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Compatibility between Dragon man and Pig woman is promising for building loved ones love relationship and starting a family. Between these partners there is an intuitive understanding, a feeling for each other, and such interaction is much more important than any negotiations and artificially created relationships.

A Dragon man and a Pig woman can make a successful couple, but they will have to make mutual concessions. Here, as in the reverse version, the Dragon will be the troublemaker. He is unrestrained, sometimes rude and completely undiplomatic. With the help of these qualities it will not be possible to create strong relationships and an atmosphere of love and trust. The Pig woman is vulnerable, timid and reserved. However, besides the differences, there are also common features that will certainly bring these people closer together.

They both love activity, show curiosity and take some everyday issues lightly. In particular, both the Dragon and the Pig can sometimes afford to spend too large sums on things that are not very important and necessary. Not only positive traits can unite, but also disadvantages. In general, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon and the Pig do not have the most favorable compatibility. This couple needs to do a lot for family happiness, and what could be more expensive than that?

Dragon man and Pig woman in love

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, the main thing that a Dragon man and a Pig woman need to build a harmonious relationship is mutual respect. In general, this is a very promising union in which each of the partners will receive exactly what they need.

The Pig woman is very sensitive and she is not afraid to express her emotions. The main danger is that the Dragon man may regard such behavior as weakness and will try to take a dominant position. It is at this stage that it is important not to lose respect for your partner, since she will feel it very well, scandals will begin, and soon the couple will break up.

In general, the Pig woman is not against the Dragon man leading the couple, since she easily adapts to the situation. They have many common interests and will enjoy spending leisure time together, traveling and meeting new people. But the main thing that exists between representatives of these signs is mutual understanding, which exists on some intuitive level, without special knowledge of psychology.

The Dragon man is very independent and freedom-loving, he needs a companion who has a gentle character and will not put pressure on him, and the Pig woman in this sense is simply an ideal option.

Dragon man and Pig woman in a relationship

Most likely, the expectations and desires of both partners in this union will be realized. However, they will be able to find true happiness in a relationship only with mutual respect. It is worth noting that the Dragon man may perceive the Pig woman’s sensitivity as weakness and will try to become a leader. Of course, a man should take a leading position, but it is important that he does not humiliate his woman. Otherwise, she may begin to cheat, or regularly poison the relationship with the poison of dissatisfaction. Then the relationship will fail.

With mutual respect, a trusting and warm relationship will be established in the couple. The Dragon man will try to enrich their life together with bright events, interesting travels and acquaintances. The Pig woman will gladly accept the dynamics and fantasies of the Dragon man as a stimulus for her own development.

The Dragon man will also be happy with his partnership with the Pig woman, as she is able to take care, show concern and kindness. Next to her, he finds the long-awaited opportunity to fully relax and enjoy simple joys in life. The interaction of these partners is based on internal deep psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security. Both partners are bright, lively and very inquisitive personalities.

Compatibility of Dragon and Pig in marriage

In a marriage between a Dragon man and a Pig woman, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. Dragon Man plays the role of a “servant”, who is not deprived of intelligence, intelligence and love of freedom. The Pig woman will not tolerate his dreams and abstruse speeches. He will soon abandon his pompous husband if he himself does not fall in love with that piece of paradise that he so strives for in the house. Compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig woman promises to be successful if you calmly perceive reality and fairy tales. After all, a Dragon man is capable of any earthly feat for his wife. If the Pig woman understands this, then the union will be strong and long.

The compatibility of Pig and Dragon with each other is about 75%; both signs have strong energy and know how to stand up for themselves.

Is the compatibility of Pig and Dragon high?

Characteristics of the Pig

Those born in the year of the Pig are naturally talented, hardworking and successful people, but their naivety and gullibility can ruin their lives. By character, guys born in the year of the Pig have the following qualities:

  • have enormous willpower, it would seem that such a young man can do anything, for the sake of the well-being of his beloved, he is able to give up his addictions;
  • a winner in life, not ready to deviate from the intended path;
  • Also, jealousy and possessiveness are inherent in young men: a guy is ready to hide his soul mate behind seven locks so that no one tries to take her away;
  • A distinctive character trait is the ability to think through all his moves in advance: such a guy will not go with the flow and change his intended route, he is confident in everything he does.

