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Large quantity celebrities all over the world and brave heroines of popular films are known by a name that evokes involuntary sympathy. Perhaps this is why many people associate the meaning of the name Sarah with courage, reliability, solidity, femininity and beauty.

Meaning and origin of the name

Parents should note that unusual name their child will always attract the attention of others. And not only the euphony is important in it, but also the meaning: this word will become an appeal to a loved one for a lifetime. Out of a thousand girls, the one whose name is Sarah is most likely to be remembered. Nationality, profession, or external data are not always able to form a lasting impression in the first minutes of acquaintance.

As you know, the wife of the Hebrew Abraham was named Sarah. According to Scripture, after the couple was told the main mission of their lives, the appeal to them changed. This is the second, elongated spelling of the name Sarah, which can be found in families of Christians, Jews, and supporters of Islam. Etymology: “princess”, “noble”, “mistress” (translated from Hebrew), origin - Jewish.

All these female names refer to one original:

  • abbreviated versions: Sarri, Ara;
  • diminutives: Sarochka, Sarushka, Saronka, Arochka, Arushka;
  • synonyms: Sarah, Sera, Seira, Saya, Sarita, Zara.

Detailed name characteristics

Esoteric description:

  • totemic symbols: deer, vine;
  • planet - Saturn, Moon;
  • zodiac sign: Libra, Cancer;
  • stone - sardonyx, carnelian, gold;
  • wood - cedar;
  • color: red, gray, silver, steel;
  • character differences: communication, sensitivity, intuition, health;
  • type: secretive, demanding, indecisive, fearful;
  • psyche: avoids conflicts, prone to aristocratic manners, do not like common people's entertainment events;
  • will is strong, despite its lack of expression in everyday life;
  • excitability: high, which is surprisingly combined with external coldness;
  • reaction speed: for the sake of keeping their emotions secret, these individuals may seem dispassionate;
  • field of activity: they study only when necessary, are often ideal housewives and wives, may have the profession of a psychiatrist, lawyer, or flight attendant;

  • intuition: allows you to foresee important points in life;
  • intelligence: active mind with excellent memory and moderate curiosity;
  • receptivity: they become strongly attached and can spend many years waiting for their hero;
  • morality: faithful, restrained, precise, have a high sense of self-esteem, have a hard time dealing with betrayal;
  • health: excellent, the endocrine glands rarely fail;
  • sexuality: the meaning of the name Sarah combines surprisingly great restraint and a sharp release of emotions when meeting a chosen one, a loved one and a suitable partner;
  • activity: subject to development, these individuals do not tolerate coercion and encroachment on their point of view;
  • sociability: those who tend to overcome problems on their own, loved ones should make sure that these people receive support, which they themselves are silent about;
  • insufficient understanding of how individuals can offend them; they dream of an ideal life partner who would understand them perfectly, despite their shortcomings.


How is her character and destiny formed? The meaning of the name Sarah carries uncompromisingness, harshness, coldness, perseverance - such is its energy. But thanks to her subtle sense of creating harmony, Sarah will fill this deficiency on her own, she will be encouraged to do this by intuition, impeccable upbringing and high moral aspirations. The lack of plasticity in the name is complemented by a connotation of common Jewish karma, a people that has suffered for centuries. This affects a woman’s self-esteem, as a result of which two dominant options for shaping her destiny unfold before her: accept things as they are, or take the path of self-affirmation.

Sarah has many reasons for suffering, so she is sensitive to the troubles of others. Humble and responsive is very characteristic of her, but modesty holds back her career success. And if Sarah follows the path of self-affirmation, she can be seen as hot-tempered and conflicted. In this case, she could do with a little self-irony, which would soften this tough nature without compromising her life achievements.


The girl's character is similar to her mother's, and her appearance resembles her father's. She has warm communication with her dad, which is important for the good upbringing of a child. As a child, Sarah is a quiet home child, does not take the initiative in communication, prefers to be a follower rather than a leader. She loves to read, is distinguished by her success at school, prudence and childish maturity of thought. Positive aspects - good health, excellent memory, high analytical skills, willingness to help adults, ability to smooth over controversial issues. A girl named Sarah has a penchant for humanities, but also excels in science subjects. She is sensitive to the beauty of nature and can give a true appreciation to a work of art.

