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You can't speed up your metabolism - you can learn to burn more calories

People are ready to come up with any fantastic stories just to avoid counting calories. Metabolism, in a simplified form, is primarily your intake and expenditure of calories.

There are no wizards with very fast or very slow metabolisms

There is a misconception that different people food is absorbed in different ways: one ate a bun and it was deposited in fat, for another it was burned in his “fast metabolism” (aka metabolism).

Leading Russian-speaking fitness expert Sergei Strukov (like many scientists before him). Yes, different people digest different foods in varying degrees, but firstly, for everyone, some are absorbed better, others worse, and we must consider the average temperature in the hospital, and secondly, the difference is so insignificant that it simply does not make sense to discuss it seriously and take it into account.

To put it simply: there are no people with high and low (or slow and fast) metabolic rates (it is approximately the same and depends on lifestyle, weight, genetics, etc.), there are people who consume and spend more or less calories.

You can't speed up your metabolism (metabolism) - you can just burn more calories

Before proceeding to the main part of the material, we note that metabolism is a thing that we cannot influence, because the rate of metabolic processes depends mainly on the amount of thyroid hormones produced by our thyroid gland, and also, as already noted, from gender, age, etc.

The methods presented below are just some of the tools that will help increase your energy (calorie) expenditure. That is, when reading metabolism (metabolism), you need to understand that this simply means ways to burn extra calories.

1. Exercise strength training

Your body burns calories constantly, even when you're lying on the couch. But those of us with more muscle burn more calories due to their metabolic activity. Every extra kilogram of muscle, simply due to its existence, burns you an extra 13 kcal/day. This is not as much as it seems, but even at rest, an extra 10 kg of muscle on the body (for example, instead of 10 kg of fat) will burn you an extra hundred kcal per day. And when your muscles work, they also give you an extra boost in your calorie expenditure.

In fact, researchers from the University of Maryland have once again proven that strength training increases calorie expenditure after training, at rest. They are also supported by scientists from Greece, who found that intense strength training can waste your calories up to 48 hours after training - and this is not only due to the volume of muscles and the cost of their existence at rest, but also to the additional expenditure of body energy after training .

2. Do high intensity interval cardio (HIIT)

Scientists prove that intense exercise burns off your post-workout calories. Depending on the type of load after training, the body spends an additional average of about 5-15% of the calories burned during the training itself. Moreover, the more intensely you worked, the most calorie expenditure will occur after training, during recovery. For example, in 10-12 seconds when running 100 meters, an athlete manages to consume only a small fraction of the necessary oxygen and consumes the bulk of it (and spends calories) essentially after the race. A similar analogy can be drawn with cardio and strength training.

Back in 1996, experts from Baylor College of Medicine found in their experiment that high-intensity interval cardio training burns more calories over a 24-hour period than long-term cardio at a moderate pace.

In 2007, University of Florida scientists supported their colleagues by reporting at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine that, compared with long-term cardio at a moderate pace, high-intensity interval cardio allows you to spend 10% more in the 24 hours after the end of the workout.

The bottom line: High-intensity interval cardio, for example, burns more calories through the post-workout “afterburn” compared to low-intensity cardio. Likewise, strength training burns calories during recovery.

3. Get Enough Protein

It follows from point No. 1 that when doing strength training in order to gain muscle (we know that the more muscles, the more calories our body consumes due to their energy “gluttony”), it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein, which is the main building material for muscle tissue.

In addition, protein foods have a thermic effect, that is, the body spends more energy on its breakdown than on the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.

Experts from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard Boston School in their review emphasize the importance of consuming enough protein precisely because of the additional thermic effect that protein foods provide. This position is also shared by Dutch specialists from the University of Maastricht. They note that consuming high amounts of protein improves the metabolic profile.

Conclusion: our body burns more calories to digest protein foods.

4. Stay away from fasting and crash diets

Hunger strikes and diets that involve consuming extremely low amounts of calories lead to an even greater reduction in calorie intake (due to the body burning muscles), driving people into vicious circle decreasing caloric intake. With each stage of their hunger strike daily norm calories are getting lower and lower, and it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain it.