A character flaw is excessive gullibility and inability to understand people. Very often, through negligence, such people are deceived by scammers.

Girls born under the constellation Pig are kind and sympathetic. Such ladies absolutely do not know how to lie and weave intrigues; they need: peace and comfort. That is why they choose guys with a strong character as their life partners. The common features of both girls and boys are energy, the ability to carry on a conversation, and is distinguished by its aristocracy, peacefulness, and willingness to forgive.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Born in the year of the Dragon, a person is naturally endowed with the following qualities:

  • decency and kindness, such people will never ignore someone else’s misfortune, they will always come to the rescue;
  • always defend their position;
  • protect the weak and helpless;
  • easily adapt to any conditions, ready to learn new things;
  • They value their family and friends and know how to help.

Guys born in the Year of the Dragon are distinguished by endurance and self-control. They strive for self-improvement, study science and technology, and are ready to learn. They demand a lot from themselves and from others, they do not tolerate bad manners and commercialism.

Girls born under the sign of the Dragon know their worth, they are well-mannered, and love to be looked after. Such women build a successful career, which is helped by their brilliant mind and ability to think rationally. Among the character flaws one can single out such a trait as the inability to relax.

Pig Woman and Dragon Man

According to the Eastern horoscope, the Pig is a vector sign, which determines its dominance over the Dragon sign. The compatibility of a Pig woman and a Dragon man in love is very high. The Pig Girl falls in love with the Dragon in an instant, she idolizes him. That is why its vector affiliation does not apply to the Dragon.

Family and marriage

Peace and tranquility reign in such a family; the wife does not prevent her husband from learning new things and seeking recognition. She sincerely rejoices at her husband’s successes and victories. The man, in turn, is ready to protect and teach his companion new things. In a marriage, it is possible to have several children.

This ratio of constellations creates an almost perfect pair. The Pig and Dragon compatibility horoscope is above average, which means a very high indicator. If you rely on your horoscope when entering into a new relationship, you can be sure that you made the right choice.

Sex life

Girls born under the symbol of the Pig are naturally sexy and enjoy success with the opposite sex. Such women love to flirt, but prefer to become intimate only after a long relationship.

The Dragon and the Pig are attracted to each other, their romances are always long and productive. It is very rare when a one-night stand occurs between such sensible characters. As a rule, the sexual life of these signs is very liberated; understanding reigns in such a union: each partner knows how to please the other.

Friendship between signs

In friendship, as in love, there is very great compatibility between such people. Both signs easily achieve mutual understanding and can trust secrets. Comprehensively developed, they complement each other perfectly.

There is trust in the couple

Pig women and Dragon men are such signs that they are the best friends; they like to communicate, visit theaters together and even go shopping. It is not uncommon that feelings are hidden under the guise of friendship; most often, a girl falls in love, and due to natural shyness, she may miss her chance to be loved. Guys born under the Chinese calendar sign of the Dragon greatly value and respect their girlfriends and are always ready to defend and help in any matter. The friendship of these two can last a lifetime, even with families.

Compatibility at work

Pig women and Dragon men, if we talk about business relations constellations, then everything is the other way around, no work will work out for them. Especially when it comes to joint projects.

The Pig's carelessness and gullibility are to blame; she is very easy to fool, which irritates her work partner.

Dragon Woman and Pig Man (Boar)

The Dragon woman and the Pig man are rarely married. The Pig is too jealous and picky for the Dragon girl. The ferocious and domineering character of a man scares away a woman, who by nature is an active and spectacular person who knows all her virtues.

Family and marriage

Being married to a Pig man according to the Eastern horoscope, a girl dooms herself to quarrels and conflicts, because her husband strives to make his woman a housewife, which does not fit into the plans of his careerist wife.

If, after all, a family has already been created, then one of the partners should be able to give in or completely give up his dream. Usually such a union does not bring much happiness and ease in relationships.

