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But what if it’s intercepted?

I won’t allow a boarding team... but the supply of reactors will withstand a year of siege... no one will hold that much.

Well, you yourself said that heavy ships can penetrate the defense.

The Emperor laughed:

Silly, those tunnel guns can't reach me.

But you said it yourself...

Captain Ylech and I modeled options for the possibility of capturing... so... it is impossible to take a weapon from a distance, but there are no idiots to get close and expose themselves to shots. The only opportunity that the modulator gave... - The Emperor paused and looked carefully at the smiling little wife... Beloved, beautiful and simply lovely.

Come on, honey, calm me down. - The whining creature hung on the worried man’s neck.

To push through the protection with shields... and for this you need at least four battleships and not even cruisers... and they must not only immobilize the yacht, but stick around it from all sides, gradually pushing through the multi-layered fields. Well, then there’s boarding. The Eared Ones gave us a government yacht of the latest generation. It is not intended for combat operations, but its protection factor is colossal.

But you found a crack in this defense...

I found it, but it’s impossible to implement such a grab without knowing the exit point from the jump... the same modulator gave a probability of one in five and a half billion. So don’t worry, better tell me what to bring you as a gift from this trip.

The little rounded beauty closed her eyes happily:

I want Worz crystals, and pure ones...

Oh, you are such an inventor! No promises. If possible, I will jump into this system. - The Emperor thought for a second. - Well, this is an option for a possible exit point from the jump... we'll see.

I want, I want, I want!..

* * *

-...That's all, and you were afraid. - Cold impenetrable mask instead of face. The attentive, colorless, watery eyes of a born killer looked at the emperor. - And you quickly, just two days - and you’re there. Monstrous speed. Did older relatives go overboard? Believe me, even for them the gift is worth a lot of money. Your designers can’t copy the hardware, and I think there are surprises in your new toy. So take this advice... don’t even think about dismantling the ship in your shipyard.

And I’m wondering why, when they gave it as a gift, they insisted that the yacht be sent to the imperial shipyards in Tolosa for repairs, maintenance and modernization, if necessary. Well, God be with him, with the ship, you better tell me how the installation of this thing went for your son?

Natural concern. True, your little one’s standards are not very good; his physical development is disproportionate. Endurance and reaction are well trained, but in terms of strength - complete mediocrity.

And there is nothing to be surprised about. Martial art family and fire training are all his main disciplines. By the way, in wrestling he is second only to my youngest. Although he is a year younger, he is stronger and wider in bone. A real fighter... you should just see what they are doing in the arena, the usual alignment is four to six in favor of the small one. And what worries me most is that they fight seriously. - The Emperor fell silent in frustration - Do they hate each other?

The older one doesn’t show emotions... he’s kind of stoic, but the younger one is not shy in his facial expressions or expressions. Doctors are constantly present at their adult games. But in combat tactics and firefighting, the elder has no equal. And what is typical... the ammunition is training, but the injuries are serious.

I have already banned this. There, when you die, everything is too realistic... blood, guts, all that, and the pain is not phantom, but real, only without mutilation... no, in simulators they fight with others, but only among themselves in real life.

You are preparing an heir... whoever survives is right?

No, what are you talking about! Ensuring the safety of the heirs first of all, and as you understand, I have already decided on the heir... Zar, of course, has more rights, but who will look at these rights, and our current scam practically puts an end to his rights as such.

You still insist on personal loyalty, not to the state.

I am the state... And if something happens to me... no, I am not going to leave this uncut knot to my descendants. My death is most likely his death. I don’t want to leave such a “gift” to my children.

Well, there is logic in your words. The possibility of a struggle for power and not such empires threw them into the abyss of chaos. As I understand it, you want to deprive your son of the opportunity to have children?

Does this surprise you?

More likely no than yes... what if your mythical defense is really designed specifically for the presence of this blood in the veins of the rulers?

Why mythical?

When was the last time you had uninvited guests? You don’t know...even I don’t know. Just legends and tales, converted into parables. But what if protection does exist? I wouldn't risk it if I were you.

But in the veins of the emperor - in my veins - there are no these impurities anyway.

