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In this article we want to tell you how to make a luxurious greenhouse in your apartment that will delight you with its colors throughout the year. To grow a beautiful garden indoors, you need to think through the project, choose the right plants, and create the necessary microclimatic and lighting conditions. We want to talk about the flowers that will fill your future greenhouse, pay attention to the design features, selection of plants and care for them.

My home is my fortress. We spend a lot of time and relax in an apartment or house, so the created living space should be comfortable and cozy. An important point to create comfortable housing is to support the microclimate, which is especially important for residents of megacities. To create in your apartment perfect place relaxation with a healing effect, we advise you to plant a garden, which will relieve you of depression and will contribute to normalization nervous system and good mood.

By caring for plants, you will always be in a great mood, and the air in the apartment will contain a sufficient amount of oxygen ions, this will save you from depression and other diseases.

A busy lifestyle often makes us not pay attention to the details around us. We often treat living plants indoors as inanimate decorative objects that occupy unnecessary corners. In such places, plants often lose their luxurious color and “look” offended. Plants, like people, need warmth and care, then they respond in kind and give you their positive energy. Let's start with the basic rules and requirements that must be taken into account when creating an indoor garden.

Sunlight: There should be enough light in your garden. Of course, you can make a garden in poor lighting conditions, but you need to select plants that are accustomed in nature to such conditions. Plants in open ground are in sunlight for 4-6 hours; indoor plants can get by with two hours.

Construction of a winter garden of shade-loving plants under the stairs

Classic winter garden - a glass wall is made for sufficient lighting

Avoid dark places: We advise you to make a garden in a well-lit place, away from drafts, air conditioners and refrigerators. The plant can be gradually accustomed to low light; to do this, you need to place them in a well-lit place for a couple of hours; the plants will quickly adapt to the new lighting schedule.

Nursery selection: choose a breeder who breeds plants in your region and in conditions similar to the microclimate of your apartment. The main problem of nurseries is that the plants are stuffed with special fertilizers and growth stimulants; if the feeding regime is violated, the plants can die within six months.

Calculate your free time: When planning a garden in an apartment, be sure to consider how much time you can devote to it, because plants, like children, require attention and constant care. If you don’t have enough time, choose unpretentious plants that do not require daily care.

Winter garden project and other important details

Choosing a location

Wherever you plan to make a winter garden - in a house or in an apartment, choose the most illuminated place; if possible, you need to expand the windows or even make glass walls. The best natural light in the winter garden will naturally be from the south. The arrangement of greenhouses on the eastern and western sides allows you to capture the energy of the east or enjoy the sunset, but they are less well lit.

It is common to build glass extensions near the house, but skylights and solid glass walls can provide the necessary natural light.

Low light also has its advantages, especially in southern regions. Solar energy entering the room with continuous glazing is completely absorbed by the walls and a “greenhouse effect” occurs. If such heating is positive in nature winter time, then in the summer in the greenhouse on the south side the temperature can reach +65°C. In this case, it is necessary to provide a combination of sun protection measures, ventilation, and also to increase the area of ​​surfaces capable of accumulating heat. The accumulation of solar energy in a winter garden is only possible through the floor, so avoid carpets and coverings.

Natural lighting from the ceiling is not only possible, but also very original

Winter garden with overhead natural lighting

Choosing a garden location should not limit your imagination - an unlit place requires you to be more vigilant when designing a garden, high-quality lighting and the right selection of plants. Even shade-loving plants look very attractive and fill the air with life-giving power.

The original winter garden in the living room creates a complete feeling of the jungle outside the window

A winter garden can be installed in almost all residential premises - make a bedroom or bathroom with a winter garden (the bathroom is usually humid, tropical plants grow well in such conditions). Such solutions are original and will be a successful design experiment. When setting up a garden, you need to take into account that most plants require wintering, so it is better to arrange winter gardens in separate rooms, where the temperature can drop in winter - some plants require a wintering temperature of 14-16 degrees, and some 18-20.

A bedroom in the Russian style, from the window of which all the splendor of living nature opens

Where to start

If you want to create your own winter garden with bright greenery, fragrant and luxurious flowers, you need to be patient. You can invite a specialist and make a garden in as soon as possible, but it’s not a fact that your plants will look healthy over time. You can start small and grow rare plants from seeds; these are the plants that will be most adapted to the conditions of your indoor greenhouse, but you will only have a mature garden in a few years. Until this point, you can completely practice on unpretentious, fast-growing or annual plants. As a rule, to set up mini-gardens there is no need to allocate separate rooms and create special conditions.