Sex life

In intimate terms, the compatibility of the two signs is one hundred percent. No one can extinguish the passion between the Pig man and the Dragon woman. It’s a shame that they only have such ardor during sex.

Girls of the Dragon sign attract the opposite sex with their independence and versatility; most often, they are not ready for a serious relationship, which cannot be said about the Pig man. The horoscope compatibility of a Dragon woman and a Pig man in this regard is contradictory. If we are talking exclusively about sex, then there will be no problems, but you should not make plans for such a relationship.

Friendship between signs

There can be no friendship between such people. An idealistic woman, constantly moving forward, conquering new heights, generally has no time to make friendly relations. Communication with men of the Pig constellation rarely develops into friendship.

The Dragon craves attention and admiration and always gets it. The representative of this sign has natural magnetism, he literally hypnotizes those around him. In addition, he is drawn to power. Dragons excel in leadership roles and often achieve outstanding success in leadership positions. Most likely, you are used to always getting what you want and also being in complete control of your life. However, Dragons have one secret: they depend on the admiration of loved ones and loved ones, because in fact, it is this attention that gives them support and allows them to maintain self-confidence. Without expressions of love from others, your self-esteem begins to decline, robbing you of your ability to achieve success in other areas of your life. Even though Dragons have a reputation as heartthrobs - when they lose interest in a partner, they break her heart and just move on - they still need someone close to them in their lives. With age, the Dragon begins to understand himself better. He shows more of a desire to settle down and settle down, however he never loses his love of travel.

If you are caring for a Pig, there are a few important things to consider. Pigs are peaceful, they constantly try to resolve all conflicts. The representative of this sign is always ready to compromise. Often she gives up and refuses what could rightfully belong to her, solely because of the desire to avoid a possible conflict. The Pig loves pleasure and constantly strives for it - both at home and at various parties. The pig is naive and at the same time very reliable, you can really rely on it. Representatives of this sign are often overloaded with work: they made a whole bunch of promises, and now they are exhausted, trying to keep them and fulfill all their obligations. The Pig is trusting and gullible and at the same time has a sharp mind and developed intellectual abilities.

So what does he say chinese horoscope about the romantic relationship between the Dragon and the Pig? On the one hand, a devoted Pig can give the Dragon the necessary love, support and admiration. In a relationship with a representative of this sign, you will notice that you begin to enjoy life much more, because the constant support of a faithful partner allows you to flourish and shine to your full potential. In fact, the Pig is not at all opposed to giving the Dragon the necessary support as long as she can enjoy all the benefits of civilization. If you respect your partner and want to make her happy, allow her to socialize with friends and go out, and try to provide her with a comfortable living environment. Most likely, she will agree to give up her career and devote herself entirely to the role of a cheerleader.

If you are in a romantic relationship with a Pig, you better give up the role of heartthrob because the Pig will remember the heartache caused to her for a long time. If you break her heart, chances are you'll never be able to get her back. The Pig really likes to support you, and unless you make some big mistake in this relationship, he won't mind that most attention will be paid to your person. One more important point In this relationship, some restriction of spending is necessary: ​​you both love luxury and pleasure and it is not easy for you to stay within your family budget or concentrate on boring daily duties and purchasing essentials.

With careful planning of their actions and some self-discipline, the Dragon and Pig can become one of the happiest and strongest couples among representatives of other signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

Between Dragon and Pig, representatives eastern calendar, a romantic connection is often established. The Pig brings the energy of love into such a union, and the Dragon enriches the relationship with spirituality. The opposite qualities of different zodiac signs do not interfere with their harmonious union, in which each complements each other. Let’s find out why the compatibility between Dragon and Pig is good and what the prospects for such a relationship are.

Year of the Boar

Knightly qualities of character prevail among people born in the year of the Pig. Their horoscope is not so simple. These representatives of the eastern calendar are gallant, scrupulous and helpful. The trusting and attentive Pig never betrays his friends. But she doesn't have many of them. She makes friends with those she likes and tries to maintain friendships throughout her life. A woman born in the year of the Pig is distinguished by her thriftiness. She loves to please her loved ones with small gifts and organize holidays for them. If she is in love, she never starts an argument or gets involved in a conflict with her chosen one.