But if the archers get involved, there is an opportunity to proclaim one of your son’s descendants emperor, and if you now carry out an irreversible operation, then, I’m afraid, you will not give the future generation even a chance to defend themselves. The Elders have some data, but it is all outdated, and still almost everyone believes this data... except, it seems, the dwarves, and this is dangerous. They are the most advanced guys technologically. Nobody can compete with them. Only united empires will fight back against the dwarves, but the states of people individually are only one tooth away from the Elders, and even more so your empire with a meager fleet. There is only one reason why they won’t interfere with you; your enemies are stopped by historical legends... and the archi also surprise you. They had already bitten everyone, and chewed some of them, and only by united efforts were they able to repel these voracious creatures. I know that your troops also participated and even remained with a profit, and the Elders relaxed the sanctions and prohibitions against you. But notice, the arches took revenge on everyone and only didn’t go after you, and it is your location in the explored space that is most vulnerable, and the arches don’t seem to notice you. Don't you find this strange?

So what?

Insects are far from fools, judging by their developments used in their ships, and a special type of weapon that affects only living creatures. A weapon that destroys living tissue. We were never able to obtain an analogue, and only a fully robotic fleet was able to inflict significant damage on the arch fleet.

And then we got the uprising of the machines!

I agree, it was a mistake, full automation and lifting of bans on AI - artificial intelligence. There was a price to pay for this.

Yes, the price was high. But we digress. Why did you remember all this?

The Archi are very afraid of something in your sector of space. And they are not just afraid, but experience panic and horror.


So much for “really”! When I was still serving, a secret experiment was conducted in our empire. We managed to capture a couple of arch specimens alive. And after several years of experiments and all that, the analysts, who made conclusions similar to those that I have already voiced to you, proposed to take these half-dead arches along your border on a reconnaissance vehicle.

And how? - The Emperor looked at his interlocutor with genuine interest.

Being in a completely enclosed room on board the ship, these six-legged creatures, still quite far from the border, began to experience anxiety. Gradually, as they got closer to the border, their anxiety grew into violent insanity...

And how did it all end?

Our eggheads overlooked, the experimental subjects died... but the analysts made conclusions, although they kept them secret from everyone...

Especially from sworn friends?

You are right, none of the Elders and their representatives are aware of anything like this, but only short people show direct aggression towards you, and only for show. You can understand them, at your disposal large number planets and asteroid belts where these miners and industrialists can make a good living. So they rattle their weapons, although they have recently forgotten how to fight. But their weapons are at the highest level.

Yes, I remember we had a small conflict...

And I remember him too. Nothing serious. But there is only one conclusion: your guys on antediluvian ships managed to drive and then board six cruisers and three battleships. You did not spare your life, and they tried to give a bribe and ended up losing the most promising ships, and then spent a lot of money on ransoming prisoners. Paradox. So I say that they have forgotten how to fight, but they will never refuse to try to pin you down, if there is such an opportunity.

What is stopping them from striking now?

We are in the way, other older races, public opinion... and they just want to live. But I got out of the head of this crowned scion the following thing that directly concerns you and your country...

Well, don’t be tormented...

They are trying to reach the clans of your subjects. Many aristocrats are dissatisfied with their position... and money falls along with ideas on favorable soil. There is a conspiracy, and this has been definitely established, but it was not possible to get names. Even the names of the clans remained unknown.

Yuri Moskalenko

Emperor on occasion

An analysis of the state of affairs in the empire allows us to conclude that the main growth trends have been observed. The financial situation in the country is stable. Assets are replenished, the main sectors of the economy are providing significantly greater growth than planned. Heavy industry, in particular mechanical engineering, received a significant boost. Orders for weapons spurred production. There is an unprecedented rush for the purchase of weapons in the country; our incomes are growing almost exponentially.

So is this good or bad? - asked the prime minister half-asleep. Another report, another speaker for today in his office. But with this old friend you can behave not as you should, but exactly as you want. He will understand, he understands everything.

If we consider only economic issues, then just great. But the trend towards buying guns...

A pause, and a significant one at that.

The Prime Minister, who had almost fallen asleep, opened his eyes...

Let's be more specific. - he gave the command to the speaker, to which he received a knowing grin from his old friend.

The forecasts of our analysts have leaked online, predicting a war with our neighbors. Our constant border skirmishes will eventually lead to a full-scale war, although both governments do not want this and are doing everything possible to reduce the escalation of violence to a minimum. But... no one has yet canceled chance, and in such conditions it is more possible than ever.