As a result, in most cases, a person gains even more than before the fasting diet. This is called the "yo-yo" effect and is described in detail in the text "Old Body with a New Way."

To confirm this, we present data from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, which they received after conducting a 24-week experiment. The study involved 13 overweight women. The group of subjects was divided into 2 subgroups, the first of which consumed a sharply limited amount of calories - 500 kcal per day, and the second - a moderately limited amount of calories - 1200 kcal per day. After 8 weeks, scientists noted a 17% decrease in caloric intake at rest in the group that consumed 500 kcal per day, while in the second group the data remained virtually unchanged.

Moreover, in addition to hindering the process of losing weight, a sharp restriction in calories causes significant harm to our health.

Conclusion: Avoid fasting and low-calorie diets.


Zozhnik’s advice: forget about the phrases “accelerate/accelerate metabolism/metabolism”, “I have such a metabolism / he has such a metabolism” - they ultimately mean the same simple formula: the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. Yes, of course, there are medical abnormalities related to metabolism, but this phenomenon is rare and if you suspect it, just consult a doctor and get checked.

Once again, there is no fast or slow, high or low metabolism or metabolism. There are only calories that you consume and expend, and the result depends greatly on the difference between these quantities.

There are also no miracle people with a super-high metabolic rate or unfortunate people with a very low one. There are people who burn different amounts of calories (at rest with the help of muscles) or through intense or not so intense training.

As you can see: again there are no secrets and again we come across the same formula: the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. Well, in ours we show, even with pictures, that at every moment of your life you have these 4 options:

1. Eat more calories than you burn + do nothing= getting fatter, gaining fat.

2. Eat more calories than you burn + do strength training= gain muscle mass and some fat.

3. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do nothing= you lose weight, mainly due to muscle loss, and if you consume extremely little, you drop your calorie intake so low that then you will inevitably stop fitting into the norm and sooner or later you will fall into the first category.

4. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do strength training= you lose weight by losing fat and some muscle.


o Pratley R., Nicklas.B., Strength training increases resting metabolic rate and norepinephrine levels in healthy 50- to 65-year-old men, Department of Medicine, University of Maryland.

o Fatouros I.G., Tournis S., Intensity of resistance exercises determines adipokine and resting energy expenditure responses in overweight elderly individuals, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Democritus University of Thrace.

o Treuth M.S., Hunter G.R., Effects of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine.

o Halton T.L., Hu F.B., The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review, Harvard School of Public Health.

o Westerterp-Plantenga M.S., The significance of protein in food intake and body weight regulation, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

o Foster G.D., Wadden T.A., Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very low calorie diet: short and long term effects, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

The fact that each person’s metabolic processes proceed at their own speed is a fact long established and proven by scientists. Some people actively spend energy even at rest, while others need to actively engage in sports for several hours in order to burn a couple of hundred calories.

And since a slow metabolism inevitably leads to the appearance of new kilograms, it is not surprising that the question of how to speed up metabolism worries many who want to get rid of excess weight.

How to improve metabolism? Main Factors

  • the most great value has an effect on metabolism composition of your diet
  • Metabolism in the body largely depends on the general state of health
  • proper rest and sound sleep lasting at least eight hours a day
  • regular body cleansing and massage
  • sun and fresh air
  • anti-stress measures
  • in addition, staying in a cool room, breathing exercises and making love speed up metabolic processes

Breathing practices to improve metabolism

Breathing is primarily responsible for the metabolism in our body.

Sun, fresh air, breathing exercises and lovemaking are great for improving your metabolism!

You can perform special breathing practices, such as breathing exercises Strelnikova. It will help saturate the body with oxygen, as well as simultaneously get rid of concomitant ENT diseases.