The boar is a cheerful companion. This is an intellectual person, always striving for new knowledge. Beneath his benevolent appearance lies a domineering nature. Such a person has inner strength, despite his apparent weakness.

Year of the Dragon

By Chinese calendar this animal is part of the “Yang” group of representatives. The dragon spews out flames and makes the earth tremble from the weight of its tread. It fascinates and awes. In ancient times, the Dragon was depicted on the walls of the temple, because he was considered the ruler of the underworld.

Dragon people are mostly gifted individuals. They have limitless inner strength, thanks to which they can “move” any mountains. They try to do their work efficiently, so they rarely live in need. Unlike the Pig, the Dragon is not naive. His convictions are always firm and strong, so it is difficult to deceive such people. But the compatibility of the Dragon and the Pig according to the horoscope is good. They often become best friends and passionate lovers.

The Dragon has many positive qualities. They charge those around them with their energy and enthusiasm. The representative of the eastern calendar has a lively character. He is an idealist striving for perfection.

The Dragon's weak point is everyday life. Without receiving new emotions and diversity of life, the fabulous beast loses its shine. But this rarely happens. This person has a wide range of interests. Curiosity, energy, wisdom, sincerity and charisma help him achieve the desired heights.

Dragon and Pig: compatibility

These representatives of the eastern calendar have excellent compatibility. The Dragon and the Pig can build a happy, long-term relationship. These people understand each other very well, predicting their partner’s mood on an intuitive level.

The leader in such an alliance is often the Dragon. The Pig gladly accepts the position of a subordinate if he is not oppressed or humiliated. The Dragon delights the Pig with its brightness, energy, and self-confidence. The Pig teaches the partner to take a thoughtful and consistent approach to resolving issues, guarding him against rash steps.

These people have almost perfect compatibility. The Dragon and the Pig do not lose each other thanks to mutual respect. Of course, their union will be tested, like any relationship. The Dragon and the Pig may begin to conflict on financial grounds. And all because both signs do not know how to manage money correctly. Pig is better at smoothing out conflict situations. His diplomacy and tolerance allow him to painlessly overcome everyday troubles.

The Dragon is fire, and the Pig is more inclined to water. But, despite the opposite, these zodiac signs complement each other perfectly. Best Compatibility the Dragon is observed with Pig-Leo, -Sagittarius, -Aries. If the Pig is a representative of the Earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus), then her union with her partner becomes more productive.


The Pig is very charming for the Dragon. He likes his partner's gentle nature. The spiritual depth of the Dragon attracts and fascinates the Pig. Their romantic relationships begin very quickly and resemble love at first sight. The Dragon and the Pig will delight each other with pleasant surprises. Their love compatibility is ideal. Outwardly, it seems that these people were born for each other.

In love, Dragons create magic. They attract the chosen one (-tsu) with their incredible charm and irresistible courtship. The pig likes signs of attention from his partner. The dragon, in turn, appreciates the thriftiness of a loved one, his tolerance and ability to maintain romance.


The relationship of such people quickly moves into the stage of marriage. The compatibility of Dragon and Pig in marriage is very good. Astrologers predict a long and long life for this couple. happy life. Their union resembles a cloudless sky. Of course, the weather in their house will not always be sunny. But the Pig manages to disperse the clouds in time. And the Dragon helps her with this.

Noble Representative eastern horoscope experiences the joy of living together with the Pig. She will be able to create a cozy family nest to which her partner will want to return. The Pig finds in the Dragon a reliable friend, a faithful spouse and a pleasant interlocutor.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman

These partners feel each other on an intuitive level. In such a couple, the man plays the role of leader, and the woman obediently accepts the position of a subordinate, remaining a self-sufficient person. The candy-bouquet period does not last long: the Dragon man and the Pig woman quickly marry. Their compatibility is proven by long-term relationships and a strong union, which is imbued with the mutual respect of the spouses for each other. Partners are united by common interests and similar views on life. Their family life is rarely boring: the spouses travel together and have active recreation. They can be found at exhibitions and conferences. They are self-sufficient, independent and interesting to each other. Each partner strives for perfection, so everyday troubles do not cause them much trouble.