For example? - the head of government demanded clarification.

Well, for example, a thermonuclear bombardment of one of the remote inhabited systems of the empire, and we have more than enough of them. It seems like they didn’t want to, but the answer can come from us immediately. And if something like this was previously managed to be extinguished, then next time there may not be any means of extinguishing it, because at the right moment the fire of an all-consuming war will swell to unprecedented levels. The Eared Ones, I am sure of this, directed all their forces precisely towards pushing the two most powerful state formations of the commonwealth together, thereby greatly depleting them.

Everyone... But not everyone can influence everything. - the old faithful servant did not agree with the master. - The big-eared ones in the empire open almost all doors as if they were at home. Their last deeds... What they did with the famous family!

But they made an official apology. The losses were fully compensated, hostages and prisoners were returned alive.

Yeah, and then, suddenly, the strongest clan of the empire officially, OFFICIALLY asked for homage from this almost unknown clan.

Well, not so unknown. - the prime minister disagreed with his friend.

Oh, stop it! They had no influence in the empire. New growth. The nobility by chance, completely by chance, is given to the brother of the head of the clan, and then...

Isn't this the guy my daughter has a crush on?

He's the one! At the same time, I didn’t fall in love, but thought about the meaning of life. - corrected the prime minister chief educator master's daughter. - She has already rethought her past life and is now just making up for lost time.

Are you talking about entering the Guard Academy? Well, I wouldn't say it's the right decision.

But what a craving she has for studying now. She is making amazing progress as a pilot. And not only as a pilot, but also as a tactician. One internship as an assistant navigator of a cruiser is worth it...

This is what worries me.

Until she gets married and gives birth, there will be no independent participation in combat patrols. - an old family friend supported the girl’s father. - Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at the guy?

Yes, he's still a child! - cried the wounded father.

And what? He’s already tried half the women here, and you’re still talking about the same thing. Child! Children do not earn billions on their own and do not become nobles. And they don’t create corporations and don’t lead a clan. Don't you have enough arguments?

The prime minister drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair.

All this is true, but why then did he again leave somewhere in his wilderness?

Don't know. But you have the opportunity to find out. Same Mili. It seems like you had an agreement about him.

According to him, I promised not to interfere in the clarification of their relationship.

You promised about your daughter, but not a word was said about the guy. - the old friend smiled slyly.

Do you think we can put a little pressure on him?

Well, putting pressure probably won’t work, but pushing him towards his daughter probably... You sent a surveillance team, didn’t you?

And what did they manage to do? What did you manage to convey through it?

Everything in that system is complicated. They themselves are under the surveillance of the police and the Security Service. One thing is certain. There is some strange movement around the guy. Apparently, I’m not the only one who is concerned about his security, and this worries me very much. It is impossible to find out anything either through the Security Service or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this is for me! Can you imagine what's going on there?

So we need to somehow get the guy to the capital. - The Privy Councilor grinned. - At least through the same guy’s sister. They have a common business, which, by the way, promises to be very profitable, but for some reason there is not even our tiny percentage in it. Disorder!

And how successful is the undertaking of the new head of the clan?

The clan is quite old, but as an aristocratic one it is new. As for business... An agricultural corporation is being created for some reason on the capital planet. Can you imagine how much the land costs? But still, having spent almost all their assets, they are actively buying up all the land suitable for cultivation.

That is, they are creating a springboard here for their corporations? - the prime minister was surprised.

And you know, I didn’t even look at these tricks from this side. But really, then everything comes together. They have recently sold everything related to the clan outside the capital system.

All? - Julia’s father didn’t believe it.

And you know, all the other clans included in this clan under a vassal agreement began to do the same thing. They don’t care at all that land on the planets of the capital system has become expensive. They also buy planetoids.

Set our antimonopoly service on them.

What's the point? They really don’t sell anything yet, although they produce something. I have already looked at their actions from this angle. No use. Only…

What? - the prime minister asked impatiently.

Their actions become logical if... - the old friend looked fearfully at the master endowed with power, - if all the threads of routes to the capital of the empire are blocked.

Are you kidding... - the head of the empire’s government whispered discouraged.

There's no time for jokes here. Judge for yourself. Apart from them, no one in the metropolitan system has such complexes, and everything is a closed production cycle: from the extraction of minerals and the cultivation of crops to the production of the final product. Come on... - the old man hung for a while, apparently looking for something on the net...