The lack of warmth in female names like this is reflected in the character and life of an adult girl. Therefore, the baby needs increased parental care; it is advisable for educators and people around her to work on improving her self-esteem, which will certainly give results.

Young woman

Sarah is endowed with practical character traits and has enormous life potential. She is kind, modest, sympathetic, hardworking, reserved, responsible, hardy, loyal and sometimes quick-tempered if someone inadvertently hurts her tender soul with an offensive word.

The only vulnerable trait is painful self-esteem. Therefore, you should take this feature into account when communicating with Sarah. She will not complain about this to others, but when the right moment comes, she will remember all the harm caused to her. Sarah can joke about herself, but she can't stand it if others make fun of her shortcomings.

When she is in a bad mood, she will prefer to be alone with herself, so as not to tire others with intense communication. An adult girl is known for her diplomacy and knows how to bring opposing interests to a common denominator. Solve problems that arise independently. If she is going through an unfavorable period, she withdraws into herself and may become unfriendly and unemotional.

In his youth, he devotes enough time to sports, has good flexibility and excellent physical shape. The ability to sing and dance well allows her to participate in various types of amateur performances.


Women with this name may not have striking beauty, but they always look attractive. They are slim and well-groomed, which indicates a constant desire to take care of themselves. Due to excessive modesty, Sarah does not attract undue attention from the opposite sex, and, as a rule, avoids hasty relationships. Men use her frankness and do not appreciate her main spiritual quality, but she believes in love. With the next romance, a woman opens up to her partner without reserve, regardless of what she has experienced, because only with this approach can true happiness and pain be known.

The meaning of the name Sarah has its own shades depending on the time of birth. Winter girls are distinguished by high intelligence and sometimes quick temper, which can lead to a protracted conflict with others. Birthday girls of spring and autumn are prudent, their actions are carefully verified, and their advice is valuable. Summer Sarahs are very soft-hearted, therefore they are vulnerable to hypocrisy and insincerity of various kinds, and can become victims of fraud.


Sarah often has the only and happy marriage, which she is in no hurry to create, because the main thing for her is to feel spiritual closeness. She will feel any cooling towards herself immediately, she can be jealous, and in the event of betrayal, without hesitation, she is ready to break off the relationship.

A person who is strong in spirit, decent and financially secure can make Sarah happy in marriage. Such a husband will become a real protection for his wife, which will allow her to fully realize her best qualities. The girl’s feelings for her husband are no less significant. She knows how to establish emotional contact with her husband and build strong, trusting relationships. Sarah tends to spend most of her time within the walls of the house, so in order to strengthen the family, her partner should give up other activities and communication.


Sarah loves to work, but does not seek to establish herself through a career, so she lacks ambition and commercialism. A woman with this name prefers a profession she likes, regardless of prestige and cost. She never tries to attract the attention of management by working efficiently and equally with others; Career growth moves gradually and only thanks to hard work.

Sarah's likely areas of interest are economics, politics, commerce, banking, administration. Although more often a woman can succeed as an unsurpassed teacher, educator, librarian, and not as a businesswoman. Due to extreme caution, Sarah is in no hurry to invest her savings in business, and often misses out on profitable offers. Instead of investing, she prefers a small, proven income.

The meaning of the name Sarah sometimes manifests itself in a tendency to prolonged depression, black melancholy, pessimism and despair in the event of failures in professional activity, which negatively affect health. At such times, a woman does not believe in herself, she is simply unable to work.


Beautiful names of Jewish origin in modified pronunciation variants are worn by famous representatives of different countries.

Sarah Bernhardt is a famous French actress of the past, who charmed audiences with her extraordinary appearance, voice and professional, versatile acting. As recognition after a successful performance, she received a cash gift from Rothschild.

Sara Semendueva (Jasmine) - Honored Artist, singer, model, actress of the Republic of Dagestan. Her songs have earned the Golden Gramophone and Ovation awards; she is known as a TV presenter and fashion model.

Sarah Jessica Parker is a famous US producer and popular actress. She got her first role at the age of 8; now he is America's national ambassador.

Sarah Abitbol is a French figure skater who won many victories in the European and World Championships in tandem with Stéphane Bernady.

Sara Nazarbayeva is the wife of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first president of Kazakhstan. She is known for her many achievements in social activities, in the field of protecting children's rights, as an honorary worker in pedagogical education, and has received awards in literary works.

Sarah Lebedeva is a famous Russian sculptor, a famous artist.