Breathing exercises by A. Strelnikova (video):

The relationship between nutrition and metabolism (video):

Metabolism boosting foods:

Among the leaders in accelerating metabolism are:

Clean drinking water

In the human body it acts as a universal solvent. Without its presence, not a single biochemical reaction occurs, not a single biologically active substance is formed. Only sufficient saturation of cells with moisture allows the body to work correctly, quickly assimilate food and produce energy. It is better to drink water lukewarm.

Clean drinking water- the best product for improving metabolism

Green and black tea, coffee

They activate many processes due to the high caffeine content. It stimulates excitation processes in the nervous system, respiratory organs, and heart. Increases motor activity, mental and physical performance, reduces reaction time. Due to higher energy exchange, metabolism also accelerates. If tea and coffee are consumed warm, metabolism improves due to the temperature of the drink.

Many people prefer to use green tea in the form of dietary supplements (tablets). In this case, the body receives a higher concentration of green tea, although its effect will be more gradual.

Dairy and fermented milk products

They serve as a valuable source of calcium, which is directly involved in the work of skeletal muscles and energy production. By preventing calcium deficiency, these products support normal metabolism.

Spices and spices from natural herbs

Stimulate work digestive system, have a beneficial effect on blood properties, improve microcirculation and thereby accelerate basal metabolism. Substances such as capsaicin, which is part of hot peppers, increase oxygen consumption and thereby increase the rate of breakdown of fat molecules.

With a relatively low calorie content, they contain large number vitamins and minerals – in particular ascorbic acid. It acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from toxic metabolic products, and maintains health connective tissue(joints and blood vessels), helping to play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Citrus fruits - speed up metabolism and saturate the body with vitamins

Fruits, vegetables, legumes and other fiber-rich foods

Accelerate the evacuation of metabolic products and help maintain stable blood glucose levels. Due to this, appetite is normalized, a pleasant feeling of lightness and cheerfulness appears.

Lean meat and fish

A source of essential amino acids necessary for the formation and strengthening of muscle fibers. As it increases muscle mass, energy consumption at rest increases, and at the same time metabolism accelerates.

Omega 3 - polyunsaturated fatty acids

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are the undoubted leader for human beauty and health. It is found in fatty fish and special dietary supplements, which are called Omega 3. Omega 3 not only improves metabolism, but significantly increases immunity, improves the health of skin, hair and nails.

They should become the basis of the diet for everyone whose goal is weight correction.

Herbs to improve metabolism

To regulate energy metabolism in official medicine, the following types of medicinal herbs are used:

Rosemary officinalis

Contains high concentrations of essential oils and organic acids. Due to this, it has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, and is used for loss of strength, as a choleretic and diuretic.

Blueberry fruits and shoots

Normalize blood glucose levels and have a general strengthening effect. Promotes the removal of toxic substances, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Baikal skull cap

Expands the lumen of blood vessels, promoting better saturation internal organs oxygen and nutrients. Due to this, it improves metabolism.

Rowan chokeberry

Saturates the body with vitamin P, thereby strengthening the vascular wall and reducing capillary permeability. Useful for those with a tendency to edema, accumulation of fluid in tissues, varicose veins and hypertension. initial stages. It thickens the blood, so it is not recommended if you are prone to thrombosis.

Black currant fruits and leaves

Rich in vitamins and organic acids, which accelerates the work of enzymes and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Common cuff

It has a diuretic effect, reduces blood cholesterol levels and normalizes fat metabolism in general.

These herbs are included in various mixtures or taken separately in the form of decoctions and tea.

It would seem that it could be simpler how to speed up metabolism for weight loss using medicines?

Indeed, some drugs have this effect - for example:

  • clenbutyrol;
  • steroids;
  • somatotropin;
  • L-thyroxine;
  • CNS stimulants.

But any medicine can turn into poison if taken incorrectly. Therefore, drugs can only be used as directed and under the supervision of a nutritionist, therapist or specialist. Moreover, there is and much more useful ways acceleration of metabolism, which can be safely used at home. A good example of this is physical exercise.

Take medications to improve metabolism with caution and under the supervision of a physician.