After a couple of minutes it finally thawed.

Just as I thought. It turns out they made a deal yesterday. The capital's largest retail chain was purchased. It was kind of doomed because it had no branches in other systems or abroad.

Can't be! - the prime minister was amazed. - I would know.

So they just took part in the share, but according to the papers, it seems like the previous owners remained in charge, but...

Don't tell me it's homage again! - the prime minister cried.

No. They took the oath of allegiance... and you know, something tells me that soon we will have another aristocratic family.

Even so?

And what... will they buy...

And Pamela and her brother will act as guarantors of a new kind. Am I right?

Apparently yes. They solve a lot of problems this way. How beautifully they play it out, but why? What reason makes them do such things?

By the way, look, the clan of this oligarch, who deigned to submit a petition for homage, was reputed to be the main holder of real estate abroad, how are they?

Now! A couple of minutes... - the old man quickly answered, but the prime minister had to wait at least a quarter of an hour for an answer.

During this time, he himself rummaged through the net and, to his horror, discovered a lot of materials on the boy he was interested in.

It must be said that these were mostly relatively old publications, when the boy was visiting his sister in the capital. Here he found a lot of interesting things about his daughter, but he didn’t find much, making a note to follow these scribblers and, if possible, tear off their stingers so that they wouldn’t bite. But the latest materials about the boy he was interested in surprised him.

Someone dug up that at the moment there is one stupid millionaire on a distant planet forgotten by the gods... what do you think? He is building an underground bunker and paying for all the work out of his own pocket.

Moskalenko Yu. N

Distant worlds. Book three. Emperor on occasion

– Analysis of the state of affairs in the Empire allows us to conclude that the main growth trends have been observed. The financial situation in the country is stable. Assets are replenished, the main sectors of the economy are providing significantly greater growth than planned. Heavy industry, in particular mechanical engineering, received a significant boost. Armament orders spurred production. There is an unprecedented rush for the purchase of weapons in the country; our incomes are growing almost exponentially.

- So is this good or bad? – the prime minister asked half-asleep. Another report, another speaker for today in his office. But with this old friend you can behave not as you should, but as you want. He will understand, he understands everything.

– If we consider only economic issues, then just great. But the trend towards buying guns...

A pause, and a significant one at that.

The Prime Minister, who had almost fallen asleep, opened his eyes.

- Let’s be more specific. – he gave the command to the speaker, to which he received a knowing grin from his old friend.

– Our analysts’ forecasts have leaked online, predicting a war with our neighbors. Our constant border skirmishes will eventually lead to a full-scale war, although both governments do not want this and are doing everything possible to reduce the escalation of violence to a minimum. But no one has yet canceled chance, and in such conditions it is more possible than ever.

- For example? – the head of government demanded clarification.

– Well, for example, a thermonuclear bombardment of one of the remote inhabited systems of the Empire, and we have more than enough of them. It seems like they didn’t want to, but the answer can come from us immediately. And if something like this was previously managed to be extinguished, then next time the extinguishing means may not be found at the right time and the fire of an all-consuming war will swell to unprecedented levels. The Eared Ones, I am sure of this, directed all their forces precisely towards pushing the two most powerful state formations of the Commonwealth against each other, thereby greatly depleting them.

“Everyone understands, but not everyone can influence,” the old faithful servant disagreed with the master. “Already in the Empire, the big-eared ones open almost all the doors, just like at home.” Their last deeds... What they did with the famous family!

“But they made an official apology.” The losses were fully compensated, hostages and prisoners were returned alive.

– Yeah, and then, suddenly, the strongest clan of the Empire officially, OFFICIALLY asked for homage from this almost unknown clan.

– Well, not so unknown. – the prime minister disagreed with his friend.

- Oh, stop it! They had no influence in the Empire. New growth. The nobility by chance, completely by chance, is given to the brother of the head of the clan, and then...

“Isn’t this the guy my daughter has a crush on?”

- He's the one! “At the same time, I didn’t fall in love, but thought about the meaning of life,” the chief teacher of the gentleman’s daughter corrected the prime minister. “She has already rethought her past life and is now just making up for lost time.”

– Are you talking about entering the Guard Academy? Well, I wouldn't say it's the right decision.