Sarah Brightman is an English pop singer, singer, actress, and member of bands and dance troupes.

Sarah Waters - PhD, English writer.

Sarah Whitman - US poet, supporter of transcendentalism; known as the girlfriend of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe.

Sarah Lidman (1923) - Swedish writer.

Full name: Sarah

Similar names: Sarah, Sera, Seira, Shara, Sarina

Church name: Sarah

Meaning: from the Hebrew name Sarah - “lady”, “noble woman”

The meaning of the name Sarah - interpretation

Sarah – female name of Hebrew origin. Distributed in Israel, Muslim and Catholic countries - Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Norway, France, Sweden, America and Brazil. Translated, it means “noble woman”, “mistress”. In Orthodoxy it is used with two letters “r” - Sarah. IN English Pronounced Seira.

Name Sarah in other languages

Years later

Little Sarah thinks and reasons like an adult. Has excellent memory. A quiet, kind girl who loves to sit at home and read books - not only fiction, but also reference books, encyclopedias, instructions. She studies very well at school - she easily manages to master even the most complex material. Inclined towards humanities. Does not strive to stand out or lead. He really needs parental care and protection. He behaves timidly and indecisively, and always looks at the world and people with caution.

Little Sarah is endowed with a maturity of thought that is surprising for a child, and therefore she is often considered more mature than she actually is. You can also note the kindness and responsiveness of the owner of the name. She loves to help others, and therefore will become an excellent assistant for parents. You can also highlight her sociability and ability to avoid conflicts. The girl skillfully communicates with such different people, without betraying one’s own principles and understanding of good and bad.

Sarah usually excels academically and has excellent relationships with her teachers. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but is not devoid of talent in the exact sciences. You can also note the child’s talent in creative terms. Often the owners of the name are endowed with excellent plasticity and a sense of rhythm. In addition, Sarah has excellent hearing, which allows her to be realized in this direction. It is very possible that she will connect her future with a creative direction.

Growing up, Sarah becomes a very pretty, but shy and uptight girl. She develops excellent intuition and a sense of people. It is very difficult to make contact with strangers. Her friends are time-tested, and she is in no hurry to make new ones. In her kind and gentle character she is more like her mother, and in appearance she is more like her father, whom she adores.

Possesses painful pride. The slightest criticism deeply hurts and offends her. She avoids conflicts, but she experiences difficulties stoically and is always ready to fight until victory. She is very flexible, has good hearing and a sense of rhythm, which often determines the choice of a future creative profession.

IN family life For her, the most important thing is spiritual and emotional closeness with her husband, mutual understanding. Material assets do not have a decisive meaning for her. She needs a strong, wealthy man, for whom spiritual intimacy comes first in marriage.

Adult Sarah gives the impression of a cold and uncompromising woman. But she just learned to perfectly control her emotions. She wants happiness no less, but much more than other women, placing all her hopes on finding it. Therefore, she constantly tries to prove to others that she is the best and most worthy.

A sharp mind and high intelligence, hot temper and willfulness are characteristic of Sarah, born in winter. Women with this name, born in spring and summer, are distinguished by kindness, kindness and creative talents. And autumn ones are wise, unhurried and prudent in making important decisions.

Sarah, as a rule, inherits her character from her mother. So she is characterized by extraordinary kindness, some nervousness, as well as sociability and maximum responsiveness; she often has good musical abilities and inclinations, and in addition to this she has quite good plasticity. Her incredible sociability and responsiveness often do not give rise to any imposition of an opinion on her from a completely outsider, especially anyone.

Sarah's character

Despite her apparent shyness, Sarah has a very strong-willed and strong character, which allows her to stoically endure any blows of fate. Very practical, has good intuition. Kind, caring, responsive. Smart, intelligent, creative nature. She is responsible and hardworking. An unusually strong will is inherent in her immediately from birth.

Sarah, as a rule, does not tolerate the slightest dictate from anyone directly in relation to herself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are owners of powerful intelligence and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But they simply and quickly conquer the career ladder step by step and often calm down only when they definitely reach its very top.

Indecisiveness and excessive caution become obstacles in achieving goals. Sensitivity to criticism indicates a large amount of self-doubt. Due to the abundance of difficulties, he may become callous towards people. Sarah, born in winter, is often distinguished by her waywardness, extraordinary impressionability and sharp temper.