Winter mini-garden in containers

Growing plants in pots and containers has its advantages: containers have different sizes and save space, pots come with original designs and different sizes. Growing plants in containers makes it easier to control pests, care for flowers, and fertilize.

Choosing a winter garden style

Before creating a design project for your own winter garden, it makes sense to decide on a style; the style will allow you to determine not only decorative elements, but also select plants in accordance with their planned placement. One of the popular modern styles is the Japanese garden, which combines exquisite folk eclecticism and elegant restraint; the plants do not require special care and practically grow on their own.

An integral element of the internal Japanese garden and all tropical gardens is the presence of an artificial pond and fountains for natural air humidification.

Despite the different design styles of winter gardens, indoor gardens are divided according to the nature of microclimatic zones and the origin of plants, which are often divided into tropical and subtropical. Citrus fruit orchards are especially popular; they exude an amazing aroma at any time of the year. A garden of exotic plants often requires special care, but is also a source of pride for its owners.

The design project of a winter garden consists of dividing functional areas and selecting a place where the plants will be placed. Typically, subtropical plants are placed closer to the windows, tropical plants that love diffused light are placed further away from the window; a mini-pond is also installed in this area to humidify the air.

Grow plants in pots and tubs, and as the number of mature plants increases, plant them in groups to form a mature garden. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions to greenhouse gardening; it all depends on your gardening experience, the availability of seeds and established plants.

Start small, try to achieve the maximum, do what you like. So, let's start creating a garden for ourselves and with our own hands.

Requirements for a garden in an apartment

Let's try to formulate our requirements for a winter garden. The garden should be beautiful, always blooming and fragrant, I would like a sweet feeling of the tropics, and the tropics look funny without exotic plants and palm trees. Of course, the garden should create a favorable healthy atmosphere and harmonize the space. An inexperienced gardener may encounter many problems, so we will choose unpretentious plants. The garden should be well-designed and not give the impression of cluttered thickets or the impression of a battery of unattractive flower pots.

Thus, we list the requirements for a mini-greenhouse. The tasks of the garden include:

  • create a healthy atmosphere;
  • harmonize space;
  • have an elegant phytodesign with neat plants;
  • for the garden it is desirable to have exotic plants and citrus fruits;
  • the garden should be bright, blooming and fragrant;
  • the garden is a supplier of food for cooking.

How to choose plants for the winter garden

Plants that improve the atmosphere

To purify the air in an apartment and create a favorable microclimate, it is quite possible to get by with several plants; in general, for every ten meters of the total area of ​​​​the living space, one adult flower is needed. You need to select plants wisely. Avoid poisonous plants: oleanders and some types of magnolias. Primrose sometimes causes eczema or hives even in healthy people. Cactus injections often result in abscesses. Primrose, calendula and geranium produce powerful allergens.

Table composition with bonsai tree. Siberian spruce, stylized as bonsai

Coniferous plants will clean the air and saturate it with negative ions - you can grow firs while they are small, or you can get by with a miniature grove of conifers, stylized as a bonsai; juniper, cypress, and araucaria will also help. Cacti with long needles or Tradescantia can reduce the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Cypress and juniper are good noise absorbers if placed near a window facing the roadway. The ionic composition of the air is also monitored by croton and cereus.

From left to right, top to bottom: Araucaria. Cypress. Juniper. Tradescantia. Croton. Cereus

Plants with phytoncidal properties are responsible for disinfecting the premises: monstera, chlorophytum, aspargus, thuja, lemon tree, begonia, geranium. Chlorophytum absorbs toxins and formaldehydes, so it can easily replace an air purifier; to increase its adsorbing abilities, you need to add a few tablets activated carbon. Aspargus absorbs heavy salts, phenols and formaldehydes. Dracaena effectively purifies the air from 80% of benzene released by linoleum. Dieffenbachia and ficus absorb smog.

