshov, who received an Oscar in 1981.
6) Philosophical and legal treatise, a guide for deputies of the Legislative Commission.

Look at the image and complete tasks 18-19


Which judgments about the monument depicted in the photograph are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. The monument was created in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812.

2. Currently the monument is located in Moscow.

3. The angel on top of the column represents Emperor Nicholas, under whom the monument was erected.

5. The column was opened on the 100th anniversary of the war, in 1912.


Which of the buildings presented below was built during the years of leadership of the country by the same statesman under whom this monument was created? In your answer, write down the number that indicates this building.





Part 2.

First write down the number of the task (20, 21, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

From the emperor's manifesto

“Immortal glory, wise Monarch, Dear Sovereign, Our Grandfather, Peter the Great, All-Russian Emperor, what burden and great labors he was forced to endure solely for the well-being and benefit of His fatherland, raising Russia to a perfect knowledge of both military, civil and political affairs , not only the whole of Europe, but also most of the world is a false witness. But how to restore this it was necessary, first of all... to accustom the noble nobility and show how great the advantages of the enlightened powers are in the well-being of the human race against countless peoples immersed in the depths of ignorance; Therefore, at that time, the very extreme insisted on the Russian nobility, showing his excellent signs of favor to them, ordered them to enter military and civil services, and, moreover, to train noble youth not only in various liberal sciences, but also in many useful arts...

The aforementioned establishment, although at the beginning it was somewhat associated with coercion, but was very useful, was followed by everyone who owned the Russian Throne since the time of Peter the Great, and especially by Our Dear Aunt, of blessed memory, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, imitating the deeds of the Sovereign, Her Parent, knowledge political affairs and various sciences spread and multiplied... We see with our pleasure, and every true son of his fatherland must admit, that countless benefits have followed from this, rudeness has been destroyed in those who are careless about the common good, ignorance has changed into common sense, useful knowledge and diligence in service has multiplied skilled and brave generals in military affairs, in civil and political affairs it has placed knowledgeable and capable people, in a word, to conclude, noble thoughts have rooted in the hearts of all true Russian patriots boundless loyalty and love for Us, great zeal and excellent We are jealous of Our service, and therefore We do not find the need for compulsion to serve, which was necessary until now...

Mikhaila G[olenischev]-Kutuzov.

N.P. Panin - A.B. Kurakina.

[…] Like you, dear cousin, I am aware of the difficulty of choosing a person who should be my assistant. As a result, I came up with an idea that I submit to your opinion. Since they want to give a preliminary order to General Kutuzov, is it possible to dwell on it and leave him here for a while?

I confess that I prefer it to many others. He is smart, capable, and I find that he and I have similarities in our views. If they send someone else, we will lose precious time studying each other and, so to speak, combining our opinions. Another of the main reasons is that [Kutuzov] was successful at court and in society.

They are more accessible to the old soldier here than to anyone else, and with this benefit he combines another: he knows the German language perfectly, which is necessary. Finally, I repeat, I think that he will be more useful than the other and that we will always get along. […]

Mister Infantry General Kutuzov.

The sending of your quartermaster here for regimental needs, without first receiving My permission, is attributed by Me to nothing other than your whims, for which I am reprimanding you.

Lieutenant General Wrangel presented to me with his 1st report that having learned that the regiment named after him, captains Kashin and Levitsky in the companies they commanded, took considerable sums of money from the lower ranks and although they later paid it in full and their subordinates have no complaints, but the insolence Such an act cannot remain in silence, and therefore I dare, most submissively to Your Imperial Majesty, to present them as completely unreliable for service in the future.

General of Infantry Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

Resolution: “Garrison Wrangel 1st Regiment captains Kashin and Levitsky, for taking considerable sums of money from lower ranks as an example to others, are expelled from service with deprivation of all ranks.”

M.I. Kutuzov - P.G. Divov.

February 1800. Vilna.

Seeing from foreign newspapers and the information I received from St. Petersburg that the pestilence broke out in France, where it spread to the borders of Strasbourg, which I think is not unknown to you, I am prompted by you, my dear sir, to humbly ask if there is anything better than your hopes, why yes The Almighty will protect us, if that disastrous disease touched the borders of Prussia, do not leave a hasty notification, so that I could take appropriate measures in advance to protect the province entrusted to me from this infection by strictly inspecting people traveling from abroad to Lithuania and imported goods. Hereby you will greatly benefit the one who stays with true respect forever:

Mikhaila Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

From the report delivered to me from the Novogrudok mayor, the court councilor Skalon, I saw that from among those who were there for treatment, those left by the musketeers of the Upper, that now the Baklanovsky regiment of the lower ranks 18, 12 people died; I therefore order the medical board to carry out a proper and accurate study of why such a number of deaths from such a small number resulted and whether there were any omissions on the part of anyone in the use and care that should have been used for the sick, what will it turn out to be, to convey to me.