We all know that the quality of products these days often leaves much to be desired. Even healthy food - vegetables and fruits - may not have enough nutrients. The solution is to use artificial vitamins in tablets. In moderate quantities, these dietary supplements will compensate for the deficiency of nutrients and will help improve well-being and improve metabolism.

Often a person has problems with excess weight, gets very cold or feels constantly tired because he may lack some vitamins or microelements. For example, this is often observed with iron or iodine deficiency. Consult your doctor and take a blood test - perhaps many of your problems can be solved very simply and quickly - with proper vitamin therapy.

Exercises to speed up your metabolism

You need to understand that improving metabolism is nothing more than increasing energy expenditure during movement and at rest. What does energy consumption depend on? First of all, it depends on human mobility. If you don't know how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight, just start exercising.

If you don't know how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight, just start exercising!

Aerobic exercise to speed up metabolism

Aerobic exercise, that is, any activity associated with the absorption of oxygen (running, jumping, fast walking in the fresh air, skiing, etc.) activates your metabolic processes almost immediately, since oxygen will trigger and accelerate various chemical reactions . But as soon as the supply of oxygen stops, the metabolism slows down.

Strengthen muscles to speed up metabolism

Therefore, this type of physical activity simply needs to be supplemented with anaerobic exercise - aimed at increasing muscle mass. This is not about turning into a mountain of muscles, but about strengthening and developing your own muscles, which will actively consume energy even at rest.

For example, in a calm state, adipose tissue consumes approximately 20 kilocalories. And muscle tissue needs at least 70 calories to keep its fibers in working condition.

By combining and alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercise, you will noticeably speed up your metabolic processes. Special complexes aimed at reducing body weight are based on this.

Self-massage to improve metabolism

Any type of self-massage is very useful for improving metabolism, is ideally accessible and requires only a little time and discipline. To improve skin elasticity and get rid of cellulite, I would like to recommend self-massage with a dry brush. Massage promotes good lymph circulation throughout the body. You will immediately feel your skin warming up and the results will not take long to arrive. After just a week of massage, you will notice how your skin has become more toned and cellulite has noticeably decreased.

Dry brush massage (video):

One of the best means speed up metabolism - self-massage of the body. Not only will you improve your metabolism, but you will also feel energized.

When considering the topic of metabolism, one cannot ignore the fact that metabolism is directly related to human health.

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland can lead to a person feeling constantly tired and suffering from excess weight.
  • Unbalanced sex hormones can greatly affect excess weight and swelling.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach impair the absorption of nutrients, which affects both well-being and metabolism.
  • Depression and neurological diseases lead to nervous overeating.

See a good doctor. Perhaps the cause of excess weight and metabolic disorders (both up and down) can be easily corrected with medications or even properly selected vitamins.

How to speed up metabolism at home reviews:

It seems to me that there is no need to wait for a miracle. No pills, cocktails, or expensive procedures (surgeries, injections, wraps) can replace the 2 most important factors for successful weight loss: moderate and proper nutrition and physical activity. Yes, another piece of advice for those women who just can’t lose weight. Hormonal drugs greatly contribute to excess weight. I went on diets, exhausted myself with sports, but nothing yielded results. How I quit drinking hormones - size 42)) (alevita)

Metabolism affects the base level of energy the body needs to maintain vital functions. Although excess calorie intake and lack of physical activity determine excess body weight, you can boost your metabolic rate to burn more calories and lose weight.

What is metabolism

Metabolism is the biochemical process during which the body converts food into energy.

Nutrients from food and drinks are oxidized and provide energy to the body to carry out its activities.

Even during rest, when you do nothing, your body continues to work - breathe, circulate blood through the vessels, maintain hormonal levels and renew cells.

The number of calories it takes to perform these basic functions is called the basal metabolic rate.

This value depends on several factors:

  • Current weight and body shape. People who are heavier and have more muscle mass burn more calories, even while at rest.
  • Floor. Men burn calories more efficiently because they have less fat mass and more muscle compared to women of the same age and weight.
  • Age. As you age, the amount of muscle decreases, resulting in a slower ability to burn calories. After 40 years, metabolism slows down by 5% every decade.