- But what a craving she has for studying now. She is making amazing progress as a pilot. And not only as a pilot, but also as a tactician. One internship as an assistant navigator of a cruiser is worth it!

“That’s what worries me.”

– Until she gets married and gives birth, there will be no independent participation in combat patrols. – an old family friend supported the girl’s father. – Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at the guy?

- Yes, he’s still a child! – cried the wounded father.

- And what? He’s already tried half the women here, and you’re still talking about the same thing. Child! Children do not earn billions on their own and do not become nobles. And they don’t create corporations and don’t lead a clan. Don't you have enough arguments?

The prime minister drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair.

- All this is true, but why then did he again go somewhere into his wilderness?

- Don't know. But you have the opportunity to find out. Same Mili. It seems like you had an agreement about him.

– According to him, I promised not to interfere in the clarification of their relationship.

“You promised about your daughter, but not a word was said about the guy,” the old friend smiled slyly.

“Do you think we can put some pressure on him?”

“Well, putting pressure probably won’t work, but pushing him towards his daughter, probably.” You sent a surveillance team, right?

– And what did they manage to do? What did you manage to convey through it?

– Everything is complicated in that system. They themselves are under the surveillance of the police and the Security Service. One thing is certain. There is some strange movement around the guy. Apparently, I’m not the only one who is concerned about his security, and this worries me very much. It is impossible to find out anything either through the Security Service or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this is for me! Can you imagine what's going on there?

- So, we need to somehow get the guy to the capital. – the Privy Councilor grinned. – At least through the same guy’s sister. They have a common business, which, by the way, promises to be very profitable, but for some reason there is not even our tiny percentage in it. Disorder!

– And how successful is the new head of the clan’s undertaking?

– The clan is quite old, but as an aristocratic one it is new. As for business... An agricultural corporation is being created for some reason on the capital planet. Can you imagine how much the land costs? But still, having spent almost all their assets, they are actively buying up all the land suitable for cultivation.

– So, they are creating a springboard here for their corporations? – the prime minister was surprised.

– And you know, I didn’t look at these tricks from this side. But it’s true, then everything comes together. They have recently sold everything related to the clan outside the capital system.

- All? – Yulia’s father didn’t believe it.

– And you know, all the other clans included in this clan under a vassal agreement began to do the same thing. They don’t care at all that land on the planets of the capital system has become expensive. They also buy planetoids.

– Set our antimonopoly service on them.

- What's the point?! They really don’t sell anything yet, although they produce something. I have already looked at their actions from this angle. No use. Only…

- What? – the prime minister asked impatiently.

“Their actions become logical if...” the old friend looked fearfully at the master endowed with power, “if all the threads of routes to the capital of the Empire are blocked.”

“You’re kidding,” whispered the head of the Empire’s government discouraged.

- Yes, this is no time for jokes. Judge for yourself. Apart from them, no one in the metropolitan system has such complexes, and everything is a closed production cycle: from the extraction of minerals and the cultivation of crops to the production of the final product. Come on,” the old man hung for a while, apparently looking for something on the net.

After a couple of minutes it finally thawed.

- Just as I thought.

It turns out they made a deal yesterday. The capital's largest retail chain was purchased. It was kind of doomed because it had no branches in other systems or abroad.

- Can't be! – the prime minister was amazed. - I would know.

- So they only took part in the share, but according to the papers, it seems like the previous owners remained in charge, but...

– Don’t tell me it’s homage again! - the prime minister cried.

- No. They took the oath of allegiance and you know, something tells me that soon we will have another aristocratic family.

- Even so?

- And what? They'll buy it!

“And Pamela and her brother will act as guarantors of a new kind.” Am I right?

- Apparently, yes. They solve a lot of problems this way. How beautifully they play it out, but why? What reason makes them do such things?

- By the way, look, the clan of this oligarch, who deigned to submit a petition for homage, was reputed to be the main holder of real estate abroad, how are they?

- Now! A couple of minutes,” the old man quickly answered, but the prime minister had to wait at least a quarter of an hour for an answer.

During this time, he rummaged through the Internet and, to his horror, discovered a lot of materials on the boy he was interested in.

It must be said that these were mostly relatively old publications, when the boy was visiting his sister in the capital. Here he found a lot about his daughter, some interesting and some not so interesting, making a note to follow these scribblers and, if possible, tear off their stingers so that they wouldn’t bite. But the latest materials about the boy he was interested in surprised him.