The Pig woman has a philosophical attitude towards money: for her it is a means of subsistence. The Dragon man understands that he is lucky in life. He always hopes that tomorrow will be more successful, and wealth will come into his hands.

Women born in the year of the Pig are very attractive to the Dragon. They fascinate him and attract him like a magnet. The Pig woman finds time for both family and work. She knows how to optimally balance between family and career. But she needs to remember that her Dragon can get bored from the monotony, which forces him to go in search of new emotions and adventures.

Dragon Woman and Pig Man

With this zodiac combination, relationships between people begin quite quickly. In such a union, the leading role belongs to the woman. She will wisely push her chosen one towards a successful career. And the Pig will gladly accept the advice of his beloved and will apply them in life.

In this union, both partners find many positive aspects for each other. Each spouse helps each other to improve. Pig can break a marriage. This man is prone to infidelity. If the spouses manage to avoid a dangerous love triangle, their family life will be long and happy.

Compatibility between Dragon and Pig is very favorable. In order for the union of two partners to be long and happy, astrologers recommend following some tips.

  1. Both the Dragon and the Pig do not tolerate humiliation or disrespect for themselves. Therefore, both should avoid using offensive words towards each other. An offended Pig can break off a relationship forever or turn a partner's life into real hell.
  2. A male Pig should avoid cheating. If his partner suspects him of infidelity, then a happy union can collapse overnight.
  3. They need to learn how to plan a family budget. The Pig and the Dragon are not materialists, but in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts on this basis, they should rationally spend their earned income.
  4. Dragons must learn to take into account the interests of their partner. They should borrow from their chosen one(s) such qualities as patience and diplomacy.
  5. Partners should have more common hobbies and interests. They bring spouses closer together and allow them to ignore everyday troubles.
  6. The Dragon and Pig are forbidden to get hung up on bed. The intimate sphere of their life should not be dominant. Otherwise, they will deprive themselves of happiness, and their union will not last long.

2019: Yellow Earth Pig

The coming year will bring peace and good luck to many zodiac signs. The boar is distinguished by prudence, scrupulousness and a responsible approach to solving assigned tasks. He does not like fuss, conflict and chaos. For the Dragon, the year of the yellow Pig can become dynamic and even fundamental. Almost any of his words will be fulfilled. Therefore, the Dragon should be careful in his statements and his desires. The Yellow Pig will favor the noble representative of the eastern calendar in his honest impulses. Another good thing about 2019 is that even the most difficult steps will not bring major negative consequences. The Dragon will have many prospects in the coming year, among which he will be able to choose the best one for himself.

Nata Karlin

From the point of view of most astrologers compatibility between Dragon and Pig (Boar) is very good both in love and marriage, and in friendship and work. There is a serious difference between the main character traits of people of these signs, but by some miracle they manage to find a common language. These two are capable of falling in love at first sight and living a long, happy life together.

An overly ambitious Dragon can ignite the flames of discord in a couple. If he decides to re-educate the Pig, conflict will not be avoided

These relationships should be built on equality, love and respect.

The Dragon is by nature a natural leader, speaker, activist and optimist.. If desired, he will conquer anyone with his own charm and logic. It costs him nothing to arouse the sympathy of both one person and the masses of people. He is always full of secret and obvious admirers, whose worship and love accompanies the Dragon throughout his life.

A representative of the Dragon zodiac sign, who creates many ideas in his own head, very rarely brings them to life and achieves success. He is hampered by a lack of rational thinking, lack of composure and unwillingness to adhere to a certain strategy. In addition, he always has a lot of not only fans, but also envious people, whose influence greatly poisons life. However, in most cases he remains the winner.

Slow and indecisive Pig takes a very long time to make a decision, hesitating between several options for the development of events. Therefore, as a rule, you are left with nothing. However, if all the arguments speak in favor of one option, the Pig acts with lightning speed. Sociable, kind, sympathetic and peace-loving people of this zodiac sign are sure to become the center of attention of any company. They attract with their wit, ability to find compromises and good nature.