Since metabolism is a natural process, the body has several mechanisms that regulate it according to individual needs.

Only in rare cases is excess weight associated with a medical problem, such as thyroid disease, which causes the metabolism to slow down.

Methods to speed up metabolism

If the metabolic rate is low, it takes a long time for the absorbed carbohydrates, proteins and fats to be processed into the energy necessary for the functioning of the body. As you lose weight, your metabolic rate will decrease because your body will need fewer calories.

Research shows that you can increase your caloric burn to lose weight by using some techniques to speed up your metabolism.

Fractional meals

Eat small meals often throughout the day, and don't skip breakfast.

Increasing the time between meals causes the body to enter fasting mode. In this case, the body tends to conserve energy to prevent exhaustion and lowers the metabolic rate.

Small portions of food every 3 hours stimulate the body, causing a short-term increase in metabolic rate.

Protein products

Add lean proteins to your diet.

Eating a diet rich in lean proteins found in eggs chicken breast and fish, will increase the metabolic rate, since protein is difficult to digest and more energy will be required to break it down in the digestive tract.

A good source of slow protein is cottage cheese - eat it before bed to get your metabolism working throughout the night.


Add spices to the dishes you eat. Spices contain natural substances that boost metabolism. Chili pepper, curry, ginger, mustard and garlic will help speed up your metabolism for a while. Add them to every meal.

Cardio load

Do at least 30 minutes aerobic exercise per day.

Cardio exercise increases your heart rate, causing increased blood circulation and increased metabolism during the workout. Use interval training for maximum effect.

Strength training

Building muscle helps raise your basal metabolic rate. Every pound of muscle mass burns 6 calories per day versus 2 calories burned by the same amount of fat. The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories your body burns, even while at rest.

Strength training to build mass is the only way to increase your metabolic rate over the long term.


Use temperature indicators to speed up metabolism. When consumed cold water the body is forced to heat it, which causes a temporary acceleration of metabolism. Likewise, people living in tropical climates have a faster metabolic rate because the body is forced to expend effort to cool the body.

Exercise performed in hot weather also places additional metabolic stress. The amount of energy metabolism in cold climates can be controlled by suitable clothing that does not cause the body to overheat.


Coffee speeds up metabolism due to the caffeine it contains. Drink a cup of coffee before exercise, although the metabolic effect of caffeine is small compared to exercise.

In addition, caffeine is not safe—excessive coffee consumption can lead to nervousness, insomnia, and other unpleasant side effects.

Green tea

Drink green tea throughout the day.

Research shows that drinking a few cups of green tea along with physical activity has a greater metabolic benefit than exercise alone.

Green tea contains a complex of catechins, which exhibit antioxidant activity and help the liver convert fat into energy.

Adequate nutrition

Avoid crash diets. Severely reduced calorie diets negatively affect metabolism by slowing down the metabolic rate.

After returning to a normal diet, the body perceives the previous amount of calories as excess and stimulates weight gain.

In addition, strict diets are not balanced in terms of nutrients and vitamins, which leads to health problems.


Add fiber-rich foods to your diet: fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

The body spends extra energy processing fiber foods, and some types of fiber are not digested at all, forcing the digestive tract to work and increasing the metabolic rate.

Fiber can be additionally consumed in the form of bran or dietary supplements.

Fat Burning Supplements

The use of sports fat-burning supplements is justified only when combined with regular training. They increase the efficiency of fat burning during strength training and add endurance to cardio training.

Without physical activity, fat burning supplements will not have an effect on your metabolic rate, but they can cause problems with performance nervous system and hearts.

Often, in an effort to quickly lose those hated pounds, we limit our daily diet so much that we do not even cover the level of basal metabolic rate. Our body, realizing that “dark days” have arrived, goes into “energy saving” mode. That is, it puts more and more calories in reserve, leaving the bare minimum for its own needs. And that’s it – it’s worth the weight! And sometimes it even grows. Hence the paradox - we eat less and less, but sometimes we also gain extra pounds. And the lower the calorie intake, the worse the metabolism.