Someone dug up that at the moment there is one stupid millionaire on a distant planet forgotten by the gods, what do you think? He is building an underground bunker and paying for all the work out of his own pocket.

The journalist wondered. Why does a boy, almost a child, need such a strong and fortified shelter? It seems like he wasn’t able to dig up anything special, except rumors about some predictions made by the boy himself.

Yuri Moskalenko

Emperor on occasion

An analysis of the state of affairs in the empire allows us to conclude that the main growth trends have been observed. The financial situation in the country is stable. Assets are replenished, the main sectors of the economy are providing significantly greater growth than planned. Heavy industry, in particular mechanical engineering, received a significant boost. Orders for weapons spurred production. There is an unprecedented rush for the purchase of weapons in the country; our incomes are growing almost exponentially.

So is this good or bad? - asked the prime minister half-asleep. Another report, another speaker for today in his office. But with this old friend you can behave not as you should, but exactly as you want. He will understand, he understands everything.

If we consider only economic issues, then just great. But the trend towards buying guns...

A pause, and a significant one at that.

The Prime Minister, who had almost fallen asleep, opened his eyes...

Let's be more specific. - he gave the command to the speaker, to which he received a knowing grin from his old friend.

The forecasts of our analysts have leaked online, predicting a war with our neighbors. Our constant border skirmishes will eventually lead to a full-scale war, although both governments do not want this and are doing everything possible to reduce the escalation of violence to a minimum. But... no one has yet canceled chance, and in such conditions it is more possible than ever.

For example? - the head of government demanded clarification.

Well, for example, a thermonuclear bombardment of one of the remote inhabited systems of the empire, and we have more than enough of them. It seems like they didn’t want to, but the answer can come from us immediately. And if something like this was previously managed to be extinguished, then next time there may not be any means of extinguishing it, because at the right moment the fire of an all-consuming war will swell to unprecedented levels. The Eared Ones, I am sure of this, directed all their forces precisely towards pushing the two most powerful state formations of the commonwealth together, thereby greatly depleting them.

Everyone... But not everyone can influence everything. - the old faithful servant did not agree with the master. - The big-eared ones in the empire open almost all doors as if they were at home. Their last deeds... What they did with the famous family!

But they made an official apology. The losses were fully compensated, hostages and prisoners were returned alive.

Yeah, and then, suddenly, the strongest clan of the empire officially, OFFICIALLY asked for homage from this almost unknown clan.

Well, not so unknown. - the prime minister disagreed with his friend.

Oh, stop it! They had no influence in the empire. New growth. The nobility by chance, completely by chance, is given to the brother of the head of the clan, and then...

Isn't this the guy my daughter has a crush on?

He's the one! At the same time, I didn’t fall in love, but thought about the meaning of life. - the chief teacher of the gentleman’s daughter corrected the prime minister. - She has already rethought her past life and is now just making up for lost time.

Are you talking about entering the Guard Academy? Well, I wouldn't say it's the right decision.

But what a craving she has for studying now. She is making amazing progress as a pilot. And not only as a pilot, but also as a tactician. One internship as an assistant navigator of a cruiser is worth it...

This is what worries me.

Until she gets married and gives birth, there will be no independent participation in combat patrols. - an old family friend supported the girl’s father. - Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at the guy?

Yes, he's still a child! - cried the wounded father.

And what? He’s already tried half the women here, and you’re still talking about the same thing. Child! Children do not earn billions on their own and do not become nobles. And they don’t create corporations and don’t lead a clan. Don't you have enough arguments?

The prime minister drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair.

All this is true, but why then did he again leave somewhere in his wilderness?

Don't know. But you have the opportunity to find out. Same Mili. It seems like you had an agreement about him.

According to him, I promised not to interfere in the clarification of their relationship.

You promised about your daughter, but not a word was said about the guy. - the old friend smiled slyly.

Do you think we can put a little pressure on him?

Well, putting pressure probably won’t work, but pushing him towards his daughter probably... You sent a surveillance team, didn’t you?

And what did they manage to do? What did you manage to convey through it?

Everything in that system is complicated. They themselves are under the surveillance of the police and the Security Service. One thing is certain. There is some strange movement around the guy. Apparently, I’m not the only one who is concerned about his security, and this worries me very much. It is impossible to find out anything either through the Security Service or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this is for me! Can you imagine what's going on there?