From left to right, top to bottom: Monstera. Chlorophytum. Aspargus. Lemon tree. Begonia. Dracaena

Myrtle and eucalyptus cleanse the air of viruses, peperomia protects against ARVI. Aloe and prickly pear resist fungi in the apartment, but the best remedy Crassula, which is also a money tree, will fight fungi. It will reliably protect the corners of your apartment from fungi.

From left to right, top to bottom: Dieffenbachia. Ficus. Myrtle. Eucalyptus Gummi. Prickly pear. Crassula

Sansevieria can fill the air with life-giving oxygen more than other plants. Responsible for maintaining humidity are: cyclamen, ferns and violets. Geranium, as well as sage and lavender, will get rid of mosquitoes, moths and flies. Clivia can clear the air of cigarette smoke.

From left to right, top to bottom: Peperomia variegated. Sanseviera. Cyclamen. Fern "Venus hair". Violet. Clivia

Pelargonium (geranium), rosemary, mint, lemon balm, dracaena or monstera have a calming effect, and lemons invigorate. Of course, geranium has a rather pungent aroma - not everyone loves it for this, but this flower is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular failure, kidney and liver diseases. Laurel helps people with intestinal and stomach diseases. You need to avoid sick indoor plants - they bring negative energy.

From left to right, top to bottom: Geranium. Rosemary. Mint. Laurel. Melissa

Fresh flowers - harmony in the home and success in life

Plants perfectly cleanse geopathogenic zones. Some of the most powerful energy cleansers include myrtle, palm and ficus. Negative energy well absorbed by tradescantia, cissus and ivy, these climbing plants are unpretentious and grow well, but lose their shape without appropriate design.

The beautiful calla lily looks great and cleanses the energy channels of the apartment; the fern has the same properties. Cypress literally reflects evil forces.

Family relationships are cemented by many of the listed flowers: geranium, violet, ficus, aechmea, cacti and begonia. Red flowers in general concentrate positive energy. Pay attention to indoor maple, azalea grown for bonsai, hibiscus, Schlumberger, gloxinia and miltonia. Peperomia makes family relationships kind and warm. Azalea brings happiness, but requires wintering, so it is difficult to maintain.

From left to right, top to bottom: Echmeya. Miltonia. Gloxinia. Azalea for bonsai. Indoor maple

Flowering plants

The garden is especially beautiful when it blooms all year round. To achieve this effect, you need to choose the right plants that bloom in the cold season. The most accessible and hardy variety of orchids is phalaenopsis. This orchid can reach 1 meter in height and bloom up to 3 times a year, including in winter. They can be placed in the middle of a room with good lighting and next to a fountain.

Schlumberger and cyclamen cactus bloom in December, and delicate Saintpaulia throughout the year. Poinsettias, azaleas and anthuriums also bloom in winter. Some types of aphelandra also bloom in winter; its large decorative leaves add variety to any composition.

An alternative to having flowers bloom is to have a brightly colored flower. You should take a closer look at the reddish-purple Wilkes acalypha. Coleus and variegated coladium have bright red-green leaves, spurge has beautiful bicolor leaves, but it is very demanding to care for.

Plants for cooking

As soon as the first leaves appear on the trees, you want to treat yourself to green salads. Many of the listed plants are also kitchen suppliers; we can recommend oregano, arugula, curly lettuce, parsley, dill, basil, sage, green onions, indoor pepper, indoor tomato and decorative strawberry.

Growing herbs indoors for cooking

It is advisable to make a personal choice of plants based on the developed requirements. The choice must be consistent with the conditions of planting, care and wintering. For some plants, it is important to think about the planting format, pots, and choose a place where the plant will be comfortable. Many avoid plants in the apartment because of the stereotype that indoor flowers create an untidy mess in the house, but plant decoration can be an integral part of the design project of the room. You can plant a garden with islands that will fill non-functional areas, or simply complement the interior with pots with indoor plants. An interior designer can incorporate these personal preferences for the design of an apartment into the concept of a design project.

Island principle of organizing an indoor winter garden

Strict sansevieria emphasizes a design based on strict, even lines and right angles

Plants in tubs

First, decide what plants you will have growing in pots. I will get a separate place to live in large tubs from conifers - araucaria, from brightly flowering ones - red anthuria, a mini money tree - crassula, sanseviera and dieffenbachia, as well as coleus. Laurel and gum eucalyptus will be grown to form a round crown. These plants will not cause much trouble in caring for them. From this point of view, I excluded myrtle, which needs more attention.