There are a few simple ones, but quite effective ways“stimulate” the dormant metabolism, giving the body the opportunity to fight extra pounds with renewed vigor. – suggests our regular expert, nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko.

1. Start eating like a human being!

Of course, you shouldn’t start eating kilograms after grams. But still, any food speeds up metabolism. It takes about ten percent of the calories you burn in a day to process the nutrients you consume. Most diets and diet programs call for four or five small meals a day for a reason. The most important thing is to have a healthy breakfast, because the morning meal is the “on” button for your metabolism. Some foods or their components can stimulate basal metabolism more strongly (see Important)

2. Love to move.

Any physical activity, whether it's walking or cycling, swimming or dancing, it stimulates fat burning - and for almost an hour after it stops. Most preferable strength exercises, which promote the growth of muscle tissue, because muscles require calories even at rest! That is, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn every minute of the day, whether you're exercising or just watching TV. Therefore, it is worth accelerating the metabolic rate with regular weight-bearing exercises. And remember, in order to burn calories, you don’t even need special exercises, expensive fitness clubs and exclusive sportswear from famous brands. Any movement will do; instead of weights, you can use water bottles, for example. The main thing is to move!

3. Get a massage.

Any type of massage (anti-cellulite, sports, vacuum, even self-massage at home) perfectly stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which significantly speeds up metabolism.

4. Love the sauna.

As well as a regular or infrared bath, which enhance cellular activity, ensure free breathing of the skin as an independent organ, warming up the body, open pores, increase circulation in cells and stimulate metabolism.

In addition, take hot baths (lasting 5-10 minutes) and contrast showers, which also speed up your metabolism.

5. Drink more water.

Water is an essential participant in the metabolic process in the human body. Water suppresses appetite and helps to involve stored fats in metabolism. Water is the matrix of life, the basis of metabolism. Lack of water can significantly slow down metabolism - because the main task of the liver in this case will be to restore fluid reserves in the body, and not to burn fat.

6. Sleep properly.

Deep sleep promotes the renewal of brain cells and the production of growth hormone in the body, which speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, burns calories and leads to weight loss.

7. Walk more.

Especially now, in the spring. Sunlight and fresh air increase human activity, speed up metabolism and also stabilize and activate defenses.

8. Make friends with aromatherapy.

For example, essential oil juniper helps relieve muscle pain, dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and speeding up metabolism. It can be added to massage cream or simply inhaled.

9. Be optimistic.

Stress releases fatty acids, which are redistributed throughout the circulatory system and stored in fat. Learn to relax after a hard day - the same hot bath, self-massage or yoga will help with this.

10. Have sex more often!

Sex speeds up metabolism, because during orgasm, the blood is intensely saturated with oxygen, tissue nutrition improves and, therefore, metabolism accelerates.


Substances necessary for our metabolism

Protein. The body spends much more time and energy on the assimilation of protein foods than on the same operation in relation to easily digestible carbohydrates and fats. According to American nutritionists, the process of protein digestion activates the body's energy expenditure (that is, burning calories) almost twice. All protein diets are based on this effect, but don’t overdo it - an excess of protein in the diet also has many disadvantages.

Carbohydrates + fiber. Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are absorbed rather slowly, maintaining insulin levels in the blood for several hours. When insulin levels in the blood fluctuate, the body perceives this as an alarming sign and begins to accumulate strategic reserves of fat, just in case. And if everything is in order with this indicator, the metabolic rate increases by 10%, and sometimes more.

Plant food. As you know, vegetarians have an accelerated metabolism. At the same time, more energy is spent on raw foods. Include up to 80% plant foods in your diet. Fruits containing fruit acids and plant enzymes also allow you to lose extra pounds and help metabolism in the body. Grapefruit and lemon improve digestion, promote fat burning and speed up metabolism.

Omega-3 fatty acids. They regulate leptin levels in the body. According to many researchers, it is this hormone that is responsible not only for the metabolic rate in the body, but also for fundamental decisions about whether to burn fat at the moment or accumulate it. The best products with increased content omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, broccoli, beans, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and walnuts.