So we need to somehow get the guy to the capital. - The Privy Councilor grinned. - At least through the same guy’s sister. They have a common business, which, by the way, promises to be very profitable, but for some reason there is not even our tiny percentage in it. Disorder!

And how successful is the undertaking of the new head of the clan?

The clan is quite old, but as an aristocratic one it is new. As for business... An agricultural corporation is being created for some reason on the capital planet. Can you imagine how much the land costs? But still, having spent almost all their assets, they are actively buying up all the land suitable for cultivation.

That is, they are creating a springboard here for their corporations? - the prime minister was surprised.

And you know, I didn’t even look at these tricks from this side. But really, then everything comes together. They have recently sold everything related to the clan outside the capital system.

All? - Julia’s father didn’t believe it.

And you know, all the other clans included in this clan under a vassal agreement began to do the same thing. They don’t care at all that land on the planets of the capital system has become expensive. They also buy planetoids.

Set our antimonopoly service on them.

What's the point? They really don’t sell anything yet, although they produce something. I have already looked at their actions from this angle. No use. Only…

What? - the prime minister asked impatiently.

Their actions become logical if... - the old friend looked fearfully at the master endowed with power, - if all the threads of routes to the capital of the empire are blocked.

Are you kidding... - the head of the empire’s government whispered discouraged.

And if he takes a risk, then what is he actually risking? There is a high probability that he personally will not survive the report to the Emperor.

“And how do we actually decide,” the eared one grinned, “how to determine that your information is important?”

“And you decide for yourself,” the oligarch smiled. - I have nothing to lose. If I don’t get what I want, the information will go to the people. She will leave even if something happens to me.

“This is a very important statement,” his interlocutor laughed, “but you may die not because of us.”

– If my honor is restored, my clan will still occupy its rightful place in the hierarchy of the Empire, then I won’t be offended. – he looked into the elf’s beautiful eyes. “If it is not at your hands that I go to be reborn, then I am ready to take the risk.”

The Eared One grimaced his face.

As such, the oath does not oblige him to anything. But, if something serious comes up, then he will definitely not be able to use the information personally - the neural network will simply give him up, without wanting to. There are such bookmarks in it and few manage to get around it. And he is, after all, the official representative of the Emperor, practically his voice, so deception is, in principle, impossible. And because...

But if the information is worthless, which, in fact, Elente very much doubted, knowing the reputation of the man sitting in front of him, then...

We have to make a decision.

Take a risk or rely on fate while reporting to the Emperor?

– Give me at least a hint of what we’ll be talking about? – he asked.

“No,” the Duke shook his head, “I’m taking too many risks, and therefore it’s either protocol or we just go our separate ways.”

And there is no one to consult with, they will not understand. And the premonition just screams for him to agree.

- Fine! – with a sigh, he squeezed out his consent to the statement on record. In any case, he will either live as before, or he will not. He won’t be able to drag out the existence of a loser, his pride won’t let him, or even the Emperor himself will decide that he has already lost his grip and will send him on indefinite leave.

The neural network records the words of Elente under the attentive gaze of the disgraced oligarch.

The words flow as if written, because how many times has he already had to do something like this? Without oaths and statements, his life and work are unthinkable. He is not a fighter, he acts more subtly. This is how it is now, for example, when extracting a secret from a prominent figure of a foreign Empire for a crime that he certainly did not commit.

All formalities have been completed.

“So, Mister Duke, I have announced my part of the agreement between us, now it’s your turn.”

– I’m ready, but please kindly turn off the neural network. If I die, that’s one thing, but if you die because of such news... After all, I’m sure you have a blocker from the mental influence, and the neural network will not be able to speak against you in the hands of the doctors. After all different cases there are.

- Even so?

- Yes. I have already turned on the jammer and its power is definitely enough for the two of us. So, are you ready?

- Just a minute, it’s not easy for me to turn off the neural network, wait.

The minute stretched into ten. The big-eared one understands that if he is warned, then sometimes it is worth following the advice. Everyone wants to live.

- So, I'm ready. - he said to the excited oligarch.

He brought his head right across the table to the big-eared head, forcing him to lean forward.

– You know who the “Sistemists” are, right?

...A conversation between two old irreconcilable opponents and friends, and they are perfectly aware of this, but for everyone else they are friends - water is inseparable.