Luxurious anthurium decorates the living room

Coleus looks very good in composition with itself, or rather with other species

We'll have to tinker with the design of the much-needed chlorophytum and tradescantia. Both plants grow quickly and often have an unkempt appearance. Tradescantia will need to be fed and shoots pinched so that it forms beautiful shape with large leaves. It makes sense to make a composition from several contrasting types of tradescantia, as well as provide it with uniform lighting to form a beautiful cap-shaped greenery. I prefer variegated chlorophytum and prefer young plants with small leaves.

Tradescantia composition. Variegated chlorophytum

Of the delicate flowering plants, I will definitely choose the phalaenopsis orchid; it does not require exceptional conditions - it will grow in a glass vase. Despite some troubles in care, I cannot ignore the lotus, as well as calla lilies, which we will place in a composition with other plants and in the bedroom. It makes sense to stylize the azalea, which brings happiness, as a bonsai. These plants require special care.

In nature, orchids grow on trees, so they will feel great in pine bark. The problem with such compositions is that the orchid needs to be watered from below. Near the phalaenopsis there should be a fountain spraying water.
Next to the orchid, the lotus, which just needs water base for growth, and the orchid needs life-giving moisture

Palms and trees

It is possible to grow exterior trees in an apartment up to a certain point, until they become very large. To avoid the problem of where to put the grown plants, I choose frost-resistant types of palms and flowering trees. Growing from tree seeds will take several years, small flowering plants the apartment will smell fragrant. The most frost-resistant palm tree is Rhapidophyllum hystrix, the Yucca Elata palm tree looks beautiful, and there was also a desire to grow a royal tree, tulip tree and catalpa from seeds. It must be borne in mind that these are heat-loving plants, so not in all regions they can be planted in open ground.

Fruit trees

Of interest different types citrus fruits. They are quite finicky to care for, but they bring a lot of pleasure. Coffee tree and dwarf banana seeds are available. These are exactly the additions that a home tropical garden would be missing.

Plants can grow in compositions; this not only saves space, but is also very beautiful. Among the useful plants, you should not forget about cacti, cereus, aspargus, begonia, peperonia, clivia, fern, cyclamen and dracaena. Ivy will form a small phytowall. Akalifa, caladium, as well as soft pink zephyranthes and capricious, but very fragrant plumeria will add colorful accents to the composition. Almost all of these plants are unpretentious, which cannot be said about the variegated croton. You also need to be understanding of the concept of “unpretentiousness” - this means that the plant dies and gets sick in exceptional cases. The formation of a beautiful plant also takes time, this concerns care, replanting, feeding, and the formation of an attractive shape.

Left: In the background, a phytocolon is entwined with ivy. In the foreground are three graceful yuccas from the Agave family. Right: Apartment flower arrangement, the corner is decorated with myrtle. In an apartment where there are flowers, color design is not at all necessary; nature itself does it


If you ask your designer to include indoor flowers in your design project, you will not regret it. Your apartment will not only become an example of ideal taste, but plans to create your own garden of Eden are also being realized. It is better to choose plants with an understanding of what you want to achieve. Then your personal greenhouse will be truly unique, and living in such an apartment will fill your life with happiness and good luck.

Someone will be surprised why it is necessary to arrange a winter garden in an apartment; flowers on the windowsill are quite enough. Well, flowers on the window are one thing, but a green corner where you can relax from the bustle of the big city is completely different. This will be a world of plants, pleasing the eye and calming the nerves at any time of the year.

For the comfortable growth of the plants that will make up your garden, a number of mandatory conditions will need to be met.

Advice from practitioners on arranging a winter garden in an apartment

Where to place a winter garden in an apartment

  • Of course, the best option for implementing the idea of ​​a winter garden in an apartment is to have a free, albeit small, room. It's a pity that not everyone has this opportunity. But even the lack of a separate room is not a reason to give up your dream. Owners of two-level apartments have great option: create a winter garden under the stairs, choosing for it those plants that love shade.
  • Some nature lovers choose a bathroom for their winter garden. And for good reason – tropical plants thrive in rooms with high humidity.
  • By the way, we forgot about the loggia, or even a small balcony. If they are glazed, then these are also places that allow you to set up a home garden. The main thing is to install heating there, which, if desired, is not difficult.
  • In apartments whose area is not very large, craftsmen make multi-tiered podiums located in vertical space, rising from the floor to the ceiling. The best place for them is against the wall or in the corner of the room. Steps of different widths will allow you to install on them large number plants and decorative elements. The original neon lighting will create a feeling of magic.
  • Touches that make the winter garden a corner of paradise, placing an aquarium with goldfish and a small fountain with gurgling water on its territory.