Congenital hard work and perseverance make Pig very successful in all endeavors. However, people of this zodiac sign do not know how to manage money correctly. They are completely unsuited to saving money and sincerely do not understand why they should do this if they can spend it all on pleasure. Therefore, very often they find themselves in difficult financial situation. However, if there is a question of life and death, the Pig will make every effort to find a way out of any situation with the least losses.

Compatibility horoscope for Dragon and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between a Pig and a Dragon develops rapidly if both are passionate about each other. . The pig is simply delighted with his partner, admired by his energy, liberation and independence. She gives her Dragon all her free time, and in return gets the opportunity to become a little freer in her views on life and judgments.

Both partners are suitable for each other, but their tandem is possible only with mutual respect and love

They need to learn to pay attention and careful attitude to your other half. Strong in spiritually, which greatly upsets the Pig. The latter will never tolerate humiliation and a supporting role and will definitely find a way to prove his superiority. Such a struggle for leadership can be a decisive moment for a break.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar)

Husband and wife (Dragon-Pig (Boar)) from the outside may look perfect couple. In essence, this is how it is. . Next to him, he is able to relax and get true pleasure. family life. Both partners are endowed with a thirst for learning everything new; they like to travel together, look for adventures and fresh sensations. Any disagreements that arise in this couple are resolved peacefully, which is facilitated by the diplomatic qualities of the Pig.

It should be noted that in this tandem both partners know how to make money. However, they cannot distribute and spend them correctly. They should pay close attention to this aspect of their life together. The most acceptable combination in this tandem would be a couple where the guy is a Dragon and the girl is a Pig (Boar).

In bed, the Dragon and the Pig will possess each other not only physically, but also at the level of feelings and emotions

They completely surrender to the excitement of sex, without experiencing any shyness or fear in it. Therefore, the fire of passion will burn in them from the first day to the last.

Friendship between Dragon and Pig according to the Chinese calendar

The Dragon and the Pig (Boar) will be friends selflessly and with complete dedication to each other. The Pig enriches these relationships with spirituality, the Dragon adds energy. This relationship will bring a lot of benefits to each of the partners. They will be calm, smooth and long-lasting.

The work compatibility between the Dragon and the Pig is simply excellent. This tandem is doomed to success in any situation. If the Pig and the Dragon decide to organize their own business, the company will remain for a long time in the lead and only prosper. However, in this tandem one should expect envy and a desire to dominate from the Pig.

Compatibility between Dragon man and Pig woman

So, he is the Dragon, she is the Pig. What awaits this union? This tandem has every prospect for happy coexistence. If one of the partners agrees to give in at least a little to the other, . First of all, the Pig (Boar) girl must accept her man with all his shortcomings and turn a blind eye to his impulsiveness and emotional outbursts.

A couple can be quite happy if The Dragon guy will devote time to his beloved and sometimes spend weekends and evenings at home. In turn, the Pig woman must learn, if not to shine next to her enchanting partner, then to be his worthy shadow during public appearances.

An almost perfect relationship can be established between two people

The most important drawback of partners is that, despite all their ability to earn money, they are absolutely not taught how to spend it. Them we need to learn together how to plan a family budget, and then financial stability and success are guaranteed to them.

Compatibility of Dragon woman and Pig man

In those couples where she is the Dragon and he is the Pig, the union can turn out to be no less strong and durable. The Dragon Girl will have to learn to make certain concessions, moderating your bright temperament and harshness of judgment and outlook on life. The Pig guy, with such support from his other half, will definitely achieve significant heights in life.

He will always be lucky with work and money, and he will not be able to stop admiring and praising his beautiful partner

In turn, adoring praise and recognition The dragon will be delighted with this attitude.

The Dragon Lady has a bright appearance, has inner strength and charisma. She is always accompanied by a lot of admirers of her talents and appearance. To win the favor of such a person the Pig man will have to put in a lot of effort. The main and most important thing that a man of this zodiac sign can do is to show care and support, listen and hear his chosen one. This is what will conquer the Dragon woman, making her believe in the seriousness of her intentions. When paired, these people complement each other perfectly.

13 February 2018, 17:40


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