- Do you understand anything, old man?

– Are you talking about this image in the halovisor? – asked the security chief of the entire Empire.

– What else can you and I talk about now? – the admiral grinned.

– Well, I wouldn’t talk about a simple image. The codes are genuine and have already been verified by our Smith. The money has been transferred from the accounts, and this confirms everything.

- So it’s not in vain that you bent your back? – the old joker laughed.

– And note, I’m not the only one! – the Duke laughed in response.

- But most of all! – the admiral retorted.

– Well, I wouldn’t agree with you here. Our fighting rhinoceros really got into it. He's got a sense! Study, otherwise the Emperor will fry you one day. Suddenly, his great-great-great-grandfather’s capabilities were passed on to him. If you remember, I showed you documents and even videos of the past, when the strongest psion of the Empire simply burned unwanted people on the spot. Moreover, he was ruthless towards his enemies. He held a record number of executions - almost five hundred people - at a ball in honor of his birthday. That's it!

- Spit, God forbid! You better tell me what you're going to do?

- Yes, you! And I don’t need to pretend to be a saint here.

The Duke, after thinking a little about his friend’s not entirely pleasant question, finally decided to answer honestly. After all, they both understood that as long as they held on to each other, no one could defeat them. Well, maybe except, of course, the Emperor. But where is he now?!

– First, we need to decide which side we are choosing. Determine priorities and, of course, clarify the positions of the clans regarding the role of the Emperor in the affairs of the Empire. Judging by his performance yesterday, there is no doubt that this was exactly the boy whom we have not been able to find for a whole year, and I think that we should not treat him with disdain. I feel that too much in the life of our Motherland is tied to him. Who knows how the ancient settings will react if the line of the ancient Emperors is stopped completely. To be honest, I don’t want to experiment with this at all.

- You are incorrigible! – the admiral grinned. – So many words and not a single specific one. We are not on the state council. Let's be honest, I just feel the approaching Armageddon on my butt. If you and I start beating around the bush, we will lead our clans to destruction. Times are changing and we urgently need, first of all for ourselves, to determine what place we need to take in a changing world. So, stop pouring water on me here, be specific!

The security chief chuckled.

- Hm! Specifically, you say, well, get it! – he looked intently into his friend’s eyes. “This is a new threat, and if we don’t dig him out of the hole where he’s huddled now, then years will pass and he’ll return with a team of his own trusted people.” You know, our own! But we will never become like that. For him, we will be a constant reminder of the stepmother he hates. But you and she are almost relatives. What do you think awaits your family? Things are no better with my clan. It was I who was responsible for the nightmare that was created for the young prince in the capital and directly in the palace. Yes, I followed orders, but do you really think that will keep him from taking revenge?

The Admiral lowered his gaze and sighed heavily.

– You think correctly, we are doomed. Even Steve is shaking, because there is something to shake about, and the boy has already shown some serious abilities, what if he is also an oracle?! Nothing will happen to our rhinoceros over there.

Again the heavy sigh and exhalation of the admiral.

- And here you are, “don’t pour water on me!” And, believe me, I only skimmed this, but if you dig deeper...

“And he seemed to me a reasonable and intelligent young man.” – the admiral answered quietly.

Both were silent.

- And what do you suggest? – the admiral clarified.

- Well, no, now let’s take your thoughts out into the open, and then, based on this, we’ll think about everything.

- On the mountain, you say? Okay, off to the mountain, then off to the mountain! So,” the admiral rose to his feet and began pacing around his friend’s office, where they were sitting at that moment. - What you said is correct. And about the fact that if we dig deeper for everyone, no one will survive. But,” he looked at his friend, “you are forgetting about the main thing.” He is the only representative of an ancient family. The only one. And even a relative who appears, by the way, we don’t know who it is, will not be able to lay claim to the throne, just like none of us. How will events develop if something happens to him? Don't know? So I don’t know, but no one wants to risk the lives of their loved ones and relatives, and therefore, I will take a risk and support the young Emperor, even if he later begins to oppress me and my family. As they say, of two evils, I choose the lesser, and I will hope that reason will still prevail over the thirst for revenge. Moreover, as you put it, we all followed orders. Therefore, I will do everything so that the Emperor finally at least visits his father’s office. It is still closed, despite all attempts to get there.


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