The style determines the decorative elements and plants that will be located in your green corner.

Choosing the “right” plants will not only decorate your apartment, but will also have a beneficial effect on your health. Some plants “know how” to purify the air and create a favorable microclimate.

These are miniature firs, fir trees, cypresses, junipers, araucarias, stylized as bonsai. Be sure to find a place for tradescantia, cereus, croton, monstera, asparagus, thuja, chlorophytum, lemon tree, dracaena, ficus.

Beware of plants that cause allergic reactions, itching, eczema, hives, and are simply poisonous. Avoid magnolias, oleander, primroses, cacti, geraniums, and calendula.


Show your ingenuity and imagination by creating a winter garden in your apartment - your own oasis in miniature. Find space for a couple of armchairs covered in colorful throws and some decorative pillows. Have a nice holiday. Good luck

Many housewives dream of making a winter garden in their apartment, because this is a great way not only to decorate your home, but also to create some coziness and a pleasant atmosphere. The winter garden will please your eyes, help you relax, gain strength after a hard day at work, or retire from the hustle and bustle and be alone with your thoughts. But as soon as you decide to take such a step, many questions arise about how to properly equip such a room, what materials should be used and what nuances need to be taken into account. In order to create an ideal winter garden, you need to adhere to simple rules, which we will tell you about now.

Winter garden project

Preparing for the construction of a winter garden

Before you begin the main work and begin arranging a winter garden in your apartment, you must definitely decide on the location. Very often, despite a great desire, there is not a single corner in your house in which you could place so many plants. More often ideal option becomes a balcony or loggia, but here you also need to take into account some factors. For example, the best option It will be better to make a winter garden oriented to the east, since in this case the material from which the garden is made will not overheat and this will not lead to the depletion of your flowers.

If you do not have the opportunity to choose the location of such a structure, then you need to follow the following rules:

  1. The south side is the least suitable for arranging a winter garden in an apartment, but if you have no other options, then you can try to correct this situation. In winter, your garden will be perfectly warm, so there is no reason to worry, but with the arrival of summer, too much sunlight will fall on the plants, so you will have to water them often and increase the ventilation of the room.
  2. For the north side, everything is much simpler; you just need to properly heat the winter garden, and the plants will feel comfortable.
  3. West. In winter, this arrangement will only benefit you, because the sun’s heat will remain in the winter garden for a long time, but in summer you will need to constantly water and spray the plants with water so that they do not dry out from such an amount of heat.

As you can see, you can get out of any situation, the main thing is the presence of desire and strength.

You should also decide how much time you can spend caring for the winter garden. If you are completely confident in your abilities, then be sure to get exotic plants that require quite careful care, and if you have very little free time, then you can limit yourself to unpretentious plants that do not require much effort.
The winter garden in the house performs the following functions:

  • purifies the air;
  • calms, gives the opportunity to relax;
  • does not allow fungus and mold to multiply;
  • protects from street noise;
  • creates a pleasant and calm atmosphere.

If no difficulties or obstacles stop you, then you can safely start equipping a winter garden.

DIY winter garden

Special requirements

Initially, not all rooms are suitable for a winter garden, so you need to prepare the place you have chosen in the apartment in order to subsequently enjoy the results obtained.