From the Highest order.

His Imperial Majesty, in His presence in the city of Gatchina, deigned to give the following order.

His Imperial Majesty declares His Highest blessing to the troops who were on maneuvers on this date and to their commanders, General of the Infantry Golenishchev-Kutuzov and General of the Cavalry Count von der Palen, as well as all battalion commanders, while granting the lower ranks a ruble, a glass of wine and a pound of beef per person; and at the same time, they deigned to announce to the Highest that it is very comforting for His Imperial Majesty to see the achievements of troops of such perfection, in which they showed themselves in all units under the command of such generals, whose qualities and talents, acting with such troops and such a nation as the Russian one, cannot but approve and fail to ensure the security and integrity of the state. […]

Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.

A) “His Imperial Majesty announces His Highest blessing to the troops who were on maneuvers on this date and their commanders, General of the Infantry Golenishchev-Kutuzov and General of the Cavalry Count von der Palen, as well as all battalion commanders, and grants the lower ranks a ruble and a glass wine and a pound of beef per person; and at the same time, they deigned to announce to the Highest that it is very comforting for His Imperial Majesty to see the achievements of troops of such perfection, in which they showed themselves in all units under the command of such generals, whose qualities and talents, acting with such troops and such a nation as the Russian one, cannot but approve and fail to ensure the security and integrity of the state. »

B) “E.v. All-Russian Emperor and H.V. the Emperor of Austria, the King of Hungary, wishing to put into practice the idea that guides their cordial agreement, with the goal of strengthening the peace that now prevails in Europe, and striving to postpone the possibility of war, which could disrupt it, convinced that this goal can best be achieved It was only by direct and personal agreement between the sovereigns, an agreement independent of changes that might occur in their governments, that the following points were agreed upon:

I. Their Majesties promise each other, even when there is some disagreement in the demands of the interests of their states on particular issues, to come to an agreement so that these differences cannot prevail over considerations of a higher order with which they are concerned. Their Majesties have decided not to allow anyone to separate them on the basis of the principles they consider to be the only ones capable of ensuring and, if necessary, forcibly supporting European peace against any upheaval, no matter where it may come from.

II. In the event that an attack from a third power should threaten to disturb the European peace, their Majesties mutually undertake, without seeking or concluding new alliances, to first come to an agreement among themselves in order to agree on the course of action that should be followed jointly.

III. If, as a result of this agreement, there was a need for military action, such action should be in accordance with a special convention to be concluded by Their Majesties.

IV. If one of the high contracting parties, in an effort to regain full independence of action, wishes to denounce this act, it is obliged to give two years' notice in order to give the other party time to take such measures as it deems appropriate."

2. The creation of this agreement was influenced by the results of the Crimean War.

3. Material refers to the Schönbrunn Convention

4. The family of the awarded general came from the Rurikovich family.

5. The order was given by Paul I.

6. This document was signed by the emperor, who was subsequently killed by terrorists.

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Preparation for the Unified State Exam in history, grade 11. Sample test tasks.

1. Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

1) battle on the river Shel they

2) battle on the Vozha River

3) Tokhtamysh’s campaign against Moscow


2. Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Princess Olga's trip to Drevlyanskaya

compilation of "The Truth of Yaroslavich"

Polish siege of Smolensk

Battle of Liaoyang


3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the period 1965-1985. 1) CMEA; 2) state farm; 3) VSNKh; 4) State Planning Committee; 5) Gossnab; 6) VDNH.

Find and write down serial number a term relating to another historical period. Answer:

Khrushchev from duties _______________.

Answer: _____________________________________ .

5. Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) internal politics of Russia in the middle of the 18th century.

B) general census of lands in the 1570-1580s.

B) new economic policy of Soviet power (1921-1926)

D) transformations into du-

service life

establishment of nobility (25 years)

repeal of the article of the Constitution on the leading and guiding role of the CPSU

3) abolition of universal labor conscription

4) creation of a system of secular education

5) reduction in the number of ministries and departments

6) introduction of “reserved years”

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


economic sphere of the Russian state in the first quarter of the 18th century.

6. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two relevant characteristicscharacteristics indicated by numbers. _______________


“His Imperial Majesty declares His Highest blessing to the troops who were on maneuvers on this date and their commanders, General of the Infantry Golenischev-Kutuzov and General of the Cavalry Count von der Palen, as well as all battalion commanders, and grants the lower ranks a ruble each, a glass of wine and a pound of beef per person; and at the same time, they deigned to announce to the Highest that it is very comforting for His Imperial Majesty to see the achievements of troops of such perfection, in which they showed themselves in all units under the command of such generals, whose qualities and talents, acting with such troops and such a nation as the Russian one, cannot but approve and not provide security and integrity of the state. ...» “E.v. All-Russian Emperor and H.V. the Emperor of Austria, the King of Hungary, wishing to put into practice the idea that guides their cordial agreement, with the goal of strengthening the peace that now prevails in Europe, and striving to postpone the possibility of war, which could disrupt it, convinced that this goal can best be achieved only by direct and personal agreement between the sovereigns, an agreement independent of changes that might occur in their governments, agreed on the following points:

I. Their Majesties promise each other, even when there is some disagreement in the demands of the interests of their states on particular issues, to come to an agreement so that these differences cannot prevail over considerations of a higher order with which they are concerned. Their Majesties have decided not to allow anyone to separate them on the basis of the principles they consider to be the only ones capable of ensuring and, if necessary, forcibly supporting European peace against any upheaval, no matter where it may come from. P. In the event that an attack from a third power threatened to disturb the European peace, their Majesties mutually undertake, without seeking or concluding new alliances, to first come to an agreement among themselves in order to agree on the course of action that should be followed jointly.

III. If, as a result of this agreement, there was a need for military action, such action should be in accordance with a special convention to be concluded by Their Majesties.

IV. If one of the high contracting parties, in an effort to regain full independence of action, wishes to denounce this act, it is obliged to give two years' notice in order to give the other party time to take such measures as may be necessary. she deems appropriate.”


2) The creation of this agreement was influenced by the results of the Crimean War.

3) The material refers to the Schönbrunn Convention.

4) The family of the awarded general came from the Rurikovichs.

5) The order was given by Paul I.

6) This document was signed by the emperor, who was subsequently killed by terrorists.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


7. Which of the following was characteristic of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality in the 12th-13th centuries? Select three positions. Write it down in the table numbers , under which they are indicated.

1) underdevelopment of veche traditions

2) the independence of the boyars and their desire to limit princely power

3) the central role of the mayor

4) the Grand Duke's supreme ownership of the land

5) fragile positions of the boyar nobility

6) calling the prince to the throne by agreement


8. Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) For 58 days and nights, 24 soldiers led by Sergeant__________ heroically defended a four-story house in the city center from the Nazis.

B) After a 250-day heroic defense on July 4, 1942, Soviet troops left_______.

B) The battle of _____________ allowed the Soviet command to gain time to prepare the defense of Moscow.

10Missed elements:

1) S.L. Redfin

2) Sevastopol

3) Smolensk

4) Simferopol

5) Ya.F. Pavlov

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


9. Establish a correspondence between events and participants: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Crimean War 1853-1856.

B) Patriotic War of 1812

B) Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774.

D) Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

PARTICIPANTS K.P. Pobedonostsev P.D. Kiselev M.T. Loris-Melikov

4) A.Kh. Benckendorf

5) A.V. Suvorov


Read an excerpt from the memoirs and indicate the author's last name

“Until now I have not dared to publish my notes about Rasputin. I did not want to touch on those events that were fatally connected with the reign of the martyred Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. To avoid severe disappointments and mistakes in the future, you need to know the mistakes

past: to know the truth of yesterday. As a close witness to some of the events of this yesterday, I want to tell you everything I saw and heard about them. For the sake of this, I decided to overcome in myself that painful feeling that rises in my soul upon close contact with the past, especially when remembering its terrible denouement in the basement of the Ipatiev House. When Rasputin stood like a black shadow near the throne, all of Russia was indignant. The best representatives of the highest clergy raised their voices to defend the Church and the Motherland from the encroachments of this criminal rogue. Those closest to the Royal Family begged the Tsar and the Empress to remove Rasputin.

Everything was to no avail. His dark influence became more and more strengthened, and along with this, discontent in the country grew more and more, penetrating even into the most remote corners of Russia, where the common people sensed with a sure instinct that something was wrong at the heights of power.

And therefore, when Rasputin was killed, his death was greeted with universal rejoicing.”

Answer: _____________________________________.


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