And if suddenly she is in the heat of anger, then it is at such moments that she is practically uncontrollable, and it is better to try to simply stay away from her. With her extravagant appearance, Sarah is more like her father, and it must be admitted that she is very attached to him.

Sarah's fate

To succeed, this strong and persistent woman will have to overcome many obstacles. A strong family and a reliable rear in the form of a wealthy husband, with whom she builds a very trusting relationship, are very important to her. Sarah can devote herself entirely to her family or divide her attention between family and creative work, but she won’t turn out to be a careerist.

The work should bring her pleasure and captivate her so much that she can abstract from the negativity of everyday life. The main obstacle to success in life is doubt and excessive caution, due to which profitable chances are missed. There are a lot of positive traits in Sarah’s character, and her possession of numerous talents helps solve all sorts of problems, of which there are many in her life. Winter representatives are very emotional, willful and quick-tempered. If she is angry, then it is better to stay away from her. Such women have a very sharp mind, they are ironic. Autumn Sarahs are very wise and balanced. They are always careful and think through every step. They are difficult to please and give the impression that they do not know what they need. Summer Sarahs are the kindest and gentlest, but their responsiveness can get them into trouble.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Lack of ambition and prudence excludes the possibility of a career in business for Sarah. She can become a good teacher or educator in kindergarten, but realizes herself most fully in the creative profession - actress, singer, musician or designer. Never risks savings for the sake of investment, prefers a solid income.

Success awaits her in scientific activity as a scientist, translator, writer, lecturer. Sarah will also be a good designer, librarian, and archive worker. But he can also choose the profession of an accountant, cook or teacher. Sarah moves up the career ladder to the very top, step by step. She usually has good relationships with her colleagues, as Sarah does not tolerate slander and gossip.

Marriage and family

Family is of enormous importance to Sarah. Having suffered in relationships with insidious traitors, she often marries for mercantile reasons. Her husband must be wealthy, decent, generous, attentive, caring and quite obedient, because Sarah likes to command. Feeling protected, she will build relationships on spiritual intimacy and become the best wife, housewife and mother in the world.

In family life, the most important thing for her is spiritual and emotional closeness with her husband, mutual understanding. Material values ​​do not have a decisive meaning for her. She needs a strong, wealthy man, for whom spiritual intimacy comes first in marriage. When dealing with Sarah, regardless of her character, you should not hurt her pride, otherwise she may explode. You need to speak to her gently and confidentially, and then she will be able to understand everything and not be offended.

Sex and love

Sarah's external data does not differ in features that usually attract men. But she is very pretty and neat. In relationships she can be jealous, although she does not show her feelings without reason. But if there are real reasons, then he creates such a scene that the man will regret his rashness for a long time.

In love, Sarah opens her soul to her chosen one as much as possible, and this often turns into betrayal. But no matter how many failures on the love front she experiences, she will always open up completely every time. Discreet in sexual relations, but when she meets true love, she becomes sensual and passionate.


He has enviable physical health, which can be maintained until old age if problems with the endocrine glands can be avoided. But mental health can suffer in the form of prolonged depression. It should be noted that autumn Sarah is usually characterized by a certain wisdom and slowness. Thus, all the actions of Sarah, born in the autumn months, are distinguished by maximum prudence and precise balance.

And, of course, before making an important decision, she will definitely weigh everything and think through almost every step. Sarah will also approach her assessment of various people with unusual caution and balance. Sometimes you even get the impression that she herself doesn’t know what exactly she wants. She can really be very difficult to please.

Interests and hobbies

Since childhood, her hobbies have been related to the home - handicrafts, arts and crafts, cooking. She enjoys the process of creating beautiful things, so she often becomes a master in many areas of handicraft. By her mentality, Sarah is a humanitarian with a phenomenal memory. She has good musical abilities and plasticity. From childhood she should be taught to art and creativity, perhaps this will become her future profession. Sarah should not think about money problems; she should be protected from this. It needs to be loaded with a large flow of information, preferably creative. She can work in the art world and become a musician, museum worker, or artist.

An unusually strong will is inherent in her immediately from birth. Sarah, as a rule, does not tolerate the slightest dictate from anyone directly in relation to herself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are owners of powerful intelligence and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But they simply and quickly conquer the career ladder step by step and often calm down only when they definitely reach its very top.