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the glazing of the winter garden. On the Internet you can find a bunch of photos and tips on how to do it all correctly, because it is very important how much sunlight your plants will receive. For this purpose, double-glazed windows would be the best option, as they will be able to retain the cold and thereby retain heat in the garden.
  2. You also need to take care of the lighting of the winter garden. Sometimes this is a very difficult task, because many plants prefer large number light, while others are, on the contrary, shadow or diffused light.
  3. To make such a structure ideal, you need to eliminate all the cracks and gaps so that cold air does not pass inside. To do this, you can use a sealant and you need to remember that even small cracks can completely ruin all your work. To achieve the best results, it is best to use only dry, non-moisture-retaining materials to prevent the conservatory from rotting.
  4. It should be remembered that your mini-greenhouse should always be maintained at the same temperature. The most acceptable temperature is considered to be from 18 to 23° C.
    In summer the problem is that due to high temperatures plants may dry out or lose their vigor, so you need to constantly turn on the ventilation and install reliable double-glazed windows.
    In winter, it is enough to insulate the winter garden with conventional heaters, convectors or radiators. And for those who are especially sensitive to their plants, we can advise you to insulate the floor so that they feel comfortable even on the coldest days.
  5. Don’t forget about humidity, which ideally should be at least 80%. It is very difficult to cope with such a task on your own, especially during the heating season. But special air humidifiers, which can be found in any hardware store, will help you cope with this problem.
  6. If you have the strength and additional capabilities, then you can also create a small waterfall or fountain, which will also increase the level of humidity in the garden. An example of this can be seen in the following photo.

Fountain in the winter garden

Don’t forget about ventilation, as its absence can lead to the complete destruction of your garden. It is best to position the ventilation system so that the air enters from the bottom and exits from the top. Owners of a winter garden on the south side will have the most problems, in which case the best option will be the purchase of an air conditioner.

DIY winter garden:

  • The winter garden covers an area of ​​25 square meters. m, this is exactly the area that is suitable for DIY construction. Larger gardens require more detailed preparation and work of specialists. But in this case, you can do everything yourself to arrange a winter extension.
  • First of all, you need to complete a project or sketch.
  • Then preparations for the construction of the garden begin. A 40-centimeter sand cushion and drainage are laid under the foundation, with a drainage into a nearby ditch. The foundation is made of strip type with high-quality reinforcement. (More details about foundations in the article “Types of foundations for building construction.” More details about reinforcement in the article “Reinforcement of a concrete foundation”).
  • After the foundation hardens, it is insulated with polystyrene foam 50 cm thick and waterproofing is laid, for example, hydroglass insulation. You can learn more about foundation waterproofing from the article “Foundation Waterproofing.”
  • Brick pillars are used as the building frame for our winter garden.
  • Rafters are laid on them, connected to each other through soft gaskets made of polyethylene. This increases the thermal insulation of the garden.
  • To increase reliability, the rafters are connected with a special profile.
  • The garden rafter system is connected to the supports using corners.
  • The roof of the winter garden is made of cellular polycarbonate. Three layers are used - from sheets 10 mm thick, sheets 4 mm thick, and sheets 6 mm thick. The top two layers of sheets (10 and 4 mm) are mounted between each other using sealant and special profiles - connectors. The bottom layer (6 mm) is attached to the bottom of the rafters, creating an air cushion.
  • Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the rafters through thermal washers.
  • Then the drainage lines are prepared.
  • Then double-glazed windows are installed. A sand cushion is poured onto which the tiles are laid. More information about laying tiles can be found in the article “Laying paving slabs with your own hands."
  • The garden is heated from a heating boiler using propylene pipes.

Winter garden - project

  • There was also a place for plate batteries.
  • Electric thermal fans are used as a backup heat source.
  • Lighting is made from lamps with reflectors. A light sensor is installed that automatically turns on the lamps.
  • All that remains is to beautifully arrange the flowers and plants, and the winter garden will begin to delight you with fresh greenery and the aroma of flowers.

Of course, there will still be many little things left, such as shelves for plants, furniture for your convenience in the winter garden, wall decoration, lighting elements, but this is not such hard work. Now you have to reveal yourself as an interior designer, make your dreams and plans come true, create your own unique and much-desired island of happiness, especially pleasing to you during the cold season.

Design methods

The design of a winter garden in an apartment depends only on your desires and preferences, so imagination and ingenuity will come into play here. It would be best to divide the garden into 3 zones: decorative, communicative and recreational. An example of such a solution can be seen in this photo:

The decorative part of the garden will be used for the plants themselves; this can be a separate corner or an arrangement of flowers and trees around the perimeter of the room, as we see in the photo.
The communication area is intended for receiving guests; here you can place a tea table and small armchairs.
The recreational space in the apartment is intended for relaxation, as we can see in the photo there is a sofa, soft pillows and lamps that provide some comfort.