Vitamin B6 and other B vitamins. They really speed up the metabolism in cells. Include foods that contain these little helpers in your diet: meat, liver, fish, eggs, wholemeal bread, legumes, bananas, brown rice, nuts and yeast extract.

Folic acid. It speeds up the body's metabolism, strengthens the immune system and helps cleanse. Found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, liver, legumes, eggs, wholemeal products, yeast, orange juice and wheat bran.

Chromium. It helps process fats and carbohydrates and regulates the flow of sugar into the blood. The main sources are wholemeal bread, vegetables, legumes, cereals

Calcium. Also speeds up metabolism. According to the results of studies by British nutritionists, overweight sufferers who increased their daily calcium intake to 1200-1300 mg lost weight twice as fast as those who received calcium within the usual range. daily value. Look for calcium in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, and egg yolk.

Iodine. It activates the thyroid gland, that is, it also speeds up metabolism. There is a lot of iodine in seaweed, seafood, and even in apple seeds. If you chew only 6-7 seeds a day, you will get the daily requirement.

Coffee, green tea containing caffeine. They also speed up metabolism by 10-16 percent, promoting the release of fatty acids from fatty tissues.

Spices and seasonings. Almost all of them increase heart rate and increase body temperature. For example, a serving of spicy food, thanks to capsaicin, the substance that gives pepper its heat, speeds up metabolism by 25 percent.

The book “The Kremlin Diet” by Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Evgeny Chernykh, tester of the most popular and effective weight loss system in Russia. It is successfully used by millions of people in our country and abroad.

Metabolism has a great influence on human health. In case of metabolic disorders (code E70-E90 according to the international classification system), in addition to recommendations to change lifestyle, medications are prescribed.

Our online resource presents drugs to speed up metabolism, which can be conveniently searched by name, manufacturer or active ingredient. This way you can choose analogues that will be cheaper or more expensive. All drugs have been certified.

Once you've chosen your medication, you can have it delivered to one of our 1,200 pharmacies near you. There are branches of the network in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions. The pharmacy makes payment and receives the order.

There are discounts on our website and promotions are regularly held, which makes the price even more favorable.


Some medications that speed up metabolic processes are intended for weight loss. After all, when you gain excess weight, the metabolic process slows down and disruptions occur in the body, which causes various diseases.

However, drugs to improve metabolism are used not only for weight loss. They are usually aimed at eliminating the underlying causes of the disease. Although weight normalization often plays a decisive role. Properly selected medications will help improve the functioning of all systems.

They are prescribed for the following conditions:

  • poor nutrition;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • physical inactivity;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • overeating;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dehydration.

Only by coping with these problems can the normal functioning of the body be restored.


The action of drugs that enhance metabolism is aimed at certain organs (for example, to normalize digestion - they affect the gastrointestinal tract). However, other organs may experience side effects.

Therefore, when taking it, you should carefully study the contraindications:

  1. Sensitivity to any component;
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period;
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. Heart pathologies;
  5. High blood pressure;
  6. Hormonal disorders;
  7. Oncological diseases;
  8. Kidney and liver diseases;
  9. Glaucoma;
  10. Mental disorders;
  11. Migraines;
  12. Children under 16 years old and older people over 60 years old.

When selecting a remedy, you need to inform the doctor about all existing diseases.

Release forms

Issued medicines in a wide variety of forms. Their difference lies in consistency, method of application, and effect on the body.

Medicines that improve metabolic processes and are presented on our list are produced in the following forms:

  • solutions;
  • tablets to speed up metabolism;
  • capsules.

The specialist decides in what form it is better to take the medicine.

Manufacturing countries

Almost all well-known pharmaceutical companies produce drugs to improve metabolism.

In the catalog on our website you can find drugs produced by the following manufacturers:

  • Russian;
  • Israeli;
  • French;
  • Turkish and others.



  1. [i] ICD-10. Access via the link


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