The worldwide popular female name Sarah originated in Hebrew from the word “lady.” In some countries the name is pronounced differently: in Bulgaria and Serbia - Sarra, in Hungary - Shara, in Germany - Zara, in England - Seira.

Diminutive form of the name: Sarochka, Sarunchik, Ara, Arushka, Arochka.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Sarah's name day is celebrated on July 26, the day of the Venerable Sarah of Libya.

Pros: Kind, sympathetic, quick-witted, smart, purposeful, diplomatic.

Cons: Suspicious, touchy.


Little Sarochka grows up to be a kind, sympathetic girl, wise and quick-witted beyond her years. In character he is more like his mother than his father. But she is more drawn to her father, whom she resembles in appearance. Likes to help parents with housework. She is tactful in communication and knows how to avoid conflict situations. Knows clearly what is good and what is bad, lives by ethical standards. He easily makes new acquaintances, but he is almost never a leader in companies.

At school, teachers like Sarah because of her diligent behavior and good studies. Sarah's grades in the humanities are higher than in the sciences, which she does not always understand. Sarah has an ear for music, excellent plasticity, her parents should send her to a music school or to dance, where she can give off her accumulated energy. Sarah doesn’t really like sports, but if she has a penchant for a certain sport, she will do it.

Adult Sarah has tactful diplomacy, knows how to defend her interests, and formulate her arguments. She doesn't like having her opinion imposed on her. Likes to give his assessment of events and comment on them. If Sarah is nervous, it shows in her communication. Sarah needs to be alone during this period, to calm her nerves, so as not to offend others with random offensive phrases. He does not tolerate mockery and jokes about himself well, and begins to worry and delve into himself. A little later, Sarah can take it out on the offender.


Sarah enjoys good health and maintains high tone until the end of her life. If he gets sick, he recovers fairly quickly. In adult life may be susceptible to depression, from which she will not be able to get out without outside help.


Sarah is of little interest in the financial side. Work should bring her pleasure, with its help she expresses herself. No matter what heights Sarah reaches in her work, she will never stop learning everything new, and this is what she will demand from her subordinates as a leader. Sarah needs to avoid working in business and not being an entrepreneur, otherwise she will fail in this field. He doesn’t believe in adventures; he prefers an average but stable income.


Sarah is not distinguished by her external beauty, but attracts men with her gentle character. He always takes care of himself and dresses with taste. She doesn't have many fans, often Sarah for a long time there is only one. Doesn't accept casual relationships and won't date just anyone. She trusts the new gentleman, even if she was recently betrayed by the previous man.


She will marry a man with whom she will feel a spiritual connection and will be able to establish a trusting relationship. Usually Sarah has a single marriage and for life. Sarah will be a caring and loving mother for her children. It doesn’t matter to her how much her husband earns; she has the ability to distribute the financial budget in such a way that she can also save money. Sarah does not perceive betrayal; she will immediately feel it from her husband if he goes “to the left”.

Sarah (Sarah) is a female name of Hebrew origin, translated meaning “possessor”, “powerful”, “ancestress”, “mother of many children”.

The name Sarah was the wife of Abraham, the ancestor of the Jewish people, until God gave her a different name.

The analyzed female name is quite common in the Jewish, Christian (especially in the West) and Islamic worlds.

The prevalence of the name led to the appearance of numerous abbreviated and diminutive variants: Sarochka, Sarushka, Ara, Aya, Sari, Sarita, Zara. Sera, Shara, Sarina are considered synonyms.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Sarah

Of course, a person’s name necessarily leaves an imprint on the fate of its bearer, so it is not surprising that the defining character traits of a woman named Sarah are compassion, nobility, the ability to respond to someone else’s misfortune, to support and help solve pressing problems.

Let us analyze in more detail the character traits of women bearing this name.

As a child, Sarochka is a very sociable and creative child. She is constantly looking for new entertainment and never sits still. Sarah has many friends who are devoted to her and are ready to do anything for Sarah.

Sarah is a girl with many talents, who very often realizes herself in the artistic field. Hence - a subtle mental organization, sensuality, vulnerability and even a certain nervousness. It is believed that Sarah is like her mother and takes on her main character traits. Among Sarah there are many actresses, artists, singers and sculptors. However, Sarah also feels great in completely “mundane” areas, so she will make an excellent teacher, responsible doctor or qualified accountant.