If the area of ​​the room allows, you can easily combine different zones in the winter garden.

In order to add bright colors and at the same time create a pleasant atmosphere, you can use accessories in the form of unusual pots, paintings, hanging structures, wooden furniture or other homemade parts.

For a winter garden, it is best to choose pastel colors, since such a room is intended for relaxation and rest, and bright, flashy colors will only irritate your nervous system.

To visually increase the volume of a room, you need to make wide and large windows, even full-height ones. This will give the garden grandeur and luxury, while you will be able to admire the beautiful view at any time of the year.

The most interesting design solutions for decorating a winter garden can be seen in the photo below.

Garden in the hall with high ceiling

The right combination of plants in the winter garden

Once you have prepared the room in your apartment for a winter garden, you can begin selecting plants. You've probably seen many different photos and videos showing how this is all done correctly, so for many such tips will not be a revelation.

The first rule tells us that all plants that are in the winter garden must tolerate the same climate. Since you cannot maintain and create completely different climatic conditions in one apartment.

In order for your winter garden to be beautiful and the plants well-groomed, you need to correctly distribute them around the entire perimeter. In the photo below you can see how cleverly and competently the plants are arranged. Those flowers that need a lot of light are on the windowsill, and trees that benefit from diffused lighting are located at the end of the room.

You also need to remember that many plants compete with each other, so to select them correctly, it is best to contact a specialist who will not only explain, but also help you choose the best option for you.

The video, which you can find on our website, will help you create an unsurpassed atmosphere in your apartment, and the photo will help you choose the right winter garden design. Remember that you shouldn’t give up on your dreams, because if you really want to, you can do anything, even move mountains.

Every person wants to come after a hard day at work and find themselves in a cozy place with a lot of greenery, where they can relax and enjoy the aroma of flowers. To create a winter garden in a holiday apartment surrounded by plants, you first need to choose a suitable place for it. It is with this question that our publication on “Dream House” will begin today.

Where can you create a winter garden in an apartment?

In fact, a winter garden in a multi-storey building in a city apartment is not a fantasy, but a sign of good taste and originality. The most common design of such a garden is a glazed structure on profiles, where flowers and plants will feel great at any time of the year.

The best place in an apartment to create a winter garden is, or better yet, a loggia. If the balcony is insulated, then there will be even fewer problems with creating a greenhouse.

If you have one in your apartment, then this is another one of them. best places for arranging a winter garden.

How to make a winter garden in a city apartment

You can entrust the creation of a small green world to specialists who will do their work professionally: they will thoroughly think through and provide for everything, select plants that are suitable for existing conditions and equip the winter garden in your apartment with the necessary equipment. But, on the other hand, winter gardens are not so difficult to make. There is nothing extremely difficult about doing everything yourself.

First you need to think about the system of ventilation, heating and watering of plants. However, it should be remembered that ornamental plants really do not like drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. Plants also need sufficient lighting, because in winter the flora lacks sunlight. For these purposes, you need to purchase and install a phytolamp.

Choosing plants for the winter garden

The choice of vegetation for the winter garden must be taken seriously. You need to choose a flora that can grow, develop and bloom well in an apartment. It is worth noting that the watering needs of some plants are different, so an individual irrigation system should be provided. Another extremely important nuance, which you need to pay attention to is the possibility of coexistence different types plants in the same environment and next to each other.

You should also know that the favorable air temperature for each type of plant is individual. Therefore, it is necessary to select types of flora in accordance with their similar temperature preferences. If there is a catastrophic lack of time for constant care of plants, then there is no need to choose too capricious and demanding crops for the garden.

Design of a winter garden in an apartment

It is also necessary to decorate your winter garden in an interesting and beautiful way. To do this, you should select original combinations of plants (create floral compositions), beautiful decorative elements, and make some interesting ladders for climbing representatives of the flora.

Decorating a winter garden in an apartment is an individual matter of taste and imagination. However, you can get ideas from photographs in interior design magazines or on relevant Internet sites. We also made a small selection of such photos to make your task easier with planning and arranging a winter garden.

As you can see, it is quite possible to set up a winter garden on a balcony or loggia in an apartment, and many have already taken advantage of this opportunity by creating a greenhouse for mental relaxation.


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