Sarah is a very contradictory person: her character surprisingly intertwines compassion and harshness, a desire to help and the ability to withdraw from other people's problems. At times, Sarah can be willful, completely uncontrollable and impulsive. It is these character traits that repel her colleagues who do not want to live on a powder keg. However, if Sarah manages to control her emotions, she is able to build quite even, calm relationships with the team.

The only emotion Sarah cannot control is anger. And in anger Sarah is terrible: she will quarrel with best friends, will create a scandal with colleagues, kick out your loved one. Of course, later Sarah will bitterly regret that she could not restrain herself in time, but that will happen later. Not everyone agrees to tolerate such an attitude, which is why, over time, Sarah loses previously close people. Sarah does not tolerate being contradicted. She claims to be the ultimate truth, so she will defend her point of view to the end. And it doesn’t matter what you have to sacrifice for this.

Sarah is a prominent woman, so she has no problems communicating with the opposite sex. Sarah is always surrounded by gentlemen who are capable of much for her sake. Sarah approaches the choice of her husband exclusively rationally: she will never pay attention to a mother’s son who is not able to realize himself in this world. Sarah strives for a wealthy and comfortable life and makes every effort to organize it for herself.

The name Sarah is common in all countries in various phonetic variations. Its most famous representatives are: Sarah (Abraham's wife), Sarah Jessica Parker (actress), Sarah Bernhardt (actress), Sarah Abitbol (French figure skater), Sarah Knuth (poet), Sarah Lidman (Swedish writer), Sarah Grimke (American writer ), Sarah Chang (violinist), Sarah Douglas (English actress), Sarah Rue (American actress), Sarah Strange (Canadian actress).

Knowing a person’s name, you can discover a lot of new things about his personality, find out his characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Any name, including the name Sarah, can tell you a lot about its owner.

Women who bear this name are distinguished by their strong character, ability to empathize with others, and support those in need. Such women are hardworking and independent.

The meaning of the name Sarah can be learned in many ways by looking to the past, because origins can give us the first understanding of the personality of the owners of this name. It must be said that this name is popular among different nations, and you might be under the impression that this name Sarah is of Muslim origin.

In fact, this is not so, this name is Hebrew and it is translated from this language as “noble.” The name Sarah can be found in the church calendar, and therefore, a baby can be named with it at the time of baptism.

About character

The meaning of the name Sarah will become clear if we turn to studying the character of the owners of this name. From an early age, Sarah is a quiet, modest and homely girl. She does not like noisy children's companies, and she likes to spend time reading books.

It is important for parents to understand that their daughter needs their support and care, so any attempts to teach her independence can lead to serious difficulties. This girl is vulnerable and has unstable self-esteem, so she needs to be praised more often and attention to her achievements.

At school, Sarah studies very well; she masters the material many times better than her peers. She has all the data to graduate from school with a gold medal.

In adolescence and adolescence, Sarah may become more withdrawn and withdrawn and silent. Here it is important to help her learn to express herself, her inner world, her experiences through creativity.

Sarah is not a leader by nature, but she is an excellent psychologist and always sees and understands how to guide this or that person. Therefore, people often turn to her for advice on what to do in a given situation.

Adult Sarah becomes more self-confident, but still she still does not tolerate conflicts and confrontation, as well as when people talk to her in a raised voice. Therefore, she tries to communicate only with calm and balanced people.

Sarah knows how to take care of others, and you can turn to her for help or advice. She is distinguished by wisdom and calmness; next to her you can feel what it means to live in harmony with yourself.

It is also important to consider other aspects of the life of the beautiful Sarah:

  • Sarah has an excellent upbringing and is distinguished by morality, which means that she does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. About Us special attention relates to those people with whom she communicates, because she will not tolerate hypocrites and liars next to her.
  • To maintain her body in good shape, this woman must monitor her diet and daily routine. It is extremely important for her to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

  • Sarah thinks systematically, connecting disparate details. She is attentive to detail and has an excellent memory, so she never misses anything.
  • As mentioned earlier, this woman is not a leader, which means that all the battles for the “throne” simply do not interest her. She can do what she loves with pleasure and receive only positive emotions from it. She can find herself in almost any field - the main thing is that she really likes the work.
  • The more often Sarah listens to her intuition before making decisions, the better she will be. It is important for this woman to develop her abilities and use them as often as possible.

Love game

Sarah is a woman who throughout her life never ceases to believe in great power love. She is charming, sweet and modest - all this attracts only worthy and faithful men to her.


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